MARK 4650- Facebook & Instagram Test

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What is the primary application of the Reach objective?

Expose your ad to the greatest number of people over a certain time period.

Targeted Reach

Fb's ability to reach the right people at the right time

Brand Safety

remove any content that violates FB's Community Standards -they review all apps and sites prior to allowing them into the Audience Network

Page Insights for video

see the number of times your Page's video has been viewed for more than three seconds and more than 10 seconds.

If your app is for desktop, select

"Facebook Canvas."*

Measuring effectiveness of app install ads: Facebook Analytics for Apps

**Helps you understand how people interact with your app and which of these actions originate from your ads. Understand customer activity, how people interact with your app across devices, and which ads drove the most conversions. Get breakdowns by campaign for app installs and in-app conversions, and measure lifetime value and retention by ad campaign, ad set, or ad. Insights include: - App installs by campaign - Value by campaign - Retention for an ad campaign - Lifetime value for an ad campaign - Install source: campaign, ad set & ad


**Variations of the Base Plan - A Plan is the overarching campaign - Versions are reach and frequency predictions of the Plan which allow you to create multiple media scenarios for comparison - You can create up to 6 Versions of each Plan, tweaking the schedule, audience, targeting, and more. - A green dot under the Status column shows your prediction is up to date. - A grey dot shows your prediction needs updating with the option to refresh To predict for new dates, change the dates using the edit icon to the right of the status bar. To refresh a prediction, click on the refresh icon to the right of the status bar.

Reach and frequency can be a good fit if you want to:

- Accurately predict the reach, frequency, and cost of your brand campaigns. - Deliver ads across devices. - Extend the reach of your TV campaigns onto Facebook and Instagram. - Plan and book your campaigns in advance. - Tell your brand's story and deliver your message to people in a sequenced way.

The app install objective can you help you:

- Acquire new, valuable customers to download your app - Optimize ad delivery based on app events

Reach and Frequency Guidelines- Ad Sets

- Ad Sets can contain multiple ads. If there are multiple ads, delivery will optimize towards the best-performing ads based on the objective you've selected. - You may choose to manually rotate creative within an Ad Set or use ad scheduling to set the rotation schedule in advance. - You may choose to use ad sequencing to have control over the order that the ads in your Ad Set are seen - Each Ad Set has its own Budget, Reach, Frequency, Targeting, and Placements.

Reach and Frequency Guidelines- Delivery

- Ad Sets must be 1-90 days in length - Ad Sets can be booked 6 months in advance of your launch date - Must reach a minimum of 200,000 people per Ad Set - You can deliver ads on Facebook and Instagram. - The system delivers to hit the reach and frequency target while also prioritizing the selected objective. If your primary KPI is action based — such as conversions or website clicks — consider the auction for more optimal buying options. - You are setting a frequency cap, not a target. We will not go over your frequency cap. - Ads must be uploaded to the Ad Set within 6 hours after the scheduled start time. If they are uploaded after that, the Ad Set will be cancelled.

Requirements to Earn Partner Badge

- Ad Technology - Community Management - Content Marketing - Small Business Solutions - Audience Onboarding - Audience Data Providers - Measurement

What two requirements must a business meet to be able to create a lead ad?

- Admin or Advertiser permissions to the business's Facebook Page - A URL to a privacy policy on their website

Lead Ads- diverse options for the call to action. The buttons to choose from:

- Apply Now - Download - Get Quote - Learn More - Sign Up - Subscribe

MMPs provide performance metrics like:

- Attribution - Lifetime value - Downstream conversions - ROI - Analysis across acquisition channels

Supported Industries (partners are chosen based on their experience in these)

- Automotive - Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) - eCommerce - Education - Energy and Utilities - Entertainment - Financial Services - Gaming - Government and Politics - Healthcare - Organizations and Associations - Professional Services - Retail - Technology - Telecommunications - Travel

Reach objective significant results for brand advertisers including:

- Cost-efficiently impacting more people. - Changing people's attitude and behavior. - Increasing in-store sales.

Ways to conduct split tests to assess the performance of your app installs campaign:

- Create Split Tests through the ad create flow in Ads Manager. - Integrate with the Split Testing API. - Work with a Facebook Marketing Partner or agency to have them create Split Tests on your behalf (either through the UI or API).

To optimize for value:

- Create an App install (or Conversion) campaign. - Select to optimize for the app event Purchases. - Set your optimization type to Value.

Creating a base plan

- Create by selecting the audience, frequency cap, schedule, placements, objective, and creative format for your campaign. - You can utilize all of the same options in Campaign Planner as you can in reach and frequency. - An ad account is not required to create Plans. -you can use a custom audience, saved audience, or advanced demographic targeting

How to access your lead info

- Customer System Integration (real time) - Facebook Marketing API Integration (real time) - CSV File Download (manual)

How can a business access their lead data?

- Download it from their business Page, in Ads Manager, or in Power Editor - Through a customer system integration - Implement the Marketing API

Dynamic ads what you need

- FB pixel on website, app events integrated w. FB SDK -Product catalog

Available placements for your mobile app ads include:

- Facebook Mobile News Feed - Audience Network - Instagram

App events can be passed using:

- Facebook SDK (software development kit) - App events API (application programming interface) - A Mobile Measurement Partner SDK (software development kit)

Important info for dynamic ads

- Facebook can target your audience with ads featuring the products from your catalog. The product shown to each person is based on the items they've browsed on your website or app. You can choose to target people based on the actions they've completed — like add an item to their cart — and when it occurred. For instance, you may want to show ads to people who dropped items in their carts in the last five days but didn't purchase them. - Facebook finds this audience by using the data captured by the Facebook pixel on your website, app events in your mobile app, or both.* - When people click your ad, Facebook will send them to the destination it deems best, whether it's your site or app. The site or app will show them details of the product featured in the ad. - Dynamic ads support single image and carousel ad formats. A carousel ad shows up to 30 cards; when clicked, a card will show people details of the featured product.

A Facebook Mobile Measurement Partner can help you

- Get deeper insights about your campaign performance - Measure aggregated results across several ad networks - Dedupe data for more accurate insights

Measuring effectiveness of app install ads: Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs)

- Get deeper insights about your campaign performance. - Measure aggregated results across several ad networks. - Dedupe data for more accurate insights.

By enabling app events, you can use Facebook Analytics to get insights like:

- How many people install or launch your app - How often people make purchases and what they buy - Custom events that you define

Lead Ad important info

- Lead ads require that you include a link to your company's privacy policy. All advertisers who create lead ads should have a privacy policy on their business's website. - All information in the form goes to you only when a person consents by clicking Submit in the form. - Lead ads can be created with the Ads Create Tool, in Power Editor, or via the API. The buying type must be Auction. - Make sure you have access to your business's Facebook Page either with an Admin or Advertiser role. - The guidelines for the lead ad creative are the same as regular link ads on Facebook and you can view the full guidelines here

Best practices for event photo

- Make sure your event photo is at least 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9 ratio) or larger. Using a photo with a smaller ratio may cause your photo to appear cut off or incomplete. - Use photos with little or no text. If you want to set up ads using your event photo as creative, it might not be approved if there's more than 20% text in the image. - If you don't select a photo, your business Page's cover photo will be used as your event cover photo.

