Lower Appendicular

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iliotibial tract

NOT a muscle -band of dense tissue extending from the gluteus Maximus and tensor fasciae late to the tibia

prepatellar bursa (knee joint ligament)

NOT ligament -bursa sac lies anterior to patella to prevent abrasion from the skin when the lower leg is in a flexed position

medial and lateral menisci (knee joint ligament)

NOT ligaments -pads of cartilage tissue between the femoral condyles and the tibial faucets on the superior part of the tibia

greater sciatic notch

a HUGE notch on the posterior side of the os coxa and inferior to the posterior inferior iliac spine

ischial spine

a pointy projection inferior to the distal aspect of the greater sciatic notch


belly of the leg (bulge on posterior lower leg)

hamstring muscle

biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

tibial tuberosity (tibia)

bulge just few centimeters inferior to the patella on the anterior side -located proximally on the tibia

lateral malleolus (fibula)

bulge of distal, lateral end of fibula -located lateral to ankle bones

medial malleolus (tibia)

bulge on distal, medial end of the tibia -located medial to ankle bones

lateral epicondyle (femur)

bulge that is lateral to the lateral condyle

medial epicondyle (femur)

bulge that is medial to the medial condyle

the gastrocnemius muscle inserts on the calcaneus via the ______ tendon



comes from Latin sartorial, which means "tailor"

ankle and foot region

consists of seven tarsal bones, five metatarsals, and five digits


covering a large area

soleus (posterior tibia/fibula muscles)

deep to gastrocnemius

semimembranosus (anterior femoral muscle)

deep to the semitendinosus

intercondylar fossa (femur)

depression between the medial and lateral condyles -LOCATION FOR THE ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENTS (ACL, PCL)

fovea (femur)

depression in the center of the head of the femur


distal, rounded, roughened posterior portion of the os coxa -you sit on this portion

intercondylar tubercles (tibia)

each individual bump that comprises the intercondylar eminence -left and right intercondylar tubercle

leg region (crus or crural)

entire lower leg region -consists of parallel bones (tibia/fibula)

pubofemoral ligament (hip joint ligament)

extends from greater trochanter area (on the posterior side) to the pubis region (anterior side)

iliofemoral ligament (hip joint ligament)

extends from proximal femur to the acetabulum

ischiofemoral ligament (hip joint ligament)

extends from the greater trochanter area to the ischium

anterior cruciate ligament ACL (knee joint ligament)

extends from the intercondylar eminence of the tibia to the lateral side of the intercondylar fossa

posterior cruciate ligament PCL (knee joint ligament)

extends from the interocondylar eminence of the tibia to the medial side of the intercondylar fossa

tibialis anterior (anterior tibia/fibula muscles)

extends from the knee to the foot mostly on the lateral side of tibia INSERTION: crosses medially to insert on hallux

fibular collateral ligament (knee joint ligament)

extends from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula -formerly known as the lateral collateral ligament (LCL)

tibial collateral ligament (knee joint ligament)

extends from the medial epicondyle of the femur to the medial, proximal edge of the tibia -formerly known as the medial collateral ligament (MCL)

patellar ligament (knee joint ligament)

extends from the rectus femoris tendon over the patella to the tibial tuberosity of the tibia

the most active muscle?

eye muscles

Which is larger; the pelvic arch of a female pelvis or the pelvic arch of the male pelvis?


The _____ is the lateral bone and the ______ is the medial bone in the crural region

fibula, tibia

The tendon of what muscle loops around the lateral malleolus

fibularis longus

base (patella)

flat in appearance -superior portion of patella


flat muscle, latin for sandal

There are lots of ligaments holding the femur to the acetabulum. One of the many ligaments extends from the ____________ (fossa located in the center of the head of the femur) to the inner lining of the acetabulum

fovea capitis

Ligaments have to have a projection or a bulge to attach to. What is the name of the bony projections on the superior portion of the tibia that the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments attach to?

intercondylar eminence

Identify the fossa between the medial and lateral condyles of the femur

intercondylar fossa

What is the name of the ridge on the posterior side of the femur that splits at the distal end to form the medial and lateral supracondylar lines?

intertrochanteric crest

What part of the os coxa do you sit on?


