Management final

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Marcus was asked to represent the cardiac unit as part of the Total Quality Management initiative how does end up improving overall quality of care at his hospital. Other departments such as orthopedics neurology oncology and pediatrics also have representatives on his team. This TQM team is an example of _______

A cross-functional team

Wilson is offered a chance to help direct the effort of some employees assigned to his work group, this is a chance for Wilson to experience________


__________ Refers to the right inherent in managerial positions to tell people what to do and expect them to do it


Which of the following is a trend that will affect HRM practices in the future

Baby boomers will represent a shrinking segment of the workforce

Developing a new automobile requires the services of many types of expert such as design in at electronic engineers, producers, medalist. Rather than employees and visual directly the auto maker was outsourced to work this past a list when working at facilities and buy auto maker rather than their own, employers place. This demonstrates a type of______

Boundaryless organization

As organization become more flexible and responsive to environmental trends there is a distinct shift towards ________ decision making


Which knew of the following is true of the government legislations related to human resource management in different countries

Canadian laws allow discrimination on the basis of language in all parts of the country except for Quebec

The line of Authority that extends to upper organizational levels or lower levels clarifying who reports to him is known as the ______

Chain of comand

Organizational design is a process that involves decisions about _______

Chain of command and span of control

After excessive job cards to reduce costs upper level managers are spending significant amount of time solving problems with production units. Lower-level managers are resentful that they cannot make decisions for their own units. What recommendations would you have for this firm?

Decentralize, give authority to lower level managers regarding events in their own units

Bob works in a midsize organization with other skilled workers who all pitch in and do what needs to be done to satisfy the customer. It is likely Bob works in a_________ organization


Process of grouping jobs together is known as ______


Pauline sat on a bar-type stool screwing nut onto bolts about 3000 times a day while reading a novel. Her production job paid well but that's all about it had going for it. Even though the work was not physically taxing Pauline was exhausted by the end of her day. Facing another day just like yesterday nearly brought her to tears. pauline is experiencing _________

Diseconomies from division of labor

In a ______structure that parent corporation typically acts as an extra no oversee year to coordinate and control the various divisions to provide financial and legal or other support services


The ________is an organizational structure made up of separate business units with each unit having limited anatomy

Divisional structure

Which of the following traditional Oregon musician all designs does duplication of activities and resources lead to an increase in cost and reduce efficiency

Divisional structure

Which of the following traditional organizational design's focus on results by holding division managers responsible for what happens to their products and services

Divisional structure

Gareth is in charge of recruiting at Eowin Systems, and is expected to enhance the diversity of the workforce. which of the following recruiting sources should Gareth avoid if he is to achieve the stated aim of a more diverse workforce

Employee referrals

_________ Refers to how standard and organizations jobs are and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures


In highly _______ organizations there or explosive job descriptions numerous organizational rules and clearly defined procedure is covering work processes


I does vantage of _________ departmentalization is poor communication across the different groups


At Chemetron, all the accounting people share one large work area, all the quality control people are housed in a large office next to the production floor, and maintenance has its own space in the back of the building. Chemetron is using ______

Functional departmentalization

A ______is an organizational design that groups similar or related to occupational specialty's together

Functional structure

Departmentalization is based on _______ groups jobs on the basis of territory or physical location


Joan needs to eliminate some employees for a short while. She and her managers identify those employees who are not meeting performance expentations and explain that this termination is temporary but they are encouraged to seek other positions elsewhere. how is Joan is trying to reduce the size of the workforce here?


A New tool called ____ Is used to measure such outcomes as employee retention, number of promotions and number of first-year hires who enter high-potential trianing programs

Quality of Fill

A _______ Selection device indicates that the device measures the same thing consistently


All candidates for entry level engineering positions are given the mechanical aptitude test. Those who scored well and were hired later earned high scores on their performance evaluations. Those who scored less well and were hired earned lower scores on performance evaluations. This indicates that the test is ________.


________ is the obligation or expectation to perform dirty


What is an example of high-performance work practices?

Self-managed teams

A company with low departmentalization wide span of control centralized authority and a little formalization possesses a _____structure


Tom's welding is in his third year of operation. Tom now has a cell person and several production employees. It's most likely Tom has a ____structure


What are the different structures that traditional organizations can have?

Simple functional and divisional structures

Large organizations tend to have more _______ than smaller organizations


As the number of employees in an organization nation grows structure tends to become more_____


In the beginning all employees at Tom's welding performed whatever tasks needed. Now employees have gravitated to specific set of tasks. Some use only stick welders song world only aluminum. We can infer that his business has grown and become more____


What are four contingency variables the organization structures depend on

Strategy, size, technology, and environmental uncertainty

A _____structure is one in which an entire organization is made up of work teams that do the organizations work


Lacy believes at Woodward's work will be particularly permanent in considering custom leather is organizational structure, since Woodward believe that the effectiveness of an organization was related to the fit between the firm structure and__________


Larry's in charge of recruitment for entry-level positions at Merlin Info-systems. he believes that job interview should including a realistic job preview. Which of the following is Larry likely to do during job interviews

Tell employee about possible every time

Eric works with a team that includes production workers as well as marketing specialist to design the latest products the company was planning to offer. This implies __________

That Eric is a part of a cross-functional team

Melanie has noticed that everyone is concerned about the line of authority within the hospital. This implies that employees at the hospital worried about _______

The chain of comand

Which one of the following would be considered a factor most directly influencing the human resource process?

