medical sociology midterm

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Which is a component of self-care? Select one: Taking preventive measures Self-treatment of symptoms Managing chronic conditions Consultation with health care providers All of the above are components of self-care

All of the above are components of self-care

The lower class is disadvantaged with respect to physical, but not mental health. Select one: True False


The well-educated are more likely to smoke and less likely to exercise than their less-educated counterparts. Select one: True False


What is a class-based set of durable dispositions to act in particular ways that shape particular facets of health lifestyles? Select one: Life chances Norms Habitus Life conduct Lifestyles


What is defined as activity undertaken by individuals for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing their health, preventing health problems, or achieving a positive body image? Select one: Health lifestyles Illness behavior Health behavior Health promotion Premedical

Health behavior

In the case of the sick role, illness is seen as __________, and its undesirable nature reinforces the motivation to be healthy. Select one: a. Deviance b. Normal c. Biological d. Social e. A stimulus

a. Deviance

Visits to physicians are higher for: Select one: Males Females Adults No difference in the response options None of the above


Considerable evidence shows that persistently coping with chronic stressors can have a profound adverse effect on a person's health. Select one: True False


_____ has been found to make women particularly vulnerable to psychological distress. Select one: a. Lack of control b. Astrological patterns c. Climate change d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Lack of control

The World Health Organization defines health as _____. Select one: a. Normality b. The absence of disease c. Ability to function d. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being e. All of the above

d. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being

What is the likely the most powerful influence on lifestyle forms? Select one: Class circumstances Age, gender, and race/ethnicity Collectivities Languages/linguistics Living conditions

Class circumstances

What are collective patterns of health-related behavior based on choices from options available to people according to their life chances? Select one: Health lifestyles Illness behavior Health behavior Health promotion Premedical

Health lifestyles

Medical sociologists divide health-oriented behavior into two general categories: ________ behavior and _________ behavior. Select one: Preventative; disease causing Health; illness Health lifestyles; sickness Health seeking; spreading None of the above

Health; illness

According to Michel Foucault, the development of modern medicine transformed perceptions of disease from something beyond the boundaries of knowledge to something to be scientifically studied and controlled. Select one: True False


The outcome or effect of a crisis depends on how well a person comes to terms with the situation and adapts to it. Select one: True False


Link and Phelan (1995) propose that medical sociologists must contextualize individually-based risk factors by (select all that apply): Select one or more: a. Using an interpretive framework to understand why people come to be exposed to risk or protective factors b. Determine the social conditions under which individual risk factors are related to disease c. Examining the literacy conditions that reduce exposure to risk factors d. Exploring the biological causes of disease

a. Using an interpretive framework to understand why people come to be exposed to risk or protective factors b. Determine the social conditions under which individual risk factors are related to disease

Medical sociology, as a subdiscipline, began gaining strength: Select one: a. It was always part of sociology as a major focus of classical sociologists b. After World War II with the infusion of large amounts of federal funding for research c. Only in the last two decades when major worldwide health crises highlighted the need for it d. It never has been a major part of sociology and exists only as a small part of the medical field

b. After World War II with the infusion of large amounts of federal funding for research

Mechanic & Tanner (2007) note that _____ make it less likely that children will have access to educational stimulation and good schools, have high levels of educational attainment, compete for better jobs, and achieve adequate incomes and living standards as adults. Select one: a. Personal limitations b. Low social control c. Early socioeconomic deprivations d. Poor institutions and programmatic assistance e. Infant health conditions

c. Early socioeconomic deprivations

Unlike infectious diseases, chronic diseases typically are _____ and _____. Select one: a. Short term; incurable b. Short term; curable c. Long term; incurable d. Long term; curable e. There is no difference

c. Long term; incurable

A major factor causing the infant mortality difference between blacks and whites is: Select one: a. Sanitation b. Health care c. Poverty d. Education e. Insurance

c. Poverty

What is most prevalent health problem of persons over the age of 65? Select one: a. Heart disease b. Stroke c. Cancer d. Hypertension e. Arthritis

e. Arthritis

Who suggests two major types of stressors: life events and chronic strains? Select one: a. Brenner b. Siegrist c. Selye d. Goffman e. Pearlin

e. Pearlin

Medical sociology is an important area of study because: Select one: a. It promotes the role biology plays in social life b. It represents a departure from the theory-heavy discipline of general sociology c. It recognizes the role that social factors play in determining or influencing health d. It is the result of a merger between medicine and sociology e. None of the above

It recognizes the role that social factors play in determining or influencing health

What is an example of a stressful situation? Select one: a. Death b. Divorce c. Marriage d. A and B only e. All of the above

e. All of the above

The process of seeking medical help involving a group of potential consultants, beginning in the family and extending outward to more select individuals until professionals are consulted, is known as the: Select one: Medical referral system Lay-referral system Professional referral system Health networking process None of the above

Lay-referral system

_____ suicide occurs when people become detached from society and, suddenly on their own, are overwhelmed by the resulting stress. Select one: a. Egoistic b. Fatalistic c. Altruistic d. Anomic e. None of the above

a. Egoistic

In quantitative studies, what variables are used to measure socioeconomic status? Select one: a. Social and human capital b. Income, occupational prestige, and education c. Income and wealth d. Status, wealth, and power e. Neighborhood characteristics

b. Income, occupational prestige, and education

The _____ system controls heart rate, blood pressure, and gastrointestinal functions: processes that are not under the control of the central nervous system. Select one: a. Limbic b. Respiratory c. Endocrine d. Autonomic e. None of the above

d. Autonomic

The most common response to symptoms of illness by people throughout the world is: Select one: Health behavior Illness behavior Self care Doctor visits None of the above

