marketing ch3 china

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The movement by the U.S. population to the ________ has lessened the demand for warm clothing and home heating equipment and increased demand for air conditioning. a.Sunbelt b.Pacific Northwest c.Northeast d.Mid-Coastal areas e.Heartland


With the rapidly changing global picture, the firm must monitor six major forces. All of the following would be among those forces EXCEPT ________. a.demographic b.economic d.natural e.promotional


A growing population always means a growing market.


A marketing information system is developed from internal company records, marketing intelligence, and promotional models supplied by the marketing department.


A megatrend has been described as being what follows all fads that stay on the market at least one year.


A style is unpredictable, short-lived, and without social or economic significance.


According to principles found in database construction and usage, a "carpet bombing" mailing of a new offer is usually the most successful strategy.


According to studies of minority markets, the disabled market is 10 times more likely to be in a professional job, almost twice as likely to own a vacation home, 8 times more likely to own a notebook computer, and twice as likely to own individual stocks as compared to the general population.


According to the 2000 census, Latinos make up the largest minority in the United States with 13% of the total population.


Competitive intelligence gathering is inherently illegal and unethical.


Consumers are consistently in favor of environmental safety and the majority show their concern by purchasing recycled and environmentally safe products.


Egypt is a good example of a raw-material-exporting economy.


In marketing to ethnic groups, African Americans should be treated as a uniform group because of their shared heritage and homogeneous consumption patterns.


In recent years, because of a tough job market, there has been an increasing amount of organizational loyalty among most employees.


Markets with a segment of very wealthy consumers, but high income disparity, present few opportunities to marketers.


Microenvironmental forces have been labeled as being "uncontrollable."


Most wealthy nations are doing little about pollution, largely because they lack the funds or the political will.


Sales data are always unambiguous and clearly interpreted.


Secondary beliefs and values are passed on from parents to children and reinforced by major social institutions, making them very difficult to change.


The heart of the internal records system is the bar code.


Today, most firms are rather sophisticated about gathering information.


With respect to views of society, changers tend to be high achievers who live lavishly.


When a marketer "mines" his or her company's database, fresh insights can be gained into neglected customer segments, ________, and other useful information. a.recent customer trends b.long-term competitive trends c.possible new inventions d.possible new technologies primary data possibilities


A ________ is a direction or sequence of events that has some momentum and durability; the shape of the future is revealed and many opportunities are provided. a.fad c.trend d.megatrend


A ________ is "unpredictable, short-lived, and without social, economic, and political significance." a.fad c.trend d.megatrend


Although still a work in progress, the ________ cohort is more idealistic and social-cause oriented, without the cynical, what's-in-it-for-me mindset of other cohorts. a.N Generation b.postwar c.leading-edge baby boomer d.Depression e.Generation X


The ________ household consists of a husband, wife, and children (and sometimes grandparents). a."traditional" b."extended" c."diversity" d."modern" e."revised"


The purpose of ________ legislation is to protect companies from unfair competition, to protect consumers from unfair business practices, and to protect the interests of society from unbridled business behavior. b.consumer c.bipartisan d.activist


According to the information found in the social-cultural environment, with respect to views of others, ________ are considered to be things that allow people who are alone to feel they are not (e.g., television, home video games, and Internet chat rooms). surrogates b.subliminal fantasies c.relationship avoidance d.primary products e.secondary products


Almost one in ________ people over the age of five (120 million) moved at least one time between 1995 and 2000, according to a Census 2000 brief, with an emphasis away from the Midwest and Northeast. a.two b.three c.four d.five e.ten


By 2010, projections indicate that the largest category of households will be composed of ________. a.childless married couples and empty nesters b.single-parent families c.single live-alones living with nonrelatives e.married couples with children


Diversity goes beyond ethnic and racial markets. More than ________ million Americans have disabilities, and they constitute a market for home delivery companies (and others). a.50 .b40 c.30 d.20 e.10


