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WordPress was launched in what year? 2013 Correct! 2003 2008 1998 2018


session 18

Agile framework: Initiative: GenWatt is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and electric generators. The last few years have brought massive change across the entire industry. They have shifted to pull delivery... a just-in-time approach leveraging multiple distributors. Customers can request an item based on price, location, or availability. Variable are then determined by the system. Genwatt has a standard operating model in mind: receive request, route request, calculate details, update system, manage operations. Agile framework: Epics Form & Inventory Integration & Messaging Responsive Web Application Create 3 zaps: 1a) Trigger event: new Typeform submission [note: this initiates the entire process] 1b) Action: insert Airtable record [note: GenWatt then receives this record, retrieves Tracking Code & Order Status, and sends Call back] 2a) Trigger event: new Twilio Call received 2b) Action: send Twilio phone call [note: this simply notifies the customer by summarizing that the order is being processed] 3a) Trigger event: new Twilio SMS received 3b) Action: send Zapier Email [note: this is the final notification to the customer containing important order details] Simplified version 10/27 ---------------------- Student creates 4 zaps: 1a) Trigger event: new Typeform submission 1b) Action: insert Airtable record 2a) Trigger event: new Typeform submission 2b) Action: send Email 3a) Trigger event: new Airtable record created (Airtable calculates the Tracking Code) 3b) Action: send Twilio SMS (get Tracking Code as part of 3a "trigger" read Tracking Code from Airtable via Customer ID) 4a) Trigger event: new Airtable record created 4b) Action: send Twilio phone call Create 4 zaps: 1a) Trigger event: new Typeform submission 1b) Action: insert Airtable record 2a) Trigger event: new Typeform submission 2b) Action: send Email 2c) Auth Trigger: Receive email 2d) Auth Action: retrieve Data (TrackingCode & OrderStatus) 2e) Auth Action: send Twilio SMS 3a) Trigger event: new Twilio SMS received 3b) Action: send Twilio SMS (w/ personal phone?- then manually send to customer because they cannot use Twilio/Zapier to send SMS to our numbers) Or Zapier email again (if not a Pro only feature) 4a) Trigger event: new Twilio SMS received 4b) Action: send Twilio phone call (with order details) 5) Action: send Email Backup 10/26 ---------------------- Create 4 zaps: 1a) Trigger event: new Typeform submission 1b) Action: insert Airtable record 2a) Trigger event: new Typeform submission 2b) Action: send Email 3a) Trigger event: new Airtable record created 3b) Action: send Twilio SMS (where does Tracking Code get generated? Maybe the central Airtable, if they have read-access and filter for their Customer ID?) 4a) Trigger event: new Airtable record created 4b) Action: send Twilio phone call

Session 14

Agile framework: Initiative: GenWatt is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and electric generators. The last few years have brought massive change across the entire industry. They have shifted to pull delivery... a just-in-time approach leveraging multiple distributors. Customers can request an item based on price, location, or availability. Variable are then determined by the system. Genwatt has a standard operating model in mind: receive request, route request, calculate details, update system, manage operations. Agile framework: Epics: Form & Inventory Integration & Messaging Responsive Web Application Sprint 2: Delivery Request: Background: GenWatt was very satisfied with Sprint 1. Their team has been able to conduct some just-in-time deliveries of the initial batch of generators. That said, because they are offering very aggressive pricing, they need to improve the fidelity and security of the orders. User Story: I am invited to a Genwatt portal to purchase generators for quick delivery. Since they are pre-packaged, I have to order an even number < 10. I receive a link that includes a confirmation number. Using the link provided, I am able to quickly enter and submit my request. Requirements: Web form needs to capture the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Customer ID, Product Quantity, Shipping Address. Additionally, the Confirmation Number is a 6 character code unique to the customer. Considerations: You should begin building your webform per requirements. Further, you should build a web database to capture the data, for testing. To complete this sprint, the client will provide their own database to save to. Web Form fields See the Agile sprint board in Trello Web Table details API key: keygJF5fV9Qbbc44D Base: Sprint data Table: Sprint 2

Session 9

Airtable: Overview Online Datastore (per G2, "Project Management") Database / CRM Now: Airtable Later: Salesforce (Oracle) API driven Authentication key Read / Write permissions Bases Tables Columns (column types) Rows (data)

According to the ketchup example in the video assigned, User Experience is: You Answered the experience of using the product or application directly related to adoption, productivity, clarity, and ROI how intuitive, enjoyable, and productive the product or application is how user-friendly the product or application is Correct Answer All of these answers

All of these answers

Typeform allows for: WYSIWYG composition no-code development responsive & interactive web forms Correct! All of these answers

All of these answers

Which of these is most true? Correct! All of these answers A user story articulates how a piece of work will deliver a particular value back to the customer. A user story is an informal, general explanation of a software feature written from the perspective of the end user. A user story is the smallest unit of work in an agile framework.

