Sociology Ch. 1-16 Questions ... GOOD LUCK

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100. The study of all the factors associated with disease in society is called _______ . a. epidemiology b. etiology c. entomology d. social gerontology


101. Hispanics make up 13 percent of the population, but there are only _______ Hispanic senators. a. 2 b. 4 c. 9 d. 12


101. In the U.S., the most commonly-held attitude toward pornography is that it a. is protected by the constitutional guarantees of free speech and freedom of the press. b. should be made illegal. c. has no long lasting impact on attitudes toward women or sexuality generally. d. should be strictly controlled.


101. People who live in Chinatown, Little Italy, and Little Havana are all examples of what Gans termed _______ . a. ethnic villagers b. cosmopolites c. the trapped d. the "other"


41. Which of the following assumes societies evolve due to industrialization? a. modernization theory b. world systems theory c. dependency theory d. cyclical theory


42. Research on the relationship of social class to health care finds that a. people with lower incomes do not generally rate their health as excellent. b. those in lower social classes have rates of infant mortality and stillbirths roughly equal to those of upper- class people. c. lower income people are less likely to smoke than upper-class people. d. those using Medicaid are healthier than those not using Medicaid.


43. Critics of the privatization of the military argue that a. it may lure the best talent away from the traditional military if they make more money through private military employment. b. privatization is much less efficient than retaining all functions within the government funded military. c. privatization means that new recruits will not have any positions open to them within the military. d. it may reward conflict over consensus.


88. According to Durkheim, _______ in particular are vehicles for the creation, expression, and reinforcement of social cohesion. a. rituals b. mantras c. totems d. priests


12. Group differences in IQ tests and SAT scores are related to all of the following, except: a. parental education b. childhood socialization c. social class status d. peer groups


12. In a caste system, one's place in the stratification system is an _______ status; in a class system, one's place in the stratification system is an status. a. achieved; ascribed b. master; achieved c. ascribed; master d. ascribed, achieved


12. Today, women make up 97% of secretaries and 95% of child-care workers. This is evidence of: a. overt discrimination. b. sex stratification. c. patriarchy. d. occupational segregation.


13. An individual's ability to influence decisionmaking within a marriage is largely established through: a. social class. b. religion. c. the length of the marriage. d. the amount of money one earns.


83. _______ believe that the more stratified a society, the less likely that society will be to benefit from the talents of all its citizens. a. Functionalists b. Conflict theorists c. Symbolic interactionists d. Feminists


23. Religion has been the basis for social movement activity in what major social movement? a. Gay Rights Movement b. Civil Rights Movement c. Equal Rights Movement d. Church versus State Movement


23. When a researcher starts with the premise that sexuality is socially defined he or she is assuming _______ _______ . a. sexual orientation is always changing for everyone b. social context establishes what social relationships mean c. sexual identity is always fixed d. sexual identity is a social reality only


81. _______ occurs when a person in a position of authority processes an individual without questioning the rules. a. consensus b. labeling c. exploitation d. social control


90. Weber believed that the search for signs of religious salvation supported the development of _______ . a. religion b. capitalism c. socialism d. Protestantism


104. According to researchers, teenagers who have sex are a. likely to delay using contraceptives until several months after they become sexually active. b. likely to not use condoms. c. likely to marry when they become pregnant. d. less likely to use the birth control pill than other forms of contraception.


105. Comparing the health care system of the U.S. with those of other industrialized countries, the text notes that a. the U.S. spends more money and coverage is less comprehensive than in other industrialized countries. b. the U.S. has the indisputably best health care delivery system among industrialized countries. c. it is not possible to provide health coverage for the majority of the population for less than 13% of the gross domestic product. d. the U.S. leads in cost-efficient management of health care.


12. Which perspective is a parent who teaches a child about the role of sexual norms in stabilizing the family using? a. functionalism b. conflict c. symbolic interactionism d. feminism


16. Which of the following reflects the effects of population growth on development? a. Population growth leads to economic stagnation. b. Population growth leads to development. c. Population growth can lead to development or can lead to stagnation, depending on the country. d. Population growth is unrelated to economic development.


17. Health care is _______ . a. a matter of science and an elaborate social structure b. a social system of behaviors and a for-profit only business c. a cultural reflection and a social structure d. a medical matter and a flawed enterprise


17. If a person is a college graduate with a master's in sociology they are _______ . a. more likely to be pro-choice b. less likely to be pro-choice c. more likely to be unconcerned about abortion d. more likely to see abortion as illegal under all circumstances


17. If an individual discovers he has certain opportunities to succeed, he is examining his _______ . a. life chances b. social setting c. ascribed status d. status symbols


18. People at a party are comparing clothing, automobiles, and personal possessions. They are comparing elements of _______ . a. social class b. social status c. social standing d. social caste


19. Sociologists who are interested in understanding the conditions behind the overthrow of a state and the resulting large-scale consequences study _______ . a. revolutions b. collective behaviors c. cultural diffusion d. demographic transitions


19. Violence against women occurs: a. in every country in the world. b. only in underdeveloped countries. c. only in countries with authoritarian regimes. d. only in countries with fundamentalist societies.


20. Religious extremist movements a. Are highly patriarchal. b. Are typically Christian-based. c. Include violence in most cases. d. Assume a demonic nature of individuals.


20. Terrorism is difficult to predict because: a. it is done by third world populations. b. terrorist operate outside the bounds of normative behavior. c. terrorist are not likely to be caught. d. it is a global offense.


20. Which of the following trends is Miranda being affected by when she buys her daughter a doll in a sexy outfit? a. The commercialization of sex b. Heterosexualism c. Pornography d. Homphobia


21. Evidence that gender is socially constructed includes a. the different gender roles found in different countries. b. the lack of gender variability generally. c. studies that find more difference within a gender than between genders on most traits. d. the common gender expectations across all social classes.


23. According to Durkheim, during an economic crisis: a. people will blame others for taking their jobs. b. inequality will cause the rich to gain. c. people will blame individuals, not the system, for failure. d. none of the above.


26. Redlight districts, sex in advertising, and prostitution are all examples of a. the connection between sex and economic forces in society. b. illegal sexual activities. c. activities found only in the U.S. d. the influence of the media in our society.


27. Government support for particular birth control technologies a. is a form of regulating sexual and reproductive behavior. b. does not occur within the U.S. c. has no affect on the decisions that individuals make about reproductive behavior. d. discriminates against women.


34. _______ suicide occurs when the disintegrating forces in the society make individuals feel lost or alone. a. Anomic b. Altruistic c. Egoistic d. Situational


35. According to modernization theory a. economic development is dependent on technological change. b. governments should make economic policies that, when necessary, restrict business activities and free trade. c. poor countries really have no control over being poor. d. poor countries will remain poor.


35. _______ sought to apply scientific principles of genetic selection to "improve" the offspring of the human race. a. Eugenics b. Genomics c. Genecology d. Gerontology


36. Examples of new reproductive technologies that mean reproduction is no longer inextricably linked to biological parents include _______ . a. in vitro fertilization b. birth control c. adoption d. sterilization


36. John has diabetes. The cost of treating it is _______ . a. more expensive than preventing it b. less expensive than preventing it c. unrelated to preventing it d. more important than preventing it


36. The actual shape of an age-sex pyramid is a reflection of a. the birth rate of a society. b. the rate of immigration compared with other countries. c. the overall size of the population. d. the death rate of a society.


38. According to William Julius Wilson, the "underclass" is a. the result of structural transformations in the economy. b. the product of a welfare system that is so generous that going to work is not an attractive option. c. actually comprised of unemployed individuals from rural, more than urban, areas. d. mostly found in the suburbs of big cities.


38. According to dependency theorists, multinational corporations a. play an active role in keeping dependent nations poor. b. are good for the domestic economies of less developed countries. c. provide a valuable market for raw materials for poor nations. d. alleviate some global inequality.


38. If the Joneses need palliative care such as hospice the current healthcare system _______ . a. does not cover it because of an emphasis on treatment b. covers the cost c. provides support from the medical community d. none of the above


39. According to research, which of the following is most likely to lead to getting a job? a. using a personal network b. applying through a job listing online c. answering a help wanted ad d. using a placement agencies


39. Re-drawing the boundaries of school districts and election districts in order to maintain racial segregation is called _______ . a. gerrymandering b. redlining c. outsourcing d. out-lining


40. Herbert Spencer argued that social change will occur when _______ . a. societies specialize b. societies become less heterogeneous c. societies become more similar d. none of the above


46. In Durkheim's view of society, people come to believe what society expects them to believe because a. they internalize the existence of society in their minds. b. they are subject to coercion and exploitation. c. they do not believe that they have free will. d. they understand that society is an integrated whole.


5. Managing a transgendered identity may be stressful because of: a. the expectations of others. b. the strong role of biology. c. the changing nature of gender. d. socialization.


50. When Bob deviates from the binary (i.e., either male or female) system of gender he is _______ _______ . a. transgendered b. hermaphrodites c. sexually differentiated d. pansexuals


51. According to a fairly old psychological theory of prejudice and racism, the tendency to rigidly categorize other people, to rigidly conform, and be intolerant of ambiguity is part of a(n) _______ . a. authoritarian personality b. repressed personality c. subordinate personality d. stereotypic personality


77. The authority that the older people in society may seem to have over others is an example of _______ authority. a. traditional b. charismatic c. rational-legal d. coercive


77. When students on a college campus are concerned over issues linked to sexuality and power in society such as rape or other types of sexual violence they are addressing: a. Sexual politics b. Sexual expression c. Homophobia d. Gender debates


8. Gender stratification is supported by: a. a belief that treats gender inequality as nature. b. individual sexism, not institutional sexism. c. the matriarchal structure of our society. d. norms and values encouraging gender equality.


82. In practice, sexual harassment in the workplace a. is an example of overt discrimination. b. has no real impact on women's employment. c. happens to men as often as it does to women. d. is an inevitable product of men and women working together.


83. According to the _______ model of state power, political power is diffused broadly throughout society and derives from the activities of interest groups. a. pluralist b. power elite c. autonomous state d. feminist theory


84. Relatively few men work in jobs that are traditionally considered women's work. When they do a. they tend to be more upwardly mobile than women in historically male-dominated jobs. b. they are subject to the same types and amounts of sexual harassment as women in male-dominated professions. c. wages for those jobs start to fall. d. they are accused of taking jobs away from women.


85. In which type of theory does the pluralist model of state power have its origins? a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. feminist


85. Which of these countries has the largest population of Jews? a. the U.S. b. Israel c. Poland d. Russia


85. Which type of theorist would be most likely to see inequality in the social system as fair, because everyone has an equal chance of getting ahead? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange theory


86. _______ is the spread of cultural elements from one society or cultural group to another. a. Cultural diffusion b. Cultural drift c. Cultural contagion d. Enculturation


88. The poverty line refers to a. the amount of money needed to support the basic needs of a household, as determined by the government. b. the minimum amount of money a household needs to be considered middle class. c. the amount of money a family needs to be comfortable. d. the average hourly wage of the poorest workers in a society.


89. According to _______ , men and women fill complementary gender roles and this arrangement benefits society. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism d. social control theory


9. The feudal societies of Europe in the Middle Ages are an example of a(n) _______ system of stratification. a. estate b. caste c. class d. socialist


90. According to the _______ perspective, the fundamental problem of the health care system is that it produces some problems that contribute to disharmony in society. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. feminist


90. Which of the following groups represent the largest number, not percentage, of people in poverty? a. White. b. African American. c. Hispanic. d. Native American.


91. The _______ refers to the number of live births a woman will have over her lifetime at the current rate in her country. a. total fertility rate b. fecundity rate c. total growth rate d. composite growth rate


91. Weber's analysis of the Protestant ethic demonstrates a. that religious beliefs are able to shape even secular dimensions of national culture. b. the matriarchal nature of Protestantism. c. the weaknesses of Emile Durkheim's views on the functions of religion. d. that religion does serve as a type of drug for people who are disadvantaged in life.


1. A college graduate examines her income and wealth in relation to others. She is interested in _______ . a. Social differentiation b. Social stratification c. Social equality d. Social change


1. According to sociologists the state has a central role in _______ . a. determining cultural values b. determining the rights and privileges of various groups c. determining the outcome of elections d. organizing communities


100. Studies of corporate crime find that a. those who engage in deviant behavior are aware of the consequences their behavior has for others. b. the deviant behavior is part of the routine activities of the corporation. c. the costs to society are overstated in the media. d. newcomers are the most likely to be whistleblowers.


100. The types of religious organization that tend to be seen by society as primary and most legitimate are _______ . a. sects b. churches c. cults d. factions


101. _______ is the situation in which human beings do not have enough money for basic survival. a. Relative poverty b. Absolute poverty c. Irreversible poverty d. Official poverty


102. Officers Matthews sees two cars speed by. According to the meter, the drivers were each going ten miles over the speed limit. One driver has light colored skin and the other has dark colored skin. Office Matthews pulls over the darker-color skinned driver. Matthews is using: a. good judgment b. racial profiling c. neutral policing d. randomness


102. Since 1990, the rate of teen pregnancy in the U.S. has _______ . a. increased b. decreased c. remained the same d. become impossible to determine


103. According to Marcuse, one of the most pressing problems today, brought on by increasing technology and modernization is _______ . a. anomie b. alienation c. deskilling d. underemployment


34. Sociological studies of patterns of family violence have found that a. violence in lesbian and gay relationships is as common as in heterosexual relationships. b. the most common form of child abuse is neglect. c. most perpetrators of elder abuse are men. d. overall, violence in the family has been declining.


34. The Parkers are in the upper class and earned all their wealth in the last year from a very successful business. The Parkers are considered part of the: a. upper-upper class. b. nouveau riche. c. achieved class. d. ascribed caste.


35. Durkheim referred to suicide associated with excessive regulation of individuals by social forces as _______ . a. anomic suicide b. altruistic suicide c. egoistic suicide d. situational suicide


36. Durkheim's emphasis on rituals and shared meanings fits with which types of sociological theory? a. conflict theory and functionalism b. functionalism and symbolic interactionism c. symbolic interactionism and conflict theory d. exchange theory and functionalism


36. Modernization theorists argue that developing countries benefit greatly when they a. encourage government intervention in the economy to spur economic development. b. let the natural forces of competition determine which individuals become successful and which do not. c. colonize weaker nations on their borders. d. stem from a single economic system.


37. Breast cancer is most likely to afflict a. African American women. b. White women. c. Latina women. d. Asian women.


37. It is the belief of _______ that religion was developed by the oppressed to relieve their distress. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


4. The U.S. emits _______ of global carbon. a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 50 percent d. 70 percent


4. The emergence of the nuclear family in the United States was a result of which major event? a. The American Revolution b. The Industrial Revolution c. The Civil Rights Movement d. World War II


4. Which of the following is true regarding graduation rates? a. Since 1940, Hispanic students have had the highest graduation rates. b. Since 1940, White students have had the highest graduation rates. c. Since 1940, Black students have had the highest graduation rates. d. Since 1940, Hispanic, White, and Black students have had equal graduation rates.


41. According to Marxian conflict theory, as capitalism progresses a. the professional-managerial class will become part of the elite. b. many of those in the middle class will drop into the working class as they are pushed out of managerial jobs into working class jobs. c. corporate mergers will redistribute wealth from being in the hands of the few to society's "havenots." d. the classes will become polarized with no overlap or mobility.


46. The most important predictor of Bobby's class location is _______ . a. his income b. his wealth c. his inheritance d. his debt


47. While work and making a living are related to all of society's institutions, they are particularly deeply embedded in the social institution of _______ . a. government b. the economy c. religion d. the family


48. According to the concept of biological determinism a. the physiology of any person may be manipulated in order to alter that person's sex. b. social behaviors are believed to be caused by physiological characteristics. c. the creation of a male or female occurs as the egg and the sperm meet during human reproduction. d. the interplay of culture and biology is what makes shapes human behavior.


48. An example of a resource that is not renewable, regardless of how well we manage it, is _______ . a. timber b. fossil fuels c. seafood d. iron


52. A criticism of the functional perspective of deviance is that it a. places too much emphasis on the individual. b. does not explain why some people are able to impose their ideas judgments on others. c. overemphasizes injustice and inequality in society. d. fails to see the good that deviance accomplishes.


54. From a conflict perspective, all of the following at true, except, a. deviance results from inequality in society. b. powerless groups may be labeled deviant for small infractions c. deviance reaffirms social solidarity. d. racial minorities are punished more harshly than others.


54. The process by which a minority becomes socially, economically, and culturally absorbed within the dominant society is called _______ . a. cultural relativism b. assimilation c. amalgamation d. cultural affiliation


41. Sexual harassment is a form of overt discrimination that has a negative impact on women's employment. Which of these statements about sexual harassment is false? a. Sociologists see sexual harassment as a means that men use to protect their power in the workplace. b. Cultural changes have resulted in men experiencing as much sexual harassment as women. c. Women in traditionally male-dominated jobs experience the most harassment. d. Men's preserving of their advantage in the workplace is evidence that women are viewed as sex objects.


42. According to the text, there are different forms of racism. Overt, obvious racism, such as physical violence or the use of racial slurs is termed _______ . a. aversive racism b. old-fashioned racism c. covert racism d. neo-racism


42. From a sociological perspective, sex a. is a strictly private matter. b. is rooted in social norms, values, and institutions. c. should be limited to people who are married. d. is completely natural behavior.


42. Within the U.S., polygamy a. is widely practiced among Mormons. b. is illegal. c. is legal for some Native American groups. d. does not exist.


106. Organized Latino groups used the aftermath of the Loma Prieta earthquake in California to mobilize for better housing and other services. This example supports which type of social movement theory? a. resource mobilization b. political process c. new social movement d. exploitation


107. Sexual coercion or rape is primarily a consequence of a. sexual attraction. b. power and dominance resulting from inequality. c. provocative behavior among victims. d. sexual permissiveness within society.


11. According to Durkheim deviance is functional because it a. threatens the social order. b. helps members of society know what is considered normal behavior. c. points up the flaws in how society is organized. d. creates employment for a large number of people.


11. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 a. requires married fathers to be paid more than unmarried men. b. requires that men and women receive equal pay for equal work. c. requires companies to pay men and women equally within the company. d. requires education and experience to be the only factors used to determine pay.


11. What type of system did black workers experience during South Africa's period of Apartheid? a. estate b. caste c. class d. socialist


12. Colonization ended soon after _______ . a. World War I b. World War II c. the Industrial Revolution d. the Enlightenment


46. Attitudes toward gender roles have changed so that today a. only 10 percent of men think that one parent should stay at home while the other is working. b. both men and women say it is not fair for men to be the sole decision maker in the household. c. women no longer believe they will be discriminated against in employment. d. men and women both agree that gender discrimination should be illegal.


22. Bobby's view of himself sexuality or his sexual identity is learned: a. at birth. b. in the context of his social relationships. c. from his sexual orientation. d. from his parents during childhood.


23. Which of the following groups has the largest number of congressional members in 2010? a. Asians b. African Americans c. Hispanics d. Native Americans


23. Which of the following is not a salient characteristic specified by the text? a. hair texture b. tone of voice c. skin color d. nose shape


24. In biological terms, the combination of an X and a Y chromosome establishes a person's sex as _______ _______ . a. female b. male c. hermaphrodite d. transgender


24. In the United States a. it is very common for people to start out poor and yet achieve great wealth. b. most people live their entire lives as members of a social class very close to the one they were born into. c. a person's individual achievements have no effect on their social class. d. most individuals move down the social class ladder during their lifetimes.


26. The principle of _______ holds that stereotypes, especially negative ones, are often applied interchangeable from one group to another. a. cultural relativism b. stereotype interchangeability c. selective identity d. universal applicability


27. According to Georg Simmel, urban dwellers avoid _______ , which is more likely found in rural communities. a. interaction b. emotional involvement c. alienation d. family ties


27. Jokes that use humor to stereotype a group as stupid or inept are often repeated substituting different ethnic groups. This is an example of the concept of _______ . a. cultural relativism b. stereotype interchangeability c. selective identity d. universal applicability


33. Which of the following type of labor is the most rewarded and most often used by college graduates? a. emotional labor b. mental labor c. manual labor d. household labor


54. How is the pattern of wealth distribution in the U.S. influenced by race? a. Asians are a "model minority." b. Black families have lower levels of wealth than white families. c. Discriminatory practices in banking and housing have resulted in inequality of wealth, even after several generations. d. The patterns of wealth distribution in the U.S. is not influenced by race.


78. Studies of the response of men and women to environmental issues indicate that a. men are more concerned than women about global warming. b. women perceive themselves to be considerably more at risk from environmental hazards than men are. c. men are more likely than women to worry about the dangers of pollution for trees, fish, and other wildlife. d. men and women are equally concerned about these issues.


78. Which of these statements regarding the validity of the human capital theory as it applies to the pay gap is true? a. There is no evidence that human capital theory explains the difference in men's and women's earnings. b. While factors such as education and age do affect earnings, the earnings of men and women with the same levels of education and prior experience are still unequal. c. Women earn less than men because they work fewer hours. d. Research indicates that there is actually no difference in men's and women's wages when the type of work is taken into account.


80. Gradual transformations that affect many aspects of society are called _______ . a. megachanges b. macrochanges c. systemic changes d. sequential


80. The increased prestige of medicine and status of physicians coincided with a. the founding of the U.S. as an independent nation. b. the establishment of medicine as a science. c. the immigration of physicians to the U.S. from other countries. d. the discovery of penicillin.


80. The introduction of queer theory a. has strengthened the boundaries between homosexuality and heterosexuality identity. b. furthers the idea that sexual identity may be a continuum of different possibilities for sexual expression. c. challenges the belief that there can be multiple types of sexual identity. d. has not had any impact on how sexual identity is understood.


83. As medicine became a profession in the late 19th century, it also developed into a stratified system. How was medicine stratified in terms of race and class? a. Only white women of all classes were taken seriously as physicians. b. Folk medicine, including midwifery, became identified with rural and lower social classes. c. Black men were recruited to be trained as physicians to serve in rural areas. d. Attending medical school was widely used by men of all classes to raise their social status.


87. What term did Durkheim give to the body of religious beliefs that give people a sense of belonging? a. false consciousness b. collective consciousness c. ritualized consciousness d. interactive identity


9. The Minangkabau society in Indonesia is one where women have power over men. The Minangkabau is an example of a/n _______ society. a. patriarchal b. matriarchal c. sexist d. apartheid


94. According to the text, _______ of families headed by women live below the poverty line. a. one-fourth b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds


94. John want to be a sociology major who studies the social cause of crime. He is majoring in _______ . a. Deviant sociology b. Criminology c. Criminal justice d. Victimology


94. _______ feminism is a more radical perspective that interprets the origins of women's oppression in the system of capitalism. a. Liberal b. Socialist c. Multiracial d. Conservative


95. How do voting patterns in the U.S. compare with those of other democratic countries? a. The U.S. has one of the highest voter turnouts of any democratic country. b. The U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnouts of any democratic country. c. All democratic nations have roughly the same percentage of voters for any given election. d. The U.S. does not keep statistics on the percentage of the population voting in a given election.


95. The right to abortion was first established in constitutional law in _______ . a. 1965 b. 1973 c. 1986 d. 1990


1. A college class is studying the impact of bottled water on the environment Which of the following is true about plastic water bottles? a. They are recycled and not a hazard b. They are reused in industry c. They are not recycled and an environmental problem d. They are not recycled but not an environmental problem


1. In order for something to be considered deviant, a. it must be against the law. b. everyone in society must regard it as deviant. c. it must violate socially created rules and norms. d. it must have negative consequences.


1. Which of the following statements is true regarding global stratification? a. Global stratification is stratification of individuals on the basis of income only. b. Global stratification exists in most countries. c. Global stratification is a hierarchy of countries on the basis of wealth. d. Global stratification is a recent phenomenon.


10. What is the current practice of the U.S. Census for reporting one's race? a. A person may select a single race as their identity. b. A person may select what they consider their primary, and also their secondary, racial identity. c. A person may select as many racial categories as they feel applies to them. d. A person may select a single race or a single ethnicity.


100. National surveys of the level confidence that people in government find that a. most people have a great deal of confidence in Congress, but not the Supreme Court. b. the majority of people have a great deal of confidence in the Supreme Court, but not in Congress. c. only a small percentage of the national population has much confidence in either Congress or the Supreme Court. d. the majority of the population has a lot of confidence in both Congress and the Supreme Court.


103. Racial minorities account for more than _______ of male prisons in the United States. a. one-quarter b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds


103. Research to evaluate the impact of abstinence pledges as a means of preventing teen pregnancy has found that a. virginity "pledgers" actually end up having more sex than "nonpledgers." b. virginity "nonpledgers" consistently have more sex than "pledgers." c. "pledgers" are less likely to use birth control than "nonpledgers." d. "nonpledgers" are less likely to use birth control than "pledgers."


104. The privatization of the military refers to the fact that a. it is harder and harder to get into the military. b. it is extremely difficult to get accurate information about military practices. c. an increasing number of the military's functions are being carried out by forprofit, private corporations. d. an increasingly large number of new recruits are being kept in the lower ranks and not permitted to pursue promotions.


105. International data on poverty and hunger indicates that a. for many it is possible to live a somewhat healthy life, even on just $1 a day. b. there is not enough food in the world to feed the hungry. c. the current trend is a reduction in the number of malnourished people worldwide. d. rapid population growth is the biggest cause of poverty.


105. What is the pattern of race in prosecution and sentencing for crimes? a. Members of minority groups tend to have greater access to plea bargaining. b. Defendants of minority status and White defendants have about the same rates of conviction. c. African American and Hispanic defendants receive longer sentences than White defendants, regardless of background. d. Although African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to receive the death penalty, they are also most likely to be pardoned.


106. Sexual coercion or rape a. is committed by men who don't have sexual partners. b. is an expression of human sexuality. c. is an expression of the social inequality of men and women. d. is an infrequent crime.


107. Which type of theory is interested in how a personal identity is socially constructed through participation in social movement activity? a. resource mobilization b. political process c. new social movement d. exploitation


108. How do the textbook authors assess the overall impact of globalization? a. it has done more harm than good b. it has done more good than harm c. it has had both positive and negative impacts d. the impact of globalization is neutral


108. In the United States, historically the most significant social movements have been those associated with _______ . a. new religious groups b. traditional religious groups c. the diversity of the population d. fundamentalism


11. If Genie is trying to work and her boss keeps asking her about her personal sex life while offering a promotion, she is experiencing _______ . a. a hostile environment b. a personal problem c. quid pro quo sexual harassment d. work related harassment


110. "Society is socially constructed through human interpretation." This statement is most closely associated with: a. conflict theory b. functionalism c. social interaction d. social exchange


12. Among Hispanics, migration patterns are closely linked to a. religion. b. race relations. c. agriculture. d. military.