From a branding perspective, "green marketing" programs have not been entirely successful. ________ must be overcome for "green marketing" programs to be more successful. a.Perceived inferior quality and lack of credibility b.High cost c.Poor promotions d.Resistance by the youth segment in the marketplace eLack of support by governmental agencies and concerns


One of the difficulties of using chat rooms and blogs to collect competitive intelligence is that ________. a.their unstructured nature makes it difficult for marketers to find relevant messages b.people are generally unwilling to share their perspective on products and services without being paid for them c.they constitute a very expensive form of market research is difficult to access chat rooms and blogs because of privacy issues e.All of the above are difficulties experienced when using chat rooms and blogs to collect competitive intelligence.


The beginning of the new century brought a series of new challenges. All of the following would be considered to be among those challenges EXCEPT ________. a.a deterioration of innovative ideas b.the steep decline of the stock market c.increasing unemployment d.corporate scandals e.the rise of terrorism


The largest consumer environmental segment is the True Blue Greens, who are characterized by ________. a.a strong knowledge of environmental issues and a higher likelihood to engage in environmentally conscious behavior b.the belief that their individual behavior cannot improve environmental conditions c.their belief that environmental indifference is mainstream d.a lack of time or inclination to behave entirely green e.the purchase of environmentally conscious products, but only if those products meet their needs


With respect to the shortage of raw materials, air and water are classified as ________ resources. However, as we know, problems are beginning to plague both our air and water quality. a.infinite b.near finite c.finite renewable d.finite nonrenewable e.absolute


________ are groups of individuals who are born during the same time period and travel through life together. a.Cohorts b.Populations c.Demographics d.Societies e.Markets


________ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. a.A marketing information system b.A marketing research system c.A marketing intelligence system d.A promotional campaign e.A marketing database


All of the following would be considered to be steps to improve the quality of marketing intelligence in a company EXCEPT ________. and motivating the sales force to spot and report new developments b.using guerrilla tactics such as going through a competitor's trash c.motivating intermediaries to pass along important information d.networking externally e.purchasing information from outside suppliers


A significant fact about population growth and population shifts is that in 2005, ________. a.the youth market exceeded that of the adult market b.people over the age of 60 outnumbered those under five years of age boomers were eclipsed by Gen X young adults d.most age group segments were about equal e.N Generation young adults surpassed the baby boomers as the largest age segment


An important force affecting business is the ________—a movement of citizens and government organized to strengthen the rights and powers of buyers in relation to sellers. a.lobbyist movement b.consumerist movement c.environmental movement d.self-rights movement e.ethical reform movement


Over the past three decades in the United States, the rich have grown richer and the middle class has ________. a.stayed about the same b.shrunk c.increased slightly d.matched the rich in terms of relative growth e.been ignored because of problems with the poorer classes


The 2000 U.S. census provides an in-depth look at the population swings, demographic groups, regional migrations, and changing family structure of 281+ million people. Which of the following steps to improve the quality of a company marketing intelligence system would be most closely associated with this illustration? a.A company can purchase information from outside suppliers. b.A company can take advantage of government data sources. c.A company can use online customer feedback systems to collect data. d.A company can network externally. e.A company can use its sales force to collect and report data.


The 21st century saw ________ markets grow more rapidly again due to a higher birth rate, a lower death rate, and rapid growth from foreign immigration. a.suburban b.urban c.rural d.coastal e.secondary


The ________ regions of the world currently account for 76% of the world population and are growing almost four times faster than the populations of ________ regions. a.industrialized; service-based b.less-developed; more developed c.Western; Eastern d.wealthier; poorer e.Democratic; Socialist


The major responsibility for identifying significant marketplace changes falls to the ________. a.U.S. Department of Labor's marketers c.American Marketing Association d.industry lobby groups found in Washington D.C. research industry


