MANA 5345 - Exam 1- Chapter 4

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75. Relationship behaviors include ______. A. consideration B. results orientation C. focus on workload D. production orientation

Ans: A

57. You tell your staff how and when to do their jobs. You are using ______. A. process behaviors B. task behaviors C. relationship behaviors D. directing behaviors

Ans: B

43. Paternalistic and maternalistic use both ______ and ______ but never combine the two. A. 1, 1 and 5, 5 B.5, 5 and 1, 9 C. 1, 9 and 9, 1 D. 1, 1 and 9, 9

Ans: C

53. The focus of behavioral approach is on ______. A. personality factors B. follower actions C. leader actions D. leader capabilities

Ans: C

3. Your boss at work is very direct. He manages you very closely, checks your work, yet he does not know your name even though you have worked there for 3 months. What numeric coordinates would you use to plot your boss's behavior on the Leadership Grid?

Ans: Students should give coordinates that indicate high concern for results and low concern for people (e.g., 9, 1 or 8, 2 or 7, 3).

True/False 8. The behavioral approach is used in many training and development programs.

Ans: T

1. Which of the styles on Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid has low concern for interpersonal relationships and high concern for task accomplishment? A. authority compliance B. country club C. impoverished D. middle of the road

Ans: A

12. Blake & Mouton indicated that opportunistic leaders have a ______ style that they typically use and a ______ style they use under pressure. A. dominant, back-up B. task, production C. authority, paternal D. relationship, maternal

Ans: A

16. Which study analyzed questionnaires taken by followers as they described their leader behaviors? A. Ohio State studies B. Michigan studies C. Blake and Mouton D. Stogdill and Zacaro

Ans: A

55. Researchers studying the behavioral approach determined that leadership is composed of two general kinds of behaviors: ______. A. directive and supportive B. task and relationship C. directive and authoritative D. supportive and authoritative

Ans: B

76. Task behaviors include ______. A. consideration B. initiating structure C. employee orientation D. trust building

Ans: B

48. Which scholar(s) explored leadership behavior on performance of small groups? A. Ohio State studies B. Stogdill C. University of Michigan studies D. Blake and Mouton

Ans: C

50. Which of the components on Blake & Mouton's Leadership Grid has medium concern for interpersonal relationships and task accomplishment? A. authority compliance B. country club C. impoverished D. middle of the road

Ans: D

71. Relationship behaviors ______. A. facilitate goal accomplishment B. focus on personal advantage for the leader C. help group members feel comfortable with one another D. involve the leader assigning tasks to favorite followers

Ans: C

77. Which of the following is a strength of the behavioral approach? A. it can accurately predict employee job satisfaction B. the universal style of team leadership is best C. the wide range of research on leadership behaviors gives it credibility D. the research supports that task and relationship behaviors lead to positive team outcomes

Ans: C

79. The LBDQ identified which core leadership behavior? A. team B. country club C. initiating structure D. opportunism

Ans: C

80. The leader of your club is a fun person. She sets up a great atmosphere at meetings and events, but your club never really gets any work done and accomplishes few of its stated goals. This leadership style can most accurately be plotted where on the Leadership Grid? A. 7, 2 B. 5, 4 C. 2, 8 D. 9, 9

Ans: C

2. Considering Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, what variable is along the x-axis?

Ans: Concern for results

10. A leader who is indifferent and apathetic is displaying ______. A. country club behaviors B. authority compliance behaviors C. middle-of-the road behaviors D. impoverished behaviors

Ans: D

13. A leader who makes priorities clear, stimulates participation, is open minded and enjoys working is displaying ______. A. country club behaviors B. authority compliance behaviors C. middle-of-the-road behaviors D. team behaviors

Ans: D

17. The University of Michigan studies explored how leadership functioned in ______. A. organizations B. follower interactions C. dyadic relationships D. small groups

Ans: D

38. You are required to report directly to your supervisor every morning. Upon arrival he gives you a large list of tasks to be completed by the end of the day; he states he will be checking in after lunch to see your progress. This is an example of ______. A. authority compliance management B. team management C. country-club management D. middle-of-the-road-management

Ans: A

47. Which scholar(s) developed the Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)? A. Ohio State studies B. Stogdill C. University of Michigan studies D. Blake and Mouton

Ans: A

60. I am able to identify task and relationship types of behaviors in my leader. I am applying the main focus of which leadership approach? A. behavioral B. skills C. trait D. path-goal

