Management Practice Exam

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the highest level of interaction and coordination among members is required in ______ interdependence


Layla participated in a problem-solving quiz competition among teams. Because Layla was the most familiar with the types of problems on her quiz, her team's performance depended largely on Layla's performance. What is the type of task represented by the quiz competition?


Which of the following statements is true about functional organization structure?

Functional structures are extremely efficient when the organization has fewer product lines or services.

Which of the following is an example of a company flattening its structure?

Gita's Boating eliminates a layer of management.

Which of the following is an example of an ambassador activity?

Gracie, a member of the sales team, approaches the VP of sales about the possibility of hiring a temp to help with menial tasks that are bogging the team down and impeding its progress.

Which of the following is true with regard to outcome interdependence?

In an organization with compensation that has high outcome interdependence, a higher percentage of employees' pay will depend on how well their team does.

Which of the following is an advantage of a strong culture?

It allows employees to identify themselves with the organization.

What is the main reason many organizations flatten their organizations?

It reduces costs and shows investors that the company is profitable.

Which of the following statements about an organization in a dynamic business environment is true?

It requires organizations to have structures that are more adaptive.

Mahesh loves working on the new engineering team. Everyone is so friendly and there is never any bitterness or conflict. Mahesh is sure they will come up with the most innovative designs ever. Is Mahesh right?

Maybe, but the team members may be so focused on creating harmony, they may endanger task accomplishment

as organizations become larger, they tend to become more ____ in nature


Which of the following statements is true of the stages of team development?

Not every team has to progress through the sequence of team development.

Cuba is the CEO of a large shipping company. He has some very talented employees, but the company keeps falling behind its competitors. When Cuba observes what is going on, he finds some cases where managers are micromanaging good employees, while other managers cannot address all the needs of their employees. Cuba needs to address how the company's talent is


_________ is the degree to which an individual's personality and values match the culture of an organization.

Person-organization fit

Which of the following statements concerning potency is not true?

Potency has a weak positive impact on team performance.

Which of the following examples, each occurring about midway through a project, demonstrates punctuated equilibrium?

Rosa and her teammates realize they need to quit messing around and get busy to meet their deadline.

_________ (are) the degree to which group members think and act alike, and _________ represent(s) how friendly employees are to one another.

Solidarity; sociability

_________ exist(s) when the overall organizational culture is supplemented by another culture governing a more specific set of employees.


_________ is normally conducted by a consultant and intended to facilitate the development of team processes related to goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and role clarification.

Team building

_________ refer(s) to specific types of feelings and thoughts that coalesce in the minds of team members as a consequence of their experience working together.

Team states

Which of the following is a result of creating high levels of task interdependence?

Teams will be better able to adapt to new situations.

Which of the following are teamwork processes?

Transition, Action, Interpersonal

Which group represents an action team?

a WNBA basketball team

At Panic Rooms Limited, there is a total focus on providing care and satisfaction to each customer. In the Small Venues division, each manager is assigned three employees to supervise, whereas in the Materials Acquisition division, each manager supervises about 15 employees. The Small Venues division managers can be described as having _________as opposed to _________ for the Materials Acquisition division managers.

a narrow span of control; a wide span of control

Which of the following scenarios exemplifies a communal culture?

a new start up, the Yarn Barn, where the owner and the three employees are all committed to knitting and the environment

Four students from the LMNO School have been selected to form the team that will represent the school in the national robotics contest. They must come up with a creative project. These students' first meeting was face to face and involved each of them suggesting as many ideas as they could think of without analyzing or critiquing them at that time. What did the students engage in?


Dontell manages a shipyard with over 700 workers performing a variety of tasks. After walking through the grounds talking to the employees, he is surprised to learn that few of the workers share common goals within teams. He sees a wide variation in what people believe they are trying to accomplish. How can Dontell best resolve this issue and help his workforce find some common goals?

by instructing his teams to create mission statements with clearly defined goals

The more communication flows through fewer members of the team, the higher the degree of


_____ reflects where decisions are formally made in organizations


A large pharmaceutical company recently adopted a structure in order to give its top managers more responsibility and flexibility. The company is now structured around five customer groupings: major healthcare provider networks, individual consumers, small and mid-sized pharmacies, military bases and government employee facilities, and public clinics. Which of the following organizational structures has this company created?


