Management Test 2

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occurs when managers know which goals they want to achieve, but information about alternatives and future events is incomplete.

going above and beyond, putting extra effort that goes beyond what you are required to do, helping others, go beyond the call of duty beyond the sake of the organization

organization citizenship

committed to go to job, be there and do my job fully

organization commitment

The Yerkes-Dodson Stress Curve

originally proposed by two Harvard researchers, Robert Yerkes and John Dodson certain level of stress challenges you and increases your focus, alertness, efficiency, and productivity.Footnote After that point, however, things go downhill quickly, and stress compromises your job performance, your relationships, and even your health. Another interesting finding is that too much stress inhibits learning and flexibility

Vocational rehabilitation act

prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disability and requires that employees be informed about affirmative action plans

Virtual network

structural approach advantages: can draw on expertise worldwide, highly flexible and response, reduced overhead costs disadvantages: lack of control, weak boundaries, greater demands on managers, weaker employee loyalty


structural approach advantages: more efficient use of resources than a single hierarchy, flexibility, adaptability to a changing environment, interdisciplinary cooperation; expertise available to all divisions disadvantages: frustration and confusion from a dual chain of command, high conflict between two sides of the matrix, many meetings; more discussion than action


the ability to control disruptive or harmful emotions and balance one's moods so that worry, anxiety, fear, and anger do not cloud thinking and get in the way of what needs to be done. People who are skilled at this remain optimistic and hopeful despite setbacks and obstacles. This ability is crucial for pursuing long-term goals. MetLife found that applicants who failed the regular sales aptitude test but scored high on optimism made 21 percent more sales in their first year and 57 percent more in their second year than those who passed the sales test but scored high on pessimism


the cognitive process that people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from the environment.

matching model

the organization and the individual attempt to match the needs, interests, and values that they offer each other

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks unpaid leave for childbirth, adoption or family emergencies

affirmative action

Requires employers to take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people of protected groups

Risk propensity

Risk propensity is the willingness to undertake risk with the opportunity of gaining an increased payoff.

Perceptual distortions

errors in perceptual judgment that arise from inaccuracies in any part of the perception process.

technique for determining which forces drive a proposed change and which forces restrain it.

force-field analysis

when a manager gives an employee the same rating on all dimensions of the job, even though performance may be good on some dimensions and poor on others

halo effect


means that a decision has clear-cut goals and good information is available, but the future outcomes associated with each alternative are subject to chance.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI™)

measures a person's preferences for introversion versus extroversion, sensation versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving.


decision authority is located near the top of the organization


decision authority is pushed downward to lower organization levels

is used by people who prefer simple, clear-cut solutions to problems. Managers who use this style often make decisions quickly because they do not like to deal with a lot of information and may consider only one or two alternatives. generally are efficient and rational and prefer to rely on existing rules or procedures for making decisions.

Directive style

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Allows employees to switch health insurances plans when changing jobs and get the new coverage regardless of preexisting health conditions, prohibits group plans from dropping a sick employee

1. Recognition of a decision 2. Diagnosis and analyses of causes 3. Development of alternatives 4. Selection of desired alternatives 5. Implementation of chose alternatives 6. Evaluation and feedback

Briefly describe how you as a supervisor would investigate an employee complaint and resolve the issue

Persistence, commitment, focused approach, conceptual fluency, open-mindedness, originality, playfulness, undisciplined exploration, curiosity

Characteristics of a creative person

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Require continued health insurance coverage (paid by employee) following termination

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

Established mandatory safety and health standard in organizations

Most differences in perception among people at work are related to how they select and organize sensory data. Of particular concern in the work environment are perceptual distortions, errors in perceptual judgment that arise from inaccuracies in any part of the perception process. One common perceptual error is stereotyping, the tendency to assign an individual to a group or broad category (e.g., female, black, elderly; or male, white, disabled) and then to attribute widely held generalizations about the group to the individual. However, the person's inability to walk should not be seen as indicative of lesser abilities in other areas. Stereotyping prevents people from truly knowing those whom they classify in this way. In addition, negative stereotypes prevent talented people from advancing in an organization and fully contributing their talents to the organization's success. To overcome - use role reversal or role playing, education & training, understanding opposite view points, consensus building

How do perception, perceptual selectivity, & distortion affect individuals in the workplace? How would you work to counteract or mitigate these effects?

