Med-Surg: EXAM 8

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Grade III

A 20 year-old is brought in by ambulance to the emergency department after being involved in a motorcycle accident. The patient has an open fracture of his tibia. The wound is highly contaminated and there is extensive soft-tissue damage. How would this patient's fracture likely be graded?

Post-traumatic arthritis

A 25-year-old man is involved in a motorcycle accident and injures his arm. The physician diagnoses the man with an intra-articular fracture and splints the injury. The nurse implements the teaching plan developed for this patient. What sequela of intra-articular fractures should the nurse describe regarding this patient?

Support the affected arm on pillows at night.

A 32-year-old patient comes to the clinic complaining of shoulder tenderness, pain, and limited movement. Upon assessment the nurse finds edema. An MRI shows hemorrhage of the rotator cuff tendons and the patient is diagnosed with impingement syndrome. What action should the nurse recommend in order to promote healing?


A nurse admits a patient who has a fracture of the nose that has resulted in a skin tear and involvement of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. The orthopedic nurse is aware that this description likely indicates which type of fracture?

Applying ice Compression dressings Resting the affected extremity Elevating the injured limb

A nurse in a busy emergency department provides care for many patients who present with contusions, strains, or sprains. Treatment modalities that are common to all of these musculoskeletal injuries include which of the following? Select all that apply.

Morton's neuroma

A nurse is assessing a patient who reports a throbbing, burning sensation in the right foot. The patient states that the pain is worst during the day but notes that the pain is relieved with rest. The nurse should recognize the signs and symptoms of what health problem?

Encouraging the patient to turn from side to side and to assume a prone position

A nurse is caring for a patient who had a right below-the-knee amputation (BKA). The nurse recognizes the importance of implementing measures that focus on preventing flexion contracture of the hip and maintaining proper positioning. Which of the following measures will best achieve these goals?

Increase fluid intake and perform prescribed foot exercises.

A nurse is caring for a patient who has suffered a hip fracture and who will require an extended hospital stay. The nurse should ensure that the patient does which of the following in order to prevent common complications associated with a hip fracture?

Maintaining spinal alignment

A nurse is caring for a patient who has suffered an unstable thoracolumbar fracture. Which of the following is the priority during nursing care?

Elevate the foot on several pillows.

A nurse is caring for a patient who is 12 hours postoperative following foot surgery. The nurse assesses the presence of edema in the foot. What nursing measure will the nurse implement to control the edema?

-Computed tomography (CT) -Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -Ultrasound -X-ray

A nurse is caring for a patient who is being assessed following complaints of severe and persistent low back pain. The patient is scheduled for diagnostic testing in the morning. Which of the following are appropriate diagnostic tests for assessing low back pain? that apply.

Intermittent application of heat to the patient's back

A nurse is caring for a patient who is being treated in the hospital for a spontaneous vertebral fracture related to osteoporosis. The nurse should address the nursing diagnosis of Acute Pain Related to Fracture by implementing what intervention?

An elevated serum alkaline phosphatase level and a normal serum calcium level

A nurse is caring for a patient with Paget's disease and is reviewing the patient's most recent laboratory values. Which of the following values is most characteristic of Paget's disease?

Support the affected extremity with external supports such as splints.

A nurse is caring for a patient with a bone tumor. The nurse is providing education to help the patient reduce the risk for pathologic fractures. What should the nurse teach the patient?

Avoid lifting more than one-third of body weight without assistance.

A nurse is caring for an adult patient diagnosed with a back strain. What health education should the nurse provide to this patient?

Stress on the weakened bone must be avoided.

A nurse is collaborating with the physical therapist to plan the care of a patient with osteomyelitis. What principle should guide the management of activity and mobility in this patient?

Intermittent application of ice and heat

A nurse is discussing conservative management of tendonitis with a patient. Which of the following may be an effective approach to managing tendonitis?

Fat embolism syndrome

A nurse is performing a shift assessment on an elderly patient who is recovering after surgery for a hip fracture. The nurse notes that the patient is complaining of chest pain, has an increased heart rate, and increased respiratory rate. The nurse further notes that the patient is febrile and hypoxic, coughing, and producing large amounts of thick, white sputum. The nurse recognizes that this is a medical emergency and calls for assistance, recognizing that this patient is likely demonstrating symptoms of what complication?

