Malala Study Guide

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How did General Musharraf change things for women?

"abolished the law that stated that for a woman to prove she was raped, she had to produce four male witnesses. He appointed the first woman governor of the state bank and the first women airline pilots and coastguards. He even announced that he would have female guards at Jinnah's tomb."

How many people left SWAT?

0.9 million people. (I think half of the population)

When do you become an adult in Islam?



A bitter, ongoing quarrel or fight. People all around Pakistan do this.


A fundamentalist Islamic army

Where was Malala sent for treatment?

A hospital in Peshwar


A journey, usually long, and is often an act of religious promotion


A large, open porch. Where the women gathered at one of Malala's houses.


A two-wheeled passenger vehicle pulled by a person. How many people like Malala and her family used transportation.

Who are two important people that helped Malala's gather go to college?

Akbar Khan and Nasir Pacha. Without them, he wouldn't have been able to have that opportunity.

Why were Pakistani people mad about America killing Bin Laden?

America made Pakistan look foolish. Their military was embarrassed, and people now felt vulnerable from attacks. Bin Laden was under their security the whole time and America has found him.


An expert in Muslim religious law. Some tried to close Malala's school.


An expression of sympathy towards someone who is experiencing grief. People offered this to relatives of someone who had recently died.

Who nominated Malala for the International Peace Prize of Kidsrights?

Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa

Benazir was shot


Where does Malala live now?

Birmingham, England

What were some of the effects from the flooding?

Bridges collapsed, schools destroyed and cancelled, money was lost, building destroyed, roads disappeared, and people died (2,000).


Convince not to do something. Malala father was dissuaded not to say the speech.


Deceptive or untrustworthy.


Deeply engrossed or absorbed. This is how Malala would listen.

What happened after the Red Mosque or Lal Masjid attack?

Fazlullah declared war on Pakistan. He announced this on Malala's birthday, and that's why she remembered it.


Feel sorrow or sympathy. Most people felt this when they had a daughter instead of a son.


Finely sharpened.


Fluent, expressive, and appropriate speech. Malala father longed to be this.

What did General Abbas do for Malala's family?

Gave them money to pay the teachers at her father's school. (1.1 million rupees)

Why did the Americans cut off the aid to Pakistan?

General Ziaul-Hag seized power and executed prime minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Why does the Mufti say Ziauddin is haram?

Girls are not supposed to attend school. They are too scared and should be in Purdah (separation.)

How was Sufi Mohammed's speech unexpected?

He did not ask the Taliban to lay down arms. Instead, he fueled the war.

How did Abdul Aziz escape the Red Mosque Madrasa?

He disguised in a burqa in a group of small girls. He did this to escape from persecution.

What was Ziauddin's role in SWAT Council of Elders?

He was the voice for the people outside of SWAT. Her father said," Any organization which works for peace, I will join."

What was good about Fazlullah (at first)?

He was wise. He taught people to stop smoking (for pollution) and doing drugs. He was doing this to get supportes

Who usually writes the speeches?

Her father, uncle, and teachers. It is part of their tradition.

Why does Malala think her father is generous?

Her grandfather was a very frugal man. He didn't want to treat Malala or anyone else the same that he had.

Why did Malala's father not like her name?

Her name meant grief-stricken. The first girl named Malala was killed in the 2nd Anglo-Saxon War.

How did Malala's mother deal with the stealing incident?

Hoped Malala would admit on her own. Took her to apologize.


Indecency or lewdness. People (such as Fazlullah) said the the earthquakes were caused by women's freedom and obscenity.

What does IDP mean?

Internally Displaced Persons

Why is Mohammed Ali Jinnah important?

Is the Founded of Pakistan.

What happened to Benazir's bus?

It blew up. Benazir, however, survived.

Why did Nawab Ali need the take a day off from school?

It was his village's turn to work on Fazlullah's buildings. This made Malala's father furious.

According to Fazlullah who caused the earthquakes?

Listening to music, watching movies, and dancing. Women were additionally being immoral.

What happened on the bus?

Malala and two other girls were shot on October 2, 2012.

Why does Malala value education so much? How would you feel if you were told tomorrow was the last day of school?

Malala feels that education is necessary for success in life, and that every child deserves it so that they can learn more about the world and what is around them, so that someday they themselves will be able to contribute to their society.

Write at least two complete sentences explaining the importance of the comment,"Malala is free as a bird."

Malala is being treated more like a boy. She will have choices and be able to get an education. Her father does not wish to lock her away in the house,

Why did Colonel Junaid decide to operate?

Malala's brain was swelling.

Why was everyone so afraid when Zahid Khan was shot?

Malala's father would be next.

Who was Malala's first competition in school?

Malka-e-Noor. After she beat Malala in the end of the year exams, Malala cried.


Muslim religious leader. Malala's grandfather was an imam at he local mosque.

Why was Malala upset on her 12th birthday?

No one remembered it.

What are examples of poverty in Malala's village?

No toys, cricket ball made of plastic bags, water carried by hand, makeshift hydro-electric projects, only a few concrete houses, and only one computer


Not wasteful. Pashtuns are like this.

When was she shot?

October 2, 2012. She was on a bus with her friends from school.

Who did the Taliban target after people returned to Swat?

Peace-builders and civilians (people who spoke out.)


Prevision of integrity.


Promising success. Malala was born at dawn as the last star blinked out. Pashtuns saw this as an auspicious sign.

What did the girls from the Red Mosque School do?

Raided houses, kidnapped women they said were prostitutes, trained girls to be suicide bombers, closed down DVD shops, and burned CDs and DVDs.

