Management exam 2

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Electronic data interchange __________.

Allows organizations to exchange business transaction documents such as invoices or purchase orders, using direct computer to computer networks

As the term is used in​ business, which one of the following is an example of​ control?

Amanda is reviewing the overnight quality report to check for variation in the measurements from the matching department

__________ is a personality trait model that includes extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience.

Big Five Model

__________ is the second step in the control process.

Comparing actual performance against a standard

The one Big Five personality dimension most likely to predict success at work is​ __________.


__________ is the instantaneous transmission of messages on networked computers.


__________ is a feedforward means for managers trying to control employee theft.

Educating and training employees about the policies

Theories in leadership evolved from trait and behavior to include contingency models. What was the first comprehensive contingency​ model?

Fielder contingency model

__________ is a term used to describe a manager out in the work area interacting directly with employees.

Management by walking around

Self-serving bias is __________.

The tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors

Many of the early theories of leadership examined specific behaviors. Which of the following described leadership behavior in terms of autocratic styles and democratic​ styles?

University of Iowa

Physiological needs are __________.

__________ are a person's needs for food, drink, shelter, sexual satisfaction, and other physical needs.

The "calm waters" metaphor is __________.

a description of organizational change that likens change to a large ship making a predictable trip across a calm sea and experiencing an occasional storm.

The job characteristics model is __________.

a framework for analyzing and designing jobs that identifies five primary core job dimensions, their interrelationships, and their impact on outcomes

__________ involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, and uses feedback as an opportunity for coaching employees.

a leader with democratic style

__________ is a purpose to be conveyed.

a message

Survey feedback is __________.

a method of assessing employees' attitudes toward and perceptions of a change

Open-book management is defined as __________.

a motivational approach in which an organization's financial statements (the "books") are shared with all employees

__________ is a variable compensation plan that pays employees on the basis of some performance measure.

a pay-for-performance program

Balanced scorecard is __________.

a performance measurement tool that looks at more than just the financial perspective

One important premise of​ Fiedler's contingency model is​ ____________.

a person's leadership style does not change

__________ confers simultaneously by telephone, e-mail, or video screens.

a teleconfrence or videoconfrence meeting

__________ is the failure to show up for work.


Organizations desire to limit absenteeism because​ _________________.

absenteeism is expensive in both dollar outlay and lost productivity

Star workers and star athletes share a high need for​ ______________.


__________ is listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations.

active listening

In 2007 the U.S. economy went into a deep recession lasting two years. Many households held on to their cars longer rather than trade them in for a new​ model, causing many dealerships to miss their sales quotas. The appropriate response in this situation would be​ to_____________

adjust the sales quotas until the economy recovered

​"I like working at ABC Corp because the people there are so friendly and​ helpful." This statement is a reflection of the​ __________ component of attitude.


__________ is the part of an attitude that's the emotional or feeling part.

affective component

Disciplinary action is __________.

an action taken by a manager to enforce the organization's work standards and regulations.

__________ is the assumption that others are like you.

assumed similarity

In addition to reading and writing​ skills, the success of understanding depends on the​ __________ of both the sender and the receiver.


__________ is an evaluative statement, either favorable or unfavorable, concerning objects, people, or events.


Pam loves her job. She starts her day every morning deciding on what the​ day's priorities will be and how she can get them done. There are very few constraints that Pam has to deal with in her job. Which of the following job characteristics is most motivating to​ Pam?


__________ is corrective action that looks at how and why performance deviated before correcting the source of deviation.

basic corrective action

​"I will not apply for the open position in Ms. Jones department. I hear she can be a hard​ taskmaster." This statement represents the​ ____________ component of attitude.


__________ is the part of an attitude that refers to an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.

behavioral component

Which of the following terms refers to a standard of excellence against which to measure and compare?


__________ is the search for the best practices among competitors or noncompetitors that lead to their superior performance.


In which one of the following situations does communication​ occur?

bernice explains the operating instructions to Luann, who then demonstrates she can operate the equipment

__________ is gestures, facial configurations, and other body movements that convey meaning.

body language

Michael is very pumped up about the new direction his company is headed in. With everything new that is about to take​ place, Michael's boss enlists his help as a​ __________.

change agent

Which of the following is someone who acts as a catalyst and assumes the responsibility for managing the change process?

change agent

in the calm waters metaphor....

change is viewed as a temporary distraction in otherwise predictable environment

​Smithy's, the local coffee​ shop, is switching to an online pay system. What kind of organizational change are they​ facing?

changing technology

People feel drawn to Collette as if by a magnet. She makes those around her feel indispensable to her​ "cause": a department that is the highest performing in the company. Her followers work hard to achieve their​ goals, knowing she will support them when they take calculated risks. Collette fits the description of​ a(n) _________ leader.


