Membrane Transport

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___________ involves moving large particles into the cell


examples: Ions

Na, K, Cl

According to the second law of thermodynamics, which of the following is true?

The ordering of one system depends on the disordering of another.

______ _______ are embedded in the cell membrane & have a pore for materials to cross; examples: ___

___, ___, ___, channel proteins

During enzymatic reactions, substrates are converted to products. A property of enzymes that facilitates this reaction is that they are catalysts and therefore _____.

change the rate of a reaction without being consumed by the reaction. This permits enzyme molecules to be used repeatedly.

Heating inactivates enzymes by

changing the enzyme's three-dimensional shape.

______ occurs whenever water moves into the cells causing them to swell and burst


Fluid inside the cell is called _____.


High temperatures or changes in pH can ________ an enzyme, causing it to lose its shape and biological activity.


The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is called _____.


Explain what happens to a drop of food coloring put into a beaker of water

diffusion happens until the dye and the water reach equilibrium

__________ is the opposite of exocytosis


Homeostasis is also called ______


When a cell uses chemical energy to perform work, it uses the energy released from a(n) ________ reaction to drive a(n) ________ reaction.

exergonic . . . endergonic

When two aqueous solutions that differ in solute concentration are placed on either side of a semipermeable membrane and osmosis is allowed to take place, the water will

exhibit a net movement to the side with lower free water concentration.

Moving very large particles out of the cell is called _________


A molecule moves down its concentration gradient using a transport protein in the plasma membrane. This is an example of

facilitated diffusion

During ______ _______ integral proteins assist molecules in moving through the membrane; needs a membrane; however no energy is needed

facilitated diffusion

______ diffusion is a type of _____ transport because energy is NOT required

facilitated, passive

_______ diffusion uses _____ proteins to help move materials from _____ to ____ concentrations

facilitated, transport, high to low

cell membranes of unicellular organisms are _______ so the organism can move


Channel proteins have an opening or _____ through which molecules can passively move by ________ diffusion

gated, facilitated

Are phospholipids heads polar or non-polar? the tails?


In cellular respiration, most energy is released and transferred to ATP when _____.

high-energy electrons "fall" to lower energy levels

The _______ ___ between an active site and its substrate often strains bonds and helps the reaction proceed.

induced fit

When an enzyme catalyzes a reaction,

it lowers the activation energy of the reaction.

Light is _____ energy, which is converted by plants into molecules, which possess _____ energy.

kinetic ... chemical

Materials soluble in ______ can pass easily through the cell membrane


How does the plasma membrane help maintain homeostasis?

maintained by plasma membrane controlling what enters and leaves the cell

In active transport,

molecules move across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradient.

With simple diffusion

molecules move from an area of ______ concentration to an area of _____ concentration, HIGH, LOW

White blood cells engulfing bacteria is an example of _________


______ occurs whenever water moves out of a cell & the cell shrinks in size


What causes the mosaic pattern of the cell membrane when viewed from above?


Overall, membranes seem to have a great deal in common, but on closer inspection it is revealed that membranes of different cells have unique properties. What is the primary component of membranes that gives membranes cell-specific properties?

proteins. There is a large variety of proteins, and it is differences in these widely varying molecules that give a particular membrane its unique properties.

________ _________ endocytosis involves protein __________ recognizing hormones to help move them into the cell

receptor mediated, receptors

Simple ______

requires NO energy to move things across the cell membrane, diffusion

Anything that prevents ATP formation will most likely

result in cell death.

_______ _________ is the movement from a high concentration to a low concentration; no energy & no membrane is needed

simple diffusion

the ________ ________ pump is an example of active transport


If water potential is LOW

solute concentration ____, HIGH

In exocytosis

wastes are moved out of the cell in ______ that fuse with the cell membrane, vesicles

What are cell junctions?

where cells come in contact with eachother

name two types of transport proteins found in cell membranes

1) channel proteins

give two examples of passive transport in cells

1) movement of oxygen

active transport uses cellular energy known as ____


Requires energy from the cell. Molecules move against their concentration gradient.

Active Transport

one molecule or ion that moves in one direction using the protein


plants prefer ______ environments

while animals do best in ______ environments., hypotonic, isotonic

Reactions can be exergonic or endergonic. Which of these reactions is endergonic?

protein synthesis

Most of a cell's enzymes are


You are adrift in the Atlantic Ocean, and, being thirsty, drink the surrounding seawater. As a result,

you dehydrate yourself.

How many fatty acid chains are in a phospholipid?

2, both are unsaturated

How does inhibition of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction by a competitive inhibitor differ from inhibition by a noncompetitive inhibitor?

Competitive inhibitors bind to the active site of the enzyme; noncompetitive inhibitors bind to a different site.

