Mass Media Revolution Final

¡Supera tus tareas y exámenes ahora con Quizwiz!

Joseph Niepce

1st photography taken by him. it took 8 hours to expose on asphalt plate.

The quizzes that you take online are worth...


inspired Apple 1984 commercial

46.4% share one time showing, but influential selling ideal of Mac

According to the text, in 2012 the number of text messages sent and received was

9.6 trillion

Berne Convention

96 years to adopt in the US finally ratified this international copyright treaty

During the lecture, Dr. Anderson mentioned that large percentage of America owns TV. That percentage is:


Vertical integration

A business structure in which one company operates and controls all of the means of production, distribution and exhibition for a large segment of the news publishing or movie industry

Print on Demand

A form of publishing that does not create new copies of printed source until in has ordered by a consumers.

Google Fiber is an example of

A full service network Convergence A way to get user data

Media monopolies

A market model in which the production and distribution of a specific media industry is dominated by a single group

Integrated Circuit

A miniaturized electronic circuit that forms the basic electronic building blocks of all electronics.

Public sphere model

A model in which media serve as the central environment or "space" in which ideas and views circulate in the form of information sharing and storytelling

Paul Levinson

A modern communication and media professor's insight into the future of mass media after McLuhan's global village.

Social Learning Theory

A theoretical model applied to the study and research of communication and mass media that looks at how people learn within a social context.


AFM allowed the recording of v-discs which were musical recording produced exclusively to entertain American troops.

Cyberspace Globalizes

Advances in mass media technologies have broken down barriers and created an international marketplace

Passive Media Platforms

Allow a direct exchange between the senders and receivers of content "movies and television."

Active Media Platforms

Allow for the exchange of information between users "internet."

Open Societies

Allow media to monitor and report operation of government cooperation's and financial institutes.

Mass Media

Allow the exchange of information and meaning between individuals or groups.


Allowed consumers to make recording on plastic disk.

Market model

Also known as the American style media business model ; a model in which the majority of media are funded through a combination of advertising revenue and subscription fees

bias by market demand

American mainstream media companies are business, whose market success in driven by audience rating and supported by advertisers.

Solomon Eliot Asch

American social psychologist tempt to scientifically explain group conformity and the effects of Nazi propaganda during World War 2


An early example of media convergence the marriage of text and images.

Camera Obscura

An early photographic technique founded in 1558.

Media Noise "Shannon Weaver Model"

Anything and everything that interferes with the transmission of the message.

Format Wars

Are heated affairs in which companies with the winning format stand to make a huge profits, while the losing companies are forced to leave the marketplace or adopt the leading technology.

the civics lesson

Aron Sorkin brought US television viewers into the world of factious " The West Wing Movie "

Visual culture

Aspects of day to day lives that rely on some form of imagery to convey meaning.

Abraham Maslow

Based his theories on "self-actualized" individuals.


Became the first television network in 1939.

Rock n Roll

Began in 1950s and had its roots in rhythm and blues music.

Carl Rogers

Believed that communication problem arise when people try to force their worldview into the others.

Bias by Extraordinary Experience

Bias do to what you see and write about.


British artists developed it which was influenced by American Rock n Roll.

The over the air transmission of signals that are intended for mass audiences is



Can be created intentionally or as a result of the media being used.

Media Overload

Can blur the distinction between useful and useless information and forces media consumers to become selective about the messages they receive

Media Literate People

Can identify bias and find alternate sources of information.


Changed the way artists expressed their creativity and the way music is marketed.

Known at the time as both the most modern city in the world and the capital of the midwest, Sears relocated to ____________ to expand his business pursuits.


The earliest forms of "print media were found in ____________ around the year of 1045.


Bias of Selection

Choosing what to/ not to print or go to the air.

If you experience confusion with the course material (such as the textbook or information covered in lecture) but would like to be successful in the class, you should...

Come to my office during office hours in BAL 3016 Email me to get clarification or to set up an appointment Speak with the Graduate Assistant during her office hours in BAL 1002


Confuse people between reality and fiction. "innovators, early adopters."

The Quiz Show Scandals resulted directly in the following

Congressional Hearings

The merging of computing, media, and telecommunications in a digital environment is called


The fact that our television today is part computer, part radio station, part game system and at the same time a video monitor explains:

Convergence Process


Copyright legal tradition (U.S., U.K.) - intellectual creations are another form of property - can be sold

During the lecture, Dr. Anderson shared that one time his students asked him to reschedule the exam originally planned during the University event week. This is example of :

Cultural demands

P2P file sharing

DRM had opposite effect - encouraged people to steal the content

Nikola Tesla

Demonstrated wireless communication in 1893.

Samuel Morse

Developed land-based telegraph technology in the early 19th century.

Machinist Eldridge R. Johnson

Developed record players.

Edwin Howard Armstrong

Developing a better format, frequency modulation FM

Closed Societies

Discourage freedom of thought and expression. The government transparent.

The Northern Star

Douglass created this newspaper to built communication about blacks in America and give them an identity so they are no longer objectified.

The broadcast of The War of the Worlds occurred within the following context.

During a number of economic and political crises such as "The Great Depression" and the rise of European war. It was broadcast on October 30th, the night before Halloween. It was broadcast in 1938. People may have not heard the beginning of the show as they may have surfed the dial.

Decision/s on how to produce and program TV is/are dependent on:

Economic issues Cultural needs Technological capabilities

Neither of them actually listened to commercial radio.