12. Mrs. Thompson often feels like there is too much to do and too little time to do it. Mrs. Thompson is experiencing: a. parenthood. b. a commuter marriage. c. social speedup. d. role stress.


12. The U.S. government increasing security screenings at airports is an example of which of the state's roles? a. regulation of social order b. determining the rights of groups c. managing dissent d. influencing public opinion


13. In the United States, the sex ratio is _______ , which indicates _______ . a. 54; there are more males than females. b. 114; there are more females than males. c. 94; there are more females than males. d. 104; there are more males than females.


13. The U.S. Supreme Court defined the use of birth control as a right, not a crime, in _______ and extended the same right to unmarried people in _______ . a. 1960; 1961 b. 1945; 1965 c. 1965; 1972 d. 1996; 2003


14. Gender is something that is accomplished through ongoing interactions. This process is referred to as: a. gender socialization. b. overt gendering. c. doing gender. d. matriarchy.


14. John lives and works in Mississippi. He is part of a commodity chain because a. he makes a product that is produced only in his town. b. he works at a company making brass plates sold around the world c. he is part of global production and labor process connecting him with other regions of the world d. all of the above


14. The position one holds in relation to the economic, political, social and cultural resources in a society is called one's _______ . a. social achievement b. social organization c. social class d. cohort


15. According to Malthusian theory, population growth tends to be _______ . a. arithmetic b. linear c. exponential d. curvilinear


15. Which of the following is false regarding social class? a. Social class shapes one's access to resources in society. b. It is not possible to directly observe social class. c. It is not possible for people to change whatever social class they are born into. d. People in the same social class share similar opportunities.


17. Which of the following best describes U.S. maternity leave benefits? a. Supportive of working class families b. Comparatively better support than developing nations c. Unsupportive of families d. In the middle of all countries in terms of support


19. The current U.S. government is an example of a. the pluralist model. b. the power elite. c. an autonomous state. d. a populist.


20. When a child learns social expectations and behaviors that are associated with being male and being female, s/he is engaging in the process of addressing: a. sexuality b. role playing c. gender d. sex


21. Collective behavior is a. logical. b. short-lived. c. predictable. d. spontaneous.


22. Which of the following is not a component of the multidimensional poverty index? a. health b. education c. access to technology d. standard of living


24. Which of the following statement is true about salient characteristics? a. Salient characteristics are not culturally specific. b. Salient characteristics change over time. c. Salient characteristics differ in various countries. d. Salient characteristics are constant over time.


25. Barbara is a very close family friend - she is actually considered part of the family. Barbara may be considered a. an othermother. b. compadrazgo. c. fictive kin. d. extended family.


28. "Inequality is inevitable and functional for society." This statement best represents which theoretical perspective? a. Conflict theory b. Feminism c. Functionalism d. Symbolic interactionism


28. In the U.S., one's SAT score may be used is a "proxy" measure of one's social class. What does this mean? a. The SAT score is a more realistic measure of social class than income or education. b. SAT scores are the best predictors of how well a student will do in college. c. Family income is strongly correlated with scores on the SAT exam. d. SAT scores are more related to race than income.


32. In the U.S. today, life expectancy for the overall population is about _______ years of age. a. 61 b. 70 c. 78 d. 85


33. For those opposed to permitting the self-selection of more than one race in the U.S. Census, an important argument is that a. most people don't really know what race they are. b. there is no such thing as race, so multiracial makes no sense. c. identifying as multiracial reduces the strength of numbers of already underrepresented minority groups. d. younger people are more likely to identify as multiracial than older people.


33. Sociologists believe that persistent problems in the U.S. are a. largely the result of individual behavior. b. caused by people with psychological problems. c. embedded in society. d. the consequence of free will


38. Public opinion about abortion a. has become increasingly liberal over time. b. has become increasingly conservative over time. c. has remained relatively constant over the last 20 years. d. has been mixed based on race, class, and age.


39. Sociologists who analyze class using a conflict perspective a. see class basically as a continuum. b. argue that class is basically a matter of what individuals possess in terms of income and prestige. c. see class as defined by the relationship of the classes to the larger system of economic production. d. base their views on the early work of Emile Durkheim who pointed out the dysfunctional consequences of division of labor.


39. Which of the following is an example of a primary labor market job? a. seasonal work b. retail sales c. a corporate management position d. a waiter or waitress


4. In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that: a. same-sex marriage is legal. b. discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal. c. private sexual relations are a constitutional liberty. d. sexual orientation is not a legal issue.


4. In the U.S., immigrants make up more than _______ of the labor force in industries such as agriculture, building and construction. a. one-fifth b. one-quarter c. one-third d. one-half


4. The example of the Navajo berdaches serves to illustrate what concept? a. biological determinism b. hermaphroditism c. social construction of gender d. gender stratification


4. The majority of the poorest nations, as measured by the GNI in 2007 were in: a. Asia. b. Europe. c. Africa. d. North America.


40. Which of the following is true regarding gender segregation? a. Most women work in occupations that have roughly equal numbers of male and female employees. b. Men are concentrated in fewer occupations that women are. c. The greater the concentration of women workers in an occupation, the lower the pay. d. Legislation has had little effect on gender segregation.


41. A pattern of relationships that define people's family relationships to one another is the definition of a(n) _______ . a. institution b. relational network c. kinship system d. social organization


41. Increasing diversity in society creates new challenges for the health care system. The text notes that immigrants to the U.S. a. are generally treated better than native born Americans. b. tend to feel most satisfied with their health care when their physician is White. c. experience social distance from health care providers that makes them reluctant to seek care. d. seek out medical professionals from their home countries.


43. Compared with other countries, the populations of the world's richest countries are a. getting larger. b. younger. c. getting smaller. d. staying the same.


55. In Census 2000, the undercount for the entire U.S. population of the United States was 2 percent. Which of these groups is most like to be undercounted by the Census? a. suburban dwellers b. the homeless c. residents of New York City d. farmers


55. Information that is available on sexual practices in the U.S. indicates that a. most people still have only one sexual partner throughout their lives. b. young people are becoming sexually active at a later age. c. very few people have extramarital sex. d. having sex tends to be very frequent.


55. _______ theorists argue that families serve to socialize children into being obedient workers and good consumers to fit the needs of capitalism. a. Functionalist b. Conflict c. Symbolic interaction d. Social exchange


58. In regards to the intersection of race and class, Black Americans a. in the middle class are not segregated from whites as are poorer Blacks. b. are more likely to be working class than are whites. c. are more likely to be middle class than working class. d. look more like Asian Americans that Whites.


58. The historical persecution of witches is presented in the text as an example of a. the system works for the good of the whole society. b. how dominant groups can exert control by marking some populations as deviant. c. how deviance, in this case persecution of witches, may be functional for society. d. the importance of shared values and beliefs within a society.


60. Which of the following is true about using annual per capita gross national income (per capita GNI) to measure the wealth of nations? a. It accurately reflects what individuals actually receive in wages. b. Per capita GNI reflects each person's share of their country's production, not wages or pay. c. It effectively measures informal exchanges and bartering in which resources are exchanged. d. It accurately reflects what families actually receive in wages or pay.


61. According to _______ theory, sexual violence such as rape or sexual harassment is the result of power imbalances between men and women. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


61. As a consequence of women's greater labor force participation a. families are taking more time for "quality family time" than ever before. b. families are experiencing a significant increase in the pace of life. c. families are finding they do not need men's income and they have more flexibility. d. families have become increasingly affluent.


62. According to _______ theory, power relations in society influence the power that some sexual groups have over others. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


62. When a population sees itself as a victim of the criminal justice system, it is drawing on which perspective? a. functionalism b. conflict c. postmodern d. feminism


62. _______ believe that social change results from organized social movements and other forms of resistance to oppression. a. Functionalists b. Conflict theorists c. Symbolic interactionists d. Social exchange theorists


64. At the time of their "discovery," Native Americans had: a. a common language. b. heterogeneous cultures. c. suffered devastating diseases. d. shared values.


64. The kind of sexual harassment that does not involve outright demands is called _______ . a. quid pro quo sexual harassment b. hostile working environment harassment c. sexual coercion d. status quo sexual harassment


64. When Jake adheres to traditional male gender roles he is more likely to: a. ignore gender roles b. take risks and produce physical daring c. become gender neutral d. none of the above


64. Young people establishing relationships today a. tend to follow the pre-established norms of dating. b. have replaced the process of dating with hooking up. c. have no desire for long-term relationships. d. get involved sexually without concern about the stigma of a bad reputation.


65. Being single in the U.S. a. is still a stigmatized status for women in particular. b. is increasingly not due to divorce, but to never having been married. c. is preferable to being married. d. is still rare once a person reaches the age of 30.


65. How are occupation, class, and education related? a. One's social class is heavily influenced by level of formal education. b. One's occupation is heavily influenced by social class background and formal education. c. Elite boarding schools that prepare students for elite occupations are attended by members of all social classes in equal proportions. d. Education provides upward social mobility for all, regardless of class.


65. Social mobility occurring within a generation is called _______ mobility. a. intergenerational b. intragenerational c. extragenerational d. co-generational


65. The trend toward more and more of the population entering the 65 and over age bracket is called _______ . a. "the boomer bust" b. "graying of America" c. "the echo effect" d. "maturation effect"


65. Which of these statements regarding the position of Native Americans in this country is false? a. Native American populations were devastated by European diseases from which they had no immunity b. Only about one-fourth of Native Americans live on or near reservations today. c. Historical accounts have underrepresented the vast cultural and social heterogeneity of tribes prior to European conquest. d. Today Native Americans have the highest poverty rate of any group in the U.S.


66. Central to the operation of slavery was the belief that: a. People can change castes. b. Human beings could be property. c. Domination of slavery did not involve the relationship between men and women. d. Individuals are less efficient than a whole society.


67. The sociological view of marriage is that it a. is a romantic and loving union of two individuals. b. involves a complex set of social dynamics. c. is a private matter separate from other institutions. d. cannot be studied using sociological methods.


69. What is the original source of symbolic interactionist theories of deviance? a. the Industrial Revolution b. the perspective of the Chicago School c. the work of Karl Marx d. the ideas of Emile Durkheim


7. The _______ countries are typically poor and largely agricultural. a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semi-peripheral countries d. hybrid countries


44. A significant difference between the functionalist and conflict theory perspectives on gender is that a. functionalism is a macrosociological perspective and conflict theory is not. b. conflict theory recognizes the role of gender within the social structure and functionalism does not. c. conflict theory is more likely than functionalism to explore issues of race and social class as they relate to gender. d. functionalism advocates for change more than conflict theory.


44. According to the text, the U.S. currently spends about _______ of its gross domestic product on health care. a. 5 percent b. 10 percent c. 15 percent d. 20 percent


49. The scientific study of the interdependence between humans and their physical environment is called _______ . a. demographics b. environmentalism c. human ecology d. ethnology


5. Bob is going to a private school. He is most likely attending a _______ . a. a secular school b. a school for alternative students c. a religious or parochial school d. homes school


5. The Carp corporation has decided to quit making its own components and instead buy them from another company in Thailand. This is an example of _______ . a. postindustrial society b. xenophobia c. outsourcing d. none of the above


5. What is the relationship between biology and culture in shaping human behavior? a. Human biology determines our behavior. b. The natural environment is the biggest determinant of human behavior. c. Human biology sets limits and provides the capacities for different types of behavior. d. Culture is the only influence on human behavior.


50. Within the global economy, the role of the more developed nations tends to be that of a. assembly line work. b. provision of natural resources. c. research and management. d. manufacturing goods.


51. Fear and hatred of foreigners is called _______ . a. arachnophobia b. cultural relativism c. xenophobia d. anglophilia


58. From a(n) _______ perspective, married couples create for themselves an identity that is influenced by the definitions others in society have of marriage, in addition to their own definitions. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionist d. exchange theory


58. Gender socialization a. only affects men and women in their relationships with others. b. is consistent and uniform for all men and women. c. influences all aspects of society and daily life. d. may be completely avoided if a person is conscious of it.


61. Sociologists using a symbolic interaction perspective argue that a physical disability can become _______ . In this case society devalues the status. a. formal deviance b. informal deviance c. a stigma d. a crime


63. Understanding race and ethnicity as social constructions is a significant contribution of _______ . a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


66. From a symbolic interactionist perspective a. sexual practices are the result of complementary gender roles in society. b. sexual identity and practices are explained by the social organization of society. c. social approval and taboos influence what is considered permissible. d. differences in power define what types of sexual behavior is acceptable.


71. Mothers in transnational families a. in general spend as much time with their children as other mothers. b. generally are able to take their children with them from place to place. c. have expanded their definition of motherhood to include breadwinning. d. earn less than had they stayed in their native countries.


71. The SAT and IQ tests a. were meant to measure achievement, not potential. b. are not used much within the U.S. education system. c. were designed by middle-class White males. d. have had an equalizing effect on education for women and minorities.


73. What is the sociological term for information that is circulated in order to justify the power of the state? a. media b. state literature c. propaganda d. censorship


75. Moral proscriptions for behavior established by religions a. are always followed by adherents. b. are recognized as guides with no consequences for non-compliance. c. often come to be viewed as right and inviolable. d. are not typically taken seriously.


75. What is the sociological term for power that is achieved through force, against the will of those being forced? a. legitimate b. arbitrary c. coercive d. cyclical


76. The perspective that uses a micro approach to deviance includes _______ . a. functionalism b. conflict c. symbolic interactionism d. criminology


81. Germany recently legalized gay and lesbian relationships, allowing same-sex couples to register their partnership. This is used in the text to illustrate the that a. all countries place an emphasis on legal unions. b. gays and lesbians have the same rights throughout the U.S. and western Europe. c. tolerance for gay and lesbian relationships varies significantly throughout the world. d. legalizing and registering partnerships are equally important to same-sex couples.


81. When the American Medical Association was established in 1847, a. women who worked as midwives were some of the first members. b. it competed with several other organizations to influence medicine in the U.S. c. the organization worked to outlaw or delegitimize any alternative therapies. d. it influence on medicine in the U.S. was minimal.


82. As the practice of medicine became an upper-class profession, a. it attracted African American and Hispanic students. b. more women became doctors. c. it also became white and male. d. it embraced folk medicine.


82. Which of these statements best reflects the functionalist perspective on social inequality? a. The people with the most power set the rules to the benefit of themselves. b. Society is made up of various groups that are in constant struggle with each other over resources. c. The occupations that require the most training and involve the highest risk work are paid the highest. d. Some occupations are as important as others, but they do not receive as much pay because they tend to be occupied by women.


82. _______ theory explains global inequality using the characteristics of individual nations; _______ theory argues no country or set of countries may be understood in isolation from the others. a. Dependency / modernization b. World systems / modernization c. Modernization / world systems d. Modernization / dependency


84. Which of these major world religions is polytheistic? a. Catholicism b. Protestantism c. Hinduism d. Buddhism


85. Which of these types of collective behavior tends to persist over time longer than the others? a. fads b. fashions c. social movements d. riots


93. In 2009, the U.S. Senate is _______ percent male. a. 33 b. 45 c. 86 d. 96


94. The _______ perspective highlights a number of socially constructed problems in the health care system. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. feminist


96. The FBI's Uniform Crime Report stresses _______ crimes. a. violent b. official c. index d. victimless


97. Which of the following statements regarding education and literacy is false? a. In high-income nations, education is almost universal. b. In nations people without education have little chance for success. c. In most nations throughout the world elementary school is mandatory. d. In low-income countries education takes place outside of formal schooling.


1. A social category of people who share a common culture (i.e., language, national background or religion) is referred to as a(n) _______ . a. minority group b. dominant group c. racial group d. ethnic group


103. Social conditions have a significant effect on health. In fact, a. male occupational roles put them at greater risk than women of infectious disease. b. perceived discrimination against oneself is related to psychological and physical health. c. housewives have higher rates of illness than women who work outside the home. d. All of these choices are true.


15. Global migrants are characterized by which of the following? a. Victims of war b. Legal and illegal workers searching for work c. Low wage workers d. All of the above


15. The Barkers live in the U.S. Which of the following is true about their child care options? a. U.S. family leave policies cover all families b. U.S. family leave policies cover most family expenses c. The costs are reasonable for most families d. U.S. family leave policies do not address ongoing needs for child care


2. A global economy means that a. major industries cross international borders. b. an international wage gap exists. c. workers are xenophobic. d. economic events in one nation are felt around the world.


20. What do sociologists use to measure social class? a. education level b. occupation c. income d. all of these


22. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers and schools to provide _______ . a. "rational aid" b. "equitable assistance" c. "practical help" d. "reasonable accommodations"


22. The Shakers were formed by breaking away from the Quakers. They are an example of a a. charisma. b. church. c. cult. d. sect.


34. Which of the following is not a factor in determining the total number of people in a society? a. birth b. death c. migration d. gender


44. Which of the following is not an element of laissez-faire racism? a. subtle and persistent negative stereotyping b. a tendency to blame blacks for the gap in economic standing c. resistance to policy efforts to alleviate racially oppressive practices d. an inability to understand non-racist viewpoints


46. Blaming Blacks for economic inequality and resistance to policies that might alleviate racial oppression is considered _______ . a. traditional racism b. aversive racism c. color-blind racism d. symbolic or laissez-faire racism


46. In the past, state laws in the South and West prohibited education for _______ . a. female children b. young children c. disabled children d. minority children


51. Who benefits most from U.S. tax policies? a. the wealthy b. the poor c. the government d. corporations


56. The theoretical perspective that is most concerned with the fact that families are gendered institutions that reflect the gender hierarchies in society is _______ . a. functionalism b. exchange theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. feminist theory


58. Global inequality is apparent in _______ . a. life expectancy b. rates of infant mortality c. access to health services d. All of these choices are true.


68. Which of the following is not included in the sociological concept of the state? a. organized power and authority in society b. the military c. the court system d. a state, like Alaska, within the U.S.


75. In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray estimate that intelligence is about _______ percent genetically heritable. a. 30 b. 60 c. 40 d. 70


75. In a cross-cultural study of sexual jealousy researchers found that when women and men saw their partners kissing or flirting with another person, a. men were consistently more jealous than women. b. women were consistently more jealous than men. c. neither men nor women illustrated jealous tendencies. d. the reactions of men and women varied in different cultural contexts.


77. Chinese immigrants began migrating to the U.S. in the mid-19th century because: a. they desired the "American Dream." b. the Chinese government pushed them out. c. they were seeking religious freedom. d. the U.S. needed workers.


8. Which of the following is not one of the groups within a feudal system? a. nobles b. priesthood c. commoners d. doctors


80. Labeling theorists would explain recidivism among those released from prison as a. caused by the company they keep upon their release. b. resulting from the anger they have at having been incarcerated. c. very rare, but overemphasized in the media. d. caused by the difficulty in changing one's classification as a deviant.


82. Which of the following statements is false? a. Sociologists view the international sex trade as part of the global economy. b. The international sex trade is implicated in problems such as the spread of AIDS. c. The international sex trade is implicated in the exploitation of women where women have limited economic opportunities. d. International trade in sex has decreased as the result of increasing globalization and economic development.


83. Which of these statements about deviant identity from a labeling perspective is false? a. A deviant identity usually emerges over time. b. A deviant identity is developed through a process of interaction with others. c. Deviant identity involves how other people view the person labeled deviant. d. A deviance identity is nearly impossible to change.


84. Obesity was first included in the Medicare Program as a disease in _______ . a. 1920 b. 1965 c. 1996 d. 2004


88. Functionalists have been criticized for a. ignoring gender roles. b. emphasizing symbols in their approach to the study of gender. c. failing to see the merits of a conflict approach to the study of gender. d. interpreting gender as a fixed role in society.


102. _______ has radically altered the opportunities available to women athletes and laid the foundation for many of the coeducational programs that are now an ordinary part of college life. a. Title IX b. Affirmative action legislation c. Comparable worth legislation d. The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision


103. According to the United Nations, absolute poverty is defined as a situation in which people live on less than _______ a day. a. $1 b. $5 c. $10 d. $20


58. _______ gives legitimacy to heterosexual behavior, but not homosexual behavior, in order to maintain complementary roles and the ideal of the nuclear family. a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interaction theory d. Social exchange theory


59. According to _______ _______ theory, the call for a return to "family values" produces the uniformity in values necessary for social order. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


59. Conflict theorists argue that a. the power to define deviance is an important form of social control. b. how much power a group possesses has no effect on whether its members will be labeled deviant. c. all groups in a society are equally subject to social control. d. labels of deviance have nothing to do with social control.


59. In addition to the high divorce rate, the other primary cause of female single-parent households is a. the high rate of pregnancy among unmarried teens. b. the death of a spouse. c. having a spouse who is incarcerated. d. the high unemployment rates for men.


59. Per capita GNI is only a reliable measure when used for countries that a. are based on a cash economy. b. make extensive use of bartering and non-cash transaction. c. have a socialist economic system. d. are not very economically developed.


59. The situation for women in society should be studied separately within each social class because differences between men and women are not the same in every racial or class group. This is an argument of the _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ perspective. a. intersection b. functionalist c. symbolic interactionist d. social exchange


6. By mid-century, it is estimated that the U.S. population will be a. older than today. b. more female than today. c. younger than today. d. more male than today.


6. Compared to Sweden the U.S. Gini coefficient reveals _______ . a. the U.S. has a high degree of inequality b. the Swedes have a high degree of inequality c. the U.S. has a high degree of equality d. the Swedes are a highly stratified society


6. Johnny wants to work in manufacturing. He will work in a sector that employs _______ of U.S. workers. a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 30 percent d. 50 percent


60. Level of formal education achieved is strongly correlated with _______ . a. occupational prestige b. income c. wealth d. life satisfaction


16. Which of these is an illustration of the concept of out-group homogeneity? a. Members of some minority groups are perceived as being very similar to the dominant group in society. b. Members of a set of minority groups, such as Laotians, Chinese, Japanese, and Indonesians, are perceived as being similar enough to share a general category (Asian). c. Members of all groups considered minority groups in a society are perceived as having the same biological backgrounds. d. Members of some ethnic groups, such as Italian, German, and French, are considered similar enough to the dominant group so they are no longer considered minority groups.


17. Which of the following does not apply to all minority groups? a. possessing characteristics generally considered different from the dominant group b. being smaller in number than the dominant group c. sharing a sense of group identity d. experiencing prejudice and discrimination in society


17. _______ is unusual in that there is far greater sharing of household responsibilities than in most other nations. a. Japan b. China c. Britain d. the United States


18. The _______ _______ refers to the widespread changes in men's and women's roles and a greater public acceptance of sexuality as a normal part of social development. a. feminist movement b. sexual revolution c. eugenics movement d. gender revolution


18. What has been the outcome of No Child Left Behind? a. The racial achievement gap has narrowed. b. The racial achievement gap has widened. c. Test scores have improved for most students. d. There has been no change in test scores.


18. When Bob is engaged in work that sustains life such as elder and child care he is doing _______ . a. nonwage labor b. care work c. public labor d. non labor work


18. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the informal education system in many poor nations? a. It does not prepare students for agricultural work. b. It does not prepare students for the modern world. c. It reinforces gender inequality. d. It ignores the role of government in education.


66. Research indicates that men and women of different races have different expectations regarding gender roles. Which of these statements regarding expectations of different groups is true? a. Hispanic men have stronger beliefs than White men that men and women should have different characteristics. b. African American men are more likely than African American women to support feminism and egalitarian views of men and women's roles. c. Asian American women are more likely than Asian American men to value egalitarian roles for men and women. d. African American women are socialized to be more dependent on men than are White women.


66. The Baby Boom cohort now comprises about _______ of the entire population of the United States. a. one-sixth b. one-fourth c. one-third d. one-half


67. Which of these theoretical perspectives would be the most interested in how sexual identities are revealed during the process of "coming out" as gay or lesbian? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


68. A problem with the terms "Latino" and "Latina" is that they a. only refer to Mexican Americans and are not inclusive. b. refer only to Latin Americans in the U.S. for several generations. c. do not reflect the diversity of groups who are included in the category. d. are not used by sociologists.


69. A major criticism of standardized ability tests is of what they consider "standardized" knowledge. In fact, research indicates that they a. predict future school performance for African Americans better than for Whites. b. predict future school performance for women better than for men. c. predict future school performance for White males better than for others. d. are not able to predict future school performance for people with any particular social trait.


1. A researcher who lives among the homeless in an effort to understand their norms is an example of: a. participant observation b. content analysis c. unobtrusive observation d. survey research


1. If Beth decides to become a man she would most likely see which of the following happen? a. A gain in income, power, and social standing. b. A loss in income, power, and social standing. c. Little change in social standing d. A gain of income by 50 percent.


10. In a caste system, one's place in the stratification system is a(n) _______ status. a. ascribed b. achieved c. temporary d. ambiguous


100. In the 1930s, _______ wrote that the city was a center of distant, cold interpersonal interaction, and that as a result, the urban dweller experienced alienation. a. Louis Wirth b. Ernest Burgess c. George H. Mead d. Homer Hoyt


100. The American Psychological Association reports that sexualization primarily affects which of these groups? a. young girls b. young boys c. adult women d. adult men


105. Evaluations of the welfare reform of 1996 (PRWRA) have found that a. the number of people receiving welfare has decreased. b. the amount of poverty in the U.S. has decreased. c. the wages earned in workfare programs are keeping women and their children out of poverty. d. fewer Americans are poor.


105. Research on teen mothers show that they often report which of the following? a. They doubt men's ability to support them. b. They are distrustful of men. c. They are fear domestic violence. d. All of the above


11. A student examining dependency theory is interested in documenting which of the following? a. neocolonialism b. modernization c. how values shape development d. class struggles within developing nations


11. The 1924 National Origins Quota law encouraged immigration from _______ and discouraged immigration from _______ . a. France; Italy b. Greece; Germany c. England; Poland d. Turkey; Switzerland


11. Which of the following statements about race is true? a. Official recognition of race by the government matters. b. Racial formation occurs in youth. c. Biological characteristics are the major determinants of race. d. Individuals may have a single race but multiple ethnicities.


12. What is the most important factor for determining the racial categories within any society? a. The beliefs and interests of the most powerful group(s) in society. b. The amount of difference in ancestry or "blood" that different groups have. c. The degree to which members of different groups differ from each other biologically. d. The language that each group speaks.