Isidora likes the results obtained when the employees at her small pharmaceutical company work in teams. Unfortunately, Javier, undeniably the most talented researcher in the firm, feels he is not being recognized or sufficiently compensated for his contributions within the team framework, and Isidora realizes that he is probably right. How can Isidora structure salaries to encourage teamwork, while retaining top performers like Javier?

combine individual and team performance when determining wages

Cristian, Fahd, Hao, and Adelina are four friends working at four different organizations. In Cristian's firm, Timely Advances, employees are both distant and disconnected from one another, whereas in Fahd's company, Power Dynamics, it is quite the opposite—employees are friendly, and they all think alike. Hao works for Flowing Wealth, where employees think alike but are not friendly to one another. Finally, Adelina is employed at Climate of Hope, where employees are friendly, but they think d


Which of the following answer options is part of an organizations business environment


Which of the following is a team building role?


which of the following tactics is designed to encourage adaptation to the organization's culture?

constantly reminding newcomers that they are now part of a group and that this new group helps define who they are

what is one metric for measuring team performance?

consumer satisfaction

Brainstorming and nominal group technique are two ways teams can increase

creative behavior.

The idea behind _________ is that team members can develop shared mental models of what is involved in each of the roles in the team and how the roles fit together to form a system.


which of the following provides an example of a situation with high goal interdependence

crystals team has developed a mission statement within a week of its formation

Jakob, Nathan, and Ting are members of the marketing team at Wonderous Innovations, Inc. (WII), and are responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Jakob has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Ting has the best record of making good recommendations to Tigran, the vice president of marketing. Nathan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations

decision informity

Shlela's team is working on a project to create an effective marketing campalgn for a company that specializes in window treatments. Shiela gathers all the necessary information to help the team understand the product and the desires and needs of the client. She then clearly explains the responsibilities of each member of the team. Shella is ensuring that her team has high

decision informity

the degree to which team members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities

decision informity

Which three specific factors have been found to account for a team's ability to make effective decisions?

decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity

At Singh's Cycle Shop, the machines have to be re-tooled with each motorcycle they repair. On top of that, customers may drop in for a quick fix, and the mechanics have to know how to quickly refit every machine they use. In the case of Singh's Cycle Shop,

decisions should be decentralized.

The managers at Megademolition meet and realize that they have huge costs associated with training new employees, difficulty finding someone who can take the place of lost employees, and lower productivity than they would prefer from each employee. What can they do to address this issue?

decrease the number of tasks each employee performs

Kora serves as a member of a team responsible for reviewing the company's facilities to make sure they are making the best use of the available space. Whenever someone suggests that some aspect of the current configuration is working fine, Kora challenges the status quo with constructive alternative views. Which role has Kora assumed?

devil's advocate

One way to potentially prevent problems associated with too much cohesion is to formally institute the role of a(n) _________, a person who is responsible for evaluating and challenging prevailing points of view in a constructive manner and also bringing in fresh perspectives and ideas to the team.

devil's advocate

In extreme cases, countercultures can split the organization's culture right down the middle, resulting in a(n) _________ culture.


Most merged companies operate under a _________ for an extended period of time.

differentiated culture

Amberly's Twines makes hand-twisted wreaths out of grape and wisteria vines. Amberly's could make the wreaths more efficiently, but the individual touch and specially selected vines draw in customers who are willing to pay a premium for Amberly's Twines wreaths. Amberly's Twines is an example of a


Companies merge for various reasons, but with acquisitions, the company doing the acquiring has a _________ culture to which the other is expected to adapt.


what happens in an organic organization

employees are encouraged to develop knowledge and expertise outside of their specialization

what are the characteristics of a networked culture

employees are friendly to one another but think differently and do their own things

Marcelo has recently been hired by Aqua Force Waterproofing. Today is his first day on the job. Marcelo is in which stage of the socialization process?


