Life Span part3 (adolescence)

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Teens who develop well despite family stress are likely to have which traits?

A bond with an adult outside of their family who deeply cares for their well being A caring parent who also provides structure

What are socially responsible values?

Be able to identify: Socially-responsible values are those when the teen is able to think about factors that may be related to social problems in society, considering multiple variables instead of thinking in terms of hierarchies of good/bad others; they are less likely to blame the suffering person for their own plight because they see a fuller and more complete picture; they don't resort to apathy and blaming; they don't think they are superior to people who suffer from social problems.

Hypothetico-deductive reasoning

Being able to start with a theory, create hypotheses, and them systematically test these hypotheses to see if they are true or false (as in the scientific method). Prior to the teen years, HDR is underdeveloped

Characteristics of early onset delinquency

Cognitive deficits and learning problems Difficulties with self-regulating, controlling emotions, delaying gratification Poor attention Parented by rejecting-neglecting or authoritarians

How does early maturation link to long term psychological adjustment into adulthood?

Early maturation of sexual development (early onset of puberty) seems to have very different effects for males then for females, as described in the chapter in your book on physical and cognitive development in adolescence. Girls who mature early are more prone to depression, fear social judgment, and may be lacking in self-confidence. Such early maturing girls are more unpopular than late-maturing girls, and they experience more anxiety and are less likely to be chosen as leaders. They are more likely to become involved in deviant behaviorsHowever, while this is true for Caucasian girls, they same is not observed for African American girls, who are raised with more acceptance of puberty. African American girls show higher body acceptance.. Early maturing boys, in contrast, are perceived to be confident and carefree, attractive and independent. They are more likely to be chosen as leaders. But they also are more likely to experience depression, stress, and behavior problems. These effects may persist into adulthood, with early maturing girls being at greater risk for depression and poorer relationships. In contrast, early maturing boys continue to show good adjustment into adulthood. These effects may be impacted by a range of other factors. For instance, early puberty for girls is also correlated with family stress and instability and harsh parenting, as well as other psychosocial stressors or losses in the family.

Carol Gilligan's theory

K only studied males. CG asked whether it was therefore legitimate to apply his theory to women? She conducted some research to suggest that women may use an ethic of care. This means that, women tend to evaluate moral choices in terms of the likely outcome of the behavior for a relationship. This theory has only been partially supported.

What is a secular trend?

Kids are starting puberty earlier than at prior times in history. ST's are variations in developmental patterns over historical era or cultural context. Many variables may produce ST's.

What are the psychological effects of being early vs late to start puberty, and how do these differ for boys vs girls?

Late maturing boys are more often viewed by peers as attention-seeking, talkative, anxious. Early maturing boys are more likely to be chosen as leaders, and are more successful with girls/ sports. They tend to have higher social status. Early maturing girls may be less confident and less popular than late-maturing girls. Early maturing girls are more likely to have earlier sexual experiences, and to have more conflicts with teachers and parents.

self-esteem & teens

Low self esteem in teens correlates with depression, anxiety, and/or antisocial behavior. In psychology, the term antisocial does not mean "socially isolated." Rather, it refers to one who disregards society's norms, engaging in things like fighting, stealing, lying, exploiting others, setting fires, etc... Permissive parenting predicts lower self-esteem in the child Kids who fake their identity in order to please adults or others tend to have lower SE In African-American teens, increased self-esteem can be seen if the teen is also exposed to a strong family network, interpersonal warmth, and ethnic pride During the teen years, self-esteem drops more for girls than it does for boys. This tends to correlate with gender intensification, where girls become exceedingly feminine and boys become exceedingly masculine, in terms of behavior. Feminine girls and feminine boys report lower SE than masculine girls or masculine boys. Androgynous kids are in the middle in terms of SE, and can easily relate to either boys or girls. Androgynous does not mean the person is trans-gender. This refers specifically to a person who has both masculine and feminine interests and personality traits. Girls in the teen years begin to show more depression than boys.

What is attributed to teens with high moral reasoning skills?

More likely to complete volunteer work or civic service Lower aggression levels Lower probability of cheating Less of a tendency to see rules as fixed and rigid—they consider the context, motives, and a person's intentions behind their actions. They try to understand the "why" behind behavior. Some research in the psychology of religion shows that, while religiously-committed persons are slightly less likely to consume alcohol or engage in intercourse prior to marriage, they are not less likely to lie or cheat in experimental situations Cultures that emphasize gender equality are more likely to produce males who show more responsibility and care, and such males tend to score as high as females on compassionate morals

Teen sexuality:

Teen pregnancy and abortion is not typically due to contraceptive failure. Easy access to contraceptives for teens is not linked to higher sexual activity rates or depression. Use of condoms is linked to lower likelihood of contracting STD's. Females are more susceptible to being infected from a partner than males are.

What issues are related to being a teen mother?

Teens who give birth before the age of 18 are less likely to graduate from high school. Only 50% graduate with either a GED or diploma. Teen moms are more likely to be single moms. If they do marry, they are more likely to divorce. Their changes of getting married are lower than for teens who are not mothers. Teen parents have fewer financial resources. Teen dads work longer hours and attain less education than boys their age who are not fathers. Teen pregnancies are more likely to have complications, such as low birth weight and prematurity.

Efficacy of teen outreach:

This is a year long community service class. It has been shown to be effective in numerous ways. It has been shown to contribute to lower rates of suspension from school, lower rates of teen pregnancy, and lower rates of school failure.

efficacy teen outreach

This is a year long community service class. It has been shown to be effective in numerous ways. It has been shown to contribute to lower rates of suspension from school, lower rates of teen pregnancy, and lower rates of school failure.

Some suicide risk factors

While females make more attempts than males, they tend to use less lethal methods. Males are more likely to have completed suicides. Gay and lesbian teens have higher suicide rates than straight teens. One prototype for teen suicide risk is the teen who is highly intelligent, yet feels socially isolated, and is unable to meet the excessively high standards that they place upon themselves. They may perceive that parents or others are placing extremely high demands upon them, but they feel they are unable to succeed to the level that has been set.

Do early maturers seek older peer groups? If so, what are some of the effects of that?

Yes, they tend to seek out older groups of friends, which can lead to earlier exposure to drugs, sex, alcohol.

What does teen substance abuse correlate with?

een antisocial behaviors early age of first drug usage premature marriage

Cliques and crowd involvement

f parents are uninvolved, teens tend to gravitate towards deviant cliques (burn-outs, drug-users) Permissive parenting does not promote engagement in positive peer groups Gender segregation increases in middle school As dating increases, more mixed-gender gatherings start to occur The highest crowd involvement is in middle school

sexually-active teens

more likely to show early puberty, but do not have a higher likelihood of coming from a divorced home, or a home with a step-parent. Know that one of the strongest predictors of teen pregnancy in high poverty areas is linked to teen girls holding the belief that their best life choice is early marriage and parenting because they do not truly believe they can succeed in a job or in school.

Sleep needs for teens

much higher than for adults—about 9.2 hours. They need almost as much sleep as school-aged children. Look up-- Do early school start times predict higher or lower performance for kids and teens? Teen sleep deprivation is linked to poorer academics, depression, behavior problems, being tired during the day.

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