13. According to Durkheim, why do societies actually need deviance? a. in order to recognize normal behavior b. to make most people feel morally superior c. to support the existence of a prison system of employment d. in order to shake up society so it can be reorganized in a better fashion


13. According to Herrnstein and Murray's The Bell Curve, a. the distribution of intelligence closely approximates a normal distribution. b. the majority of intelligence is environmental. c. family background has almost no influence in predicting intelligence. d. genetics and environment play equal roles in determining intelligence.


13. Robert Park a. was interested in urban problems. b. focused on immigrant workers. c. emphasized qualitative research. d. used a reform-based approach.


15. W.E.B. DuBois was most interested in which of the following? a. social justice b. empiricism c. discovering the laws of society d. social stability


16. Estimates of the extent of domestic violence are unreliable because a. most cases go unreported. b. most victims are in shelters. c. more victims are children. d. more cases are not severe enough to report.


16. Paul Ehrlich predicted that world population growth was largely effected by a. the government. b. politics. c. war. d. agriculture.


17. Durkheim, Marx, and Weber have which of the following in common? a. They were all macrosociologists. b. They were all qualitative researchers. c. They all followed the Chicago School. d. They all attended prestigious universities.


17. The United States is responsible for approximately _______ of the global energy use. a. one-fourth b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds


5. A large portion of the pollutants released into the air in the U.S. come from a. oil drilling. b. automobiles. c. pollution. d. chlorofluorocarbons.


94. According to _______ theory, societies become more homogenized as they are affected by technological change. a. modernization b. conflict c. cyclical d. dependency


94. Most scholars of international development believe a. that fertility levels are affected by levels of industrialization. b. that there is no relationship between development and population. c. that large populations impede development. d. that agriculture affects fertility but industrialism does not.


94. Taken together, the institutions that make the rules for society are called _______ . a. government b. democracy c. pluralism d. populism


95. According to Tönnies, gemeinschaft is characterized by a. a sense of fellow feeling and strong personal ties. b. a very complex division of labor. c. an emphasis on self interest. d. a lack of community and interpersonal connections.


97. A popular perspective on poverty among policy makers is that poverty is caused by bad habits and values. This perspective is called the _______ . a. culture of poverty perspective b. value-stretch perspective c. delinquent culture thesis d. situational perspective


97. According to modernization theory, the primary causes of social change are a. technology and global development. b. changes in the economic structure. c. cycles of culture that advance and repeat. d. evolution from less to more complexity.


97. Which of the following groups is most likely to have an abortion? a. young women, ages 20-29 b. women over the age of 40 c. middle class women d. college students


97. _______ interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of society as a whole. a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interaction d. Positivism


98. Immunization against childhood diseases is widely taken for granted. In reality, how is immunization distributed throughout the U.S.? a. Many inner city and rural residents are suspicious of or don't understand the importance of immunizations for children. b. Government health care programs have been particularly effective in reaching children in urban areas. c. Special attention is always given to the Appalachian region of the U.S. where a larger percentage of children are vaccinated than in other parts of the country. d. Childhood immunizations are the one type of health care service that is not extremely stratified in terms of its distribution.


5. _______ families may find it necessary to have all family members working. a. Migrant b. Poor c. Extended d. Fictive


106. The branch of the military with the highest percentage of female enlisted personnel is _______ . a. the Army b. the Navy c. the Marines d. the Air Force


108. Which of the following statements is false about sex and social change? a. Technological change has brought new possibilities for sexual freedom. b. The internet has introduced new forms of sexual relations. c. The sexual revolution has meant greater sexual freedom for women. d. The sexual revolution has eliminated the influence of gender in sexual relationships.


11. Which of the following is true regarding prostitution and arrests? a. Male customers are more likely to be arrested than female prostitutes. b. Female customers are more likely to be arrested than male prostitutes. c. Minority prostitutes are less likely to be arrested than White prostitutes. d. White prostitutes are less likely to be arrested than minority prostitutes.


13. In the 1890 U.S. Census, which of the following was not a racial classification? a. Chinese b. Quadroon c. Black d. Hispanic


17. When Bobby and Gail study the local population, the number of people per square mile is _______ . a. medium population b. birthrate c. death rate d. population density


18. Mills' concept of power elite includes all of the following areas, except: a. the economy. b. the military. c. the government. d. the courts.


18. The Equal Rights Amendment: a. was passed in 1918. b. was passed in 1963. c. will be passed in 2012. d. has not been passed.


18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a racial or ethnic minority group? a. They possess characteristics considered different from those of the dominant group. b. They suffer prejudice and discrimination within the society by the dominant group. c. Group members share a sense of solidarity and identity. d. Group members share common beliefs.


19. The American Psychological Association defines sexualization as including any of the following conditions, except: a. People are judged primarily on sexual appeal or behavior. b. Physical attractiveness is equated with being "sexy." c. People are objectified and have sexuality inappropriately imposed on them. d. Children are involved in sexual activity more than what would traditionally be considered appropriate.


19. Which of these statements about the differences between men and women, as discussed in the introduction to the chapter, is false? a. Men earn 23 percent more than women. b. Men are more likely than women to die a violent death. c. Men interrupt others in conversation more often than women. d. Men live longer than women.


35. When a society excludes women from institutions in that society, it is practicing: a. religious sexism b. theological patriarchy c. economic segregation d. gender apartheid


36. In the United States, the lower class a. has little formal education. b. is disproportionately people of color and women. c. includes the working poor. d. all of these


36. Which of the following is not a role of the state? a. To pass legislation determining the rights and privileges of members of society. b. To resolve conflicts within society. c. To protect the sovereignty of the nation. d. To censor public opinion.


36. Which of the following is not an explanation for the gender pay gap? a. Men and women have different levels of prior experience and training. b. Men and women tend to be employed in different types of occupations. c. Women are discriminated against in employment and in wages. d. Women and men have been affected differently by legislation.


10. According to modernization theory, some countries are poor because: a. they have traditional values and institutions. b. they are agrarian countries. c. their government reinforces inequality. d. their population is too large.


10. If John does not have a job and is actively searching for a job, he is _______ . a. part of the official unemployment rate b. not part of the official unemployment rate c. a discouraged worker d. all of the above


102. Research indicates that faith-based organizations a. enhance the participation of traditionally disadvantaged groups in the democratic process. b. violate the principle of separation of church and state. c. serve to make government more fundamentalist Christian. d. have had no significant influence on public life in the U.S.


102. Research on gender and health finds that a. older women are more likely than older men to suffer from stress, hypertension and chronic illness. b. as women age, health status improves so they are less likely to contract disease. c. men and women now have about the same average life expectancy. d. throughout their life span men are more likely to be overweight than women.


102. The poverty line established by the U.S. government is a measurement of _______ . a. relative poverty b. absolute poverty c. international poverty d. irreversible poverty


105. What is necessary in order for a social movement to begin? a. a preexisting communication network b. enough monetary resources to fund an organization c. celebrity spokespeople willing to support the issue d. the certainty that the change in question will be possible to create


107. According to the text, increased economic globalization has a. expanded the system of capitalism. b. eliminated hunger in third-world countries. c. decreased poverty throughout the world by redistributing profits of the world system to have-not countries. d. created hospitals, roads, and other social services to improve life in underdeveloped countries.


107. Which of these statements regarding gays and lesbians in the military is false? a. The policy "Don't ask; don't tell" has effectively kept gays and lesbians in the military from being discriminated against. b. There have long been gays and lesbians in service in the military. c. Homophobia is very pervasive within military culture. d. The U.S. military does acknowledge that gays and lesbians have been serving in all branches of the armed forces.


11. _______ are intended to measure what has actually been learned. a. Achievement tests b. Standardized tests c. Predictive tests d. Placement tests


14. The historical process in any society by which a group comes to be defined as a race is called _______ . a. racial formation b. immigration contact theory c. the principle of physical salience d. engendered racism


15. According to the text, the example of attitudes toward smoking in the U.S. demonstrates the concept that a. perceptions of deviance are influenced by social change. b. smoking should not have been considered acceptable. c. laws are needed in order to best define deviant behavior. d. evidence of risk is enough to change behavior.


15. In 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education that a. separate but equal was unconstitutional. b. segregation within schools was legal. c. racial segregation was illegal, but social class was legal. d. resegregation is constitutional.


27. Jan is adding up her wages earned, child support received, and interest. She is calculating her _______ . a. income b. wealth c. assets d. tax receipts


28. Because of the rise in divorce and remarriage, stepfamilies have become fairly common in the U.S. Despite how common stepfamilies have become, a. there is still little institutional support for stepfamilies. b. the number of children in stepfamilies is declining. c. the legal status of the nonresidential parent is not well understood. d. the percent of stepmothers remains low.


28. When an individuals look back on their lives, _______ is/are most likely the most important influence on their gender socialization. a. parents b. peers c. teachers d. religion


44. When a college student engages in a fad they are participating in _______ . a. a status symbol b. a social change c. modernization d. rapid communication


44. When researchers calculate a basketball star's net worth they are measuring the star's _______ . a. wealth or net worth b. wages and income c. income and wealth d. total value


45. According to Merton, members of the _______ are most likely to experience the structural strain that produces deviance. a. lower-class b. working-class c. middle-income d. upper-income


49. What does economic restructuring refer to? a. the decline in manufacturing jobs in the U.S. b. the process of consumers consolidating their debt c. a shift in the percentages of Americans in each social class d. the passing of wealth from one generation to the next


5. According to functionalism, sexual identity is: a. learned in the family. b. regulated by individuals. c. socially constructed. d. is compulsory.


52. The most serious nuclear power plant accident to date occurred at _______ . a. Chernobyl (in the Ukraine) b. Three-Mile Island in Pennsylvania c. Osaka, Japan d. Warsaw, Poland


53. One's definition of oneself as a woman or a man is termed one's _______ . a. gender identity b. sexuality c. sexual identity d. gender attribution


53. Regarding race and class, which of the following is true? a. Blacks have less wealth than whites, Asians, and Latinos. b. Latinos have been unable to move into the middle class. c. Racial minorities do not aspire to be part of the middle class. d. The race-class debate has largely been concluded.


53. When it comes to attitudes in the U.S. toward gays and lesbians, a. most people believe that homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal. b. most believe that marriage between couples of the same sex should be legal. c. there has been little change over the years. d. most people the policy should be "don't ask, don't tell" in employment situations.


53. Which federal document requires a national census to be conducted every ten years? a. the U.S. Constitution b. Executive Order 816 c. Title VII d. the Declaration of Independence


55. A significant difference between functionalist and conflict theory is that a. functionalism assumes the system works for the good of the whole, and conflict theory does not. b. functionalists focus more on the social structure than conflict theorists do. c. functionalism pays more attention to the individual than conflict theory does. d. functionalism ignores the role of deviance in society, while this is a focus for conflict.


57. The teacher expectancy effect occurs independently of a student's actual ability. What explains this effect? a. the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy b. teachers' greater ability than testing to predict academic success c. the type of students the teacher has d. the economic environment of the school district


6. How does the concept of race differ between Brazil and the U.S.? a. In the U.S. a person with any amount of Black ancestry has historically been designated as Black; this has not been the case in Brazil. b. In Brazil a person with any amount of Black ancestry has historically been designated as Black; this has not been the case in the U.S. c. In the U.S. and in Brazil one's racial categorization is strongly influenced by one's social class status. d. In Brazil, race is determined by religious standards.


6. The United States is no longer the world leader in student math and science achievement scores. According to the text, what explains this decline in the nation's standing? a. inequality within the education system b. poorly trained teachers c. No Child Left Behind d. shorter school years


60. When teachers of either sex respond more to boys (positively and negatively) than to girls, they a. heighten boys' sense of importance. b. are ignored. c. create confusion among boys since they are rewarding both conformity and deviance. d. have little, if any, effect on how boys or girls perceive themselves.


61. According to _______ , social change is a slow and gradual process. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


61. Compared with other industrialized nations in terms of infant mortality and life expectancy, the U.S. a. ranks near the bottom, having relatively high infant mortality and lower life expectancy. b. ranks near the top, having relatively low infant mortality and higher life expectancy. c. is in the middle; infant mortality is very low, but so is life expectancy. d. has very high infant mortality and high life expectancy.


62. Researchers on the influence of television has found that a. both boys and girls rate aggressive toys seen in commercials as desirable. b. viewing stereotypical images of women has no impact on attitudes toward traditional roles. c. there is a link between viewing sexist images and holding stronger feminist attitudes. d. watching television results in a rejection of popular culture stereotypes of both men and women.


62. Using power as a dimension, the countries of the world can be divided economically into three levels. Those with the most power are the _______ . a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semiperipheral countries d. cornerstone nations


63. The infant mortality rate measures the number of deaths each year of infants under the age of one. This measure is also a reflection of a. overall quality of life for a group of people. b. a person's life expectancy. c. the overall birthrate of a population. d. population growth.


64. A strength of conflict theory in terms of understanding deviance is a. its insight into the significance of power relationships. b. its ability to see how the entire social system works for the benefit of all. c. its recognition of the importance of shared values and beliefs. d. its benefits in explaining new forms of deviance.


64. Using power as a basis of stratification, those that control and profit most from the world system are the _______ . a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semi-peripheral countries d. hybrid countries


64. Which of the following is an example of intergenerational mobility? a. A daughter rises above the class of her parents. b. A man's class status changes due to a bad investment. c. A woman's class status changes as a result of business success. d. After having children, a couple's class status drops.


65. Research on race, gender and eating disorders, by Meg Lovejoy, found that a. Black women are less likely than White women to engage in excessive dieting and are less fearful of fat. b. White women are much more satisfied with their bodies than originally thought. c. Both Black and White women tend to overestimate their weight. d. Black women do not suffer from eating disorders such as overeating.


66. Sociologists use the term state to refer to a. the organized system of power and authority in society. b. the geographical areas within the country where people live. c. oppressive forces in society. d. any type of organizational authority in society.


70. When members of the subordinated classes internalize the views of the dominant class and justify inequality, Karl Marx termed this _______ . a. false consciousness b. class consciousness c. normative consciousness d. stratified consciousness


70. Which of the following is not considered one of the central aspects of a gendered institution? a. the personal opinions and attitudes of the individual members of the institution b. stereotypical role expectations for men and women c. stratified of the positions within the institution based on sex d. organizational structure that gives advantages to men


71. According to Sutherland's differential association theory, people become criminals when they a. are more strongly socialized to break the law than to obey it. b. are genetically predisposed to deviate. c. lack the socially approved means to realize socially established goals. d. lack the proper attachment to others.


71. The original entry of Mexican Americans into the U.S. was the result of a. military conquest. b. treaty terms negotiated at the end of the Spanish American War. c. flight from a repressive political regime. d. illegal migrations across the border into California and Texas.


71. Which perspective is most likely to view work as valuable for society because it teaches people shared values? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


72. In general, which of these stereotypes is often applied to men and women at the bottom of the race and class stratification system? a. they have dangerous or uncontrollable sexual behavior b. they are passive and compliant c. they are virginal or inexperienced d. they are asexual or uninterested in sexual activity


75. Max Weber analyzed the connections between a. the economic, social, and political dimensions of stratification. b. class, race, and gender as the basis for social stratification. c. cooperation, competition, and conflict as social processes effecting social mobility. d. ability, ambition, and sponsorship as factors impacting on social mobility.


76. The term secular means a. having to do with ordinary, nonreligious life. b. being held sacred. c. being prohibited. d. having to do with the supernatural.


77. According to Weber, what is the relationship of the dimensions of stratification to each other? a. The economic, social, and political dimensions of stratification are usually related. b. A person's social, political, and economic statuses are always consistent with each other. c. Political status is much more important in determining one's position in the stratification system than are economic or social status. d. There is no relationship between the economic, social, and political dimensions of stratification.


79. The control of poor countries by rich countries without the use of direct political or military involvement is referred to as _______ . a. neocolonialism b. postmodernism c. postdependency d. neoimperialism


80. According to the _______ perspective, the most vital jobs in society usually receive the greatest economic rewards. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. feminist


80. Which of these statements about the application of dual labor market theory to the gender pay gap is false? a. It is hard to determine cause and effect in regards to the low pay for jobs in which women are more concentrated. b. While equal pay for equal pay is applied in principle, men and women do not do equal work. c. The informal labor market is exclusively female. d. Women tend to be employed in the second tier of the primary labor market.


81. Which of these theories explains wage inequality between men and women using the individual characteristics of workers? a. human capital theory b. dual labor market theory c. both human capital theory and dual labor market theory d. neither human capital theory or dual labor market theory


81. _______ believe that the greater rewards attached to some positions in society help ensure that people will make the sacrifices necessary to acquire the training those positions demand. a. Functionalists b. Conflict theorists c. Symbolic interactionists d. Social exchange theorists


82. Analyses of bureaucracies reveal that a. those with the least power in a bureaucratic hierarchy are often the most adamant about the need to follow the rules. b. those who make the rules are also the ones who enforce them. c. within bureaucracies power and authority are based on personality and who one knows. d. although there are a lot of rules, anyone in the organization may alter the rules fairly easily.


84. Historically, how have sociologists approached the study of the experience of gays and lesbians? a. as a form of deviance b. as part of a spectrum of possibilities for human sexuality c. as a normal phase in the development of adolescent sexuality d. sociologists have focused primarily on homophobia


91. What is the sociological relationship between deviance and stigma? a. People who are stigmatized are frequently labeled as deviant. b. People who are stigmatized are not labeled deviant, but may still be looked down on. c. When someone is stigmatized the label of deviant is not applied as it would be in other circumstances. d. There is no relationship between deviance and stigma.


91. _______ emphasizes the way in which government, science, and health care are all interrelated and contribute to the stable nature of society. a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interactionism d. Exchange theory


93. Research on contraceptive use a. has been done more among women than among men. b. has found that women use condoms more than the bill to protect themselves from AIDS. c. has been done more among men than among women. d. indicates that the use of all methods of birth control has been declining.


101. From a functionalist perspective, unequal distribution of resources a. is a reflection of who has the most power to decide how resources are distributed. b. is fair because some roles are more important to society than others. c. does not occur. d. is not fair since everyone has an important role to play in society.


101. Studies of women's participation in crime indicate that a. women actually commit more crime than men if prostitution is included in the statistics. b. women's crimes tend to be extensions of their gender roles. c. the crime committed by women most frequently is child abuse. d. overall rates of crime for women have decreased over the past decade.


101. The generally held primary objection to Affirmative Action is a. that it has not been effective. b. the use of quotas. c. it doesn't go far enough to equalize education. d. the fact that it doesn't apply to the private sector.


104. The program begun in 1938 under the Franklin Roosevelt administration that provides medical care for the poor, those on welfare, and for the disabled is called _______ . a. Medicare b. Medicaid c. Health Maintenance Organization d. Social Security


106. Newly industrializing countries (NICs), a. with large populations have not developed much. b. have shown rapid economic development. c. are located primarily in Africa. d. are the result of governmental, not individual, investments.


14. The subsequent demonstrations that broke out following those in Tunisia serve to illustrate: a. that there is a cyclical nature to the state. b. a network of interdependence of nations. c. that student demonstrations are more devastating than other demonstrations. d. that the European Union is not defined as a state.


15. _______ is the strong identity associated with an extreme sense of allegiance to one's culture. a. Globalization b. Nationalization c. Power d. Interdependence


16. One of the major goals of No Child Left Behind was a. to limit racial segregation in schools. b. to narrow the racial achievement gap. c. to increase funding to minority schools. d. to rewrite curricula to be more racially diverse.


16. The United Nations estimates that the value of women's unpaid work amounts to at least _______ _______ . a. $800 billion b. $11 trillion c. $50 billion d. $140 trillion


19. How do sociologists define deviance? a. as any behavior that is extreme and unsettling b. as behavior that violates social norms c. as behavior that matches social values d. they look at what the media focuses on


19. Recently, obesity has become a. a minimized problem. b. defined as a public health problem. c. an individual issue. d. largely solved.


2. Gail is arguing that women are more hormonal and men are more aggressive. She is using which of the following arguments? a. Social constructionist. b. Biological determinism. c. Gender Socialization. d. Intersexed.


2. Schooling refers to a. informal education. b. formal, institutionalized education. c. mandatory education. d. luxury education.


20. Stereotypes are a. generally only applied to a few groups within any society. b. oversimplified statements of belief about members of a particular group. c. understood to apply only to a few members of any particular group. d. generalizations about minorities groups by the dominant group.


20. Which of the following is not a condition under which revolutions are likely to occur? a. a breakdown of disenfranchised groups b. cultural diffusion c. development of structural opportunities d. a major economic crisis


21. John is engaging in heterosexism. Which of the following does he believe? a. the assumption that heterosexuality is deviant. b. the institutionalization of heterosexuality as the only legitimate sexual orientation. c. the systematic denial of rights to homosexuals. d. the weakening of social norms related to sexual orientation.


24. Double deprivation refers to a. women and children being disproportionately impoverished. b. women bearing a larger share of global poverty than men. c. the result of a cycle of poverty. d. the likelihood of men to control to means of production.


24. In 2010, there were _______ women in the U.S. House and _______ women in the U.S. Senate. a. 33; 2 b. 74; 17 c. 19; 7 d. 99; 41


25. John is interested in studying demography. Which of the following will he spend his time researching? a. Environment and society b. The past and future composition of populations c. The social processes of human engineering d. Perspectives on social change


26. Beth a sociology major is trying to determine what she owns and how much she owes in debt. From this she will be able to determine her _______ . a. class position b. wealth c. income d. prestige


28. A traditional stereotype of African Americans is that they are inherently lazy. This stereotype has also been applied to Hispanics, Polish, and Irish groups. This is an example of _______ . a. cultural relativism b. the principle of stereotype interchangeability c. ethnic inferiority d. retrospective determinism


28. College graduates are increasingly working in sectors based on information, research and development. This is an example of _______ . a. industrialization b. a postindustrial society c. a secondary economy d. none of the above


31. John is studying the impact of the sun's light on the earth. Which environmental issue is he not directly concerned with? a. the greenhouse effect b. global warming c. environmental racism d. carbon dioxide buildup


32. Which of the following characterizes wealthy countries? a. Industrial and rural b. Industrial and oil producing nations c. Newly industrialized countries d. Nations with large populations


32. Which of these is the best example of a contingent worker? a. Someone in a developing country working in manufacturing. b. A person in the U.S. making their living as a substitute teacher. c. A full-time bank employee. d. A university professor.


33. Most of the wealth represented by the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest people and families in the U.S. a. has been earned in the oil industry. b. is inherited. c. belongs to major athletes. d. is earned by an individual during their lifetime.


34. In the U.S., the jobs people have within the division of labor generally correspond to a. the skill they might bring to any particular type of occupation. b. their social status in society. c. the aptitude that they have based on occupational aptitude testing. d. their motivation.


34. Male sex tourists outnumber women by three to one in _______ , where businessmen often travel to buy sexual companionship. a. Amsterdam b. Thailand c. Sweden d. India


34. Research on socialization into prejudiced attitudes indicates that a. children tend to be free of prejudice until around the ages of 9 or 10 years old. b. there is a close correlation between the racial and ethnic attitudes of parents and those of their children. c. children and young adults who believe they can think for themselves are able to avoid taking on their parents racial or other prejudices. d. most people today are unaffected by parental prejudices since the media has become so important.


37. Neocolonialism, the continued control of low-income countries by wealthier nations, is maintained primarily through a. military intervention by the industrialized powers. b. the indebtedness of the poorer countries to wealthier nations. c. political sanctions imposed by core countries. d. multinational corporations


37. Sociologists note that the increasing use of reproductive technologies a. will have the same impact on women, regardless of their social status. b. may lead to a new eugenics movement. c. is guided by tradition. d. affects middle-class women more than others.


38. In the U.S., social factors are correlated with religious identification. For example, a. older people are more likely than younger people to express no religious preference. b. those in higher income brackets are most likely to identify as Jewish or Catholic than those in the lower income brackets. c. fundamentalist Protestants are most like to have the highest incomes. d. Asian-Americans are the most likely racial-ethnic group to say that religion is very important in their lives.


38. In the primary labor market a. there is a high turnover rate and low wages. b. jobs are relatively stable, wages are good, and there are ample opportunities for advancement. c. women and racial-ethnic minorities are more likely to be employed than in the secondary labor market. d. jobs are short-lived and workers suffer poor work conditions.


39. About _______ percent of the U.S. public think that abortion should be legal in any circumstance. a. 19 b. 24 c. 41 d. 54


40. As a result of gerrymandering, _______ remains a problem in the U.S. a. economic inequality b. residential segregation c. racism d. the digital racial divide


40. The sociological perspective that defines classes in terms of their structural relationship to other classes and their relationship to the economic system is the _______ . a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. symbolic interactionist perspective d. exchange perspective


44. In the military, members of minority groups a. receive less pay than their White counterparts of similar rank. b. are generally excluded from higher-status positions likely to bring advancement and higher earnings. c. are equally likely to have graduated from military academies as Whites. d. are more likely to serve in the Army than Marines.


44. What is the term for the definition that one has of oneself, that involves one's sexual relationships? a. gender identity b. sexual identity c. sexual orientation d. sexuality


45. What is the general pattern for marriage within the U.S.? a. Marriages are across social classes as often as within the same social class. b. Most people marry someone who shares similar social characteristics. c. Americans marry without regard to race or class. d. People in the U.S. tend to marry people whom they think will help them achieve a higher social class.


46. Which of the following is the measure used to address women's development status by sociology of development theorists? a. commodity chain b. gender inequality index c. capability index d. human poverty index


47. High school and college graduation rates are not the same for all racial-ethnic groups. In fact, a. Blacks have the lowest graduation rates compared with Whites and Hispanics. b. Hispanics have the lowest graduation rates, compared with Whites and Blacks. c. Hispanics have graduation rates that are equal to those of Whites. d. Blacks have graduation rates that are equal to those of Whites.


47. Prior to industrialization, a. the nuclear family was the cultural ideal in the U.S. b. the household was the center for production and distribution of goods. c. men were responsible for economic life and women were responsible for domestic life. d. men worked in wage labor outside the home, and women and children labored at home.


81. _______ are examples of former colonies that have achieved economic success. a. Ethiopia and Somalia b. Singapore and Hong Kong c. France and Great Britain d. Japan and China


5. What is the difference between stratification and differentiation? a. Differentiation is based on different social status, stratification is not. b. Differentiation is not necessarily unequal, but stratification is. c. Stratification develops in many groups and organizations, but differentiation is less common. d. Stratification exists in modern societies, and differentiation exists in previous societies.


50. A poor community in the U.S. wants to increase the life chances of its best students. It must contend most with school _____________ . a. curriculum b. funding c. unresponsive teachers d. socialization


50. Research on how sexual identity is learned indicates that a. sexual knowledge and sexual identity first begin to develop when a person starts having sex. b. sexual socialization takes place at a very early age. c. peers have little or no impact on sexual attitudes. d. what we learn when we are young has no real impact on our sexual attitudes and behaviors as adults.