Add the FB SDK to:

- Measure installs - Measure app events - Add deferred deep links to your ads - Improve targeting - Encourage purchases - Create re-engagement ads - Measure in-app conversions

Requirements for TRP Buying

- Minimum spend: (Please contact your Facebook rep to find out the latest minimum spend requirement) - Targeting: (Available in Nielsen markets including Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, UK, and US. Dayparting is available globally, while targeting based on designated marketing area (DMA) is only available in the US.) - Timelines: (Campaigns must be confirmed at least seven days prior to launch.) - Creative assets: (Creative must be in a video format. Creative can be changed after 48 hours. Creative rotations and weightage cannot be guaranteed) - Availability: (TRP Buying is currently available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, UK, and US.)

There are three kinds of offers:

- Online-only offers direct people to your website to begin shopping. - In-store offers can be used at brick-and-mortar locations. - Offers that can be used online or in stores.

Implementing the Facebook SDK in your app enables you to:

- Optimize ad delivery based on app events - Create re-engagement ads - Measure in-app conversions

Video Metrics

- Page Insights - Ads Reporting Tool - Video Engagement - Sound On vs Sound Off - Audience Retention

From the Ads Manager, you can run the follow reports:

- Performance - Audience - Placement - In-app conversion

What are some benefits of using promo codes?

- Promo codes can make your offer more memorable and shareable. - Unique codes can help you limit the number of offers available - Scannable codes can streamline in-store use.

Two optimizations for Reach Objective

- Reach - Impressions

other info for events

- Save Draft and Schedule options are available only when you're creating an event on desktop. - make sure your Events tab is one of the first tabs at the top of your Page - When you create your event, make sure you've checked Publish New Events to Timeline so people can see it in their News Feeds and whenever they visit your Page. -Highlight Upcoming Events by re-ordering the sections located in the left column on desktop, and making sure the Upcoming Events section is near the top. -Publish a post with a preview of your event calendar by clicking Share Events in the event tab; - Promote Your Event Off of Facebook -Promote on Facebook using a Social Plugin or QR code on company website, flyers, posters, emails, etc.

What are the different ways to share the information in plans and versions?

- Send an email that includes the major details of the Plan, and links to it. - Send a shareable link to the Plan. - Export a CSV of the Versions of your Plan. Note: If someone shares a plan with you, you can't directly share it with someone else. The way to share this plan is to ensure you have access the business ID in the plan so you can first save a copy. This saved copy can then be shared.

Great creatives include:

- Shows your app on a mobile device. - For example, use the carousel format to show several specific functions or products. - Showcases what your app does. - For example, if your app helps people track fitness, show some of the tools. - Demonstrates the value of your app. - Drives the action you care about. And use: - A strong call-to-action button like "Install Now." - Deferred deep linking to send people directly to information they're interested in when they open your app for the first time

Available Ad Formats

- Single image - Video - Carousel - Slideshow

Store Visits Objective Important Info

- Target a flexible radius around your business based on population density. - Use the store locator or text tokens to create awareness of your store's location. - Specify your audience to limit the message to frequent shoppers. - The default radius is set to include at least 50k people.

Design Guidelines for Video Ads

- Text: 90 characters - Thumbnail image size: Should match the aspect ratio of your video. For best delivery, your image should include minimal text. - Video: H.264 video compression, high profile preferred, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan - Frames: 30fps max - Format: .mp4 container ideally with leading mov atom, no edit lists - Recommended Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (square) / 1.33:1 (landscape) / 4:3 (landscape) / 2:3 (vertical) / SDTV, 1.375:1 / film, 1.77 / 16.9 / HDTV, 1.85:1 / Film, 2:39:1 or 2:40:1 / Widescreen, no pillar boxing or letter boxing - Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128kbps + preferred - File Size: Up to 4GB - Bitrate: No limit to bitrate file if you're using two pass encoding, as long as your file doesn't exceed 1 GB. Otherwise, 8 megabits per second for 1080p and 4 megabits per second for 720p. - Length: Up to 120 minutes on Facebook. Up to 60 seconds on Instagram. Note: On Facebook, all videos under 30 seconds will loop continuously up to a 90 second cap and videos over 30 seconds will return to the first frame with a play button icon overlay. - Call To Action (Optional): Shop Now, Book Now, Learn More, Sign Up, Download, and Watch More

You cannot edit ad sets when:

- The campaign is due to end within 24 hours. - You want to reduce the budget below what has already been spent. - The ad sets are at risk of under-delivery. (If you try to make edits, you'll see an error message stating that the ad is not performing as expected so changes cannot be made to its delivery. If you still want to make changes, you will need to delete or turn off this ad set and create a new one.)

Register and Configure your app

- To increase mobile app installs and engagement, and to access Facebook's full spectrum of measurement and reporting tools for apps ads, register your app - Make sure the app is set up to run on the platforms (Android, iOS) - Make it public and available to all users - Make sure you have admin or advertiser permissions on the app

Important info for Traffic Ad Objective

- Traffic belongs to the "Consideration" category of Facebook ad objectives. -The recommended delivery optimization for Traffic is link clicks, unless you run dynamic ads.( deliver your ads to get the most clicks by showing them to the people most likely to click through and land on your destination.) - reporting in Ads Manager and Power Editor, you can also see how much traffic your ad is driving to your app or web page in your third-party analytics package -

App events enable you to:

- Understand who is using your app. - Measure your app install ads performance. - Reach specific sets of people who use your mobile app. - Build Custom Audiences for ad targeting.

What do we recommend businesses do when creating a Facebook Event?

- Use a clear and short event name - Add a co-host to help spread the word about your event

Best practices for event location, date, and time

- Use a location that corresponds to a Facebook Page or a Facebook-suggested location that appears in the typeahead so that people in the area can learn about your event. - If a Page for the location can't be created, use the full address. This way, our system can link to directions so people can find the event and we can recommend it to people who live near the location of your event. - Tie your events to their actual date and time so people can see what their friends are doing which may help them decide if they want to go. - You can't create an event that lasts longer than two weeks, so we recommend you create separate events that each have their own time and place. - Once events get large, you can only change the time or location of the event three times, so only edit when absolutely necessary. - You can't edit the event details after the event begins.

Split Testing

- Use to test which creative, targeting criteria, or other variables that impact the performance of your ads. - you can set up a split test to evaluate campaign performance when using Audience Network + News Feed, versus News Feed alone.

Video tips

- When people watch video with sound on, they can fully immerse in the sight, sound, and motion of ad. But, many ppl use mobile devices with sound off throughout the day, so showing captions, logos, and products can help communicate your message, even in silence -Keep in mind that video views don't count on embedded videos like YouTube or links to external video viewers. (Clicks on links to external videos are counted as website clicks if they occur in the ad.) This is why uploading directly to Facebook is usually the best option. - if your video receives more than 1,000 views in a day, you can remarket to those who watched your video.

