(Massage Therapy) Principles and Practice- Chapter 21 Kinesiology

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frontal bone, 2 parietal bones, 2 temporal bones, the occipital bone, the sphenoid bone, and ethmoid bone

What are the 8 bones of the cranium?

Clavicle, Scapula, Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phalanges

What are the 8 bones of the upper extremity

Talus Cuneiforms: Medial, Intermediate, and Lateral Navicular Cuboid Calcaneus The Crayon Now Marks Inside Lines Clearly

What are the Bones of the Tarsals?

Radial Head (Joint formation) Radial Neck ( Landmark) Oblique line (Muscle Attachment) Radial Tuberosity (Muscle Attachment) Ulnar Notch (Joint formation) Styloid Process (Muscle Attachment)

What are the Bony Markings of the Radius?

Femoral Head (Joint Formation) Femoral Neck (Landmark) Greater Trochanter (Muscle Attachment) Lesser Trochanter (Muscle Attachment) Intertrochanteric Line (Muscle Attachment) Intertrochanteric Crest (Muscle Attachment) Linea Aspera (Muscle Attachment) Gluteal Tuberosity (Muscle Attachment) Adductor Tubercle (Muscle Attachment) Medial Condyle (Joint Formation) Lateral Condyle (Joint Formation) Intercondylar fossa (Ligament Attachment) Medial Epicondyle (Muscle Attachment) Lateral Epicondyle (Muscle Attachment)

What are the Bony markings of the Femur?

Ischial tuberosity (Muscle Attachment) Ischial Spine (Muscle Attachment) Ischial Ramus (Muscle Attachment) Greater Sciatic Notch (Passage of Sciatic Nerve) Lesser Sciatic Notch (Passage of obturator foramen)

What are the Bony markings of the Ischium?

Pelvic Bone, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges

What are the bones of the lower extremity?

Humeral Head (Joint Formation) Surgical Neck (Most fractured area) Greater Tubercle (Muscle Attachment) Lesser Tubercle (Muscle Attachment) Intertubercular Groove ( Muscle Attachment) Deltoid Tuberosity (Muscle Attachment) Radial Fossa (Joint formation) Olecranon fossa ( Joint formation) Coronoid Fossa (Joint formation) Capitulum (Joint formation) Trochlea (Joint Formation) Medial Epicondyle (Muscle Attachment) Lateral Epicondyle (Muscle Attachment) Supracondylar Ridge (Muscle Attachment)

What are the bony markings of the Humerus?

Iliac Crest (Muscle Attachment) Iliac Fossa (Muscle Attachment) Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (Muscle Attachment) Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (Muscle Attachment) Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (Muscle Attachment) Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine (Muscle Attachment) Posterior Gluteal Line (Muscle Attachment) Anterior Gluteal Line (Muscle Attachment) Inferior Gluteal Line (Muscle Attachment) Greater Sciatic Notch (Passage of sciatic nerve)

What are the bony markings of the Ilium?

vertebral column

flexible column of 26 bones that extend from the skull to the pelvis

costochondral joint

joints between ribs and their costal cartilages

Atlas (C1)

lacks a body, and its lateral processes contain large concave depressions on their superior surfaces that receive the occipital condyles of the skull

vertebral canal (spinal cavity)

large central hole containing the spinal cord

acetabulofemoral joint

the acetabulum articulates with the femoral head to form what joint?

carpometacarpal joint

the distal carpal bones articulate with the metacarpals to form what joint?

metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP)

the distal end of the metacarpals articulate with the proximal phalanges to form what joint?

radiocarpal joint (wrist)

the distal end of the radius articulates with the carpal bones to form what joint?

talocrural joint (ankle joint)

the distal end of the tibia articulates with the talus to form which joint?

tarsophalangeal joints

the distal ends of the metatarsals articulate with the phalanges to form which joints?