__________ are enthusiastic, self-confident leaders whose personalities and actions influence people to behave in certain ways.

charismatic leaders

__________ is made up of the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a person.

cognitive component

At a​ fast-food restaurant, cooks hear a symphony of buzzers and beepers. Some tell the burger people when to turn the meat and when to remove it from the grill. Others warn that the french fries are done. Each of these is a type of​ ___________ control.


Every 15​ minutes, Bobbi​ Jo, a quality​ auditor, pulls a part from the bin of die castings and measures several important features on the part to verify that it meets the​ customer's specifications. This behavior is a type of​ ___________.

concurrent control

__________ is a control that takes place while a work activity is in progress.

concurrent control

At Research and​ Testing, Inc., the management believes it is treating employees​ respectfully, paying a fair​ wage, and offering benefits that are important to them. But productivity is not as high as management would like and both turnover and absenteeism are running higher than expected. To help solve the​ problem, Research and​ Testing, Inc. should​ ____________.

conduct an employee attitude survey

What the researchers in the Michigan study called​ employee-centered behavior, the researchers in the Ohio State study called​ _____________.


__________ is the extent to which a leader has work relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members' ideas and feelings.


__________ is the management function that involves monitoring activities to ensure that they're being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations.


Within appropriate​ limits, employees at ABC Company can make decisions about how and when they perform work. Each one must submit reports of their weekly work along with their time cards. This is evidence of an effective​ _____________.

control system

__________ is the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas.


__________ is retranslating a sender's message.


Penny seeks input from her subordinates and encourages them to express their opinions in situations that involve their work. Penny is a​ _________ leader.


The common theme of the contingency theories is​ _____

each seeks to define the best leadership style for different kinds of situations

__________ is a technique used for reducing resistance to change and is used when resistance is due to misinformation.

education and communication

​"Intelligence will get you into the game of leadership but you need​ ____________ to stay in the game and advance in the​ organization," according to some leadership experts. In​ fact, without​ it, promotions are decidedly less likely.

emotional intelligence

​Linda's daughter and grandchildren have moved back in with​ her, creating unwanted drama in her life and causing her work performance to suffer. As her​ supervisor, you recommend Linda take advantage of the​ company's _______________.

employee assistance program

__________ is a performance measure of both efficiency and effectiveness.

employee productivity

Which of the following includes personal attention and expressing interest, approval, and appreciation for a job well done?

employee recognition programs

Mike has a huge report to work on at home this evening. On the way out of the​ office, he grabs a pack of copier paper to take home for his personal printer. That evening after completing his report and printing out a couple copies for the​ office, he also prints out a few recipes and an online student assignment for his 9th grade daughter. It is likely that Mike is participating in which of the​ following?

employee theft

Because of the technological advances in​ communication, _____________.

employees are reachable is more locations

Managers should be interested in perception because​ _____________.

employees, using their own personal filters, form their idea of reality by the way they interpret events and then decide how to respond based on those perceptions

__________ is the act of increasing the decision-making discretion of workers.


Communication is a​ seven-step process. Which of the following is the first step a manager who wishes to communicate new ideas would​ do?


__________ is converting a message into symbolic form.


The key elements of motivation are​ ________________.

energy, direction, persistence

According to Robert​ House, the style a leader should use with an individual depends on​ _____________.

environmental and employee contingency factors

__________ are a person's needs for internal factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement, and external factors such as status, recognition, and attention.

esteem needs

For a​ manager, communication is important because​ __________.

everything a manager does involves communication

Annie is working in an organization where her paycheck reflects how many hours she has worked with each paying client. For​ her, this seems very fair and motivating. This type of​ pay-for-performance plan is associated with which of the following motivation​ theories?

expectancy theory

Chris loves meeting people at work. Some say he has never met a stranger. This behavior has served him very well in his position as he has built a large network of support. This part of his personality may be best characterized by which of the​ following?


__________ is a technique used for reducing resistance to change and is used when resisters are fearful and anxiety-ridden.

facilitation and support

Which of the following transmits documents containing both text and graphics over ordinary telephone lines?

fax machines

Annual employee performance evaluations are a popular form of​ ______________.