During the _________ stage of socialization, new employees compare the information they acquired as outsiders during the _________ stage with what the organization is really like now that they are insiders.

encounter; anticipatory

Which method of transmission achieves the highest level of information richness?

face-to-face channels

one complication is that ______ often occur in diverse groups, whereby informal subgroups develop based on similarity in surface level attributes such as gender or other characteristics

fault lines

In Tiny Valley Memories, a picture frame manufacturing company, the arrival and departure times to and from work are specified to the minute, with time clocks used to control deviant behavior. It can be said that the company is high in


Jayda, a former sales manager, has been out of the workforce for more than a decade and is thrilled when she lands a job at Mystic Visions Technology. For her first day at work, she dresses in a conservative business suit and digs her old briefcase out of the closet. When she arrives at the office, she is shocked to see people dressed in jeans and sweatshirts, with some not even wearing shoes. Instead of working in a cubicle as she had for years, she is seated at a long, open table with numerou

a strong culture.

which of the following observations about member consciousness is true?

a team with high consciousness will be more productive than a team with even one member with low consciousness

which of the following is true of teams

a team works interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task oriented purpose

Which of the following types of teams generally requires a full-time commitment from the team members?

a work team

Monitoring progress toward goals is a type of _________ process


Some types of _______ teams work together for an extended period of time. Whereas other teams of the same type may stay together only as long as it takes to complete the task.


Tasks for which the contributions resulting from the abilities of every member are considered in total to determine team performance are _________ tasks.


Kayshawn works for Healthy Insurance Network Team, often known simply as HINT, and has earned the nickname "Mr. HINT" because his values and personality match the company culture perfectly. Research findings suggest that Keyshawn is also likely to have:

all of these (high trust, high organizational commitment, low stress, high citizenship behaviors)

Nuka, a training coordinator at CMC Enterprises, is working on a team tasked with organizing a workshop for the employees. Nuka is meeting the vice president of finance to get support for an increase in the budget to accommodate a session by a well-known motivational speaker. Nuka, in this case, is performing a(n) _________ activity of the boundary-spanning process.


realistic job previews occur during which stage of socialization


the matrix structure gives each employee _____ chains of command

at least two

What are the elements of the ASA framework?


Leonor is the project manager of the organizational development team at Soft Interiors. Leonor's team has been assigned the task of studying and evaluating Soft Interiors' organizational structure. Leonor divided the tasks among the team members to collect preliminary information on different elements of Soft Interiors' structure. Max was asked to collect information on the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs. Stefan was asked to collect information on formal authority re


Which of the following is a necessary coordination mechanism that organizations rely on to get a standardized product or deliver a standardized service?


Which of the following reflects a bureaucratic structure?


At LMNO Creating, employees are grouped according to their expertise in an area. All marketing employees are in one department, all finance employees are grouped in another department, and similarly, all human resources and manufacturing employees are in their respective departments. Which of the following structures does LMNO Creating use?


what is the most basic bureaucratic structure?


Which team-building role encourages participation from teammates?


Power Health Supplements Incorporated is growing very fast in both sales and number of employees. It manufactures and sells dietary supplement products to customers all over the United States and several other countries. So far, the company has followed a simple structure. However, with fast-paced growth, the company needs to explore other organizational structures. Angelo, a long-time employee at Power Health Supplements, has collected information on how some of its competitors have organized t


Daniela is the Swiss Alps division manager of Steep Slope Skis. Other managers are in charge of the Rockies, French Alps, Sierra Nevada, and Japanese Alps divisions. Her brother, Jorge is a marketing manager at a different firm who enjoys attending ballets with the distribution and operations managers from his company. Daniela likely works in a company with a _________ structure, while Jorge most likely works in a company with a _________ structure.

geographic; functional

Masami heads Bristle Up Enterprises, a company that started making paintbrushes in Iowa and has now diversified into a huge range of products totally unrelated to painting. Bristle Up has become very difficult to run under its current configuration. How should Masami redesign the organization?

group business units by brushes, garage door openers, faucets, and garden goods

An example of a work team would be a

group of four workers making a specific part on the production line of an automobile factory.