All of these answers

Which of these statements is most true? Some companies have their customer sign (or agree to) an Order, and then an Invoice is generated before (or after) the product/service is delivered Some companies charge their customer before the product/service is delivered Some companies create one (or more) Quotes, which describe the Product/Service that a Customer is considering purchasing; this often shows the Quantity, Unit Price, Sub-Total, and any other cost items that affect the Total Some companies use Salesforce to track Opportunities as a core part of their Sales business process Correct! All of these answers

All of these answers

API stands for: Application Programming Instance Correct! Application Programming Interface Application Platform Interface

Application Programming Interface

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is different from Disaster Recovery (DR) in that... BCP is a subset of DR BCP is easy, and DR is difficult Correct Answer BCP is about a plan to maintain business functions, whereas DR is focused on restoring systems You Answered BCP is for internal planning events, whereas DR is for external unplanned events BCP is only done by businesses, and not non-profit organizations

BCP is about a plan to maintain business functions, whereas DR is focused on restoring systems

Session 3

Business Operations: overview Business Operations: transportation Business Operations: non-profit Business Operations: software Revenue Cycle: manufacturing Revenue Cycle: healthcare Revenue Cycle: modern commerce https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15N1yA_lAfjGuhJa1qNANkzkH2piQrosM25DTRgyaahE/edit#slide=id.gb7e0a17efc_0_69

In Elon Musk's video about the 5-Step Design Process, what order does he put the following steps in? Accelerate cycle time Automate Make the requirements less dumb Simplify or optimize Try to delete parts Correct! C, E, D, A, B A, B, C, D, E E, D, C, B, A B, A, D, E, C

C, E, D, A, B

Session 4

Cloud Computing: delivery model: Cloud computing: servers are hosted in centralized managed facilities with significant economies of scale; data centers for storage and computing, as a "utility" On-demand: the capacity that you need, exactly when you need it (lean manufacturing, just in time production) Multi-tenant model: common infrastructure shared by unrelated users Software as a Service (SaaS): an entire application (often called enterprise software) delivered on-demand via the cloud, usually priced on pay-per-use or subscription fee Cloud Computing: service models: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Platform as a service (PaaS) Software as a service (SaaS) Desktop as a Service (DaaS) Managed Software as a Service (MSaaS) Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) DataCenter as a Service (DCaaS) Information Technology Management as a Service (ITMaaS) Customer Success as a Service (CSaaS) many, many others... General cloud "stack": 3 part triangle: IAAS(IT administrators ) at the bottom , PAAS(software developers) are the middle, SAAS(end users) at the top. The bottom of triangle shows more control top shows less Salesforce cloud "stack": Behind the Cloud #2: A brand is a company's most important asset Position yourself as the leader, or against the leader, in your industry Party with a purpose Interesting implications for the live events industry converging with digital & social media Transform every employee into a marketing representative Examine what's working, evolve your ideas, change the way you do things The three key differentiators for Salesforce: Ease of Use on every device Business Model of Shared Risk with Low-Risk Commitment Continuously Innovate with predictable release cycle Behind the Cloud #3-4 Sell to the End Users (Salesforce pioneered this) Have a sales pitch that's practical (for uncertain times), and one that's visionary (revolutionary) Make customers part of your marketing force Create an industry, not just a company; then, expect a competitor, and ideally two or three Go from Adoption to Addiction with a Feedback Loop Most rational customers are looking for value, not inexpensive cost Create a Customer Success Manager role / team (retain 90%+ of customers!) Don't sell features... sell the "model", and sell the customer's success Pricing Old: $50 per user on month-to-month basis, with some discounting New: $65 per month on month-to-month basis; $50 per user for 12 month contract Pay higher sales commission for the annual contract Business Stability: Disaster Recovery (DR) - an organization's method of regaining access and functionality to its IT infrastructure after events like a natural disaster, cyber attack, or even business disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic; a variety of methods can be part of a disaster recovery plan. [VMware] Business Continuity Planning (BCP) - a holistic proactive process and related documentation detailing how a business will continue operating during an unplanned disruption; provides strategies and tactics for maintaining business operations for both short-term and long-term outages. [IBM] -> DR = systems, BCP = basic business functions https://www.ucf.edu/online/leadership-management/news/business-continuity-vs-disaster-recovery/#:~:text=Business%20continuity%20focuses%20on%20keeping,IT%20infrastructure%20after%20a%20disaster.&text=Meanwhile%2C%20a%20disaster%20recovery%20strategy,functionality%20after%20a%20disaster%20occurs Business Agility: Businesses can only move as fast as their Business Stability will allow. Resiliency - the ability to adapt to difficulties or change, whether external or internal, and planned or unplanned (aka. elasticity) Scalability - the ability to increase capacity (volume of processing) and throughput (speed of transfer) in a negligible amount of time Extensibility - the ability for your systems to be extended in order to adapt to new business or technology requirements https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_bvHdhlrmDU2oDzeOF_TOEECIJRQTmIGZFNZsMT2mJY/edit#slide=id.ge700923bd6_0_90

