Linux Module 3 Working With Text
End of line
If last character in the pattern, then pattern must be at the end of the line to match, otherwise just a literal $
When used with a process will immediately background the process or task in a terminal. This will allow the terminal to be freed up for additional tasks.
adding this symbol after the command allows the command to execute as a background process
: The notation "2>&1" means send stderr to where stdout is going and the notation ___ means redirect all output.
To send the normal and error output of a command to a single file, you can use
Used to create groups
( )
Zero or more of the previous character
One or more of the previous pattern
Highest priority
Using the -p option along with the process identifier (PID)
Any one single character
To search forward from the current position of the cursor, use the
Sometimes it isn't useful to have the error messages displayed in the terminal or stored in a file. To discard these error messages, use the __ the ___ is like a trash can where anything sent to it disappears from the system sometimes called a "bit bucket" or "black hole"
Default niceness
Lowest Priority
To return to the first line
Go to line #1 by typing 1G. Search for "local" by typing /local. Type the letter n to move to the second occurrence of "local":
1G /local n
Type __ to return to the first line and then __ to delete five lines. In the vi editor
1G 5dd
The number __ is associated with the standard error file descriptor
To redirect the errors that are output by a command, you can use
To prevent clobbering an existing file when redirecting standard error, use the double > character after the number 2 to append instead
Copy three lines by typing 3yy. Then move to the end of the document by typing G. Paste the three lines by typing p
3yy G p
To delete 5 lines
To quit the vi editor
To exit the vi editor, type in the following
The previous command :q failed because you have not saved the changes that you made in the file. To quit without saving type :q! and press the Enter key to quit the document and not save any changes:
:q! Enter
places between commands to execute multuple commands on a single command.
The__ Symbol is used for input redirection and used to pass the contents of a file as input to a command
Redirecting output using a single > (greater than symbol) will create a new file, or overwrite the contents of an existing file with the same name. Redirecting standard output with two greater than symbols >> will also create a new file if it does not exist.
Standard output is redirected using the__ symbol followed by the name of the file to which it will be written
The output of the command __ will be appended to the end of a file if it does already exist. For example, to append to the file that was created by the previous command, execute the following
The preceding pattern is optional
To start searching backwards from the cursor position, start by typing
Enter insert mode at the end of the line
key combination that will force kill a process
key combination that will stop a process
Press the Escape key to return to the command mode. Type dd to delete the current line:
ESC dd
To save the changes in vi type
Esc :w
Move to the end of the Document
Move to the end of the document by typing a G character
Hang up ends the process on logout
Enter insert mode at the beginning of the line
The process identifier, which is unique to the process. This information is useful to control the process by its ID number.
The name of the terminal or pseudo-terminal where the process is running. This information is useful to distinguish between different processes that have the same name.
The square brackets [ ] work in regular expressions similar to how they work in glob expressions; they match a single character from the list or range of possible characters contained within the brackets.
Any one specified character
On the other hand, to find all the lines which contain any non-numeric characters, insert a ^ as the first character inside the brackets. This character negates the characters listed "example 0 through 9"
Not the one specified character
Beginning of line
If first character in the pattern, then pattern must be at beginning of the line to match, otherwise just a literal
Enter insert mode right after the cursor
Recall that an alias is a feature that allows a user to create nicknames for commands or command lines. Having an alias that runs multiple commands can be very useful and to accomplish this, the user would use the ; between each of the commands when creating the alias. For example, to create an alias called welcome which outputs the current user, the date, and the current directory listing, execute the following command:
alias welcome="whoami;date;ls"
Five or less characters
Zero or One a characters
a{0,1} a?
The regular expression a* is equivalent to
Zero or more characters
One or more Characters
From three to five a characters
Five characters
One word back
Regular expressions have two common forms
basic and extended.
A job control command that resumes the execution of a suspended process without bringing it to the foreground.
Replace line of a document by typing
Delete the next three words
Delete four characters to the left
To delete the current line
Delete the current word by typing dw
To delete the word
The following table summarizes the extended regular expressions, which must be used with either the ___ command or the _ option with the ___ command
egrep grep -E
A job control command that resumes execution of a suspended process by bringing it to the foreground.
Commands that read in text as input, alter that text in some way and then produce text as output are sometimes known as
o redirect the standard error while executing the find command, execute the following commands "find a standard file in the etc directory with the standard error file descriptor"
find /etc . -name hostname 2> error.txt
Command used to display the amount of free and used memory in the system. This utility will display both the physical and swap memory on the system as well as the buffers used by the kernel.