Muscles have to attach to ridges or bulges or roughened areas for firm attachment. What is the name, of the ridge located between the two trochanters located at the proximal, anterior end of the femur?

intertrochanteric line


large muscle

gluteus maximus (gluteal muscles)

largest and most superficial of the all gluteal muscles ORGIN: iliac crest and sacrum INSERTION: iliotibial tract

tensor fasciae latae (gluteal muscle)

lateral femoral muscle but considered to be one of the gluteal muscles

The fibularis tongues has a tendon that loops around the _______ and extends to the little toe

lateral malleolus

abductor digiti minimi (foot muscles)

lateral to the flexor digitorum brevis

cuboid (ankle)

lateral to the lateral cuneiform

extensor digitorum longus (anterior tibia/fibula muscles)

lateral to tibialis anterior, still mostly on anterior

what are the hamstring muscles?

lateral: biceps femoris medial: semtendinosus deep: semimembranosus

What leg bone has the lateral malleolus and what leg bone has the medial malleolus?

lateral: fibula medial: tibia

what are the quadricep muscles?

lateral: vastus lateralis medial: vastus medialis between medial and lateral: rectus femoris deep: vastus intermedius

vastus lateralis (groin region, medial femoral muscles)

lies deep to the iliotibial tract

tibialis posterior (medial tibia/fibula muscles)

lies immediately on the posterior surface of tibia INSERTION: inserts on cuneiforms and navicular

ligamentum teres (hip joint ligament)

ligament of the head of the femur -extends from fovea wapitis to the inner lining of the acetabulum

vastus intermedius (anterior femoral muscle)

located deep to the rectus femoris and is between the vests medals and the vests lateralis

flexor digitorum brevis (foot muscles)

located in the center of the sole of the foot -has 4 tendons that insert on digits, II, III, IV , V

rectus femoris (anterior femoral muscle)

located in the middle of the femoral region and inserts on the tibial tuberosity ORGIN: anterior inferior iliac spine INSERTION: tibial tuberosity

vastus lateralis (anterior femoral muscle)

located lateral to the rectus femoris

vastus medialis (anterior femoral muscle)

located medial to the rectus femoris

The abductor ________ is anterior to the gracilis and the abductor _______ is posterior to the gracilis

longus, magnus

strongest muscle based on weight?



means "slender"

Which lower leg bone is associated with the following structures; medial malleolus, lateral malleolus

medial malleolus: tibia lateral malleolus: fibula

abductor hallucis (foot muscles)

medial to the flexor digitorum brevis

semitendinosus (anterior femoral muscle)

medial to the long head of biceps femoris


most anterior portion of os coxa -left and right pubis bones are "connected" together anteriorly

fibularis longus (lateral tibia/fibula muscles)

most lateral muscle of crural region INSERTION: metatarsal I and medial cuneiform

gracilis (groin region, medial femoral muscles)

most medial muscle of the thigh ORGIN: pubis region INSERTION: medial tibia

calcaneus (ankle)

most posterior tarsal bone -heel bone

Gastrocnemius (posterior tibia/fibula muscles)

most superficial of sural muscles -two heads: lateral and medial which merge to form calcaneal tendon ORGIN: immediately superior to femoral condyles INSERTION: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon

talus (ankle)

most superior tarsal bone -tibia articulates with talus

intercondylar eminence (tibia)

pair of bumps on most superior aspect of tibia

patellar region

partially protects the knee joint

insertion on aspect of greater trochanter

piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus

apex (patella)

pointy area -inferior end of patella

The greater sciatic notch is mostly an anterior or posterior structure of the os coxa?


adductor magnus (groin region, medial femoral muscles)

posterior to the gracilis

head (fibula)

proximal end of the fibula -triangular shaped

pubis bones are joined together by what

pubic symphysis

inserts on intertrochanteric crest

quadratus femoris

Identify the following as either anterior or posterior muscles, quadriceps/hamstrings

quadriceps: anterior hamstrings: posterior

Identify the following as flexor or extensor muscles; quadriceps, hamstrings

quadriceps: extensor hamstrings: flexor

greater trochanter (femur)

rather large bulge lateral to the head of femur

muscles of quadriceps (anterior femoral muscle)

rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius


refers to hallux


ridge portion of the hip (os coxa) -articulates with the sacrum

anterior border (tibia)

ridge that runs down middle of anterior tibia

lateral condyle (femur)

rounded process located at the distal end of the femur on the lateral side -best seen on posterior view of femur

medial condyle (femur)

rounded process located at the distal end of the femur on the medial side -best seen on posterior view of femur

Name the long muscle that runs oblique across the anterior aspect of the femur


the semimembranosus is deep to which posterior thigh muscle?


lesser trochanter (femur)

small bulge inferior to the neck of the femur located mostly on medial aspect of femur

tensor fasciae latae (groin region, lateral femoral muscles)

small muscle on the lateral edge of the hip INSERTION: iliotibial tract

intertrochanteric line (femur)

small ridge extending from the greater trochanter to the lesser trochanter on the anterior side

intertrochanteric crest (femur)

small ridge extending from the greater trochanter to the lesser trochanter on the posterior side