Intercostal Space

the gap between the ribs

atlanto-occipital joint

the occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra to form which joint?

radiocarpal joint

the proximal carpal bones articulate with the radius to form what joint?

costovertebral joint

the ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae to form which joint

sternocostal joint

true ribs articulate anteriorly with the sternum to form which joint?

temporal process of the zygomatic bones and the zygomatic process of the the temporal bone

what is the zygomatic arch (cheekbone) formed by?

pubic symphysis

where do the the left and right pubic bones articulate with each other?


study of human motion


Longest, Heaviest, and Strongest Bone


3-5 vertebrae fused together to form the tailbone


5 fused vertebrae

Intervertebral foramina

Above and below the pedicles of each vertebra a notch is carved out that allows for the passage of spinal nerves and blood vessels. .

Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate Steve Left The Party To Take Cathy Home

Bones of the Carpals include?


During actions of supination and pronation the radius rotates over which bone?

2 Nasal Bones, Vomer Bone, 2 Zygomatic Bones, 2 Lacrimal Bones, 2 inferior nasal concha bones, 2 palatine bones, 2 fused maxillae, and mandible

Facial Bones


How many Carpal Bones are there per hand?


How many Metacarpals are there?


How many Phalanges do we have per hand?


How many bones are in the face?


How many cervical vertebrae are there?


How many lumbar vetebrae are there?


How many thoracic vertebrae are there?

Laminar Groove

Located on either side of spinous processes and contains many spinal muscles and ligaments.

costal margin of ribs

Lower edge of chest formed by bottom edge of ribs, forms the upside down "V" of ribs

Morton's Toe

Morton's toe is a condition in which there is an abnormally short first metatarsal, and thus the second toe appears to be longer than the great toe.

Vertebral body (Joint formation) Pedicle (Attaches arch of body) Lamina (Laminar groove) Transverse Processes (Muscle attachment) Spinous Process (Muscle Attachment) Articular processes (Superior and Inferior)

Vertebral Elements

Medial (Sternal) End Lateral (Acromial end)

What Bony Markings does the clavicle have?

patellofemoral joint

The distal anterior portion of the femur also articulates with the patella to form which joint?

tibiofemoral joint (knee)

The distal end of the femur articulates with the tibia to form which joint?

humeroradial joint (elbow)

The distal end of the humerus articulates with the radius to form what joint?

humeroulnar joint

The distal end of the humerus articulates with the ulna to form what joint?

glenohumeral joint

The glenoid cavity articulates with the proximal end of the humerus to form what joint?

zygapophyseal joints

The joints between articular processes of vertebra are termed:

acromioclavicular joint

The lateral end of the clavicle articulates with the acromion to form what joint?

Sacroilliac Joint (SI) Joint

The left and right ilium bones articulate with the sacrum to form what joint?

sternoclavicular joint

The medial end of the clavicle articulates with the sternum to form what joint?

tibiofibular joint

The proximal and distal ends of the tibia articulate with the fibula to form which joint?

acetabulofemoral joint

The proximal end of the femur articulates with the acetabulum to form which joint?

tarsometatarsal joint

The tarsal bones articulate with the metatarsals to form which joint?


These bones are also known as SITZ bones because correct seated posture involves resting the weight of the upper body on one of its bony markings

illium, ischium, pubis

What are the 3 Pelvic Bones?

Superior Border (Landmark) Medial Border (Muscle Attachment) Lateral Border (Muscle Attachment) Superior Angle (Muscle Attachment) Inferior Angle (Muscle Attachment) Spine of the Scapula (Muscle Attachment) Root of Spine (Muscle Attachment) Acromion Process (Muscle Attachment and Joint Formation) Coracoid Process (Muscle Attachment) Glenoid Cavity (Joint Formation) Supraspinous fossa (Muscle Attachment) Infraspinous fossa (Muscle Attachment) Subscapular fossa (Muscle Attachment) Supraglenoid tubercle (Muscle Attachment) Infraglenoid tubercle (Muscle Attachment)

What are the bony markings of the Scapula?

sella turcica; pituitary gland location

What are the bony markings of the Sphenoid Bone?