In Elon Musk's video about the 5-Step Design Process, he mentions that he devised this process and has consistently followed it without fail in the past. True Correct! False


Typeform allows for organizing via folders, called Connections. True Correct! False


Typeform only offers paid subscriptions. True Correct! False


Typeform requires a software download to your computer. True Correct! False


Session 2

Gartner viewpoint: What: A citizen developer is an employee who creates new business applications for consumption, normally on their own but potentially with others, using development and runtime environments sanctioned (or at least not actively forbidden) by corporate IT or the enterprise line-of-business organizations. Why: The reality of today's IT is that often the timelines to build are too long to meet business needs. Resource constraints and shrinking budgets make a prompt response difficult. With the rise of cloud solutions and low-code applications, employees outside of IT can now operate outside of IT's view. The goal is not to ban this type of development, but rather to create good citizen developers. How: Embrace end-user development by setting clear boundaries that meet both IT and business needs and offer user-friendly, IT-sanctioned development platforms. This will allow businesses to meet their needs while offering oversight and control to IT. Finally, trust, but verify. Provide citizen developers with guidance and a safe environment within which they can be innovative and creative. Core Concepts IPO - input, processing, output API - application programming interface SoA - service oriented architecture "Kevlar Quilt" - purposeful, best-in-class (best of breed) solutions, knit together via strong integration & orchestration systems Evolution of Software Architecture Mainframe(one big box)-> client server(two boxes)-> three teir (three boxes)-> SOA(many different boxes sizes and shapes.) Mainframe - monolith Client Server - distributed computing Three Tier - N-Tier SoA - web 2.0 Service Oriented Architecture: Defined interfaces Loose coupling Service provider Service broker Service consumer

Session 24

GenWatt is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and electric generators. The last few years have brought massive change across the entire industry. They have shifted to pull delivery... a just-in-time approach leveraging multiple distributors. Customers can request an item based on price, location, or availability. Variable are then determined by the system. Genwatt has a standard operating model in mind: receive request, route request, calculate details, update system, manage operations. Purchase Request Delivery Request Order Confirmation Management Dashboard Comprehensive Application Sprint 5: Comprehensive Application: Background: GenWatt is thrilled with the new secure portal. Their executes have decided to fund the acquisition of NewWant and run one final sprint, whereby the Request Form and the Sales Dashboard are combined into a unified online experience. User Story: I log in to our secure portal, landing on the Home tab with our company branding. I can navigate to across multiple tabs, including the ability to see all of our Products, and create a new Request. Architecture: Request Form: Typeform Broker: Zapier Inventory Data: Salesforce (custom object) Logic: Skuid Mgmt Dashboard: Skuid System Topology: ON SLIDES Alternative Architecture: Request Form: Skuid Broker: N/A Inventory Data: Salesforce (custom object) Logic: Skuid Mgmt Dashboard: Skuid Alternative System Topology: On slides Resources: Skuid settings / files: GenWatt logo Connecting Skuid to Salesforce: Documentation Skuid development walkthrough: here Salesforce creating a custom object: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19RQqLK_A1_LWWf-V4UJgYqRx2Y7jYDyiu_nU-D6POgA/edit#slide=id.g101907660fb_0_341

In the Makerpad article "How Backed VC's Head of Networks built a no-code app to leverage the community", what community platform does Backed VC choose? Slide Messenger Slack Correct! Glide


