Lifecycle Nutrition - Chapter 1 Notes

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Protein in foods provides the body with ______ used to build and maintain tissues such as muscle, bone, enzymes, and red blood cells.

amino acids

The main function of ______ is to provide "bulk" for normal elimination.


__________ exists when the availability of safe, nutritious foods, or the ability to acquire them in socially acceptable ways, is limited or uncertain.

food insecurity

limited or uncertain availability of safe, nutritious foods, or the ability to acquire them in socially acceptable ways.

food insecurity

People who have enough food to meet their needs at all times experience __________.

food security

access at all times to a sufficient supply of safe, nutritions foods.

food security

High-fiber diets reduce the rate of ______ absorption (a benefits for people with diabetes) and may help prevent cardiovascular disease and obesity.


Carbohydrates and carbohydrate-containing foods are now being classified by the extent to which they increase blood glucose levels. This classification system is called the ___________.

glycemic index

A component of fats that is soluble in water. It is converted to glucose in the body.


Foods of _____ protein quality include a balanced assortment of all of the essential amino acids.


Name some nutrients that are considered essential.

- Carbohydrates - Certain amino acids - Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid (essential fatty acids) - vitamins - minerals - water

What are some examples of nonessential nutrients?

- Cholesterol - Creatine - Glucose

What are the most common monosaccharides?

- Glucose ("blood sugar" and "dextrose" - Fructose ("fruit sugar) - Galactose

A disease characterized by high blood glucose levels due to the body's inability to use insulin normally, to produce enough insulin, or both.

Type 2 Diabetes

Fats and oils are a concentrated source of energy, providing ____ calories per gram.


Fats in which adjacent carbons in one or more fatty acids are linked by one or more double bonds. (e.g., -C-C=C-C=C-)

Unsaturated fats

_______ is the parent of the omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid family.

Alpha-linolenic acid

What are the most common disaccharides?

- Sucrose (glucose + fructose, or common table sugar) - Maltose (glucose + glucose, or malt sugar) - Lactose (glucose + galactose, or milk sugar)

All humans require the same set of essential nutrients, but the amount of nutrients needed varies based on what?

- age - body size - gender - genetic traits - growth - illness - lifestyle habits (e.g. smoking, alcohol intake) - medication use - pregnancy and lactation

Name the essential amino acids.

- histidine - isoleucine - leucine - lysine - methionine - phenylalanine - threonine - tryptophan - valine

It is recommended that adult females consume between ___ and ___ grams, and males _____ grams of total dietary fiber daily.

-21 and 25 grams -30-38 grams

Of the common types of amino acids, ____ must be provided by the diet and are classified as "_________ amino acids."

-9 -essential

What are the derivatives of Alpha-linolenic acid?

-Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) -Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

How does EPA and DHA enter the body?

-Small amounts are produced in the body from alpha-linolenic acid -through the intake of fatty, cold-water fish and shellfish, and human milk

What are the complex carbohydrates?

-Starches (the plant form of stored carbohydrate) -Glycogen (the animal form of stored carbohydrate) -Most types of fiber

What are common forms of alcohol sugars?

-Xylitol -Mannitol -Sorbitol

Large amounts of DHA are found where in the body?

-central nervous system -retina of the eye -testes

What are some important functions that fats perform in the body?

-cholesterol and sex-hormone synthesis -components of cell membranes -vehicles for carrying certain vitamins that are soluble in fats only -suppliers of the essential fatty acids required for growth and health

What do lipids consist of?

-fats -oils -related compounds such as cholesterol

Fats and oils are made up of various types of triglycerides, which consist of three ______ attached to ______.

-fatty acids -glycerol

Carbohydrates that are digested and absorbed quickly have a _____ glycemic index and raise blood glucose levels to a higher extent than do those with ______ glycemic index values.

-higher -lower

Regular consumption of fish (two or more servings per week) helps prevent what?

-irregular heartbeat -sudden death -stroke -reduces high blood pressure -reduces plaque formation in arteries

What are the two essential fatty acids?

-linoleic acid -alpha-linolenic acid

What can a protein deficiency lead too?

-loss of muscle tissue -growth failure -weakness -reduced resistance to disease -kidney and heart problems -contributes to the development of Kwashiorkor

What types of foods are considered high quality protein?

-milk -cheese -meat -eggs -other animal products

What are some simple sugars?

-monosaccharides -disaccharides

What are good sources of linoleic acid?

-most vegetable oils -meats -human milk

What are some complex carbohydrates?


Biologically active derivatives of essential fatty acids include _______, _________, and ________.

-prostaglandins -thromboxanes -prostacyclins

Carbohydrates consist of the ________, _________, most dietary sources of ________, and __________.

-simple sugars -complex carbohydrates -fiber -alcohol sugars

Alpha-linolenic acid is present in many types of ________, _________, and _________.

-vegetables -vegetable oils -flaxseed

What are the 6 categories of nutrients?

1. Carbohydrates 2. Proteins 3. Fats (Lipids) 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water

Proteins should contribute ____ percent of total energy intake.


What is the average daily intake of EPA and DHA in adults in the U.S. and Canada?

100 mg

Dietary fiber supplies _____ calories per gram on average, even though fiber cannot be broken down by human digestive enzymes.


Added sugar should constitute no more than ___ percent of total caloric intake.


Each type of simple and complex carbohydrate, except fiber, provides _____ calories per gram.


The body can use protein as a source of energy; it provides ___ calories per gram.


It is recommended that ____ percent of calories come from carbohydrates.


