Med surg musculoskeletal and neuro

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the intervertebral discs that are subject to the greatest mechanical stress and degenerative changes

L4, L5, S1

nervous system response from dopamine

affects behavior, attention, and fine movement

classic clinical features of Guillain-Barre syndrome

areflexia and ascending weakness

what is the leading cause of musculoskeletal-related disability in the US


the major consequence of osteoporosis

bone fracture

bone formation is enhanced by

calcium intake, muscle activity, and weight baring

brain center responsible for balancing and coordination


three major complications of an extremity that is casted, braced, or splinted

compartment syndrome, pressure ulcers, and disuse syndrome

what is the term that describes the grating, crackling soundheard over irregular joint surfaces like the knee


master gland


what is an amputation

removal of a body part

what is a fasciotomy

the incision and diversion of the muscle fascia to releive muscle constriction, as in compartment syndrome, or to reduce fascia contracture

primary osteoporosis in women usually begins between what ages


The nurse is caring for a patient with bone metastasis from a primary bone cancer. The patient complains of muscle weakness and nausea and is voiding large amounts frequently. Cardiac dysrhythmias are observed on telly. What should the nurse suspect based on these clinical manifestations? a. hypercalcemia b. hypocalcemia c. hypokalemia d. kyperkalemia


A nurse caring for a patient with head trauma will be monitoring the patient for Cushing's triad. What Will the nurse recognize as the symptoms associated with Cushing's triad? (select all that apply) a. bradycardia b. bradypnea c. HTN d. tachycardia e. pupillary constriction

A, B, C

A patient comes back to the clinic with continues complaint of back pain. What time frame does the nurse understand constitutes chronic pain? a. 4 weeks b. 3 months c. 6 months d. 1 year


A patient had a lumbar puncture 3 days ago in the outpatient clinic and calls the nurse with complaints of a throbbing headache. What can the nurse educate the patient to do for relief of the discomfort? (select all that apply) a. limit the amount of fluid to decrease cerebral edema b. force fluids (unless contraindicated) c. get plenty of bedrest d. take some OTC analgesics e. walk around

B, C, D

A patient comes to the ED with severe pain in the face that was stimulated by brushing the teeth. What cranial nerve does the nurse understand can cause this type of pain? a. III b. IV c. V d. VI


A patient is admitted to the hospital with an ICP reading of 20 mmHg and a mean arterial pressure of 90. What would the nurse calculate the CPP to be? a. 50 b. 60 c. 70 d. 80


A patient is diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma. What lab studies should the nurse monitor for the presence of elevation? a. magnesium level b. potassium level c. alkaline phosphatase d. troponin levels


recommended adequate intake level of calcium for all individuals is


how much weight does the nurse expect can be used for a patient in skeletal traction

20 lbs

A patient arrives to have an MRI done in the outpatient department. What information provided by the patient warrants further assessment to prevent complications related to the MRI? a. I am trying to quit smoking and have a patch on b. I have been trying to get an appointment for so long c. I have not had anything to eat or drink since three hours ago d. My legs go numb sometimes when I sit too long


A patient arrives in the ED with a suspected bone fracture of the right arm. How does the nurse expect the patient to describe the pain? a. a dull, deep, boring ache b. sharp and piercing c. similar to muscle cramps d. sore and aching


A patient comes to the clinic complaining of low back pain radiating down the left leg. After diagnostic studies rule out any pathology, the physicial orders a SNRI. Which medication does the nurse anticipate the patient about? a. amitriptyline (elavil) b. duloxetine (cymbalta) c. gabapentin (neurontin) d. cyclobenzaprine (flexeril)


A patient has a fracture that is being treated with pen rigid compression plate fixation devices. How will the progress of bone healing be monitored? a. remove the plate and determine if the bone is growing back b. serial xrays c. arthroscopy d. the bone will heal on its own without intervention


A patient has a long led cast applied. Where does the nurse understand a common pressure problem may occur? a. dorsalis pedis b. peroneal nerve c. popliteal artery d. posterior tibialis


A patient has been diagnosed with osteomalacia. What common symptoms does the nurse recognize that correlate with the diagnosis? a. bone fractures and kyphosis b. bone pain and tenderness c. muscle weakness and spasms d. softened and compressed vertebrae