Edwin Howard Armstrong, De Forest

Agenda Setting "Media Effects"

Effects that the media control everything "which stories to tell."


Effort to ban or control the flow of information, suppresses the freedom of speech, and limits the ability of the media to report on government action.


Electronic books that are viewed on digital readers "they mimic the look and layout of traditional books.

Fair Use (doctrine)

Even if work contains a proper copyright notification and is protected under copyright laws. it can still be used within. limited parameters without the seeking permission.


Example of popular British band of skiffle and gain popularity in the US.

The 1948 Paramount Decree led to studios dropping their investments in:


Example of life-blogging

Facebook's timeline, Pinterest

True or False? According to the book, "Digital Natives" are Native Americans who are interested in computers and networking.


True or False? According to the book, connecting from one website to another on the internet is a strictly linear process.


True or False? According to the book, one of the more modern, recent theoretical developments that explains media effects is the "Hypodermic Needle Theory" or "Magic Bullet Theory" of media.


True or False? According to the reading, Web 2.0 is simply the web that is run by professional media producers.


True or False? According to the reading, the content of viral media is rarely produced by amateurs.


True or False? According to the text, Joseph Campbell's story of the "hero's journey" is called the path of redemption.


True or False? As railroad transportation enabled travel from coast to coast, there was a change from national standardized time to more localized, regional time.


True or False? CBS was issued a fine and required to stop using a news-bulletin format for their radio drama productions because of the panic resulting from the War of the Worlds broadcast.


True or False? Early cinema from 1895-1910s is what many call post-narrative.


True or False? General stores benefitted while sales from the Sears catalog suffered with the introduction of Rural Free Delivery (RFD).


True or False? In the classic Hollywood studio system owning cinemas/real estate wasn't that important, which is why they gave them up after the Paramount Decree.


True or False? In the documentary one of the things that was clear was that online "super fans" like Tyler Oakley rarely work together.


True or False? In the late 19th century we saw the US move from an industrial to an agrarian mode of production.


True or False? Most film historians point to 1905 as the first year of cinema.


True or False? Richard Warren Sears was able to rationally manage the growth of Sears and rarely overproduced or underproduced products.


True or False? Sharing is of little importance for new media campaigns.


True or False? The 21st century has emphasized "the citizen."


True or False? The film asserted that the creativity level of films has increased due to the common usage of committees in modern film productions.


True or False? The majority address by mass media in the 20th century emphasized "the user."


True or False? Throughout most of UK broadcasting history, programmers have designed programs for the largest target audience.


True or False? Throughout most of US broadcasting history, programmers have programmed for "appointment"


True or False? Your book argues that the development stage is followed by the invention stage.


True or False? According to the documentary, at the height of the classical studio system some film studios produced up to 72 films a year.

False ~ was actually 52

True or False? According to your book the largest film producing nation in the world is China.

False ~ it is India

True or False? Jazz is American's indigenous art form in 1980

False, 1987

True or False? News Paper used white Journalism to inform entertain, and overwhelm readers.

False, Yellow Journalism


Federal communication commission A US government agency that is empowered by the federal government to regulate the licensing and use of the broadcast spectrum of media by all non governmental organizations, companies or individuals

Return on investment (ROI)

Financial return for when a company can economically produce high valued media assets and higher revenues through the efficient use of its production resources

New England courant

First American newspaper to establish itself as a successful business enterprise and used a staff or report.

Statue of Anne

First European legislation that gave the rights of work to an author instead of the printer.

Mary Ann Shadd Cary

First black woman newspaper editor

Guglielmo Marconi

First delivered radio broadcasting.

David Sarnoff

First television broadcast.

De Forest

First time allowed the transmission and reception of the human voice.

During the lecture, Dr. Anderson mentioned that when we watch YouTube, we can notice that the videos are sneaked one after another. As he discussed, this would be an example of:


Visual Windows

Frames that convey content of experience in 2D.

First Amendment

Freedom of press, speech, assemble, religion, and petition.

The prediction that advances in communication and mass media technologies would lead to a global village that would reshape human relationships is known as:

Future Shock

Punk Rock

Gained popularity in the 1970 and challenged mainstream.

: This bill "lifted funding to establish regional hosting hubs and their related infrastructure, and lifted last barriers to full and open access for everyone to the Internet."

Gore Bill

Authoritarian Media System

Government control all media functions as political propaganda that state and it spreads favorable information for the Government.

In the documentary shown in class the following was true of Tyler Oakley:

He has talked with company executives about social media.


Help transform the spoken or writing word.


Helped develop world religions by producing religious texts.

Gore Bill

High Performance Computing and communication Act of 1991

When considering television, or perhaps all media, you may want to consider

How it is exhibited How it is distributed How it is produced/funded


Hypertext Markup Language

HTML stands for:

Hypertext Markup Language


Hypertext Transfer Protocol


ITunes Store, Xbox

Media Effects

Ideas and theories about how media influence people as individuals, families, communities as a nation.


In 1045 the movable type was invented in________.

Johannes Gutenberg

In 1450, German goldsmith invented the movable type "printing press."

Sedition Act

In 1918, congress amended the Espionage Act with the_______

Gordon Moore

In 1965, predicted that innovation would accelerate and decrease in size.

Henry Fox Talbot

In London in 1834, created the first negative to positive contact printing of a photograph onto paper.

Espionage Act

In WW1 the president enacted this that made it a federal crime to publish anything that attempted to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny or refusal of duty in the US Army.