John F. Kennedy's decision to go forward with the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, NASA's decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger in unusually cold weather, and Enron's board of directors' decisions to ignore illegal accounting practices are famous examples off


Brainstorming results in production blocking because members

have to wait their turn to express their ideas.

A team's strong belief that it can be effective across a variety of situations reflects which of the following?

high potency

which of the following supply the primary means of transmitting an organizations culture to its workforce

observable artifacts

what are the three major components to any organizational culture

observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions

jermaine has gotten his dream job working with one of the most prominent investment companies on Wall Street, and he is determined t make a good showing from the first day. what is the best way for him to do that?

observe his coworkers from the start, figure out who is the most successful and plugged in, get to know them and not be shy about asking questions

Robust Rods is a custom manufacturer of handcrafted fishing poles. The company has 95 locations throughout the world and relies on decentralized decision making to meet the needs of the dynamic environment and customer needs. Which of the following approaches to organizational design is likely to be appropriate for Robust Rods?


Which type of organization is flexible, adaptive, outward-focused and capable of thriving in dynamic environments?


LaWanda is the leader of a small swimming pool manufacturer that caters to public schools and parks. She has to decide which person will perform which task, and how all the tasks will come together as the end product. This is an example of LaWanda shaping her company's

organizational structure.

High _________ interdependence implies that team members depend on the performance of other team members for the rewards that they receive.


what are the three levels of cross training depth?

personal clarification, positional modeling, and positional rotation

Which of the following competencies synchronizes activities among team members?

planning and task coordination

When Mia performs day-to-day tasks needed to keep her team moving forward, she is performing the role of a(n)


A team of highly skilled and qualified members of an organization failed to perform the team objective assigned to them. When the reason for this lack of performance was investigated, it was clear that, although the team members worked hard, they had to wait for their teammates to complete a particular task before they could start their own. Which of the following explains the reason for process loss in this case?

production blocking

Josie's Organic Seeds formed several teams to plan and execute the 10th anniversary celebrations of the company. Over a period of 10 weeks, the teams organized events, oversaw logistics, and coordinated employee activities. The events were planned on a large scale and required significant input from the managers and production workers. These are examples of _________teams.


Sometimes a company must adapt to its environment. What is the first step in adapting to the environment?

recognizing the need to change

Yolanda is a department manager at Gripper Gloves, Incorporated Yolanda starts every morning with a brief department meeting called a "huddle," where each member in the department has an opportunity to report progress, share stories of success and failure, and seek general input, advice, and information. What Yolanda's department does every morning can be described as a(n)


Manufacturing and medical companies primarily desire to create a _________ culture.


Every day at Awning Art, Gus cuts the awning supports, and then Pilar grinds down the sharp edges. Next, Muhammed polishes them, and Liv sprays a rust inhibitor on them. Finally, Sybil dries the supports and puts them into the awnings. Each person is the most skilled team member at performing their task. Awning Art's workers have _________ interdependence.


Organizations that have successfully created a _________ culture have been shown to change employee attitudes and behaviors toward customers.


Hard Facts publishing has decided to restructure its organization. During the restructuring, managers will probably see

slightly declining task performance.

____ results from members feeling less accountable for team outcomes relative to interdependent work resulting in individually identifiable outcomes

social loafing

which refers to the number of employees each manager is responsible for in the organization

span of control

Which of the following is an example of a team building role?


The tall tale passed around among the Nursery Emporium's employees, and always told to each new employee, is that the owners believe in customer service so much that they once voluntarily pruned a customer's apple orchard while the customer was on vacation. This is an example of which observable artifact?


Jacques and Olga have both been assigned to a team to choose how to dispose of waste. Jacques has long believed the company should create its own waste disposal department, and Olga has long believed they should hire an outside vendor to handle it. They both cut each other off in meetings, refuse to listen to each other, and have made some people on the team choose sides and feel resentment toward other members. Jacques and Olga are on a team in the _________stage of team development.


which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?

strong culture are not always good for the organization

This type of culture can be incredibly valuable in recruiting top talent as the culture resonates well with many of today's job applicants.


