Matura rozszerzona gramatyka. 2021-2013 Grammar exercise.

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The teacher accused me of not paying attention to her when she was talking to me.

"Why aren't you listening when I'm talking to you?" said the teacher. ATTENTION The teacher accused me of ___________________________________ to her when she was talking to me.

'I have a train to catch, so I had better leave now,' said Anna.

'I have a train to catch, so I should leave now,' said Anna. BETTER 'I have a train to catch, so I ______________________________ now,' said Anna.

I would rather not chop the onions myself. Will you do it for me?

(I/rather/chop) ____________________________________________ the onions myself. Will you do it for me?

Jack's request to have a day off met with his employer's refusal.

(Jack / request / have) ______________________________________________ a day off met with his employer's refusal.

I turned down a stranger's offer of a lift.

A stranger offered me a lift, but I didn't accept it. TURNED I _____________________________ a stranger's offer of a lift.

After the ceremony Anna's friends congratulated her on her promotion.

After the ceremony Anna's friends (pogratulowali jej) ___________________________________________________________ her promotion.

No sooner had I got to work than I noticed I'd left the documents at home.

As soon as I got to work, I noticed that I'd left the documents at home. HAD No sooner _________________________________________ than I noticed I'd left the documents at home.

Children should be encouraged to take risks and make their own mistakes while they are still young enough to learn from them.

Children should (encourage / take) _______________________ risks and make their own mistakes while they are still young enough to learn from them.

Climbing this part of the trail is so dangerous that it should not be allowed without a helmet.

Climbing this part of the trail is so dangerous that it (should / not / allow) __________________________________________ without a helmet.

Would you mind carrying that large bag for me?

Could you carry that large bag for me? MIND Would _______________________________________________ that large bag for me?

Could you keep an eye on my backpack while I'm swimming in the lake?

Could you watch over my backpack while I'm swimming in the lake? EYE Could you ______________________________________________ my backpack while I'm swimming in the lake?

During the last lesson, our chemistry teacher explained how to avoid spilling the chemicals in the lab.

During the last lesson, our chemistry teacher explained how (avoid / spill) _________________________________________________________________ the chemicals in the lab.

Experienced surfers say that there is nothing challenging in trying to get on a surfboard for the first time.

Experienced surfers say that there is nothing (challenging/try) ___________________ _________________________________________ to get on a surfboard for the first time.

If he hadn't worked as a travel guide, he wouldn't have visited all the European countries in one year.

He worked as a travel guide and so he visited all the European countries in one year. VISITED If he hadn't worked as a travel guide, he _______________________________________ all the European countries in one year.

Hurry up! We must set out immediately if we want to be in Berlin by noon.

Hurry up! We must start our journey immediately if we want to be in Berlin by noon. SET Hurry up! We ______________________________________ immediately if we want to be in Berlin by noon.

I regret not helping my mother in cleaning the house. Now she's angry with me.

I (żałuję, że nie pomogłem) ________________________________________________________ my mother in cleaning the house. Now she's angry with me.

I can't talk to you because I'm watching a film. I'll call you as soon as it finishes.

I can't talk to you because I'm watching a film. I'll call you (jak tylko się skończy) ________________________________________________________ .

I am looking forward to seeing my boyfriend again.

I can't wait to see my boyfriend again. LOOKING I _____________________________________________________ my boyfriend again.

I didn't like this city at first but after some time I got used to living here.

I didn't like this city at first but after some time I (przyzwyczaiłem się do mieszkania) ____________________________________________________ here.

I don't like Jenny so I would rather not go to her birthday party.

I don't like Jenny so I don't feel like going to her birthday party. RATHER I don't like Jenny so I ______________________________________ to her birthday party.

My Friday appointment with the dentist had to be called off due to my illness.

I had to cancel my Friday appointment with the dentist because I was ill. OFF My Friday appointment with the dentist had to __________________________________ due to my illness.

I wish I had seen the Great Wall of China on my last business trip.

I regret not seeing the Great Wall of China on my last business trip. WISH I _______________________________ the Great Wall of China on my last business trip.

I still don't know which major to choose. As soon as I make up my mind, I will let you know.

I still don't know which major to choose. As soon as I (make / mind) ______________________________________, I will let you know.

Under no circumstances will I go to this restaurant. I hate this place.

I won't ever go to this restaurant. Don't even ask me. I hate this place. CIRCUMSTANCES Under no ___________________________________ to this restaurant. I hate this place.

I worked very hard so that I could buy my first car.

I worked very hard in order to buy my first car. THAT I worked very hard ______________________________________________ my first car.