Media Dynamic

Include all of the influences and processes that affect mass media content. These include creative, economic, socially, technological, business and political issues that influence media contact.

Mass Media Platform

Includes all technology based communication media.

The country now is providing a tablet computer to schoolchildren for the equivalent price of $50.


Richard Slaughter

Individuals are highly adaptive to these changes "future shock."

Development Stage

Innovations from invention stage are nurtured and adopted by the mainstream

Electronic Media

Integrated circuits, computers, the world wide web and the ubiquitous.

Emile Berliner

Invented Gramophone.

Thomas Alva Edison

Invented the phonograph in the 1877

The Invention Stage

Inventors take ideas from the precursor stage and make them a reality.

Long-Tail Journalism

It allows outlets to deliver stories in detail & with many different links and user interactivity.

One of the reasons the book argues that reality television is so popular with programmers is that

It is cheap to produce

BONUS QUESTION: The author of your book "Mass Media Revolution" is:

J. Charles Sterin

Charles Babbage

Landon-1832, the inventor of the modern computer.

Smith Act

Law that made it a federal crime to advocate the violent overthrow of the government or any acts there.

During the World War 2 that the three of most important figures in the history of radio broadcasting began.

Lee De Forest, Edwin Howard Armstrong, David Sarnoff

an example of political advertising

Lyndon Johnson Daisy Girl ad

The Big 5 Hollywood studios are:



Made phonograph primarily to record messages made on telegraph and telephone.

Priming "Media Effects"

Makes people think about something.

True information

Mass Media can serve as both the gateway to & the catalyst for social & cultural change

Affinity Path

Mass media that contract or focus the receives attention through clearing of the images and information.

In his lecture, Dr. Anderson used the following as an example of mass standardization:

McDonalds Dollar Menu

New Medial

Media convergence, Web 2.0, Enhanced usuers participant, content sharing steaming medial

The Missionary Filmmaker

Mel Gibson's award- wining film the passion of the Christ 2004

Select the feature of micro-media that is incorrect.

Micro-media is impersonalize-able.


More than 80% of public broadcasting's funding comes from corporate underwriting, member donations and academic institutions

NV. Times Vs Sullivan

Most famous libel case, an ad was sponsored in the NY Times and was false so they sued but lost. Result: people have to be proven to have known about publishing false information to be changed with libel.

Cross Platform

Multi-platform/ video gaming devices that also supported Blu-ray HD movies.

Today's journalists are

Multimedia Journalists (MMJs)

the most famous libel case in US history is

New York Times v. Sullivan

Short-Tail Journalism

News is packaged & delivered with limited pages & airtime.

Your book talks about information revolution and information block in certain societies. The country exemplified as strongly controlling its media is:

North Korea

Technological Convergence

Occurs when media delivery tools and platforms move inexorably toward assimilation into fewer media platform.

Mass Media Framing

Occurs when the mass media presents stories that frame the reality that they want the public to believe.

George Orwell

Oceania and Big Brother "Novel"

The Maturity Stage

One media technology dominates the marketplace and continues to evolve during this stage.

First Woman Television News Broadcaster

Pauline Frederick

Digital Immigrant

People who are currently transitions into the digital age.

Digital Natives

People who grew up with technology and the internet.

Among the many problems experienced in the transition from agrarianism to urbanity were:

Pollution Poor labor conditions Mass immigration Explosive growth

Jay Silversheels

Portrayal of Lone Ranger as wise & loyal mentor Paved way for other Native Americans in media

Two major events combined to help shape American music in the first decade.

Prohibition and the Great Depression


Protects the intellectual properties

Text Book Customization

Publishers adapt the content of textbook specifically to fit a school's curriculum or syllabus.

first successful war-action video games

Raid on Bungling Bay


Recorded sound as notches on a tinfoil-wrapped cylinder the size of a cardboard roll of toilet tissue.


Reducing people or culture to objects.

Penny Press

Referred to tabloid publications that encouraged sensationalism and drove down the quality of news paper reporting.

Stationers Guild

Regulates and enforces licensing fees on printing presses and printed documents all kinds in England.

Multiple-source confirmation

Reporters are required to confirm a story's facts with at least three sources, to ensure the reliability and credibility of those facts

Citizen Photojournalist

Reporters who used photos and videos to report news stories in community

Direct media revenues

Revenue from selling media products and content directly to the consumer

Indirect media revenues

Revenue primarily received from advertisers and advertising related sales such as product placements

In the film, we learned The $64,000 Question was sponsored by


The book Mass Media Revolution notes that the person to coin the terms "information architecture" and "information anxiety" was:

Richard Saul Wurman


SMTP evolve it "Post Office Protocol e-mail standard that we all usde today

Guglielmo Marconi was

Scott/Italian immigrant

Sears began his success in sales by

Selling watches from uncollected freight Communicating in language people could understand

Spoken defamation is called



Smaller slices of the crowded range of broadcast frequencies.

The idea that media shape one's world view is called.

Social Learning

Green Publishing

Some believe that traditional books will become obsolete because of the high ecological footprint caused by the publishing industry.

Cultural imperialism

Spread of a culture into the society of another generally without the society's consent " Disney, Time Warner

Present day use of personal computers has evolved thanks to

Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs

Audience Demographics

Such factors as age, sex, race, education levels.

Pan Cultural Systems

Systems that extend beyond the physical borders of cultural region.