Ans: A

64. Behavioral approach contributes to leadership understanding by ______. A. expanding focus to what leaders do B. focusing in on leader characteristics C. expanding focus to who leaders are D. focusing on adaptive leadership

Ans: A

70. Blake and Mouton's research identified ______. A. how leaders combine concern for results and concern for people B. how task and relationship behaviors are part of one continuum C. how leader and follower behaviors are on two separate continua D. how opportunism as a behavior style focuses on followers roles

Ans: A

72. The central purpose(s) of the behavioral approach is ______. A. to describe how leaders combine two main types of behaviors B. to discover which personal qualities correlate to effective behaviors C. o assess how leader traits influence followers D. to explain leader competencies

Ans: A

74. The LBDQ used today was originally constructed from a ______. A. list of more than 1,800 items B. personality inventory C. a set of questions answered by small groups D. focus group data

Ans: A

8. A leader who makes sure the personal and social needs of followers are met is displaying ______. A. country club behaviors B. authority compliance behaviors C. middle-of-the-road behaviors D. team behaviors

Ans: A

14. Which point on the Leadership Grid is proven to consistently be the best form of leadership? A. authority compliance B. there is no best style C. middle-of-the-road D. team behaviors

Ans: B

2. Which of the styles on Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid has high concern for interpersonal relationships and low concern for task accomplishment? A. authority compliance B. country club C. impoverished D. middle of the road

Ans: B

29. Which scholar(s) created the Leadership Grid? A. Stogdill B. Blake and Mouton C. French and Raven D. Ohio State University researchers

Ans: B

34. The Ohio State studies identified the behaviors of consideration and initiating structure as ______. A. cause and effect B. distinct and independent C. high value and low value D. interdependent

Ans: B

20. Jamal enjoys interacting with the team members he supervises. He is employing ______. A. task behaviors B. process behaviors C. directing behaviors D. relationship behaviors

Ans: D

25. The behavioral approach explains ______. A. who leaders are B. what competencies leaders possess C. adjusting behavioral styles to fit employee needs D. describing leader behaviors

Ans: D

27. Your boss tries to create a positive work environment while also instructing employees about what tasks to do and when they should be completed. This is an example of ______. A. authority compliance leadership B. team leadership C. country club leadership D. middle-of-the road leadership

Ans: D

True/False 5. In the Leadership Grid, a person who uses but does not integrate the 1, 9 and 9, 1 behavioral styles of leadership could be called a "benevolent dictator."

Ans: T

5. I am the lead barista at a local coffee shop managing four staff. I chat often with the staff and enjoy joking with them but only after I have assigned the tasks and they have accomplished them. My behavior would plot on the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid at what point? A. 1, 9 B. 5, 5 C. 3, 8 D. 9, 1

Ans: B

62. I get involved with my team and create a positive environment while directing daily operations and keeping results of the team high. I am using ______. A. authority compliance leadership B. team leadership C. country club leadership D. middle of the road leadership

Ans: B

31. Sara is criticized for shifting her management style too much and is known as a leader who watches out for herself. She is a ______. A. 1, 9 leader B. 9, 1 leader C. opportunistic leader D. paternalistic leader

Ans: C

32. Which leadership style, according to Blake and Mouton, includes rewards and approval for people in return for their loyalty and obedience? A. middle-of-the-road B. opportunism C. paternalism/maternalism D. authority compliance

Ans: C

37. As Andrew's boss, you recently sent Andrew to a leadership training program because he is now in charge of a five-person team. Andrew returns from the training and tells you he wants to develop a Team Management style of behavior. Currently his behavior plots at 8, 3 on the Leadership Grid. What could you do to coach him effectively? A. tell him to keep doing what he's doing, he's already there B. coach him to put more emphasis on the team's productivity goals C. encourage him to host his subordinates at his house for dinner D. ask him to identify the best team members and reward their loyalty

Ans: C

52. The behavioral approach describes ______. A. what leaders do B. who leaders are C. skills leaders possess D. traits leaders display

Ans: A

51. Which of the components on Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid has high concern for both interpersonal relationships and task accomplishment? A. team B. country club C. impoverished D. middle of the road

Ans: A

18. Which research group labeled task behaviors "initiating structure"? A. Ohio State studies B. Michigan studies C. Blake and Mouton D. Stogdill and Zacaro