I'd like to play football or go jogging more often but I have too little time for practising sports.

I'd like to play football or go jogging more often but I have (za mało czasu) ______________________________________ for practising sports.

The Browns must have considered their decision to adopt the dog very carefully.

I'm sure the Browns considered their decision to adopt the dog very carefully. MUST The Browns ___________________________________________ their decision to adopt the dog very carefully.

I'm sure this gadget is Stephen's idea. He must have invented it last year when he was unemployed for a few months.

I'm sure this gadget is Stephen's idea. He (must / invent) _______________________________________________________ it last year when he was unemployed for a few months.

I've watched all movies starring Leonardo DiCaprio, most of which I like.

I've watched all movies starring Leonardo DiCaprio and there are only a few that I don't like. MOST I've watched all movies starring Leonardo DiCaprio, ______________________________ I like.

If the trekkers had decided to take the shorter route, they would be in trouble now. Fortunately they didn't.

If the trekkers (decide / take) ______________________________________ the shorter route, they would be in trouble now. Fortunately they didn't.

We can start the new chapter today unless there are some questions about the last topic.

If there aren't any questions about the last topic, we can start the new chapter today. UNLESS We can start the new chapter today ______________________________________ some questions about the last topic.

We should not have allowed Mike to go to the party on his own.

It was a serious mistake to allow Mike to go to the party on his own. SHOULD We _______________________________________ Mike to go to the party on his own.

I wish he took my arguments into consideration.

It's a pity he doesn't take my arguments into consideration. WISH I ___________________________________________ my arguments into consideration.

I wish I hadn't gone to that film. Now I regret it because it was so boring!

It's a pity that I went to that film. Now I regret it because it was so boring! WISH I __________________________________________ to that film. Now I regret it because it was so boring!

You should have apologised to her when you had a chance.

It's a pity that you didn't apologize to her when you had a chance. SHOULD You ______________________________________ to her when you had a chance.

Monica couldn't have broken the school record in cross-country skiing. She can't ski!

It's impossible that Monica broke the school record in cross-country skiing. She can't ski! COULDN'T Monica __________________________________________ the school record in cross-country skiing. She can't ski!

Joanna's car broke down again. I wish I had advised her to buy a new one long ago.

Joanna's car broke down again. I wish I (advise/she/buy) __________________________ _____________________________ a new one long ago.

The film didn't live up to John's expectations.

John didn't enjoy the film as much as he had expected. LIVE The film didn't __________________________________________ John's expectations.

Kate, I'd rather you didn't talk so loudly in here. We can't concentrate.

Kate, I'd rather (you/not talk) ________________________________________________ so loudly in here. We can't concentrate.

Mark managed to pass the entry test and he's going to study law at the university.

Mark succeeded in passing the entry test and he's going to study law at the university. MANAGED Mark ______________________________________ the entry test and he's going to study law at the university.

Few ways of exploring the countryside are as good as mountain biking.

Mountain biking is one of the most rewarding ways of exploring the countryside. AS Few ways of exploring the countryside ________________________________________ mountain biking.

My doctor ordered me to cut down on sweets and fast food.

My doctor ordered me to consume fewer sweets and fast food. DOWN My doctor ordered me to__________________________ sweets and fast food.

It never crossed my father's mind that his secret would be revealed.

My father never thought that someone would reveal his secret. CROSSED It never _______________________________________________ that his secret would be revealed.

My mum insists on me going to uncle George's birthday party but I think I'll stay at home.

My mum insists on (I/go) ___________________________________________________ to uncle George's birthday party but I think I'll stay at home.

My roommate was studying for the exams and asked if I could turn the radio off.

My roommate was studying for the exams and asked (czy mogę) __________________ turn the radio off.

My sister had bad luck yesterday. No sooner did she see a parking ticket stuck behind a wiper than another car broke her wing mirror.

My sister had bad luck yesterday. No sooner (she/see) ____________________________ a parking ticket stuck behind a wiper than another car broke her wing mirror.

Only one of the arrested men fits the description given by the victim.

Only one of the arrested men (fit / description / give) _______________________________________ by the victim.

My nephew found it hard to part from his parents.

Parting from his parents was not easy for my nephew. HARD My nephew found ____________________________________________________ from his parents.

New York is said to be a city that never sleeps.

People say that New York is a city that never sleeps. SAID New York _______________________________________ a city that never sleeps.

I'd rather you didn't park in front of my neighbours' house.

Please, don't park in front of my neighbours' house. There's not enough space there for such a big car. RATHER I'd ___________________________________ park in front of my neighbours' house.

She goes swimming every morning no matter what the weather is like.