The marketer should monitor the following trends in technology, EXCEPT ________, if progress is to be made in business. a.the pace of change b.the difficulties found in sharing information c.the opportunities for innovation d.varying R&D budgets e.increased regulation


Today, corporations need to make sure that they are good corporate citizens and that their consumer messages are honest in order to positively align themselves with consumers' ________. a.views of others b.views of organizations c.views of themselves d.views of the universe e.views of society


________ is the recognition for the importance of environmental issues facing the firm and the integration of those issues into the firm's strategic plans. a.Nonrenewable resource b.Corporate environmentalism c.Multicultural awareness d.Bipartisanism e.Secondary belief


The heart of the internal records system is the ________. a.database b.asset acquisition process c.order-to-payment cycle d.service consideration e.information liquidity ratio


A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using ________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. a.sales-force surrogates b.intermediaries c.external networks d.advisory panels e.customer feedback systems


Marketers are particularly interested in the consumption of ________, as developing brand loyalty in this age group is likely to lead to the highest consumer lifetime value. a.infants b.young children c.teens d.parents e.retirees


Marketers need to be aware of threats and opportunities associated with four trends in the natural environment, including all of the following EXCEPT ________. a.the shortage of raw materials b.the increased cost of energy c.near 90% corporate support for "green causes" d.increased pollution levels e.the changing role of governments


People vary in their attitudes toward society and react accordingly. ________ are a major market for movies, music, surfing, and camping. a.Makers b.Preservers c.Escapers d.Changers e.Developers


There are several ways marketers can find relevant online information on competitors' products and weaknesses, summary comments, and overall performance rating of a product, service, or supplier. ________ is(are) a type of site that is concentrated in financial services and high-tech products that require professional knowledge. a.Independent customer goods and service reviews b.Distributor or sales agent feedback sites c.Combo sites offering customer reviews and expert opinions d.Customer complaint sites e.Shopping bot service sites


Two-thirds of all illiterate adults are ________. a.Chinese b.middle-class c.women in industrialized countries e.none of the above


Which of the following would be the best illustration of a subculture? a.A softball team b.A university alumni association c.Teenagers d.A Boy Scout troop e.Frequent flyers


"Green marketing myopia" is a term used to describe the tendency to ________. a.completely ignore environmental issues b.regard environmental issues as too abstract to provide customer value c.balance environmental concerns with other forms of customer value d.overly focus on a product's greenness e.none of the above


A ________ is a set of procedures and sources managers use to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment. research system information system c.product management system intelligence system e.vertical system


According to the 2000 census, the U.S. population of 276.2 million was 72% white and ________ % African American. The remainder consisted of Hispanic Americans and other minorities. a.20 b.18 c.15 d.13 e.11


Consumer expenditures are affected by ________. a.savings b.debt availability d.all of the above e.none of the above


Each society contains ________, groups with shared values emerging from their special life experiences or circumstances. a.demographic segments b.cliques c.consumer bundles d.subcultures e.behavioral niches


Firms making products that require ________face substantial cost increases as these become increasingly scarce. a.infinite b.near finite c.finite renewable d.finite nonrenewable e.absolute


Frequently noted as a megatrend, the increasing percentage of _____ in the total population represents a major shift in cultural center of gravity in the United States. a.African Americans b.European Americans c.Asian Americans d.Hispanic Americans e.Middle Eastern Americans


People vary in their attitudes toward their society. ________ usually live more frugally, drive smaller cars, and wear simpler clothing. a.Makers b.Escapers c.Seekers d.Changers e.Developers


The internal records system supplies results data, but the marketing intelligence system supplies ________ data. a.concurrent b.secondary c.research d.happenings e.premium


Which of the following groups is most vulnerable to recent income distribution trends in the United States? a.Makers of high-end sports cars b.Large discount chains c.Pharmaceutical firms d.Conventional retailers offering medium-priced goods e.Expensive and exclusive restaurants


