Lynx Vocabulary Week #27

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simil, simul

these are two root words meaning "like or resembling"

viv, vivi

these are two root words that both mean "alive or life"

ven, vent

these are two root words that both mean "an opening" or "to come"

tang, tact

these are two root words that both mean "touch"

ann, enn

these are two root words that both mean "yearly"

vid, vis

these are two root words that mean "see"

mit, miss

these are two root words that mean "send"

ver, veri

these are two roots that mean "true or genuine"

dic, dict, dit

these three root words mean "say or declare"


this is a VERB that means "to say something unproven or something without any facts to verify it"


this is a root word meaning "do"


this is a root word meaning "feeling or suffering"


this is a root word meaning "go, yield, surrender"


this is a root word meaning "pay & bestow"


this is a root word meaning "save or keep"


this is a root word meaning "shape or form"


this is a root word meaning "soul, spirit, mind"


this is a root word that means "far or distant"


this is a root word that means "hang"


this is a root word that means "life"


this is a root word that means "one hundred"


this is a root word that means "power"


this is a root word that means "to leave one place and wander to another"


this is a root word that means "to remember"


this is a root word that means "water"


this is a root word that means skin


this root word means "breath"


this word can be an ADJECTIVE, NOUN, OR VERB and means "not containing anything, empty" (adj) or "a large empty space" (n) or "to make invalid or say that something is no longer in effect" (v)


this word can be an ADJECTIVE, VERB, OR NOUN depending on how it is used; it means "fake or made in imitation" or "to produce a fake version of something" or "something that is made to look like an exact copy of something else in order to trick people"


this word can either be an ADJECTIVE or an ADVERB and means "without taking time to think about your actions" or "without delay; hastily" or "undertaken quickly or suddenly"


this word is a NOUN that means "a change that results when something is done or happens" or "a particular feeling or mood created by something" or "an image or sound that is created in television, radio, or movies to imitate something real" or "the state of something that is actually working or operating"


this word is a NOUN that means "a formal speech" or "a public speech characterized by a studied or elevated style, diction, or delivery" or "a public speech delivered on a special occasion"


this word is a NOUN that means "a particular occupation, business, or profession" or "a strong desire to spend your life doing a certain kind of work" or "the work that a person does or should be doing"


this word is a NOUN that means "an event or occurrence" or "an unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens"


this word is a NOUN that means "extreme anger" or "strong, stern, or fierce anger" or "vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger"


this word is a NOUN that means "respect or honor" or "something that is done to honor someone or something"; you would usually "pay homage" to someone


this word is a NOUN that means "the act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something that hurt you or someone else"


this word is a NOUN that means "the feeling of not having much emotion or interest" or "absence of passion, emotion, or excitement" or "lack of interest in or concern for things"


this word is a NOUN that means "the first time an actor, musician, athlete, etc., does something in public or for the first time" or "a first public appearance"


this word is a VERB that means "to become stronger or more extreme" or "to become more intense" or "to make stronger or more extreme"


this word is a VERB that means "to beg for something" or "to ask in a serious and emotional way to do something"


this word is a VERB that means "to cause (a person or group of people) to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage" or "to discourage"


this word is a VERB that means "to cause (curiosity or interest)" or "to make (someone) annoyed or angry"


this word is a VERB that means "to cause (someone or something) to receive or take in a large amount of things at the same time" or "to overwhelm" or "to flood"


this word is a VERB that means "to cause (someone) to feel hostile or angry" or "to irritate or upset"


this word is a VERB that means "to confuse (someone) very much" or "to puzzle completely" or "to perplex"


this word is a VERB that means "to enjoy something in a way that shows you are excited about it: such as to read something quickly and with much enthusiasm" or "to look at something with much enjoyment" or "to destroy completely"


this word is a VERB that means "to give (something) as a gift or honor"


this word is a VERB that means "to give money or support to" or "to talk to someone in a way that shows that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people" or "to be a frequent or regular customer or user of"