The economy

Turnovers higher among new hires at Stewart's company I want exit interview Stewart as the departing new hire why she was leaving so soon which one of the following statements is most likely her response

The higher level employees repeatedly over emphasize the company is positive points were interviewing candidates

The Mexican Federal Labor Law includes control on_____

The outsourcing of jobs to the other countries

When Beverly administers the math test to accounting clerk candidates, the average score is 65%. But when Carol administers the same test, the score average is 83%. What does this indicate about the test?

The test is unreliable

Building of a bridge would be a type of _____

Unit production

________Is a type of technology that centers on small batch production

Unit production

Paul the HR manager works in a Townsville plant and reports to the plant manager there but he also reports to the corporate HR director in cityburger. This reporting structure violates the principle of ________

Unity of command

A ______ selection device is characterized by a proven relationship between the selection device and some relavent job selection criterion


Willard has been assigned to a project development team in addition to his regular duties as a quality engineer. During this assignment he reports of both the project manager and his quality department manager. This situation _______

Violates unity of command

Robert and a small engineering firm serving customers on three continents. He only has three employees and contracts with freelancers as needed to for fill his customers needs. At any given time he could have 50 or more engineers under contract. Robert operates a______

Virtual organization

Which one of the following prohibits discrimination on the bias of physical or mental disabilities

Vocational rehabilitation act

Which of the following factors require more Decentralized organization structure?

When the lower level managers want a voice in decisions

Which of the following factors calls for more centralized organization structures?

When the organization is facing a crisis

In the early 20th century automobiles were made at one time by craftsmen who perform every operation necessary to build a car. Henry ford decided to limit the number of tasks each worker perform so that each person could become an expert in this position. With this practice ford introduce ______

Work specialization

The process of dividing work activities into separate job task is known as________

Work specialization

Helmut works for an optical engineering company in Germany. He is one of sevral employees that managment must concult when it is concidering a major layoff. Halmut is a member of _________________

a work council

Work teams composed of individuals from various functional specialties are known as ________ teams.


What kind of departmentalization would be in place of a government organization where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for employees, children, and the disabled

customer departmentalization

if human resouce planning shows a surplus of empolyees, management can reduce the organizations workforce through __________


According to the traditional view managers could not and should not directly supervise more than _______ subordinates

five or six

Sam, a human resources manager, wants to let potential candidates know about the minimum qualifications that they should possess in order to successfully perform the jobs they have applied for. What should he do?

he should create a job specification

the process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times is know as ______

human resource planning

the first phase of the human resources managemnet process involves_________

human resources planning, recruitment and decruitment, and seclection

The first three activities of the human resource management process involves ________.

identifying and selecting competent employees

assessment center are used to select

individuals for management position

Managers begin human resource planning by ________.

inventorying current employees

Roberta has been asked to complete a questionnaire about her job duties and the qualifications she bebelieves candidate for her position should have. Roberta is participating in a ________

job analysis

an assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to preform them is known as a ________

job analysis

a written statement that explains the job content , environment , and conditions of employment is called a __________

job description

A ________ states the minimum qualifications that a person must succesfully perform a given job

job specification

_______ are a temporary involuntary termination that can last from a few weeks to several years


Recruitment is the process of ________.

locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants

Terrence worked closely with the new hire, showing him repeatedly how to do the job, pairing him with a job coach, sending him to classes, etc.m but it wasnt enough. In addition to the cost of this training, what other costs are involved in the situation

lost profits from the employee's incompetence

________ is a type of technology that centers on large-batch production and requires moderate levels of complexity and sophistication.

mass production

A ___________ organization is highly specialized and rigidly departmentalized


In stable and simple environments ______

mechanistic designs are most effective

During an economic recession,...

more qualified candidates are available to fill fewer open positions

A __________ includes both positive and negative aspects about the job and the company

realistic job preview

If Victoria asks some employees to share jbs or perform their jobs on a part-time basis, she would be _______

reducing the workforce

Errors made by eliminating candidates who would have performes sucessfully on the job are known as ___

reject errors

_______ involves predicting which applicants will be sucessful if hired


The __________ determines the number of levels and managers an organization

span of control

Bill manages the quality department. His people check parts made by the production departments to assure all specifications are met. Bill is

staff manager

In case of functional departmentalization, jobs are grouped according to ________.