A patient has expressive speaking aphasia after having a stroke. Which portion of the brain does the nurse know has been affected? a. temporal lobe b. inferior posterior frontal areas c. posterior frontal area d. parietal-occipital area


A patient has had a stroke and is unable to move the right upper and lower extremity. During assessment the nurse picks up the arm and it is limp and without tone. How would the nurse document this finding? a. rigidity b. flaccidity c. atonic d. tetanic


A patient is having low back pain. What position can the nurse suggest to relieve this discomfort? a. high-fowler's to allow for max hip flexion b. supine, with the knees slightly flexed and the head of the bed elevated 30 degrees c. prone, with the pillow under the shoulders d. supine, with the bed flat and a firm mattress in place


The nurse obtains a Snellen eye chart when assessing cranial nerve functions. Which cranial nerve is the nurse testing with this chart? a. I b. II c. III d. IV


The nurse is educating a patient with low back pain about techniques to relieve the back pain and prevent further complications. What statement by the patient shows understanding of the education the nurse provided? a. I will lie prone with my legs slightly elevated b. i will bend at the waist when i am lifting objects from the floor c. I will avoid prolonged sitting or walking d. Instead of turning around to grasp an object, I will twist at the waist


The nurse is educating the patient with low back pain about the proper way to lift objects. What muscle should the nurse encourage the patient to maximize? a. gastrocnemius b. latissimus dorsi c. quadriceps d. rectus abdominus


A nurse is assessing a patient's urinary output as an indicator of diabetes insipidus. The nurse knows that an hourly output of what volume over 2 hours may be a positive indicator? a. 50-100 b. 100-150 c. 150-200 d more than 200


A patient had hand surgery to correct a Duputren's contracture. What nursing intervention is a priority postoperatively? a. changing the dressing b. applying a cock-up splint and immobilization c. having the patient exercise the fingers to avoid future contractures d. performing hourly neurovascular assessments for the first 24 hours


A patient stepped on an acorm while walking barefoot in the backyard and developed an infection progressing to osteomyelitis. What microorganisms does the nurse understand is most often the cause of the development of osteomyelitis? a. proteus b. pseudomonas c. salmonella d. staphylococcus aureus


A patient who has suffered a stroke is unable to maintain respiration and so is intubated and placed on mechanical ventilator support. What portion of the brain is most likely responsible for the inability to breath? a. frontal lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. brain stem


The nurse is caring for a patient with an altered LOC. What is the first priority of treatment for this patient? a. assessment of pupillary light reflexes b. determination of the cause c. positioning to prevent complications d. maintenance of the patient airway


what are the major hormonal regulators of calcium homeostasis

PTH and calcitonin

an artificial joint for total hip replacement involves an implant that consists of

a femoral component, spherical ball, and acetabular socket

The nurse completes a neurovascular assessment of either the fingers or toes of a casted extremity to determine circulatory status. What expected outcomes does the nurse anticipate will occur

able to move fingers and sensations are intact

the parasympathetic division of the ANS yeilds impulses that are medication by the secretion of _________________, the dominant neurotransmitter in parasympathetic nervois system function


meds of choice for herpes simplex

acyclovir and grancyclovir

If a patient with an altered LOC requires suctioning, what intervention is a priority for the nurse to provide

adequately ventilate before and after suctioning to prevent hypoxia

what are the differences in the function of osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes

blasts build bone up, clasts break bone down, and cytes are the units of bone

primary, lethal complication of ICP

brain herniation

three complications of increased ICP

brain-stem herniation, diabetic insipidus, syndrome of inappropriate ADH

difference between bursitis and tendinitis

bursitis is a fluid-filled sac, tendinitis is inflammed tendons

the three medications used to treat paget's disease

calcitonin, biphosphonates, and plicomyocin

nursing postoperative management includes detecting and reducing ____________, releiving _________________, preventing _____________, and monitoring ______________ and __________________.

