MAN4120 Midterm exam

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What does a leader demonstrate at the postconventional level of moral leadership.

A commitment to serving others and a higher cause.

Fear based organizations. (153/154)

A fear-based organization loses its best people, and the knowledge they take with them, to other firms. Those that stay with the organization don't preform up to their real capabilities.

The great man approach. (36)

A leadership perspective that sought to identify the inherited (born with) traits leaders possessed that distinguished them from people who were not leaders.

What is strength? (41)

A natural talent or ability that has been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills.

Emotional intelligence. (146)

A persons ability to perceive, identify, understand, and successfully manage emotions in self and others.

Personal characteristics of followers. (79)

Ability, skills, needs, and motivations.

People oriented behaviors. (51)

Acknowledge accomplishments, respect people, be positive, give time and encouragement, show acceptance and compassion, and display trust.

Organizational leadership is both what and what? (100)

An individual and an organizational phenomenon.

Right brain hemisphere. (117)

Associated with creative, intuitive, values-based thought process. Controls movement on the left side of the body.

left brain hemisphere. (117)

Associated with logical, analytical thinking, and a linear approach to problem solving. Controls movement on the right side of the body.

Why do the relationship oriented leaders perform better? (76)

Because human relations skills are important in achieving high group performance.

Factors of the new paradigm leader. (8)

Change manager, facilitator, collaborator, diversity promoter, and humble.

What do leaders demonstrate? (167)

Confidence and commitment in what they believe and what they do. A deep devotion to a cause or a purpose larger than one's self sparks the courage to act.

The art of fellowship. (196)

Considering leadership the sole basis for success of the organization is a flawed assumption, and it limits the opportunity for people throughout the organization to accept responsibility and make active, valuable contributions.

What does leadership maintain a degree of? (17)

Creates change, often radical change, within a "culture of agility and integrity" that helps the organization thrive over the long haul by promoting openness and honesty, positive relationships, and long term innovation.

How can a follower build a relationship with his leader? (206)

Effective followers work toward an authentic relationship with their leaders, which includes developing trust and speaking honestly on the basis of that trust.

Leadership personal qualities. (14) Not needed.

Emotional connections (heart), open mind (mindfulness), listening (communication), nonconformity (courage), and insight into self (character).

Management personal qualities. (14)

Emotional distance, expert mind, talking, conformity, and insight to organization.

When are personal values established and do they change? (110)

Established by early childhood and can change throughout life.

Influence theories. (18)

Examine influence processes between leaders and followers. One primary topic is charismatic leadership. Leaders influence people to change by providing an inspiring vision of the future and shaping the culture and values needed to attain it.

How does a leader use anger and how can it help? (186)

Fear helps to fuel commitment and produces courage. Also helps one forget about fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, and fear that others wont like you.

Peers and subordinates with lax ethical standards. (171)

Feel free to act as they choose.

How can a follower help a leader to become a better leader? (206)

Followers can compliment the leader for behavior that followers appreciate, such as listening, rewarding followers' contributions, and sharing credit for accomplishments. Followers can also provide enthusiastic support for the leader.

Relational theories. (18)

How leaders and followers interact and influence one another. Interpersonal relationships are seen as the most important facet of leadership effectiveness.

What do different personality types do to the life of a leader? (122)

Interesting and sometimes exasperating. Lead to stress, conflict, and negative feelings.

Makeup of an unethical leader. (170)

Is arrogant and self serving, excessively promotes self-interest, practices deception, breaches agreements, deals unfairly, shifts blame to others, diminishes others dignity, neglects follower development, withholds help and support, lacks courage to confront unjust acts.


Is the tendency to assign an individual to a group or broad category (female, black, elderly, male, white or disabled) and then attribute widely held generalizations about the group to the individual.

Leaders relying on negative emotions. (154)

Leaders can rely on negative emotions such as fear to fuel productive work, but by doing so they may slowly destroy people's spirits, which ultimately is bad for employees and the organization.

Individualized leadership. (52)

Looks at the specific relationship between a leader and each individual follower. A unique relationship with each subordinate or group member.

How does a leader provide feedback? (213)

MAKE FEEDBACK TIMELY, focus on the performance, not the person, make feedback specific, focus on the desired future, not the past.

Halo effect

Occurs when a receiver develops an overall impression of a person or situation based on one characteristic, either favorable or unfavorable.

What are the assumptions of theory X? (113)

People are basically lazy and not motivated to work and that they have a natural tendency to avoid responsibility. Dislikes work and will avoid it. Must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment. Prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has little ambition, and wants security above all.

What can contribute to ethical lapses? (168)

Pressures to cut costs, increase profits, please stockholders, meet the demands of vendors or business partners, and look successful.

What is the directing style of leadership? (69)

Reflects high concern for tasks and a low concern for people and relationships. Authoritative leader provides detailed goals and instructions, closely monitors operations and performance. Use this style when followers have low readiness, low ability, and lack confidence.

What is effective feedback? (214)

SPECIFIC! It describes the precise behavior and it's consequences and explains why the leader either approves of the behavior or thinks there is need for improvement.

What are the contingencies most important to leadership? (66)

Situation; task, structure, systems, environment and followers; needs, maturity, training, cohesion.

What are the substitutes for task-oriented leadership style? (89)

Skills, training, experience, and professionalism. Group cohesiveness, formalization, highly structured task, automatic feedback, professionalism, training, and experience.

Postconventional level of moral leadership. (174)

Sometimes called the principled level. Leaders are guided by an internalized set of principles universally recognized as right. May disobey rules or laws that violate their principles.

What does management contain a degree of? (17)

Stability, predictability, and order through a "culture of agility and efficiency."

Factors or the old paradigm leader. (8) Not needed.

Stabilizer, controller, competitor, diversity avoider, and hero.

What makes up an entrepreneurial leader. (55)

Strong drive, enthusiasm, future vision, persistence, action oriented, drawn to new opportunities, innovative, creative, create new processes, do not maintain the status quo, self-motivated, and are willing to stretch themselves and take risks for improvement.

What do people with high internal locus of control do? (108)

Take responsibility for outcomes and changes.


Temporary ideas rather than fixed truths. The more a leader is aware, the more he or she understands how assumptions guide behavior and decisions. Questioning assumptions can help leaders understand and shift their mental models.

Self awareness. (150)

The ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and how they affect your life and work.

What do work group characteristics consist of? (80)

The educational level of subordinates and the quality of relationships among them.

Bringing love to work. (156)

The emotion that attracts people to the risks, learn, grow, and move the organization forward comes from love, not fear. love is more than a feeling; to be a real force, it is translated into behavior.

What is courage? (180)

The mental and moral strength to engage in, persevere through, and withstand danger, difficulty, or fear.

Qualities for effective leadership. (6)

The qualities needed for effective leadership are the same as those needed to be an effective leader. Think for themselves, carry out assignments with energy and enthusiasm, committed to something outside their own self-interest, courage to stand up for what they believe.

Why do leaders learn to control their frustrations? (122)

To help keep different personality types focus on the goal and the tasks needed to reach it.

Self-management characteristics. (151)

Trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability, and the initiative to seize opportunities and achieve high internal standards.

Tactics for managing up. (205)

View the leader realistically, build a relationship, help the leader be a good leader, and BE A RESOURCE FOR THE LEADER. 1. determine the leader's needs, 2. zig where the leader zags, 3. tell the leader about you, 4. align self to team purpose/vision.

When should a follower take a stand? (209)

When a leaders actions and decisions contradict the best interests of the organization.

Pike syndrome. (142)

When people assume they have complete knowledge of a situation because of past experience.

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