She goes swimming every morning regardless of the weather. MATTER She goes swimming every morning ___________________________________________ the weather is like.

She turned off her mobile, so I couldn't get in touch with her.

She turned off her mobile, so I couldn't contact her. TOUCH She turned off her mobile, so I couldn't _______________________________ her.

Since my employer went bankrupt, it's been hard for me to make a living.

Since my employer went bankrupt, it's been hard for me to earn enough money to live on. LIVING Since my employer went bankrupt, it's been hard for me to _______.

Sorry, for the delay. The traffic is much heavier today than I expected. I hope you haven't waited long.

Sorry, for the delay. The traffic is much heavier today than I expected. I hope (you / not / wait) _____________________________________________________ long.

Such theories are usually difficult to apply in practice.

Such theories are usually difficult (apply / practice) ________________________________________.

Susan promised to come and help me but she let me down again.

Susan promised to come and help me but once again she didn't. LET Susan promised to come and help me but she __________________________________ again.

The actress decided to wear a wig to avoid being recognized.

The actress didn't want anybody to recognize her, so she decided to wear a wig. AVOID The actress decided to wear a wig to _________________________________________.

The car started rolling down the hill while it was being repaired by my brothers.

The car started rolling down the hill while my brothers were repairing it. REPAIRED The car started rolling down the hill while it ____________________________________.

The bridge has been pulled down by the demolition company.

The demolition company has destroyed the bridge. PULLED The bridge ______________________________________________________________ by the demolition company.

There has been a rise in the number of modern vehicles on our roads since last year.

The number of modern vehicles on our roads has risen since last year. RISE There _________________________________________ the number of modern vehicles on our roads since last year.

The scientist failed to perform the experiment.

The scientist was unsuccessful in performing the experiment. FAILED The scientist ________________________________________________ the experiment.

The ski jumping competition had to be cancelled yesterday due to strong wind.

The ski jumping competition (have to / cancel) __________________________________ yesterday due to strong wind.

The noise from the street made it hard for the students to concentrate fully.

The students couldn't concentrate fully because of the noise coming from the street. HARD The noise from the street ______________________________________________ the students to concentrate fully.

He denied seeing anything unusual when they asked him about it.

They asked him if he had seen anything unusual, but he said he hadn't. DENIED He _____________________________________ anything unusual when they asked him about it.

This wall looks horrible. I think we should have this wall painted.

This wall looks horrible. I think we should ask somebody to paint it. HAVE This wall looks horrible. I think we should ___________________________________.

Tom will feel more comfortable when he gets used to wearing contact lenses.

Tom will feel more comfortable when he (get/use/wear) ___________________________________________________________ contact lenses.

Unfortunately, the old bridge had to be knocked down, as it was in a bad condition.

Unfortunately, the old bridge had to be destroyed, as it was in a bad condition. KNOCKED Unfortunately, the old bridge had ______________________________________, as it was in a bad condition.

There was nothing we could do to help John in that situation. He insisted on sorting it out on his own.

We couldn't do anything to help John in that situation. He insisted on sorting it out on his own. NOTHING There was ______________________________________________ to help John in that situation. He insisted on sorting it out on his own.

Take more money with you in case we go for pizza after the movies.

We might go for pizza after the movies, so take more money with you. CASE Take more money with you ______________________________________ for pizza after the movies.

What, in your opinion, was the cause of last night's accident?

What, in your opinion, (było przyczyną) ___________________________________________________ last night's accident?

When am I supposed to confirm the reservation?

When should I confirm the reservation? SUPPOSED When ______________________________________________ confirm the reservation?

When you are working on so many assignments at the same time, mistakes are likely to happen.

When you are working on so many assignments at the same time, you will probably make mistakes. LIKELY When you are working on so many assignments at the same time, mistakes ______________________________________ happen.

While her hair was being done by the hairdresser, she started to tell us a funny story.

While her hair (be/do) _____________________________________________________ by the hairdresser, she started to tell us a funny story.

With their low income, they find it hard to make ends meet.

With their low income, they can hardly get by. ENDS With their low income, they find it hard to ___________________________________.

You must have forgotten to tell them how to get to our house. Otherwise, they would have arrived long before now.

You (must / forget) __________________________________________________ to tell them how to get to our house. Otherwise, they would have arrived long before now.

You should have told me about it earlier. Now I can't do anything about it.

You (powinieneś powiedzieć) ______________________________________________ me about it earlier. Now I can't do anything about it.

Your car is making strange noises. You should have your car checked by a mechanic.

Your car is making strange noises. HAVE You should ______________________________ by a mechanic.

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