The Antiquity Stage

Technologies become obsolete and new technologies are developed to replace them in the marketplace.

John peery Barlow

Telecom Reform Act (1996) - Regulation of Internet - Electronic Frontier Foundation protests

Edweard Muybridge

The 24 frames he made were the first moving picture. Horse

The big five

The 5 major film studios (paramount, loew's / MGM, fox film corporation, Warner bros, and RKO) that dominated Hollywood during its golden age

Psychedelic Sound

The Beatles experimented with the it and recorded sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart.

Which of the following aspects hindered the growth of television?

The Great Depression

New media model

The Internet media business model wherein media creators rely on the web to reach and sell to their audiences directly

Media Literacy

The a ability to understand how the media work and how it influence all aspect in our lives.

Economies of scale

The ability to increase cost advantages advantages by increasing production levels and sometimes expanding the buisness

Shield Laws

The basic principle of shield laws protects confidentiality of sources

Information Anxiety

The black hole between data and knowledge, and what happens when information doesn't tell us what we want or need to know.

New Journalism

The combination of convergent multiple news platforms, immediate audience feedback & criticism, and required proficiency in multimedia technologies

The Newsman-Comic

The daily show with Jon Stewart on the Comedy Central Networking uses comedy

Media Hegemony

The dominance that a particular group exerts on the media.


The effort to control or ban the flow of information

The Depth of Printed Word

The evolution of technology has caused futurists to debate about the future of traditional books and whether or not they are approaching the antiquity stage.

Action News

"Eyewitness news" terms still found in titles of many local television news programs today.

Framing "Media Effects"

"How to tell the story."

The first video played was on MTV.

"Killed the Radio Star"

Phillo T. Farnsworth

"The father of television."


(digital video or audio files that can be downloaded from the web), which can have multiple associated links to related information throughout The WWW.

Four phrase approach "PR"

- PR professional conduct a detailed analysis of their clients' current situation - includes establishing the client's message and how best to successfully convey _ PR professionals carefully select the most appropriate media platforms and communication tactics and then implement and manage the strategic media - focused on evaluating the results and presenting them to ranking in public opinion

According to the text, of ticket sales, movie theaters keep


Constitutional Convention

1787, freedom of speech freedom of expression remain basic tenets in US "The First Amendment"

1st Latino radio station

1946, KCOR-AM San Antonio, Texas

Spanish-Language Television

1955 KCOR-TV


The first one parlor opened in New York City in 1894.

Digital Divide

The fissure that separates those who have financial and physical access to information technologies from those who do not.

Among the many factors that went into Richard Warren Sears' success was

The growth of rural free delivery. The standardization of time zones. The higher literacy rate in rural areas.

Hollywood studio system

The handful of movie studios that virtually ruled the entire film industry in the first half of the 20th century, controlling everything from screenwriters and actors contracts to the ownership of movie theaters

Fiduciary responsibility

The legal requirement of all members of the board of directors for a company to make their best efforts to manage the firm and protect the interests of all shareholders

The Soviet Communist System

The mass media are to be publicly-owned, unmotivated by profit, and used solely to educate the masses as to promote socialization and conformity.

Unwitting Bias

The news has to choose the stories and therefore is bias.


The precursor to jukeboxes.

Kerner Commission

The president appointed this to investigate the increase in race related violence in the US (did not mention Latinos) found that blacks weren't represented in mainstream media.


The purposeful denying of privelages to select parties

Sound Recording

The recreation of sound waves, including voice, music and sound effects marked the first real progress addressing this next leap forward.

When thinking about films, you may wish to consider the following categories:

The social context that films, film makers, and audiences must negotiate. Those who produce the film such as the actors, directors, writers, and producers. The film as a text. The audiences who view them.

In 1895 film was seen as :

The way of entertainment The way of teaching people how to become someone The way of transmitting mass literacy

Marshall McLuhan

Theorized that communication mediums that people used cannot separated from the messages they create

Which "Founding Father" of the United States was key to establishing the Library of Congress?

Thomas Jefferson

The format war between HD DVD and Blu-ray was started between:

Toshiba and NEC vs Sony and few other companies

Woody Guthrie

Traveled with migrant labor camps during the Great Depression an experience that inspired the unofficial American anthem "This land is your land."

Intense media coverage strongly influences how the public views select issues and events


True or False? According to the book a meme is an idea that spreads quickly through a culture like a virus through a population.


True or False? According to the book, one of the most interesting ways that blogs have affected social life is in politics with the development of "net roots" communities.


True or False? According to the documentary, in the classic Hollywood studio system "everyone was owned" and stars could be loaned to other studios.


True or False? According to the readings, each new mature media technology sows seeds for newer media technological innovation to follow it.


True or False? According to the text, while no one single-handedly invented motion pictures, in the United States Thomas Edison led the way in creating the moving picture industry's foundation.


True or False? According to your book the number one system that measures the ratings for television programming is supplied by Nielsen.


True or False? All media is biased to some extent.


True or False? American TV is corporately (privately) owned industry.


True or False? Art House Theaters that specialized in showing foreign and lower-budget independent films were in operation in the United States, located mostly in urban centers.


True or False? Hollywood studios in the classic studio system built their production schedules around stars


True or False? If TV viewing pattern changes, it would mean that the work patterns of America changed as well.


True or False? In 1859-1910s period, cinema was very international, even seen as global.


True or False? In class Dr. Anderson mentioned that historical eras may have defining technologies and ours may be the networked computer.