Reach and frequency campaigns are compatible with most Facebook targeting capabilities, with these exceptions:

- You cannot use operating system specific targeting. - You cannot exclude dynamic audiences such as: 1. Website Custom Audiences 2. Video Viewer audiences 3. Fans 4. Friends of Connections

Reach and Frequency Guidelines- Targeting

- You may target one country per campaign, so if you're interested in reaching people in multiple countries, you'll need to set up separate reach and frequency Ad Sets. - It's best to avoid creating too narrow of an audience in order to maximize results. - You can use exclusion targeting when retargeting audiences with video

Reach and Frequency Guidelines- Pricing

- You'e agreeing to pay a set price for the advertising inventory placement you reserve - The cost is always CPM (cost per every 1,000 impressions). - The cost predicted may fluctuate day over day based on auction dynamics like seasonality and ad quality

Reach objective important info:

- a larger audience reach will often be more successful than a smaller audience.1,2 - Up to two impressions a week can drive results - it is currently not possible to change the frequency period once you apply it to an ad set. - when you pause your campaign, the frequency cap will reset and the frequency cap interval will start over again when you resume your campaign - Ads created using the Reach objective are eligible to appear across Instagram and Facebook News Feed on desktop and mobile, as well as in Audience Network. Supported ad formats for the Reach objective are: carousel, single image, single video, and slideshow.

What is Reach and Frequency?

- a powerful tool that allows you to buy ads on Facebook and Instagram through Ads Manager, Power Editor, and Ads API. A way to understand: 1. who your message reaches 2. how many people it reaches 3. how often your audience receive it.

Available Objectives (audience network is available for campaigns with any of these objectives)

- awareness - consideration - conversion (first question FB asks you when creating a campaign)

Awareness Objectives

- brand awareness - reach

Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partners

- can provide real-time performance monitoring, smart campaign optimization, and insightful dashboards for better marketing decisions - can offer workflow automation and scaled creative automation - can offer external data integration into FB and IG campaigns and provide industry-specific tools and solutions

Benefits of Lead Ads

- collect leads across devices - improve the quality of lead contact info - acquire the right leads (gather through ppl based targeting- ppl who've already expressed into to buy or interest in products similar to yours) - retarget ppl showing high intent (use engagement custom audiences to reach ppl who've previously engaged with your lead ads... id opened, opened but not submit, and ppl who completed the form) - access leads in real time

Conversion Objectives

- conversions - product catalog sales


- create a looping video from images - up to 10 images or frames pulled from a video file - add custom captions and music - delivers in video placements

Traffic ad objective- destinations

- dynamic - website - messenger - app

Self Service

- for DIY advertisers who simply want more advanced tools than what FB Power Editor offers self-serve tools are available for almost any purpose like: - Building Facebook Pages - Creating effective visuals and copy - Targeting the right audience - Analyzing your ad campaign

Unique call to action for store visits objective

- get directions - call now - send a message - learn more


- include multiple assets scrolling horizontally within a placement - use up to 10 images or videos - great for multiple products (ex: forever 21 ads you see on FB after visiting their site)

FB recommends Customer System Integration (real time) for accessing leads why?

- max the value of your leads (all lead data is automatically available to you in your customer system - improve conversions (can set up double opt-in so ppl can receive an email after theyve conpleted your lead form) - be more efficient (you dont have to manually download leads)

What ways can you measure how effective your app install ads are?

- measure installs and in-app conversions - ads manager reporting - mobile measurement partners - facebook analytics for apps

Single Image (mobile)

- native - banner - interstitial


- native - interstitial - in-stream CTV, desktop & mobile - rewarded video

What are the benefits of FB's TRP Buying solution?

- predictable delivery - measurement - executional flexibility

Website Destination

- pretty straightforward if you only want to point people directly to a web page. -1 Facebook Offers Offer discounts and deals to drive people to your website' 2 Canvas Attach a Canvas to your ad. This mobile, full-screen experience can help set up your brand or product story in a rich and immersive way that ignites interest and compels people to click to your website. 3 Promote your product inventory dynamically - Use your product catalog to populate your collection ad and link featured products to your product pages. - Use the contents of your website's category page to populate your carousel ad and link each card to your category page. (Traffic objective)

Benefits of Using Video on FB

- sight, sound, and motion - massive reach at the center of discovery (FB & IG put brands front and center for the consumer, offering rich ways to capture attention) - extend your TV campaigns to accurately reach the ppl you want to reach on FB

3 Key Pillars of Value for Marketers

- targeted reach - deep engagement - proven results

Consideration Objectives

- traffic - engagement - app installs - video views

Managed Service

- when you want a partner who is more hands-on, or require custom solutions (like a mobile app) - Although custom solutions and hands-on services sound expensive, these companies may offer ROI guarantees that can make it more cost-effective to invest in managed services Managed services include: - Building custom apps to maximize user engagement - Analyzing current customer data to find similar customers on Facebook

Online Directory of Partners

- you can narrow list of Partners down to those who match your specific goals and objectives, and operate in your country. - you'll see info including the industries and countries they serve, office locations, whether they offer self-serve or managed services (or both), and more - you can even contact them directly via a simple form on the site

Placements Available on Audience Network

-native -banner -interstitial -in-stream and rewarded video on mobile, desktop and connected TV (CTV) -your ad creative is automatically configured to the placement in which its displayed on Audience Network

App Destination

-will enable you to integrate your app with the Facebook SDK and App Events -If you want to promote both the iOS and Android versions of your app, you will need to create two distinct ad sets, one for each version you're promoting. - Before you can promote a mobile or desktop app using the Traffic objective, it needs to be registered with Facebook at Facebook for Developers. -your mobile app must be available in the Apple App Store. it must be available in Google Play. -You can promote desktop apps if they are designed to work in the Facebook environment and registered with Facebook. Ads promoting your desktop app are served in the Facebook desktop News Feed or the right column. - You can use this targeting filter only if your mobile app has the Facebook SDK or is integrated with a mobile measurement partner solution. -A checked box means you are trying to drive engagement with your installed base, uncheck the box and your ad will be served to people who have not installed your mobile app. (Traffic objective)

Campaign Planner steps (from planning to purchasing)

1. Create a base Plan and add variations to create versions of the plan. 2. Compare the plan versions. 3. Share plans and versions. 4. Purchase a version.

What happens when someone clicks on an offer?

1. First, they are prompted to save it in their Offers so they can easily find it again. They'll also receive an email notification containing offer details. 2. People can get reminder notifications about your offer before it expires. 3. People who have location sharing enabled on their mobile device may receive nearby notifications, which remind them of saved offers from businesses they're near. People who have notifications disabled will not be eligible to receive nearby notifications.

You can pause ad sets mid-schedule for any reason. To pause and re-start your ad set, follow these steps

1. Go to the ad set level in buying interfaces and switch the status to "paused." 2. Select "Review Changes" then publish to finalize. 3. To re-activate your ads, switch the status to "Live" and click "Review Changes." 4. To finalize, click "Apply." Note that you can pause your campaign for up to 30 minutes without any impact to your booked ad set. Delivery will resume as scheduled when you re-start the ad set.

Things to consider before choosing a partner

1. Objectives (what are you looking to achieve by advertising on FB or IG?) 2. Market (where are the audiences you're looking to reach?) 3. Management (who will manage your ad campaigns?) 4. Spend (what is the budget you have to work with?) 5. Integration (what kind of relationship do you want btwn you, the provider, agency, and your internal stakeholders?) 6. Self Service vs Managed Service (do you require advanced solutions, like custom aps, or are you more of a DIY advertiser?)

