Management theory & Practice Final (14,15,16)

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Middle-of-the-Road Management

Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the need to get work one with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level

Blake/Mouton Leadership Grid

Country club managment, Team management, middle of the road management, impoverished management, and authority compliance management

Authority- Compliance

Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree

Impoverished Managment

Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership

Describe the basic perception process

Stimulus> Attention> Organization> Interpretation > Retention> perception


The leader obtains necessary information from employees and then selects a solution to the problem. When asked to share information employees may or may not be told what the problem is


The leader share the problem and gets ideas and suggestions from relevant employees on an individual basis. Individuals are not brought together as a group. Then the leader makes the decision which may or may not reflect their input

Country Club Managment

Thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organizational atmosphere and work tempo

The "great person" theory is another name for the ____ theory of leadership



Using information available at the time, the leader solves the problem or makes the decision

Team Management

Work accomplished is from committed people. Interdependence through a common stake in organizational purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect

self- control

a control system in which managers and workers control their own behavior by setting their own goals and monitoring their own progress and rewarding themselves for goal achievement

participative leadership

a leadership style in which the leader consults employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions

supportive leadership

a leadership style in which the leader is friendly and approachable to employees, shows concern for employees and their welfare, treats them as equals, and creates a friendly climate

directive leadership

a leadership style in which the leader lets employees know precisely what is expected of them, gives them specific guidelines for performing tasks, schedules work, sets standards of performance and makes sure that people follow standard rules and regulations

achievement oriented leadership

a leadership style in which the leader sets challenging goals has high expectations of employees and displays confidence that employees will assume responsibility and put forth extraordinary effort

Trait Theory

a leadership theory that holds that effective leaders possess a similar set of traits or characteristics

Path-Goal Theory states...

a leadership theory that states that leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and performance by clarifying and clearing the paths to goals and by increasing the number and kinds of rewards available for goal attainment


a mechanism for gathering information about performance deficiencies as they occur, thereby eliminating or shortening the delay between performance and feedback


a mechanism for getting information about performance deficiencies after they occur


a mechanism for monitoring performance inputs rather than outputs to prevent or minimize performance deficiencies before they occur

____ is the tendency to overestimate our value by attributing successes to ourselves (internal causes) and attributing failures to others or the environment (external causes

a self serving bias

Normative Decision Theory (Vroom-Yetton-Jago model) - 5 different decision styles

a theory that suggests how leaders can determine an appropriate amount of employee participation when making decisions

cash flow analysis

a type of analysis that predicts how changes in a business will affect its ability to take in more cash than it pays out

active listening

assuming half the responsibility for successful communication by actively giving the speaker non-judgemental feedback that shows you've accurately heard what he or she has said

The ____ states that we all have a basic need to understand and explain the cause of other people's behavior

attribution theory

Describe the basic control process

begins with the establishment of clear standards of performance, involves a comparison of performance to those standards, takes corrective action, if needed to repair performance deficiencies; is a dynamic cybernetic process; and consists of three basic

What methods do managers use to maintain control?

bureaucratic, objective, normative, concertive, and self control

How is quality controlled

by measuring excellence, value, and conformance to expectations

How can customer defections be controlled

by talking to the customers that left to see what problems your product has

How can financial performance be controlled?

cash flow analysis

____ is the tendency to fill gaps of missing information by assuming that what we don't know is consistent with what we already know


the two primary types of grapevine communications networks are ____

cluster and gossip

____ is a kind of one-on-one communication used by managers to improve an employee's on the job performance or behavior


Which of the following is another term for initiating structure leadership behavior?

concern for production

In terms of leadership behavior, the term ____ refers to the extent to which a leader


the first thing that managers need to recognize when communicating feedback one-on-one to employees is that feedback can be ____

constructive or destructive

____ is communication with someone about non-job-related issues that may be affecting or interfereing with the persons performance


What are the types of feedback?

destructive and constructive feedback

The three formal communication channels in organizations are categorized as ____

downward, horizontal, and upward

Successful business leaders are not like other people. Successful business leaders ____.

have a desire to lead, have emotional stability, are knowledgeable about business and are self-confident

How do you improve reception?

hearing what others feel and think

Describe the various types of listening

hearing, listening, active listening, empathetic listening

The normative decision theory

helps managers determine how much employee participation should be used in decision making

Fiedler's Contingency Theory states...