Which of the following would be the best illustration of a secondary belief or value? a.Belief in work b.Belief in giving to charity c.Belief in getting married d.Belief in getting married early e.Belief in being honest


________ have been described as "large social, economic, political and technological changes [that] are slow to form, and once in place, they influence us for some time—between seven and ten years, or longer. a.Fads b.Fashions c.Trends d.Megatrends e.Styles


All of the following have been cited by the text as being among Americans' core values EXCEPT ________. a.belief in work b.belief in getting married c.belief in giving to charity d.belief in being honest e.belief in sexual permissiveness


Although core values are fairly persistent, cultural swings do take place. ________ caused such a swing in the 1960s. a.Ford Motor Company b.George McGovern c.G.I. Joe action characters d.The infomercial e.The Beatles


In which of the following economies would we expect to find the fewest opportunities for marketers? a.Industrializing economies b.Land-locked economies c.Raw-material-exporting economies d.Industrial economies e.Subsistence economies


The main demographic force that marketers monitor is ________. a.suppliers b.competitors c.communication (such as advertising) d.government reports dealing with birth rates e.population


________ shapes the beliefs, values, and norms that largely define tastes and preferences. a.Marketing b.The mass media c.Government d.Production innovation and engineering e.Society


According to information presented in the text, which of the following countries is surprisingly a very good market for Lamborghini automobiles (costing more than $150,000) because of the number of wealthy families that can afford expensive cars. a.Greece b.Switzerland c.Holland d.Russia .ePortugal


All of the following questions EXCEPT one would be considered to be forms of information needs probes. Which one? aWhat decisions do you regularly make? b.What information do you need to make decisions? c.What data analysis programs would you want? .dWhat magazines and trade reports would you like to see on a regular basis? .eWhat products would be most closely matched to consumer needs?


More than any other group, the ________ cohort accepts cultural diversity and puts personal life ahead of work life. a.World War II b.postwar c.leading-edge baby boomer d.trailing-edge baby boomer e.Generation X


The ________ environment consists of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations and individuals. a.natural b.technological d.economic e.political-legal


The company's marketing information system should be a cross between what managers think they need, what managers really need, and ________. a.what the marketing research department is able to do b.what consumers are willing to share c.what the competition is doing d.what is acceptable industry practice e.what is economically feasible


If a company were pursuing a policy of networking externally, it might collect competitors' ads or look up news stories about competitors.


Most Americans still hold the importance of marriage as a core belief.


The United States has one of the highest percentages of college-educated citizens, which spells a high demand for quality books, magazines, and travel.


A growing portion of U.S. R&D expenditure is going into the development side of R&D, raising concerns about whether the United States can maintain its lead in basic science.


Companies with superior information enjoy a competitive advantage.


Every new technology is a force for "creative destruction."


Few consumers actually delete cookies frequently. When customers accept cookies, they expect customized marketing appeals and deals.


Firms making products that require increasingly scarce finite nonrenewable resources face substantial cost increases.


High debt-to-income ratios among U.S. consumers can slow down their expenditures on housing and large-ticket items.


If a single person has a home entertainment system that is rich in television capabilities and home video games, he or she may be using such a system as a "social surrogate."


Japan has one of the world's oldest populations.


Legislation affecting business has increased steadily over the years.


One of the 10 significant megatrends that will impact marketing efforts in the future is increasing scrutiny on the role and behavior of big business.


One of the major trends in the political-legal environment is the trend toward the growth of special-interest groups.


One of the ways to find relevant online information on competitors' strengths and weaknesses might be to frequent distributor or sales agent feedback sites.


Over the past three decades in the United States, income disparity has grown while the middle class has shrunk.


Population growth is highest in countries and communities that can least afford it.


The available purchasing power in an economy depends on current income, prices, savings, debt, and credit availability.


The basis of cohort segmentation is that the occurrence of key defining moments while a person comes of age imprints core values that remain largely intact throughout life.


Today, customers are still willing to swap personal information for customized products from firms.


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