Mastering A&P Lab 7 Ex. 10

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Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Scapula 2. Listed clockwise starting at Spine.

Spine, Acromion, Supraspinous Fossa, Supraglenoid Tubercle, Coracoid Process, Glenoid Cavity, Infraglenoid Tubercle, Inferior Angle

What type of bone is identified by letter B?

True rib or vertebrosternal rib

Which letter represents the greater trochanter of the femur?


Identify the bone that forms the majority of the hard palate. Select from letters A-D.


Locate the head of the humerus. Select from letters A-D.


Name this bone.


What portion of the sternum is identified by letter A?


What bone articulates (joints) with the acetabulum of the coxal bone?


Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Foot 2. Labeled clockwise starting with Talus.

Talus, Navicular, Lateral Cuneiform, Cuboid, Calcaneus

Name the bone marking identified by letter D.

vertebral foramen

Name the bone identified by letter D.

vertebral rib or floating rib

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Scapula 3. Listed clockwise starting at Coracoid Process.

Coracoid Process, Acromion, Lateral Border, Medial Border, Infraspinous Fossa, Spine, Supraspinous Fossa, Suprascapular Notch

Identify the group of bones known as the phalanges. Select from letters A-D.


On which bone is the greater sciatic notch located? Select from letters A-D.


Select the group of bones identified as the metatarsals. Choose from letters A-D.


The pubic symphysis creates a joint between what two bones? Select from letters A-D.


Which bone is the zygomatic bone? Select from letters A-D.


What bone houses the mental foramina through which blood vessels and nerves pass? Select from letters A-D.


What part of the femur articulates (joints) with the patella? Select from letters A-D.


What part of this bone articulates (joints) with the ulna? Select from letters A-D.


Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Hand. Listed clockwise starting at Hamate.

Hamate, Pisiform, Triquetrum, Lunate, Capitate, Scaphoid, Trapezoid, Trapezium

What is the bone marking shown at letter C?

Foramen Magnum

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Humerus 2. Listed clockwise starting at Greater Tubercle.

Greater Tubercle, Coronoid Fossa, Trochlea, Capitulum, Deltoid Tuberosity, Intertubercular Sulcus, Lesser Tubercle

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Fibula & Tibia. Labeled clockwise starting with Lateral Condyle.

Lateral Condyle, Intercondylar Eminence, Medial Condyle, Tibial Tuberosity, Anterior Border, Medial Malleolus, Lateral Malleolus

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Femur 2. Labeled clockwise starting with Lesser Trochanter.

Lesser Trochanter, Greater Trochanter, Intertrochanteric Crest, Gluteal Tuberosity, Linea Aspera, Lateral Condyle, Medial Condyle, Adductor Tubercle

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Femur. Listed clockwise starting at Neck. One needed to label in between the 2 different views of this bone is listed last.

Neck, Fovea Capitis, Head, Lateral Condyle, Medial Condyle, Patellar Surface, Intertrochanteric Notch, Lesser Trochanter

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Radius & Ulna. Listed clockwise starting at Olecranon Process.

Olecranon Process, Trochlear Notch, Coronoid Process, Styloid Process of Radius, Radial Tuberosity, Neck, Head, Radial Notch of the Ulna

With what bone does letter C articulate (joint)?


Which curvature houses twelve vertebrae in a convex shape? Select from letters A-D.


Which letter represents the lateral epicondyle? Select from letters A-D.


Which letter represents the lumbar curvature? Select from letters A-D.


Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Hand 2. Listed clockwise starting at Distal Phalanx.

Distal Phalanx, Medial Phalanx, Proximal Phalanx, Radius, Ulna, Metacarpal Base, Metacarpal Shaft, Metacarpal Head

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Foot. Labeled clockwise staring with Distal Phalanx.

Distal Phalanx, Proximal Phalanx, Lateral Cuneiform, Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, Intermediate Cuneiform, Medial Cuneiform

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Foot 3. Labeled clockwise starting with Medial Longitudinal Arch.

Medial Longitudinal Arch, Transverse Arch, Lateral Longitudinal Arch

Pregnant women may experience an abnormal spinal curvature called lordosis, or swayback. Which curvature is affected during pregnancy? Select from letters A-D.


Which letter represents the group of bones known as the tarsals? Select from letters A-D.


Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Fibula & Tibia 2. Labeled clockwise starting with Head of Fibula.

Head of Fibula, Fibula, Lateral Malleolus, Medial Malleolus, Tibia, Medial Condyle

What are the keystone bones of the facial skeleton? Select from letters A-D.


Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Pelvis 2. Listed clockwise starting at Acetabulum.

Acetabulum, Ischial Ramus, Ischial Tuberosity, Lesser Sciatic Notch, Ischial Spine, Greater Sciatic Notch, Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Scapula. Listed clockwise starting at Acromion.

Acromion, Suprascapular Notch, Superior Border, Superior Angle, Subscapular Fossa, Inferior Angle, Glenoid Cavity, Coracoid Process

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Radius & Ulna 2. Listed clockwise starting at Head of Radius.

Head of Radius, Neck of Radius, Styloid Process of Radius, Styloid Process of Ulna, Head of Ulna, Interosseous Membrane

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Humerus. Listed clockwise starting at Head.

Head, Surgical Neck, Olecranon Fossa, Lateral Epicondyle, Trochlea, Medial Epicondyle, Radial Groove, Anatomical Neck

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Pelvis. Listed clockwise starting at Iliac Crest.

Iliac Crest, Anterior Superior Iliac Spine, Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine, Pelvic Brim, Acetabulum, Pubic Tubercle, Sacral Promontory

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Pelvis Model 2. Labeled clockwise starting with Ilium.

Ilium, Auricular Surface, Ischial Spine, Lesser Sciatic Notch, Ischium, Obturator Foramen, Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Pelvis 3. Listed clockwise starting at Ilium.

Ilium, Iliac Fossa, Obturator Foramen, Ischial Spine, Ischium, Ischial Ramus, Pubis, Greater Sciatic Notch

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Pelvis Model. Labeled clockwise starting with Ischial Body.

Ischial Body, Acetabulum, Pubic Body, Obturator Foramen, Ischium, Ischial Spine, Greater Sciatic Notch, Posterior Superior Iliac Spine

With what bone does each condylar process of this mandible articulate?

temporal bone

What is the joint formed by the condylar process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone?

temporomandibular joint

What region of the vertebral column does this vertebra belong to?

thoracic vertebrae

What part of this vertebra is letter B?

transverse process

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