Important offer info

1. Published offers can't be edited or deleted 2. You can mute offers after they've been published 3. You can limit the number of offers - free items or discounts of more than 20% off see the most engagement. - Photos of people using a product can produce better results than photos of a product itsel

How does a deferred deep link work?

1. Your ad shows personalized content. 2. People are prompted to download your app. 3. Via a deep link people will come back to their point of inspiration.

How to deliver ads in Audience Network

1. choose ad objective 2. use the same creative.. create a campaign that delievers ads on News Feed (can't do without run on News Feed too) 3. optimize placements 4. preview ad 5. place order

What's the minimum audience required for a reach and frequency campaign?

200,000 people

When was FB Founded?


Evolution of FB

2004- launch 2006- sponsored groups and facebook ads 2007- pages for business, become a fan button 2008- engagement ads 2009- the like button, target ads by language, geography and connections 2012- ads in news feed, non-connnected page post ads, custom audiences 2013- partner categories 2014- instagram 2015- 360 video 2016- fb live, insta stories

When events become large, how many times can a business change the time or location of their event?

3 times

What is required for businesses who want to drive ticket sales for their event?

A URL to the ticketing website

What information do we recommend businesses include in their event post so people can see what their friends are doing which may help them decide if they want to go?

A set date and time

Reach optimization (recommended)

Ad delivery: We display your ads to as many people as possible allowed by your budget. Optimization: Unique reach over the course of your campaign. What you can customize: The number of days that must pass before someone in your audience sees your ad again.' Primary reporting metric: Impressions Additional metrics include CPM and Unique Impressions

Impressions optimization

Ad delivery: We display your ads to your audience as many times as possible. This means people may see your ad more than once. Optimization: Daily reach What you can customize: NA Primary reporting metric: Impressions Additional metrics include CPM and Unique Impressions

Calls to Action (CTA) for App Installs Objective

Add a call-to-action button to tell people what you would like them to do when they see your ad. Options include: Install Now Use App Book Now Download Learn More Listen Now Shop Now Play Game. Sign Up Watch Now Watch More

Where can you find measurement reporting for offer ads?

Ads Manager

You can use the Reach objective from all of our campaign-building tools, including:

Ads Manager Ads API This objective is available for both auction and reach and frequency buys.

Where do you create Offer Ads

Ads Manager or Power Editor

Book Now

Allow people to book events and travel through your app.

Watch More

Already previewed a video in your ad? Let your audience see more through your app.

Which offers require a website URL?

Any offers that can be redeemed online

Reach objective calls to action

Apply Now Book Now Call Now.... only works w/ mobile (insta and mobile news feed) Contact Us Download Get Directions Learn More Request Time See Menu Send Message... only works w/ mobile and desktop news feeds Shop Now Sign Up Watch More

Which of the below is information that a business can't ask for in a lead ad? a. Physical address b. Financial information c. Usernames d. Gender

B and C

Predictable Delivery-TRP buying solution

Because our targeting is based on real people, you get highly predictable delivery across devices and can measure your investments throughout the purchase funnel—whether your goal is to reach new audiences, launch a product, or increase online sales or foot traffic (or any combination of these). In addition, Facebook allows for cross‐device targeting and measurements. TRP Buying allows you to understand the reach, frequency, and TRPs of a campaign during the planning process.

How do you purchase a campaign through TRP Buying?

By contacting your Facebook representative and locking in the plan on an insertion order.

Measuring effectiveness of app install ads: Measure Installs and In-App Conversions

Calculate your ROI: Use app events to get detailed insights on how ads are adding value to your business. Measure, in aggregate, what people are doing in your app via app events. Either use predefined events such as added to cart in an e-commerce app or level achieved in a game, or other custom events that help you understand the engagement and ROI coming from your mobile ads on Facebook. You can measure: - Count and Value - The total count and value of these actions taken within your app. - Actions Taken - The count and value of actions attributed to a specific ad campaign

Purchasing Plans

Campaign Planner connects with reach and frequency so you can directly purchase a plan version from the interface. To purchase inventory, click on the "Reserve for Purchase" button next to each version of a plan or in the upper right corner of the editing window. Make sure you pick the correct version of the plan you want to purchase.

Campaign Planner core capabilities

Campaign Planner is designed to help you develop efficient and effective reach and frequency campaigns by allowing you to: - Predict reach and frequency: Add details like your target, schedule, and budget which allows you to predict available reach, frequency, and pricing. - Create and compare plan versions: Create multiple versions of a given media plan and compare them to decide which version is more effective for your campaign. - Share plans easily: Keep your clients and colleagues in the loop about the plans you're creating. - Purchase plans: Buy a version of a plan directly from the tool.

Important things to remember about Campaign Planner

Campaign Planner is for reach and frequency planning only; auction planning is not supported. Campaign Planner functions on the user level, meaning no one else can see the Plans or Versions that you create in Campaign Planner until you share them through the sharing functionalities.

Targeting strategies for marketers:

Core Audiences: Target ads using Facebook data. Custom Audiences: Use data from your CMS, website, mobile app, or other sources to target Facebook ads to people you already know. Lookalike Audiences: Surface new audiences by combining Custom Audiences with Facebook targeting.

Lead Ad Form

Customers can schedule an appointment or request more information about your products and services which appears natively in feeds — that has some information already pre-filled, based on the information customers have shared with us. This is especially important as people spend more time on mobile, where it's much more difficult to fill out a form.

Questions to make sure your business is eligible for lead ads (if you answer NO to all then you're eligible)

Does any part of your business involve selling leads to third parties? Are you helping customers get multiple quotes from other businesses or companies? Are you transferring individual users' information to one or more companies, except as allowed by our Lead Ads Terms? Are you planning to publicly display the information you obtain through lead ads on an individual level, such as listing users' names in a petition on your website? Are you planning to place lead ads on behalf of more than one business through a single account?


During key moments, like sponsorships, product launches, and rebranding campaigns, you can use video ads to drive mindshare for your brand

Core Capabilities of Reach and Frequency

Flexibility on targeting and buy size: - You can leverage almost all of the interest, demographic, and audience targeting that is available through the auction, which can make Facebook and Instagram powerful platforms. Predictable delivery: - You can purchase media before your campaign begins so you can know what to expect when media is delivered, and can plan for it in the future with other buying platforms. Efficient pricing for advertisers: - Our system allows us to set efficient prices for each audience so that you can get the best price possible for your reach and frequency buy. Controlled delivery to real people - Since FB and IG connect w/ real people, we can provide unique accuracy and scale. Understanding who your message reaches, how many people it reaches, and how often your audience receive it A way to plan and buy predictable reach and controlled frequency to achieve business objectives based on your target audience and budget

Location-based relevance at scale

For each of your store locations, you can create ads that dynamically localize messaging to each site using one single creative template.

What Ad Formats and Placements can you use for the app installs objective?