cerebral edema, pain, seizures, ICP increase, neuro status

leading cause of seizures in the elderly

cerebrovascular disease

earliest sign of an increase in ICP

change in LOC

what is the most effective cleansing solution for care of a pin site


what is the primary deficit in osteomalacia that promotes calcium absorption from the GI tract

deficiency in the deactivated vitamin D

how does vitamin D regulate the balance between bone formation and bone resirption

deficiency results in bone mineralization deficit, deformity, and fracture

osteomylitis with vascular insufficiency, with most commonly affects the feet, is seen most often in patient with

diabetes and PVD

parkinson's disease is caused by an imbalance in what neurotransmitter


list the danger signs of possible circulatory constriction that the nurse should assess for in a casted extremity

dusky pale appearance, cool skin, inability to move fingers and toes

what are the roles of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen on bone remodeling

estrogen enhances bone formation and inhibits reabsorption; testosterone is used in skeletal growth

what is a meniscectomy

excision of damaged joint fibrocartilage

advantages of a fiberglass cast to those of a plaster cast

fiberglass is lighter, stronger, more durable, and water-resistant; plaster is cheaper and forms a better mold

What are the five P's that should be assessed as part of the neurovascular check?

pain, pallor, pulselesssness, parasthesia, and paralysis

neurotransmitter that helps control mood and sleep


what is an arthroplasty

the repair of joint problems through the operating arthroscope ( an instrument that allows the surgeon to operate within a joint without a surgical incision) or through open joint surgery

what is a MRI scan

used to evaluate spinal nerve root sidorders

what is an ultrasound

useful in detecting tears in ligaments, muscles, tendons, and soft tissues in the back

what is a CT scan

useful in identifying underlying problems, such as obscure soft tissue lesions adjacent to the vertebral column and problems of vertebral discs

A patient has a cast removed after bone healing takes place. What should the nurse instruct the patient to do after the removal? (select all that apply) a. apply an emollient lotion to soften the skin b. control swelling with elastic bandages, as directed c. gradually resume activities and exercise d. use friction to remove dead surface skin by rubbing the area with a towel e. use a razor to shave the dead skin off

A, B, C

after a total hip replacement, the patient is able to resume daily activities after how long

3 months

after a total hip replacement, stair climbing is kept to a minimum for how long

3-6 weeks

the nurse caring for a postoperative hip replacement patient known that the patient should not cross his or her legs at any times for hour long after surgery

4 months

what is the approximate percentage of total body calcium present in the bones


A nurse assesses the patient's LOC using the GCS. What score indicates severe impairment of neurologic functions? a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12


A patient had a total hip replacement. What recommended leg position should the nurse ensure is maintained to prevent prostesis dislocation? a. abduction b. adduction c. flexion d. internal rotation


A patient sustained a head injury during a fall and has changes in personality and affect. What fart of the brain does the nurse recognize has been affected in this injury? a. frontal lobe b. occipital lobe c. parietal lobe d. temporal lobe


The nurse is caring for a patient with a total hip replacement. How should the nurse allow the patient to turn? a. 45 degrees onto the unoperated side if the affected hip is kept abducted b. from the prone to the supine position only, and the patient must keep the affected hip extended and abducted c. to any comfortable position as long as the affected leg is extended d. to the operative side if the affected hip remains extended


The nurse is performing an assessment of cranial nerve function and asks the patient to cover one nostril at a time to see if the patient can smell coffee, alcohol, and mint. The patient is unable to smell any of the odors. The nurse is aware that the patient has a dysfunction of what cranial nerve a.I b. II c. III d. IV


The nurse suspects compartment syndrome for a casted extremity. What characteristic symptoms would the nurse assess that would confirm this suspicion? (select all that apply) a. decreased sensory function b. excrutiating pain c. loss of motion d. capillary refill of less than 3 seconds e. 2+ peripheral pulses in the affected distal pulse


what is the approximate amount of calcium daily that is essential to maintain adult bone mass

1,000-1,2000 mg

how much CSFis produced daily by a normal adult

150 mL

how many bones are there in the human body


A patient comes to the clinic and informs the nurse of numbness, tingling, and aburning sensation in the arm from the elbow down to the fingers. What type of symptoms would this be documented as? a. paresthesia b. flaccidity c. atonia d. effusion


An older adult patient had a hip replacement. When should the patient begin with assisted ambulation with a walker? a. 24 hours b. 72 hours c. 1 week d. 2-3 weeks


A patient is having a lumbar puncture and the physician has removed 20 mL of CSF. What nursing intervention is the priority after the procedure? a. early ambulation b. have the patient lie flat for 6 hours c. have the patient lie flat for 1 hour and then sit for 1 hour before ambulating d. have the patient lie in the semi-fowler's position with the head of the bed at 30 degrees


