Math 4 DWSBA #3 (Topics 9, 10, 11, 12)
A symbol, such as 2/3, 5/1, or 8/5, used to describe one or more parts of a whole that is divided into equal parts
like denominators
when two or more fractions have the same denominator (1/5 and 2/5)
a comparison of two numbers by division; a symbol used to name part of a whole, a part of a set, or a location on a number line
number line
a diagram for representing and graphic numbers
decimal point
a dot used to separate dollars from cents in money or to separate ones from tenths in a number
unit fraction
a fraction with a numerator of 1
data set
a group of collected information
benchmark fraction
a known fraction that is commonly used for estimating
mixed number
a number that has a whole number part and a fraction part
decimal (number)
a number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point
greater than symbol (>)
a symbol that points away from a greater number or expression
less than symbol (<)
a symbol that points towards a lesser number or expression
bar (tape) diagram
a tool used to help understand and solve word problems
line plot
a way to display data along a number line, where each dot represent one number in a set of data
frequency table
a way to display data that shows how many times a response occurs in a set of data
any number in a data set that is very different from the rest of the numbers
collecting information by asking a number of people the same question(s) and recording their answers
equivalent fractions
fractions that name the same region, part of a set, or a part of a segment
equivalent fractions
fractions that name the same region, part of a set, or part of a segment
in a fraction, the number above the fraction bar that represents the part of the whole
in a fraction, the number above the fraction bar that represents the part of the whole; the dividend; the number being divided
numbers that name the same amount
numbers that show the units used on a graph
on part of 100 equal parts of a whole
one part of 10 equal parts of a whole
the number below the fraction bar in a fraction that represents the total number of equal parts in one whole
the number below the fraction bar in a fraction that represents the total number of equal parts in one whole; the divisor; the number by which another number is divided
whole number
the set of numbers used to count with 0 included; the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
to break into parts
to combine parts