When Mathilda first walked into the glass-enclosed lobby of Data Mining Solutions' headquarters, she observed an enormous three-dimensional recreation of the company's logo—a bright red question mark—hanging from the ceiling. As she was taken on a tour of the building, the same red question mark appeared painted along the hallways, in decals placed on all street-facing windows, and as a screen saver on the company computers. Such corporate branding is an example of which type of observable a


____ can be beneficial to team if it stimulates conversations that result in the development and expression of new ideas

task conflict

Deep-level diversity has positive effects on team creativity when

team members are instructed to take the perspective of their teammates.

When measuring team effectiveness, two aspects are considered important: _________, which may include metrics such as the quantity and quality of output, and _________, sometimes called team commitment.

team performance; team viability

An example of management team is a

team that overseas the functioning of all the teams in a communications company and coordinates activities among those teams

Which of the following refers to the degree to which teams can remain together as ongoing entities?

team viability

_____ helps to determine the likelihood that the team can work together effectively into the future

team viability

The interpersonal activities that promote the accomplishment of team tasks but do not involve task accomplishment itself refer to

teamwork processes

which of the following is true of an organization with a simple organizational structure

the company chart is likely to be flat

What is formalization?

the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors and decisions in an organization

which of the following is an enacted value rather than an espoused value?

the doctor believes exercise leads to good health and every year the doctor office workers participate in their citys 5k charity run

Which of the following exemplifies the observable artifact category of physical structures?

the elaborate, marble-floored conference room where Bull and Bear Wealth Management Partners conducts meetings with its top clients

having a phone conversation at a busy construction site is difficult because of

the presence of noise

What is socialization?

the primary process by which employees learn the knowledge that enables them to understand and adapt to the organization's culture

Which of the following is an example of espoused values?

the sustainability message that Outdoor Footwear prints on each of its shoe boxes that celebrates the amount of post-consumer recycled content in its products

Which of the following groups is probably the biggest driver of culture?

top executives

which of the following statements is true with regard to transition processes

transition processes are important between periods of work activity

Which approach can a company take if they are trying to "shake things up" in their company culture?

use no examples of what an employee is supposed to be like

what is the result of process gain

useful resources and capabilities that did not exist before the team created them

which of the following scenarios exemplifies span of control?

vanna is responsible for managing 16 employees

Organic organizations are typified by a structure that relies on

weak chains of command.

Yina, Shakita, and Iris work in different teams at First Note Acoustics. Yina's team ensures that all the raw materials, machinery, tools, and other production equipment are available to employees around the clock. Any procurement needs must be addressed to Yina, who also takes part in high-level decisions regarding the number of units to be produced and exported. Shakita works as part of a team of nine members who concentrate on daily production; they also ensure that quality checks are done an


What do members do during the performing stage of team development?

work comfortably within their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals

the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs is known as

work specialization

Alfred, Mario, and Lydia have worked together on the same team for three years. The company has just hired a new human resources director at their facility. The new director recommends a total restructuring of all jobs, including teams. Alfred is experiencing anxiety, Lydia is angry, and Mario is relieved as they all realize they must soon disengage and ultimately separate from the team. Alfred, Mario, and Lydia are in the ________ stage of team development.


which of the following activities are boundary spanning activities?

Ambassador, task coordinator, scout

at the ___ stage of the socialization process, relevant information includes the way employees are treated during recruitment, the things that insiders tell them about the organization, and any other information employees acquire about what the organization is like and what working there entails


The product design team at smartphone maker Sapling, Incorporated, has had a fantastic string of successes over the past four years. The first phone it released helped Sapling dominate the marketplace with its line of powerful and highly photo-capable devices. Lately, however, the team's manager, Serena, notices that the team seems content to rest on its laurels and bask in past glories. The team spends a good deal of time in meetings tracking the sales of last year's model and speculating a

hire a consultant to attend team meetings and ask challenging questions when ideas stagnate