A patient is pelvic traction needs circulatory status assessed. How should the nurse assess for a positive Homan's sign? a. have the patient extend both hands while the nurse compares the volume of both radial pulses b. have the patient extend each led and dorsiflex each foot to determine if pain or tenderness is present in the lower lef c. have the patient plantar flex both feet while the nurse performs the blacnh test on all of the patient's toes d. have the patient squeeze the nurse's hands with his or her hands to evaluate any difference in strength


The nurse is caring for a patient who had a total hip replacement. What lethal postoperative complication should the nurse closely monitor for? a. atelectasis b. hypovolemia c. PE d. UTI


The nurse is caring for a patient with increased ICP. As the pressure rises, what osmotic diuretic does the nurse prepare to administer? a. glycerine b. isosorbide c. mannitol d. urea


The nurse is educating a client with a seizure disorder. What nutritional approach for seizure managment would be beneficial for the patient a. low in fat b. restricts protein to 10% of daily caloric intake c. high in protein and low in carbs d. at least 50% carbs


The nurse is performing a neurologic assessment and requests that the patient stand with eyes open and then closed for 20 seconds to assess balance. What type of test is the nurse performing? a. weber test b. rinne test c. romberg test d. watch-tick test


When educating a patient about the use of antiseizure medication, what should the nurse inform the patient is a result of long-term use of the medication in women? a. anemia b. osteoarthritis c. osteoporosis d. obesity


A patient shows the nurse a round, firm nodule on the wrist. The pain is described as aching, with some weakness in the fingers. What treatment does the nurse anticipate assisting with? (select all that apply) a. educating the patient on the use of gabapentin b. active ROM exercises c. corticosteroid injection d. surgical excision e. aspiration of the cyst


After a bone density test, an older adult female patient tells the nurse, "I dont understand why i have osteoporosis because I ead well and take my calcium." what does the nurse understand is the reason that the patient may have osteoporosis? a. everyone gets osteoporosis and there is nothing you can do to prevent it b. men lose more bone mass than women but women still lose some c. in order to prevent bone loss, women have to take hormons d. the loss is from withdrawal of estrogen and decrease in activity levels


The nurse is performing an assessment on an older adult patient and observes the patient has an increased forward curvature of the thoracic spine. What does the nurse understand this common finding is known as? a. lordosis b. scoliosis c. osteoporosis d. kyphosis


The nurse suspects that a patient with an arm cast has developed a pressure ulcer. Where should the nurse assess for the presence of the ulcer? a. lateral malleolus b. olecranon c. radial styloid d. ulna styloid


What does the nurse recognize as the earliest sign of serious impairment of brain circulation related to increaseing ICP? a. a bounding pulse b. bradycardia c. HTN d. lethargy and stupor


what is a volkmann's contracture

permanent flexion of the hand at the wrist

major potential complication of epilepsy

status epilepticus

The hospice nurse is assigned to care for a patient with metastatic bone cancer who wants to remain at home. What is the therapeutic foal in the care of this patient? a. prevent the patient from having to go to the hospital for care b. releive pain and discomfort while promoting quaility of life c. increase the activity level of the patient to prevent complications related to immobility d. ensure that the family accepts the patient's imminent death


The nurse assesses a patient after total right hip arthroplasty and observes a shortening of the extremity, and the patient complains of severe pain in the right side of the groin. What is the primary action of the nurse? a. apply buck's traction b. notify the physician c. externally rotate the extremity d. bend the knee and rotate the knee internally


The nurse caring for a patient with bacterial meningitis is administering decamethasone that has been ordered as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy. When does the nurse know is the appropriate time to administer this med a. 1 hour after the antibiotic has infused and daily for 7 days b. 15-20 minutes before the first dose of antibiotic and every 6 hours for the next 4 days c. 2 hours prior to the administration of antibiotics for 7 days d. it can be administered every hours for 10 days


The nurse is assessing the pupils of a patient who has had a head injury. What does the nurse recognize as a parasympathetic effect? a. dilated pupils b. constricted pupils c. one pupil is dilated and the opposite pupil is normal d. roth's spots


The nurse is caring for a patient in the neurologic ICU who sustained head trauma in a physical altercation. What would the nurse know is an optimal range of ICP for this patient? a. 8-15 mmHg b. 0-10 mmHg c. 20-30 mmHg d. 25-40 mmHg