50. _______ is the psychological theory that argues that members of the dominant group vent their frustrations and aggressions toward minority groups instead of the real source of their frustration. a. Contact theory b. Scapegoat theory c. Pluralist frustration theory d. Functionalist theory


51. From a sociological perspective, what is the relationship between sex and gender? a. Physical differences determine one's gender. b. Biology alone does not determine a person's gender. c. Gender is completely socially created. d. There is no relationship between gender and biology.


52. According to functionalist schools provide _______ along with learning skills. a. stratification b. social control c. labeling d. equality


52. The assimilation perspective argues that in order to be full members of society members of minority groups must adopt as many aspects of the dominant culture as possible. This perspective pertains to which type of sociological theory? a. conflict theory b. functionalist theory c. symbolic interactionism d. authoritarian personality


53. According to _______ the family as an institution reinforces and supports power relations in society. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. exchange theory


56. The process of learning the expectations for behavior associated with each sex is called _______ . a. sexual differentiation b. gender socialization c. gender polarization d. sexual norm internalization


57. The idea that Asian Americans are a "model minority": a. is accurate. b. obscures obstacles to success. c. underestimates the contributions of other minorities. d. acknowledges poverty among Asian American groups.


58. According to the Census Bureau, as of 2008 the country with the lowest birthrate is _______ . a. the U.S. b. Japan c. Niger d. Spain


59. Measured by their average education and income levels, most women would be considered a. poor. b. working class. c. middle class. d. upper class.


6. According to conflict theory, sexual norms are: a. functional. b. frequently contested. c. socially constructed. d. deviant.


6. According to functionalists, families serve all of the following basic social needs, except: a. socializing the young. b. providing education to members. c. providing physical care for members. d. regulating sexual activities.


60. Sociologists have found that most of the problems faced by households headed by women are primarily the result of a. the absence of male authority figures. b. the threat of poverty that is connected with being a single mother. c. the psychological pressure of heading a household. d. excess media attention that creates the perception of a problem.


60. The perspective that argues that minority groups' life chances result from the opportunities formed by the interactions of class, race, and gender is called _______ . a. functionalism b. the intersection perspective c. social interactionism d. social exchange theory


60. The theoretical perspective that sees sexuality as part of the power relations and economic inequality in society is _______ . a. functionalist theory b. conflict theory c. social exchange theory d. symbolic interaction theory


60. Which of the following is true about the effects of gender on stratification? a. Based on their own income and education levels, most women would be considered middle-class b. The median income for women is far below the national median income level. c. When women have as much education as men, they have jobs that pay as well. d. Women are more likely than men to work in upper-middle class jobs.


61. The _______ is a popular concept that refers to the limits that women and minorities experience in job mobility. a. glass escalator b. glass ceiling c. glass floor d. glass elevator


69. According to _______ theory, countries remain poor when traditional customs and kin relations discourage individual achievement. a. dependency b. modernization c. world system d. social exchange


69. The bubonic plague in Europe from 1334 to 1354, the small pox epidemic in 1707 that devastated the populations of Mexico and the West Indies, and today's worldwide AIDS epidemic are alike to the extent that all are _______ . a. sexually transmitted diseases b. forms of "positive checks" on population growth c. types of "preventative checks" of population growth d. diseases associated primarily with sexual and/or racial minorities


70. The extent to which standardized tests accurately predict future college grades is called the _______ of the tests. a. reliability b. predictive validity c. assessment capacity d. analytical viability


70. Within sociology, the concept of diversity a. applies only to different cultural orientations. b. encompasses a global perspective. c. is focused exclusively on different groups within the U.S. d. is not considered one of the most important concepts for study.


71. What was the basis of the definitions of class identified by Karl Marx? a. level of education b. relationship to means of production c. ownership of agricultural land d. amount of net wealth


71. While it does not apply in every case, modernization theory does help explain how _______ became successful through an emphasis on a national work ethic. a. Brazil b. Japan c. the United States d. Indonesia


72. According to differential association theory, people become deviant a. when other means of achievement are blocked. b. by learning from members of their primary groups. c. when they lack attachment to other people. d. in protest over unjust circumstances.


75. According to dependency theory, today's global system of inequality originated a. with the emergency of agricultural societies. b. in the 1600s as European countries began to industrialize. c. in the 1850s as the U.S. began to industrialize. d. at the end of World War II (1945).


75. When unemployment became very severe in Puerto Rico, during the early to mid-1970s the U.S. government responded by a. encouraging Puerto Ricans to migrate to the U.S. to find work. b. attempting to reduce the Puerto Rican population to the extent of promoting sterilization of women. c. providing more opportunities for millions of Puerto Ricans to obtain a college degree. d. banning further immigration from Puerto Rico.


76. The German sociologist who identified three types of authority in society was _______ . a. Karl Marx b. Max Weber c. Ferdinand Tönnies d. Oswald Spengler


76. _______ is a system by which Western nations became wealthy by taking raw materials from colonized societies and reaping profits from products finished in the homeland. a. Profiteering b. Colonialism c. Imperial dependency d. Royal exploit


78. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) what has been the impact of the No Child Left Behind legislation? a. Although a gap in achievement scores still exists between students of color and White students, the gap has decreased some. b. A gap between the achievement scores of students of color and White students not only still exists, but has gotten wider. c. The gap in achievement scores for students of color and White students in secondary school has virtually disappeared. d. There has been no change in relative achievement scores for more than 10 years.


78. Because they are denied equal protection and treated with prejudice and discrimination sociologists consider gay and lesbians as _______ . a. illegal populations. b. minorities. c. tolerant. d. abnormal.


79. The 1913 Alien Land Law of California limited ownership and prohibited land from being inherited. This law was aimed at preventing _______ from establishing themselves in the U.S. a. Mexican b. Japanese c. Chinese d. Irish


79. The _______ labor market is characterized by high job turnover, low wages, short or nonexistent promotion ladders, and few benefits. a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. fringe


79. The leaders of cults most often exemplify _______ authority. a. traditional b. charismatic c. rational-legal d. expertise-based


79. Which of the following would a student likely focus on if they are interested in reforming the U.S. approach to healthcare? a. A lack of specialist for surgery b. A lack of preventive health care c. A lack of medicine for disease d. None of the above


8. According to _______ , education supports the needs of a capitalist economy. a. functionalists b. conflict theorists c. symbolic interactionists d. feminists


8. Countries that are partly industrialized but extract profits from poor countries to pass on to core countries are called _______ . a. Third world countries b. Semi-peripheral countries c. Exploitative countries d. Core zones


81. Which of these countries was made a commonwealth of the U.S.? a. Mexico b. Philippines c. Korea d. Vietnam


86. Sociologists believe that the most important factor in reducing the incidence of AIDS is a. new drug protocols for treatment. b. understanding the social networks and social norms for transmission of the disease. c. a great deal more funding for health care clinics worldwide. d. education for protection against the disease.


86. The strength of labeling theory is that it a. recognizes the nature of a shared value system in society. b. acknowledges that the judgments people make about deviance have powerful effects. c. emphasizes economic inequality as the primary source of deviance. d. explains why deviant behavior occurs.


87. In which type of theory does the power elite model of state power have its origins? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism d. social exchange theory


87. Which of these statements regarding the second shift is false? a. A large number of men and women report that they find emotional gratification and social support at work. b. The gender gap in the amount of domestic work done by men and women has virtually disappeared. c. Women are more likely than men to be caring for aging parents. d. Women report stress as one of their greatest concerns.


88. From the _______ perspective, the inequality inherent in our society is responsible for the unequal access to medical care. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. feminist


9. A soldier who kills in battle is not considered deviant, but a murderer is. This illustrates the point that a. killing is not morally deviant. b. whether or not behavior is considered deviant depends on the context. c. soldiers are not judged as harshly as others in the general population when it comes to how they behave. d. military law supersedes civil law.


9. The 2010 Census allowed individuals to self-select their race. Approximately _______ percent of Americans identified themselves as "mixed race" in 2010. a. 1.2 b. 3.3 c. 5.8 d. 7.4


90. Which of these statements about the world economic system is true? a. Everyone in core countries benefits from the world system. b. Low-wage sweat shops are found in all countries. c. No one in peripheral countries benefit from the world system. d. World systems theory no longer has any usefulness for understanding global inequality.


91. Historically the application of eugenics to humans led to which of the following? a. Improvement for societies b. Race and class-based sterilization and blame c. Changes in attitudes toward birth control d. Movements supporting future use of eugenics


91. The Jones family's income is $500 dollars above the poverty line. Which of the following is most accurate about their circumstances? a. The poverty line is a good indicator of their circumstances. b. The poverty line is misleading and only a cutoff for antipoverty programs. c. People below the poverty line are different than those above it. d. None of the above.


92. A Latino family lives in a neighborhood with only other Latino families. This is referred to as _______ . a. Cultural amalgamation b. Hypersegregation c. Cultural accommodation d. Cultural co-optation


92. According to _______ theory, the primary cause of social change is a change in the structure of economic classes. a. functionalist/evolutionary b. conflict c. cyclical d. dependency


92. According to the _______ perspective, excessive bureaucratization of the health care system and privatization has lead to excessive cost. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. feminist


93. According to _______ theory, society changes from class-based to a classless society. a. functionalist/evolutionary b. conflict c. cyclical d. dependency


97. The major force behind the most progressive social change in race relations in the U.S. was a. an upturn is the economy during the 1960s and 1970s. b. the Civil Rights Movement. c. the end of the "Cold War." d. the "Bakke decision" ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.


98. The United States since the 1940s has become a _______ . a. gemeinschaft b. gesellschaft c. modified gemeinschaft d. post gesellschaft


10. Since education became mandatory, a. education has had no influence on inequalities in society. b. education has increased inequality in society. c. education has reduced many inequalities in society. d. education has been the primary cause of inequality in society.


101. According to the text, which of these groups is least likely to utilize health services? a. Whites b. African Americans c. Hispanics d. Native Americans


101. Cults form around leaders with great _______ , a quality attributed to individuals believed by their followers to have special powers. a. humility b. intelligence c. charisma d. compassion


101. The current generation has grown up taking many of the accomplishments of the women's movement for granted. Which of the following is not one of these accomplishments? a. laws against sexual harassment b. access to birth control c. equal pay between men and women d. more participation in politics


102. Current welfare policy was created by the Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act (PRWRA) in _______ . a. 1930 b. 1964 c. 1996 d. 2010


18. Emile Durkheim's work is the foundation for which major theoretical perspective? a. Conflict theory b. Symbolic interactionism c. Functionalism d. Feminism


18. Mary's parents are part of a larger elderly population than her grandparents. This is an example of _______ . a. a higher birthrate b. a higher death rate c. the graying of the population d. a higher infant mortality rate


19. Which of these statements about social class is false? a. Social class may be observed in the everyday habit of a person. b. The social class one is born into has enormous consequences for one's life. c. Social class is personal and individual, not social structural. d. Social class is major determinant of life chances.


2. In order for a group to be considered an ethnic group they must a. look different than the members of other ethnic groups. b. speak the same language as other members of the group. c. share an identity they see as different from that of others in society. d. have a shared system of norms and values.


2. In the United States, interracial marriage is: a. illegal. b. decline for all social groups. c. increasing, but infrequent. d. common among the lower classes only.


2. The U.S. consumes approximately _______ of the world's energy, but is home to only 5% of the world's population. a. one-fifth b. one-quarter c. one-third d. one-half


24. According to functionalists, _______ over time. a. complex societies become more complex b. simple societies become more simple c. simple societies become more complex d. complex societies become more simple


24. According to the text, a. there is a gene for being homosexual. b. being homosexual or heterosexual depends on one's genetic structure. c. social influences are an important part of every person's sexual identity. d. There is a gene for being heterosexual.


27. According to the text, which of the following would be considered a latent function of education? a. socialization b. occupational training c. social control d. credentialism


30. How is the measure of occupational prestige determined? a. Employers are asked how prestigious they believe their businesses are. b. Employees are asked to evaluate the prestige of their jobs. c. A nationwide sample of people are asked to evaluate a series of different jobs. d. Jobs are ranked according to how much they are paid.


31. If a study abroad student was to go to a county with high levels of equality he or she will go to: a. Trinidad b. Brazil c. Sweden d. China


31. In 2007, in order for a person to be in the top 400 wealthiest people in the U.S. one had to have more than _______ in wealth. a. $1 million b. $100 million c. $1 billion d. $100 billion


31. When Bob assumes all women should have the same status and behave in the same way his expectations about gender: a. Only influences females. b. Only influences males. c. Influences both males and females. d. Positively influences males


32. When the SAT was first introduced in the late 1940s, it was supposed to be an objective predictor of academic ability. How well does the SAT predict future achievement? a. High school grades are much better at predicting future performance than results of the SAT. b. The SAT has proved to be a good predictor of future academic achievement. c. Results of the SAT are a better reflection of class and social environment than academic ability. d. The SAT, while not perfect, is much more accurate and objective than high school grades as a predictor of future achievement.


36. Research on discrimination in housing has found that a. discrimination in housing is less important than other forms of discrimination. b. when two people of different races apply as tenants for the same housing both are equally likely to be accepted or turned down. c. members of minority groups are frequently turned down for housing in situations in which a White person is not. d. reverse discrimination, or discrimination toward a White person is equally as common as discrimination against minority group members.


37. Which of the following is an example of egotistic suicide? a. teen suicide b. suicide bombers c. elder suicide d. suicide for religious reasons


38. According to the text, nationalism is a. most often a positive force in the world. b. generally accompanied by cultural relativism. c. often a dominant force in world affairs. d. prominent in industrial nations.


38. Measurements of economic inequality indicate that a. the income gap between Blacks and Whites has closed in recent years. b. net worth among all groups is now relatively equal. c. the poverty rate is higher for Blacks and Hispanics than it is for Whites and Asians. d. poverty among members of racial minority groups has been increasing since the 1960s.


4. Which of the following mostly likely happened to the Joneses if they were in the top 1 percent of earners in 2009? a. They saw a decrease in income. b. They saw a large tax increase. c. They saw little or no decline in net worth. d. None of the above.


40. Most teen pregnancies in the U.S. a. are planned. b. result in marriage. c. are correlated with poverty and low educational attainment. d. are to young teens (ages 13-17).


40. Which of the following is not part of the sociological definition of family? a. a social unit of those related through marriage, ancestry or adoption b. a group who are committed to maintaining the group over time c. a social unit related by blood and bound together by love d. a group who engage in economic cooperation


49. Which of the following statement is true of sexual values and attitudes in American society? a. There is greater tolerance of casual sex today than ever before. b. The age at which young people are having sex has been increasing over the past two decades. c. People have more sexual partners over a lifetime than in the past. d. Fewer people are having sex before marriage than in the past.


50. As of 2008 the pattern of home foreclosures in the U.S. is a. that foreclosures are occurring at the same rate in all neighborhoods. b. middle-class neighborhoods have been able to avoid foreclosures. c. that greater the proportion of Blacks in a neighborhood the higher the rate of foreclosure. d. five foreclosures for Black families for every one foreclosure among Whites.


50. Historically, family structure in the U.S. a. has been essentially the same for all social classes and racial-ethnic groups. b. has remained strongly nuclear, despite varying social conditions for different groups. c. has been shaped by slavery, migration, poverty, and laws that impeded family formation. d. has been unaffected by public policies.


51. The sociological term for the sets of behaviors and roles that children follow when playing "house" or "doctor" is _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ . a. dramaturgical roles b. institutional sexism c. sexual scripts d. gender constructs


52. Attitudes in the U.S. toward sex before marriage a. have become increasingly conservative, overall. b. are more liberal than those of people in western Europe. c. are more conservative than those of people in western Europe. d. have been very consistent throughout history.


54. In the sociological study of sexual practices a. behavior is studied more often than attitudes. b. people are generally very consistent in terms of what they say and do. c. actual behavior is difficult to document. d. have been well-documented in surveys.


54. The _______ perspective focuses on the process of how expectations are created as students and teachers interact. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. postmodern


54. Which of these statements regarding social and physical differences between men and women is true? a. Gender differences are the same in every culture. b. All perceived differences between men and women are natural and biological. c. For any given trait there is as much or more difference within a given gender group as between groups. d. Biological makeup is more important than social influences in creating differences between men and women.


56. A teacher believes that Latinos are poor at math. Interaction between a Latino student and the teacher has the affect of encouraging the Latino student to fail. This phenomenon is called _______ . a. sorting b. a latent function c. the expectancy effect d. tracking


56. When a wealthy and powerful executive engages in deviance representing his or her organization it is referred to as _______ . a. Corporate b. White-collar c. Elite d. Class


56. Which theory argues that race and ethnicity are socially constructed categories? a. functionalist theory b. social conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


63. A weakness of conflict theory is its failure to recognize a. the significance of power in group relationships. b. how the injustices of society produce crime. c. that laws protect most people, not just the affluent. d. the origins of crime


63. According to the text, there is a price of conformity to gender norms. Which of these is not a negative consequence for men the results from conformity to gender roles? a. Gender norms discourage intimacy with other men, affecting friendships. b. Conformity to gender norms increases risk-taking behavior that may result in death or injury. c. Gender norms that demand thinness have resulted in men being as diagnosed with eating orders as often as women. d. Traditional norms of aggressiveness can lead some men to act violently against women.


64. The social construction of sexual identities is explained by _______ . a. conflict theory b. functionalism c. symbolic interaction theory d. social control theory


65. A weakness of conflict theory in terms of understanding deviance is that it a. does not address inequity and injustice. b. ignores the importance of the social structure. c. is less effective explaining forms of deviance other than crime. d. does not explain the slow pace at which the legal system changes.


69. In regards to homophobia and gender socialization, the text argues that a. homophobia plays little role in gender socialization. b. there is no connection between homophobia and gender norms. c. homophobia may have serious negative consequences for both heterosexual and homosexual men and women. d. while homophobia has an influence on male socialization it has not affect on the socialization of women.


69. The idea that different standards for sexual behavior apply to men and women is called the _______ . a. natural order b. male dominance theory c. double standard d. male mandate


69. When group differences are created by the social structure of society, sociologists refer to this as _______ . a. social institutions b. critical distance c. diversity d. in-groups and out-groups


69. Which of these statements is true about the status of Puerto Rico relative to the U.S.? a. Puerto Rico is a state in the United States of America. b. Puerto Rico is a colony of the U.S. c. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth with its own constitution. d. Puerto Rico has no formal relationship with the U.S.


7. "Coming out" refers to: a. The result of a single homosexual experience. b. A series of events that makes an individual question his/her sexual identity. c. The process of defining oneself as gay or lesbian. d. The experience of sharing one's sexual identity with others.


7. Which of the following is not a recent technological change in the workplace? a. the invention of the semiconductor b. the use of computers c. the introduction of the steam engine d. automation


7. Which of these statements regarding the racial system in Brazil is false? a. In Brazil a person is considered Black only if they have no discernible White ancestry. b. A person who might be considered Black in the U.S. would be considered white in Brazil if they had high socioeconomic status. c. Brazil has successfully created a nation in which there is no social inequality based on race. d. The racial system in Brazil is different from that of the U.S.


71. A common stereotype for Asian American women is being _______ . a. either "hot" or "virgins" b. temptresses c. compliant and submissive d. all of the above


74. According to dependency theory, under colonialism European powers a. promoted the development of their colonies as a way of increasing profits. b. helped colonies to improve the production of their goods in order to sell them on the global market. c. kept colonies underdeveloped to avoid competition from them. d. fostered the political independence of colonies so they could protect colonial investment.


74. Natural differences in ability between people do exist. The general pattern is that differences in natural ability exist a. between racial-ethnic groups. b. between men and women. c. among the members of any particular group; they are not connected with group membership. d. between the U.S. population and other industrialized countries.


74. Youths raised with parents who are deviant are more likely to be deviant themselves. This is an illustration of: a. labeling theory b. functionalism c. differential association d. social control theory


75. Until recently matriarchal societies have not been widely noted or discussed in the social sciences. Why not? a. Sociologists agree that matriarchal societies have never existed. b. Matriarchal societies existed prior to Christianity, but there are not contemporary matriarchal societies. c. The identification of matriarchal societies has been obscured by the application of Western ideas about power. d. There is no interest in matriarchal power within the social sciences.


76. The 125,000 Cubans who entered the U.S. in 1980 during the "Mariel boat lift," were largely _______ _______ . a. professionals b. skilled workers c. persons considered by the Cuban government as "undesirable" d. middle class and college educated


78. Weber's concept of _______ is the political dimension of stratification. a. prestige b. class c. power d. status


78. What type of authority do the police and courts in society have? a. traditional b. charismatic c. rational-legal d. expertise-based


78. Which of these statements about colonialism is false? a. Colonialism began as early as the 1600s. b. Much of Africa, Asia, and the Americas was colonized. c. All colonial powers were western European countries. d. Colonialism came to an end soon after WWII.


79. Labeling theorists argue that once a person is labeled deviant a. they will only associate with others who are considered deviant. b. the will no longer share an interest in socially desirable goals. c. it will be difficult for them to reestablish a nondeviant identity. d. they will turn to a life of crime.


80. Which of these is not generally characteristic of multinational corporations? a. They conduct business across national borders. b. They buy materials and manufacture goods wherever it is cheapest. c. They have executives from each country in which they conduct business. d. They sell their products wherever they can make the highest profits.


80. _______ authority stems from rules and regulations typically written down as laws, procedures, or codes of conduct. a. Traditional b. Charismatic c. Rational-legal d. Expertise-based


82. In their research on the American prison system, Bruce Western and Jeffrey Reiman argue that the prison system is designed to a. train and socialize prisoners into a career of secondary deviance. b. help prisoners repay their debt to society. c. give prisoners marketable skills that will keep them from returning to prison. d. make prisoners more respectable.


83. According to Marx, the beliefs of the common people tend to support the interests of the capitalist system, not the workers themselves. This is because a. workers do not understand how capitalism works. b. workers have no idea what their own interests are, or what would benefit them. c. the capitalist class control the production of ideas. d. all of these are true


85. Most women who acquire AIDS do so a. through intravenous drug use. b. through same-sex sexual contact. c. through heterosexual contact. d. through blood transfusions.


85. Sociologists have found that deviant communities a. generally share most of the same values and norms as the dominant community. b. are a source of support for previously labeled people who want to try and return to a non-deviant identity. c. often develop their own emblems, language, and dress. d. exist mostly in large urban areas.


86. _______ theory emphasizes cohesion in society, while _______ theory emphasizes friction between groups. a. Conflict / functionalist b. Symbolic interactionist / conflict c. Functionalist / conflict d. Functionalist / symbolic interactionist


87. The primary weakness of labeling theory is a. that if overemphasizes social attachment. b. its disregard for the role of those with power in creating deviance. c. it does not explain the reasons for the behavior that comes to be labeled as deviant. d. it overstates the subjective nature of identifying deviance.


88. In general, when people create new norms and organizational structures in response to emerging situations sociologists term this _______ . a. social relativism b. social movement c. collective behavior d. technological innovation


88. The perspective of functionalist theory on mental illness suggests that a. mentally ill people aren't necessarily "sick", but are the victims of societal response to their behavior. b. people with the fewest resources are the most likely to be mentally ill. c. identifying behaviors as mental illness serves as a means of reinforcing conformity to societal norms and values. d. mental illness does not exists, only individual responses to oddities.


9. The major cause of marital disruption today is: a. death of the wife. b. death of the husband. c. divorce. d. remarriage.


9. Which of the following conclusions is accurate regarding social mobility and education? a. Education is the strongest predictor of social mobility. b. Education is unrelated to social mobility. c. Education is related to some social mobility. d. Education is related to social mobility for those in the middle class only.


90. According to the _______ model of state power, the state develops its own needs and interests that are separate from those of its constituents. a. pluralist b. power elite c. autonomous state d. populist


91. Critics of unidimensional evolutionary theories argued that a. all societies follow the same path to development. b. not enough emphasis was placed on studying civilized societies. c. "civilized" and "primitive" do not have clear definitions. d. it is less complicated than multidimensional theories.


91. The United States government has a large number of organizations and departments for various purposes, all run by bureaucrats who are not elected and may be most interested in their own employment, rather than public interests. For which model of state power would this be the most important? a. pluralist b. power elite c. autonomous state d. populist


91. The feminist understanding of "doing gender" is a type of _______ _______ perspective within sociology. a. conflict theory b. structural functionalist c. symbolic interactionist d. macrosociological


92. According to some sociologists, when some people are stigmatized a. it helps to elevate their social status. b. they are often overlooked by others. c. it reinforces "normalness" in others. d. it has little impact on their overall identity.


96. The relationship between health care providers and patients, for example the patronizing use of "we" by some nurses, and calling patients by their first names, is most likely to be studied by the _______ perspective. a. functionalist b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionist d. social control


96. Which of these groups is disproportionately Republican? a. African Americans b. Puerto Rican Americans c. Cuban Americans d. Mexican Americans


96. Which theoretical perspective best explains the process of religious socialization or how people become religious? a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. feminist


96. _______ is a process of social and cultural change initiated by industrialization and followed by increased social differentiation and division of labor. a. Revolution b. Renovation c. Modernization d. Westernization


97. Which of the following types of crime is the least likely to be rigorously enforced? a. personal crimes b. property crimes c. victimless crimes d. violent crimes


98. In general, how do women's political attitudes and behavior differ from men's? a. Women tend to be more socially conservative. b. Men are more likely to vote Democrat than are women. c. Women tend to have more liberal views than men. d. Men are more likely to vote than women are.


98. In regards to pornography in the U.S., sociologists note that a. the legal definition of pornography has remained stable over time. b. there is a general consensus on what the impact of pornography is. c. pornography has come to permeate the culture. d. pornography is difficult to obtain legally.


1. The types of education in the U.S. include all of the following except _______ . a. charter schools b. home schooling c. private education d. vocational education


1. Which of the following is not a feature of a kinship system? a. who is permitted to marry whom b. how property is passed on c. how power is distributed d. who cares for children


10. The _______ is defined as the number of births each year for every 1000 people in the population. a. fertility rate b. refined birth rate c. fecundity rate d. crude birth rate


10. The double standard rests on a cultural expectation of: a. women being sexually adventurous. b. sexual scripts applying only to men. c. sexual politics being more important than once thought. d. men being more sexually active than women.


100. The Black power movement of the late 1960s a. rejected assimilation. b. recognized the institutional power that Whites had over Blacks. c. advocated separatism, under the leadership of Malcolm X. d. all of the above


13. The unemployment rate is defined as a. the number of people not working for pay. b. the percent of workers who are not making as much as they want to. c. the number of jobless people. d. the percent of those not working but looking for work.