Identify the muscle that is deep to the gastrocnemius


muscle that can pull with the greatest force?




anterior inferior iliac spine

subtle bump on anterior edge of iliac crest inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine

anterior superior iliac spine

subtle bump on the anterior edge of iliac crest

posterior superior iliac spine

subtle bump on the posterior edge of the iliac crest

posterior inferior iliac spine

subtle bump on the posterior edge of the iliac crest inferior to the posterior superior iliac spine

lateral supracondylar line

subtle ridge extending from distal end of the lineament aspera and angles laterally

medial supracondylar line

subtle ridge extending from the distal end of the lineament aspera and angles medially

linea aspera (femur)

subtle ridge extending from the lesser trochanteric down the center of the posterior femur

flexor hallucis longus (medial tibia/fibula muscles)

superficial to flexor digitorum longus INSERTION: distal phalanx of digit I

Flexor digitorum longus (medial tibia/fibula muscles)

superficial to tibialis posterior INSERTION: distal phalange of the four lateral toes

iliac crest

superior rim of the ilium

Identify the tarsal that articulates with the tibia


The distal end of the tibia articulates with which tarsal?


obturator foramen

the huge hole immediately inferior to the acetabulum

head (femur)

the rounded portion at the proximal end of femur -articulates with acetabular fossa -faces medially

most flexible muscle?

the tongue

gluteal region

this is the region between the torso and the lower limbs -consists of the ox coxa

sartorius (anterior femoral muscle)

this muscle extends obliquely from the lateral hip area to the medial side of the patella region and tibia ORGIN: anterior superior iliac spine INSERTION: medial tibia near the tibial tuberosity -LONGEST muscle of the body

Muscles have to attach to ridges or bulges or roughened areas for firm attachment. What is the name ofthe bulge located at the proximal, anterior end of the tibia?

tibial tuberosity

biceps femoris (posterior femoral muscles)

two muscles make up the biceps femoris -long head: lateral posterior thigh muscle -short head: deep to the long head ORGIN: ischial tuberosity INSERTION: head of fibula

Each os coxa is made by the fusion of how many bones?


Acetabulum (acetabular fossa)

HUGE fossa on lateral side of os coxa -socket for ball-and-socket joint of the leg -this fossa faces laterally

Identify the fossa the head of the femur articulates with


The head of the femur articulates with what structure of the os coxa?


which of the following muscles is nearest the proximal portion of the gracilis muscle?

adductor longus

Which of the following is anterior to the gracilis muscle and which one is posterior? adductor longus, adductor magnus

adductor longus: anterior adductor Magnus: posterior

Identify the bulge located at the anterior, superior edge of the iliac crest

anterior superior iliac spine

medial cuneiform (ankle)

anterior to navicular

navicular (ankle)

anterior to talus

pectineus (groin region, medial femoral muscles)

anterior to the adductor longus

adductor longus (groin region, medial femoral muscles)

anterior to the gracilis

lateral cuneiform (ankle)

anterior to the navicular and lateral to intermediate cuneiform

intermediate cuneiform (ankle)

anterior to the navicular and lateral to the medial cunieform

iliopsoas (groin region, medial femoral muscles)

anterior to the pectineus, medial to the proximal portion of the sartorius

neck (femur)

area between the head of the femur and the greater trochanter

Identify the most medial muscle of the thigh


What muscle term means "slender"


Identify the large, lateral bulge located at the proximal end of the femur

greater trochanter

The lateral rotator muscles insert on which major bony structure of the femur?

greater trochanter


group of four muscles on the anterior thigh

lateral rotator

group of muscles located in the gluteal region


group of three muscles on the posterior thigh

hardest working muscle?

heart muscle

Which of the following muscles is nearest the proximal portion of the sartorius muscle


gluteus medius (gluteal muscle)

immediately deep and a bit anterior to the gluteus maximus ORGIN: anterior superior iliac spine INSERTION: greater trochanter

gluteus minimus (gluteal muscle)

immediately deep to the gluteus medius ORGIN: lateral surface of ilium INSERTION: greater trochanter

piriformis (lateral rotator muscles)

inferior to the gluteus minimus

quadratus femoris (lateral rotator muscles)

inferior to the inferior gemellus

inferior gemellus (lateral rotator muscles)

inferior to the obturator internus

superior gemellus (lateral rotator muscles)

inferior to the piriformis

obturator internus (lateral rotator muscles)

inferior to the superior gemellus

femoral region

upper leg region -articulates with the os coxa -consists of femur

The iliotibial band actually lies on the surface of which of the quadriceps muscles?

vastus lateralis

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