Ans: A

21. Larry dislikes giving instructions to employees. He is uncomfortable using ______. A. task behaviors B. process behaviors C. follower behaviors D. relationship behaviors

Ans: A

28. Paternalism/maternalism refers to a leader who ______. A. is a benevolent dictator B. is focused on selfish needs C. is noncommittal D. integrates task and relationship behaviors

Ans: A

39. The director of your department attends one weekly meeting. Other than that, the director is seldom at the office and rarely responds to e-mails when you send questions pertaining to the organization. This is an example of ______. A. authority compliance management B. impoverished management C. country-club management D. middle-of-the-road management

Ans: B

40. Each day of the week you meet with your direct supervisor and your coworkers for a morning meeting. The meeting is open-forum and issues, goals, topics, and ideas are all discussed at the meeting, during which the supervisor responds when able and asks for feedback often. This is an example of ______. A. authority compliance management B. team management C. country club management D. middle-of-the-road management

Ans: B

46. Daily meetings, open communication, face-to-face interaction, and accessibility are all behaviors of which type of leader? A. task B. relationship C. opportunistic D. paternalistic/maternalistic

Ans: B

66. Which of the following is not a criticism of the behavioral approach? A. the research supports how leader behaviors affect performance outcomes B. the behavioral approach is heuristic C. the research found the high-high style to be the most effective D. the research found a universal style that is effective in all situations

Ans: B

67. I am doing a training program for staff to help them understand how to integrate both task and relationship behaviors in the workplace. I am applying the main components of which approach in this training session? A. situational B. behavioral C. path-goal D. skills

Ans: B

7. I am the lead barista at a local coffee shop managing four staff. I assign tasks each work shift and check back regularly to see that work has been done. I do not spend much time talking with my staff about things other than getting the job done. My behavior would plot on the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid at what point? A. moderately high task; moderately low relationship B. very high task; very low relationship C. very high task; very high relationship D. moderately low task; moderately high relationship

Ans: B

73. Using the behavioral approach, ______. A. leaders can determine what actions will lead to specific organizational outcomes B. leaders can learn a lot about themselves in how they are perceived by others C. followers can plot the personality traits of their leaders on a map D. followers can seek maternal/paternal leaders that best match their needs

Ans: B

9. A leader who places high emphasis on job requirements and low emphasis on people is displaying ______. A. country club behaviors B. authority compliance behaviors C. middle-of-the-road behaviors D. team behaviors

Ans: B

11. A leader who has intermediate concern for both tasks and relationships is displaying ______. A. country club behaviors B. authority compliance behaviors C. middle-of-the-road behaviors D. team behaviors

Ans: C

15. Relationship behaviors ______. A. facilitate goal accomplishment B. focus on personal advantage for the leader C. help group members feel comfortable with one another D. provide structure

Ans: C

19. Which study resulted in viewing task and relationship behaviors on two intersecting axes? A. Ohio State studies B. Michigan studies C. Blake and Mouton D. Stogdill and Zacaro

Ans: C

22. Which of the following is not a task-focused leader behavior? A. initiating structure B. production orientation C. consideration D. facilitating goal accomplishment

Ans: C

24. The behavioral approach works by ______. A. telling leaders how to behave B. finding the 9, 9 style is the best style C. describing major types of leader behaviors D. emphasis on task behaviors

Ans: C

26. Your boss listens to employees' personal problems and tries to create a positive work environment by being agreeable, eager to help, comforting, and uncontroversial while remaining less concerned with productivity. This is an example of ______. A. authority compliance leadership B. team leadership C. country club leadership D. impoverished leadership

Ans: C

30. Jim is a manager of a restaurant. He is very concerned with efficiency and goal accomplishment as well as very intent on making employees happy through lots of participation and open-mindedness. A. Jim is a compromiser. B. Jim is an impoverished leader C. Jim is a high-high style leader. D. Jim is low in initiating structure and high in consideration.