14. Reproduction remains largely controlled by: a. religion. b. families. c. women. d. men.


14. Research on tracking has found all of the following, except: a. students in the lower tracks learn less because they are taught less. b. even students with the same test scores are put into different tracks according to their race and social class. c. less is expected of lower track students and so their academic performance is lower. d. detracking penalizes high achieving students.


14. Since 1960, the rate of divorce has _______ , although it has _______ since 1980. a. tripled; increased b. doubled; increased c. been cut in half; declined d. doubled; declined


15. Among women, the most common method of birth control is: a. tubal ligation. b. condoms. c. diaphragms. d. the birth control pill.


15. Anita believes that the oppression of women is based on the capitalist economy. Anita is a: a. liberal feminist b. functionalist c. conflict theorist d. socialist feminist


15. The process of racial formation is supported by: a. family members. b. the government. c. religious organizations. d. social institutions.


22. Substantial differences in the construction of gender may exist in all of the following, except: a. across social classes. b. between subcultures within a single society. c. among different racial and ethnic groups. d. within a single individual.


22. Which of these statements is the best description of social class in the United States? a. There is a very simple class structure: a very few wealthy landowners and the majority of the population having no property. b. The social class system is very simple because throughout society there is relative equality. c. Social class status is determined almost exclusively by the occupation that one has. d. The U.S. system is elaborate; it could be depicted by a ladder with a different social class at each rung.


23. Medicare provides all of the following, except: a. medical insurance b. prescription drug plans c. hospital care d. dental care


23. Which of the following is false? a. High fertility rates are related to lower life expectancy for women. b. High fertility rates are related to women's degree of empowerment in the society. c. High fertility rates are lowered by providing women with education, property, and voting rights. d. High fertility rates are no longer a major factor in the context of poverty.


24. Which of the following countries spends the highest proportion of their gross national product on health care? a. Canada b. Greece c. Italy d. United States


35. Which of the following does not represent a reason why "middle class" is difficult to define? a. A very large portion, with widely varying lifestyles and resources, consider themselves middle class. b. Being middle class tends to mean more than just economic status. c. Calling oneself middle class is the norm in the U.S. d. The middle class is a very large and diverse group.


43. Which of the following is false regarding social class in the United States? a. Social classes are becoming more polarized with the wealthy increasing their wealth and the middle class stagnating. b. Rising debt among the middle class has increased inequality between the classes. c. The lower class has little power to control their working environment. d. Tax policies favor the middle and lower classes.


46. When Bob majors in the scientific study of the interplay between humans and the environment he is studying _______ . a. population studies b. ecology c. carrying capacity d. environmental sociology


48. Class inequality in the United States have been growing due to all of the following, except a. the recent economic restructuring. b. the loss of savings and income. c. global economic changes d. Americans have unrealistic expectations of wealth.


48. When discussing sexuality with individuals from previous generations college students often find that sexual attitudes: a. remain the same overtime b. are difficult to document c. are often easy to talk about d. change and fluctuate over time


5. Racial groups are defined by: a. Religious beliefs. b. The cultural and social norms within a society. c. Biological characteristics. d. How the groups have been treated historically.


50. The pattern of disproportionate dumping of toxic waste and other forms of pollution in neighborhoods where the poor and people of color live is called _______ . a. environmental inequity b. industrial racism c. polluter genocide d. environmental racism


6. When it comes to the impact of religion on gender expectations, all of the following are true, except: a. any religion interpreted in a fundamentalist way may be oppressive to women. b. the most devout believers of any faith tend to have the most traditional beliefs about the proper roles for men and women. c. both Christian and Islamic women have organized to resist sexist practices. d. Judaism encourages the most egalitarian roles in the U.S.


6. Which of the following is true about stratification systems? a. Most societies do not have true stratification systems. b. Most societies share the same amount of complexity in their stratification systems. c. Stratification systems are somewhat unusual in modern societies. d. Stratification systems vary in degree and complexity of stratification.


60. Among different racial/ethnic groups in the United States, the group with the highest birthrate is _______ . a. African Americans b. Latinos c. Native Americans d. Asian Americans


64. The stratification function of schools includes _______ . a. drawing on existing stratification b. sorting people into different categories c. sorting people into existing social categories d. all of the above


65. Research documenting the changes in labor force participation among different groups indicates that a. women and minorities are taking jobs away from White men. b. the jobs historically dominated by White men are growing in number. c. Black women are just now catching up with White women in terms of rate of employment. d. the jobs that have tended to be race- and sex-segregated are increasing in number.


67. An overall assessment of the impact of compulsory education in the U.S. since inception in the 19th century would be that it a. deepened inequality between African Americans, Latinos and Whites. b. increased the amount of inequality between men and women. c. has equalized circumstances for women, and members of all groups in society. d. has reduced many inequalities in society.


77. Colonization worked best for the industrial countries when the colonies a. were economically developed and producing their own goods for market. b. were given substantial autonomy making social and political decisions. c. had large educated the populations. d. kept underdeveloped so that they would not compete with the home country.


77. Critics of tracking argue that a. students in the higher tracks do not learn as much as others. b. the tracks are not properly divided; there should be different categories used. c. the lower track students get most of the teachers' attention. d. the students in the lower tracks learn less because they are taught less.


77. In The Population Bomb, Paul Ehrlich argues that a. the population projections of Thomas Malthus were totally in error. b. quality of the environment has little to do with the growth and health of populations. c. food production is currently so efficient that availability of food has ceased to be an issue, even on a worldwide basis. d. worldwide population growth has outgrown food production and that massive starvation must inevitably follow.


78. According to the text, what proportion of Americans believes that religion can solve all or most of society's problems? a. one-fifth b. one-fourth c. one-half d. two-thirds


78. Children learn race and gender within all of the following, except a. the family. b. school. c. the media. d. the economy.


78. The most recent Asian Americans to migrate to the U.S. have come from _______ . a. China b. Japan c. the Philippines d. Laos and Cambodia


79. According to _______ , multiple forms of sexual identity are possible and can be seen in how people cross the ordinarily assumed boundaries between homosexuality and heterosexuality. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. queer theory


8. Critics of guest worker programs argue that a. they limit immigration. b. they depend on economic restructuring. c. they encourage illegal immigration. d. they threaten jobs for U.S. workers.


8. The development of sexual identity is: a. linear. b. predictive. c. sequential. d. evolving.


91. Which of these is not a criticism of the assimilation model? a. It does not consider the amount of time that it may take some groups to assimilate. b. It fails to recognize that the histories of Blacks and Whites in this country have been very different and have long-lasting effect. c. It ignores the fact that immigrants entering the U.S. at different times have faced very different economic conditions and demands for labor. d. It does not account for language barriers between groups.


92. "Religion is the basis for intergroup conflict." This statement most closely reflects _______ . a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. feminist theory


92. Feminist theorists have focused on the ways in which gender is created and reinforced through social interaction. This is an ethnomethodological perspective termed _______ . a. gender orientation b. feminist interpretivism c. institutionalized gender d. "doing gender"


95. The fastest growing segment of the homeless population is _______ . a. unemployed men b. victims of domestic violence c. single women d. families


95. Which type of feminism is most likely to view rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment as mechanisms that men use to assert their power within society? a. liberal b. multiracial c. socialist d. radical


96. According to the text, the great majority of the homeless are on the streets because of unemployment and/or _______ . a. substance abuse b. divorce c. poor mental health d. the lack of affordable housing


96. Which of the following statements is false in regards to abortion? a. The rate of abortion has declined since 1980. b. The majority of women having abortions are already mothers. c. Black women are more likely to have abortions than White women. d. Public support for abortion has been steadily declining over the past 20 years.


17. The pluralist model of power interprets social order as: a. the result of the equilibrium created by multiple groups balancing their interests. b. coming from the interlocking directorate created by the linkages among those few people who control institutions. c. the result of administrative systems that work to maintain the status quo. d. resulting from the patriarchal control that men have over social institutions.


19. Elderly care in the modern family is best characterized by _______ . a. a diversity of experiences due to family size and variation b. a standard cultural approach c. a dependency on governmental support d. all of the above


2. Walter is part of the richest 20 percent of the world's population. This group controls _______ of world income. a. 82.8 percent b. 9.9 percent c. 4.2 percent d. 1.0 percent


2. _______ refers to the process by which different statuses develop in any group, organization, or society. a. Social differentiation b. Social stratification c. Social inequality d. Social mobility


20. According to autonomous state theory, the state is a. an administrative organization. b. a dominant group. c. an elaborate system of power elites. d. a military-style apparatus.


22. John wants to study the role of interlocking directorates in the political system. Which sociological perspective would he use? a. Conflict b. Functionalism c. Feminism d. Symbolic Interactionist


22. When a sociology major is interested in studying group behavior dedicated to social change, s/he is studying . a. demographic change b. social organization c. collective behavior d. social solidarity


24. Othermothers are a unique form of an extended family that reflects the specific experience of _______ . a. African American women b. Caribbean women c. Latin American women d. European women


25. As a women, Jane is _______ . a. more likely to receive subprime mortgages b. less likely to receive subprime mortgages c. unaffected by subprime mortgages d. none of the above


25. The health care crisis in the United States is largely a question of _______ . a. cost b. quality c. education d. discrimination


25. The law dictates who is permitted to legally marry, and the media influence attitudes toward sexuality. From a sociological perspective these examples demonstrate that a. social institutions play a large role in directing human sexuality. b. people are unable to think for themselves when it comes to sexuality. c. in the U.S. there is general consensus on what is appropriate sexual behavior. d. sexual scripts in the U.S. are more conservative than in other countries.


25. When an individual is born with both male and female biological sex characteristics, this is referred to as _______ . a. intersexed b. fetal sex differentiation c. transgenderation d. bisexual variation


26. According to conflict theorists, society changes because a. conflict is inherent. b. the division of labor is based on class differences. c. powerful nations control less powerful nations. d. technology leads to homogeneous societies.


26. If a sociology student wants to study the military, s/he will first find that _______ . a. the military is divided by ranks that do not have clear definitions. b. there are few divisions of rank in the military c. the military has clear-defined ranks with rights and responsibilities d. the military allows a lot of personal freedom


26. The example of toy manufacturers is used in the text to illustrate a. the fact that goods like toys and clothing link the U.S. to the rest of the world. b. that the manufacture of toys in the U.S. is a growth industry that protects American jobs. c. how popular protests against outsourcing have been successful at protecting American jobs. d. how children are valued around the world.


28. Which of the following statements is false about the sexual practices of the U.S. public? a. Young people are becoming sexually active at an earlier age. b. A significant number of people have extramarital sex. c. Having only one sex partner in one's lifetime is rare. d. A significant number of people are lesbian and gay.


29. Occupational prestige ratings a. are subjective evaluations of the value of jobs. b. are determined by sociologists who measure income and education requirements for the jobs. c. are not related to overall socioeconomic status. d. are based on economic potential.


93. The percentage of women and children living in poverty has been increasing. Sociologists refer to this phenomenon as _______ . a. the feminization of poverty b. gendered poverty c. the gender gap d. the Titanic phenomenon


29. Research on socialization during childhood has found that a. boys and men are featured in children's books more often than girls and women. b. toys for both boys and girls today tend to promote cooperation rather than aggression or competition. c. girls are encouraged to play outdoors as much as boys are. d. gender is likely not formed until adolescence.


29. Studies of gay and lesbian couples have found that a. gay and lesbian partners tend to be more flexible and less gender-stereotyped in their household roles than heterosexual couples. b. money has a strong influence on who has the most power in gay and lesbian households. c. lesbian parents lack any type of social support. d. children raised by gay parents are more likely to be gay themselves.


29. Unlike Spencer, Marx emphasized that social change was based on _______ . a. economics b. a future classless society c. consensus d. social order due to class conflict


29. Which of the following is not a characteristic of capitalism? a. ownership of basic industries b. market competition c. pursuit of profit d. private property


3. Antipollution laws have been resisted by industry because a. laws require expensive adaptations of the manufacturing process. b. politicians too frequently change their minds about industry standards. c. laws are unenforceable. d. lobbyists are too strong.


3. Inequality within the U.S. education system explains most of the decline in the U.S.'s standing in global education rankings. a. True b. False c. d.


30. What do England's Eleven Plus test, the German test called Arbitur, and the U.S. SAT standardized test have in common? a. The results of all three exams have a similar impact on directing the futures of the young people who take them. b. Students from all social classes achieve equally well on these types of tests. c. They have all been discontinued having been found to be too discriminatory. d. They are all the main method for predicting future occupation.


30. What is the origin of the racial component to global inequality? a. the history of Western colonialism b. the racist nature of global capitalism c. the cultural differences between different populations d. the varied definitions of race around the world


31. Standardized ability tests are intended to measure _______ . a. potential b. skill c. intelligence d. performance


32. In what way is the gender socialization of African American and White women alike? a. both are encouraged to be nurturing and other-oriented b. both are equally likely to view work as an expected part of a woman's role c. socialization for both places a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency and independence d. gender conformity is strongly encouraged for both.


32. The likelihood of divorce is greater for couples who a. marry young. b. have two incomes. c. do not have children. d. are White.


33. The system of international sex trafficking a. is sometimes identified as a form of slavery. b. involves young men and women equally. c. is limited to women over the age of 18. d. Occurs mostly within capitalist countries.


34. Which of these is not a trait found to correspond to relatively equal status for men and women within a society? a. Work is highly segregated according to sex. b. Women have access to education. c. Women's work is central to the economy. d. Men make a contribution to household responsibilities.


37. Which of these statements about economic inequality is true? a. The gap between the income of Whites and the income of Blacks and Hispanics has remained unchanged since 1967. b. The median income of Blacks and Hispanics has remained very flat since the 1950s. c. Although still unequal, per capita income for Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics has been growing at the same rate since 1967. d. There is little data on the relative incomes of Whites and members of minority groups.


4. Which of these statements regarding race is true? a. Race is a socially constructed category. b. Racial categories in a society reflect differences in the biological makeup of individuals. c. Race is assigned based on scientific investigation. d. Racial categories are the same in countries throughout the world.


40. World cities are those that are a. closely linked in a system of international commerce. b. the locations of most of the refugee camps in the world. c. the oldest cities in the world. d. benefited from multinational corporations.


41. Sociologists find that racism a. is the perception and treatment of members of a racial group as inferior. b. is limited to individual behavior. c. involves actions, not attitudes. d. has practically disappeared in the U.S. since Barack Obama was elected president.


45. How is environmental degradation related to global stratification? a. The type of environmental degradation and its impact depends on the location of the country in the global stratification system. b. The wealthiest nations are unaffected by environmental degradation. c. The poorest nations are not developed enough to experience problems with environmental degradation. d. Environmental degradation is not related to the global stratification.


45. One percent of the U.S. population controls approximately _______ of the total net wealth in the nation. a. one-third b. one-quarter c. one-half d. two-thirds


45. Studies of ecosystems have demonstrated that a. a disturbance in one element has an impact on the entire system. b. it is impossible for the social sciences to interconnect with the biological sciences. c. there are many social problems that are much more pressing than the environment. d. with proper management all resources can eventually be renewed.


45. What is the relationship between the concepts of sexual orientation and sexual identity? a. Sexual orientation is something deeply rooted in an individual; sexual identity develops within a social context. b. Sexual identity is biological; sexual orientation is socially constructed. c. They mean essentially the same thing. d. One's sexual orientation determines one's sexual identity.


93. The perspective of _______ feminism has been used to support many legal changes to bring about greater equality for women in the United States. a. liberal b. socialist c. radical d. multiracial


45. Which of these is a criticism of the feminist perspective of "doing gender"? a. It ignores that power and economic differences based on gender that exist in society. b. It focuses too much on race and class-based gender differences. c. It does not allow for social change. d. It encourages radical changes within society.


46. If having gay, lesbian, and bisexual relations and attractions is a choice, this means that a. one may decide to change one's sexual orientation. b. people have no control over their attractions. c. there is a biological basis to sexual attractions and relationships. d. it is not possible to change one's sexual orientation.


46. Which of these is the best definition of extended family? a. a network of parents, children and other relatives who form a family unit b. a set of relatives who live together in the same residence c. a group of people who are related to each other by "blood" or ancestry d. grandparents, parents, and children of the same lineage


47. About eighteen percent of Americans have zero or negative wealth, meaning a. their debt exceeds their net worth. b. their debt exceeds their annual income. c. their tax burden is more than double their income. d. their education debt exceeds their potential income.


47. Gender expectations begin to influence how children are treated a. from the moment of birth. b. after eighteen months of age. c. at three years of age. d. when they reach preschool age.


47. The upper atmosphere shield that blocks dangerous ultraviolet light, protecting humans from sunburn and skin cancer is called the _______ . a. ozone layer b. ionosphere shield c. stratosphere screen d. ultraviolet filter


48. Jeff wants to home school his children. Statistically he _______ . a. is average in income and a minority b. has an advanced college degree c. has a low to median income and is white d. is from a wealthy neighborhood


48. Which of the following is the best example of institutional discrimination? a. Airport security procedures that specify people who appear to be Middle Eastern should be scrutinized more closely than others. b. A waiter refusing to serve a Black man who sits in his section. c. Dr. Jones, a professor, claiming she doesn't even notice the color of her students' skin. d. A landlord who will never rent to anyone who has dark skin.


49. According to the text, global stratification a. has contributed to political instability and the threat of terrorism. b. creates a core group of strong nations able to ensure world peace. c. results in cooperation as countries work together to overcome poverty. d. has undermined the military power of wealthy nations.


49. The family wage system a. paid men more than women based on the assumption that they were the breadwinner. b. was based on the assumption that all members of the family would need to work in wage labor. c. forced all women to begin to work outside of the home. d. made families more self-sufficient.


49. The four types of education in the U.S. are parochial, public, private and home schooling. How does home schooling compare with other forms of education? a. Ninety-five percent of the elementary aged children who were home schooled in 2000 were White. b. Almost all home-schooled children are Catholic and Mormon. c. Children who are home-schooled score lower on standardized subject tests than children from public schools. d. Lower income students tend to be home-schooled more than upper-income students.


51. How is social class related to the context of terrorism? a. Suicide bombers are often recruited from among the poorly educated and impoverished groups in a society. b. The leaders of terrorist movements come from the poorest classes and bear a great of resentment toward those in wealthier countries. c. Rates of terrorism increase significantly when a country begins to develop economically. d. The negative consequences of terrorism are experienced more dramatically by the upper class.


51. _______ are particularly interested in the way in which families create stability by teaching people the norms and values of society. a. Functionalists b. Conflict theorists c. Symbolic interactionists d. Exchange theorists


51. _______ emphasizes that education unifies and stabilizes society. a. Functionalist theory b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interactionism d. Feminist theory


52. About _______ _______ of the world's population comprises what the United Nation's calls the global underclass. a. one-fifth b. one-fourth c. one-third d. one-half


52. During periods of rapid social change, families experience social disorganization and this creates social problems. This is part of the _______ view of families. a. functionalist b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionist d. exchange theory


55. In recent years, both the African American and Latino middle class have expanded because of a. increased access to education and middle-class occupations for people of color. b. increased intermarriage rates with White Anglos. c. legislation that has brought an end to de facto discrimination. d. a significant upturn in the U.S. economy during the past decade.


56. In the United States, the concept of the "model minority" a. is based on a stereotype of Asian Americans being the most successful minority group in the United States. b. takes into account the successes of other minority groups. c. changes based on the experiences of racial groups. d. hides the successes of whites.


56. The theoretical framework that emphasizes how sexuality contributes to the stability of social institutions is the _______ . a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. symbolic interaction perspective d. social exchange perspective


57. According to _______ theory, norms that restrict sex to marriage encourage the formation of families. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. social exchange


62. What is the relationship between income, gender, and education? a. At every level of education the average income of men is higher than the average income of women. b. When a woman has more education than a man she can be expected to earn more than he does. c. Women with a bachelor's degree consistently earn more than men with only a high school diploma. d. There is no relationship between income, gender, and education.


63. Both functionalism and conflict theory a. understand sexuality in terms of the overall organization of society. b. relate sexuality to the stability of the family. c. see sexuality in relation to power and the economic structure of society. d. emphasize how sexual identities are socially constructed.


63. Unlike his father, Johnny has been able to go to college and enter a high paying profession. He has experienced mobility. a. intergenerational b. intragenerational c. extragenerational d. co-generational


66. The boomerang generation refers to people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four who a. return home to live with their parents. b. enter college for a few years, then drop out, and re-enter. c. hook up and break up with the same person multiple times. d. marry and divorce before the age of 25.


66. Which of the following is false about social mobility in the United States today? a. In the U.S. anyone who works hard enough can get ahead. b. Social mobility occurs in the U.S., but less often than the myth asserts and over shorter distances from one class to another. c. Most people remain in their class of origin. d. Social mobility is greatly influenced by education.


67. According to _______ , poverty results from adherence to traditional values and customs. a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. social exchange theory


67. According to _______ theory, a population grows faster than the subsistence needed to sustain it. a. Malthusian b. demographic transition c. zero population growth d. population transition


67. How is homophobia related to gender socialization? a. Homophobia encourages conformity to gender expectations. b. Homophobia illustrates the validity of biological determinism. c. Sociologists find that the effect of homophobia on peer socialization has been overstated. d. Research on homophobia indicates that the "social construction of gender" is a myth.


67. The state a. is made up of government, the police, the military, and the legal system. b. is an individual unit, separate from the police and the military. c. is only made up of government and the legal system. d. cannot be described.


67. W. I. Thomas explained deviance as: a. a normal response to social conditions. b. behavior one learns from others. c. behavior frequently associated with crime. d. varied behavior dependent on one's social bonds.


68. A person's sexual identity a. may change throughout at some point in his or her lifetime. b. depends on how many same-sex relationships he or she has had. c. is permanent once it has been determined. d. is predictable at the time he or she is born.


68. Malthus referred to famine, disease, and war as _______ checks on population growth. a. positive b. negative c. preventative d. cyclical


68. Sociological research on the division of labor within married couple households indicates that a. the allocation of housework is greatly influenced by men's and women's experiences in their families of origin. b. Latino men rarely get involved in domestic tasks. c. young professional couples are the most egalitarian. d. African American men and White men are equally likely to participate in housework.


68. What is a standardized ability test? a. a test intended to measure a person's potential b. a test of what one has learned over time c. a test to determine what occupations a person is best suited for d. a test of physical fitness and development


69. According to _______ , society "sorts" people into occupations, with the more qualified people having the more prestigious occupations. a. functionalists b. symbolic interactionists c. conflict theorists d. feminists


69. In the U.S. a. the rate of marriage is higher than in western European countries. b. one out of two marriages ends in divorce. c. women are more likely to remarry following a divorce than are men. d. the divorce rate has been steadily increasing since the 1950s.


7. In school, children learn knowledge and skills, as well as gender roles. Schools are: a. gendered institutions. b. gendered apartheid. c. discriminatory institutions. d. patriarchal systems.


7. The Smiths compare their wealth, income, and lifestyle to others in their neighborhood. Which of the following are they comparing? a. Life chances b. Ascribed statuses c. Achieved statuses d. Class systems


7. The placing of dumps near minority communities reflects _______ . a. an accident of history b. purposeful attempts to put waste next to powerless communities c. poor communities desire to live near waste dumps d. none of the above


70. Malthus considered sexual abstinence to be a _______ on population growth. a. preventive check b. positive check c. positive influence d. source of decline


70. The University of Chicago sociologist who defined deviance as a normal response to the social conditions in which people find themselves is _______ . a. W. I. Thomas b. Michael Dyson c. Talcott Parsons d. Robert Merton


70. The meaning of work for those who do it, and the ways that workers learn new roles, are areas best studied using the application of _______ . a. symbolic interactionism b. conflict theory c. functionalism d. feminist theory


73. Differential association theory explains deviance by a. emphasizing how deviance is culturally transmitted. b. focusing on who has the power to label behavior deviant. c. reference to societal goals and the means of achieving them. d. noting that some people have more power than others to define what is considered deviant.


73. Elements of the everyday world that are not considered sacred are called _______ . a. profane b. sanctified c. sacred d. revered


73. Professional women experience a significant loss of income if they leave and reenter the workforce after raising children. This has been termed _______ . a. the mommy tax b. the double shift c. double jeopardy d. dual labor market


73. Which of the following is not a criticism of using standardized testing to measure cognitive ability? a. The tests measure ability in too many different areas, such as creativity and musical ability. b. The tests have at least some degree of cultural and gender bias. c. The SATs do not predict school performance very well. d. Only a limited range of abilities is measured by the tests.


74. Operation Bootstrap was launched after WWII to attract U.S. corporations to Puerto Rico. What was the overall outcome of Operation Bootstrap? a. rapid overall growth in the Puerto Rican economy b. reduced unemployment in Puerto Rico c. significantly higher wages for workers d. decreased wages for both Puerto Ricans and U.S. workers


74. Stage two of the demographic transition is characterized by a. high birth rates and a declining death rate. b. declining birth and death rates. c. high birth and death rates. d. high death rates and declining birth rates.


74. The group most vulnerable to sexual exploitation is _______ . a. poor women and women of color b. working-class women c. middle-class women d. women who don't work outside the home


75. A problem with differential association theory is that it a. does not explain how people who are not members of deviant cultures become deviants. b. fails to account for socialization. c. ignores the influence of friends and family. d. does not explain how deviance is learned.


75. In the United States, stage three of the demographic transition applies primarily to _______ . a. Whites b. African Americans c. Hispanics d. American Indians


76. The labor force participation rate for White women a. has only recently reached the rate for women of color. b. has always been much higher than that of women of color. c. has been stagnant for the past 50 years. d. is significantly lower than that for women of color.


79. A politician describes inequality as a motivator of people to fill the different and necessary positions in society. He is using an example of _______ . a. functionalist theory b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionist theory d. social exchange theory


8. Sociologists refer to the process by which something or someone is perceived as having racial characteristics as _______ . a. racialization b. racial formation c. ethnogeneration d. ethnicity identification


86. Emile Durkheim argued that religion is a. functional for society because it reaffirms the social bonds that people have with each other. b. a distinct threat to social cohesion. c. a tool for class oppression. d. an institution that exists in direct opposition to the other institutions that exist in society.


87. According to the _______ perspective, the positive functions of the health care system are the prevention and treatment of disease. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. feminist


87. The National Origins Quota Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants a. to the percentage equal to the numbers already in the U.S. b. from Mexico and Central America. c. who were Jewish. d. who could enter the U.S. on temporary working visas.


87. The direction of social change a. is established by a society's history. b. is random. c. is unpredictable. d. is determined by the government.