Session 10

Guest Speaker: Andrew Ferraro: Startup Founder, Funder, Friend Scout - Campus Founders Fund Intern - Radar Director - Seed Angel Forum Founder - Managing Director - Startup Mill Venture Capital Analyst Intern - Stout Street Capital Finance Intern - Boomtown Accelerators Session 10: Real-World Project: 5 "sprints" will be run to enable students to get familiar with Agile / Iterative project management working from a backlog, including rapid prototyping, organic feature enhancement, and test-driven development Deliverables will include the same artifacts and working applications that are expected from a cross-functional Corp, Consulting, or Startup team This is intended to be an immersive, challenging, and fun experience which will be directly relevant to your career Scenario:GenWatt is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and electric generators. The last few years have brought massive change across the entire industry. They have shifted to pull delivery... a just-in-time approach leveraging multiple distributors. Customers can request an item based on price, location, or availability. Variable are then determined by the system. Genwatt has a standard operating model in mind: receive request, route request, confirm order, update system, manage operations. Sprint 1: Purchase Request: Background: Due to the pandemic and resulting supply-chain issues, Genwatt is in the situation where they need to incentivize the sale of certain inventory to customers who are able to take rapid delivery. User Story: As a customer, I am invited to the Genwatt portal in order to indicate how many generators I would be able to take immediate delivery of. Using the link provided, I am able to quickly enter and submit my request. Requirements: Web form needs to capture the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Product Quantity. Considerations: You should begin building your webform per requirements. Further, you should build a web database to capture the data, for testing. To complete this sprint, the client will provide their own database to save to. Web Form fields First Name Last Name Email Address Customer ID (up to 6 digits) - provided by the client Product Quantity (integer) Web Table details API key: keygJF5fV9Qbbc44D Base: Sprint data Table: Sprint 1

Session 22

Harvard Business Review podcast Agile framework: Initiative: GenWatt is a leading manufacturer of solar panels and electric generators. The last few years have brought massive change across the entire industry. They have shifted to pull delivery... a just-in-time approach leveraging multiple distributors. Customers can request an item based on price, location, or availability. Variable are then determined by the system. Genwatt has a standard operating model in mind: receive request, route request, calculate details, update system, manage operations. Sprint 4: Management Dashboard Background: GenWatt is considering acquiring a company in order to launch a new bulk-buying service called NewWant for consumables and electronics. They currently have their data in a central server, and need a simple way to view in a graphical form. User Story: I log in to a secure portal and can see NewWant's products, people, and promotions. Building Blocks: Skuid tutorials Skuid introduction - once you sign up for Skuid, install "Skuid Sample" Publicly Available NW Data OData for NewWant (use the XML Viewer to "beautify" the XML) Other Skuid reference pages Sales Dashboard (sample) Account Workbench Challenge Project: Implement the World Bank data World Bank website GitHub source code & instructions https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1B2WOIbqrXYd-DyJG3Y0O-VllraCY65UllssjHX_8mFQ/edit#slide=id.g100f3e3c177_0_0

Please select the correct order of the following cloud "stack" items from more control to less control. SaaS, PaaS, IaaS SaaS, IaaS, PaaS IaaS, SaaS, PaaS Correct! IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

Session 7

Innovation Pace: Invention: new prototypes and ways of thinking / doing Innovation: incremental improvements that make products or services more affordable, available or reliable Matt Ridley, author of How Innovation Works: And Why It Flourishes in Freedom Invention vs. Innovation Example: the cost (in avg wages) of lighting your home for one hour 1800: 6 hours (tallow candle) 1880: 15 minutes (kerosene lamp) 1950: 8 seconds (light bulb) Today: 0.333 seconds (light bulb) Iterations, recombinations Agility, experimentation Innovation Enablement: Language -- walk the talk Org structure -- affects culture Rewards -- risk taking! Process -- foster ideas, then diffuse them Timeframes -- weeks or months (no longer!) Success -- must value failure Typeform demo topics: Help & Training Profile & Preferences Workspaces Typeforms Create - merge fields, best practices Connect - various SaaS integrations Share - publish, embedding Results - metrics, responses

What best practice do I mention to improve user engagement? Correct! Merge fields Sharing via social Long questions Bright colors

Merge fields

Which of these statements is most true...? No-Code and Code are similar but you can only master one No-Code and Code are separate and unrelated Correct! No-Code and Code are complimentary in the continuum of technical skills No-Code platforms were developed without Code