Part of the problem with _________ is that it can lead to uncertainty about which types of behaviors are being rewarded and how pay ultimately is determined.

hybrid outcome interdependence

schmidt sporting gear, a large store, pays it employees a base salary, as well as as up to a 12 percent bonus based on individual performance and up to a 5 percent bonus based on team performance. schmidt uses a reward structure with

hybrid outcome interdependence

As the level of task interdependence _________, members must spend _________ amounts of time communicating and coordinating with other members to complete tasks.

increases; increasing

Lina is frequently hostile to other team members, cynical about the goals of the team and others' engagement in the project, and sometimes disagrees and stubbornly blocks progress "just because." Her behavior often leaves other team members feeling hopeless or tired. Lina's behavior reflects _________ role behaviors.


how can Hawa reduce problems caused by the widely varied approaches her team members are using to reach their goals

instruct the team to reflect on its goals and progress

Motivating and confidence building, conflict management, and affect management are types of _________ processes.


Tia, a supervisor with more than a dozen subordinates, is concerned about whether Sam, a new employee, is fitting in properly with the department and the company as a whole. The best way for Tia to make that determination is to observe the

language Sam uses in company emails.

Elnur, the warehouse manager for Superior Skylight, Incorporated, tells Diya and Yan that three pallets of weather stripping need to be taken to the warehouse. Diya and Yan move the three pallets from the loading dock onto the warehouse floor. Afterward, Yan tells Diya, "That was fast. Time for a break!" But Diya says, "Not so fast. We need to move the boxes of weather stripping from the pallets to the shelves." Yan responds, "Elnur just said to move them to the warehouse. He didn't

low communication competence.

In organizations with mercenary cultures, we tend to find _________ sociability and _________ solidarity.

low; high

In organizations with fragmented cultures, there is _________ sociability and _________ solidarity.

low; low

Nominal group technique decreases social loafing and production blocking—problems with brainstorming—by

making people write down ideas on their own.

which of the following is an example of a function of an action team?

marko and aleks lead the clean up effort when their companys warehouse is hit by a tornado

A bureaucratic structure is an organizational form that exhibits many of the facets of the ________ organization.


Ulrich finishes college with a degree in computer science. One of his favorite aspects of the discipline is that it is a fairly solitary endeavor. In school he got to work on projects by himself with little social interaction, and that is just how he likes it. After accepting a position as a programmer at VitalTech Resources, he is surprised to learn that he is required to s make a weekly progress report in front of the sales and marketing departments. The mere prospect makes him lightheaded and


Esperanza is a network administrator for Caballero Communications. The company recently completed a merger with Telecom Parts, Inc., and her team is responsible for integrating the two companies' computer networks. Before embarking on the project, Esperanza meets with her team. Together, they discuss the potential issues that might arise during integration, outline the major steps required to complete the project successfully, and review the list of hardware and software that will be required

mission analysis

according to current research, which type of span of control is best for an organizations productivity


Teamwork processes have a _________ effect on team performance and a _________ effect on team commitment.

moderate positive; strong positive

Jason, Lloyd, Halle, and Liz are team members in a world history class. They have been assigned the task of creating a digital timeline and related activities involving multiple programs. Jason and Halle worked very hard and created activities that worked well with the timeline. Lloyd and Liz, however, did not work as hard as they could and created activities with numerous errors. This resulted in none of the activities being usable with the timeline. The team's poor performance that was a res

motivational loss.

which of the following is a bureaucratic organizational form in which employees are grouped into divisions around products, geographic regions, or clients?

multi divisional structure

Which of the following statements is true of span of control?

narrow spans of control allow managers to be more interactive with employees

A common form of training called _________ teaches attendees about the organization.

newcomer orientation

Which of the following supply the primary means of transmitting an organization's culture to its workforce?

observable artifacts

While she was shopping at Flourish Auto Sales, Yan noticed that all the staff wore white polo shirts, black cargo pants, and striped tennis shoes. Which of the following layers of organizational culture would such a dress code represent?

observable artifacts

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