What is the Pashtunwali code?

Revenge for wrongs, an eye for an eye. "We neither forget nor forgive."

Where did Malala's family move?


What happened to Benazir Bhutto?

She almost died. She had gone downstairs to rest her feet right before the explosion.

Why did Malala give interviews?

She believed that the media needed them, and that she could make a big change being a small girl. Additionally, she thought that it would help change things for other girls.

What did Dr. Fiona do that was so unusual?

She comforted Malala and her family and told them what was going on. She explained what happened to her mother, who didn't speak English.

What was Ziauddin told about Malala's recovery?

She couldn't see.

Why was the Christian woman sentenced to death?

She didn't want to convert to Islam. She broke the blasphemy law. She spoke out.

What did Malala do when she returned from Islamabad?

She made sure her books were still there. But more importantly, she planted a mango seed.

Why was Malala excited for Benazir to return?

She was Malala's female role model and could be a good leader. She sent a hope of hope and strength to the rest of the world.

What happened to Shabana?

She was killed by the Taliban for dancing. They killed her in Jan. 2009.

Why do you think that they wanted to keep the diary writing a secret?

So that Malala would be safe. She wouldn't be in the open.

Why did the British doctors want Malala moved?

So that she could have the best intensive care,

What are the two groups of Muslims?

Sunnis and Shias "we share the same fundamental beliefs and the same Holy Quran, but we disagree over who was the right person to lead our religion when the Prophet, PBUH, died in the seventh century."

Who lived at the school while Malala's family was away?

Taliban Soldiers

How old was Malala when the Taliban came to the valley?


What did the flyers/posters say about Malala's school?

That it was a center of vulgarity and obscenity. These posters were telling people that the school was preaching secularism.

Where were Malala's diary entries published?

The BBC Urdu Website. This helped spread her message.

Who is Rehanna?

The Muslim chaplain

Why was the security so strict at the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology?

The Taliban had proved that it could get past good security.

Why did Malala's family move the TV into the closet?

The Taliban were taking and burning people's tvs. The Mullah said that they were evil.

Why didn't people in Malala's community want girls?

The boys could provide for their family.

How did Malala survive?

The bullet did not pass right through her brain.

How do the siege at the Red Mosque end?

The commander of the special forces was killed by a sniper in one of the minarets. The military finally lost patience and stormed the compound.

What was the compromise the keep the elders happy?

The girls would enter through a different hate so the men couldn't see them.

Why did it take so long for Malala's parent to get to Birmingham?

The interior minister wanted to go with them and interview them and held them back.

According to the book, what happened to the money the U.S. Gave Pakistan to help the campaign against Al Quaeda?

The money did not go to the people. Instead Musharraf built a mansion and bought an apartment in London.

Who flew Malala to England?

The ruling family of the UAE.

Who did Malala want to help with the magical pencil?

The scavenger children in the rubbish mountain.

Why were people dying of cholera?

There was no clean water. This disease was spreading throughout the valley.

Why did Malala stop writing her blog?

There was nothing to write about.

Why did Malala's mother want the grandmother to pray?

They believed that Allah listened more closely to the white-haired.

What happened to the pet chickens?

They died of starvation.

Why do you think the hospital needed someone from Malala's family o get blood from the blood bank?

They may not trust anyone.

Why did the Taliban say they shot Malala?

They said she idolized Obama and preached secularism.

How did the JUD (Jamaat-ul-Dawa) help after the earthquake?

They set up a field hospital with doctors, pharmacy, and surgeons. They took medical supplies to remote villages, cleared, and rebuilt villages. They also led prayers and helped bury the dead.

According to the book, what did Pakistan think about Raymond Davis?

They shot and killed him. They thought that he was a CIA spy.

How did Malala's family life change because of the threat of the Taliban?

They were now in more danger. As a result of this, they had to look out for any suspicion, especially for their dad. He had to sleep at others houses and kept a ladder against the house so that he could escape easily.

How long had Malala's family been away from SWAT in Shangla?

Three months


To be an omen of.

What decision did Malala make?

To become a politician.


To bring about an agreement as an intermediary between parties by compromise, reconciliation, removal of misunderstanding, etc.

What did the village women want?

To know if their husbands were alive.

Why did the doctor put a piece of Malala's skull in her abdomen?

To preserve it.

Why was Malala's mother going to Miss Ulfat?

To read and learn

Why do you think Ziauddin gave away so many free spaces at school?

To repay kindness he had received, to help others and to help the country.

What news did Shehla Anjum bring to Malala's family?

Told Malala's family that Malala was targeted by the Taliban. The Taliban issued a threat about how she should be killed.


Toneful, sweet sounding music. Malala's father read in a melodious voice,

What did Benazir Bhutto send to Malala?

Two of her mother's shaws.

What does the game wedding tell you about Malala's culture?

Weddings are important, girls are unsure, but excited, girls are decorated for weddings. The most important thing in the game was the jewelry.

Why didn't the police do more to track down the Taliban members that were targeting civilians?

Were either too afraid or bribed.

What were Malala's first questions?

Where is my father? Who is going to pay for this? Where am I?

Where did Malala's mother live after she was married?

With the grandfather and uncle. Her father returned from the village every two or three weeks to see her.

How did life change for females?

Women were obtaining less rights. Some examples were not being able to go shopping and having to have their heads covered. No school, going to the movies, and shops.

Do you think that Malala was inspired by Anne Frrank?

Yes. Anne Frank was very inspiring and like Malala in a way despite their setting in the world.

What was Malala's father's name?


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