Disturbed Body Image

A nurse is planning the care of a patient with osteomyelitis that resulted from a diabetic foot ulcer. The patient requires a transmetatarsal amputation. When planning the patient's postoperative care, which of the following nursing diagnoses should the nurse most likely include in the plan of care?

Regular bone density testing A high-calcium diet Use of falls prevention precautions Weight-bearing exercise

A nurse is planning the care of an older adult patient who will soon be discharged home after treatment for a fractured hip. In an effort to prevent future fractures, the nurse should encourage which of the following? Select all that apply.

Ensuring adequate exposure to sunlight

A nurse is planning the care of an older adult patient with osteomalacia. What action should the nurse recommend in order to promote vitamin D synthesis?

Keep an elastic compression bandage on the ankle.

A nurse is preparing to discharge a patient from the emergency department after receiving treatment for an ankle sprain. While providing discharge education, the nurse should encourage which of the following?

Use the arm for light activities within the range of motion.

A nurse is preparing to discharge an emergency department patient who has been fitted with a sling to support her arm after a clavicle fracture. What should the nurse instruct the patient to do?

Slow discontinuation of corticosteroid therapy can halt the progression of the osteoporosis.

A nurse is providing a class on osteoporosis at the local seniors' center. Which of the following statements related to osteoporosis is most accurate?

Calcium Vitamin D

A nurse is providing an educational class to a group of older adults at a community senior center. In an effort to prevent osteoporosis, the nurse should encourage participants to ensure that they consume the recommended adequate intake of what nutrients? Select all that apply.

-Impaired Physical Mobility -Acute Pain -Disturbed Auditory Sensory Perception -Risk for Injury

A nurse is providing care for a patient who has a recent diagnosis of Paget's disease. When planning this patient's nursing care, interventions should address what nursing diagnoses? Select all that apply.

Maintenance of adequate levels of activated vitamin D

A nurse is providing care for a patient who has osteomalacia. What major goal will guide the choice of medical and nursing interventions?

Patient's general condition, balance, and weight-bearing prescription

A nurse is providing discharge teaching for a patient who underwent foot surgery. The nurse is collaborating with the occupational therapist and discussing the use of assistive devices. On what variables does the choice of assistive devices primarily depend?


A nurse is reviewing the care of a patient who has a long history of lower back pain that has not responded to conservative treatment measures. The nurse should anticipate the administration of what drug?


A nurse is reviewing the pathophysiology that may underlie a patient's decreased bone density. What hormone should the nurse identify as inhibiting bone resorption and promoting bone formation?

Cereal with milk, a scrambled egg, and grapefruit

A nurse is teaching a patient with osteomalacia about the role of diet. What would be the best choice for breakfast for a patient with osteomalacia?

Risk for Infection

A nurse is writing a care plan for a patient admitted to the emergency department (ED) with an open fracture. The nurse will assign priority to what nursing diagnosis for a patient with an open fracture of the radius?

A second-degree strain

A nurse's assessment of a patient's knee reveals edema, tenderness, muscle spasms, and ecchymosis. The patient states that 2 days ago he ran 10 miles and now it really hurts to stand up. The nurse should plan care based on the belief that the patient has experienced what?

Small frame, female gender, and Caucasian ethnicity

A nursing educator is reviewing the risk factors for osteoporosis with a group of recent graduates. What risk factor of the following should the educator describe?

Constipation Related to Vertebral Fracture

A patient has been admitted to the hospital with a spontaneous vertebral fracture related to osteoporosis. Which of the following nursing diagnoses must be addressed in the plan of care?

Calcitonin Bisphosphonates

A patient has been admitted to the medical unit for the treatment of Paget's disease. When reviewing the medication administration record, the nurse should anticipate what medications? Select all that apply.


A patient has come to the clinic for a routine annual physical. The nurse practitioner notes a palpable, painless projection of bone at the patient's shoulder. The projection appears to be at the distal end of the humerus. The nurse should suspect the presence of which of the following?

Inadequate immobilization

A patient has come to the orthopedic clinic for a follow-up appointment 6 weeks after fracturing his ankle. Diagnostic imaging reveals that bone union is not taking place. What factor may have contributed to this complication?

Avulsion fractures are associated with third-degree strains.

A patient has presented to the emergency department with an injury to the wrist. The patient is diagnosed with a third-degree strain. Why would the physician order an x-ray of the wrist?