Formats: - image, video, carousel, slide show Placements: - mobile news feed, desktop news feed, instagram, audience network

Ad Technology

Gain access to next-level technology to fuel your campaigns. These Partners have automated solutions, instead of creating hundreds of Facebook campaigns with A/B testing on each Key Benefits: - Deliver a unique and personalized ad experience by integrating external data - Obtain greater insights into ad efficacy with more detailed analytics - Build functionality that goes beyond Facebook's Power Editor

Generic promo codes:

Generic codes can be used and shared by anyone

Small Business Solutions

Get help amplifying your CRM, email, and marketing automation. These Partners make finding customers online easy for small businesses where time is in limited supply. From creating an ad to targeting the right customers, they can help them focus on running their businesses. Key Benefits: - Integrate existing CRM systems to automate workflow - Improve efficiency by automating marketing and decreasing human workload - Lower spend minimums

Community Management

Get help caring for and engaging your online community. Keep an eye on every new Page comment, message, and conversation is time-consuming. These Partners have access to advanced technology for managing Pages and customer conversations, which is especially helpful for businesses with multiple locations and/or Pages. Key benefits: - Take control of inbound messages through prioritization, assignment and response - Unify brand messaging and speak with a consistent voice - Leverage a Page to achieve customer service efficiencies

Content Marketing

Get help creating more content with less effort. All great ad campaigns start with great content that resonates with potential customers, but it can be a struggle to craft the perfect phrase. These Partners help create, curate, and serve up content easily. Key Benefits: - Automate content creation - Quickly produce creative in multiple sizes and formats - Crowdsource design from a global network of creators - Leverage high-converting user-generated images

Audience Data Providers

Get help finding people most interested in your product or services. Third-party data is just as important as internal data, but adds another layer for precision targeting. These Partners can help businesses leverage valuable external data to further build out a business's core audiences on Facebook. Key Benefits: - Combine audience demographics with offline attributes to deliver constantly refreshed content to receptive audiences - Reach likely customers even if you don't have customer data - Access audience data from trusted third-party providers

Audience Onboarding

Get help finding your best customers — and people just like them — on Facebook. These Partners can help build audiences based on a business's current customers so they can target people who are more likely to convert. Key Benefits: - Onboard customer data for targeting or measurement - Leverage customer data from across Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network - Keep your marketing messages consistent across channels, publishers, and devices


Get help measuring your mobile app performance. These Partners can help add powerful measurement and analytics to campaigns for better insights across channels and devices. Key Benefits: - Gain insight into user behavior on your mobile apps with detailed metrics and value measures - Optimize media to drive the best possible results based on user in-app activities on mobile - Measure the lifetime value (LTV) of people using your mobile app

Play Game

Get people to start playing your game.


Get your audience to download your app directly.

Sign Up

Get your audience to sign up for what you have to offer.

Measuring Ad Performance for Store Visits objective

Go to the Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad Level in Ads Manager to view reporting, and select the Business Location breakdown

Audience Retention

Graph shows the level of interest in different parts of your video. Spikes in the percentage of views at a certain point may indicate that people are re-watching particular moments, whereas a dip could show the precise moment when most people lost interest and stopped watching. This can help you understand your audience and learn what's working for them.

Framework to guide you to a frequency cap

Have a higher frequency when: Market factors - New brand - Low market share - Short purchase cycle - Frequent usage - Low share of voice Message factors - High messaging complexity - Low message uniqueness - New campaign/message Media factors - High season - Short campaign duration - Pulse or flight scheduling - Facebook advertising only

Why CSV file download (manual) for accessing leads?

If you prefer not to use our Marketing API, or you don't have a customer system in place, you can easily download your leads as a CSV file. We suggest downloading leads multiple times a day to ensure you are following up with potential customers in a timely manner. Remember, you must be a Page admin to access leads because you are accessing a person's data. Other page roles, such as advertiser/analyst, can run lead ads and view insights — but won't be able to download or view lead information.

What happens when the Reach objective is combined with Reach and frequency buying?

If you require predictable reach, we recommend reach and frequency buying over an auction buy. Reach and frequency lets you reserve campaigns up to six months in advance and control the number of times your audience sees your ads, and in which order they see them. Reach objective + Reach and frequency buying = 100% Optimized towards the most efficient reach available ***should result in the highest reach available

Should I use Brand Awareness or Reach?

If you want to make more people aware of your brand, we recommend choosing the Brand Awareness objective which is designed to show your ads to people who are more likely to pay attention to them. Brand Awareness is optimizing to get you the highest ad recall, not only reach. The Reach objective lets you maximize the reach of your campaign at an efficient CPM.


In the LR you can continue to build your brand through sharing a story and including a call to action

What is an app event?

It allows you to measure the performance of your app using Facebook Analytics, measure conversions associated with Facebook ads, and build audiences to acquire new users as well as re-engage your existing users Adding app events to your app reveals more about your audience and the actions they take. Use app event data to create a Lookalike Audience, made up of people who share similar characteristics with your most valuable app users.


Key Performance Indicator

Which objectives are NOT available for Audience Network

Lead generation and Store visits

Accessing Campaign Planner

Log into Facebook if you're not already, then link directly to Campaign Planner. If you currently buy on reach and frequency, access Campaign Planner through the top navigation through Ads Manager and Power Editor. Next, select the Business you are already connected to, or complete the Request for Access form to connect to your business. Campaign Planner requires access to a Facebook Business Manager account so that Plans can be made using the right predictions for a particular Page. Once you are set up with your Business Manager account, a guided tour walks you through the features and functionalities of the tool so you can start planning

Measurement-TRP buying solution

Measure impact against business objectives and outcomes. You will be able to monitor the delivery of your TRP plan through the dedicated reporting interface, including day, demo, and placement trends. You can also work with your Facebook team to see the detailed Ads Reporting about how specific audiences responded to your video or how many views you received from people in your target demographic.

Learn More

Need more info? Let people get it through your ad.

Optimize app events- E-Commerce and Retail

Objectives - Understand conversion flow through your app. - Retarget users that have abandoned their cart. - Find new users through lookalikes of high value users. Events to optimize for - Added payment info - Added to cart - Added to wishlist - Initiated checkout - Purchased - Rated - Searched - Viewed content

Optimize app events- Hotel and Air travel apps

Objectives - Understand conversion flow through your app. - Retarget users that have abandoned their cart. - Find new users through lookalikes of high value users. Events to optimize for - Added payment info - Added to cart - Added to wishlist - Initiated checkout - Purchased - Rated - Searched - Viewed content

Optimize app events- Gaming (casual, casino, and strategy)

Objectives - Understand the most popular items being purchased in-app as well as hardest levels to complete - Retarget users that never completed the tutorial and have not played a level - Find new users using lookalikes of high value or frequent purchasers Events to optimize for - Achieved level - Completed registration - Completed tutorial - Initiated checkout - Purchased - Rated - Searched - Spent credits - Unlocked achievement - Viewed content

Offer Important Info

Offer Details: Both= The text that appears in your offer provides additional information, and should be 90 characters or less. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creative: Ads= carosusel (2-10 images or vids), single image, video, or slideshow Posts= only a single image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: Ads= Only for Offer Ads ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End date: Ads= the end date appears near the call-to-action button. Posts= only appears in the details pop-up after someone has clicked on it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Availability: An offer's availability lets people know where they can redeem your offer: online only, in stores only, or both. This is most prominent for offer ads viewed in News Feed on desktop. To see the availability of any offer post, or offer ads on mobile, people can click into your offer details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Promo code: Ads= you may choose between generic codes (which can be used by anyone), unique codes (limited to one per person), or scannable barcodes Posts= generic codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms and conditions: Ads= Include legal information or restrictions in an offer ad. People will be able to see these when they click into offer details. Posts= Not available ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Offer posts

Offer posts created through your Page look different than — but appear in the same places as — regular Page posts; they're organically discoverable by fans and visitors. You can create offer posts for free, and pay to boost them anytime. Boosting allows you to target delivery of offer posts beyond your own Timeline and the News Feeds of people who Like your Page.