True or False? In recent years, the film industry has experienced a market decrease in revenue from home video sales and a correspondingly significant reduction in profits due to digital piracy, the global economic downturn and new competition


True or False? In the War of the World's Documentary, dial switching was compared to today's version of channel surfing.


True or False? In the book Mass Media Revolution, media hegemony is defined as the dominance of the media by a particular group.


True or False? In the documentary "Generation Like", we learned that in social media marketing absolutely nothing is left to chance.


True or False? In the screening of Generation Like "The Audience" is a company that helps artists grow their social media presence by growing and leveraging their networks.


True or False? In this week's lecture I claimed that we have gone from media scarcity to media abundance.


True or False? Media networks are systems designed to communicate messages to large numbers of people at once that often, although not always, use technologies.


True or False? Music provided opportunities for people of diverse ethnic and social background to express their own vices


True or False? Music symphonies, bluegrass, jazz, rock, 'n roll, country and more all contribute to American couture, specially with the advent of radio


True or False? Oligopoly is a market dominated by a small number of sellers.


True or False? One of the primary reasons that the Protestant Reformation occurs is due to the invention of the Gutenberg Press.


True or False? One way to think about film and radio is as kinds of literature for people who may not be able to read.


True or False? Photography helped the public view exotic places around the world.


True or False? Photography was both technologically and economically viable by the 19th century.


True or False? Radio is the first domestic electronic "Mass Culture" phenomenon.


True or False? Technology alone has led to convergence.


True or False? The "digital divide" is a term that is used by those who would like to erase the fissure between those who have access to new digital technologies and those who don't.


True or False? The 19th Century was a new "information age".


True or False? The Iroquois Confederacy was one of the earliest, most effective mass media networks.


True or False? The Montgomery Ward catalog was wider than the Sear's catalog.


True or False? The Quiz Show Scandals are an example of what can happen when a sponsor gets too involved with a show.


True or False? The Radio Act of 1912 was the first act in the United States to require radio stations to be regulated by the Government


True or False? The book Mass Media Revolution argues that Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is key to some theorizations of media.


True or False? The book Mass Media Revolution positions all mass media as a form of storytelling.


True or False? The documentary on The War of the Worlds noted that radio was so important that although people were often falling behind on their mortgages and having difficult economic times, they continued to purchase radios.


True or False? The example of converging technologies is being able to store unlimited Amazon purchases on Amazon cloud.


True or False? The genius of the The Hollywood Studio System was that even though the studios were factories, individual artists could still produce some of their individual visions.


True or False? The media can be responsibly for sustaining bias or tearing it down.


True or False? The study of mass media platform began as the study of rhetoric and human communication.


True or False? War of the Worlds was also known as the Panic Broadcast between the Americans


True or False? When we use social media (tweets, blogs, likes) we actually create data.


the relationship between politics and media, the media do not simply determine what is important by focusing the audience's attention on issue. They also influence how we think about what they determine is important


According to the screening, the following quiz shows were involved in the Quiz Show Scandals of the 1950s:

Twenty One

At its peak, the Sears Catologue reached a popluation of

Twenty million people

Antitrust laws

U.S federal efforts to break up industry monopolies and allow for healthy competition in areas such as steel, tobacco, and oil

Telecommunications act of 1996

US federal legislation that deregulated the broadcast industry and removed the long running restrictions on multistation ownership

Visual Literacy

Understand all visual media and what it means.

Dr. Anderson argued that the following corporations were important to the early history of radio.

United Fruit Company Radio Corporation of America General Electric


Universal Resource Locator

Louis Glass

Used phonographs to create Niekel-in-the-slot in 1889.

When thinking about early cinema as convergent technologies, we could look at the following as items from which cinema drew to see the medium as convergent:

Vaudeville Song Slides The Magic Lantern and Zoetrope Photography

In lecture, we learned that the Hollywood studio system was an example of

Vertical Integration

The Precursor Stage

Visionaries and futurists explore technological change and document their idea through writing and drowning.

Voice Internet Protocol (VOIP)

Voice communications that occur over the internet- is becoming the dominant communication medium around the world


Was asked to stay on the new company's general manager (RCA) and moved to FM. Also, would go the color television.


Was founded by record producer Berry Gordy Jr in 1959.

Folk Music

Was produced by untrained musician who used the oral tradition.

Berry Gordy

Was responsible for the success of artists like Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and Marvin.

The early radio broadcasting companies.

Westinghoiuse, and General Electric/RCA

Libertarian based media system.

What the US has is controlled by corporate industries.

Iconic Images

Widespread images people know.

According to the book The following is/are example(s) of participatory content creation:


vat network

World Wide Web


Written offence usually against people in the media like reporters and editors.

Example of Net Roots Movement

Zuning's Daily Kos blog


________ were large format news papers (15x24 inches).

Morse code

a character encoding system that transmitted information via sound and visual signaling

Al Gore "The global evangelist"

a former US senator from Tennessee and US vice president as well as Nobel Prize Winner, is also a powerful world respected vice on global warming and ecological issue. His Oscar-winning film an inconvenient Truth 2009

Dr. Clotaire Rapaille

a lading consultant to many of the world's top advertising and marketing executive offers his theory


a much abbreviated form of blogging

Multimedia Journalists

a reporting professional who has some skills all of the media and is able to operate comfortably regardless of desired mix

file Transfer protocol (FTP)

a standard set of procedures used for exchanging and manipulating files across a network of computers called Cpynet


a system that creates and encourages the purchases of good and service in increasing amounts

new new media

a term originally coined by Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle in 2004


a type of communication that concentrates on persuading clients to support a very specific issue such as cause or a social movement

When thinking about Distribution you have to think about "how" your audience

accesses the media knows about what your are distributing knows where to get your media

The Freedom of Information Act

allows people to request government documents - again behind since digital is still gray area

internet browser

an application whose software allows information on the world wide web to viewed, retrieved and moved

culture meme

an idea that spreads rapidly through cultures, exponentially in the same way a virus spreads among living organisms.