Apply a tourniquet.

A patient has returned to the postsurgical unit from the PACU after an above-the-knee amputation of the right leg. Results of the nurse's initial postsurgical assessment were unremarkable but the patient has called out. The nurse enters the room and observes copious quantities of blood at the surgical site. What should be the nurse's initial action?

Delayed wound healing

A patient has returned to the unit after undergoing limb-sparing surgery to remove a metastatic bone tumor. The nurse providing postoperative care in the days following surgery assesses for what complication from surgery?

Monitor temperature and pulses of the affected extremity.

A patient has sustained a long bone fracture and the nurse is preparing the patient's care plan. Which of the following should the nurse include in the care plan?

Deep vein thrombosis Compartment syndrome Fat embolism

A patient is admitted to the orthopedic unit with a fractured femur after a motorcycle accident. The patient has been placed in traction until his femur can be rodded in surgery. For what early complications should the nurse monitor this patient? Select all that apply.

Encouraging frequent use of the overbed trapeze

A patient is being treated for a fractured hip and the nurse is aware of the need to implement interventions to prevent muscle wasting and other complications of immobility. What intervention best addresses the patient's need for exercise?

Traumatic hip dislocation

A patient is brought to the emergency department by ambulance after stepping in a hole and falling. While assessing him the nurse notes that his right leg is shorter than his left leg; his right hip is noticeably deformed and he is in acute pain. Imaging does not reveal a fracture. Which of the following is the most plausible explanation for this patient's signs and symptoms?

Low serum calcium and low phosphorus level

A patient is undergoing diagnostic testing for osteomalacia. Which of the following laboratory results is most suggestive of this diagnosis?


A patient presents at a clinic complaining of back pain that goes all the way down the back of the leg to the foot. The nurse should document the presence of what type of pain?

Gently stretching the foot and the Achilles tendon

A patient presents at a clinic complaining of pain in his heel so bad that it inhibits his ability to walk. The patient is subsequently diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. This patient's plan of care should include what intervention?

Dupuytren's disease

A patient presents at the clinic with complaints of morning numbness, cramping, and stiffness in his fourth and fifth fingers. What disease process should the nurse suspect?

Staphylococcus aureus

A patient presents to a clinic complaining of a leg ulcer that isn't healing; subsequent diagnostic testing suggests osteomyelitis. The nurse is aware that the most common pathogen to cause osteomyelitis is what?

Carpel tunnel syndrome

A patient tells the nurse that he has pain and numbness to his thumb, first finger, and second finger of the right hand. The nurse discovers that the patient is employed as an auto mechanic, and that the pain is increased while working. This may indicate that the patient could possibly have what health problem?

Prepare the patient for opening or bivalving of the cast.

A patient was fitted with an arm cast after fracturing her humerus. Twelve hours after the application of the cast, the patient tells the nurse that her arm hurts. Analgesics do not relieve the pain. What would be the most appropriate nursing action?

Promote the patient's highest possible level of function

A patient who has had an amputation is being cared for by a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. What is the primary goal of this multidisciplinary team?

Patient can demonstrate safe use of assistive devices.

A patient who has undergone a lower limb amputation is preparing to be discharged home. What outcome is necessary prior to discharge?

Engage in exercises that strengthen the unaffected muscles.

A patient with a simple arm fracture is receiving discharge education from the nurse. What would the nurse instruct the patient to do?

Osteomyelitis with vascular insufficiency

A patient with diabetes has been diagnosed with osteomyelitis. The nurse notes that the patient's right foot is pale and mottled, cool to touch, with a capillary refill of greater than 3 seconds. The nurse should suspect what type of osteomyelitis?

Perform meticulous foot care.

A patient with diabetes is attending a class on the prevention of associated diseases. What action should the patient perform to reduce the risk of osteomyelitis?

Deviation of a great toe laterally

A patient's electronic health record notes that the patient has hallux valgus. What signs and symptoms would the nurse expect this patient to manifest?


A school nurse is assessing a student who was kicked in the shin during a soccer game. The area of the injury has become swollen and discolored. The triage nurse recognizes that the patient has likely sustained what?

Arterial blood gases

A young patient is being treated for a femoral fracture suffered in a snowboarding accident. The nurse's most recent assessment reveals that the patient is uncharacteristically confused. What diagnostic test should be performed on this patient?