__________ is a control that takes place after a work activity is done.

feedback control

Kontek knew a drill bit could make approximately​ 100,000 holes within tolerance before the bit was so worn that the hole size was too small. So it changed the bits after about​ 95,000 holes drilled. This is an example of​ _____________ control.


__________ is a control that takes place before a work activity is done.

feedforward control

Leaving out an important detail about an incident is a form of​ _______________.


__________ is the deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver.


The __________ step in the control process is measuring actual performance.


Situational leadership theory focuses on the​ ______________ because​ ________________.

followers; they are the ones who accept or reject the leader

In a global​ organization, managers must often rely on​ _________ and technology to control its operations.

formal reports

__________ is the proposition that specific goals increase performance and that difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals.

goal setting theory

Which of the following provides specific direction to employees and managers and is the foundation of planning?


The EPA is planning to stiffen the requirements for cleaning pollutants from the stacks of​ coal-fired electricity generating​ plants, requiring a​ 30% reduction by 2025. With respect to organizational​ change, this would represent a change in​ ____________.

government regulations

__________ is a general impression of an individual based on a single characteristic.

halo effect

A leader is someone who​ ___________.

has managerial authority and exercises influence over others

Kitty thought it humorous when Margaret told her she was​ "fixin' to go​ home," a phrase common to the southern U.S. This is an example of​ ____________.

how language affects communication

Which of the following is an individual who actively and enthusiastically supports new ideas, builds support, overcomes resistance, and ensures that innovations are implemented?

idea champion

Which one of the following is an example of negative​ reinforcement?

if you and Cara can avoid getting into an argument for 90 days, I will remove the disciplinary actions from your record and no additional action will be taken

__________ is corrective action that corrects problems at once to get performance back on track.

immediate corrective action

John has studied​ Maslow, Herzberg,​ Gilbreth, and House to see if he can identify factors that will cause his employees to work more effectively and efficiently. John is looking for ways to​ __________.

improve productivity

Marlin​ can't understand why​ Jacob, a recent college graduate in his early​ twenties, isn't performing up to​ Marlin's expectations. Marlin made sure the job was well structured with clear task definition. If Jacob is typical of his​ generation, he would prefer​ ____________.

independence and variety of experiences

The ultimate goal of organizational behavior is to​ _______________.

influence how employees behave

__________ is what occurs when information exceeds our processing capability.

information overload

__________ is taking creative ideas and turning them into useful products or work methods.


__________ is the moment when all efforts successfully come together.


__________ is interactive, real-time communication among computer users who are logged on to the computer network at the same time.

instant messaging

Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including __________, which is honesty and truthfulness.


The most critical element of trust is​ _____________________.


__________ is activities that attempt to make several work groups more cohesive.

intergroup development

​_____________ is an organizational communication network using Internet technology that is accessible only to organizational employees.


Controlling is __________.

is the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance.

Feedback is an important part of the communication process because​ __________.

it is the mechanism to check for understanding

An important advantage of written communication is​ ___________.

it leaves a more permanent record

__________ is specialized terminology or technical language that members of a group use to communicate among themselves.


__________ is combining several simple jobs into one larger job.

job enlargement

__________ is the vertical expansion of a job by adding planning and evaluating responsibilities.

job enrichment

__________ is an employee's general attitude toward his or her job activities rather than task performance.

job satisfaction

An effective control system will​ ____________.

lead to the achievement of organizational goals

__________ dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation.

leader with an autocratic style

__________ is one of Fiedler's situational contingencies; it describes the degree of confidence, trust, and respect employees have for their leader.

leader-member relations

__________ is a process of influencing a group to achieve goals.


__________ is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.


In his​ research, Fiedler used the​ ________________ questionnaire to determine an​ individual's basic leadership style.

lest-preferred coworker

__________ measure an organization's ability to meet its current debt obligations.

liquidity ratios

Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including __________, which is the willingness to protect a person, both physically and emotionally.


__________ is a measure of the degree to which people are pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, and believe that ends justify the means.


In the balanced scorecard​ approach, ________________.

managers set goals and measure performance in multiple areas important to organizational success

__________ is the process by which a person's efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal.


__________ states that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction and motivation, whereas extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction.

motivation-hygiene theory

Which of the following increases job satisfaction and motivation?


__________ is the drive to succeed and excel in relation to a set of standards.

need for achievement

__________ is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.

need for affiliation

__________ is the need to make others behave in ways that they would not have behaved otherwise.

need for power

Personal observation is considered an inferior source of information because​ ____________.

observer may miss something important

Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including __________, which is the willingness to share ideas and information freely.