Offer Ads

Offers created through Ads Manager or Power Editor are Facebook ads. Like all ads on the platform, they are associated with a Page and a campaign, and require an ad objective, budget, and target audience. Offer ads don't publish to your Page, but will appear in desktop and mobile News Feeds and right column placements.

Unique promo codes:

Only available for offer ads. When you upload unique codes, each person who saves your offer will get a different code. The number of codes you upload should correspond to the number of total offers available.

I want to increase attendance at an upcoming event

Option 1: You can create an ad by clicking "Boost Event" on your event page on desktop or mobile. Option 2: If you're familiar with Ads Manager, click "Promote Event" in the "More" drop-down menu on your event page.

I want to increase ticket sales for an upcoming event

Option 1: You must have a ticket URL to create these ads. You can create an ad by clicking "Boost Event" on your event page on desktop or mobile. Option 2: If you're familiar with Ads Manager, click "Promote Ticket Sales" in the "More" drop-down menu on your event page.

Facebook Offers have a few key features that help marketers initiate more effective strategies, and assess more kinds of interactions, than regular posts or ads:

People can save offers for later. And when they do, they'll get notifications before the offer expires. When creating offer ads, you can upload unique codes to track the number of offers redeemed. Offer ads and posts look different from regular ads and posts — so your offer stands out in people's News Feed.

The following objectives can be used for driving awareness:

Reach Brand Awareness Engagement (Post Engagement) Video Views

When to use lead ads

Retail: - Retailers can let customers pre-order products or sign up for special discounts. Suggested fields: Email address Offer(s) they're interested in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Education: - Education-based companies can create a seamless process for people to submit inquiry or interest forms. Suggested fields: Name Email/phone number Field/area of interest Qualifying questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Financial Services: - Financial services companies can make it easy for people to request a quote or whitepaper, or fill out an application. Banks and credit card companies can initiate the online application process. Suggested fields: Qualifying questions Contact details What financial products and services they're interested in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Automotive: - Auto companies can let customers request a quote, configure a car, or set up a test drive. Suggested fields: Physical address What vehicle types they're interested in Contact details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG): - CPG brands can make it easy for customers to request product samples. Suggested fields: Physical address (to send samples) What product(s) they're interested in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tech/Telco: - Tech companies can identify people who are interested in specific promotions, deals, or contests. Telcos can let customers pre-order new devices. Suggested fields: Qualifying questions Contact details

Shop Now

Send people to a place to purchase your app.

Listen Now

Send people to hear their favorite tunes through your app

Watch Now

Send your audience to view a video.

Use Cases for Video- Share, Interact, and Remarket

Share a story over time and invite people to interact with your brand. If you're using video link ads, you'll also be able to remarket to video viewers and include a call to action on your video.

Planning and Buying Process for TRP

Step 1: Contact your Facebook rep with the above details. Step 2: Your Facebook rep will send you a draft campaign plan with the "Recommended Option," which gives you the best balance between reach and frequency given your budget. Step 3: Once you are satisfied with the plan, notify your rep who will prepare an IO for your booking. Note: You can purchase more than one TRP plan on a single IO. Step 4: After the IO is signed, you will receive a confirmation. Review the confirmation details. Step 5: Work with your Facebook rep to set up relevant measurement studies such as brand polling or Nielsen Total Ads Ratings. Step 6: Send all final creative to your Facebook rep at least two business day prior to the campaign start date. Note: If you are running a measurement study, please send your creative seven business days prior to the campaign start date. Step 7: You can request reporting from your Facebook rep throughout the duration of the campaign

Use App

Suggest a previously installed app for a person to use in your ad.

Install Now

Suggest your audience install your app directly.

Use Cases for Video- Support Your Sponsorship Investments

Support your sponsorship investments with video ads in News Feed. Your brand will come to life in News Feed as people prepare for and experience the main event.

example of a business goal that is a good fit with the Reach objective:

Suppose you're a retailer that wants to hold an online flash sale over a three-day holiday weekend. You can make your target audience aware of this event by using the Reach objective to maximize the campaign's unique reach over your sale weekend and the days leading up to it. or Let's say you are targeting a narrow audience, and you want to increase the likelihood they see your ad. In this case, it makes sense to use the Reach objective to expose them to the ads more often.

Things to consider before TRP Buying

TRP goal Target audience Flight dates Budget Frequency Platform: Facebook and Instagram Note: Our solution is not available for Instagram-only buying.


Target Rating Points

Ad formats designed to drive store visits:

The Store Visits objective offers a variety of creative formats including image, video, slideshow, and carousel. The carousel format can be populated with a native store locator and unique CTAs for each location.

Sound On vs Sound Off

The ability to see the percentage of people who watched your video with sound on versus those who watched it with sound off for 10-second video views. Sound reporting is available in Page Insights and Ads Reporting.

Publisher Approval Process

publishers wanting to join aud. network are reviewed to make sure they adhere to the Audience Network Brand Safety Policies they're also periodically reviewed after getting approved

Page Insights for events

There are two ways to view organic and paid reach, and how people reacted to your event ad. 1. You can click "View All Insights" directly from your event page 2. You can click on Events tab within Page Insights in the left-hand column - In Ads Manager, you can get more in-depth metrics — including the demographics of the people who saw your event ad, cost per engagement, and performance by placement — and also create and export reports.

Traffic ad destinations

This destination is where you can engage your audience further to generate interest and purchase intent.

Event Description

This is where you should include any details about your event. Start with a sentence that sums up your event, then add more details below. You can use hashtags and mentions in the description, so people can participate in the buzz around the event and find out more by searching the artists or performers on Facebook. Tell people why they should go, the line-up or schedule, any age requirements, when tickets will go on sale, how to find the venue, and anything that helps people plan.

WHy Facebook Marketing API integration (real time) for accessing leads?

This option makes sense if you have your own proprietary customer system and have the ability to build the integration.

Registering your app allows you to:

To increase mobile app installs and engagement, and to access Facebook's full spectrum of measurement and reporting tools for app ads - To seamlessly link it to your app install campaign. - It also enables you to set the cost per action (CPA) bid. It's important to note that registering your app on the mobile SDK does not guarantee the option to bid by CPA. Your app must have already reported back some installs, and your account ID, app ID, and mobile store ID all need to be deemed non-fraudulent.