Ans: C

36. Middle-of-the-road management best describes leaders who are ______. A. avoiding B. empathetic C. compromising D. accommodating

Ans: C

41. ______ refers to a leader who uses any combination of the basic five styles for the purpose of personal advancement. A. middle-of-the-road management B. maternalism C. opportunism D. team management

Ans: C

42. The behavioral approach is being applied when a corporate trainer ______. A. administers an Emotional Intelligence test to match leaders and followers B. gives a motivational speech to the executive team to boost morale C. uses assessments to help leaders discover their relative focus on goals vs. people D. offers employees an in-depth look at their personality traits for behavioral improvement

Ans: C

45. Grid seminars are training and development programs that make use of the styles approach. These seminars are done through the use of ______ findings. A. Ohio State studies B. university of Michigan studies C. black and Mouton's D. Mumford's

Ans: C

56. Mia expresses interest in her employees' personal and professional lives. She is demonstrating ______. A. task behaviors B. process behaviors C. relationship behaviors D. directing behaviors

Ans: C

59. I am meeting my new team, which I will directly supervise for the first time. I introduce myself and invite each team member to share some interesting facts about themselves unrelated to work. I am using ______. A. authoritative behaviors B. task behaviors C. relationship behaviors D. directing behaviors

Ans: C

63. I am really not interested in interacting with my staff nor do I put much emphasis at all on how the team performs. I am using ______. A. authority compliance leadership B. team leadership C. impoverished leadership D. pseudotransformational leadership

Ans: C

65. Which of the following is a strength of the behavioral approach? A. the research supports how leader behaviors affect performance outcomes B. the research found the high-high style to be the most effective C. he wide range of research on leadership behaviors gives it credibility D. the research found a universal style that is effective in all situations

Ans: C

23. Which of the following is not a relationship-focused leader behavior? A. nurturing followers B. employee orientation C. consideration D. initiating structure

Ans: D

3. I am the lead barista at a local coffee shop managing four staff. I love to chat with them regularly, work with them on schedules that fit their needs, and work to develop camaraderie amongst all. I do assign tasks and hold them accountable for the work, but that is my secondary concern. My behavior would plot on the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid at what point? A. 8, 3 B. 1, 9 C. 9, 9 D. 3, 8

Ans: D

33. Which of the following behaviors is not associated with the opportunistic leadership style? A. The leader shifts his or her style to gain personal advantage. B. The leader may be perceived as ruthless and cunning. C. The leader may be perceived as adaptable and strategic. D. The leader stresses the importance of social needs.

Ans: D

35. Researchers developed a questionnaire called the LBDQ. The letters "LBDQ" stand for what? A. leader-based detail questionnaire B. leadership-biased descriptive questionnaire C. leadership-based diagnostic questionnaire D. leadership behavior description questionnaire

Ans: D

4. I am the lead barista at a local coffee shop managing four staff. I assign tasks each work shift and check back regularly to see that work has been done. I do not spend much time talking with my staff about things other than getting the job done. My behavior would plot on the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid at what point? A. 8, 3 B. 1, 9 C. 9, 9 D. 9, 1

Ans: D

44. Behavioral approach does all of the following except ______. A. broaden the field of leadership research to include behaviors B. support itself through a range of studies C. emphasize the importance of task and relationship behavior D. identify a universal set of leadership behaviors

Ans: D

49. The behavioral approach reminds leaders that ______. A. personality is the essence of effective leadership B. who they are is more important than what they do C. task behaviors are more important than relationship behaviors D. they should continually engage in both task and relationship behaviors

Ans: D

54. Which approach describes how leaders act? A. trait B. skills C. leader-member exchange D. behavioral

Ans: D

58. I am meeting my new team, which I will directly supervise for the first time. I introduce myself and jump right into the agenda items for the jobs each team member will be assigned. I am using ______. A. authoritative behaviors B. delegating behaviors C. relationship behaviors D. task behaviors

Ans: D

6. I am the lead barista at a local coffee shop managing four staff. I love to chat with them regularly, work with them on schedules that fit their needs, and work to develop camaraderie amongst all. I do assign tasks and hold them accountable for the work, but that is my secondary concern. My behavior would plot on the Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid at what point? A. Moderately high task; moderately low relationship B. Very low task; very high relationship C. Very high task; very high relationship D. Moderately low task; moderately high relationship

Ans: D

61. Jennifer can see that her leader sometimes directs the team and sometimes tries to build relationships with the group. She does not change her behaviors based on whom she is interacting with; Jennifer just can pick out when she uses these two different styles. Jennifer's leader is using ______. A. situational leadership B. path-goal leadership C. skills leadership D. behavioral leadership

Ans: D

68. I am doing a training program for staff to help them understand how to integrate both task and relationship behaviors in the workplace using the Leadership Grid. I am using the results from which set of researchers? A. the Ohio State University B. the University of Michigan C. Kouzes and Posner D. Blake and Mouton