No-Code and Code are complimentary in the continuum of technical skills

Session 6

Origins & Historical Context: Progression of problems solved with code, then tools, and now platforms Advent of "executable diagrams" ushering in WYSIWYG and visual languages Microsoft programming tools in the 1990's - VB, VBA, Access, Visio, BizTalk Open Source, and the LAMP stack WordPress launched in 2003 Advent of the "side hustle" Strategic Business Imperatives: Problem-solving as the new "language of business", from process to apps Movement of people, data, and resources globally without friction Speed of change increasing, scope of change unbounded Building apps, delivering solutions without involving IT Matching cost to benefit via SaaS pricing (MRR) "Intraprenuership" & tech transfer First Principles https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SV_TN-sdQ9Jusf_2d7FCJ9gLhPg4tpwRAAHWrcugsMw/edit#slide=id.gebbbe49200_0_0

Session 1

Purpose: This course will equip students with skills that prepare them to be effective at the convergence of business and technology. A survey of the strategic context and competitive forces will inform selection of architectures, platforms, and orchestration approaches. A foundational understanding of "cloud computing" and "Software as a Service" (SaaS) will also be established. The course then shifts into applied learning, involving the principles of design thinking and usability in a series of agile sprints. Leading low-code development and integration platforms are used to create and extend business applications according to scenarios that are common to many disciplines including finance, operations, and general management. This course equips "citizen developers", thereby enabling ideas to come to life. "programming is the new literacy"

What layer of the cloud "stack" is Salesforce CRM categorized within? IaaS You Answered PaaS Mobile Application Development Correct Answer SaaS


Session 5

Salesforce History: 1999 - founded, V2MOM (Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles, Measures) 2000 - 1-1-1 model, $5.4M revenue 2001 - 3K customers, $22.4M revenue 2002 - 70K users, 8 languages, $51M revenue 2003 - Dreamforce, sForce 2.0 "on demand", $100M revenue 2004 - IPO, 14K customers, $176M revenue 2005 - AppExchange, 400K users, $300M revenue 2006 - 30K customers, $500M revenue Current - acquisitions, COVID, DOW listing; $17B revenue Low-Code History: Web builders: HTML & Design Data analytics: DB & SQL Salesforce Innovation: 1-1-1 (Pledge 1%) - 1% of revenue, products, and time Corporate Responsibility - stakeholder capitalism, environmental impact, social enterprises Pay equality - audit and make it right IdeaExchange - Starbucks stirrer / plug Community Cloud - allow your customers to interact with their data and your employees Collaboration - Quip, Slack myTrailhead - immersive, gamified LMS that is now an open platform AI for automation and discovery - Einstein bots can reply to basic service requests in chat, or escalate; indentify patterns & predict outcomes 5 minute downtime - see following slide; leading companies won't tolerate anything more Competitive Positioning (Sales CRM):Hubspot ActiveCampaign Freshworks Pipedrive Zoho Zendesk Pipeliner Nimble Copper SharpSpring Thyve Competitive Positioning (Help Desk):Zendesk Zoho Freshdesk Intercom HubSpot Front LiveChat LiveAgent Hiver Kustomer Competitive Positioning (Enterprise CRM):HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics 365 Hubspot SAP Oracle Oracle NetSuite Zoho Pipedrive Copper Sugar Salesforce SWOT Strengths: Market-share leader, Innovation leader,Rapid growth (organic, acquisition) Weaknesses:Marketing > Execution, Feature fatigue, Price is subjective Opportunities:Vertical & horizontal integration,IoT, Analytics, AI, Alliances Threats:"Best of Bread", Regulation (GDPR), Hosting partners Brent Downey Author, Director Director of Delivery, ShellBlack Author, Admin Hero (2012 - present); one of the most popular Salesforce blogs in the world and a trusted resource in the Salesforce community https://drive.google.com/file/d/17YgTOU79kx7GXbq2S7KHuLpT_pXpkGJp/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/16XrlWUooeCe0gvrSWN56g-lvAm19QQGw/view https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IFTmHzI1_SEC_O5feTL8oHkggMPz9y09U29qTMh3mrc/edit#slide=id.gb86be8173a_0_15