The more certain you are the lower your risk is failing so you have more programmed decisions. The higher the risk the less unceratin/ambiguity you have so you make unprogrammed decisions.

How does risk/reward & uncertainty relate to the decision-making process?

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Imposes a fee on firms with 50 or more employees if the government subsidizes their employees health care coverage prevents insurers from denying coverage based on preexisting or changing women more than men

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Prohibits age discrimination and restricts mandatory retirement

Equal Pay Act

Prohibits sex differences in pay for substantially equal work

Top management support: change involves multiple departments or relocation of resources, users doubt legitimacy of change communication, education: change is technical, users need to accurate information and analysis to understand change participation: users need to feel involved, design requires information from others, users have power to resist Negotiation: group has power over implementation, group will lose out in the change coercion: a crisis exists, initiators clearly have power, other implementation techniques have failed

Provide a solution or tactic on how to overcome each of the types of resistance to change


Structural approach advantages: fast response, flexibility in an unstable environment, fosters concern for customer needs, excellent coordination across functional departments disadvantages: duplication of resources across divisions, less technical depth and specialization, poor coordination across divisions


Structural approach advantages: reduced barrier among departments; increased compromise, shorter response time, quicker decisions, better morale; enthusiasm from employee involvement disadvantages: dual loyalties and conflict, time and resources spent on meetings, unplanned decentralization

Relationship management

The ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others. know how to listen and communicate clearly, and they treat others with compassion and respect

social awareness

The ability to understand others and practice empathy, which means being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to recognize what others are feeling without them needing to tell you. capable of understanding divergent points of view and interacting effectively with many different types of people.

Openness to experience

The degree to which a person has a broad range of interests and is imaginative, creative, artistically sensitive, and willing to consider new ideas


The degree to which a person is able to get along with others by being good-natured, likable, cooperative, forgiving, understanding, and trusting

Emotional stability

The degree to which a person is calm, enthusiastic, and self-confident, rather than tense, depressed, moody, or insecure.


The degree to which a person is focused on a few goals, thus behaving in ways that are responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement-oriented.


The degree to which a person is outgoing, sociable, assertive, and comfortable with interpersonal relationships.

Green Hat

The green hat is the one that generates new ideas, possibilities, alternatives, and unique solutions for better problem solving.


The hiring or promotion of applicants based on criteria that are not job relevant

yellow hat

The yellow hat is the opposite of the black hat. It is optimistic and focuses on the values and benefits of an idea. Its focus is on what will work.

Red hat

This hat allows an emotional response to the subject. It is a perspective based on feelings, intuitions, instincts, and hunches

Blue Hat

This hat is concerned with group facilitation. The group leader typically assumes the blue hat role, although any member can wear the blue hat from time to time. Using the Technique

Black hat

This is the negative, pessimistic, and critical hat, which focuses on why a suggestion will not work. When people wear this hat, they point out the flaws and false assumptions in an idea.

white hat

This thinking hat is neutral and concerned with just the objective facts, figures, and information pertaining to a problem.

less efficient, may duplicate some activities, strains resources and may not have enough to spread throughout the organization (more costly), employees must have more training and knowledge to take on the new responsibilities and decision-making activities, management has less control, and less consistency over policies and decisions

What are disadvantages of decentralization?

May increase cutthroat competition among employees, discourage collaboration and teamwork, potentially harm morale, stereotyping, halo effect, BARS, central tendency, strict or lenient, Me too, contrast

What are five problems with various methods of assessing employee performance within organization?

more flexible, empowers lower level employees, reduces burden on upper management, lower level employees have greater knowledge of what is happening in organization, helps build a learning organization with lower level support, builds trust in employee management.