Inspire mobile shopping using the following objectives:

Traffic Conversions

You can acquire customers by replacing your landing page in a lightweight fashion on a Canvas, using the following objectives:

Traffic (Website) Conversions (Website) App Installs Engagement

Which objectives can you use to create an offer ad?

Traffic or Conversions

How many custom questions can a business add to a lead ad form?

Up to three

Use Cases for Video- Use Ad Scheduling

Use ad scheduling to bring your brand to life when the event is taking place.

Deferred deep linking

Use in creative to send ppl directly to info they're interested in when they open your app for the first time

Measuring effectiveness of app install ads: Ads Manager Reporting

Use the Ads Manager to get insights about the performance, audience, and placement of your ads, make changes to your ads, update your payment info, control your settings, and much more.

Should I use Store Visits or Reach?

Use the Store Visits ad objective when you want to drive foot traffic to multiple stores; choose Reach if you are looking to drive foot traffic to a single store location.

Use Cases for Video- Remarket to Website and Mobile App Visitors

Use video to connect with your audience. When audience looks at your website or mobile app, then leaves... later goes to FB ad sees your vid ad automatically in their News Feed, which drives them back to your website or mobile app

Executional Flexibility-TRP buying solution

Video allows for flexibility in the type of creative you want to use. The advantage of this is that you can leverage your existing videos or use videos of different lengths for your video ads. In addition, choosing placement optimization will allow your video to be shown across Facebook and Instagram.

Recommended Ad Formats and Placements for mobile app installs:

We recommend running ads across Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network, so we can optimize based on which placements are working best.

Video Optimization Through the Auction:

When to Use: Drive as many video views as possible by delivering your ad to people who are most likely to view your videos. Geographic Availability: Global Flight: You select Frequency: Up to 2 per day; no lifetime frequency capping* *Over the life of a campaign, an ad can be inserted multiple times. It can be inserted multiple times per day in the right column. Note: A Page that is running multiple ad creative to fans may have their ads inserted up to 4 times per day for those fans. Targeting: All Facebook targeting capabilities Billing: Cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) Pricing: Based on your bid Buying Channel: Ads Create Tool, Power Editor, and API Lead Time: Can be set up immediately Measurement: Impressions, views, completed views, quartile views, shares, link clicks (in Page Insights and Ads Reporting), Brand Effect, Nielsen Total Ad Ratings, Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR), Datalogix* *Nielsen and Datalogix measurement only available in select countries. Please speak with your Facebook account representative to inquire about availability.

Video- Reach and Frequency:

When to Use: Drive targeted awareness of your video with predictable reach and controlled frequency Geographic Availability: Global* *Available in all countries with >1.5M MAUs Flight: 1-90 days Frequency: You select frequency for entire duration of campaign Targeting: All Facebook targeting capabilities* *Reach and frequency campaigns are compatible with all targeting types except website Custom Audiences and fan-exclusion targeting. Billing: Predictable cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) Pricing: Varied based on audience size and frequency Buying Channel: Ads Create Tool, Power Editor, and API Lead Time: Campaigns can be booked up to 6 months in advance Measurement: Impressions, views, completed views, quartile views, shares, link clicks (in Page Insights and Ads Reporting), Brand Effect, Nielsen Total Ad Ratings, Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR), Datalogix* *Nielsen and Datalogix measurement only available in select countries. Please speak with your Facebook account representative to inquire about availability.

Comparing Versions

When you create multiple Versions, you can compare them using pre-made charts. -We suggest always making AT LEAST 2 Versions so you can see if there are ways to achieve a more effective Plan with similar parameters - change things up with broader targeting, a longer campaign duration, different objectives or placements, or a lower frequency cap. These charts display a number of key metrics including estimated reach delivery, frequency distribution, placement distribution, and spend per day.

Use Cases for Video- Support a Key Moment

When you know well in advance that you want to support a key moment, planning a video ad blast might be a great fit.


With FB's targeting tools, you can use video ads to create initial brand awareness in the ppl most likely to want to hear from you

What is the biggest difference between an offer post and an offer ad?

You can post offers to your Page for free, but need to pay for offer ads.

Video Engagement

You can see how much of your video people have watched and how much time they're engaging your video. Video Average Watch Time: the total watch time for your video, divided by the total number of video plays. This includes plays that start automatically and on click. Video Percentage Watched: the percentage of your video somebody watches per session, averaged across all sessions of your video where the video auto-played or was clicked to play.

Flexible geographic targeting:

You can set the targeting distance around stores based on desired reach and maximum distance, or set it manually to a specific distance (eg. 1.5 km).

Sharing Plans and Versions

You can share with other people involved in the planning process directly from Campaign Planner - and control what you share at a granular level. - You can send the Plan with select information removed. This means the plan recipients will not see the de-selected information when you share the Plan with them.

What is a factor to consider when setting your ad's frequency cap?

Your market share and how differentiated your message is.

Deep Link

a URL that points to a specific place in your app, like a product page

Deferred deep link

a URL that points to a specific place in your app, like a product page (when used with mobile app instal ads because a person is taken to the app store first and then to the specific content) You can use deferred deep links (ex: myapp://buynow/12345) or a URL with App Links enabled. Using a deep link requires integration with the Facebook SDK.

Messenger Destination

a free messaging platform built by Facebook, connecting more than a billion people and businesses all around the world everyday. You can use Messenger to reach people at scale and get closer to your business goals, one conversation at a time. When you set Messenger as your ad's destination, a click on your ad will open a Messenger thread where people can start a conversation with your business. (Traffic objective)

Facebook's software development kit (SDK)

a pixel-equivalent for mobile apps. Track events such as "item added to wishlist" or "completed registration" to target engagement and conversions. Game developers can track events like "completed tutorial" or "achieved level" to reward players, and drive in-app purchases. You can use SDK data to seed Custom Audiences and target customized messages to app users.

If your goal is to achieve the highest possible reach, what kind of plan do you need?

a plan that allows you to reach a higher percentage of your target audience

If your goal is to maximize frequency of your message, what kind of plan do you need?

a plan that maximizes frequency

What is Campaign Planner?

a standalone interface for creating, comparing, and sharing reach and frequency media plans prior to purchasing on Facebook and Instagram

The Facebook pixel

a tiny piece of code that you or your web developer can copy and paste into your existing website. Pixel data helps Facebook's ad servers recognize people no matter what device they're using — as long as they're signed into Facebook. Pixel data is a potential seed for a Custom Audience.

Domain/App Block Lists

allow advertisers to block their ads from delivery on specific websites, mobile apps, or Instant Articles. You can upload a text file (.txt or .csv) that includes website domains and app store URLs that you'd like to block

Store Visits objective

an ad objective available to anyone with their Locations set up on their Facebook Page you can contact people in the area around your business with relevant information, and reach those who are more likely to visit your store.

