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The cal command displays the calendar for the current month. The cal command accepts different options that allow you to display the calendar according to the options you choose.

A calendar for the current month can be shown on the command line by issuing which command?

Correct. The exit command allows you to exit out of your current shell.

After a shell is no longer needed, what command can be given to exit the shell?

make install Correct. The make install command will copy the newly compiled binaries as well as the supporting files to the appropriate location on the filesystem.

After compiling source code, which command still needs to be run in order to copy the newly compiled binaries into a directory listed in the PATH variable as well as copy supporting files (such as man pages) to the correct location on the filesystem?

Correct. The man command will display the manual pages for a command. The uname command will display system information. To display just the kernel version, he would be able to run the command and option combination of uname -v.

Dustin runs a command at the command line trying to find out what kernel version the system is running. However, it doesn't give him the information he needs. He knows there is an option that can be used to display the kernel version. How can he find out which option to use?

Target ID Correct. The target ID or SCSI ID is a unique ID number associated with each SCSI controller and hard disk.

Each SCSI device attached to a system must be assigned an ID number. What is this ID number called?

grep -E "(John|Bob)" salesemployees.csv Correct. The grep command has a -E option that specifies that it should use extended regular expressions. When used inside parentheses and the pipe symbol, you can search for lines that contain either John or Bob. The pipe symbol is commonly used as an OR operator.

Garrett wants to search through a csv file to find all rows that have either the name John or Bob in them and display them out to the terminal. Which of the following commands could Garrett use to perform this search?

The original file will be removed while the hard link remains usable to access the contents of the file. Correct. When the original file is deleted, since the hard link points to the same inode, the contents of the inode are still accessible via the hard link.

If a hard link is created to a file and then the original file is deleted, which of the following is true?

D Correct. A process is in uninterruptible sleep if it is waiting for disk access and will be indicated with the letter D.

If a process state is currently showing as uninterruptible sleep, which letter will show in the output of the ps command?

libvert Correct. The libvert virtualization libraries must be installed in order to create and manage KVM or Qemu virtual machines.

In order to create and manage KVM or Qemu virtual machines, a Linux system must have which of the following installed?

/etc/cron/monthly Correct. Any scripts placed in the /etc/cron.monthly directory will be executed once every month.

In which directory would a system administrator store scripts that should be run monthly by the cron daemon?

diff document1.txt document2.txt (all on one line)

Kate wants to compare two text files to identify what might have been changed from one version to another. Which of the following commands can she use to do this?

mkdir -p ~/2019projects/project/projectplans Correct. The -p option will create parent directories when they do not already exist.

Mindy wants to create a new subdirectory at ~/2019projects/projectx/projectplans to start storing the initial project plans for projectx. However, this is the first project she has worked on in 2019 and the 2019projects directory does not exist yet. Which of the following commands will create the higher level directories if they do not already exist?

nmcli Correct. The nmcli command can be used to view or modify connection information on systems running NetworkManager.

On a system running NetworkManager, which of the following commands can be used to view or modify connection information?

* Correct. While using regular expressions, the * permits you to match 0 or more occurrences of the previous character.

Select the regular expression metacharacter that matches 0 or more occurrences of the previous character.

memtest86 Correct. The memtest86utility performs a thorough check of the RAM for hardware errors.

Select the utility below that will start and perform a thorough check of RAM for hardware errors when run.


The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard specifies what directory as the root user's home directory?

Correct. The vmlinuz is the file name containing the Linux Kernel executable.

The Linux kernel exists as a file named:

Firewall Correct. The iptables, also known as netfilters, are included as part of all Linux distributions and are used to configure a set of rules necessary to make a system firewall.

The iptables software on Linux is an example of what kind of software?

tac The tac command (cat spelled backwards) is used to display a file in reverse order.

To display a text file in reverse order, what command should be used?

/proc/meminfo Correct. The meminfo file contains information regarding physical and virtual memory on the Linux system.

To ensure that Linux has detected the correct amount of RAM in the system after installation, you should view the contents of what file in the proc directory?

Red Hat Correct. Red Hat is one of the earliest Linux distributions and is commonly used within organizations. Support platforms include: x86/x64, PPC/POWER, Mainframe, and ARM.

