Marketing Ch 4

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In the area of self-concept theory, the real self is:

the objective view of the total person.

Consumers are more likely to experience cognitive dissonance when:

the purchase decision has potential economic consequences.

The looking-glass self is defined as:

the way an individual thinks others see him or her.

Which of the following is true of culture in the United States today?

The American culture still emphasizes the importance of family and home life despite changes in the family structures over the years.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the desire to accomplish, achieve, and command respect is a safety need.


All Hispanics speak the single universal form of Spanish.


Aston decides to buy all electronic goods from a particular retailer because of his satisfactory past experiences with the retailer. Aston is exhibiting the affective component of attitude.


Closure refers to a person's tendency to be influenced by messages that close the gap between a product's real and perceived advantages.


Human behavior is solely a function of pressures exerted by external environmental forces on the individual.


Subliminal advertising has proven to be successful in inducing the desired purchasing behavior in numerous experiments.


Syncratic role is seen when partners independently make an equal number of purchase decisions.


The American population is becoming increasingly homogenous as the ethnic and racial minority groups are adopting the U.S. culture through acculturation.


The cognitive component of attitude essentially deals with feelings or emotional reactions.


The majority of the Hispanic population is first-generation living in the United States.


While cultural and family influences significantly affect consumer behavior, the influence of reference groups on consumer behavior tends to be minimal, especially for children.


The interpersonal influences on consumer behavior include a person's _____.


The purchase of which of the following products will follow a syncratic pattern?

Health Insurance

A _____ role is typically seen in purchase of products such as garden supplies and electronic equipments.


​As an observant marketer, you read newspapers and magazines regularly to keep up with trends in American cultural values. But you realize that certain core values do not change over time. When considering various slogans to promote a new line of kitchen appliances, you identify one that fails to tap into a core value. Which slogan is it?

Keeps Mom in the Kitchen

Majority of the Hispanic population in the United States originate from _____.


When groups establish values and behaviors they deem appropriate for their members, those values and behaviors are called group _____.


Which of the following consumer problem-solving behaviors requires the least effort?

Routinized response behavior

Helene made sure that her company car was equipped with OnStar in case she ever has car trouble or gets lost while traveling between appointments. Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is Helene addressing?

Safety Needs

Marketers are finding new product opportunities with two-income families demanding goods and services that fill the need for convenience, health, safety, and time constraints.


Opinion leaders are the first consumers to try new products and then share their experience by word of mouth.


Over the past decade, the market for fresh spinach has increased dramatically. However, an outbreak of E. coli bacteria from certain spinach fields reduced spinach sales temporarily. The behavioral component of attitude was most likely affected by this event.


Social class has rankings determined by income, occupation, education, family background, and location of residence.


Subcultures are groups within a larger culture that have their own distinct modes of behavior.


The Asian American subculture consists of numerous ethnic groups, each of which brings its own language, religion, and values to the marketplace.


The Hispanic American population is not a single homogeneous group, but a composite of a number of culturally distinct groups.


The influence of reference groups is more significant in case of children, when compared to adults.


Understanding of differences among subcultures is essential for developing effective marketing strategies.


Understanding the consumer decision process can be used by marketers to change consumers' attitudes about their products.


Attitudes of a person toward some object or idea are highly resistant to change.


When a product is unique or difficult to categorize, the thought process involved in a purchase decision is known as:

extended problem solving.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates reinforcement in purchasing decisions?

An appliance distributor replaces a dishwasher free of charge and provides excellent after-sales service.

If 'B' represents consumer behavior, 'I' represents interpersonal influences, 'P' represents personal influences, and 'E' represents pressures exerted by outside environmental forces, Kurt Lewin's statement, rewritten to apply to consumer behavior, states that:

B = f (I,P).

The _____ component of attitude specifically involves tendencies to act in a certain manner.


Marketers must understand a target group's culture if they hope to construct an effective marketing mix for the target group. Culture is the accumulation of values, beliefs, preferences, and tastes that the target group possesses. Culture includes such tangible items as _____________. Culture also includes such intangible items as ________________.​

Clothing, principles

Seventeen-year-old Mai Ly has moved to the United States from Vietnam with her parents because her father's job transferred him to a different branch of his company. They have decided to buy their groceries from a local supermarket that caters to Asian cuisine due to their _________ influences. Mai Ly has recently passed her driver's license exam and has said that she would like to have her own car so that she doesn't have to share one with her parents. Her parents have agreed to purchase a car for her as long as she pays for her own gas and insurance. This decision is an example of a ________ influence.​

Cultural; family

As defined in the text, consumer behavior is a function of the interaction of interpersonal influences and personal factors. Which of the following is an example of an interpersonal influence?


Mateo recently graduated from high school and it's always been assumed that he would go to college after graduation. His family believe education is important to success in life and know that Mateo will be able to achieve success with a combination of hard work, persistence, and knowledge. Mateo has been influenced by


The broadest environmental determinant of consumer behavior is:


Which of the following is a core value emphasized by the American culture?