session 19

Session 19: Sprint 3 final requirements: Web Form fields See the Agile sprint board in Trello You must map these fields: Customer ID, TypeForm ID (short text) You should ignore: OrderReceivedId, Created, LastModified Web Table details API key: keygJF5fV9Qbbc44D Base: Sprint data Table: Sprint 3 Special Notes For final submission, you might need to hardcode Customer information due to Zapier limitations. Also, make sure to: "Set up your Callback URL!" Hint: "Voice & Fax" in Twilio Include the country code and no non-digit characters for "To" number Finish your testing using your own Web Table & your own Mobile Number Connect to the instructor's Web Table Submit your Twilio Phone Number via Sprint 3 Pre-Work (Canvas) Submit your TypeForm URL via Sprint 3 (Canvas) Then complete a Typeform submission using the details you will receive Customer's Email Address: [email protected] Customer ID Order Quantity

Session 25

Session 25: Sprint 5 tips: Salesforce: custom object called Requests Replicate your Airtable, choosing the appropriate field types Skuid: create a new Requests page Include that new page in your menu structure Add a Table that lists each Request record; must show new Date field Optional: instead of using Typeform & Airtable, create a new Requests page Skuid to Salesforce: create & save an Order, send email No need for "confirmationcode" URL parameter Future: integrate Account & Contact records Session 25: demo steps: Populate the "confirmationcode" URL parameter (only for TypeForm) Submit data via request form (iFrame / new Skuid page) Show the new Airtable record (only if applies to your architecture) Show the new Salesforce record Show email confirmation w/ all submitted fields Navigate to the Requests tab in Skuid Demonstrate how your Skuid page lists the results Ensure that data includes 5+ unique dates Session 25: Sprint 5 submission process: Record a video using Zoom No passcode! Length must be 30 seconds to 2 mins Video & audio must be on Be sure that your browser URL is visible during the entire video Demonstrate each requirement from a user's perspective Submit your Canvas Assignment Wait for the video to be reviewed Your grade will appear in Canvas

Session 8

Session 8: Low-Code Stack: "Full Stack" development platforms provide some/all necessary functions. While we won't use each of these in this course, it is important to gain a proper understanding of the competitive landscape. PaaS (pure-play): Appian, OutSystems, Mendix, etc. IaaS (portfolio): AppSheet, Honeycode, etc. LOOK AT SLIDE TO KNOW WHAT APPS/BRANDS go with what tier UI & Full Stack: Skuid (with a cursory overview of Apex & VisualForce) API Integration: Zapier (with a cursory overview of MuleSoft) Messaging: Twilio (with a cursory overview of Slack and SAP Jam) CRM / Relational DB: Salesforce (with a cursory overview of Airtable) each section will include a proper survey of the competitive landscape; e.g. the Full Stack section will highlight AppSheet, Honeycode, Appian, OutSystems, Mendix, etc TypeForm: Overview: Online Form Builder (per G2) User Interface (UI) Now: TypeForm Later: Skuid Responsive Web Application Device-aware (screen size, buttons, OS) Interactive (animation, partial page loads) Variety of question types https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uetGZLO2tqkKng_aEU2w6qEg1fYa62Z4WNELX7GNuhY/edit#slide=id.geddbd384f0_0_0

Typeform allows for many field types, as covered in the Session 7 demonstration. Select the answer that is the most accurate. Short Text, Unlimited Text You Answered Any input method Correct Answer Short Text, Long Text, Phone Number, Email Text, Numeric, Rich Media

Short Text, Long Text, Phone Number, Email

To connect Typeform to Airtable, you have to... plug in a thumb-drive to the USB port use Zapier to connect to Typeform to Airtable set up SSO using OAuth Correct! Sign In and provide the API Key

Sign In and provide the API Key

Session 26

Skuid & Salesforce: Connecting Skuid to Salesforce: Documentation It is critical that you follow each step of this process Various screenshots and tips are provided in the following slides... To be clear, you must complete the instructions that describe how to install Skuid for Salesforce via their AppExchange listing You can verify that you have Skuid installed in your Salesforce instance Navigate to "Installed Packages"; you should see something like this... Then, be sure that you have completed the "My Domain" in Salesforce And your Data Source in Skuid Skuid Data Source: General tab... Skuid Data Source: Authentication tab Authentication Providers Authentication Provider details Then make sure that your Connected App (in Salesforce under "App Manager") is configured correctly... It's critical that your Callback URL looks similar to this one and does not have any typoslike double prefixes (https://https://)or double slashes (//) anywhere. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PlvfE_ZgiHC4E72Z4miDopAn5mJkLxVJLhP1CBPss2E/edit#slide=id.g102d98e629b_0_10 Email options: Skuid Action - subject, body... merge fields? Hint: {{ }}} Salesforce Workflow Rule (references Email Alert, which references an Email Template) Flow Process Builder Hint: {!objectname.fieldname}} and don't forget the