What Linux distribution is the most commonly used distribution within organizations today?

g+r-w Correct. A "g" argument stands for a "Group." Operation "+" adds a read permission and operation "-" removes a write permission.

What argument can be used with the chmod command to add read permission and remove write permission for a group on a file?

mput filename Correct. The mput filename is a common FTP command that uploads the given filename from the current directory on the local computer to the current directory on the remote computer and allows the use of wildcard metacharacters to specify the filename.

What ftp command uploads the filename from the current directory on the local computer to the current directory on the remote computer and allows the use of wildcard metacharacters to specify the filename?


What is the complete path and filename of the file where ports and their associated protocols are defined? ___________

Linux Mint and Ubuntu Linux Correct. Linux Mint is a Debian-based distribution, focused on providing desktop and mobile user capabilities. Correct. Ubuntu is a Debian-based distribution that is widely used in all environments.

What two Linux distributions utilize the Debian package manager by default?

depmod Correct. The depmod command can be used to update the module dependency database.

Which command should you run after installing a new kernel module to update the module dependency database?

/etc/fstab Correct. The /etc/fstab file can be configured to enable quotas for filesystems upon boot.

Which file should be configured so that quotas are enabled at boot time?

apt-get upgrade Correct. The upgrade option will upgrade all packages installed on a system to the newest versions.

Which of the following Debian Package Management commands will install the newest versions of all packages that are currently installed on a system?

wget Correct. The wget command can be used at the command line to download files via HTTP. curl Correct. The curl command can be used at the command line to download files via HTTP.

Which of the following can be used at the command line to download a file using the HTTP protocol? (Choose two.)

lshw Correct. The lshw command displays general hardware information for the entire system.

Which of the following commands can be used to display general hardware information for the entire system?

ss Correct. The ss command will display socket statistics out to the terminal screen.

Which of the following commands can be used to display socket information out to the terminal screen?

locale Correct. The locale command can be used to display the locale of a system. localectl Correct. The localectl command can be used without any options to display the locale of a system.

Which of the following commands can be used to display the current locale of a system? (Choose two.)

quotacheck Correct. The quotacheck command can be used to scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check, and repair quota files.

Which of the following commands can be used to scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check, and repair quota files?

touch file.txt Correct. The touch command will update the last modified date on a file when used on a file that exists. When used on a file that does not exist, it will create a blank file.

Which of the following commands can be used to update the last modified timestamp on a file, or if the file specified does not exist will create the file?

faillock Correct. The faillock command will list users who have been locked out by

Which of the following commands can you use to list users who have been locked out by

apt Correct. The apt command can be used along with the search option to query available repository information. apt-cache Correct. The apt-cache command can be used to search available repository information.

Which of the following commands can you use to search available repository information? (Choose two.)

lpr -P printer1 mydocument.txt Correct. The lpr command, as part of the legacy printing system, has a -P option to specify the printer. lp -d printer1 mydocument.txt Correct. The lp command, as part of the CUPS printing system, can use the -d option to set the destination printer as printer1 followed by the filename that you want to print.

Which of the following commands can you use to send a print job to printer1? (Choose all that apply.)

mkfs exfat /dev/sdb1 Correct. The mkfs command would need the -t option specified before the exfat parameter in order to create an exFAT filesystem.

Which of the following commands cannot be used to create an exFAT filesystem on a USB thumb drive that is recognized as /dev/sdb?

git add Correct. The git add command will start using git for version tracking on the files specified.

Which of the following commands should you use to specify that you want to use Git for version tracking on them?

/etc/localtime Correct. The /etc/localtime file is a binary file that contains the rules for calculating the time based on your time zone relative to epoch time.

Which of the following files is a binary file that contains the rules for calculating the time based on your time zone relative to epoch time?

INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname) values ('George', 'Washington'); Correct. The correct syntax to add a new row of data is to use the INSERT INTO statement.

Which of the following is a valid SQL statement for adding a new row of data to a SQL database table?

sysfs Correct. The sysfs filesystem is a virtual filesystem containing virtual files that a Linux system exports information to about kernel subsystems, hardware devices, and device drivers.