What are the eligible placement options for ads that link to Messenger? a. Instagram b. Facebook News Feed c. Messenger d. In-stream videos

b. Facebook News Feed

Which of these options is not available to you when you choose website as your ad destination? a. Direct people to your app (instead of your mobile website) if they have it for the best experience. b. If your web page is not optimized for mobile devices, Facebook will automatically turn it into a mobile-responsive page. c. Dynamically create ads from a product catalog or web page. d. Turn your ad into a Facebook Offer.

b. If your web page is not optimized for mobile devices, Facebook will automatically turn it into a mobile-responsive page. while functions to create Website destination ads are powerful and versatile, when it comes to optimizing websites for mobile devices, advertisers will need to take action to ensure their sites are mobile responsive

Which of the following is the default and recommended ad delivery optimization for Traffic ads? a. Unique impressions b. Link clicks c. Reach d. Unique daily reach

b. Link clicks

Which of the following is false about Canvas? a. It is a fast-loading, full-screen experience designed to be viewed on smartphones. b. You need to be a mobile developer to build Canvas experiences. c. Canvas supports user interactions with its content, such as zoom and tilt-to-view. d. You can direct people to a Canvas experience when you choose website as your ad destination.

b. You need to be a mobile developer to build Canvas experiences. The right answer is you don't need to be a mobile app developer to create Canvas experiences.

To get your installed base of app users to engage with the content in your app, you want to only target people who have downloaded your app. What needs to be in place before you can target these people? a. A Custom Audience has been created to include these people. b. Your app has implemented the Facebook SDK. c. You must work a mobile measurement vendor. d. A lookalike audience has been created to reach people who are similar to your app user base.

b. Your app has implemented the Facebook SDK.

Placement Controls

best results for ads= automatic placements but can also do edit placements

Which of the following can be concluded from our research to understand optimal frequency caps? a. Ad recall lift rises steadily with frequency cap, and the rate of this increase starts to accelerate after serving one impression a week. b. A frequency cap of three or more impressions per week seems necessary to make a difference on total potential brand impact. c. A frequency cap of up to two impressions per week was shown to be sufficient to capture a substantial portion of the total potential brand impact.

c. A frequency cap of up to two impressions per week was shown to be sufficient to capture a substantial portion of the total potential brand impact.


can be scanned at point of sale. Only available for offer ads.

Which of the following goal is the best fit with the Reach objective? a. Get as many people as possible to install your mobile app. b. Drive attendance at your charity fundraiser. c. Get as many people as possible to like your post. d. Make people aware of your new store opening.

d. Make people aware of your new store opening.

Value Optimization

deliver your ads so as to maximize the total purchase value generated in order to get the highest return on ad spend (ROAS). **predicts how much purchase value a person may generate over a seven-day window. We use this prediction to apply a bid multiplier in the auction for that person. By bidding more for people who are likely to spend more, marketers can ensure they drive conversions that maximize purchase value rather than installs or conversions. This helps drive better return on spend for mobile app install campaigns.

The Video Views objective

delivers the highest rate of reach and attention. By combining video views objective with fullscreen Canvas, you can enhance the experience of video views with rich brand storytelling on Canvas.

Rewarded Video

designed to be shown in mobile apps or games allows to reach a well-targeted, highly engaged audience with video ads for the APP INSTALLS objective =people agree to watch video in order to receive a "reward", points, lives, etc.

Traffic Ad Objective

designed to drive your audience to a destination where they can interact further with your business.

Reach Objective

designed to maximize the number of people who see your ads over the life of your campaign. You can also use the Reach objective to maximize how often people see your ads in a given time period

Split Testing

divides your audience into random, non-overlapping groups who are shown ad sets which are identical, except for one distinct difference, or "variable," such as audience type, placement, or delivery optimization. Facebook will only use the variable you choose. The performance of each ad set is then measured against your campaign objective, and the best-performing ad set wins. based on real people, not cookies, to give you results across multiple devices and browsers.

Audience Network

enables advertisers to extend FB's people-based targeting to third party apps and websites extend the reach of your Facebook campaigns

Interstitial Ads

full screen ads that cover the interface of their host app -typically displayed at natural transition points in the flow of an app like btwn activities or pause btwn levels in a game

Category Blocking

gives advertisers the ability to block specific categories of content in which they don't want their ads to be seen. Under advanced options, click on Exclude Categories to reveal options.

frequency caps for reach objective

how many days should lapse before someone is shown your ad again

Facebook Offers can help you stay front-of-mind for potential customers by

initiating in-app or email notifications when people first interact with your offers, and again shortly before they expire.

conversion attribution window

is the time period when Facebook attributes conversions to your offer, so set a timeframe longer than the offer's duration.

Dynamic ads

let you show your ads to the people who have taken certain actions on your website or app such as browsing or purchasing an item. By tailoring your ad to show people the products they're already familiar with, your message becomes more relevant.

Target Rating Points (TRP)

measure impressions as a percentage of the target population for an advertising campaign and are a core aspect of how TV ads are purchased and measured

Cross Promotions for events

often many people and businesses involved in organizing and promoting an event. Rather than having each business create a Facebook event, they can all add the event to their respective Page's calendar. When you're on the event page, click on the drop-down menu on the far right and select Add to Page.

Facebook SDK

opens a wide range of powerful features to help you connect with people once they download your app. It enables you to track events or target engagement and conversions. Game developers can track events like "completed tutorial" or "achieved level" to reward players, and drive in-app purchases, while e-commerce companies can remarket to customers and run dynamic product ads (DPA). SDK= software development kit

Collection ads

served only in News Feeds and feature a hero video or image with four product images underneath it. When people click on any of the four featured products, more product images — sourced from your catalog — will load within the Facebook app. If people click on any of these product images, they land on the product detail page of your mobile site or app.

App event optimization

the ability to run mobile app install ads to people likely to take a specific action in your app. For example, to acquire people most likely to make a purchase in your app, run mobile app install ads that optimize for that specific event — purchases. not only helps you drive installs, it helps you acquire people who are likely to take a specific action of value to your app or business. set up event optimization within Ads Manager or via the API

Why follow up with lead data?

the longer you wait, the less likelihood of conversions it's best to follow up in a timely manner is because you have 90 days from when a person submits their information to you to access the data. After that period, the lead data is deleted. Note: If someone does not complete and submit a form, any information filled out in the form will not be available to you. The Submit button serves as a form of consent, so it has to be clicked on before Facebook can share a person's information with you.

Best practices for event name

the shorter, the better - Your event almost always appears with other details about the event, so avoid duplicating information in the name such as location and time. -Event names that are written in all capital letters and include lots of glyphs are often hard to read and can be perceived as spam. This may lead to lower engagement with your event.

Native Ads

they match the look and feel of the app or site they appear on - account for ~83% of available mobile app placements


to remove duplicate entries from a list or database.

(T or F) For reach and frequency pricing the cost is always CPM (cost per every 1,000 impressions)


The core of gauging the impact of any media is:

understanding: 1. who your message reaches 2. how many people it reaches 3. how often your audience receive it. - Reach and frequency can give you control over these aspects of your messaging.

The inventory for your plan can be reserved for how long?

up to seven days until booking is complete

Measurement Tools for Ads

you can measure and optimize your campaigns based on the deep insights available through Ads Manager reporting, Audience Insights, and Facebook Analytics.

Ads Reporting Tool for video

you'll be able to use data breakdowns to learn how specific audiences responded to your video. For example, if females between 18 and 34 are a demographic you target in your campaign, the data breakdown will show the number of views you received from that demographic.

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