Session 21

Skuid: Overview: No-Code Development Platforms (per G2; note: limited reviews) UI / UX Pages Best Practices Logic User-centric Data-centric Data Connect to Salesforce Connect to APIs Skuid advanced topics: Pages XML Editor Tags, type-ahead, validation, nesting Attributes Values Salesforce: Overview: CRM (per G2, industry leader) Data Salesforce demo topics: Home "Apps" Accounts Contacts Salesforce advanced topics: Opportunities Products

In the Makerpad article "How a fashion enthusiast is enabling conscious shopping using a no-code directory", what tech stack does Eco-Catalogue use? Airtable for the frontend and backend Softr for the frontend and backend Correct! Softr for the frontend and Airtable for the backend Airtable for the frontend and Softr for the backend

Softr for the frontend and Airtable for the backend

Three frameworks to identify potential automation are: Tasks involving data, processing, and systems Correct! Tasks involving data handling, repetition, and where human error is possible Tasks involving handling materials, recording data, and where error rates are low

Tasks involving data handling, repetition, and where human error is possible

It is possible to build mobile apps with low-code. Correct! True False


No-code is a way of both building on the internet and automating processes, without writing lines of code. True False


Process Diagrams, like the ones that we discussed in class, can be drawn using specific flow chart symbols and connectors, or illustrative pictures and arrows. Process Diagrams can be drawn for a "macro" (big picture, company-wide) process, or "micro" (departmental, individual) process, and can often entail a summary diagram that encompasses numerous detailed diagrams. It is important that they are accurate enough for a system to be built correctly in support of the process. Correct! True False


session 17

Twilio: Overview: Cloud Communication Platforms (per G2; note: limited reviews) SMS Voice Email Video Call Center & Automation Chat (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc) Twilio demo topics: Products & Pricing Register / Login Console Learn & Build content Credentials (Account SID & Auth Token) Twilio advanced topics: Account General Settings Billing Overview Phone Numbers Example: SMS notification when spreadsheet row is created

In order to receive a web address (aka. domain name), Typeform calls this field type ______ and Airtable calls this field type ________. Website URL, Website Correct! Website, URL URL

Website, URL

Airtable provides what primary components? Folders, Databases, Tables (Columns, Rows) Workspaces, Windows, Tables (Records, Rows) Correct! Workspaces, Bases, Tables (Columns, Rows) Workspaces, Typeforms, Tables (Columns, Rows)

Workspaces, Bases, Tables (Columns, Rows)

Do I consider it a best practice to make webform questions required? No, never Correct! Yes, for fields that constitute a useful submission Yes, for numeric fields Yes, always

Yes, for fields that constitute a useful submission

Session 13

Zapier: Overview: Cloud Integration - per G2, "Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)" Market Positioning SMB to Mid-Market... to Enterprise? Great stepping stone into more complex Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tooling API Integration Application Programming Interface (API) Inputs, Processing, Outputs Inputs (published), Processing (hidden), Outputs (published) Dashboard My Apps Zaps Zap History

session 20

Zaps (1 of 3) reate Request Record Trigger: TypeForm submission Action: Create AirTable Record DO NOT FIND/UPDATE record unless you are using premium and are able to update the record dynamically If you do not create a new record/properly update the record, the automated system will not recognize any changes (I.e. Zapier will not update the record in AirTable and just "throw away" the submission) Zaps (2 of 3) Receive Call from Order Mgmt System Trigger: New Call in Twilio (from OrderMgmtSystem) Action: Send Zapier Email (to Customer) Critical: Your email must contain... {ZAP_2} (that exact phrase) {CustomerID:YOUR_CUSTOMERID} (put the CustomerID you received here); (Do not put a space between "CustomerID:" and your CustomerID) Hardcode Value: [email protected] Zaps (3 of 3) Receive SMS from Order Mgmt System (Tracking Code) Trigger: New SMS in Twilio (from OrderMgmtSystem) Action: Send Zapier Email (to Customer) Hardcode Value: [email protected] Zaps (4 of 3... challenge) end Email Confirmation Card: 16 Trigger: TypeForm submission Action: Send Automated Email (to Customer) Should contain same data as your confirmation page in Typeform Can be sent via Typeform (if paid) or Zapier Zaps (confirming): How do you know if you did it correctly? You will receive 3 emails to your Student Email 1. Initial notification that Order was received in Zapier 2. Call Received Notification 3. Email Received Notification If you send more than 2 submissions within 1 hour, Zapier will throttle the notification system and students will not receive any emails during that hour period (I have no control over this... this is pure Zapier throttling for Anti-Spam). Really it can send 10 emails to 1 email every hour, but since the notification system sends 3 for a full submission, it uses 9 just for 2 submissions. How do you troubleshoot if any of the above are giving errors? Ensure you verified the Customer Phone Number in Twilio Ensure you set the Call Status URL for their Twilio Number (provided by Zapier in Receive Call & SMS step) Ensure you provided the correct Twilio Phone number in your Canvas submission Ensure you are using the correct Customer ID associated to you only (even if testing) If not hardcoding Customer Phone Number & Email, make sure you are using the correct info when you submit their TypeForm