The nurse is caring for a patient who was involved in a motor vehicle agent and sustained a head injury. When assessing DTRs, the nurse observes diminished or hypoactive reflexes. How will the nurse document this finding? a. 0 b. 1+ c. 2+ d. 3+


The nurse is caring for a pregnant patient with pregnancy-indiced hypertension. When assessing the reflexes in the ankle, the nurse observes rhythmic contractions of the muscle when dorsiflexing the foot. What would the nurse document this finding as? a. positive babinski reflex b. clonus c. hypertrophy d. ankle reflex


The nurse is very concerned about the potential debilitating complication of peroneal nerve injury. What symptoms does the nurse recognize as a result of this complication? a. permanent paresthesias b. footdrop c. DVT d. infection


A patient diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndromen (CTS) asks the nurse about numbness in the fingers and pain in the wrist. In responding to the patient, how would the nurse best respond CTS? a. CTS is a neuropathy that is characterized by bursitis and tendinitis b. CTS is a neuropathy that is characterized by flexion contracture of the 4th and 5th fingers c. CTS is a neuropathy that is characterized by compression of the median nerve at the wrist d. CTS is a neuropathy that is characterized by pannus formation in the shoulder


preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic neurons are located in what segments of the spinal cord

C8 and L3

layman's term for onychocryptosis

ingrown toe nail

what is a tendon transfer

insertion of a tendon to improve function

primary pathology of MS is damage to the

myelin sheeth

what is a hemiarthroplasty

replacement of one of the articular surfaces

lobe of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for the understanding of language and music

temporal lobe

what is a bone graft

the placement of tobe tissue to promote healing, to stabilize, or to replace diseased bone

A patient had a total left hip arthroplast. What clinical manifestation would indicate to the nurse that the prosthesis is dislocated? a. the left leg is internally rotated b. the leg length is the same as the right leg c. the patient has discomfort when moving in the bed d. diminished peripehral pulses on the affected extremity


A patient has been diagnosed with meningococcal meningitis at a community living home. When should prophylactic therapy begin for those who have had close contact witht the patient a. within 24 hours after exposure b. within 48 hours after exposure c. within 72 hours after exposure d. therapy is not necesary


A patient is diagnosed with osteomyelitis of the right leg. What signs and symptoms does the nurse recognize that are associated with this diagnosis? (select all that apply) a. pain b. erythema c. fever d. leukopenia e. purulent drainage

A, B, C

A patient is having repeated tears of the joint capsule in the shoulder, and the physician orders an arthrogram. What intervention should the nurse provide after the procedure is completed? (select all that apply) a. apply a compression bandage to the area b. apply heat to the area for 48 hours c. administer a mild analgesic d. inform the patient that a clicking or crackling noise in the joint may persist for a couple of days e. actively exercise the area immediately after the procedure

A, C, D

The nurse is performing an assessment for a patient who may have peripheral nerovascular dysfunction. What signs does the patient present with that indicate circulation is impaired? (select all that apply) a. pale, cyanotic, or mottled color b. cool temperature of the extremity c. more than 3-second capillary refill d. tenting skin tugor e. limited range of motion


A patient has a severe neurologic impairment from a head trauma. What does the nurse recognize is the type of posturing that occurs with the most severe neurologic impairment? a. decerebrate b. decorticate c. flaccid d. rigid


A patient is scheduled for an EEG in the morning. What food on the patient's tray should the nurse remove prior to the test? a. orange juice b. toast c. coffee d. eggs


The nurse is caring for a patient postoperatively following orthopedic surgery. The nurse assesses an oxygen saturation of 89%, confusion, and a rash on the upper torso. What does the nurse suspect is occuring with this patient? a. polyethylene-induced infection b. pneumonia c. fat emboli syndrome d. DIC