What are some advantages of decentralization?

- generational diversity: different generations working together that have different values - Aging workers: people are working longer and not retiring as early as they use to - Increased diversity - more women workers - as diversity has increased so has th number of discrimination complaints - building consensus - people's ideas gelling and common theme

What are some different issues regarding diversity in the workplace?

Change and uncertainty are usually associated with decentralization, strategic fit, crisis requires centralization

What are some factors that influence centralization versus decentralization?

- create a psychologically healthy workplace - make sure people have some fun at work

What are some ways to help reduce workplace stress?

origin of name, applicant's ancestry/ethnicity, race/color of skin, any physical or mental defects, if they have filed for workers' compensation claim before, applicant's age, when you graduated from high school/college, religious affiliation, if they have been arrested, marital status, number of children, hobbies, citizen of another country

What are somethings that are not okay to ask in interview

Functional, divisional, Matrix, team, virtual network

What are the 5 structural approaches to designing adaptive organizations.

self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management - knowing how to take care of yourself and being aware is important in the work force

What are the basic components of emotional intelligence? Why is it important

Extroversion, Emotional stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to experience

What are the big five personailty types? Why are they important as a manager?

Level of Tolerance or Risk level, Priority of Decision, Costs associated of making a decision, Consequences of making a wrong decision, Timing & urgency of decision, Confidence level of person making the decision Group versus individual decision, Personal versus organizational level decision, Past experiences of the person making the decision.

What are the factors which affect a manager's (and individual's in general) decision-making process?

behavior, analytical, directive, conceptual

What are the four decision making styles?

Job Analysis &Design Recruitment & Retention Training & Education Selection & Placement Performance Evaluation Compensation & Rewards Safety & Security Benefits Legal Issues Management & Employee Relations (MER) (What are management's responsibilities under each?)

What are the major functions of HRM?

Being influenced by initial impressions Justifying past decisions Seeing what you want to see Perpetuating the status quo Being influenced by problem framing Overconfidence

Why do managers make poor decisions?

like to consider complex solutions based on as much data as they can gather. These individuals carefully consider alternatives and often base their decisions on objective, rational data from management control systems and other sources. They search for the best possible decision based on the information available.

analytical style

a performance-evaluation technique that relates an employee's performance to specific job-related incidents

behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)


being aware of what you are feeling; the basis for all the other components. People who are in touch with their feelings are better able to guide their own lives and actions. A high degree of this means you can accurately assess your own strengths and limitations and have a healthy sense of self-confidence

resources allocated to creative personnel and projects without immediate payoff, reward system encourages innovation, absolution of peripheral responsibilities, freedom to choose and pursue problems, not a tight ship, playful culture, doing the impractical, freedom to discuss ideas, long time horizon, open channels of communication, contact with outside sources, overlapping territories, cross-pollination of ideas across disciplines, suggestion systems, brainstorming, freewheeling discussions, assigning nonspecialists to problems, eccentricity allowed, hiring outside your comfort zone, decentralized, loosely defined positions, loose control, acceptance of mistakes, rewarding risk-taking, people encouraged to challenge their bases

characteristics of creative organization

like to consider a broad amount of information. However, they are more socially oriented than those with an analytical style and like to talk to others about the problem and possible alternatives for solving it. consider many broad alternatives, rely on information from both people and systems, and like to solve problems creatively.

conceptual style

- Application form: avoid irrelevant questions, avoid questions with adverse impact - Interview: cannot violate EEO guidelines, structural, biographical, behavioral, situational, panel - Employment Tests: asses abilities - Online Checks - assessment centers: present managerial situations for potential managers - simulation exercises: allow person to write responses to various work tasks and prioritize - internship experience: allow individual to work on pre-conditional basis

various methods to select an individual for a position within your organization. Which of these would you use and why are they important to you?

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