this word is a VERB that means "to help (something or someone) to grow, develop, or succeed" or "to take care of (someone or something) by providing food, protection, a place to live, etc." or "to hold (something, such as an idea or a strong feeling) in your mind for a long time"


this word is a VERB that means "to make a very serious or emotional request" or "to ask or beg for (something) in a very serious or emotional way"


this word is a VERB that means "to produce an effect on" like "to act on and cause change" or "to cause strong emotions in"


this word is a VERB that means "to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence" or "to destroy completely" or "to defeat completely"


this word is a VERB that means "to say something (especially something bad or insulting) in an indirect way" or "to suggest or hint slyly"


this word is a VERB that means "to settle an argument between two people or groups after hearing the opinions and ideas of both"


this word is a VERB that means "to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or something)" or "to hinder the progress or movement of something"


this word is a VERB that means "to take apart so that something is in separate pieces" or "to destroy in an orderly way: to gradually cause to come to an end" or "to disassemble or pull down"


this word is a VERB that means "to talk or argue with someone, especially in order to agree on a price" or "to dispute"


this word is a VERB that means "to treat very well" or "to give a lot of attention and care" or "to nurture"


this word is a VERB that means "to turn (your eyes, gaze, etc.) away or aside" or "to prevent from happening"


this word is a VERB that means "to want something very much" or "to desire wrongfully" or "to wish for, especially eagerly"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "able to move quickly, easily, or lightly" or "able to learn and understand things quickly or easily"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "accepted as true or correct by most people" or "conforming to beliefs, attitudes, or modes of conduct that are generally approved" or "customary or conventional" or "accepting and closely following the traditional beliefs and customs of a religion"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "easily taught, led, or controlled" or "easily managed or handled"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "failing to take proper or normal care of something or someone" or "lazily careless" or "guilty of neglecting duty"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "feeling or showing irritation" or "cross, querulous, or fretful" or "showing annoyance, irritation, or bad mood"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "generous and friendly to guests or visitors" or "having an environment where plants, animals, or people can live or grow easily" or "ready or willing to accept or consider something"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "hard to notice or see" or "not obvious"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "having or showing a desire to hurt someone who has hurt or caused problems for you" or "vengeful (wanting to get revenge)"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly" or "mentally sharp or clever"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "having very old-fashioned opinions, attitudes, etc." or "too plain or dull to be interesting" or "unpleasantly heavy and causing you to feel very full"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "important or interesting enough to be noticed" or "deserving attention"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "not able or willing to believe something" or "feeling or showing a lack of belief" or "skeptical"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "not having or showing complete trust in someone or something that could be dangerous or cause trouble" or "watchful; being on one's guard against danger"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "not hurt, harmed, or damaged"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "not important" or "of very little importance or value; insignificant" or "commonplace; ordinary"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "not knowing how to read or write" or "having or showing a lack of knowledge about a particular subject" or "having or demonstrating very little or no education"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "not named or identified" or "made or done by someone unknown" or "not distinct or noticeable"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "real or genuine" or "not copied" or "true and accurate" or "made to look just like an original"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "showing or causing unhappiness or sad feelings" or "not warm, cheerful" or "very bad or poor"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "someone or something that shows characteristics of a member of a group of people who move from place to place instead of living in one place all of the time"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "used to describe an angry or unhappy person who does not want to talk, smile, etc." or "gray and dark"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "usually done in a particular situation or at a particular place or time" or "usual or typical of a person"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "very dark or foggy", "not clear", "not clearly expressed or understood", or "involving dishonest or illegal activities that are not clearly known"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "very sad and without hope" or "feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "very upset" or "so upset that you are not able to think clearly or behave normally"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "very violent and cruel" or "very dangerous" or "having or showing very angry or cruel feelings"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "well-known for being bad" or "known for evil acts or crimes" or "causing people to think you are bad or evil"


this word is an ADJECTIVE that means "well-known or famous especially for something bad" or "widely and unfavorably known"


this word is an ADVERB that means "at exactly the same time" or "existing or occurring at the same time"


this word is either a NOUN or a VERB that means "a deep continuous sound (a hum)" (n) or "to make a continuous low sound" (v)

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