Which of the following is a virtual filesystem that is made up of virtual files that a Linux operating system is able to export information to about kernel sub-systems, hardware devices, and device drivers to make it easy for users to access the information?

GOK Correct. GOK is the GNOME On-screen Keyboard.

Which of the following is an on-screen keyboard used with Linux?

Ctrl+g Correct. Current line statistics include the filename, current line number, total lines in a file, and the percentage (%) of file location.

Which of the following key combinations, commonly used in the vi editor command mode, displays current line statistics?

chage -l jsmith Correct. The -l option for the chage command will list account aging information.

Which of the following will show account aging information for a user such as the date of the last password change, when the password expires, and the number of days of warning before the password expires?

/dev/sdb3 Correct. SATA devices start with sd. The second SATA drive is sdb, which should be followed by the partition number of 3 for /dev/sdb3.

Which of the following would be the device file for the third partition on the second SATA drive on a Linux system?

agentless Correct. An agentless configuration management software can connect to inventory members via SSH to perform configuration management activities.

Which type of CM software can connect to inventory members via SSH to perform configuration management activities?

echo $CREATOR Correct. Though you do not use the dollar sign to create the variable, you do use a dollar sign to display the variable contents using the echo command.

You have just created a variable named CREATOR. Which of the following commands will display the contents of the variable to standard output?

Tab Correct. The Tab key can be used as the "auto complete" feature these days. If there are multiple files or commands that match with the completion feature, the terminal provides the options so the user can select one of the preferences.

If enough unique letters of a directory name have been typed, what key can be pressed to activate the BASH shell's completion feature?

2TB Correct. The maximum size of a logical volume is 2TB when the PE, or physical extent, is set to 32 MB.

If the physical extent of a volume group is set to 32MB, what is the maximum logical volume size?

fsck Correct. The fsck command will attempt to repair a filesystem with bad blocks.

If you suspect that you have bad blocks on a filesystem, which of the following commands can be used to try and repair the filesystem?

/etc/fstab Correct. Partitions that should be mounted at boot time should be configured in the /etc/fstab file.

Jackson wants to automatically mount a secondary internal hard drive when his Linux workstation boots up. In which of the following files should he configure an entry for the partition on the drive that he wants to mount?

updatedb Correct. The updatedb command is usually run daily by cron to update the default database. However, until it is run for the first time, the locate command will be unable to search an index of the files on the system. This means that it may be necessary to run the updatedb command manually before the locate command can be used for the first time.

Jean installs a distribution of Linux on a workstation and attempts to run the locate command to find a certain file. Instead of returning the results she expected, an error message is displayed that it cannot find the mlocate.db file in its default location. Which of the following commands should Jean run in an attempt to resolve this problem?

ls -i Correct. The ls command has a -i option to show the inodes for each of the files in a directory. A hard link will have the same inode number as the original file.

Nicholas wants to verify whether a file is a hard link to a file within the same directory. Which of the following commands could he use to see information that would be helpful to make this determination?

man -k list Correct. The command man -k is equivalent to apropos. Both commands will give the exact same output on the terminal screen.

The apropos list command produces the same results as which command below?

ifup eth0 Correct. The ifup eth0 command can be used to bring ethernet interface eth0 back up.

The system administrator has shut ethernet interface eth0 down while making some changes to the system. Which of the following commands can they use to bring the network connection back up?

Correct. The /usr folder contains the system commands and utilities for a Linux operating system.

Under the root directory in Linux, which directory contains system commands and utilities?

/27 Correct. in dotted decimal notation is the same as /27 in CIDR notation.

Upon running the ifconfig command, the IP address is listed along with the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation listed as You have installed a remote access software that has an address field that requires the address to be configured in CIDR notation. Which of the following is the equivalent CIDR notation for the subnet mask listed?

Configure /etc/crypttab to open the volume and then /etc/fstab to mount it. Correct. The /etc/crypttab file should be configured to open the encrypted partition and then the /etc/fstab should be configured to mount it.

Violet wants to configure an encrypted partition to mount when her workstation boots up. Which of the following should she do?

ls -al ~ Correct. The -a will list all files and the -l will list extra information about them, including file sizes. The tilde is a shortcut way of referencing a user's home directory. ls -al /home/wayne Correct. The -a will list all files and the -l will list extra information about them.