The Culture Code

an ingenious way to understand why people Around the world live and buy as they do

According to the text, the stages of technological innovation include the:

antiquity stage precursor stage invention stage


any behavior considered lewd, offensive or indecent


any form of implied or explicit communication that damage a person's, organization's or products reputation or standing in the community


any form of media that depicts sexual behavior for the purpose of arousing an audience.

Ethical Responsibilities of Public Media Producers

anyone can be a media producer in the digital age

Great Migration

approximately 1.3 million blacks emigrated from the South between 1916 and 1930

low context cultures

are generally more straightforward when producing media content " include the US, Canada and UK.


are the accepted principles or standards of an individual or a group

Political bloggers

are usually upfront about their biases. They frequently see themselves as counterforce to mainstream media, which they often view as unreliable and even dishonest by hiding its bias.

Fourth Estate

as eye that ensures that the government is not abusing its powers

Invasion of Privacy Laws

as with all technology, government slow to react, never needed these before

gag orders

attempt to assure fair trial, all participants in the trail cannot have contact with the media. Judges have also ordered the press quiet

Social judgment theory

attempts to classify audience attitudes along a continuum between acceptance and rejection


based applications that mimic desktop applications, interactive video features an even embedded video game

The internet

began as a text dominant alternative to print publishing, starting with postings of academic and professional jornal articles, then expanding to include books , magaziens and newspapers that contained pictures.

Noam Chomsky

believes that media are biased mainly because of economics

Social contract

between rulers and citizens

The BBC World Service

both television and radio has a long tradition of fair and balanced

Edward R Murrow

built a reputation as an ethical professional willing to take a moral stand on controversial issue

Libertarian-based System

built on a commitment to present all views and cultural tastes of its audience

Yellow Peril

commonly printed in the papers of William Randolph Hearst, reflected the nation's fears of anything foreign in this case Chinese people


connects computers via telephone lines

Alexander Graham Bell

considered the first person to have patented telegraph

Sissela Bok framework

consulting conscious, consulting others, consider how an action will affect others.

steaming medial

content that is delivered in a constant, continuous manner

24/7 news cycle

contributes to making it even more difficult to sort out news from opinion

Cultural hegemony

control the ions share of media throughout the world

Tom Wolfe

credited with defining the term New Journalism.

The new media meme

cultural meme, viral media, ad influence growing

Mihee Kim

defined media " Perceived bias"

Hyperlocal journalism

denotes news and information focused on well defined

Phil Hall

describes how the PR team for Freddie mac mor formally known as the federal home laon mortagge corporation

Ethical system

describes the critical process of how we work through moral issues

Marc Adreesen and Eric Bina

developed Mosaic, the first internet browser

Tim Berners-Lee

developed communication language that lowed client computers and servers to communicate with each other, using standardized protocols across a vast network

Closed societies

discourage freedom of thought and expression. In these societies, government is not transparent

Woodrow Wilson

established a propaganda organization called creel commission, which in less than one year slandered everything German

The Iroquois Confederacy was a confederacy of six distinct nations of native peoples of differing culturs and dialects. According to the readings, this confederacy

established a type of "constitution" and entered into treaties. was held together by a common story or worldview accomplished by mass storytelling. inspired Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and their contributions to the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

New York Times V. Sullivan

established the key precedent for how courts rule is subsequent libel cases brought against the media

Contempt of court

even press can be sent to jail for violation

bias by extraordinary experiences

example : events as war , terrorism, genocide, natural disasters and negative political campaigns can lead some degree of biased reporting, however unintentional bias


expectation that confidential personal information will not be disclosed to third parties

In the documentary, media corporations seem most interested in

exploiting your connections with other fans. trying to contain what they would call a "controlled brushfire" of online buzz. build campaigns through which fans can express themselves online and feel empowered.


expressing an opinion as if it were objective fact or an opinion about an otherwise objective account become intertwined making it difficult for media consumers to distinguish between the two


file sharing of music in violation of copyright has bee increasing more than 8 present per year

Stranded Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP)

first standardized email protocol

Corporate control of the media message

focused on advertising revenue

Wed 2.0

focused on greatly enhanced user participation via networked creativity, innovation, information and contenct sharing.

Latino native press

focused on securing the rights and vices of these individuals as guaranteed under US Constitution

Web 1.0

focused primarily on digital publishing and sitribution as well as on the introduction of early forms of e-mail communitaon

The authoritarian system

found in monarchical and emperor rule in Western Europe, The government totally controls all media content. "this system found in Western Europe."

