Literature Story Questions

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How do the people in the annex get their food and supplies?

Miep and Mr Kraler bring it for them.

Why does Rohan admire Solani's wire cars?

Rohan admires his cars because they look very original and he had seen such an elaborate design before.

How is Rohan's home different from Solani's?

Rohan has more resources at home like water and T.V, while Solani doosn't have water or good roof.

Where does Rohan see Solani before Solani came to Rohan's house?

Rohan sees Solani walking down the road with a wire car steering in front of him.

What are some differences between Solani's Life and Rohan's life?

Rohan would go to school in a car while Solani would walk. Solani lived in a shack house while Rohan has a nice two story house.

What do you learn about the family's feeling towards the squatters?

Rohan's dad disliked them. Rohan's mom didn't really care. Rohan was a little mad because they took down his play area.

Why does Solani need water?

Solani needs the water because his mother is giving birth and there is no water left.

Why does Pecos Bills father move his family from eastern Texas?

Some neighbors have moved 50 miles away.

Why does Mrs Van Daan not want to give away her furcoat for money?

The furcoat was given to her by her father who passed away. It is the only thing that she has left of him.

How were the narrator's grandparents life different?

The grandmother was educated and her family was rich. The grandfather used to work for the grandmother's father and was not educated but knew lessons from daily life. They both eloped and ran away.

Why does Peter rip off the star of david?

Peter dislikes it and says he is going to burn it because it is something the Nazis used to seperate the Jews from them so they could brand them with it. Anne however is unable to take it off bc it's still apart of her religion.















In Act 2 scene 1 how long have they been hiding in the annex for at that point?

1 year. 5 months. 25 days.

Who is the narrator?

Archie the cockroach

Why do so many people come to Rohan's area to live?

Floods destroyed the previous area they lived in.

Where is the narrator's mother from? What is her mother's background?

Her mother is from Haiti and all of their relatives live there. Most of them are dead.

Why does the narrator decide to cross under the state road?

His grandmother told him that if he crossed on it he could have gotten killed.

Name 2 things that Miep brings for New Years day.

Cake and flowers!

In "We Alone," what ideas does the chain represent?

A chain of people because everyone loves gold and ppl would line up for it creating a chain. This can also refer to the chain being harder to break/get rid of if it is made of gold.





What does the speaker tell the young to say?

"Even if you are not ready for day it cannot always be night" which means that even though you are not ready to face something you will have to face it eventually and move on.

What are the rules that the people in the attic must follow?

(1) All trash must be burned (2) No sound must be made during the work hours (3) From 8-6 there should be no water running and no one should flush the bathroom toilet









In the beginning of the story Suzette admits that she might not give up her seat on a bus to an older or pregnant woman. Yet by the story's end, she changes her mind. What do you think causes this change?

After watching her mother she gains a lot more respect and realizes that she can do a lot better.

What is the setting of the story?

Amsterdam, the Netherlands; July 1942-August 1944; November 1945

Why does Anne not listen to Mr Frank when he tells her to be more like her older sister, Margot?

Anne does not want to stay quiet and have people walk all over her. She wants to stand up for herself.

According to Margot, why does Anne and her mother not get along well with eachother?

Anne is a lot more bold while her mother is quiet. Her mother does not try to stand up for herself and Anne does.

Why do some people in the Annex complain about Anne?

Anne is immature, very energetic, and loud. She doesn't get the weight of the issue at first.

What items in nature are as rare as gold according to the speaker?

Feathers, shells, and sea-shaped stones.

How does he show respect to animals?

He decided to not sell the snapping turtle and put it back with its family.

What kind of person does the speaker of Identity not want to be?

He doesn't want to be fake and living a life with human beings while feeling like he is trapped. He doesn't want to live a life of aesthetic, he wants something real.

What are some of the things the narrator does when he encounters the snapping turtle?

He drags it by the tail and tries to sell it for money.

What is Rohan's biggest fear about leaving his home to go help Solani?

He fears his mother will come and the neighbors will know that he is allies with the squatters.

Why does the narrator decide to put the snapping back, how is this significant?