Wayne is using the command line and is in his home directory. Which of the following will display a list of all files and their sizes from his home directory? (Choose two.)

pwd Correct. The pwd (print working directory) command prints the current directory where the user is located at a command line prompt.

What command can be issued to confirm which directory you are in at a command line prompt?

tail -5 Correct. The tail command by default retrieves the last 10 lines on a file. However, by specifying a number after the dash (-), the user has the capability to customize the number of lines to retrieve. In this example, -5 is used to display the last five lines on the file.

What command can be used to display the last five lines of a text file?

hwclock Correct. The hwclock command is used for time clocks. It is used to view and modify the date and time within the BIOS.

What command can be used to view and modify the date and time within the BIOS?

pstree Correct. The pstree command displays the lineage of a process by tracing its PPIDs until the init daemon.

What command is used to display the lineage of a process by tracing its PPIDs until the init daemon?

ioports Correct. The ioports file contains a list of memory address ranges reserved for device use.

What file in the /proc directory contains a list of memory address ranges reserved for device use?

Which X server the client is supposed to connect to by default. Correct. The DISPLAY variable contains the information about the X server that a client should connect to by default.

What is contained in the DISPLAY variable on a Linux system running the X window system?

/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db Correct. The mlocate.db database used by the locate and mlocate commands is located in the /var/lib/mlocate directory.

What is the complete path and filename for the database that is used by the locate and mlocate commands?

ZFS volume Correct. The ZFS volumes are Zettabyte File Systems (ZFS)—managed filesystems that are created from ZFS pools.

What is the term for a ZFS managed filesystem that is created from ZFS pools?

Correct. The & metacharacter is used for background command execution.

What metacharacter indicates background command execution?

-P Correct. The dpkg -P command removes everything, including configuration files used by the package.

What option can be added to the dpkg command to remove a specified package from the system, including any configuration files used by the package?

-e Correct. The -e option displays all processes running on terminals as well as processes that do not run on a terminal (daemons).

What option can be used with the ps command to display an entire list of processes across all terminals, including daemons?

Device driver Correct. The device driver is responsible for communicating with the operating system on how to establish communication with specific devices.

What piece of software tells the operating system how to use a specific hardware device?

traceroute tracepath mtr Correct. The traceroute command on Linux is fully written out and prints the route packets take to a network host. Correct. The tracepath command traces a path to a network host, discovering the MTU along this path. Correct. The mtr command combines the functionality of the traceroute and ping commands and is also known as My Traceroute.

When experiencing a network issue, you want to determine where the source of the problem is. Which of the three following commands can be used to determine whether there is an issue with a router in the normal route that the packets are attempting to take?

@ Correct. The @ symbol indicates that the file is a linked file.

When issuing the ls -F command, what special character indicates a linked file?

-v Correct. The -v option displays a message of the percentage of reduction for each file compressed.

When using the compress command to archive a set of files into a single file, which of the following options will display the compression ratio of the individual files making up the new compressed file?

A Correct. A capital A will change to insert mode and move to the end of the current line to append new text.

When using the vi text editor, which of the following keys, when in command mode, will change to insert mode and place the cursor at the end of the current line?

Minor number Correct. Minor number indicates the stability based on the introduction of new features added to the Linux Kernel.

When viewing the version number for a Linux kernel, what number indicates the stability of the kernel?

HELO Correct. The HELO command is used to test SMTP support.

When working with Sendmail, what command can be used to test SMTP support?

/usr/share/zoneinfo Correct. The /usr/share/zoneinfo directory contains files that define time zones that can be configured for a Linux system.

Where are the files stored that contain information for all of the time zones that could be recognized by a Linux operating system?

alias showauth='tail -f /var/log/auth.log' Correct. The alias command will create a new command for the command line as shown to show the last lines of the auth.log file and leave the stream open so that any new entries also are displayed.

Which command can be used to create a new command that will monitor the contents of auth.log as they get added to the file?

