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Functions of Management

1) Planning 2) Organizing 3) Leading 4) Controlling


involves manning the organizational structure through proper and effective appraisal, selection and development of people to fill the roles designed into the structure.


is the measurement and correction of performance in order to ensure that an organization's objectives and plans are accomplished.


someone who negotiates (confers with others in order to reach a settlement)


A dimension or broad grouping of work activities.


A plan is a predetermined course of action which provides purpose and direction of an organization.

Linked to long term Objectives

An effective plan is always based on the long term goals of an organization.

Simple and Feasible

An effective plan must be simple so that it can be easily understood and followed.


Assessing whether work has been done in a manner that is consistent with the previous functions. Managers measure performance in different ways to determine the degree in which goals are being attained. Feedback and change are important aspects.

Division of Labour

Assigning responsibility for each activity to an individual / group. It becomes Specialization when the responsibility for a specific task lies with a designated expert in that field.


Clarifies long term direction of a company [where the company is going] & reflects management's aspirations for the company. "Our Vision is to put joy in kids' hearts and a smile on parents' faces."


Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings & values. In its absence, organisation would cease to exist.


Concrete attainments that can be achieved by following a certain number of steps.


Course of action created to achieve a long term goal.

Disturbance handler

Deals with resolving problems.

Challenges while planning

Difficulty in accurate premising, Problems of rapid change, Internal inflexibilities, External inflexibilities, Time and cost factors


Directing is a process in which the managers instruct, guide, & oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the heart of management process. It involves: telling people what is to be done & how to do it; issuing instructions & orders to subordinates to carry out their assignments as scheduled supervising their activities; inspiring them to contribute towards the achievement of organizational objectives; and providing leadership.


Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people.

Conceptual Skills

Give managers a mental map of the organization and what impacts it. Has to think "big picture" issues that workers may not consider.

Liaison Role

Given the importance of communicating with other managers and employees in an organization, the liaison role establishes networks of contacts.

Benefits of Organizing

Helps to achieve organizational goals, Optimum utilization of Resources, Facilities Growth and Diversification. Planning, staffing, directing, and controlling cannot be implemented without proper organization.


Identifies the direction and purpose of the organization. The starting point which influences the remaining functions.


Involves achieving the right goals and the extent to which intended goals are achieved. All mangers must achieve results.


Involves the initiation of new activities or planned change.


It is the basis on which individuals are grouped into departments and departments into total organizations

Span of Control

It refers to the number of subordinates a supervisor has.Factors that affect span of control are Geographical Location, Capability of workers, and Similarity of task


Leadership is essentially a continuous process of influencing behaviour. A leader breathes life into the group and motivates it towards goals. The lukewarm desires for achievement are transformed into burning passion for accomplishment


Long term aims that a company / individual wants to achieve.


Making the plans and structures work as designed.

Science and art

Management as Science Empirically derived Critically tested General principles Cause & effect relationship Universal applicability Management as an Art Practical know how Technical skills Concrete results Creativity Personalized nature

Leader Role

Managers engage in activities to motivate, develop, and direct subordinates

Monitor Role

Managers take information and prioritize it


Motivation is something that moves the person to action, and continues him in the course of action already initiated / about to be initiated.


Some of the information is shared with people outside of the organization. Especially at higher levels, managers in the spokesperson role often give statements to the press in an emergency or crisis.


Statement of the basic purpose for a company's existence & its values [role towards customers, employees, society, etc.]. "Our Goal is to be the Worldwide Authority on Kids, Families and Fun."

Strategic HR Planning Components of Staffing

Strategic HR planning is a process that identifies current and future HR needs for an organization to achieve its goals. It should serve as a link between HR management and the overall strategic plan of an organization.

Supervision Components of Directing

Supervision is directing efforts of employees and other resources to accomplish stated work outputs

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to read, understand, and apply emotional information in dealing with others. Employee productivity and loyalty is based on relationship with supervisor.

Human Skills

The ability to work with others, communicate well, and make requests in a manner that will motivate employees rather than offend them.


The pattern of relationships among workers. Layout of work and hiring employees. Grouping people and creating an authority chain structure and chain of command.


The process used to accomplish organizational goals through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling people and other organizational resources


"Art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done the best and cheapest way". " To manage is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to control. " Management is the art of getting things done through others.


Planning bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

Direction for action

Plans must be action oriented


Plans must not be changed unless necessary. Deviations must be tracked and controlled.

Delegation of Authority

Process managers use delegation to transfer authority to positions below them. Organizations today tend to encourage delegation from highest to lowest possible levels. It improves flexibility.

Why Plan

Provides Direction, Reduces uncertainties, Minimizes impulsive and arbitrary decisions, Resource Allocation

The specific challenges

Psychological, Policy and Procedural, Political Climate, Policy Procedure


Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job. Companies recruits through employment agencies, recruitment websites, job search engines, "headhunters" for executive & professional recruitment, and niche agencies which specialize in a particular area of staffing.


Related to the amount of resources expended in accomplishing goals. Often referred to as the ratio of inputs to outputs.

Technical Skills

Require the application of specific, learned knowledge, acquired through education or on the job. Is very helpful with customer service.

Resource Allocator

Resources in organizations are in scarce supply. Mangers decide who will get what resources and if some will be diverted from one activity to another.


This person meets with visitors, sign documents, and preside over celebrations and ceromonies.


Those with vested interest in the performance of a manager or organization. Include investors, suppliers, customers, local government, regulatory agencies of state/federal government, and community members.

Disseminator Role

Valuable information should be shared with others


While plans must be consistent, they should be flexible enough to meet the demands of the dynamic environment.

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