__________ states that behavior is a function of its consequences.

operant conditioning

__________ is methods of change that focus on people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships.

organization development

B. Dillon is a company that is trying to grow from a culture focused on sales to a culture that is focused on customer relations. This represents which of the following OB focus​ areas?


__________ is any alteration of people, structure, or technology in an organization.

organizational change

__________ is an organizational communication network using Internet technology that allows authorized organizational users to communicate with certain outsiders such as customers or vendors.

organizational extranet

__________ is an organizational communication network using Internet technology that's accessible only to organizational employees.

organizational intranet

Danielle believes her boss is an ogre. He threatens her with termination if she does not perform well and places unrealistic demands on​ her, often giving her too little time to complete tasks. She lives in fear of his angry outbursts. The tension in the office is thick enough to cut with a knife.​ Danielle's stress stems from​ _________.

organizational leadership

When Rick objected to changes announced during the employee​ meetings, the rest of the employees supported him. So the plant manager began speaking with Rick before the meetings to forewarn him of the changes and solicit his opinion about them then presented the changes as a joint decision. From that point​ on, Rick spoke in support of the changes. Which method of reducing resistance did the plant manager​ use?


__________ is a technique used for reducing resistance to change and is used when resisters have the expertise to make a contribution.


Using active listening techniques helps the receiver of a message to​ _______________.

pay attention to the full meaning of the message

__________ involves the way you see things.


Yohnna had been told no several times and by several people as she was working to accomplish her goal. But no matter how many​ no's she​ heard, she would not give up until the goal was accomplished. Yohnna is displaying what element of​ motivation?


Delta described her coworker as​ friendly, open, and​ gregarious, but subject to mood swings. Delta was talking about her​ co-worker's ___________.


In most​ organizations, the financial budget serves as both a​ ________ tool and a​ ________ tool.

planning; controlling

__________ is one of Fiedler's situational contingencies; it describes the degree of influence a leader has over activities such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases.

position power

__________ is using outside consultants to assess organizational processes such as workflow, informal intra-unit relationships, and formal communication channels.

process consultation

Hersey and​ Blanchard's interest in followers focused on their​ _____________.


The best way that managers can manage negative behavior in the workplace is which of the​ following?

recognize it's there

If Romeo wants to encourage more innovation among his​ employees, he should​ __________.

reward both successes and failures

Which of the following occurs when role expectations are not clearly understood?

role ambiguity

Which of the following is defined as work expectations that are hard to satisfy?

role conflicts

Human resource professionals wear many hats. They are legal​ advisors, safety​ experts, negotiators,​ disciplinarians, trainers, and many more. This situation can lead to stress caused by​ __________.

role overload

Which of the following is defined as having more work to accomplish than time permits?

role overload

__________ are a person's needs for security and protection from physical and emotional harm.

safety needs

The major contribution of​ Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory is​ ___________.

satisfaction and dissatisfaction are two different scales

Several people saw a​ hit-and-run accident. When police questioned the​ witnesses, they heard different descriptions of the vehicle that left the scene. These differences can be caused by​ __________

selective perception

__________ include a person's need to become what he or she is capable of becoming.

self-actualization needs

In the sales department Hal is constantly trying to bring in the highest revenue each quarter. Hal fully believes he is able to do​ this, no matter the hurdles. He continues to stay focused on the goal and puts in all his effort. Which of the following​ goal-performance contingencies is Hal​ leveraging?


__________ is an individual's degree of like or dislike for himself or herself.


__________ is a personality trait that measures the ability to adjust behavior to external situational factors.


__________ is the process of guiding learning in graduated steps using reinforcement or lack of reinforcement.

shaping behavior

__________ is a leadership contingency theory that focuses on followers' readiness.

situational leadership theory

__________ is the degree to which a job requires a variety of activities so that an employee can use a number of different skills and talents.

skill variety

​McD's Corp. encourages its employees to participate on one of the many internal athletic teams it sponsors​ because, among other​ reasons, it discovered that participants were less likely to resign. Abraham Maslow would suggest these participants were fulfilling their​ ___________ needs.


​On-the-job training is a good example of​ __________

social learning

__________ states that people can learn through observation and direct experience.

social learning theory

__________ are a person's needs for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship.

social needs

__________ is judging a person on the basis of one's perception of a group to which that person belongs.


Which of the following is defined as factors that cause stress?