Correct. All of the options are true. The echo command can be used to display text whether the text is surrounded by quotation marks or not. It will display shell variables by using the $ sign in front of the variable name. It will also execute the command with a semicolon at the end and not affect the text. This is because you can run multiple commands at the command line by separating them with semicolons, but if there is only one command, it just stops after that command. -When used to display text, quotation marks are optional. -It can be used to display shell variables by including a $ sign in front of the variable name. -Including a semicolon at the end of the line will not affect the text being displayed.

Which of the following are true of the echo command?

read -s -p "Please enter the password: " password Correct. The -s will ensure the characters remain secure, or secret, and are not displayed to the screen. The -p is used to create a prompt.

Which of the following can be included in a shell script to ask the user to type in a password and then store it in the variable named $password?

= Correct. The = symbol can be used to determine whether two strings are equal. -lt Correct. The -lt statement can be used to determine whether one value is less than another.

Which of the following can be used for comparing values within an if statement? (Choose two.)

hwclock -c Correct. The hwclock -c command can be used to compare the hardware clock to the system clock, writing a new result to the display every 10 seconds.

Which of the following can be used to compare the hardware clock to the system clock, writing a new result to a new line every 10 seconds?

ls /sys/block lsblk Correct. The /sys/block directory contains the block devices on a Linux system.nd repair quota files. Correct. The lsblk command will not only show the block devices on a Linux system, but will also show information such as their major and minor numbers, size, and whether it is readonly.

Which of the following can be used to show the block devices on a Linux system? (Choose two.)

NTP Correct. NTP is the Network Time Protocol, which can be used to synchronize a system's time from a remote time clock source.

Which of the following can be used to synchronize the time between a number of Linux servers and workstations on a network with a time clock source on the Internet?

ip6tables Correct. The ip6tables command can be used to configure firewall rules for IPv6 on a Linux system.

Which of the following can you use to configure firewall rules for IPv6 on a Linux system?

r Correct. Pressing the r key while in the top program will allow you to renice a process.

Which of the following characters, when pressed while the top program is running, will allow you to change the niceness of a process?

at -d Correct. The -d option is an alias for the atrm command. atrm Correct. The atrm command will remove a job from the list of pending jobs. at -r Correct. The -r option is an alias for the atrm command.

Which of the following command can be used to remove a job from the list of pending jobs? (Choose all that apply.)

groups Correct. When run without any options, the groups command will display a list of groups the user is a member of.

Which of the following commands can a user run to display the groups that they are a member of?

CREATOR="Torvalds" Correct. The name of the variable should be followed by an equal sign. No spaces!

Which of the following commands can be used to create a BASH variable named CREATOR with the value of Torvalds?

mkswap /dev/sda6 Correct. The mkswap command is the first part of the two commands necessary to create the swap partition. After it is created, you must run the swapon command. swapon /dev/sda6 Correct. The swapon command is the second part of the two commands necessary and will activate the partition created by the mkswap command.

Which of the following commands can be used to create and activate a swap partition on a Linux system? (Each answer represents part of the whole.)

userdel Correct. The userdel command can be used to delete a user from the Linux operating system.

Which of the following commands can be used to delete a user account?

mailq Correct. The mailq command can be used to display any email messages awaiting delivery alongside the reason that they were not delivered.

Which of the following commands can be used to display any email messages awaiting delivery alongside the reason that they were not delivered?

udevadm control --reload Correct. The udevadm control --reload command will force udev to reload new rules from the /etc/udev/rules directory. udevadm control -R Correct. The udevadm control -R command will force udev to reload new rules from the /etc/udev/rules directory.

Which of the following commands can be used to force udev to reload new rules from the /etc/udev/rules directory? (Choose all that apply.)

dpkg-reconfigure Correct. The dpkg-reconfigure command can be used to modify configuration options for DPM packages once they have been installed.

Which of the following commands can be used to modify configuration options for DPM packages after they have been installed?

cupsdisable Printer1 Correct. The cupsdisable command can be used to pause a printer.

Which of the following commands can be used to pause a printer named Printer1?

groupdel Correct. The groupdel and delgroup commands can be used to remove a group from a Linux system. delgroup Correct. The groupdel and delgroup commands can be used to remove a group from a Linux system.

Which of the following commands can be used to remove a group from a Linux system? (Choose all that apply.)

repquota Correct. The repquota command will display a summarization of quotas, or a quota report, for a filesystem.

