logic test

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In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "Cats can think circles around dogs! My cat regularly used to close and lock the door to my neighbor's doghouse, trapping their sleeping Doberman inside. Try telling a cat what to do, putting a leash on him--he'll glare at you and say, 'I don't think so. You should have gotten a dog'"?

Cats can think circles around dogs

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "Neither a borrower nor lender be. For, loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry"?

Neither a borrower nor lender be.

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, he left behind a gold plated Schwinn bicycle, which he used to ride around the moon's surface. Probably that bicycle is still up there on the moon"?

Probably that bicycle is still up there on the moon

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "African American athlete Jerome Bettis is able to withstand tremendous impacts on the football field. Venus Williams, like Jerome Bettis, is a great African American athelete. Therefore, Venus Williams should be able to withstand tremendous impacts on the football field"?

Venus Williams should be able to withstand tremendous impacts on the football field

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "Women of working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most. The average working man can support no more and the average working woman can take care of no more in decent fashion"?

Women of working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most.

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "The classroom teacher is crucial to the development and academic success of the average student, and administrators simply are ancillary to this effort. For this reason, classroom teachers ought to be paid at least the equivalent of administrators at all levels, including the superintendent"?

classroom teachers ought to be paid at least the equivalent of administrators at all levels, including the superintendent

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "Doing one's homework helps the student grasp the material better. Understanding the material better will help the student to better prepare for the tests. If one is prepared for tests, s/he will do well on them. When one does well on the tests, one does well in the course. Therefore, doing one's homework helps a student to do well in the course"?

doing one's homework helps a student to do well in the course

Of the following, what is true about this sentence: "Abraham Lincoln was born in 1984."

makes sense and false

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "All dogs have five legs"?

makes sense and false

Of the following which is true about the following sentence: "Why is Professor Kim so mean?"

makes sense and has no truth value

Of the following, what is true about this sentence: "Shall we dance?"

makes sense and has no truth value

Of the following, what is true about this sentence: "Will it rain tomorrow?"

makes sense and has no truth value

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "Clear your desk of all non-essential materials"?

makes sense and has no truth value

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "Why is studying logic important?"

makes sense and has no truth value

Of the following, what is true about this sentence: "Frogs have four legs."

makes sense and true

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "The Empire State Building is in New York"?

makes sense and true

Of the following, what is true about this sentence: "All students in this logic course will pass this course."

makes sense and truth value undetermined

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "I believe that the best way to drink coffee is black"?

makes sense and truth value undetermined

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "She came back to tell me that she is gone, as if I didn't know that, as if I never noticed she brushed her hair from the far left"?

makes sense and truth value undetermined

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "The world will end in 2020"?

makes sense and truth value undetermined

Of the following, which is true about the following sentence: "Agh! This room tastes so pink!"?

non-sense and has no truth value

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "If Senator Hillary Clinton represents California, then she represents a western state. Hilary Clinton does not represent a western state. Therefore, she does not represent California"?

she does not represent California

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "Corn is an annual crop. Butcher's meat is a crop which requires four or five years to grow. As an acre of land, therefore, will produce a much smaller quantity of the one species of food than the other, the inferiority of the quantity must be compensated by the superiority of the price"?

the inferiority of the quantity must be compensated by the superiority of the price

In the following argument, which is the conclusion: "The fact that there was never a land bridge between Australia and mainland Asia is evidenced by the fact that the animal species in the two areas are very different. Asian placental mammals and Australian marsupial mammals have not been in contact in the last several million years"?

there was never a land bridge between Australia and mainland Asia

In the following argument, which is the conclusion? "Titanium combines readily with oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, all of which have an adverse effect on its mechanical properties. As a result, titanium must be processed in their absence."

titanium must be processed in their absence.

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