Self care

________________ interpretations of feeling states are medically significant, because sometimes physical changes are not obvious. Select one: Objective Subjective Professional Thoughtful None of the above


Decline in deaths from infectious diseases in the second half of the nineteenth century was mainly due to _____. Select one: a. Improvements in diet, housing, and public sanitation b. Better training of physicians c. The discovery of penicillin d. Epidemiological transitions e. All of the above

a. Improvements in diet, housing, and public sanitation

Which of the following trends is most likely to strain health care delivery systems and Social Security system in future years? Select one: a. Increasing proportion of elderly in the population b. Increasing size of the Hispanic population c. Medical tourism d. Reemergence of infectious diseases e. All of the above

a. Increasing proportion of elderly in the population

Today's affordable housing crisis is primarily the result of which factors (select all that apply): Select one or more: a. housing costs have soared b. incomes of the poor have fallen or flatlined c. federal assistance has failed to bridge the gap d. the availability of affordable housing has increased e. a reduction in the number of people who need housing assistance

a. housing costs have soared b. incomes of the poor have fallen or flatlined c. federal assistance has failed to bridge the gap

Which is NOT a major area of investigation in medical sociology? Select one: a. Social facets of health and disease b. Social behavior of health care personnel and their patients c. Social functions of health organizations and institutions d. The relationship of health care delivery systems to other systems

all are major ares of investigation

Which racial group in the United States is especially disadvantaged in regard to health? Select one: a. Non-Hispanic whites b. Non-Hispanic blacks c. Hispanics d. Asians/Pacific Islanders e. Alaskan Natives

b. Non-Hispanic blacks

The scholar who first provided a major theoretical approach for medical sociology was _____. Select one: a. Durkheim b. Parsons c. Weber d. Mead e. Goffman

b. Parsons

A social class is a category or group of people who: Select one: a. Are in the same age range b. Share similar levels of wealth, status, and power c. Share similar ethnicity and culture d. Live in the same neighborhood e. None of the above

b. Share similar levels of wealth, status, and power

By 2030 it is projected that _______ of all Americans will be 65 or older. Select one: a. 10% b. 15% c. 20% d. 25% e. 30%

c. 20%

_____ are the largest minority group in American society. Select one: a. Non-Hispanic whites b. Non-Hispanic blacks c. Hispanics d. Asians/Pacific Islanders e. American Indians/Alaskan Natives

c. Hispanics

The finding that even the upper middle class lives shorter than the uppermost class, and that every class lives longer than the one directly below it is evidence of what? Select one: a. Educational differences b. Influence of deprivation c. Social gradient in mortality d. Social patterning of disease e. None of the above

c. Social gradient in mortality

___ involve access to resources that can be used to avoid risks or to minimize the consequences of disease once it occurs. Select one: a. Proximal social causes of disease b. Life course chronic disease epidemiology c. Neighborhood causes of disease d. Fundamental social causes of disease

d. Fundamental social causes of disease

The importance of Emile Durkheim's work for understanding stress lies in his: Select one: a. Typology of three specific types of suicide b. Denial of biological influences on human behavior c. Insight into the link between the state of the economy and certain types of illness d. Notion of the capability of society to create situations where people are forced to respond to conditions not of their own choosing e. None of the above

d. Notion of the capability of society to create situations where people are forced to respond to conditions not of their own choosing

What has been the general pattern in life expectancy during the 20th century with respect to men and women? Select one: a. Women outlive men only in a handful of countries b. Both men and women gained approximately the same amount c. Men gained more than women in the first half of the century, but dramatic social change in recent decades has meant that women are catching up to men d. Women gained more than men in the first half of the century but since then men have made greater gains and the gap is narrowing e. None of the above

d. Women gained more than men in the first half of the century but since then men have made greater gains and the gap is narrowing

In his study of eviction, Desmond notes that the majority of poor renting families in America devote _____ of their income to housing costs. Select one: a. about one quarter b. about one fifth c. about a third d. more than half e. more than ninety percent

d. more than half

In order for a social variable to qualify as a cause of sickness and mortality it must meet which criteria? Select one: a. Influence multiple diseases b. Affect diseases through multiple pathways of risks c. Be reproduced over time d. Involve access to resources that can be used to avoid risks e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Mechanic & Tanner (2007) include which of the following as sources of vulnerability? Select one: a. Poverty and race b. Social networks and lack of social support c. Personal limitations d. Physical location e. All of the above

e. All of the above

The extent of physiological damage or change within an individual depends on: Select one: a. The stimulus situation b. An individual's capacity to deal with the stimulus situation c. The individual's preparation by society to meet problems d. The influence of society's approved modes of behavior e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Which of the following are TRUE about health lifestyles? Select one: a. They include behaviors like smoking, drinking, and alcohol consumption b. They influence whether and how severely one becomes ill c. They can be positive or negative d. They are influenced by one's social environment e. All of the above

e. All of the above

Changes in lifestyle patterns over the past decades has meant that coronary heart disease is now concentrated more among which group? Select one: a. Upper class b. Upper-middle class c. Middle class d. Working class e. Poor/lower class

e. Poor/lower class

The cause(s) of the social gradient is most likely related to differences between socioeconomic groups and classes in: Select one: a. Self-esteem and stress levels b. The effects of income inequality c. Deprivation through the life course d. Health lifestyles and social support e. Some combination of all of the above

e. Some combination of all of the above

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