A patient has a fracture of the right femur sustained in an automobine accident. What process of fracture healing does the nurse understand will occur with this patient? a. reactive phase, reparative phase, remodeling phase b. primary phase, secondary phase, third phase c. first intention, secondary intention, third intention d. active phase, dormant phase, restructure phase


nervous system response from norepinephrine

excitatory response, mostly affecting moods

four reasons for a patient to have traction application

promote alignment, decrease muscle spasms, correct deformities, and increase space between joints

what is meant by an "altered level of consciousness"

pt is not oriented, doesn't follow commands, needs persistant stimuli to acheive a state of alertness

what is the optimal way to determine the level of a patient's alertness

pts ability to open the eyes spontaneously or in response to vocal or noxious stimuli

what is the process of fracture healing, including the three stages of progression

reactive --> reparative --> remodeling

role and function of autonomic nervous system

regulates the activities of internal organs such as heart, lungs, blood vessels, digestive organs and glands; maintenance and restoration of internal homeostasis

potential collaborative problems for a patient with an altered LOC

respiratory depression or failure, pneumonia, aspiration, pressure ulcer, DVT, contractures

function of the blood-brain barrier

restrict movement of substances, allows transfer proteins with required materials in

The nurse is assisting with a lumbar puncture and observes that when the physician obtains CSF, it is clear and colorless. What does this finding indicate? a. a subarachnoid hemorrhage b. an overwhelming infection c. a normal finding d. local trauma from the insertion of the needle


A patient is being tested for a gag reflex. When the nurse places the tongue blade to the back of the thriat, there is no response elicited. What dysfunction does the nurse determine the patient has? a. dysfunction of the spinal accessory nerve b. dysfunction of the acoustic nerve c. dysfunction of the facial nerve d. dysfunction of the vagus nerve


A patient is scheduled for a procedure that will allow the physician to visualize the knee joint in order to diagnose the patient's pain. What procedure will the nurse prepare the patient for? a. arthrocentesis b. bone scan c. electromyography d. arthroscopy


nervous system response from enkephalin

excitatory; inhibits pain transmission

principle signs of lower motor neuron disease

flaccid paralysis, atrophy of affected muscles

voluntary muscle control is governed by a vertival band of "motor cortex" located where

frontal lobe

what test is used to test radial peripheral nerve function

prick the skin midway between the thumb and second finger

what are the age-related changes of the musculoskeletal system specific to bones, muscles, joints, and ligaments

progressive loss of bone and muscle, less elastic tendons, deterioration of cartilage, lax ligaments

what bones contain red bone marrow in thier shaft

sternum, ileum, vertebrae, and ribs

The nurse is caring for a patient admitted to the hospital with a brain abscess that developed from an untreated case of otitis media. What assessment data is priority to alert the nurse to changes in ICP? a. LOC b. peripheral pulses c. sensory perception d. crackles bilateraly


The nurse is caring for a patient postoperative after intracranial surgery for the treatment of a subdural hematoma. The nurse observes an increase in the patient's blood pressure from the baseline and a decrease in the heart rate from 86 to 54. The patient has crackles in the base of the lungs. What does the nurse suspect is occuring? a. increased ICP b. exacerbation of uncontrolled HTN c. infection d. increase in cerebral perfusion pressure


A patient tells the nurse "I was working out and lifting weights and now that I have stopped, I am flabby and my muscles have gone!" What is the best response by the nurse? a. while you are lifting weights, endorphins are released, creating increase in muscle mass, but if the muscles are not used they will atrophy b. the muscle mass has decreased from the lack of calcium in the cells c. your muscles were in a state of hypertrophy from the weight lifting but it will persist only if the exercise is continued d. once you stop exercising, the conractions of the muscle does not regain its strength


nervous system response from gamma-aminobutyric acid

muscle and nerve inhibitory transmissions

clinical manifestations that occur when there is destruction or dysfunction in the basal ganglia

muscle rigidity, disturbance of posture, difficulty intitiating or changing movement

unrelieved pain for a patient in a cast must be immediately reported to avoid

necrosis, pressure ulcers, impaired perfusion, and possible paralysis

the nurse assesses for perineal nerve injury by checking the patient's casted leg for the primary symptoms of

numbness, tingling, and burning

most common benign bone tumor


a nursing goal for a patient with skeletal traction is to avoid infection and the development of what at the site of pin insertion


clinical manifestations associated with septic arthritis

painful joints, decreased ROm

assessment technique used for tinel's sign

percuss over median nerve, if tingling=carpal tunnel

what is a myelogram

permits visualization of segments of the spinal cord that may have herniated or may be compressed

three potential complications in a patient with a depressed LOC

pneumonia, aspiration, respiratory failure

what potential immobility-related complications may develop when a patient is in skeletal traction