87. Though not supported by traditional institutions, gay and lesbian couples a. are more likely to adopt equal relationship roles. b. do not usually have both partners employed. c. still have equal rights to child custody and partner benefits. d. assume roles of dominance and submission in their relationships.


87. Which of these is not a criticism of the functionalist perspective on social inequality, from a conflict perspective? a. The belief that economic interests are the primary force shaping social organization is overly simplistic. b. It is a mistake to believe that the greatest rewards always go to the most talented. c. Some of the most vital jobs for the survival of society are very low status and low-paid. d. The system of inequality leads to underutilization of the skills of those people at the bottom.


87. Within world systems theory, the term for the network of production and labor processes by which a product becomes a finished commodity is _______ . a. commodity chain b. manufacturing model c. division of labor d. product development route


89. Persons with the _______ perspective believe that to overcome adversity and oppression, the minority person needs to imitate the dominant White culture as much as possible. a. assimilation b. acculturalist c. cultural pluralism d. blending


9. According to modernization theory, a. social change involves increasing complexity, differentiation, and efficiency. b. social change leads to an international division of labor. c. social change results from neocolonialism. d. social change is the result of some nations having more power than other nations.


90. A problem with the assimilation model of analysis of group relationships is that it a. takes no account of the time that it takes certain groups to assimilate. b. places too much emphasis on the different histories of Black and White immigrants to this country. c. places too much emphasis on the salience of skin color as a factor affecting the assimilation process. d. focuses too much attention on the social class of the immigrants.


90. Evolutionary theories of social change are a branch of _______ . a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionist theory d. social exchange theory


98. Research studies about the religiosity of Asian Americans indicate that a. religious practice and belief among Asian Americans frequently changes between generations. b. the youngest generation currently worships more intensely than their parents and grandparents did. c. assimilation has had little effect on religious beliefs. d. traditional Hindu and Confucian practices have all but disappeared among Asian Americans.


98. The Civil Rights Movement a. was influenced by the philosophy of Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi. b. was the first movement working for the rights of African Americans in the U.S. c. was originally motivated by the establishment of Affirmative Action legislation. d. was large but ineffective.


99. According to sociologists studying crime, a. both organized crime and corporate crime have an institutionalized character. b. organized crime is a term that is applied only to the Mafia in the U.S. c. financial loss from street crime is greater than that from organized or corporate crime. d. the media images of crime are relatively accurate.


99. How is access to health care in the U.S. distributed throughout the population? a. Health care is more available in urban and suburban areas than in rural areas. b. Native American reservations have more health clinics for the population than most other areas of the country. c. Women are seen as needing more help and receive far more attention than men. d. Health care is one thing that members of minority groups and Whites have fairly equal access to.


99. The largest contributors to political campaigns are typically _______ , and the funds generally go to support incumbents. a. political action committees (PACs) b. many different people from the general population c. major corporations d. the national committees of Democrats and Republicans


99. Which of the following is false in regards to Western influence in the Middle East? a. Cultural influences are not connected in any way with stratification. b. Western influence is considered degenerate by some traditional leaders. c. Exposure to Western ways of life is a threat to traditional ways of life. d. The influence of Western culture has been pervasive.


16. Since the legalization of abortion, the number of abortions has: a. increased. b. fluctuated. c. decreased. d. stayed the same.


1. Which of the following is an accurate statement? a. There is significant evidence for a biological basis for sexual orientation. b. There is significant evidence for a social basis for sexual identity. c. There is some evidence for a biological basis and some evidence for a social basis for sexual orientation. d. There is no evidence for a social basis for sexual identity.


10. Approximately _______ of children live with one parent. a. one-fifth b. one-fourth c. one-third d. one-half


10. _______ percent of women are in the paid labor force; _______ percent of men are in the paid labor force. a. 77; 40 b. 60; 72 c. 40; 90 d. 72; 60


100. If a Jim as a sociologist is focused on how the absence of work values is a cause of poverty for a population. He is using a _______ argument. a. structural causes of poverty b. culture of poverty c. class analysis d. natural disasters.


100. Which of the following is true about the situation in Iraq and terrorism? a. Al Qaeda leaders come from the poorer classes which is part of their resentment against the U.S. b. Prior to the U.S. war on Iraq, Iraq had a thriving middle-class economy. c. Terrorism is never premeditated. d. The families of suicide bombers do not benefit from their loved ones' deaths.


103. Military socialization places a high premium on _______ . a. individuality b. conformity c. creativity d. resourcefulness


103. Under the rules for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) there is a lifetime limit of _______ years for people to receive welfare benefits. a. two b. five c. eight d. ten


104. According to the United Nations, most of the children between five and fourteen years of age that are in the labor force throughout the world are in _______ . a. Africa b. Asia c. Latin America d. North America


104. The Sierra Club is a classic _______ movement that lobbies within the existing political system to promote legislation protecting the environment. a. radical b. reform c. reactionary d. personal transformation


105. The greatest change in recent years in the military as a social institution is a. the inclusion of college-level coursework as part of basic training. b. the increase in the representation of racial minority groups and women in the armed services. c. the increase in the percentage of volunteer recruits that make the military a career. d. its termination of the previous strong connection that existed between the military and corporate America.


106. The FBI views terrorism as: a. a crime that violates international laws. b. a violent action to achieve political ends. c. a necessary evil. d. including bioterrorism but not cyberterrorism.


11. The number of single-father households is _______ and are _______ likely than single-mother families to experience severe economic problems. a. increasing; more b. increasing; less c. decreasing; more d. decreasing; less


13. Class systems differ from caste systems in that one's status in a class system may be _______ , to some extent; while in a caste system it is not. a. ascribed b. achieved c. economic d. social


14. A cohort consists of a. all persons who have a particular event in common. b. all persons born within a given period. c. a group of people who have common values. d. a group of persons who live in the same geographic area.


49. The condition that has generally been called hermaphroditism is now often termed being _______ . a. transgendered b. intersexed c. transsexual d. dichotomized


21. John shows off his new car and clothes to other students. He is exhibiting an example of _______ . a. class consciousness b. conspicuous consumption c. social differentiation d. social stratification


21. Sects are a. fundamentalist organizations. b. offshoots of establishes churches. c. followers of charismatic leaders. d. devoted to a specific cause.


21. The impact on an individual's social identity when they are devalued due to an identifiable characteristic is termed . a. disability b. stigma c. minority d. accommodation


22. The _______ principle states that we categorize people on the basis of what appears initially prominent and obvious about them. a. stereotypic b. salience c. prejudice d. perception


25. The highest incidence of poverty anywhere in the world is in _______ . a. East Asia b. sub-Sahara Africa c. Eastern Europe d. the Arctic


28. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the change in the governments of Eastern Europe, what changes have most of the second-world countries undergone? a. They now have democratically elected governments. b. They have moved toward a market economic system. c. They have returned to a more agricultural type of society. d. They have grown substantially in size.


28. _______ income is defined as the midpoint of all household incomes. a. Mean b. Median c. Modal d. Measured


29. Sociological research on sexual practices a. has been extensive. b. has focused more on attitudes than actual practices. c. is fairly easy to do because American society is so fixated on sexuality. d. is more expensive than other types of research.


3. A relatively fixed, hierarchical arrangement in society by which groups have different access to resources, power, and perceived social worth is called _______ . a. social differentiation b. social stratification c. social inequality d. social status


3. Betty lives with her husband, their daughter, and her grandchildren. Betty lives in a/n _______ family. a. matrilineal b. extended c. nuclear d. patrilocal


3. Which of these statements regarding the variability of a group's ethnic identity is true? a. A group's ethnic identity is constant; it does not change over time. b. Ethnic identity may form or is strengthened when a group is excluded from participation by more powerful social groups. c. Ethnic identity can only change when one changes their place of residence or marries someone of another ethnicity. d. Ethnic identity is always imposed involuntarily.


30. Prejudice is a. always positive. b. usually negative. c. neither positive nor negative. d. equally positive and negative.


30. Sociology students are interested in theorizing social change by looking at how people define social behavior. Which of the following perspectives are they using? a. Conflict b. Symbolic Interaction c. Functionalism d. Evolutionary


30. The term deindustrialization refers to that fact that a. goods are no longer being produced in the U.S. b. fewer workers in the U.S. are required to produce goods. c. production using computer technologies will replace service industries. d. the work force is becoming more diverse.


30. When Johnny learns about gender from a Judeo-Christian religious perspective in the U.S., he will learn about: a. gender equality. b. gender differences. c. female dominance. d. conservative sex differences.


31. Queer theory a. views only one type of sexuality as normal. b. interprets society as forcing dichotomous sexual boundaries on people. c. sees homosexuality as fixed in biology. d. blames social institutions for a social misunderstanding of sexuality.


31. Research on cohabitation has found that a. the likelihood of cohabitation is greatest among suburban residents. b. couples who cohabited prior to marriage have lower levels of marital quality than couples who did not. c. cohabiting is decreasing as younger people are returning to traditional values. d. few cohabiting households have children.


31. Which of these is a change resulting from the economic restructuring of the workplace? a. The percentage of workers who are White women and people of color has declined. b. The number of people over the age of fifty-five is increasing. c. The employment opportunities in the service industry are declining. d. the manufacturing economy is growing.


31. _______ is the evaluation of a social group based on misconceptions about the group. a. Racism b. Prejudice c. Discrimination d. Bias


32. A prejudiced person is likely to have: a. positive attitudes towards members of an in-group and positive attitudes toward members of an out- group. b. positive attitudes towards members of an in-group and negative attitudes toward members of an out- group. c. negative attitudes towards members of an in-group and positive attitudes toward members of an out- group. d. negative attitudes towards members of an in-group and negative attitudes toward members of an out- group.


34. The research that The Bell Curve by Hernstein and Murray was based on is considered flawed by many because a. the studied included only fraternal twins, not identical twins. b. twins raised in similar social environments were more similar than those raised in very different social environments. c. the twins that were studied were too diverse in terms of sex and racial or ethnic background. d. only White, middle-class twins were studied.


35. A comparison of unemployment rates among various groups indicates that a. Whites are hardest hit by economic restructuring. b. unemployment among African Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexican Americans are currently at a level associated with a major economic depression. c. globalization and the move to a service economy have really benefited minority workers in terms of opportunity and wages. d. African American men are more likely to be underemployed than unemployed.


35. When germ theory first became established as the foundation of medicine, a. there were still no American physicians. b. the practice of medicine was transformed into a science. c. more people could help prevent illness so doctors become less important. d. the American Medical Association took credit.


35. While prejudice is an attitude, discrimination is _______ . a. internal b. overt behavior c. hidden d. disposition


37. Martha works in a female dominated occupation and makes less than most men in the labor market. Her lower pay can be explained by _______ . a. differences in human capital b. a dual labor market c. differential association d. the existence of a power elite


41. According to the text, why are women and racial-ethnic minority group members underrepresented in national government? a. There is no evidence that voters would vote for a woman or member of a minority group. b. They are disadvantaged by the power of incumbents who are generally White men. c. There is a lack of interest among women and members of racial-ethnic minority groups in running for national offices. d. The patriarchal nature of government is pervasive.


42. Demographic statistics indicate that the world's poorest countries have: a. the highest death rates and the lowest birth rates. b. the highest death rates and the highest birth rates. c. the lowest death rates and the highest birth rates. d. the lowest death rates and the lowest birth rates.


42. While Marx predicted a specific set of events, which of the following actually occurred? a. The middle class was pushed into the working class. b. The middle class remains fragile while the upper and lower classes grow. c. The upper class has been overthrown by the working class. d. The working class is growing in size and power.


43. Consistently avoiding contact with people of different races than one's own would be considered an example of _______ , a. old-fashioned racism b. aversive racism c. neo-racism d. traditional racism


43. How do social movements differ from other types of social organization? a. Social movements tend to be more bureaucratic and structured than other social organizations. b. Unlike other social organizations, social movements thrive on spontaneity. c. Social movements are more long lasting than most other types of social organization. d. Social movements are smaller in scope than other types of social organization.


43. How would a functionalist explain unequal wages between men and women? a. Women experience overt discrimination. b. Women are socialized into roles that lead them to make choices that might result in lower wages. c. Women's work is devalued in comparison with men's. d. Women have less power than do men.


43. What type of marriage is most common in the U.S. today? a. serial monogamy b. monogamy c. polygamy d. polygyny


48. What impact did industrialism have on the family in the U.S.? a. it brought more production work into the household b. it created an economy based on cash instead of domestic production c. small family businesses took the place of production for household use only d. women were able to earn as much or more than men for the first time


49. Educational tracking and racial profiling are both examples of _______ . a. color-blind racism b. institutional racism c. aversive racism d. Jim Crow racism


53. According to the text, what is the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in world poverty? a. They have lent money to political dissidents causing political instability. b. They have required restructuring that limits government spending on human services in nations that have borrowed money to support their failing economies. c. They have limited the amount of food that may be grown using funds they have lent to developing countries. d. They have drastically reduced funding for the poorest nations.


53. From a(n) _______ perspective unequal education is used to separate different groups and benefit those in the middle and upper classes. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. interpretivist


54. In general, what has been the impact of global economic restructuring? a. The global economy has had a positive effect on the U.S. economy in particular, creating many new jobs in the manufacturing sector. b. In the global economy, assembly-line work is performed in nations with less power globally. c. State regulation has made the transfer of jobs overseas unattractive to U.S. manufacturers. d. Economic restructuring has had no real impact globally.


54. Some groups of people are likely to be undercounted by the Census for various reasons. Why does this matter? a. The original purpose of the Census was to determine the gross capital product more accurately. b. The Census is used to apportion representation in government as fairly as possible. c. Without an accurate population count, it is not possible to provide welfare programs. d. The U.S. standing in the world is determined in part on the size of our population.


54. _______ theorists view families as essential to maintaining inequality in society. a. Functionalist b. Conflict c. Symbolic interaction d. Social exchange


55. The examples of India and China as newly industrializing countries are notable because they demonstrate a. that communist countries can develop economically. b. that countries with large populations may experience successful economic development. c. that economic development may take place without industrialization. d. how economies can improve without government investment.


56. Cashiers have come to rely on electronic cash registers to tell them how much change to return to a customer. Sociologists refer to this as . a. routinization b. deskilling c. deindustrialization d. the service economy


58. Emotional labor is work that a. is only done by women. b. is common in a service-based economy. c. involves healthcare in particular. d. requires a degree in psychology.


58. The view that race intersects with class to shape one's experience in the social structure is a perspective related to _______ . a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


61. Since the passage of Title IX in 1972 a. gender inequality in the schools has disappeared. b. discrimination by schools on the basis of gender is illegal. c. boys and girls receive the same treatment by teachers. d. while treatment by teachers is still unequal, books now feature equal numbers of boys and girls.


61. What is the relationship between formal education and occupational status? a. There is none; many people are "selftaught" and work their way up the corporate ladder. b. The higher one's occupational status, the greater the likelihood that person has a great deal of formal education. c. Many years of formal education virtually guarantees one will have a high prestige job. d. Many high prestige jobs require little formal education.


62. When explaining unemployment, sociologists are likely to argue that a. women and minorities are taking away jobs from White men. b. the major causes of unemployment are related to structural problems in the economy. c. unemployment is caused by the failings of individual workers. d. the unemployed do not try very hard to find employment.


65. Which of these statements about peripheral countries is false? a. they are the largely agricultural countries b. they lack natural resources c. they are often politically unstable d. they exercise little world power


66. During its early years of nationhood Brazil declared itself a "racial democracy." What was the effect of this? a. Brazil does not have any racial problems, unlike other South American countries. b. People continue to be stratified according to their color. c. Separate parliaments exist for each of the several designated racial categories. d. Most of the leaders of Brazil have been Afro-Brazilian.


66. What is the relationship between educational test scores (e.g. SAT and ACT) and social class? a. There is no relationship between educational test scores and income. b. As average family income goes up, so do SAT scores. c. SAT scores are unpredictable, regardless of parents' social class and income. d. Social class does not have much effect on SAT and ACT scores.


68. Conceptually, modernization theory is an outgrowth of _______ theory. a. conflict b. functionalist c. symbolic interactionist d. social control


68. The perception that a class structure exists and the feeling of shared identification with others in one's class is referred to as . a. false consciousness b. class consciousness c. normative consciousness d. stratified consciousness


70. Demographic changes have increased the likelihood of divorce in the U.S. the primary example of this is a. the aging of the U.S. population which results in later age at first marriage. b. longer life expectancy which increases the length of many marriages beyond what they would have been in the past. c. the decreasing number of children that forces couples to focus more on each other. d. the skewed sex ratio that gives women many more choices for potential partners.


70. Having casual sexual relations, from kissing to sexual intercourse, without any commitment has been termed _______ . a. the double standard b. hooking up c. gender bending d. making out


83. In terms of religious identification the U.S., the largest recent increases have been for people who identify as _______ . a. Catholic and Lutheran b. evangelical Protestant and Muslim c. Buddhist and Hindu d. atheists


72. According to the text, individual people do not need to be sexist in order for there to be sexism. How do sociologists explain this? a. Sexism is a natural part of life and of being human, so it doesn't matter what the individual does. b. Sexism has become embedded in the structure and ideology of social institutions. c. Even when people are not consciously being sexist, it is part of their subconscious so it still comes out in different ways. d. Sociologists do not agree that it is possible for there to be sexism without individuals being sexist.


72. Despite the revolutionary developments that have forestalled his predictions, Malthus made an important contribution by a. creating the field of demography. b. bringing attention to the limitations on subsistence and natural resources. c. promoting the development of better contraceptive. d. creating positive checks on population increase.


72. Which of the following is most true about a college student entering a college today? a. They come from high schools that are less segregated than in 1980s. b. They come from high schools that are more segregated than in the 1980s. c. They come from high schools that have mixed classes. d. They come from schools where busing continues to integrate students.


72. _______ created a class system within the Chicano community. a. Capitalism b. Wealth being concentrated in the hands of a few ranchers c. Slavery d. A social structure of exclusion


72. _______ theorists see economic restructuring as the result of tensions and power differences between groups vying for social and economic resources. a. Functionalist b. Conflict c. Symbolic interaction d. Social exchange


73. According to _______ , poverty results from the dependence of low-income countries on wealthy nations. a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. social exchange theory


73. According to _______ theory, populations go through predictable stages from high birth and death rates to a stable population with low birth and death rates. a. Malthusian b. demographic transition c. zero population growth d. population transition


73. The Jones Act of 1917 a. banned further immigration from Puerto Rico. b. extended U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans. c. closed the border with Mexico. d. permitted Cubans to enter following the Cuban Revolution.


74. What is the primary difference between Marx's and Weber's views of social class? a. Weber disagreed that classes were formed around economic issues. b. Weber disagreed that economic forces are the primary basis for stratification. c. Weber disagreed that there could be more than one dimension to stratification. d. Weber did not believe that economic forces had any impact on other aspects of life.


74. Which of these statements about patriarchy is false? a. The term refers to a society in which men have power over women. b. Patriarchy refers to interactions and ideology in the public sphere only. c. Patriarchy is very common throughout the world. d. Forms of patriarchy vary from society to society.


74. _______ theorists look to the class division of labor as the source of unequal rewards that workers receive for their work. a. Symbolic interaction b. Conflict c. Functionalist d. Feminist


76. Separating students according to some measure of cognitive ability (ability grouping) is most commonly called . a. cognitive differentiation b. tracking c. classroom stratification d. student leveling


76. Weber believed that a. class and access to life chances are totally unrelated. b. while power is linked to economic standing, economic standing alone is not always the source of people's power. c. systems of stratification are not part of the social structure. d. microlevel analysis is more valid than macrolevel analysis.


76. What is the major criticism of demographic transition theory? a. It is based too heavily on trends in the developing world. b. It is ethnocentric. c. It has no explanatory value. d. The model fits too many different situations to be useful.


76. When individuals view and act on homosexuality as a perversion of normal sexual identity they are advocating _______ _______ . a. Homosexuality b. Heterosexism c. Queer theory d. Sexual politics


8. Using data from the 2010 Census, the current population of the United States is estimated to be about _______ . a. 171 million b. 311 million c. 439 million d. 695 million


80. The largest concentration of Koreans in the U.S. today is located in a. San Francisco. b. Los Angeles. c. Washington, D.C. d. New York.


80. What is the relationship between Christianity and governance within the U.S.? a. The U.S. effectively separates all religion from government. b. In the U.S. Christianity is often treated as if it is the national religion. c. The U.S. incorporates holidays and rituals of all faiths equally into its public observances. d. The government of the U.S. prohibits religions other than Christianity.


81. "Culture lag" is a term originally coined by _______ . a. Ferdinand Tönnies b. William Ogburn c. Immanuel Wallerstein d. William McCord


81. According to Weber, rational-legal authority inevitably leads to the formation of _______ . a. theocracies b. bureaucracies c. democracies d. autocracies


81. Sociologists sometimes measure the intensity and consistency of a person's faith. This is termed _______ . a. theism b. religiosity c. devotion d. fundamentalism


82. Like other immigrant groups, Middle Eastern immigrants _______ . a. spoke primarily English upon their arrival b. formed ethnic enclaves c. have very high poverty rates d. were of higher classes than most Americans


82. The delay between the time that social conditions change and the time that cultural adjustments are made is called _______ . a. cultural drift b. culture lag c. cultural accommodation d. cultural dissemination


83. The group collectively referred to as White AngloSaxon Protestants (WASPS) who settled in the "New World" did not include the _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ . a. English b. Irish c. Scotch d. Welsh


83. The practice of traveling to particular parts of the world in order to engage in commercial sexual activity is termed _______ . a. sex trafficking b. sex tourism c. sex capitalism d. international sexism


83. The use of cellular phones, and the lack of agreement about the proper manners to use with cellular phones, would be an example of _______ . a. cultural drift b. culture lag c. cultural accommodation d. technology ambivalence


83. What does the text conclude about the causes of inequality in wages between men and women? a. Human capital is the best explanation of the wage gap. b. Wage inequality is the result of multiple factors that operate together to put women at a disadvantage. c. Dual labor market theory offers the best explanation for unequal wages. d. Overt discrimination is the best explanation for the gender wage gap.


84. How is technology related to social change? a. Technological change is always positive for society. b. Technological innovations may be catalysts for social change. c. New technologies always become dispersed rather quickly throughout society. d. There is no relationship between technology and social change.


84. Which sociological theory argues that the elite shape societal beliefs and practices in order to make their own privileges appear legitimate and fair? a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interaction d. Social exchange theory


85. Christianity would be categorized as a _______ religion. a. polytheistic b. patriarchal c. matriarchal d. land-based


85. Sociological study of homophobia has found that a. it occurs naturally in humans. b. it may be deeply embedded in individuals' definitions of themselves. c. there is no institutional context for homophobia within the U.S. d. unlike in other countries, homophobia has little impact on attitudes within the U.S.


85. Studies have found that lesbian women are more likely to be open about their sexual identity at work when they a. work in occupations traditionally defined as "men's work." b. work predominantly with other women and have women as bosses. c. become the targets of sexual harassment. d. are stereotyped as lesbian and have their "true gender identity" questioned.


86. A new addition to World Systems Theory is a focus on _______ which explains how differential profits are attached to the production of goods and services in the world market. a. the neo-Marxists b. the new international division of labor c. differential association d. public policy


86. Research findings indicate that gays and lesbians a. actively try to seduce or "recruit" straight people. b. do not assume dominant and submissive roles in their relationships. c. generally have a negative impact on their children. d. are mostly middle or upper class.


86. The _______ model sees the state as representing the interests of a small, but economically dominant, class. a. pluralism b. power elite c. autonomous state d. feminist theory


88. Research on gay and lesbian relationships has found that a. they generally include a dominant and submissive role. b. the quality of the relationship is better when the couple receives social support. c. there is more inequality in gay and lesbian relationships than in heterosexual relationships. d. they experience more unemployment than in heterosexual relationships.


88. Some people believe that the government is run by the wealthy and serves the needs of the wealthy. This would be an example of which model of power? a. pluralist b. power elite c. autonomous state d. feminist theory


89. Psychiatrist Thomas Szacz argues that there is no such thing as mental illness, but that a. some situations are just crazy. b. there are only people's reactions to what they perceive as unusual behavior. c. there are psychiatric disorders that are not considered illnesses. d. some people like the attention of the stigma of mental illness.


89. Today, about what percent of the U.S. population was officially categorized as poor? a. 3 b. 14 c. 31 d. 44


89. What is the status of gays and lesbians in the U.S. politically and legally? a. They are not considered a minority group because of their numbers. b. The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot be denied equal protection under the law. c. They have the same rights to child custody, adoption, and domestic partnerships as heterosexuals. d. They still receive no legal protection.


89. _______ are most likely to believe that health care reflects the inequalities in society. a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interaction theory d. Social exchange theory


9. The _______ labor market includes jobs characterized by low wages, few benefits, and poor working conditions. a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. dual


90. A _______ is an attribute that is socially devalued and discredited. a. master status b. stigma c. deviant career d. nonconforming behavior


90. From a _______ _______ perspective, men have historically had the power to benefit from women's labor and devalue women's work. a. symbolic interactionist b. conflict c. functionalist d. social exchange


90. The availability of legal birth control a. has always been extended to married and unmarried people equally. b. is a relatively recently acquired right. c. has generally been controlled by women who are most likely to use it. d. is widespread for all forms, without the need for a prescription.


92. The rate of poverty among people in the United States has _______ since 2000. a. been steadily decreasing b. been steadily increasing c. remained the same d. been impossible to measure


92. Which of these is a problem for countries with high birthrates? a. competition among adults over custody of the younger generation b. strains on public services such as schools and hospitals c. a lack of workers and the need to import labor d. a low death rate


93. According to the _______ perspective, structural inequality is a major source of problems within the health care system. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. interpretivist


93. When an Amish family maintains its traditions in America it is an example of _______ . a. assimilation b. cultural pluralism c. integration d. amalgamation


94. Which of these statements about segregation in the U.S. is true? a. De jure segregation still exists. b. De facto segregation still exists. c. There is very little segregation in the U.S. today. d. Segregation is more vital today than in the past.


95. Which of the following problems are both the Uniform Crime Report and National Crime Victimization Survey subject to? a. overreporting b. underreporting c. changing definitions d. stereotypes


95. Which of these is most likely to be a problem for low-income countries? a. lack of a labor supply b. infant death due to dehydration c. overproduction of greenhouse gas d. an aging population


96. Which type of feminism is most concerned with the interrelationship of race, class and gender? a. socialist feminism b. multiracial feminism c. gendered institutions d. "doing gender"


96. William Julius Wilson rejects the _______ explanation in favor of a social/economic explanation of racial differences. a. Moynihan b. culture of poverty c. cultural deficiencies d. inner city


97. Symbolic interactionists who have studied the meanings conveyed during interaction between health care providers and the poor have found that a. the poor are more likely to be given careful, accurate health care information. b. the poor are treated as if they should be happy with whatever care they get. c. relationships between health care workers and the poor are more positive than those with higher income patients. d. the poor have more options than middle-income people about where to go for care.