Which of the following commands will display a summarization of quotas for a filesystem?

cat /proc/cpuinfo Correct. The /proc/cpuinfo file contains information about the CPU(s) that have been detected by the Linux operating system. You can use the cat command to display it out to the terminal screen.

Which of the following commands will display the current CPU(s) detected by a Linux system?

date +%s Correct. The date +%s command will display the number of seconds that have elapsed since epoch time, January 1, 1970.

Which of the following commands will display the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970?

lpstat -o printer1 Correct. The -o option can be used with the lpstat command to show the jobs in the print queue for printer1 only.

Which of the following commands will display the print jobs in the print queue for printer1 only?

rpm -ivh --nodeps package.rpm Correct. The -i will install an RPM package, -v will print verbose output while doing so, -h will display hash marks as the installation progresses. The --nodeps option will ignore any dependencies and install the package anyways if any dependencies are found that are not installed.

Which of the following commands will install an RPM package while ignoring any other packages that it may be dependent upon for proper operation?

ldd Correct. The ldd command will list missing libraries as not found if a necessary library is not installed.

Which of the following commands will list missing libraries as not found if a necessary library is not installed?

gdisk Correct. The gdisk command, when used on an MBR partition, will prompt to convert to GPT. If you choose to allow it to do this, it will destroy all existing MBR partitions on a disk.

Which of the following commands will prompt to convert an MBR partition to GPT, thus destroying all existing MBR partitions on a disk?

kill -9 1357 Correct. The kill command can be used with a -9 to send the SIGKILL signal, which will send the process's resources to /dev/null.

Which of the following commands will send a process's resources to /dev/null to kill the process for process ID 1357?

ps Correct. The ps command will show a list of process names along with their process ID. top Correct. The top command will show a list of process names along with their process ID in addition to a number of other pieces of information about the processes.

Which of the following commands will show a list of process names along with their process ID (PID)? (Choose two.)

locale Correct. The locale command will display the environment variables that start with LC_.

Which of the following commands will show a number of environment variables that start with LC_?

netstat -u Correct. The -u option for netstat will limit the results to UDP connections. netstat --udp Correct. The --udp option for netstat will limit the results to UDP connections.

Which of the following commands will show active UDP connections on a Linux system? (Choose all that apply.)

Simulates a right click by holding down the left mouse button. Correct. Click Assist simulates a right click by holding down the left mouse button.

Which of the following does Click Assist do?

PRINTER Correct. The PRINTER environment variable can be changed to set the default printer on a Linux system. LPDEST Correct. The LPDEST environment variable can be changed to set the default printer on a Linux system.

Which of the following environment variables can you change the value of to set the default printer on a Linux system? (Choose two.)

.gitignore Correct. You can add filenames to the .gitignore file so that they do not get staged.

Which of the following files can you add filenames to so that the git add * command will not stage them?

/etc/resolv.conf Correct. The /etc/resolv.conf file is where you would configure the name servers that a system should use.

Which of the following files contain the path and filename where DNS servers should be configured?

/etc/hostname Correct. The /etc/hostname file is configured with the hostname of the system.

Which of the following files does the hostnamectl command modify to set the hostname on a machine?

RSA and RSA (should be RSA and DSA) Correct. The RSA and RSA option is the default selection when running the gpg --gen-key command.

Which of the following is the default option for the kind of keys to be generated when using the gpg --gen-key command?

username Correct. The username is the first field in the /etc/passwd file.

Which of the following is the first field of the /etc/passwd file?

Hiring people to maintain the Linux system Correct. Hiring staff to maintain the Linux system, along with the costs such as purchasing the computer hardware necessary for the computers to host Linux, is the greatest expense for companies using Linux.

Which of the following is the greatest expense for companies using Linux?

kern.log Correct. The kern.log log file contains information and error messages generated by the kernel.

Which of the following log files contains information and error messages generated by the Linux kernel?

--recv-keys Correct. The --recv-keys option will request the keys with the given IDs.

Which of the following options for the gpg command will specify the key that should be retrieved?

-F Correct. The -F option for the iptables command when used without a chain will flush, or remove all rules for all chains.