__________ is the third step in in the control process.

taking managerial action

__________ is one of Fiedler's situational contingencies; it describes the degree to which job assignments are formalized and structured.

task structure

__________ is using activities to help work groups set goals, develop positive interpersonal relationships, and clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member.


Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including competence, which is __________.

technical and interpersonal knowledge and skills

Emotional intelligence is​ ____________.

the ability to understand​ one's own emotions and to read​ others' emotions, and to adjust​ one's actions accordingly

__________ consists of the seven elements involved in transferring meaning from one person to another.

the communication process

Credibility is __________.

the degree to which followers perceive someone as honest, competent, and able to inspire

innovation is not complete until________

the idea has become a useful product

​____________ is a strong motivator for contingent workers.

the prospect of permanent employment

When the verbal message and the body language are in conflict with each​ other, ____________.

the receiver of the message will rely more on the body language than on the words

To be useful for​ control, information must be​ ______________.

the right type, at the right time, and the right amount

Communication is __________.

the transfer and understanding of meaning

Jim never could trust his team. He knew that every time he was out of the office they would be loafing off and not getting their work done. He also knew that unless he watched them very​ carefully, the work they did do would be inadequate to reach the​ team's goals. Which of the following motivation theories best represents the way Jim might lead his​ team?

theory x

Although research has not revealed a set of traits all leaders​ possess, we have discovered that​ ____________.

there is consistency in the traits underlying what leaders do

Larry thanks his subordinates every day for coming to work and giving their best. He makes sure they have the tools and materials they​ need, when they need them. He offers words of encouragement and takes an interest in each worker personally as well as professionally. He does what he can to make the work interesting and challenging. Larry knows that​ _____________.

these actions contribute to job satisfaction and satisfied workers are more productive

Gen Y workers are unlike earlier generational cohorts because​ __________.

they have grown up with a broad range of opportunities and experiences

__________ states that three acquired (not innate) needs—achievement, power, and affiliation—are major motives in work.

three-needs theory

__________ are leaders who lead primarily by using social exchanges (or transactions).

transactional leaders

__________ are leaders who stimulate and inspire (transform) followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

transformational leaders

__________ is the belief in the integrity, character, and ability of a leader.


Trust has become more important in​ today's organizations because​ _____________.

trust in leadership leads to greater organizational success

__________ is the voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization.


Alexandria never turns off her work cell​ phone, believing she must be available​ 24/7/365. She answers emails and texts while on vacationlong dash—on those rare occasions when she actually takes a vacation. She is driven to​ succeed, always with her eye on the next promotion. Alexandria is the typical​ _________ personality.

type A

Danylle has heard the new vision for her​ team, and has a basic understanding that things​ can't stay the way they​ are, but she is still not excited about the change. The best way to describe​ Danylle's resistance to change is which of the​ following?


One of the wisest things a manager can do about the grapevine is​ ____________.

understand the social and communication networks the employees use to do their work

During the announcement of the merger between Body Metal and​ Shimmer, the two CEOs neglected to mention that to avoid​ duplication, some positions would be eliminated and employees would lose their jobs. The combining of the two product lines into one would also require a reduction in force. Some would consider this omission to be​ ____________.

unethical communication

Kurt​ Lewin's model in dealing with change involves​ __________.

unfreezing, moving, and refreezing

__________ is a feedforward means for managers trying to control employee theft.

using careful prehiring screening

When Elaine was trying to motivate her team toward a challenging​ goal, she often​ said, "We MUST get this​ done!" She would emphasize the word​ "must." This is called which of the​ following?

verbal intonation

__________ is an emphasis given to words or phrases that conveys meaning.

verbal intonation

​"Come with me on a journey into the future. We will change the way people interact with each other and with their environment. The world will be a better place because of the products we will​ produce." These are statements likely made by​ a(n) _______________ leader.


__________ is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that improves upon the present situation.

visionary leaderhsip

__________ is a system that digitizes a spoken message, transmits it over the network, and stores it for a receiver to retrieve later.


It is important to carefully select what activities will be measured because​ ___________.

what get measured gets monitored

Managers are well advised to think carefully about the behaviors they reward because​ __________________.

what gets rewarded gets repeated

GHI Inc. operates in an industry known for innovation of new products. Customer preferences change frequently. Competitors who cannot produce new products or improvements to existing products do not survive. Turnover is high. GHI has tried many programs to keep talent. It appears the metaphor most fitting for​ GHI's situation is the​ ________________ metaphor.

white water rapids

Advances in technology have given managers useful tools to control their organizations but have also created concerns about​ ___________.

worker privacy

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