Marketing Research Test 2

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Demand characteristics can be reduced in a number of ways. Which strategy below is NOT one of these?

Administer multiple experimental treatment levels to each subject.

Error caused by improper administation or execution of the research task

Administrative Error

Which experimental design involves manipulating a single independent variable to observe its effect on a single dependent variable?

basic experimental design

Which term means that subjects in all experimental groups are exposed to identical conditions except for the differing experimental treatments?

constancy of conditions

Observation that involves watching and recording what naturally occurs, without creating an artificial situation, is called ______________ observation.


A single question that really asks two questions at a time is called a (n) ______________________ question.

double barreled

The question, "Have you ever received a speeding ticket? ____ Yes _____No", is followed by a question: "When did you receive this ticket?" if the respondent answers yes to the first question. In this situation, the first question serves as a ______________ question.


Asking general questions before asking specific questions in order to obtain the best idea of the true overall impression is known as the _______________ technique.


Words like often, frequently, regularly, and poor should be avoided on surveys because they are considered ___________.

general or ambiguous



Response bias that occurs because interviewer influences respondents answers

interviewer Bias

Questions that suggest or imply a certain answer are called ________________.


When some subjects stop participating in an experiment before it is completed, affecting the results of the study, a(n) __________effect has occurred.






Observing the movement of a shopper in a supermarket is an example of what type of obesrvation?

physical actions

sales volume


Which of the following is an indicator of a measure's internal consistency?


If the sampling units in an experimental cell are somehow different than the units in another cell, and this difference affects the dependent variable, ________________may occur.

systematic error

Which experimental research design involves repeated measures?

within-subjects design

"I hate asparagus" is an example of which component of an attitude toward asparagus?


Response bias that results because individuals use extremes when responding

Extremity Bias

When respondents are asked to rank items based on their preferences it is called a nominal scale


Model Building

Forecasting market potential, sales in a time-period, selecting locations, determining relationships with sales

Fact- Finding

Identifying web traffic, consumption patterns, tracking trends

Sample members who are mistakenly not contacted or refuse to provide input

Nonresponse Bias

People who are unwilling to participate in the research


Which statement about scanner data is FALSE, as compared to standard mail diary panel data?

Scanner data measures are considered to be extremely obtrusive

A fixed-alternative question may tempt respondents to check an answer that is more prestigious or socially acceptable than the true answer.


Attitudes cannot be directly observed but can be inferred from other measures.


With the Internet, an abundance of data is available. Researchers should use cross-checks to verify the data whenever possible.


Which characteristic is a key difference between ratio and interval level scales?

absolute zero

When a researcher analyzes commercials appearing during Saturday morning cartoons, the researcher is engaging in _____________________.

content analysis

When a researcher claims that the results of a test market in Indianapolis, Indiana, will hold in a national rolllout of the new product, this researcher is claiming _____________.

external validity

The question as to whether the independent variable was the sole cause of the change in the dependent variable is the basic issue in _________________.

internal validity

Which type of effect is a function of time and the naturally occurring events that coincide with growth and experience?

maturation effect

____________________ is the process of describing some property of a phenomenon, usually by assigning numbers, in a reliable and valid way.


Observing the comments made by travelers waiting in a check-in line at the American Airlines ticket counter in Chicago is an example of what type of observation?

verbal behavior

Mistakes made by interviewers who fail to record survey responses correctly

Interview Error

Your text discusses advantages of secondary data. List the primary advantage and 2 additional advantages

Readily available, faster, less expensive

Bias occurring when respondents consciously or unconsciously answer questions with a slant misrepresenting the truth

Response Bias

Administrative error caused by improper sample design or sampling procedure execution

Sample Selection Error

Error arising because of inadequacies of actual respondents to represent population of interest

Sampling Error

Results from imperfect aspect of research design or mistake in the execution of research

Systematic Error

Age, gender, and brand loyalty are all examples of ________________.


Database Marketing

Developing prospect lists, predicting future customer behavior, data mining

In an experiment, the researcher manipulates the dependent variable and measures its effect on the independent variable.


It is advisable to include demographic questions at the beginning of a survey is the best option to ensure respondents are comfortable with taking the survey.


Secondary data may use different scales or units of measurement than what the researcher needs or desires. In these situations, the secondary data should not be used.


To demonstrate his or her knowledge, it is important that a researcher include technical jargon in the questions developed.


When developing multiple-choice alternatives, it is important that the categories

be mutually exclusive

The degree to which all information collected in a questionnaire addresses a research question that will help the decision maker address the current marketing problem is the extent to which the questionnaire is ______________.


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