In Germany and most of western Europe, the two most common forms of representative participation are________

work councils and board representatives

__________ Departmentalization is based on the product or customer flow through the organization


Woodward divided firms into three distinct categories that have increasing levels of complexity and sophistication: unit production mass production and _________

Process production

Woodward study of relationship between technology and structure, structure that is most technically complex was ________

Process production

Which of the following is a characteristic of mechanistic organization

Clear chain of command

Labor unions use________ to protect the rights of their members

Collective bargaining

_________ as a source of recruitment is limited to entry level positions

College recruiting

Which of the following requires continued health coverage following termination of an employee

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

When Fletcher lost his job as a result of a downsizing, his health coverage was discontinued even though he was willing to pay for it. Which of the following can Fletcher cite in his efforts to have his heath coverage benefits restored

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation act

All other things being equal the wider or larger the span of control the more _________ an organization


The following is a characteristic of organic organization

Cross functional team

Which one of the following gives employees the legal right to examine personnel files and letters of reference

Privacy Act

The fact that Monicasignature is required on all documents and her word is the last word on all decisions relating to her department suggest that ________

Her employer has a centralized structure

John received a raise as a result of his last performance appraisal. He is active on three teams and is given authority to make decisions regarding his job responsibilities. John's employer is using....

High-performance work practices

Steve introduces in-house technical training programs for employees, as well as a provision to reimburse the tuition fees for employees who take college courses that benefit both the employee and the organization. Steve is using.........

High-performance work practices

What step in the human resource management process identifies and selects competent employees

Human resource planning and recruitment

When Brian is often a chance to direct the effort of seven please assign to his work through he sees the new assignment as an

Increase in his responsibility

What is an example of high-performance work practices?

Increasing employee access to information

Which of the following statements accurately defined's work specialization

Individual employees specialize in during part of activities rather than an entire activity

What is true of high-performance work practices?

It encourages extensive employee involvement and greater employee control on decision-making

Which of the following is a strength of simple structure

It is inexpensive to maintain

The following is a weakness of simple structure

It relies too much on one person and is very risky

One characteristic of the matrix structure is that___

It violates the principle of unity of command

According to Woodward studies what type of production technology is best suited for mechanistic structure?


The type of assembly line typically found in automobile manufacturing is an example of ______

Mass production

In a university setting it is common for a professor to report to an academic supervisor in his area of educational expertise into a supervisor overseeing a particular degree such as bachelorette or masters. This illustrates the _____structure


A _______ organization is highly formalized aand centralized


Large organizations are more______


Ben operates a farmers market every year he offers the same vegetables to the same customers and faces some rivalry from track farmers. A ______ would be the best fit for Ben situation

Mechanistic design

Top managers make your decisions with little input from below then the organization is _______

More centralized

Custom leather CEO Standish is considering doubling the size of his work force in conjunction with expanding the number retail outlets that carry custom leather products. He should expect the organization to become ______ as a result of this change

More mechanistic

An ————- organization is highly adaptive loose and flexible


If a firm wants to become more adaptive and flexible which of the following organizations structures is it likely to prefer


Many of custom leather is employees are experienced artisans. The jobs most of them perform are highly standardized. They take great pride in their craft require if you wanna rules and little direct supervision. These trades are mostly typical of an ________ organizations


Smith would become more _______ if it started allowing it's lab scientist to get priorities and Allocate the resources


The greater the environment uncertainty the more organizations need to become_______


Michelle is very concerned about the formal framework by which job tasks are divided group and coordinated with in her unit. This implies that she is concerned about _______

Organizational structure

What is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization?

Organizational structure

Tim is a candidate for an automotive mechanic's position. He is asked to deconstruct and reconstruct part of an engine motor to demonstrate his skill. This is an example of a(n)

Performance-simulation test

What step in the human resource management process helps retain competent high-performing employees

Preformance management

The essence of affirmative action is to____

Prevent discrimination and enhance the status of members from protected groups

Elizabeth was hired as a customer care executive by a telecommunication provider during a period when they were extremely short-staffed. Her employers soon realized that she was impatient, easily irritated, and lacked motivation. They even began to receive complaints about her behavior from angry customers. In hiring Elizabeth, her employers were guilty of a(n)

accept error

Application forms _____

are most useful for gathering information

in her next meeting with the senior memangement, jane suggests the they should ignore the openings created by voluntary resignations and not hire anymore people now. this would avoid much of the pain associated with workforce reduction in future. this implies that jane favors ___________


in which one of the following decruitment methods does an organization refrain from filling the openings created by volunteering resignations or normal retirements of its employees


_________ Is the degree to which decision making takes place at upper levels of the organization


The final three activities of the human resource management process ensure ________.

that the organization retains competent and high-performing employees

a disadvantage of using professional recruiting organizations is ________

their limited commitment to specific companies

which one of the following is true of written test as a selection tool

they are relatively good predictors for supervisory position

Which one of Fayol's 14 principles of management states that a person should report to only one manager?

unity of command

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