Ans: D

69. Collectively among all the research on the Behavioral Approach, what is one consistent finding from the research? A. the high task-high relationship style is best B. the middle-of-the-road style is what most followers prefer C. the opportunistic style is what most leaders use D. there was no universal style determined to be best

Ans: D

78. Which of the following is a criticism of the behavioral approach? A. there is no instrument to identify leader behaviors B. the universal style of team leadership is best C. the wide range of research on leadership behaviors gives it credibility D. the research has not shown how leader's behaviors correlate with performance outcomes

Ans: D

True/False 1. Creating a timeline for subordinates to follow is a relationship leader behavior.

Ans: F

True/False 10. The behavioral approach works by telling leaders how to behave.

Ans: F

True/False 2. Assisting group members in building cohesiveness is primarily a task behavior.

Ans: F

True/False 3. In the Leadership Grid, the 9, 9 type of leader prefers the middle ground, soft-pedals disagreement, and swallows convictions in the interest of progress.

Ans: F

True/False 4. According to Blake and Mouton, the "authority compliance manager" is highly concerned with people and has little concern for results.

Ans: F

True/False 6. According to the Leadership Grid, opportunistic leaders rely primarily on the 5, 5 style of leadership.

Ans: F

True/False 7. Only leaders at the top level of an organization can effectively apply task and relationship behaviors.

Ans: F

4. In Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, a leader whose actions would plot on the grid at 3, 7 would be using what types of leader behaviors and at what degree?

Ans: Fairly low-task or results-driven behaviors integrated with moderately high-relationship behaviors. This is not middle-of-the-road, nor is it country club but somewhere in between.

3. Write a scenario in which middle-of-the road leadership style would be the optimal choice. How would it be preferable to each of the other four leadership styles on the grid?

Ans: Key aspects of middle-of-the-road management style should be mentioned, specifically relating to the chosen scenario. Aspects of importance: compromising, balance between taking people into account and still emphasizing the goals, and avoiding conflict for the sake of progress. An ideal situation would be one in which a goal/result is required and there still is a set standard for follower satisfaction.

2. Defend or refute: Opportunistic leadership can be justified in certain situations.

Ans: Opportunistic leadership uses any combination of the basic leadership styles and is therefore very flexible and adaptable. What makes this flexibility opportunistic is that the styles are used for personal advancement. Students can then argue the pros and cons of seeking personal advancement. Is it at the expense of the group, or in addition to meeting the needs of the group? If the latter, how transparent are the leader's motives? Do group members believe that by doing a good job for the group the leader is also trying to impress her boss and hoping to advance? Or is the leader secretly using the group for her own purposes?

1. In terms of the Leadership Grid, which leadership style would be most difficult to change? Support your answer.

Ans: Positives and negatives of styles should be discussed. Student should support choice with identified pros and cons.

5. I have observed my leader interacting with all of us followers by sharing funny stories and getting us to share what we are doing both in and outside of work, and the work atmosphere is usually quite fun and energetic. I am a little concerned that we are not meeting our sales goals and that the chief financial officer (CFO) is coming in later this week to address our poor performance. Using the main components of the behavioral leadership approach, describe what style your leader is using and what style she may use after the CFO meeting.

Ans: She is using a mostly country club 1, 9 style currently. Her interactions, fun, and enthusiasm that get the team interested in one another is a very high level of relationship orientation. Based on low results (not meeting sales goals), she will likely need to increase task-oriented behaviors in order to get better results. This is likely what will happen after the CFO meeting.

5. Your friend is also studying leadership theory at another university. He says his professor discounts the Behavioral Approach because it is not conclusive or prescriptive. What does he mean?

Ans: Students could answer with one of the main criticisms of the approach: The Behavioral Approach does not show how leader behaviors affect performance outcomes; nor does it identify a universal style for all situations.

1. Considering Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, name a leader action that is associated with Team Management.

Ans: Students should answer any of the following (or something similar): stimulating participation, acting determined, getting issues out in the open, making priorities clear, follow through, being open-minded, or enjoying the work.

True/False 9. A criticism of the behavioral approach is that the research on behavioral approaches has not adequately shown how leaders' behaviors are associated with performance outcomes.

Ans: T

4. What two main types of behaviors does the Behavioral Approach highlight in a leader's style?

Ans: Task and relationship

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