Which of the following options for the iptables command will delete all rules for all chains?

tar -czvf Correct. The -c option is used to create, z is used to gzip, v is used for verbose output, and f specifies the filename to create.

Which of the following options for the tar command will create an archive that is also gzipped while displaying all of the work in progress to the terminal screen?

-R --recursive Correct. The -R option will recursively change ownership on files and subdirectories within a directory. Correct. The --recursive option will recursively change ownership on files and subdirectories within a directory.

Which of the following options will change the ownership of files and directories recursively within a directory? (Choose all that apply.)

lrwxrwxrwx Correct. A symbolic link will have the first letter as a lowercase l with the read, write, and execute bits set for user, group, and others.

Which of the following permissions would show for a symbolic link when displayed with the ls -l command?

53 Correct. Port 53 is used by DNS, or the Domain Name System.

Which of the following ports would be used to resolve a domain name to an IP address?

Web server Correct. Apache is one of the most popular web server platforms on the Internet.

Which of the following server roles does Apache perform?

GROUP BY Correct. The GROUP BY statement is used at the end of SQL statements where an aggregate function such as SUM or COUNT is used.

Which of the following statements should be used at the end of a SQL statement where an aggregate function such as SUM or COUNT is used?

freeware Correct. Freeware is a type of software that is distributed for free by a software developer, but the source code is not distributed along with it

Which of the following terms describes a type of useful and legitimate software that is distributed by a developer where they do not charge for the software but also do not distribute the source code along with it?

MX Correct. The MX, or Mail Exchanger, record is required for email delivery.

Which of the following types of DNS records need to be configured to facilitate email delivery?

asymmetric Correct. Asymmetric encryption uses a public/private key pair.

Which of the following types of encryption uses a pair of keys known as a public and private?

INNER JOIN Correct. An INNER JOIN will return only those records from two tables when joining them together if a record has a match between both tables being joined.

Which of the following types of joins will return a record from two intersecting tables only if there is a match on the joining field from both tables?

nodememstats Correct. The nodememstats command will display total, free, buffers, and cached memory amounts within the virsh command shell.

Which of the following virsh commands will display the total amount of memory as well as the amount of free memory for a node?

getent Correct. The getent command will display entries from the databases supported by the Name Service Switch libraries that are configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

Which of the following will display entries from the Name Service Switch libraries?

kernel panic and halt the system Correct. Invalid entries in the GRUB2 configuration file will cause a kernel panic and halt the system.

Which of the following will invalid entries in the GRUB2 configuration cause?

grep root /etc/passwd | tee ~/root.txt Correct. The output of the grep command is sent to the tee command, which displays the output to the screen while simultaneously writing it to a file.

Which of the following will look at the /etc/passwd file for any lines containing the word root and display them out to the screen while simultaneously writing the results to a file?

It will split a file into new equally sized files that are 1/10th of the original file size. Correct. When there are no other options specified, the split command will split a file into new files that are 1,000 lines each.

Which of the following will the split command do on a file when no other options are specified?

1 through 7 being displayed one number per line. Correct. When only one parameter is given to the seq command, the command will start counting from 1 until it reaches the number specified after the seq command.

Which of the following would be the results of running the command seq 7?

ctrl-c Correct. The ctrl-c key combination sends the SIGINT kill signal and will exit out of the top program.

You have run the top command successfully, but realize that the q key on the keyboard has suddenly stopped working. What is another way that you can exit out of the top program?

UDP Correct. TFTP is a UDP based protocol. UDP is the User Datagram Protocol.

You have set up a TFTP server to support PXE booting of several workstations. Which of the following protocols would this setup make use of?

fg Correct. The fg command can be used to take a job running in the background and move it to the foreground where it will display the output to the terminal screen.

You have started a job running in the background that you want to now bring to the front so that you can watch it execute. Which of the following commands can be used to display the job's output to the terminal?

ifconfig eth0 Correct. The ifconfig command is a legacy command (modern systems are transitioning to using the ip command) that can be used to view or set an IP address on an ethernet interface.

You want to determine whether your Linux workstation was able to get assigned an IP address from the DHCP server once you connected it to the network. Which of the following legacy commands might help you determine this?

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