Trevor Miguel, a Mexican national, is relocating to America. He is in search of a house and is following up closely with the realtor and his agents. Trevor would be involved in which of the consumer problem-solving behaviors?

Extended problem solving

The process of applying a series of rewards and reinforcements to permit more complex consumer behavior to evolve is known as ____.


Which of the following statements reflects Carla's interpersonal determinants concerning her purchase of an Apple computer?

She makes purchases to satisfy the expectations of her family members who insist on buying Apple products.

Which of the following is a low-involvement product?


A frequent-flyer program usually announced by airlines is a form of purchasing reinforcement.


A reference group's influence on the purchasing decision of a member is often greater when the product is more conspicuous and not commonly owned.


According to Kurt Lewin's theory of human behavior, the personal factors affecting consumer behavior are one's attitudes, learning, and perception.


Brand loyalty is valued by marketers as it not only ensures that the consumer purchases the product but it also acts as a buffer against competitive messages getting to the consumer.


Cognitive dissonance is likely to increase when the purchase decision has a major effect on the buyer.


Consumers are most likely to exhibit routinized response behavior while purchasing low-involvement products.


Consumers with strong loyalties to certain products are more difficult to reach with competitive advertising.


Food manufacturers often set up tables in grocery stores where customers can sample featured products. The goal of this type of promotion is to specifically influence the _____ component of attitude.


Joining a local bowling league for social interaction is an attempt to meet _____ needs.


Edward is looking to purchase a new laptop because he is not satisfied with the features of his old one. He gathers information from his coworkers about the new models available in the market with the desired features and lists down all the available options. The next step in Edward's decision-making process is to:

compare the prices and features of all the available brands in his list.

The Asch phenomenon states that individuals will:

conform to majority rule, even if it contradicts their beliefs

Kurt Lewin's theory of consumer behavior asserts that consumer behavior is a function of personal factors and their interaction with:

interpersonal influences.

The introduction of a new brand into an array of familiar brands for which a consumer has previously set evaluative criteria may create the need for:

limited problem solving.

The evaluative criteria used by consumers in the decision-making process may be:

objective facts or subjective opinions about the alternatives.

Bristol-Myers Squibb, a large pharmaceutical company, has developed a campaign featuring Lance Armstrong promoting their development of cancer drugs. The campaign has a slogan, "Together We Can Prevail." This marketing strategy is being used by the company to satisfy ____ needs in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Martin, a marketing manager, contributes toward community development and volunteers for various civic awareness programs. These activities help Martin in satisfying his _____ needs.


A company that manufactures frozen food items is employing the shaping process to get consumers to try its products. The free samples offered by the company along with discount coupons have been received well by the consumers. The next step in the shaping process is to:

sell the product at moderate costs with no additional discount coupons.

Marketing to Asian American consumers is challenging as:

they belong to multiple ethnic groups with their own language, religion, and value systems.

Candace has been using the same shampoo brand for decades. When she finally dyes her hair, however, her hairdresser informs her that she will need to find a new shampoo that can help maintain her new color, prevent breakage, and condition her hair. Before going to the beauty supply store, Candace calls a few friends for recommendations and conducts web-based research on shampoos that address her specific needs. What can one infer about purchase decisions?​

​Buying shampoo can be a high-involvement purchase decision.

You overhear your parents having a conversation about the family's grocery list and which of them is going to do the shopping this coming weekend. Your mother typically does the grocery shopping and has a comprehensive process, which entails researching supermarkets that have the best sales, clipping coupons, and identifying which items she wants from the circulars that are mailed weekly to the house. She prefers to do the shopping herself but has to go out of town, leaving your dad with this responsibility. Your dad generally just buys whatever he thinks you and your siblings will like and prefers to be in and out of the grocery store. What can be said about your parents' purchase decision styles?​

​Involvement in purchase decisions may vary from one person to the next.

The consumer buying decision process involves _______ steps. The first step is ____________, and the last step is _____________.​

​six; problem recognition; postpurchase evaluation

As a marketing director, you have developed a line of skincare products focused on current needs that consumers have, including matters like wrinkles, sun effects, fine lines, and exfoliation for both men and women. Selena and her husband David have purchased several products from the skincare line and are satisfied consumers. ​ ​Selena decides to purchase a cream to minimize fine lines because she notices some developing around her eyes. David's brother, André, purchases a product for sun effects after David mentioned how well it worked. Which types of consumer behaviors are exhibited in the scenario above?

​Selena exhibits a personal factor and André exhibits interpersonal influence.

As Markel drives buy a local restaurant, he realizes that he hasn't eaten all day and is famished. He stops at the restaurant, and without referring to the menu, orders a burger because that's what he typically buys at this particular restaurant. This scenario suggests that:​

​low-involvement decisions may sometimes enable consumers to skip steps in the consumer decision making process.

Carlos is at the grocery store to pick-up a few items for dinner. While he's in the store, he remembers that he's just run out of laundry detergent. He walks to the aisle where the laundry detergent is and picks up the brand he always buys - Tide liquid. What type of purchasing decision did Carolos make when selecting the Tide detergent?

​routinized response behavior

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