97. The differences in women's and men's political attitudes and behavior are referred to as the _______ . a. sex ratio effect b. gender gap c. androgyny factor d. glass wall


97. The largest religion in the world (measured in numbers of followers) is _______ . a. Islam b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Buddhism


97. Which of these statements is true about the global division of labor? a. Women are less affected than men by the globalization of manufacturing. b. Women and children are often the cheapest laborers. c. The only corporations that do not exploit women's labor are U.S.based multinationals. d. Women are not as much a part of the workforce as men.


98. Which of the following is false in regards to the status of women globally? a. In general women's status is lower in lowincome countries than in wealthier countries. b. Poverty is usually experienced more by men than by women. c. The status of women globally is monitored by the United Nations. d. Poverty among women has declined in some places around the world.


99. Religious extremism a. is not found anywhere except the Middle East. b. frequently fuels violent behavior, and is fed by religious intolerance. c. only pertains to Christianity. d. is only an individual phenomenon; it has no connection to social groups.


99. Research aimed at evaluating the culture of poverty argument has found that a. most of the poor are chronically poor, over several generations. b. a major event such as divorce, illness or death is often the cause for falling into poverty. c. the majority of the poor are poor throughout their entire lives. d. the poor are most often unemployed, regardless of their ability to work.


99. Urban sociologist Gideon Sjøberg (1965) referred to those structural and cultural differences that exist as a consequence of differing degrees of urbanization as . a. the rural-urban differential b. the rural-urban continuum c. spacial ecology d. the rural-urban ethos


102. Research indicates that Blacks who have been admitted to selective colleges and universities under affirmative action programs a. later dropped out in large numbers because they were unqualified. b. completed their degrees without any significant achievement. c. had high rates of social and economic success after graduation. d. were not told they were enrolled under affirmative action guidelines.


102. The social theorist, Herbert Marcuse, has argued that modernized society a. still manages to meet the basic needs of people. b. is shaped by technological advances that are both stable and rational. c. creates a sense of powerlessness and a loss of identity. d. gives people a sense of control over their lives.


103. What is the role of religion in the process of social change? a. religion may be oppressive, but not liberating b. religion may be liberating, but not oppressive c. religion may have a conservative influence, but may also be liberating d. there is no connection between religion and social change.


104. According to the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act (PRWRA) a. all states must offer the same level of benefits to their residents in poverty. b. states may offer welfare benefits that are more generous than those of PRWRA, but they must not provide any less. c. states have the right to be more restrictive in terms of benefits than the guidelines offered by the PRWRA. d. welfare benefits are now only provided at the federal level.


104. In the U.S., current attitudes toward the role of women in religion a. have changed very little over the past 25 years. b. keep women from attending divinity school. c. support the ordination of women clergy. d. favor keeping women out of religious roles.


13. According to world systems theory, poverty is the result of: a. adherence to traditional values and customs. b. dependence on wealthy nations. c. core nations extracting labor and resources from peripheral nations. d. racial inequality.


13. Which of the following statements is true regarding work and family life? a. Men, but not women, have increased the number of work hours over the past several decades. b. The expectations of men in the home have decreased over time. c. Men are more involved in family life than in the past. d. Women are moving away from the labor force for the first time in many years.


16. Max Weber called the opportunities that people have in common by virtue of belonging to a particular class . a. strata indicators b. social attributes c. life chances d. social anomalies


16. Power is defined by sociologists as a. the perception by others of legitimate and formal authority. b. authority that stems from rules and regulations. c. the ability to control others. d. a hierarchy of authority.


23. Research on biological determinism has found that a. a strong correlation exists between aggressive behavior and testosterone levels. b. changes in testosterone levels predict changes in levels of men's aggression. c. there are minimal differences in the levels of sex hormones between boys and girls in early childhood. d. children born with mixed biological sex characteristics are more aggressive than other children.


23. What is the sociological term for the process by which people end up in any given position in the stratification system? a. stratification achievement b. ascription c. status attainment d. goal orientation


25. When it comes to gender stereotypes, a. men are generally stereotyped more negatively than women. b. the same stereotypes are most often applied to both men and women. c. stereotypes about women are more negative than those about men. d. men are not subject to stereotyping.


26. The Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2010 does all of the following, except: a. require all people to purchase a health insurance plan. b. prohibit insurers from rejecting customers based on preexisting conditions. c. provide free health coverage for all children under the age of 18. d. require employers to provide health insurance for employees.


27. In 1948, President Truman a. signed "don't ask, don't tell" into law. b. promoted Blacks joining the military. c. banned discrimination in the armed services. d. fought for equal pay among minority soldiers.


27. In order to address the complex causes behind an individual's identity, sociologists emphasize: a. sex only. b. gender only. c. both sex and gender. d. neither sex nor gender.


27. The stepfamilies that are often created by divorce and remarriage a. rarely involve stepchildren. b. receive a great deal of institutional support. c. take many different forms today. d. utilize existing social norms and institutional support to help them through conflict.


27. The total volume of goods and services produced by a country each year, divided by the size of the population is called the _______ . a. production index b. the net national product (NNP) c. per capita gross national income (per capita GNI) d. the consumer index


29. In general, _______ _______ are likely to attribute poverty and lower class status to individual disposition or personality, while _______ are more likely to attribute the cause of poverty to discrimination and lack of opportunity. a. lower-income people; middle-class people b. women; men c. middle-class people; lower-income people d. middle-class people; member of the upper class


3. The majority of the wealthy countries, as measured by the GNI in 2007 were in: a. North America. b. Asia. c. western Europe. d. the Middle East.


3. Which of the following is a consequence of deindustrialization? a. economic restructuring b. xenophobia c. job displacement d. a global assembly line


30. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2010) about _______ percent of the population over the age of 15 is single. a. one-quarter b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds


30. Conflict theorists a. relate sexuality to the stability of the family. b. believe that all sexual relationships are oppressive. c. are interested in the international sex trade and other economic issues related to sexuality. d. focus on the social construction of sexuality.


33. How do strongly prejudiced people end up that way? a. Some people seem to just naturally have negative feelings about others who are not like them. b. Children are rarely prejudiced until they enter school and are influenced into prejudice by their peers. c. Socialization into prejudiced attitudes occurs in the family, as well as through the media and peers. d. Deviant individuals are more likely to be prejudiced than conforming individuals.


33. The Jones divorce was less likely to be negative on their children because _______ . a. they used lawyers b. they when through long debates involving the children c. they remained amicable. d. they involved their children in financial solutions


33. What is the sociological term for the hierarchical distribution of social and economic resources according to gender? a. gender apartheid b. gender roles c. gender stratification d. gender assignation


33. When a student takes a standardized ability test administrators learn _______ . a. about their political and creativity b. about their spatial ability c. about their aptitude ability d. about their athletic ability


33. Which of these statements related to global stratification is true? a. All people in poor countries are poor. b. Poor countries lack natural resources. c. The majority of the world's population lives in poor countries. d. Poor countries are more urban than wealthy countries.


34. If a student visits a country with a high gini coefficient the population is characterized by: a. equal income distribution b. high levels of wealth distributed to the bottom earners c. inequality d. little wealth


41. When workers work in one country and live in another county they represent _______ . a. global culture b. political exiles c. transnational communities d. global outsourcing


42. According to Habermas a society that experiences social inequality will also experience _______ . a. social stability b. wide spread apathy c. social conflict d. none of the above


42. Gender segregation in occupations a. is not very prevalent, although it does exist. b. tends to disadvantage men who may want to work in traditionally female occupations. c. reinforces the belief that there are significant differences between men and women. d. advantages the most experienced women over men.


43. Comparing the health status of high income people and lower income people is used by the text to demonstrate that a. illness and disease may strike anyone from any particular social class. b. the effects of social class are less dramatic in the area of health than in other areas. c. social circumstances have an effect on health. d. poor people do not care about taking care of themselves.


43. The term for the attraction that a person feels for others of the same or of a different sex is _______ . a. gender identity b. sexual identity c. sexual orientation d. sexuality


44. In some societies a married couple is expected to move in with the husband's family. This is called a _______ system. a. patrilineal b. matrilineal c. patrilocal d. matrilocal


44. Which of these is most likely to be a problem for the overall population of high-income countries? a. inadequate sewage system b. lack of access to clean water c. overproduction of greenhouse gas d. low-birth weight for newborns


45. Education in the U.S. was made compulsory in _______ . a. 1778 b. 1860 c. 1900 d. 1920


45. Holding the belief that one does not notice racial differences, and that discussing race only perpetuates racism, would be considered _______ . a. old-fashioned racism b. traditional racism c. color-blind racism d. institutional racism


45. In _______ the Supreme Court ruled that federally funded military academies like the Citadel and West Point may not refuse to admit women. a. 1976 b. 1986 c. 1996 d. 2006


46. According to research done for the Pentagon, _______ of women in the military have experienced sexual harassment, including sexual coercion. a. one-fifth b. one-quarter c. one-third d. one-half


47. According to the United Nations, a. throughout the world women's poverty has been decreasing. b. women's share of representation in governments has been decreasing, despite some gains in education. c. women have achieved near-equity with men in terms of primary education. d. women continue to lag behind men in education outcomes.


47. If an administrator engages in institutional racism he or she is is able to apply which of the following? a. party b. class c. power d. prestige


47. In some cultures women do not believe that orgasm exists. Sociologists view this as evidence that a. there is a need for more sex education throughout the world. b. in some cultures women do not have orgasms. c. sexual attitudes and behavior vary cross-culturally. d. only men experience orgasm.


48. According to the United Nations, how does violence affect women in different countries? a. Violence against women has become much less of a problem in the developed or industrialized world. b. It is not possible to discuss violence cross-culturally because it is such an individualized problem. c. Violence against women results at the societal level from gender roles and norms that tolerate violence. d. Income is a much more important determinant than gender in regards to violence.


48. Postindustrial societies are organized around _______ . a. production of goods b. agricultural production c. the provision of services d. trade via the Internet


49. The system characterized by state ownership and management of the base industries is called _______ . a. capitalism b. communism c. socialism d. postindustrialism


5. As measured by the GNI, the United States is: a. very poor. b. poor. c. wealthy. d. very wealthy.


51. Research on environmental racism indicates that a. it is probably not done intentionally and many dumps are also located in White neighborhoods. b. the problem is overstated; it does not occur very often. c. the location of hazardous wastes near minority neighborhoods is too frequent to be occurring by chance. d. most of the toxic dumps have now been dismantled and cleaned up.


52. When Barbara was a child her view of femininity was shaped by her family but also the media. The media is an example of a(n) ___________. a. objective perspective b. neutral perspective c. cultural gatekeeper. d. total identity


53. Conflict and functionalist theories of deviance share a. an emphasis on individual motivation. b. a focus on how a shared definition of the situation affects deviance. c. an emphasis on the social structure in creating deviance. d. a common understanding of the role of crime and the legal system in defining deviance.


53. Contact theory argues that under certain conditions interactions between Whites and members of minority groups will reduce prejudice within both groups. This theory is a type of _______ theory. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. social exchange


55. Gender identity has a strong impact on how one feels about one's appearance. Studies of gender identity and body image have found that a. among preschool children, girls have lower self-concept related to body image than boys do. b. in early adolescence boys compare their bodies with others' of the same sex more than girls do. c. by early adolescence girls have lower self-esteem than boys do, due to concerns about their appearance. d. once men and women reach the stage of being in college they are equally likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies.


55. Recent changes in the way people work, including the composition of the workplace and the use of enhanced technologies, are jointly referred to as _______ . a. privatization of the workplace b. government regulation c. economic restructuring d. de-mechanization


55. Which theoretical perspective is the concept of the teacher expectancy effect associated with? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism d. feminist theory


56. The 2000 U.S. census is estimated to have undercounted approximately two percent of the country's population. The estimated undercount for Hispanics is as high as _______ percent. a. 5 b. 15 c. 25 d. 35


57. According to the conflict perspective, when the elite in society violate norms or laws they are not considered deviant because a. their deviant behavior is not as damaging to society as that of the lower classes. b. they don't violate norms that affect other people. c. they have the resources to hide or mask their behavior. d. they are punished for slight infractions.


57. In the debate over whether class or race are more important as the source of inequality, sociologist William Julius Wilson argues that a. the disadvantaged status of minority groups is more a matter of race than class. b. ignoring skin color and cultural differences is the only way to solve the country's problems of racism. c. changes in the economic structure are more important than race in shaping the life chances of different groups. d. the social construction of race is a myth.


57. When employment patterns shift in different areas and certain types of jobs are lost, this is termed _______ . a. deindustrialization b. deskilling c. job displacement d. urban renewal


57. Which of these statements best describes current increases in the world's population? a. The world's population increases arithmetically. b. The world's population increases in a linear fashion. c. The world's population increases exponentially. d. The world's population increases at a rate of about 1000 people per minute.


57. _______ focus on the processes through which people learn social identities through their interactions with others in a family. a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory c. Symbolic interaction theory d. Feminist theory


58. When expectations are converted into reality or actual performance, this is called _______ . a. reality tracking b. performance prophecy c. a self-fulfilling prophecy d. predicted expectations


59. The all-time high rate of births in the United States was 27 per 1000 people. When was the U.S. birthrate this high? a. during the colonial period b. during the late nineteenth century c. just following World War II d. just following the Vietnam War


59. The process of labeling a student a "good student," the attention the teacher pays to that student, and the adjustment of a student's behavior to meet expectations is explained by _______ theory. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. feminist


60. Sociologists define work as a. participation in any activity that increases the gross domestic product. b. human activity that is paid either by hourly wage or salary. c. productive activity that creates something of value, goods or services. d. human activity in the public sphere.


60. When labeling theory and conflict theory are linked they explain a. why youth cultures create their own types of styles, such as tattoos and piercings. b. how deviance actually contributes to stability within society. c. why members of oppressed groups are more likely to be incarcerated or institutionalized. d. how deviance is defined.


61. Which of the following is false about multinational corporations in the global economy? a. They have contributed to the exploitation of the poor peripheral nations. b. Multinationals' search for cheap labor has encouraged lowskilled workers to immigrate from poor to richer nations. c. Multinationals have created a poor and dependent workforce that is predominantly white. d. They have contributed to racial tensions between people from different countries.


61. Which of the following is most accurate if Bobby is under the age 10? a. He is less likely to be poor because he is under the age of ten and teens make up most of youth poverty. b. He has the same chance of being poor because all age groups are equally likely to be poor. c. He is more likely to be poor because children are the age group most likely to be poor. d. He is less likely to be poor because the elderly are the age group most likely to be poor.


62. Regarding commuter marriages the text notes that a. commuter marriages are among the most affluent types of families. b. transportation costs have resulted in a significant decrease in commuter marriages. c. many poor and working class couples have commuter marriages that do not fit the common stereotype of the commuting professional couple. d. despite the stereotype, this type of marriage is still very rare.


62. The United States is assumed by many to be a _______ , a system in which one's status is based on accomplishments. a. democracy b. pluralist society c. meritocracy d. status attainment society


62. The crude death rate, the number of deaths per 1000 people, is a good indicator of _______ . a. fertility b. population growth c. standard of living d. crude birth rate


63. In terms of the frequency of occurrence of sexual harassment, a. there is evidence that White women are harassed more often than women of color. b. the rate has dropped to about only a fourth of working women who are ever harassed. c. about three percent of sexual harassment cases involve men as the victims. d. same-gender sexual harassment does not occur.


63. Research on children in gay and lesbian households has found that a. children of gay and lesbian parents are more likely to be gay or lesbian than the children of heterosexual parents. b. children of gay and lesbian parents are far greater psychological problems than the children of heterosexual parents. c. there is very little difference in outcomes for the children of gay and lesbians and the children of heterosexuals. d. children of gays and lesbians tend to hold very stereotypical ideas about gender norms.


63. Sociological research on the effect of education on occupation and income has found that a. for all groups, getting an education makes it possible for one to move into the upper classes. b. public education has ensured that people from all social classes have an equal chance of achieving higher incomes. c. for middleclass Whites, education improves one's chance of getting a middleclass job, but entering the upper class is unlikely. d. scholarships have enabled working class students to attend elite schools in large number, significantly improving their chances of securing elite positions.


63. Using power as a dimension, the countries of the world can be stratified on three levels. The countries that comprise a kind of middle class in this stratification system are the _______ . a. core countries b. peripheral countries c. semi-peripheral countries d. hybrid countries


64. Among industrialized countries, the country with both the highest life expectancy and the lowest infant mortality rate is _______ . a. Great Britain b. Germany c. Japan d. the United States


65. The _______ perspective explains sexual identity as self-definition that develops through interaction with others. a. functionalist b. conflict c. social construction d. social exchange


66. According to _______ people behave as they do because of the meanings that they give to different situations. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social control theory


70. Modernization derives some of its thinking from the work of _______ who argued that the value of individual achievement emphasized by Protestants promoted economic development during the Industrial Revolution. a. Emile Durkheim b. Herbert Spencer c. Max Weber d. Karl Marx


71. Comparative research finds that women are more nearly equal to men in societies where a. women perform a lot of the domestic labor. b. women have responsibility for child care. c. women have access to education. d. work is highly segregated by sex.


72. Which of these groups best corresponds to the "lumpenproletariat" identified by Marx as subdivision of the working class? a. managers and administrators b. workers c. the homeless and permanently poor d. the owners of the means of production


72. Which of these is not a criticism of modernization theory presented in the text? a. it is based on the assumption that wealthier countries like the U.S. have superior values b. it ignores factors that are outside of the control of the poorer nations c. it places too great an emphasis on the role of government in influencing economic development d. it does not take into account the relationships that exist among countries


73. Karl Marx used the concept of _______ to explain why people who do not benefit from a capitalist system would still support it. a. surplus value b. power and prestige c. ideology d. lumpenproletariat


73. Which of the following groups are more likely to be a victim of sexual violence? a. white women b. rich women c. poor and black women d. middle class women


74. A Zuni fetish, a Christian communion wafer, and Native American sacred land are all examples of _______ . a. sacraments b. the secular c. totems d. deities


77. Human capital theory explains gender differences in wages a. as created by the different occupations men and women work in. b. by taking into consideration women's tendency to drop out of the workforce in order to have children. c. as the result of individual characteristics of workers. d. as being overstated.


77. Social labeling theory focuses on who in society can determine that others are deviant and are able to apply sanctions. This aspect of social labeling theory makes it most associated with _______ . a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism d. feminist theory


77. Which of these statements does not describe one of the functions of religion? a. Religion establishes norms for behavior. b. Religion establishes moral proscriptions for behavior. c. Religion serves to preserve diversity and cultural relativism. d. Religion provides answers to questions of ultimate meaning.


78. A high school student acts bored in class and the teacher decides she is a bad student. This teacher discusses the student with other teachers who then treat that student as if she were a bad student. This describes the process of _______ . a. differential association b. cultural transmission c. labeling d. weakening social bonds


79. The United States is commonly described as being based on a(n) _______ heritage. a. non-sectarian b. manifest destiny c. Judeo-Christian d. Anglo-Protestant


79. _______ theories of social change invoke patterns of structure and culture that are believed to recur at more or less regular intervals. a. Evolutionary b. Unilinear c. Cyclical d. Conflict


8. _______ is concerned with how people define and negotiate family relationships. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. feminism


82. Church membership and attendance in the U.S. a. is higher for men than for women. b. is higher for younger people than for older people. c. is higher for women than for men, and for older more than younger people. d. is fairly uniformly spread throughout the population.


83. The belief that poverty is the result of core nations extracting labor and natural resources from peripheral nations is central to _______ . a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. social exchange theory


84. In the United States, groups such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have an impact on what legislation is created. This process is an example of _______ , a. the power elite model b. the authoritarian model c. the pluralist model d. the autonomous state model


84. More than _______ of the world's Jewish population lives in the United States. a. 15 percent b. 25 percent c. 40 percent d. 50 percent


84. World systems theory focuses on a. internal factors in individual countries. b. patterns of migration and other population issues. c. the belief that there is a world economic system that must be understood as a single unit. d. neocolonial relationships between individual countries and their former colonizers.


85. According to _______ , social change leads to an international division of labor that benefits the few who receive profits, while exploiting those in the poorest and least powerful nations. a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. world systems theory d. social exchange theory


86. Anti-Semitism is the term for a. hatred of people of other races. b. fear and hatred of foreigners. c. hatred of Jewish people. d. hatred of Arab people.


86. Even when husbands and wives are both employed outside of the home, the bulk of the domestic responsibilities fall on women. The sociological term for this is _______ . a. the dual labor market b. gender segregation c. the second shift d. familial inequity


88. The term "transnational" refers to a. people who immigrate to another country seeking a better life. b. factories that are shipped to other countries where labor is cheaper. c. individuals who divide their time between countries, or families with members in different countries. d. refugees in camps waiting to return to their homes.


89. According to _______ theorists, societies move from being structurally simple and homogeneous to complex and heterogeneous, in which there is an extensive division of labor. a. conflict b. symbolic interaction c. functionalist d. social exchange


89. Which of these is not a criticism of world systems theory? a. Countries (like England) that were once the most powerful are no longer at the center of the world system. b. Core nations may be hurt by the world system through the loss of jobs. c. The world is no longer a set of economic interconnections between nations. d. Not everyone in a core nation benefits from the world system.


89. _______ argued that cultural beliefs inspired by religious faith support other institutional systems within society. a. Auguste Comte b. Emile Durkheim c. Max Weber d. Karl Marx


92. Activists Emma Goldman and Margaret Sanger promoted access to birth control as a means of a. reducing the lower class that was threatening upper and middle-class workers. b. decreasing the size of immigrant families in comparison to more established White families. c. enabling women to find employment outside of the home. d. improve the gene pool of the U.S. in terms of health and intelligence.


93. To _______ , religion promotes stratification since it generally supports a hierarchy of people on earth and the subordination of humankind to an imagined divine authority. a. Auguste Comte b. Emile Durkheim c. Karl Marx d. Max Weber


93. Which of the following would be of the least interest to sociologists studying drug and alcohol use? a. How definitions of alcohol and drug abuse change over time. b. Why using one substance is considered more than another. c. The hormone levels of the people most likely to use drugs. d. What social groups those who are most stigmatized belong to.


93. Which of these statements best describes the relationship between population growth and economic development? a. It is clear that large populations have a negative impact on development. b. The relationship between population growth and development is consistent across all countries. c. The cases of China, India, and the U.S. indicate that high birth rates do not necessarily prevent development. d. Population size effects development, but development has no impact on population size.


94. The right to abortion was first established in constitutional law by the _______ decision in 1973. a. Romer v. Evans b. Eisenstadt v. Baird c. Roe v. Wade d. Lawrence v. Griswold


94. _______ theory sees religion as a socially constructed belief system that emerges in different social conditions. a. Functionalist b. Conflict c. Symbolic interaction d. Feminist


95. From a _______ perspective, many types of social behavior may be based on the meanings that religion holds for people. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interaction d. feminist


95. Which perspective is most likely to believe that illness is partly socially constructed? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


95. William Julius Wilson believes the cause of the emergence of an urban underclass is a. the "culture of poverty." b. prejudice and racism. c. economic and social structural deficits in society. d. too much immigration from some areas.


96. The World Bank warns that about _______ of the world's population will face severe water shortages by the year 2025. a. 5 percent b. one-fifth c. one-half d. two-thirds


98. The culture of poverty explanation of poverty contends that poverty is the result of a. economic restructuring in the U.S. b. the status of women in the labor market today. c. a lack of individual motivation and ability on the part of the poor. d. the welfare system as it presently exists.


98. Throughout the world, where women are increasingly working as paid laborers, a. the division of household chores is usually equal between men and women. b. they do not do as much unpaid labor as men. c. they still do most of the work associated with home, children, and the elderly. d. they still do not make a significant contribution to the global economy.


99. If Pam is researching pro and anti-abortion activism she is likely to find: a. They both agree on the roles of women in society b. They both agree on women's control over fertility c. They disagree on the role of reproduction for women's independence d. They disagree over abortion and race


99. The landmark Supreme Court case that established that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional was _______ . a. Plessy v. Ferguson b. Roe v. Wade c. Brown v. Board of Education d. none of these


100. According to the United Nations, violence against women worldwide a. is an epidemic and one of the most pervasive violations of human rights. b. is difficult to document accurately in terms of the incidence. c. has been perpetrated by an intimate partner or family member against between 20 and 50 percent of all women. d. All of these choices are true.


101. Which of these statements regarding the restructuring of the U.S. economy is false? a. manufacturing jobs are disappearing b. fewer men are the sole support of their families c. new jobs being created are low-paid d. men are filling the newly created service positions, leaving women unemployed


102. Approximately _______ percent of the American public say they would vote for a woman for President. a. 15 b. 36 c. 65 d. 92


104. _______ crimes are those motivated by various forms of social bias. a. Person b. Victimless c. Bias d. Hate


106. According to the text, which of these is a not major contributor to skyrocketing health-care costs in the U.S.? a. increasing costs of hospital care b. the costs of malpractice insurance c. third party payment system d. high rates of uninsured


19. Which of these statements regarding the judgments people make about others is false? a. People make quick assessments and judgments about others in order to save time. b. The judgments people make enable them to process a great deal of information very quickly. c. Quickly categorizing the people one meets is a very common and widespread practice. d. Most of the time the quick judgments that people make are remarkably comprehensive and accurate.


2. Sexual behavior is not uniform among all societies. There is evidence that: a. sexual identity is learned. b. sex is influenced by economic forces. c. public policy regulates sexual behavior. d. sexual behaviors vary by social context.


20. Which geographic region of the United States has the highest obesity rates? a. Northeast b. Northwest c. Southwest d. Mid-South


21. According to feminist theory, social conflict is interpreted as: a. the competition between diverse groups that mobilize to promote their interests. b. stemming from the domination of elites over less powerful groups. c. developing between states, as each vies to uphold its own interests. d. resulting from the power men have over women.