He feels that it is not right for a hunter to shoot another animal because it would hurt the next generation to come, and it showed him a turtle is know different.

How does Rohan feel after bossing Solani

He felt ashamed after he heard the unexpected softness in Solani's voice after he spoke very harshly.

What does the speaker (Archie the cockroach) learn about himself from the moth?

He figures out that he would rather live a long life but wishes there was something he wanted as badly as the moth wanted to touch the light.

Why does the man from the storeroom request extra money?

He knows Mr Kraler is hiding the Franks and is bribing him to pay money in return for him to keep the secret.

How does Mark Twain fill up the newspaper column?

He lied that a wagon of travelers were killed by the hostile Indian country.

How does the narrator show respect toward nature?

He likes fishing, helping out in the garden, and being outside.

Why do you think the man in the squatter camp is scornful and mocks Rohan?

He mocks him because he feels that Rohan is going to do something terrible in the camp because people have attacked the squatters before.

What did Rohan see on his T.V. that made him feel bad for the squatters?

He saw a woman that gave birth on a tree during a flood and the rescuers had to come and save her.

How does the speaker describe the flowers?

He says that they are pleasant-smelling and grow in clusers in a fertile valley. They are praised, handled, and plucked by greedy human hands.

How does the speaker describe the weeds?

He says they are tall and ugly and cling onto cliffs like eagles with wind-wavering above high, jagged rocks. Weeds break through the surface of stone to live and are swayed by the breezes of an ancient sea.

What does Twain decide about mining as an occupation?

He thinks it is a waste of time and has bad experiences with mining. He took the shovel and the dirt got in his back.

Why does Mark Twain lose his jobs at the grocery store, bookstore, and drugstore?

He was not a hard worker and at the grocery store he ate the sugar, at the book store he read instead of helping ppl with books, and at the drugstore he gave everyone wrong prescriptions.

How does Solani know how to keep his bucket very strait even on the hill?

He was taught by practice and this means that he has done it a lot.

How is he different from the other boys in the story?

He wasn't like the other boys that would be careless about nature and were not interested in living things. The other boys like to stay inside and he likes to be outside with nature.

What occasion does Anne receive her diary?

Her 13th birthday

What was the princess's dilemma?

If she let the peasant pick the door for the tiger, he would be eaten. But if she picked the door for the maiden, then she would have to see her lover marry another woman.

Where was the "secret Annex" located?

In Mr Franks work office in Amsterdam

What two things does the speaker in "Speech to the Young" say we should not live for?

Live not for battles won. Live not for the-end-of-the-song. Which means to not live for the result or the end of something but instead to live because of the journey.

What is the name of Peter's cat?


Who was stealing the bread from the annex?

Mr Van Daan

Do you think the speaker of this poem is wealthy?

No, I dont think she is wealthy money-wise because it says in the title "it's ALL i have" which shows that the speaker may not own as much. But she is rich in her love for the woman whom she loves.

What is one unrealistic fact of this story?

On unrealistic fact of this tall tale is the fact that Pecos Bill feeds his horse a diet of barbed wire and dynamite.

When does Pecos realize he isn't a coyote?

Pecos Bill realizes that he is human when it is pointed out that he doesn't have a tail.

How does Pecos Bill show an odd sense of humor?

Pecos Bill shows an odd sense of humor when he invents tarantulas an scorpions

Why does Pecos want to find the Hells Gate Gang?

Pecos Bill wanted to find the Hells Gate Gang because he wants to join the gang

How does Pecos Bill win Sue's heart?

Pecos Bill wins the love of Slue foot Sue by howling at the moon like coyote.

What does the tall tale say causes the sound of rolling thunder?

Pecos Bills family's laughter

How is Rohan treated differently from Solani by their people?

People respect Rohan and have no fear for him. Solani is not allowed to go to some places.

In what ways is Slue foot Sue larger than life in this tall tale?

One way in which Slue foot Sue is a larger than life character in this tall tale is that she has a bit of coyote in her and she rides on a huge cat fish.