in order to maximize work group performance, leaders must be matched to the right leadership situation

external attribution

in which behavior is thought to be involuntary and outside the control of the individual

internal attribution

in which behavior is thought to be voluntary or under control of the individual

Research at three universities has confirmed that two basic leader behaviors, ____ and ____, are central to successful leadership

initiating structure; consideration

Which of the following is a major concern of leaders (as opposed to managers)?

inspiring and motivating others

locus of control

is a personality measure that indicates the extent to which people believe that they have control over what happens to them in life

What is noise?

is anything that interferes with the transmission of the intended message

perceived ability

is simply how much ability subordinates believe they have for doing their jobs well

Initiating structure

is the degree to which a leader structures the roles of follwers by setting goals giving directions setting deadlines and assigning tasks

What is perception?

is the process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments

what are formal communication channels

is the system of official channels with communication in the workplace

What is Selective perception?

is the tendency to notice and accept objects and information consistent with our values, beliefs and expectations, while ignoring or screening inconsistent information

What are grapevines?

is the transmission of messages from employee to employee outside formal communication channels

What role does perception play in communication and communication problems

it is part of communication but can cause communication problems due to perceptual filters

____ is the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals


Which of the following is a major concern of managers (as opposed to leaders)?

maintaining the status quo


making a conscious effort to hear

What is the balanced scorecard?

measurement of organizational performance in four equally important areas: finances, customers, internal operations, and innovation and learning

Which of the following is the best leadership style for all situations

none of these

cluster chains

one person tells another then that person tells another etc.

gossip chains

one person tells multiple people

____ is the withholding of information about organizational problems or issues by employees

organizational silence

Subordinate and Environmental Contingencies

perceived ability, experience, and locus of control

____ is the process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments


Because of _____, people exposed to the same information will often disagree about what they saw or heard

perceptual filters

In Fiedler's contingency theory, the term ____ refers to the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers

position power

____ is the tendency to notice and accept objects and information consistent with our values, beliefs, and expectations

selective perception

What is the cybernetic control process?

set standards> measure performance > compare with standards > indentify deviations > analyze deviations > develop and implement program for corrective action > measure performance etc.


the act or process of perceiving sounds

What is economic value added (EVA)

the amount by which company profits (revenues minus expenses minus taxes) exceed the cost of capital in a given year

Situational favorableness

the degree to which a particular situation either permits or denies a leader the chance to influence the behavior of group members

Leader member relations

the degree to which followers respect trust and like their leaders

position power

the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers

task structure

the degree to which the requirements of a subordinate's tasks are clearly specified


the extend to which a leader is friendly, approachable, and supportive and shows concern for employees


the leader shares the problem with employees as a group. Together the leader and the employees generate and evaluate alternatives and try to reach an agreement on a solution. Leader acts as a facilitator and does not try to influence the group. Leader is willing to accept and implement any solution that has the support of the entire group

What is leadership

the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals

concertive control

the reguation of worker' behavior andd decisions through work group values and beliefs

normative control

the regulation of worker's results or outputs through rewards and incentives

Describe the interpersonal communication process

the sender: message to be conveyed, encode message, transmit message to receiver: receives message decodes message, message that was understood, then sends feedback to sender.

What is Defensive bias?

the tendency for people to perceive themselves as personally and situationally similar to someone who is having difficulty or trouble

What is closure

the tendency to fill in gaps of missing information by assuming that what we don't know is consistent with what we already know

Fundamental attribution theory

the tendency to ignore external causes of behavior and to attribute other people's actions to internal causes

What is self-serving bias?

the tendency to overestimate our value by attributing successes to ourselves (internal causes) and attributing failures or the environment (external causes)

Describe the basic Attribution Theory;

the theory that we all have a basic need to understand and explain the causes of other people's behavior

What is informal communication channels

the transmission of messages from employee to employee outside of formal communication channels

bureaucratic control

the use of hierarchial authority to influence employee behavior by rewarding or punishing employees for compliance or non compliance with organizational policies, rules and procedures

objective control

the use of observable measures of worker behavior or outputs to assess performance and influence behavior

What does Fiedler mean by leadership style?

the way a leader generally behaves toward followers

How can grapevines be managed

there are gossip chains and cluster chains


they already know their jobs or perceive that they do

Which of the following is one of the mistakes that managers tend to make when they are coaching employees?

they wait too long before talking to them about the problem

How is waste and pollution controlled?

trying to prevent waste and pollution before they occur

empathetic listening

understanding the speaker's perceptive and personal frame of reference and giving feedback that conveys that understanding to the speaker

____is leadership that creates a positive image of the future that motivates organizational members and provides direction for future planning and goal setting

visionary leadership

Describe the various communication mediums

written communication and oral communication

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