A typical tech stack for low-code will often include: a container element; a content element; a control element Correct! a visualization layer; a communication layer; a data layer a web element; a CMS element; a server element a UI layer; a paid layer; an open-source layer

a visualization layer; a communication layer; a data layer

Makerpad refers two primary areas of no-code: "applications" and "products" Correct! "automation" and "product building" "application building" and "product automation" "builds" and "products"

automation" and "product building"

In the video "The First Principles Method Explained by Elon Musk", he describes the approach as a way of... All of these answers You Answered reasoning by analogy Correct Answer boiling things down to the most fundamental truths immediately seeking feedback from industry experts

boiling things down to the most fundamental truths

It is a best practice to specify Max Characters for certain fields because... there are no valid reasons to capture more than 50 characters in a text field users are only willing to enter 255 characters, similar to a tweet Typeform charges based on the number of characters that users enter Correct! downstream systems may have limitations, and data can be truncated (lost) if a character limit is not specified

downstream systems may have limitations, and data can be truncated (lost) if a character limit is not specified

Resiliency is... Correct! the ability to adapt to difficulties or change, whether external or internal, and planned or unplanned (aka. elasticity) the ability to increase capacity (volume of processing) and throughput (speed of transfer) in a negligible amount of time the ability to adapt, increase capacity, and be extended (aka. elasticity) the ability for your systems to be extended in order to adapt to new business or technology requirements

he ability to adapt to difficulties or change, whether external or internal, and planned or unplanned (aka. elasticity)

Which of these statements is most true about WordPress...? Correct! it launched in 2003 and has >40% market share it launched in 2013 and has >80% market share it launched in 1993 and has >60% market share

it launched in 2003 and has >40% market share

According to my Evolution of Software Architecture slide and discussion, this is the correct historical order: mainframe, client, server, no tier You Answered 1-box, 2-box, 3-box, N-box Mainframe, Microsoft, Java, HTML Correct Answer monolith; distributed computing; N tier; modern web

monolith; distributed computing; N tier; modern web

Order these Agile frameworks from largest to smallest... Epic, Initiative, Story/Task, Subtask Story, Task, Subtask, Epic, Initiative Subtask, Task, Story, Epic, Initiative Correct! Initiative, Epic, Story/Task, Subtask

nitiative, Epic, Story/Task, Subtask

In the Skuid case study about AMD, the team's primary drivers were: a lack of technical knowledge and misalignment to develop those skills very limited budget or CRM experience to minimize scope because they were not expecting much revenue growth Correct! significant customization needs, and traditional coding was not feasible within their aggressive timeline

significant customization needs, and traditional coding was not feasible within their aggressive timeline

In the GolfNow video, they used Skuid to: enable golf professionals hit the ball further and to make longer puts Correct! simplify how their Support team manages their case load and enhance their Customer's experience migrate from Salesforce to another leading CRM solution

simplify how their Support team manages their case load and enhance their Customer's experience

According to the ketchup example in the video assigned, User Interfaceis: Correct! the method or means by which a user interacts with a product or application a way for systems to be easily integrated the experience of using the product or application

the method or means by which a user interacts with a product or application

In the Makerpad article "How Backed VC's Head of Networks built a no-code app to leverage the community", Daisy Onobogu suggests starting with an "___________" of what you want to build. This quote exemplifies the rationale for prototyping & iterating. pretty version optimized version broken version Correct! ugly version

ugly version

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