Why does Otto Frank allow the Van Daans to hide with them in the attic?

Otto Frank says that he lets them hide with his family because when he first came to the country (and not able to speak the language/knew anyone there) Mr Van Daan helped him out, so he was repaying him.

What does the mother compare her life to?

She compares her life to a staircase that is full of splinterrs, places with no carpet, and with tacks in it.

What does the speaker bring for her loved one?

She gives her loved one her heart and the beauty of nature.

What was the grandmother's thoughts show that she believes in treating the earth with respect?

She had a philosophuy that if only one person keeps a plant, something might happen to it. But if many have that kind of plant, then it may survive.

Why is the narrator (Suzette) surprised to see her mother?

She is surprised because she used to always think that her mother didn't like taking the train or leaving the house or eating frankfurters but she watches her mother doing all these things.

What happens to the snapping turtle at the end of the story?

She lays her eggs and then leaves.

Why did the narrator's mother never attend the parent teacher conference meetings?

She said that she thinks her daughter is good anyway and there is nothing they could tell her to make her ashamed. She says shame is heavier than a hundred bags of salt.

What does her mother say about the lottery?

She says that she only needs a third of that money to pay the mortage and so her husband wouldn't need to drive in a taxicab for work everyday.

What does the narrator's mother do for a living?

She takes care/babysits children while their parents are busy.

What is the main message that the mother is telling her son?

She tells her son that her life has not always been easy but she keeps going on and urges her son to also keep going and warns him that life is not easy. She tells him to keep moving forward no matter what life throws at him and that she is still trying her best.

How do Bill and Sue end up leaving Earth and living in the sky?

Sue gets bounced off the back of Widow Maker and when Bill tries to lasso her back he ends up getting brought up there.

How would you explain the king's "perfect" system of justice?

The "criminal" could not know which door had the tiger or the lady, he opened either he pleased, without having the slightest idea, wether he was to be devoured or married and what ever he got was due to his karma.

Wh does Mr. Frank sa that the loud air raids should be music to the ears of those hiding in the attic?

The loud air raids are from the allies so it means that the war will end soon.

What kind of person does the narrator of Identity want to be?

The narrator of the story would rather be a free, strong weed than a flower that is stuck in a pot and is plucked by others.

What images of nature do you find in the poem?

The speaker describes fields, meadows, bees, and clover.term-34

Why doesn't Rohan go to his hideout anymore?

The squatters took it down

What crime has the young man committed?

The young peasant fell in love with the king's daughter and had an affair with her that lasted for months.

According to the story, why are moths drawn to the light/fire?

They are drawn to the light because they are tired of their boring routine and crave excitement and something new, even if it's just for a moment.

What are the narrator and his grandma doing the morning of the story? How is this significant to theoverall theme of the story?

They are working in the garden and this shows how much they care for nature. `

How do the narrator grandparents demonstrate their respect towards nature?

They believe that nature is the key to life.

According to the speaker of this poem, how can people decrease the value of gold?

They can stop caring about whether or not gold rises or falls in the marketplace.

What were some of the rulings that Jews had to follow under the Nazis?

They had to wear the star of david when they went outside, they could not bike or go to movie theatres, and had a curfew.

Why were some people interested in the king's arena?

They never knew whether they were to witness a slaughter or a wedding. This element of uncertainty led a bit of interest to the occasion. The masses were tenterianed and pleased and thought that it was fair because the accused person had the whole matter in their own hands.

Why did the coyotes raise Pecos Bill?

They raised him because when they found him he says "Goo-goo" which means "Nice to meet you" in coyote language.

When does Pecos Bill display courage?

When he rides a cyclone.

How does Bill become the leader of the Hell's Gate Gang?

When he walked in with a horse on neck rattlesnake on arm and riding a mountain lion he was just handed the job.

Is Rohan's reasons for wanting the squatters to leave different from his father? If so then what is it.

Yes, the father wants them to leave because he fears that the squatters will start a business and steal from them. Rohan wants them to leave because he wants his playground back.

After flying off the back of Widow Maker Slue foot Sue bounces on...?

on her steel bustle

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