pressure ulcers, pneumonia, PE

what test is used to test ulnar peripheral nerve function

prick the distal fat pad of the small finger

what test is used to test tibial peripheral nerve function

prick the medial and lateral surface of the sole

what test is used to test peroneal nerve function sensation

prick the skin midway between the great and second toe

what test is used to test median peripheral nerve function

prick the top or distal surface of the index finger

nervous system response from acetylcholine

primarily excitatory; can produce vagal stimulation of heart

A patient tells the physician about shoulder pain that is present even without any strenuous movement. The physician identifies a sac filled with synovial fluid. What condition should the nurse educate the patient about? a. a fracture of the clavicle b. osteoarthritis of the shoulder c. bursitis d. ankylosing spondylitis


The nurse assesses soft subcutaneous nodules along the line of the tendons in a patient's hand and wrist. What does this finding indicate to the nurse? a. the patient has osteoarthritis b. the patient has lupus erythematosus c. the patient has rheumatoid arthritis d. the patient has neurofibromatosis


The nurse is assessing the feet of a patient and observes an overgrowth of the horny layer of the epidermis. What does the nurse recognize this condition as a. bunion b. clawfoot c. corn d. hammer toe


what area of the brain controls a person's personality and judgement

frontal lobe

risk factors associated with osteoporosis

genetics, age, nutritions, exercise, meds

most common cause of acute encephalitis is the US

herpes simplex

sleep-wake cycle regulator and the site of the hunger center


four purposes for having a cast application

immobilizing a fracture, correct a deformity, apply uniform pressure, support weakened joints

three diagnostic tests used to support diagnosis of creutzfield jakob's

immunological assessment, EEG, MRI

disease-modifying therapies that are available to treat MS

immunomodulating therapies and immunosuppressive therapies

what is impingement syndrome and what measures are necessary to promote shoulder healing

impaired movment of rotaror cuff, therapeutic exercise program

nervous system response from serotonin

inhibits pain pathways and can control sleep

what is the difference between isotonic and isometric contractions

isometric=length of muscle remains constant, but the force is increased isotonic=shortening of muscle with an increase in tension within muscle

what is the different between kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis

kyphosis-increased forward curvature lordosis-exaggerated curvature of lumbar scoliosis-lateral curving deviation

describe compartment syndrome

large pressure in muscle compartment due to bleeding or pressure

A patient has a lesion affecting the pons, resulting in parlysis and the inability to speek, but has vertical eye movements and lid elevation. What is the patient suffering from

locked-in syndrome

musculoskeletal problems that can cause acute low back pain

lumbral-sacral strain, stress, obesity

what is a bone scan

may disclose infections, tumors, and bone marrow abnormalities

when the nurse performs a neurologic exam, what should be included

mental status, LOC, cranial nerve function, cerebellar function, reflexes, motor and sensory funtion

infectious disorders of the nervous system

mningitis, brain abscesses, various types of encephalitus, creutzfield-jackob's syndrome, variant creutzfield jakob's

what is an internal fixation

stabilization of the reduced fracture by the use of metal screws, plates, wires, nails, and pins

what methods for preventing hip prosthesis dislocation would the nurse teach the patient

supine, head slightly elevated, pillows between legs, keep knees apart at all times, dont cross legs, dont bend forward, use high seated chair

what are the general functions of the musculoskeletal system

support and protect the body and foster movement of the extremities

the nurse knows to assess a patient for DVT by assessing the lower extremities for

tenderness, warmth, redness, and swelling

major receiving and communication center for afferent sensory nerves


what is an open reduction

the correction and alignment of the fracture after surgical dissection and exposure of the fracture

A patient with an arm cast complains of pain. What nursing interventions should the nurse provide in order to reduce the incidence of complications? (select all that apply) a. assess the fingers for color and temperature b. administer a prescribed analgesic to promote comfort and allay anxiety c. assess for a pressure sore d. determine the exact site of the pain e. cut the cast with a cast saw

A, C, D

The nurse is called to attend a patient having a seizure in the waiting area. What nursing care is provided for a patient who is experiencing a convulsive seizure? (select all that apply) a. loosening constrictive clothing b. opening the patient's jaw and inserting a mouth gag c. positioning the patient on his or her side with head flexed forward d. providing for privacy e. restraining the patient to avoid self-injury

A, C, D

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