Freedom's Journal

founded in 1827 by the revered Samuel Cornish and John Russwurm

Stephaie Sullivan

founder of Web developmentcompany in Wilmington North Carolina

Frederick Douglass (1817-1895)

founder of a black abolitionist newspaper (The Northern Star), one of the first steps toward helping African-Americans reclaim their identities & culture

Legal jurisdiction

geographical area over which law can be applied, is one of the core challenges for applying mass media law to the world wide web

According to your book, when television evolved it:

grew rapidly from 172,000 sets in 1948 to 42 million by 1958

The West Wing movie

has an impact how Americans view the presidency

New PR

has become a major player in the production and distribution of media

Michael Moore "The Liberal Rebel

has consistently and effectively helped to keep hot-button issues such as controversial Iraq war, the struggle of blue collar workers in declining industries, the state of health care in the US and the failures of the federal government to effectively regulate the financial industry

The Protector

homeland offers a sophisticated look at both sides of major policies, cultural and religious conflicts

dynamic adaptive learning

how human learning works best

Theory of hostile media effect

hypothesizes that politically partisan individuals perceive seemingly "balanced news" is biased against their own opinions and worldviews

Copyright infringement

if you edit a photo, is it original work

Public figure

individual who has chosen to place himself or herself in the public area and benefits from the media exposure

Federal control of Media Message

influences the bias of broadcast media networks

Public Broadcasting Service

initial mandate was to be the United stats noncomercial educational broadcasting service modeled after the BBC in the UK

long-tail advertising

internet ad placement services called ad worlds and absence

Ivy Lee

introduced earlier as the founding father of modern PR

code of ethics

is a clear statement of ethical guidelines developed to help individuals make decisions

product placement

is a highly effective way of crating audience affinity with a product or message with out direct commercial advertising


is a type of communication that attempts to persuade individuals to take some form of action toward a product, idea or service


is made up of the beliefs, language, symbols, traditions, artifacts and history of a group

Media bias

is simply the intentional or unintentional slanting of news reporting toward one side due to the political views or cultural beliefs of journalists, producers or owners of a media outlet


is the discipline dealing with what is morally right or wrong, good or bad.

Information filtering

is the weeding out of information that the goverment believes issues wanted or irrelevant information to keep people in the dark and to maintain their power over them

partisan bias

is where a cause is deliberately promoted " it can take the form explicit recommendations to vote for one party or another or it can identified in the blatant endorsement of a cause"

Propaganda bias

is where a story is reported with a deliberate intention of making the cause for a particular party, policy or point of view, without explicitly stating this

Fair Use Doctrine

items covered by copyright "can still be used within limited parameters without the user seeking permission to do so

copyright piracy

known as copyright infringement

Fairness Doctrine

known as the equal time law, required radio stations to provide free airtime

Guglielmo Marconi's spark-gap generator:

led to concerns about foreign nationals holding patents during war time. could be used with Morse Code.

Written defamation is called


Code of Federal regulation

limits the disclosure of non conviction information

Sedition Act.

made it a crime to attempt to stop or publicly protest recruitment by the Armed Forces or to cause contempt for the Constitution, the flag, or the uniform of the armed forces.

Espionage Act.

made it federal crime to publish anything that attempted to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny or refusal of duty in the US Armed Forces

In the lecture I pointed out that throughout history, those people conceived to be affected by media have been


In high context cultures

media content relies on the actual words, images and stories that are presented

viral media

media messages shared through rapid replication via the internet

public relations PR

messages and information delivered to the public in form of stories

Viral media

most often video segments produced by both amateurs and professionals, which gains widespread popularity and distribution through the internet via content hosting sites such as Youtube and blogs ans social ntworking sites such as FACEBOOK

Citizen journalists

nonprofessional, untrained journalists who write stories and share information via the internet or mainstream news services such as CNN's I-Reorter program

Unwitting bias

occurs when hard choices have to be made about what stories to include and what to exclude because of limitations in the number of pages in a publication, or number of airtime minutes in a news broadcast

Prior restraint

occurs when the government tries to stop somene from publishing or airing a story that it fears will damage the government

Journalism in 19th century America was

often called "yellow journalism" and criticized for being more interested in entertainment than information.

content mobility

on of the many benifits of producing and dsitributing media content is an all-digital environment

Chicago Defender

one of the largest and most influential national black published newspapers in history

Will Wright

one of the pioneers of the video game world born in 1960

Catherine Crier

one of the youngest judges ever elected as a state judge in Texas


people conflict with their own well-established values and beliefs.

According to the book, an "Open Source Model" is a model that...

permits easy access to information. aims to create a "robust knowledge base." argues that the advantages of opening up protected, controlled and copyrighted material is significantly greater than not opening it up.

The following were involved in the precursor stage in forming cinema as a new technology:

photography Magic Lanterns Zoetrope

obscenity laws

prohibit behavior deemed by a culture as socially unacceptable

Radio influenced television by:

providing an established regulatory structure providing programming forms providing programming structures providing programming talent

In class Dr. Anderson argued that among the following aspects of micro media is that it is


Roy Peter Clark

questions to ask yourself as a journalist

New Media

refer to digital media produced using computer-based technologies, distributed via digital platforms and hosted partially or entirely in cyberspace

Media Law

regulates print, radio and television broadcasting as well as much of the content and platform of the internet, in an attempt to ensure that its content is in the interest of the public...... p300

Walter Cronkite

remained a conscientious journalist despite the breaking pace and at times unmediated

cultural or social issues.

research has confirmed that those working in the media have consistent liberal- learning beliefs when it comes to __________________