The second anchor character $ can be used to ensure a pattern appears at the end of the line, thereby effectively reducing the search results. To find the lines that end with an r in the alpha-first.txt file, use the pattern r$
grep 'r$' alpha-first.txt
The simplest of all regular expressions is just to use literal characters. For example to locate all lines of the /etc/passwd file that contain the expression root, use the command
grep 'root' /etc/passwd
If you want to use grep without regard to the capitalization of text, you can use the option
grep -i
The first anchor character ^ is used to ensure that a pattern appears at the beginning of the line.
grep ^root
Left one character
Enter insert mode right before the cursor
Down one line
[3] Running the notations represent what?
job number
After using the top command to view the processes the __ key will allow a user to kill or send a signal to a process
Up one line
To kill a running process or job use the command
kill %1
To send the force kill to a process use the
kill -9 kill -KILL %1 kill -SIGKILL -p 96
To see a list of all of the signals available for your system, execute the
kill -l
To send the Terminate signal, to this process, you can use any of the following commands Process : 123 job number [1]
kill 123 kill %1 kill -p 123
Command similar to kill, but killall will allow a user to terminate a process by name as opposed to ID.
Unlike the kill command, these other commands can be used to terminate all processes of a particular user with the -u option. For example, _____ would stop all of the process owned by the user "bob".
killall -u bob
Right one character
To view the output of the ls command one page at a time, execute the following command
ls -l /etc | more
Which of the following commands will take the standard error of the ls command and put it into the /tmp/output.txt file
ls 2> /tmp/output.txt
Which of the following commands will take the standard output of the ls and put it into the /tmp/output.txt file
ls > /tmp/output.txt
will list the files in a home directory
ls ~
Command used to change the priority of a process. The higher the nice value the lower the priority of a process. Nice values range from -20 to 20.
Command used to run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty. If standard input is a terminal, it can be redirected from /dev/null. If standard output is the terminal, append the ouptput to nohup.out. This should be located in the user's home directory.
No hang up lets the process continue
After executing the script, the user could proceed to logout. The next time the user logs in, the output of the script, if any, would be contained in the nohup.out file in that user's home directory.
To add a new line at the end of the document, type a o character and then type the end. Press the Escape key to return to the command mode
o the end ESC
Command that looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs that match the selection criteria.
Two or more commands combined with the "|" between them form a
Sends a specified signal (SIGTERM by default) to each process instead of listing them on stdout
Command used to report a snapshot of the current processes. Different options are available with ps to report more specific information.
Execute the ps command to display the commands that are running in your current shell
View all of the processes on the system by executing the following command
ps -fe
Command used to change the priority of a process while that process is running. The higher the value the lower the priority.
Pressing the r key will allow a user to ___ a process by prompting for the PID and then the new niceness value.
You can use the ____ command to change an existing process priority. A regular user can not change a process to a lower priority
A full-screen software program that can be used to multiplex a physical console between several processes (typically interactive shells). It offers a user to open several separate terminal instances inside a one single terminal window manager. The screen application is very useful, if you are dealing with multiple programs from a command line interface and for separating programs from the terminal shell. It also allows you to share your sessions with others users and detach/attach terminal sessions.
pressing k and selecting the process id and sending the proper signature will kill the process
When a command encounters an error, it will produce output that is known as standard error also called
When a command executes without any errors, the output that is produced is known as standard out also called
Command used to read from standard input and write to standard output and files. splits the output of a command into two streams: one directed to the terminal, and the other into a file
The | symbol separates alternative expressions that can match; it's also known as alternation. For example, to match the word tire or tyre, use the expression
To display a real-time view of running processes, execute the following command
translate all the lower-case characters to upper-case in the /etc/hosts file, execute the following command
tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < /etc/hosts
Both input as well as output redirection can be used together in the same command. To translate all the lower-case characters to upper-case in the /etc/hosts file and save the output in the ~/myhosts file, execute the following command
tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < /etc/hosts > ~/myhosts
Undo the paste command by typing the letter
Undo the paste command by typing the letter u
Command that will display how long a system has been running. uptime gives a one line display showing the current time, how long ths system has been running, how many users are logged in, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
One word forward
Command used to build and execute command lines from standard input
Specify minimum, maximum or exact matches of the previous pattern
If you want to overwrite a file by redirecting the output of a command, you can use
The command pipeline is used to send the output of one command as input to another