21. According to the World Bank, _______ people live in extreme poverty. a. 7.8 million b. 21.1 million c. 308.7 million d. 1.4 billion


21. Ryan is assumed to be like all Lebanese people by a teacher. He is experiencing _______ . a. a in-group homogeneity effect b. racial formation c. ethnicization d. out-group homogeneity effect


23. According to functionalists, _______ is the primary cause of social change. a. global development b. economic inequality c. modernization d. technology


25. Sociological research on the Tea Party finds _______ . a. they tend to be more egalitarian than other people b. they tend to be less likely to vote than the rest of the population c. they tend to be critical of the very top economic leaders in the nation d. they tend to more authoritarian than the general public


26. In general, men and women differ physically from each other in all of the following ways, except a. men tend to have a lower resting heart rate. b. women tend to have lower blood pressure. c. men tend to have greater muscle density. d. women have greater endurance than men.


26. Which of the following statements is false about contemporary American families? a. There are fewer births today than in the past. b. The number of single-parent households has increased dramatically. c. Childbearing occupies a smaller percentage of parents' adult lives than earlier. d. Married-couple families have become the minority form of the family.


28. According to Marx and Habermas, the personal feelings of powerlessness that accompany modernization are the result of a. technology. b. war. c. revolution. d. inequality.


29. A comparison of the world's richest and poorest countries reveals that the poorest countries tend to be/have all of the following, except: a. be largely rural. b. be heavily dependent on subsistence agriculture. c. have large populations and high fertility rates. d. have a socialist government.


29. Which of the following is not a consistent outcome of SAT scores? a. on average, women of any ethnic group score lower than men of that group on the quantitative portion of the exam. b. African Americans, Latinos, and American Indians score, on average, lower than Whites. c. Asian Americans, as a group, have recently scored higher than Whites on the quantitative portion of the exam. d. Historically, racial minorities have scored higher than Whites.


3. Children learn sexual scripts by all of the following, except: a. playing games. b. their parents. c. the media. d. sexual experience.


3. Which of the following statements is false? a. Sex refers to biological identity, male or female. b. Gender refers to the socially learned expectations and behaviors associated with members of each sex. c. Gender is a more important concept to sociologists than sex. d. The key sociological question on this issue is whether biology or culture is more important.


32. Sociologists have linked the international sex trade to all of the following, except: a. global poverty. b. the spread of AIDS worldwide. c. economic development. d. capitalism.


32. The Bakers are part of the upper class. Which of the following scenarios are they most likely to fit? a. They achieved their wealth. b. They were born in the middle class c. They are a family who have held wealth for generations. d. None of the above.


35. John is moving to Nigeria. Which of the following best characterizes it's population? a. It will not be a major contributor to world population growth in the future b. It has a stable population c. It is going to decline in population in the future d. It is one of the eight countries expected to expand population in the future


35. Religiosity is measured by sociologists using all of the following, except a. by asking about people's religious beliefs b. surveying people about their membership in religious organizations c. asking how often people attend religious services d. collecting information through the Census.


37. Cohorts are useful for analyzing all of the following, except a. the number of people in the population of different ages, at different times. b. how many high schools and universities will be needed at some time in the future. c. whether or not the social security system will continue to have funds. d. the gender ration within a population.


37. The Americans with Disabilities Act, adopted by Congress in 1990, does all of the following, except a. requires employers to provide "reasonable accommodation" on the job. b. prohibits discrimination against disabled people in employment. c. applies to state and local governments. d. requires equal pay among all workers.


37. The urban underclass differs from others among the lower class in a number of ways. Which of the following is not one of these reasons? a. The urban underclass have no means of economic support. b. The working poor are more likely to engage in illegal activities. c. The urban underclass is very likely to be dependent on public assistance programs. d. The urban underclass consists of mostly recent immigrants.


38. Toynbee's cyclical theory of social change argues that societies _______ . a. are everlasting b. become part of other societies c. are never the same twice d. are born, mature, decay and sometimes die.


39. Critics of dependency theory note all of the following, except: a. not all former colonies are impoverished today. b. some very poor nations were never colonized. c. it has been possible for former some colonies to improve their economic status. d. some nations have fought against colonialism.


39. Which of the following best represents feminist theories of the state? a. The state should be predominantly matriarchal. b. Power is directly linked to social class. c. Women should boycott involvement in the state. d. The state reflects men's interests, and is run primarily by men.


39. Which of the following does is true about the Affordable Care Act? a. It is designed to include doctors in care. b. It is based on the idea that healthcare cannot be provided to everyone c. It provides support for the medical community. d. It extends coverage to the uninsured.


39. Which of the following is not a critical function that churches for African Americans? a. a defense against the damage caused by racism. b. a source of social and community services. c. as community centers and political units for their members. d. an educational tool for urban youth.


39. World War II contributed to social change in the United States in all of the following ways, except a. an increased number of women began working outside of the home b. mass-production increased c. many men in the service received college educations using the GI Bill d. technology improved working conditions


40. The 2008 U.S. Presidential election was unusual in terms of voter turnout. In which of the following ways did the 2008 voter turnout not differ from other elections? a. The 2008 had the highest turnout of youth voters there has ever been. b. The younger voters in the 2008 were far more racially diverse than older voters have been in any previous election. c. The percentage of African American voters nearly matched that of White voters in 2008. d. The less educated had higher voter turnout rates than previous elections.


40. Which of these is not a problem within the U.S. health care system, as discussed by the text? a. unequal distribution of health care by race/ethnicity, social class, or gender b. unequal distribution of health care by geographic region c. inadequate health education of inner-city and rural parents d. inadequate health care for the elderly


41. Teenage pregnancy correlates strongly with all of the following, except: a. poverty b. joblessness c. lower educational attainment d. marriage


42. Which of these statements about the U.S. military as a social institution is false? a. The U.S. military is the single largest employer in the country. b. The function of the military is to protect the country from both external and internal threats. c. The U.S. military is one of the most hierarchically structured social institutions. d. The division of labor within the military is unclear.


50. According to the text, global stratification contributes to the threat of terrorism, particularly against the U.S. Which of the following is not one of the reasons why this is the case? a. Western culture is perceived as degenerate by some traditional religious leaders. b. The consumerism of American culture is seen as threatening to the traditional way of life in some countries. c. The sexual freedom and relative equality of Western women is seen as undermining traditional values in other countries. d. Religious extremists do not recognize the economic dependency of poor countries on wealthy countries.


52. Globally, most of the work involving the assembly of goods is done by _______ . a. men b. Americans c. workers in more developed nations d. women and children


52. The Black middle class a. does not experience racism. b. earns wages equal to those earned by the white middle class. c. is becoming more like the model minority. d. continues to experience segregation.


53. Campaigns to "buy American" are an example of the trend toward _______ . a. cultural relativism b. multinational corporations c. postindustrialism d. xenophobia


54. According to the text, world poverty is caused by all of the following except: a. unstable governments unable to provide basic services. b. economies reorganized to pay debt decreasing resources for human services. c. changes in the world economic system that have favored some economies over others. d. there is not enough food grown in the world to feed everyone.


98. Which of the following is true regarding criminal violence? a. Criminal violence is increasing and is random. b. Criminal violence is decreasing and is random. c. Criminal violence is increasing and is not random. d. Criminal violence is decreasing and is not random.


55. Contact theory argues that interaction between Whites and minorities will reduce prejudice on the part of both groups if all of the following conditions are met, except: a. the parties interact on equal ground. b. the contact is sustained. c. social norms favoring equality are agreed upon by the participants. d. all parties agree to work to reduce the prejudice.


57. Which of these statements about gender socialization is false? a. Gender socialization impacts the self-concepts of both women and men. b. Gender socialization influences the social and political attitudes of both men and women. c. Gender socialization shapes the perceptions that men and women have about other people. d. Gender socialization causes all members of society to conform to gender expectation of society.


59. In the U.S., the class-based division of labor is correlated most closely with _______ . a. age b. sex c. race d. education


59. Research on the impact of peer relationships on socialization have found that a. for boys and girls peers reinforce age and racial norms as well as gender expectations. b. gender norms are applied more strictly to boys than to girls. c. homophobia serves to reinforce gender norms. d. All of these choices are true


67. Which of these statements about social mobility in the U.S. is true? a. Social mobility is most influenced by the characteristics of individuals. b. Being born into a particular generation may significantly influence chances for social mobility. c. Social mobility within the U.S. is virtually impossible. d. Most people remain in the same social class as their parents.


67. Which of these statements regarding the slavery system and the position of African Americans in the U.S. is true? a. Enslaved Africans passively accepted their positions as slaves. b. The Emancipation Proclamation marked the end of the economic exploitation of enslaved Blacks in southern agriculture. c. The northern migration of Blacks from the South to the North in the U.S. only served to worsen conditions due to the creation of urban ghettos. d. Pieces of the slavery system remain in the U.S. today.


68. Which of these is not one of the factors that symbolic interactionism uses to explain deviant behavior? a. the meanings people attribute to the situation b. how people respond to the meanings of a situation c. the interaction between different groups d. the strength of people's attachment to social norms


68. Which of these statements regarding homophobia and gender expectations is false? a. Fear of being perceived as gay drives greater conformity to male gender norms. b. Homophobia has the affect of discouraging feminine traits, such as gentleness and empathy, in men. c. Men who endorse the most traditional masculine roles tend to be the most homophobic. d. While homophobia encourages gender norm conformity, it is not likely to promote hostility toward gays and lesbians.


69. Which of these statements about class consciousness in the U.S. is false? a. Americans do not tend to be very conscious of social class. b. In the U.S. the importance placed on individualism diminishes the existence of class consciousness. c. There is widespread belief that everyone has access to the same types of material comforts. d. Despite the absence of class consciousness, most Americans are aware that there is little upward social mobility.


7. According to functionalists, education accomplishes all of the following, except: a. socialization. b. occupational training. c. social control. d. teacher expectancy.


7. Unlike _______ , _______ see the gender division of labor as being based on stereotypes about men's and women's roles. a. functionalists; conflict theorists b. conflict theorists, symbolic interactionists c. feminists, symbolic interactionists d. functionalists; feminists


70. Which of the following is not considered a Latino group? a. Puerto Ricans b. Cubans c. Mexicans d. Hawaiians


71. When making his projections on population, Malthus failed to foresee a. technological advances in agriculture that have resulted in larger yields. b. the advances in medicine that prevented diseases from periodically wiping out entire nations. c. that widespread use of contraceptives in many countries would keep the birthrate low. d. all of the above


72. Religion is an institutionalized system of _______ by which a group of people interprets and responds to what they feel is sacred and that provides answers to questions of ultimate meaning. a. symbols b. beliefs c. values d. all of the above


84. Which of the following is false of deviant communities? a. Joining a deviant community closes one off from conventional society and tends to solidify deviant careers. b. Subcultural norms and values reinforce the deviant label both inside and outside the deviant group, thus reinforcing deviant behavior. c. Disapproval of an individual member from the outgroup may only enhance one's status within the ingroup. d. Deviant communities are often indistinguishable from normative society to outsiders.


88. In order to limit the number of immigrants, the U.S. government did all of the following, except: a. created ethnic quotas that limited the number of immigrants from places other than western and northern Europe. b. subjected potential immigrants to literacy tests. c. applied I.Q. tests in English to immigrants who were not English-speaking. d. literally closed doors to keep immigrants out of the U.S.


89. A bank president may sit on the Board of Trustees for a university, or a CEO in business may also serve as a government representative to important committees. From a sociological perspective this creates _______ . a. representational democracy b. pluralism c. grass roots politics d. an interlocking directorate


9. John has a mixed-race background. He is most likely to experience which of the following? a. He fits well into categories of race. b. He is able to define his own social category of race c. He is someone who determines how he is categorized. d. He defies biological categories typically used to define race.


9. The first example of sexual politics in the U.S. was: a. the legalization of gay marriage. b. Pride parades. c. anti-discrimination laws. d. the feminist movement.


92. Applying the _______ model of state power, it could be argued that the dominant values of the state are masculine. a. pluralism b. power elite c. autonomous state d. feminist theory


99. Which of these statements about the status of women worldwide is true? a. Although there have been few female heads of state, women's representation in parliaments worldwide has reach almost 50 percent. b. Recent trends toward the greater employment of women outside of the home has resulted in a decrease in the rates of violence against women globally. c. Across the board, women's status is higher in Western than in nonWestern countries. d. The global division of labor is gendered, with women providing cheap labor for manufacturing.


12. From a functionalist perspective, when punishment of deviant behavior is public it serves to a. reaffirm the collective beliefs and values of the society. b. protect the punishers from any appearance of being unethical. c. reinforce that crime brings one publicity and notoriety. d. encourage future deviant behavior.


2. The sociological definition of social deviance a. stresses social context, not individual behavior. b. focuses on individual nonconformity. c. recognizes deviance as being the same for all groups and settings. d. argues that definitions of deviance remain the same over time.


20. Psychological explanations of deviance emphasize _______ as the underlying cause of deviant behavior, unlike sociological explanations. a. individual factors b. the context within which the deviance occurred c. the effects of labeling d. patterns of inequality in society


22. The recommended solution for alcoholism usually includes some type of treatment and possibly hospitalization. In contrast, the use of crack cocaine is legally punished. The difference may be explained by the fact that alcoholism has been and crack cocaine use has not. a. medicalized b. social constructed c. contextualized d. normalized


23. Explanations that emphasize the physical or genetic roots of deviant behavior are referred to as _______ by sociologists. a. the medicalization of deviance b. social disorganization theory c. the social construction of deviance d. social conflict theory


24. According to Marx, class conflict is: a. embedded in the system of capitalism. b. irrelevant to capitalism. c. is caused by the working class. d. is caused by the capitalist class


29. Durkheim's research on _______ formed some of the framework for the functionalist understanding of deviance. a. suicide b. homosexuality c. altruism d. labels


49. Social control theory is based on the assumptions that a. there is a common value system and most people feel some impulse toward deviance. b. those with the most power in society define what is considered deviant or not. c. deviance is a process of labeling. d. deviants agree with the goals of society, but are blocked from achieving them through legitimate means.


52. _______ was the first Black person in any field to earn a PhD. a. W.E.B. Du Bois b. Ida B. Wells-Barnett c. Jane Addams d. Robert Parks


54. How do functionalists view disorganization within society? a. They believe it must result in change to re-establish equilibrium in society. b. They view disorganization as functional for society. c. They believe that disorganization in one part of society will affect only those directly involved. d. They believe that change is for the worse, stemming from instability.


68. What is the sociological approach to diversity in society? a. Sociologists believe that people are shaped by the social context around them. b. Sociologists like to study the unusual. c. According to sociologists, diversity seems to be disappearing. d. Sociologists study mostly racial diversity.


7. When a student violates customary norms, s/he is engaging in _______ . a. informal deviance b. formal deviance c. labeling d. mental illness


17. The sociological studies of gangs in the U.S. has found that a. gang behavior is always extremely deviant. b. joining a gang may be an adaptation to conditions of poverty, racism, and sexism. c. girls who are given too much freedom to make choices about their lives are more likely to commit acts of deviance, including joining gangs. d. family dynamics are unrelated to the decision to join a gang.


21. How does language influence patterns of social inequality? a. Language has little effect on patterns of race or gender inequality. b. Language may produce inequalities through stereotypes and assumptions that may be built into what people say. c. Studies have proven that what someone is called really doesn't matter, since identity is developed internally by the individual. d. While language affects patterns of race and gender, there is no indication that it influences patterns of class inequality.


22. The sociological perspective focused on the positive role of social change is _______ . a. functionalism. b. conflict. c. symbolic interactionism. d. none of the above


25. Smoking as deviant emerged due to what social reality? a. informal deviance b. social movements c. labeling d. fashion


27. Which of these statements about deviant behavior would be considered true from a sociological perspective? a. Some people are just born rebels and deviants. b. Deviance may be an adaptation to the social structures in which people live. c. In most cases there is a medical approach to solving problems of deviance. d. Evolutionarily, humans are predestined to push the limits.


28. Functionalist theories of deviance a. fear that deviance creates the breakdown of society. b. view deviance as necessary in order to clarify what the norms of society are. c. believe that punishment of deviance is dysfunctional because it prevents the deviance that is so necessary for society. d. assume that norms are largely meaningless.


3. From a sociological perspective a. a specific behavior is either always deviant or always not. b. a behavior may be judged as deviant in one situation but not another. c. all members of society must agree on which acts are deviant and which are not. d. deviant behaviors affect large groups of people.


30. A policy maker wants to address drug use with therapy. Which of the following is he or she advocating? a. Mass incarceration b. Medicalization of deviance c. Deviance as functional for society d. The idea that street criminals are an exploited class


30. Using a sociological perspective C. Wright Mills points out that unemployment is _______ . a. is a product of the environment. b. related to the structure of society and social institutions. c. only an individual problem. d. none of the above.


31. Durkheim believed that the causes of suicide were a. best explained by the problems a person was facing. b. found in the social environment. c. the result of individual problems. d. the direct result of emotional stress.


31. To study human behavior, sociologists use _______ . a. debunked myths b. empirical analysis c. media d. common sense


32. According to Durkheim, what factors were responsible for producing suicides? a. a person losing their job b. the degree of integration one has into the structure of society c. psychological stress created from depression d. marital status.


32. Sociology differs from media programs that feature human problems in that a. the media are interested in individuals—sociologists are not. b. sociologists use research techniques and theories that the media may not use to explain social issues. c. sociologists do not study the types of problems that appear on television programs. d. the media focuses on problem behavior, sociology does not.


34. Elaine Bell Kaplan's research on black teenage motherhood concluded that a. the black community condones teen pregnancy. b. the black teens felt embarrassed and stigmatized by being pregnant. c. black women don't value success as much as white women do. d. the black teens always developed complete sexual identities.


36. According to many, the actions of the hijackers involved in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are an example of _______ . a. anomic suicide b. altruistic suicide c. egoistic suicide d. situational suicide


36. Sociological research on education has debunked many common assumptions. It has found that a. the education system is primarily a way to learn and to get ahead. b. poor children rarely have the same resources in schools that middle-class and elite students have. c. today, girls are achieving more rapidly than boys in the areas of math and science. d. social cliques do not form until adulthood.


37. The sociological term for a set of links between individuals or between other social groups is _______ . a. consortium b. social network c. organizational complex d. interactive web


4. Sociologists would consider crime to be a form of _______ deviance. a. informal b. formal c. situational d. inherent


40. When teens perceive themselves as deviant because of who they are, they are using which sociological perspective? a. conflict b. symbolic interactionist c. functionalist d. psychology


43. When the goals are accepted and the means of attaining the goals are made available to the individual via the social structure, Merton called this _______ . a. innovation b. conformity c. ritualism d. retreatism


43. Which of these statements about occupations and networks is false? a. Compared with Whites, Latinos and Black are more likely to be harmed by a lack of social contacts b. The "old boy network" has virtually disappeared. c. The person who leads you to a job is likely to have a background similar to yours d. Black leaders have formed a network closer than that of White leaders.


44. What do Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Max Weber all have in common? a. They are largely discredited sociologists. b. They are classical thinkers whose ideas continue to influence the social sciences. c. They were all German economists. d. They were all political rebels who were imprisoned for their ideas.


45. Whereas earlier immigrants to the U.S. were predominantly from Europe, today most new immigrants come to the U.S. from _______ . a. Southern and Eastern Europe b. Asia and Latin America c. the Middle East and Africa d. South America and the Caribbean


47. Social control theory suggests that deviance occurs when: a. a person is labeled as deviant. b. a person's attachment to social bonds is weakened. c. a person does not have access to legitimate means of reaching their goals. d. social regulations in a society break down.


48. According to the social control theory, what is the primary reason that people internalize social norms? a. they fear punishment b. they care what others think of them c. they hope for economic gain d. internalizing norms is biologically determined


8. Which of the following statements about deviance is false? a. Even the most aberrant or odd behavior may be understood if we understand the situation in which it occurs. b. Most deviant actions are deviant no matter what the circumstances. c. Definitions of what is considered deviant behavior may change over time. d. Some actions are only considered deviant when certain people commit them.


81. According to Marx, capitalism is based on a. social solidarity and cohesion. b. profit and private property. c. a democratic political system. d. a rejection of socialism and communism.


96. Theoretical frameworks that center on face-to-face social interaction are categorized as _______ . a. macrosociology b. microsociology c. theories of the middle range d. universalistic sociology


97. What are the effects of social class and race on people's roles within an organization? a. Race and social class do not have any consistent effect on people's roles within an organization. b. People of upper and middle class backgrounds are more likely to be promoted than someone with a lower-class background, even if they are of the same race. c. When members of minority groups have the same level of education as their White peers, there is no difference in the rates of promotion. d. When people with a lower social class background have the same level of education as their peers they are just as likely to be promoted.


10. The study of date rape has found that a. attitudes toward date or acquaintance rape have been stable over many decades. b. most students agree that date rape is the perpetrator's fault no matter how the victim dresses or behaves. c. people with the most traditional attitudes toward gender roles are more likely to excuse a man's behavior if he is accused of date rape. d. nearly all victims of rape come file charges against their assailant.


14. In the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, many Americans publicly demonstrated their patriotism. This is an illustration of Durkheim's belief that a. people only mobilize when they feel threatened. b. the definition of deviance is relative to the situation. c. deviance produces social solidarity. d. some societies will not tolerate deviance.


16. From a sociological standpoint, the situation of the rugby team stranded for months in the Andes demonstrates that eating human flesh a. is immoral and irrational. b. stems from a psychological disordered behavior. c. may be a rational response to a difficult situation. d. is normal.


16. W.E.B. Du Bois wrote in 1901 that a. "he who discriminates shatters the world." b. "the line between rich and poor is Black." c. "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line." d. "education is only available to those that can afford it."


18. Which of the following questions would a sociologist not be likely to ask about deviance? a. Why are some behaviors defined as deviant while others are not? b. Why is deviance more common in some social groups than others? c. Why do some types of people act more deviant than other types of people? d. How does the criminal justice system reflect social inequality?


24. Which of the following is an example of the medicalization of deviance? a. gang violence b. use of crack cocaine c. alcoholism d. gender inequality


26. The primary sociological criticism of the medicalization of deviance is that it a. makes deviance too expensive to cure. b. makes it too easy for members of society to behave in deviant ways. c. ignores the impact of the social structure in the creation of deviant behavior. d. Assumes a trained medical profession.


38. How do sociologists explain the fact that women have lower rates of suicide than men? a. Women are more fearful in general. b. Women are very hesitant to do harm, even to themselves. c. Women are more embedded in relations of care and responsibility. d. Women have less access to the means for committing suicide.


38. What role do sociologists play while conducting their research on society? a. Sociologists are usually strangers to the practices they study. b. Sociologists must avoid studying aspects of society that they have a personal interest in. c. Sociologists achieve critical distance through their willingness to question the forces that shape behavior. d. Most sociologists are primarily academics and typically study only areas within the academy.


39. Durkheim used the term _______ to refer to the condition existing when social regulation in a society breaks down. a. dysfunction b. culture conflict c. anomie d. egoism


41. The shooting of students and faculty at Virginia Tech in the spring of 2007 fits the pattern of Durkheim's _______ suicide. a. anomic b. altruistic c. egoistic d. fatalistic


42. Merton's structural strain theory traces the origins of deviance to a. anomie in an individual. b. emotional stress caused by job loss, divorce, and the like. c. the tension between desired cultural goals and the means of achieving them d. the lack of any commitment to cultural goals


44. Sociologists theorize that rampage shootings are best understood as _______ . a. caused by socialization b. caused by psychological predispositions c. the combinations of personality and social structural variables d. reactions to gun control


50. According to social control theory, deviant behavior occurs a. when the means for achieving culturally approved goals is blocked. b. when people have given up and no longer accept the goals considered desirable by society. c. when attachment to society breaks down. d. as a result of emotional stress.


51. Which of these statements about functionalist theory is false? a. it focuses on the social structure, not individual action b. it argues that some things that are seen as dysfunctional are actually functional for society c. it explains how social norms first become established in society d. it sees deviance as having a stabilizing influence on society


53. When one part of society is not working, it affects the rest of society and causes social problems. This statement reflects the _______ approach. a. conflict b. symbolic interactionist c. functionalist d. microsociological


57. The text emphasizes that _______ is most responsible for a person's chance in life. a. human biology b. inherited traits c. social location d. individual personality


6. Which of the following is an example of informal deviance? a. a traffic ticket b. underage drinking c. body piercing d. polygamy


62. Sociologists refer to the organized patterns of social relationships and social institutions that make up society as the _______ . a. social framework b. sociological perspective c. social structure d. interactionist perspective


64. The goal of the sociologists is to study controversial topics with an open mind, even if this results in the discovery of "inconvenient" or disturbing information. An example of an inconvenient fact presented in the text is that a. same-sex couples are more likely to be interracial than heterosexual couples. b. the number of women prisoners is increasing at almost twice the rate for men. c. a majority of women in prison are mothers. d. all of these are inconvenient facts presented in the text


86. Weber theorized that value-free sociology could not exist since values would always influence what sociologists considered worthy of study. Because they could not be completely value-free, Weber believed that sociologists should a. not worry about whether or not their research is biased. b. use their research to promote particular political perspectives. c. acknowledge the influence of values and try to be as objective as possible. d. avoid research and stick to theoretical writing.


93. Ida B. Wells-Barnett was an early sociologist whose contributions to the field have only recently been examined. She is best known for her work a. on the design of cities. b. aimed at improving the lives of urban immigrants and the homeless. c. in the anti-lynching movement. d. with the NAACP.


20. Which of the following is not a criticism of functionalism? a. Functionalism is inherently conservative, given its emphasis on stability. b. Functionalism understates the roles of power and conflict in society. c. Functionalism states that inequality is necessary for the equitable distribution of societal resources. d. Functionalism overstates the role of individual behavior in social change.


21. Which of the following questions about deviance is more psychological than sociological? a. How is deviance related to patterns of social inequality? b. Was this type of behavior always considered deviant? c. Does pressure from one's peer group encourage this type of deviance? d. What is it about this person that causes them to be deviant?


22. What is the relationship between language and social inequality? a. Language may reproduce the inequalities that exist in society. b. The language that people use may alter social stereotypes to some extent. c. The power relations in a situation provide a context for the meanings of particular expressions. d. All of these choices are true.


33. Anomie, as defined by Durkheim, is frequently referred to as a state of a. euphoria or extreme depression. b. excessive social integration. c. total detachment from society and social forces. d. relative normlessness caused by the breakdown of social influences.


39. Which of these do not sociologists consider part of the concept of diversity? a. studying group differences in opportunities within society b. the process of social change c. the formation of group identity d. the allocation of resources


42. Networks based on _______ are especially important in job networks. a. age b. skill set c. experience and union membership d. race, class, and gender


46. The Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis are both examples of which type of structural strain? a. retreatism b. ritualism c. innovation d. rebellion


5. If a sociologist considered tattoos a form of deviance, they would categorize it as a type of _______ deviance. a. formal b. situational c. anomic d. informal


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