Consuming New Media: Honing Critical skills

search engines and paid search optimization

Spanish Immigrant press

served the needs of Spanish-speaking immigrants, offering them a sense of community and security in their adopted country as well as publishing stories of local community interest


sister radio networking were modeled after the BBC with one difference: because the British taxpayer funds the BBC, British law prohibits the UK government from attempting to influence its context

Latino immigrant press

sought to maintain Spanish culture as a distinct culture within a culture.


spoken defamation - any form of implied or explicit communication that damages a person's, organization's, or product's reputation or standing in the community.


sponsored by mainstream media organization but are most often independent

breaking stories

stories that occur in the moment and call for more airtime and commentaries


studies that examine basic human characteristics such as individuals' age, gender, race and income.


studies that look at individuals' lifestyles, values, attitudes and personalities.

high context cultures

such as Japan, China and Saudi Arabia "Those cultures rely on symbolism and implied meaning

colonial publishers

supported their enterprise through revenues from advertising-paid announcements posted by local merchants

n his lecture, Dr. Anderson asked you to look out for media as...

systems of knowledge and knowing significant investments in political ane economic control.

- According to the book, the concept of "network neutrality" means that

the Internet should have service providers and web services that allow users equal access and speeds to online content.

In 1968, congress established

the Public broadcasting service (PBS)

the economics of media bias

the advertisers sometimes play a crucial role in shaping the media message

During the lecture, Dr. Anderson mentioned that to understand media cultures, you need to focus on

the demands of culture, politics, and economies

Bias by selection

the editorial decision making process involves making choices. These choices include figuring out which stories to cover, how much coverage to actually give each story.

Content sharing

the exchange of intellectual property among users

Tim Berners- Lee

the father of the Internet

Bill Cosby

the first African American lead on the popular primetime television show I Spy.


the first electronic "Web" of sorts, developed by Samuel Morse through in Morse code

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

the first federal regulation directed toward curtailing foreign immigration in the US

digital natives

the first generation to grow up in the world where digital technologies and other interent were already in place

Netscape Navigator

the first internet browser made widely avilable to the public

Jim Clark

the founder of silicon Graphics and the group of collectively debuted Netscape Navigator

Social responsibility system

the government establishes and maintains mass media as part of its social responsibility " this system is found in Britain"

tow way street principle of PR

the idea that the PR professional was a communications facilitator between clients and the public

Spreads information to favor government's authority

the media functions as the political and propaganda arms of the state and their primary role is to ______________________

Jim Crow ear

the period that deemed blacks and in effect formalized segregation in the US for nearly an century


the period wherein all freed slave were granted federally protected civil rights

he example of Su Dongpo, also known as Su Shi, illustrates

the power of oral storytelling to alter the public agenda of eleventh century China.

Journalistic ethics

the set of ethical responsibilities expected of journalists when reporting and writing a story.

Media convergence

the technology driven fusion of media content ( TV, radio, print and graphics) into digital communication platforms (the internet, email and telephone)

Five Ws (and one H) of journalism

the who, what, when, where, why and how of a story

manufacturing consent

to help describe how media can be used to set the public agenda " the list of policy issues that affect the people of a town, city or nation.

The Pentagon Papers

to release information about the governments plans for Vietnam war; had to show immediate danger

Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)

to serve as the federal government's conduit for passing taxpayer funding into the public broadcasting system through station and programing frants

Pullman Porters

to smuggle the paper into southern black

Articles of Confederation

under which the newly found country had operated following its initial independence, represented the first attempt at a national government " articles have no mention of freedom of speech or freedom of the press

Negligent libel

unintended but fails to take proper initiative


used with astoundingly high frequency when people are confronted with realities that conflict with their deeply rooted beliefs

peer to peer

user networks such as Rhapsody, Napster, and BitTorrent, where the content is not only shared between peers, but supplied and purchased by them as well

Net Roots Movement

using blogs as form of political activism

author right system

value can never be separated from the original author

copyright infringement

violating copyright law through the unlawful use of another's intellectual property

Creative Commons

was created to set culture free. "giving the location of how to get the rights"

Soviet Communist System

was developed in the former Soviet Union and adopted in China and Cuba.

Thomas Hobbes

was establish a theory of how human societies come together to form nations and governments based on shared cultural histories, values and artifacts.


was one of the first of the group that we now refer to as Americans Founding Father.


was the 1st news outlet to operate with a 24-hour news cycle.

Mathew Brady

was the first American photography "civil war"


was the first arcade game to be critically acclaimed, but was incredibly simplistic to it's competition

space invaders

was the first arcade game to become a huge success

Internet backbone

websites became easier to use and as the network infrastructure

Analog-based terrestrial broadcasts

where broadcast signals are transmitted and received vis antennas through radio wave.

click fraud

where website owners hire services to create large runs of repetitive

embedded journalism

wherein more reporters and photojournalist find themselves in the trenches with the people on whom they are reporting


which creates narrowly directed messages that are targeted to smaller or more clearly defined audience segments

360 degree campaigns

which present a client's message across a wide range of media platforms, including internet, television and radio, print and mobile devices

Audience broadcasting

which seeks the widest reach and the largest number of eyes or ears for an ad

Writing for column length

writing to befit the physical space and layout


written authorization agreeing to allow someone else to access and use your name, likeness and private information for commercial purposes

Ray Tomlinson

wrote a file Transfer protocol (FTP)

Shield laws

you have a right to protect your source (in some states & federal law can still beat it)

Branzburg v. Hayes

your right to protect your source is far from legally assured. 1st amendment does not require.

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