Management Final

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The goal of human resource management is

to support organizational performance by aligning people and their talents with organizational strategies and objectives.

Human Resource Planning Process

1)Prepare a human resource inventory of employees. 2)Prepare a job analysis. 3)Assess future human resource demand. 4)Assess future labor supply. 5)Establish a strategic plan.

Ronald is a senior executive at Brown Inc. He is well-mannered and has the ability to cooperate with all his colleagues. When employees have work-related or personal issues, they approach him for support because they trust him. Which of the following personality traits does Ronald most likely possess that enables him to be so approachable?


According to expectancy theory, if a person has high instrumentality, he will:

Be able to link high performance and available rewards

The _____ component of an attitude reflects an intention to act in a manner that is consistent with a belief and feeling.


Expectancy theory predicts that high expectancy, instrumentality, and valence will result in zero motivation.


Expertise is a power derived from charisma or interpersonal attractiveness.


Fundamental attribution error neglects internal explanations for poor-quality work.


Legitimate power is the ability to influence through expertise.


Locus of control is the belief that what happens is not within one's control


The sensing vs. intuitive dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assesses whether a person tends to rely on logic or emotions in dealing with problems.


Transformational leaders use their position of authority to inspire followers.


Under-reward inequity occurs when an individual perceives that his or her outcomes-to-inputs ratio is greater than that of his or her referent.


Ruth works at a car assembling plant. The plant uses a lot of machines to complete most of the work. As a result, Ruth's work is highly standardized. Ruth needs to check the number and mounting of rubber hoses in a vehicle and replace dysfunctional ones. Which of the following does this signify?

Job simplification

Which of the following types of powers is a manager exerting when he or she says, "I am the boss; therefore, you are supposed to do as I ask"?

Legitimate power

Job discrimination

Occurs when someone is denied a job or job assignment for reasons that are not job relevant

When Jason was selected as the "Employee of the month" of his organization, he received a cash prize, a holiday package for two, and a year's membership at the Prestize club. Jason was overwhelmed and felt that he got more than what he deserved. Which of the following terms best represents Jason's understanding of the situation?

Over-reward inequity

Person-organization fit

The individual's values, interests, and behavior are consistent with the culture of the organization

Which of the following bases of power refers to the ability to influence through identification?

Referent power

Christopher is an employee with an internal locus of control. Which of the following characteristics would be observed in Christopher?


Karen, the manager of a research organization, believes that women avoid arithmetic and ​statistics, whereas men prefer such topics. This assumption made by Karen is an example of a ​_____.


Person-job fit

The individual's skills, interests, and personal characteristics are consistent with the requirements of work

Which of the following is true of a leader who is production-centered?

The leader sets clear work standards for employees

A healthy psychological contract offers a balance between the contributions individuals make on behalf of their organization and inducements they receive.


A human relations leader emphasizes people over task.


According to Herzberg, improving the hygiene factors can increase job satisfaction and ​motivation.


Job enrichment works best when people have appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities to ​perform the job


Job satisfaction is the degree to which an individual feels positive or negative about a job.


Locke's goal-setting theory states that task goals can be motivating when they are set through ​participatory means.


Managers can create positive instrumentalities by rewarding people on a performance-contingent basis.


Performance-outcome expectancy refers to a person's belief that successful performance will be ​followed by rewards and other work related outcomes.


Self-serving bias explains personal success by internal causes and personal failures by external ​causes.


Synergy pools individual talents and efforts to create extraordinary results through collective action.


The equity theory states that people who are treated unfairly will be motivated to act in ways that reduce the perceived inequity.


According to McClelland, people with a high need for power

behave in ways that have a clear impact on other people.

Human Resource Management

a process of attracting, developing, and maintaining a talented work force, process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals, consists of the activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain an effective workforce, finding and keeping the best employees

According to Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory, a satisfier factor is found in the job content such as _____.

advancement opportunities

Affirmative action

an effort to give preference in employment to women and minority group members, who have traditionally been underrepresented.

Wendy was against the use of animals for testing cosmetics. She believed that it amounted to cruelty toward animals. She worked in a particular organization that was known for using alternative testing methods. When a special investigative team revealed that the firm actually used animals for testing purposes, she experienced a psychological discomfort. This discomfort that Wendy experienced is an example of _____.

cognitive dissonance

Bona fide occupational qualifications

employment criteria justified by capacity to perform a job

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, lower-order needs differ from higher-order needs as higher-order needs:

focus on desires for psychological development and growth.

Jason's performance at work was declining as he had to meet unrealistic targets daily. Though he was able to meet his targets, the quality of his work was not very good. His supervisor assumed that this was due to a lack of concentration and laziness. This scenario is an instance of a _____.

fundamental attribution error

When a manager uses referent power, he or she has the capacity to:

influence other people because of their desire to identify personally with the manager

Human Capital

is the economic value of people with job-relevant knowledge, abilities, ideas, energies, and commitments, the economic or productive potential of employee knowledge, experience, and actions

Wilson often tries to multi-task and, as a result, fails to do well in any task. He also tends to be careless and irresponsible while working on his projects. This implies that Wilson most likely:

lacks conscientiousness

Strategic human resource management

mobilizes human capital to implement organizational strategies

Natalie encourages her employees by recognizing and immediately rewarding a good performance, so that it motivates the employee as well as others to consistently perform well. This type of strategy to increase the frequency of desirable behavior is known as _____.

positive reinforcement

According to the acquired needs theory, the need for _____ is the desire to control other people, to influence their behavior, or to be responsible for them.


In his role as a coach or team developer, a manager is primarily involved in:

serving as a team's advisor on ways to improve processes and performance

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