The total contribution of fiber to our energy intake is modest (around ___ calories),and supplying energy is not a major function of fiber.


What is the recommended daily intake of EPA and DHA?

500 mg

There are ____ categories of nutrients; each category except water consists of a number of different substances.


With ___ calories per gram, alcohol has more calories per gram than do other carbohydrates.


The number of carbons contained in the fatty acid component of triglycerides varies from _____.


These are "tentative" RDAs. They are based on less conclusive scientific information than are the RDAs.

Adequate Intakes (AIs)

________ (ethanol) is closely related chemically to carbohydrates and is usually considered to be part of this nutrient category.


_________ acid serves as a primary structural component of the central nervous system.


__________ are used by the body mainly as a source of readily available energy.


The percentage of ___________ listed nutrition labels represents the percentages of the standards obtained from one serving of the food product.

Daily Values (DVs)

_________ are used to identify the amount of a nutrition provided in a serving of food compared to the standard level.

Daily Values (DVs)

scientifically agreed-upon standards for daily intakes of nutrients from the diet developed for use on nutrition labels

Daily Values (DVs)

This is the general term used for the nutrient intake standards for healthy people.

Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs)

Amino acids that cannot be synthesized in adequate amounts by humans and therefore must be obtained from the diet. Also called "indispensable amino acids."

Essential Amino Acids

Substances required for growth and health that cannot be produced, or produced in sufficient amounts, by the body. They must be obtained from the diet.

Essential Nutrients

These are nutrient intake values that are estimated to meet the requirements of half the healthy individuals in a group. They are used to assess adequacy of intakes of population groups.

Estimated Average Requirements (EARs)

A measure of the extent to which blood glucose levels are raised by consumption of an amount of food that contains 50 grams of carbohydrate compared to 50 grams of glucose. A portion of white bread containing 50 grams of carbohydrate is sometimes used for comparison.

Glycemic Index

Fats in which only one pair of adjacent carbons in one or more of its fatty acids is liked by a double bond. (e.g., -C-C=C-C-)

Monounsaturated fats

Nutrients required for growth and health that can be produced by the body from other components of the diet.

Nonessential Nutrients

__________ nutrients are present in food and used by the body, but they do not have to be part of our diets.

Nonessential nutrients

A condition in which cell membranes have a reduced sensitivity to insulin so that more insulin than normal is required to transport a given amount of glucose into cells.

Insulin Resistance

A severe form of protein-energy malnutrition in young children. It is characterized by swelling, fatty liver, susceptibility to infection, profound apathy, and poor appetite. The cause is unclear.


_______ is the parent of the omega-6 (or n-6) fatty acid family.

Linoleic Acid

_____ is the only important animal source of carbohydrates.

Milk (lactose)

_________ is an interdisciplinary science focused on the study of foods, nutrients, and other food constituents and health.


_____ sources of protein, with the exception of soybeans, do not provide all nine essential amino acids.


Biologically active substances produced by blood vessel walls that inhibit platelet aggregation (and therefore blood clotting), dilate blood vessels, and reduce blood pressure.


A group of physiologically active substances derived from the essential fatty acids. They are present in many tissues and perform such functions as the constriction or dilation of blood vessels and stimulation of smooth muscles and the uterus.


These are levels of essential nutrient intake judged to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy persons while decreasing the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)

Fats in which adjacent carbons in the fatty acid component are linked by single bonds only (e.g., -C-C-C-C-)

Saturated fats

Biologically active substances produces in platelets that increase platelet aggregation (and therefore promote blood clotting), constrict blood vessels, and increase blood pressure.


These are upper limits of nutrient intake compatible with health. They do not reflect desired levels of intake. Rather, they represent total, daily levels of nutrient intake from food, fortified foods, and supplements that should not be exceeded.

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs)

Whether a fat is saturated or not depends on what?

Whether it has one or more double bonds between carbon atoms in one or more of its fatty acid components.

One of the major derivatives of linoleic acid is ________ acid.


A ________ is a measure of the amount of energy transferred from food to the body.


A unit of measure of the amount of energy supplied by food. Also known as the "kilocalorie" (kcal), or the "large Calorie"


Molecules containing two monosaccharides are called _____________.


Components of fat that are a required part of the diet (i.e. linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids). Both contain unsaturated fatty acids.

essential fatty acids

Nutrients the body cannot manufacture, or generally produce in sufficient amounts are referred to as _________ nutrients. (required in the diet)

essential nutrients

The fat-soluble components of fats in foods.

fatty acids

Diets providing a ____ glycemic index carbohydrates have generally been found to improve blood glucose control in people with diabetes; they also reduce elevated levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides, increases levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol, and decreases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and heart disease.


The most basic forms of carbohydrates are single molecules called _________.


Many different amino acids obtained from food perform important functions, but since the body can manufacture these from other amino acids, they are classified as "______ amino acids."


_________ are chemical substances in food that the body uses for a variety of functions that support growth, tissue maintenance, and repair, and ongoing health.


these are the chemical substances in foods that are used by the body for growth and health


Fats (lipids) come in two basic types: _______ and _______.

saturated and unsaturated

Complex carbohydrates are considered "complex" because they have more elaborate chemical structures than the ___________.

simple sugars

The body stores ______ amounts of alpha-linolenic acid, EPA, and DHA.


American diets tend to provide _____ levels of linoleic acid, and considerable amounts are stored in body fat.

sufficient to excessive

Recommended intake of carbohydrates is based on their contribution to _____ intake.

total energy

Fats in food share the property of being soluble in fats but not in ______.


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