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Every piece of hardware connected to the system is listed as a file in '/dev'. True False

True '/dev' lists every piece of hardware connected to the system.

The 'wget' command is used to download files over HTTP/S. True False

True 'wget' stands for 'web get'.

An 'ELF' file is a type of executable file. True False

True An 'ELF' file is an executable file on Linux.

There are two types of redirects; one overwrites an existing file, and one appends to an existing file. True False

True Both of these are a type of redirect.

CTRL + L and 'clear' both clear the terminal. True False

True Both of these options do the same thing.

It is possible to search back through previously typed commands with CTRL + R. True False

True CTRL + R allows you to search through previously typed commands.

The 'ps' command allows parameters without a '-' prefix. True False

True Parameters without a '-' prefix are BSD syntax, this is valid for the 'ps' command.

The system tray can show you system notifications. True False

True System notifications can be shown in the system tray.

Packages can be installed using 'rpm' with rpm -i package.rpm. True False

True The '-i' parameter can also be used with dpkg.

The kernel is the core of any operating system. True False

True The core of any operating system is the kernel.

The second set of permissions listed is for the group permissions. True False

True The first set listed is for the owner.

The root user is allowed to delete the entire file system. True False

True The root user is the only user with this power.

The Linux terminal is the most powerful way to use Linux. True False

True The terminal is the only part of a Linux system you are guaranteed to have access to. There is no such thing as a Linux installs without the terminal.

The terminal runs another program when you open it. True False

True The terminal program runs the shell program when it launches.

The commands :x and :wq do the same thing in 'vim'. True False

True They both save and exit.

The permissions '512' can be written as: -'r-x--x-w-'. True False

True This is one way of writing '512' permissions.

CTRL + Z is used to... 1) Pause a running process. 2) Send a running process to the background. 3) Bring a background process to the foreground.

1) Pause a running process You can pause a running process using CTRL + Z.

The 'less' command must be quit by pressing... 1) END 2) ESC 3) q

3) q Quit the 'less' command by pressing q.

When you start 'vim', before you can type you must first enter insert mode by pressing... 1) CTRL + C 2) ESC 3) CTRL + I 4) i

4) i You need to press i to enter insert mode before you can start typing.

The command 'apt update' upgrades all packages on the system. True False

False 'apt update' only updates the list of available packages, it does not change any installed packages. To do that you must run 'apt upgrade'.

The command 'history -c' is enough to completely clear the history file. True False

False 'history -c' only clears the history stored in memory. It does not delete the history file that was written to the disk. You must do both.

The dock only shows bookmarked applications. True False

False It also shows running applications.

Environment variables persist over a reboot. True False

False It may seem like they persist on boot, but that is only because the default ones are loaded by a script that runs when you open the terminal after a reboot.

The sequence '..' stands for the current directory. True False

False It stands for the directory above the current directory.

The 'file' command uses the file extension to determine the type of a file. True False

False It uses the file header, not the file extension.

If the terminal refuses to complete a path, the only possible reason is because it doesn't exist. True False

False It's also possible that there are multiple possible matches preventing auto-completion.

The grep command needs to be combined with 'cat' to search the contents of a file. True False

False It's common for people to combine the two, but it is totally unnecessary. Grep can search within files on its own.

The tilde character (~) is shorthand for the root of the file system in Linux. True False

False It's shorthand for the current user's home folder.

With 'mkdir', the 'm' parameter is used to make multiple directories at once. True False

False It's the '-p' parameter that does that.

A single dash - usually means the parameter is a full word, while a double dash -- usually means the parameter is a letter. True False

False It's the other way around, usually a '--' means the parameter is a full word, and a single '-' means the parameter is a letter.

The 'apt' package manager is installed on every Linux system. True False

False Many Linux distributions have different package managers, 'apt' is specific to Debian and Debian-based distributions. Some distributions don't even have a package manager.

To autocomplete paths and program names in the terminal, you must press tab twice. True False

False Pressing tab twice will list all possible matches for your completion.

The 'cd' command always requires the full path. True False

False Relative paths work too!

SSH always requires you to enter a password before logging you in. True False

False SSH can be configured to use a keyfile instead of a password (or both).

CTRL + C is the only way to quit all Linux programs. True False

False Some programs don't let you use CTRL + C and you must exit the way they specify.

The 'ls -l' command will show hidden files. True False

False The '-a' parameter is required to show hidden files.

The 'cat' command is only used for printing the contents of a single file. True False

False The 'cat' command is used to concatenate files together before printing them, but it can also print a single file to the terminal.

The 'cp' command can be used to copy folders without any parameters. True False

False The 'cp' command needs the '-r' parameter to make it recursive, otherwise folders are ignored.

The 'find' command can only be used to find files with a specific filename. True False

False The 'find' command can search based on many other parameters, such as date.

The 'rm' command can delete folders without any additional parameters. True False

False The 'rm' command needs the '-r' parameter to make it recursive so it can work on folders.

The 'strings' command will only ever print valid strings. True False

False The 'strings' command will interpret everything as a string and print it if the string is longer than a certain number of characters. That doesn't mean it was originally intended to be a string

The home folder for 'root' is in '/home/root'. True False

False The home folder for 'root' is in '/root'.

After using 'sudo' the user must enter the root password. True False

False The user password must be entered, not the root password.

In Linux, a file is designated as hidden by the file permissions. True False

False To designate a file as hidden, the filename must start with a '.'.

After using reverse command search, you can go backwards through previous matches that meet the search criteria with the arrow keys. True False

False You need to use CTRL + R again to keep going backward through prior matches.

The 'nano' text editor shows you the hotkeys that work in the program. True False


If you run 'which' against a command and nothing comes up, it is likely the program is not in your PATH. True False

True This is the most likely reason for nothing coming up when running 'which'.

The 'apropos' command is a tool that searches through manual pages for keywords. True False

True This tool takes its name from the French "Ã propos", meaning "about".

The PATH environment variable contains a list of folders for the terminal to find programs in, to avoid you having to type the full path to each program. True False

True This variable is a great time-saver.

The 'mv' command can be used to move folders without any parameters. True False

True Unlike 'cp', 'mv' doesn't need any extra parameters to work on folders.

The 'l' parameter for the 'ls' command allows us to see file and folder permissions. True False

True Using this parameter causes ls to print files in a long listing format, which includes the file permissions.

To exit 'vim' you must first exit insert mode. True False

True You can't exit 'vim' without exiting interactive mode first.

dpkg does not handle dependencies like 'apt' does. True False

True dpkg only installs a package - it notifies you of any dependencies that need to be installed, but it will not install them.

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