Medial Condyle ( Joint Formation) Lateral Condyle ( Joint Formation) Tibial Tuberosity (Muscle Attachment) Crest (anterior border) (Landmark) Medial Malleolus (Landmark)

What are the bony markings of the Tibia?

Olecranon Process (Muscle Attachment) Trochlear Notch (Joint formation) Radial Notch (Joint Formation) Ulnar Tuberosity (Muscle Attachment) Coronoid Process (Muscle Attachment) Styloid Process (Landmark)

What are the bony markings of the Ulna?

Fibular head (Muscle Attachment) Lateral Malleolus (Landmark)

What are the bony markings of the fibula?

foramen magnum (passage for spinal cord) Superior nuchal line Inferior nuchal line external occipital protuberance occipital condyles

What are the bony markings of the occipital bone?

Superior Pubic Ramus (Muscle Attachment) Inferior Pubic Ramus (Muscle Attachment) Pubic Tubercle (Muscle Attachment) Pubic Crest (Muscle Attachment) Pectineal Line (Muscle Attachment) Pubic Body (Landmark)

What are the bony markings of the pubis?

Manubrium (Muscle Attachment and Joint Formation) Sternal body (Muscle Attachment and Joint Formation) Xiphoid Process (Muscle Attachment and Joint Formation)

What are the bony markings of the sternum?

Styloid Process (ligament and muscle attachment) Mastoid process (Muscle attachment) Zygomatic Process (Muscle attachment)

What are the bony markings of the temporal bone?


What are the fibrous joints locate between skull bones called?

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrococcygeal regions

What are the four regions of the vertebral column?

Menisci (medial and lateral)

What are the half-ringed fibrocartilage disks called in the knee?

hyoid bone

What bone does not directly articulate with any other bone?

skull, ribcage, sternum, and vertebral column

What bones make up the Axial Skeleton?

True Ribs- 7 Pairs ( connects with sternum directly) False Ribs- 5 Pairs (Connects with sternum indirectly or not at all)

What bones make up the ribcage?

interosseous membrane

What connects the radius and ulna?

interosseous membrane

What connects the tibia and fibula and provides muscle attachments?

shoulder (pectoral) girdle

What does the Clavicle and Scapula make up?

bones, ligaments, tendons

What forms foot arches?

transverse carpal ligament (flexor retinaculum)

What forms on the sides of carpal tunnel?


What is the largest sesamoid bone in the body?


What is the most commonly fractured bone?

temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

What joint is located between the temporal bones and mandible?

posterior to ribs 2 through 7

Where is the Scapula located?

The glenoid cavity is shallow, but lacks stability. Prone to injuries

Why is the shoulder one of the most mobile joints in the body?

Intervertebral Disk

an elastic disk located between adjoining vertebrae, consisting of a gel- and water-filled nucleus surrounded by fibrous rings; serves as a shock absorber for the spinal column

demifacets of thoracic vertebrae

articulate with the head of the ribs

atlantoaxial joint

articulation between the atlas and axis no-no joint (head turning and shaking)

vertebral arch

composed of pedicles, laminae, and a spinous process, it represents the junction of all posterior extensions from the vertebral body


deep socket in the hip bone that receives the head of the thigh bone

nuchal ligament

expanded portion of the supraspinous ligament within the posterior neck; interconnects the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae and attaches to the base of the skull (occipital bone)

Vertebral body

located anteriorly and is the weight-bearing component of the bone- increasing in size from the cervical to the lumbar region

supraspinous ligament

located on the posterior aspect of the vertebral column and connects each vertebra

Pelvic tilt

position of pelvis as it rests on the femurs

Axis (C2)

possesses the dens, or odontoid process (bony protrusion that projects superiorly)

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