An 80-year-old man in a long-term care facility has a chronic leg ulcer and states that the area has become increasingly painful in recent days. The nurse notes that the site is now swollen and warm to the touch. The patient should undergo diagnostic testing for what health problem?

Bone fracture

An elderly female with osteoporosis has been hospitalized. Prior to discharge, when teaching the patient, the nurse should include information about which major complication of osteoporosis?

The importance of adhering to the prescribed treatment and rehabilitation regimen

An elite high school football player has been diagnosed with a shoulder dislocation. The patient has been treated and is eager to resume his role on his team, stating that he is not experiencing pain. What should the nurse emphasize during health education?

Lateral collateral ligament injury

An emergency department nurse is assessing a 17-year-old soccer player who presented with a knee injury. The patient's description of the injury indicates that his knee was struck medially while his foot was on the ground. The nurse knows that the patient likely has experienced what injury?

Avascular necrosis may develop at the site of the dislocation if it is not promptly resolved.

An emergency department patient is diagnosed with a hip dislocation. The patient's family is relieved that the patient has not suffered a hip fracture, but the nurse explains that this is still considered to be a medical emergency. What is the rationale for the nurse's statement?

Loss of visual acuity Adverse medication effects Slowed reflexes Muscle weakness

An older adult patient experienced a fall and required treatment for a fractured hip on the orthopedic unit. Which of the following are contributory factors to the incidence of falls and fractured hips among the older adult population? Select all that apply.

Avascular necrosis

An older adult patient has fallen in her home and is brought to the emergency department by ambulance with a suspected fractured hip. X-rays confirm a fracture of the left femoral neck. When planning assessments during the patient's presurgical care, the nurse should be aware of the patient's heightened risk of what complication?

Intravenous administration of antibiotics

An older adult patient sought care for the treatment of a swollen, painful knee joint. Diagnostic imaging and culturing of synovial fluid resulted in a diagnosis of septic arthritis. The nurse should prioritize which of the following aspects of care?

Increased bone mass

An older adult woman's current medication regimen includes alendronate (Fosamax). What outcome would indicate successful therapy?

The foot should be elevated in order to prevent edema.

An orthopedic nurse is caring for a patient who is postoperative day one following foot surgery. What nursing intervention should be included in the patient's subsequent care?






Radiographs of a boy's upper arm show that the humerus appears to be fractured on one side and slightly bent on the other. This diagnostic result suggests what type of fracture?

Take opioid analgesics as ordered.

Six weeks after an above-the-knee amputation (AKA), a patient returns to the outpatient office for a routine postoperative checkup. During the nurse's assessment, the patient reports symptoms of phantom pain. What should the nurse tell the patient to do to reduce the discomfort of the phantom pain?

Supplemental calcium and increased doses of vitamin D

The health care team is caring for a patient with osteomalacia. It has been determined that the osteomalacia is caused by malabsorption. What is the usual treatment for osteomalacia caused by malabsorption?

Explain the risks of flexion contracture to the patient.

The nurse is providing care for a patient who has had a below-the-knee amputation. The nurse enters the patient's room and finds him resting in bed with his residual limb supported on pillow. What is the nurse's most appropriate action?


The orthopedic nurse should assess for signs and symptoms of Volkmann's contracture if a patient has fractured which of the following bones?

You will eventually be able to withstand full weight-bearing after the amputation.

The patient scheduled for a Syme amputation is concerned about the ability to eventually stand on the amputated extremity. How should the nurse best respond to the patient's concern?

A tourniquet

The surgical nurse is admitting a patient from postanesthetic recovery following the patient's below-the-knee amputation. The nurse recognizes the patient's high risk for postoperative hemorrhage and should keep which of the following at the bedside?

Place a pillow between the patient's legs when turning.

Which of the following is the most appropriate nursing intervention to facilitate healing in a patient who has suffered a hip fracture?

An elderly patient with an infected pressure ulcer in the sacral area

Which of the following patients should the nurse recognize as being at the highest risk for the development of osteomyelitis?

The patient's attitude

rehabilitation nurse is working with a patient who has had a below-the-knee amputation. The nurse knows the importance of the patient's active participation in self-care. In order to determine the patient's ability to be an active participant in self-care, the nurse should prioritize assessment of what variable?

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