A form of passive transport. Molecules move across the plasma membrane by crossing the lipid bilayer.


The plasma membrane forms a pocket that pinches inward, forming a vesicle that contains materia from outside the cell.


Which of the following statements regarding enzyme function is false?

Enzymes are used up when they catalyze a chemical reaction, so must be synthesized for each new chemical reaction.

What is the basic difference between exergonic and endergonic reactions?

Exergonic reactions release energy; endergonic reactions absorb it.

A vesicle inside the cell fuses with the plasma membrane and releases its contents outside the cell.


A form of passive transport. Molecules move across the plasma membrane using a transport protein.

Facilitated Diffusion

Which of the following statements about the ATP molecule is true?

It releases energy when one phosphate group leaves ATP.

List three substances that pass through the cell membrane...

Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, and water

Which of the following statements is true about passive transport?

Passive transport requires no expenditure of cellular energy.

Kinetic energy is energy in motion. Potential energy is _____ energy.


The eukaryotic cell has multiple membrane-enclosed compartments. This evolutionary innovation provides what advantage to the cell?

The different membrane-enclosed spaces allow different parts of the cell to perform specific functions. The membranes that surround organelles make it possible to construct very different chemical environments within and on the surface of each of these organelles.

What happens to the chemical energy that is extracted from molecules by cellular activities but that is not used for cellular work?

The energy contributes to the entropy of the system. The second law of thermodynamics states that in any energy transformation, the overall disorder of the universe increases. Most often, this disorder comes in the form of thermal molecular motion (heat), which is a form of energy that is not lost but cannot be harnessed for work.

The phospholipid _____ of the cell membrane allows _______ molecules to pass through easily but

________ do not., bilayer, hydrophobic, hydrophilic


_________ molecules larger than water, and large _______ molecules do NOT move easily through the phospholipids of the cell membrane., ions, hydrophilic, proteins

Energy can be classified as either potential or kinetic. Which of the following is an example of kinetic energy?

a running child

An enzyme peeds up reactions by lowering the __________ ______.

activation energy

An enzyme is specific because of the shape its ______ ____ matches only particular reactants.

active site

The sodium-potassium pump uses energy from ATP to move sodium ions out of the cell, and potassium ions into the cell. This is an example of

active transport. The sodium-potassium pump moves ions across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradients. This requires energy and is an example of active transport.

what is meant by homeostasis?

balanced internal condition of cells

An enzyme is considered a _________ because it speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up.


A ________, which is often a vitamin, binds to an enzyme and plays role in catalysis.


The fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane as consisting of

diverse proteins embedded in a phospholipid bilayer.

The phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP is an _____ reaction that _____ energy.

endergonic ... requires an input of

The plasma membrane forms a pocket that pinches inward, forming a vesicle that contains material from outside the cell. This describes the process of

endocytosis. In endocytosis, the plasma membrane forms a pocket that pinches inward, forming a vesicle that contains material from outside the cell.

Certain cells that line the stomach synthesize a digestive enzyme and secrete it into the stomach. This enzyme is a protein. Which of the following processes could be responsible for its secretion?


Bacterial production of the enzymes needed for the synthesis of the amino acid tryptophan declines with increasing levels of tryptophan and increases as tryptophan levels decline. This is an example of

feedback inhibition.

The_____ ______ _______ describes the appearance of the cell membrane

fluid mosaic model

When water moves toward the solution with the _____ solute concentration, the solution is _____.

greater ... hypertonic

Which of the following energy transfers is impossible in living systems?

heat to light energy

In oil-based liquids, phospholipids are arranged so that their _____ face outward and their _____ are orientated inward.

hydrophobic tails ... hydrophilic heads This arrangement shelters the hydrophilic heads of the phospholipids from the oil while exposing the hydrophobic tails to the oil. This is seen in oil-based solutions.

With diffusion

molecules move by their own natural _____ or energy of motion., energy

Which of the following is highest in chemical energy?

one molecule of Glucose

Which part of the ATP molecule breaks free of the rest when an ATP molecule is used for energy?

one phosphate group.

Because the cell membrane is ________

only _______ molecules and larger ________ molecules can move through easily., hydrophobic, small, hydrophobic

What is meant by the term selectively permeable?

only certain things can enter and leave

The diffusion of water across a cell membrane


The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called _____.


Diffusion does not require the cell to expend ATP. Therefore, diffusion is considered a type of

passive transport.

Oxygen crosses a plasma membrane by

passive transport.

Which of the following terms specifically refers to the intake of very large particles by cells?


The process of a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is


A _______ bilayer makes up most of the cell membrane.


Seawater is dangerous to drink because _____.

seawater is hypertonic to your body tissues and drinking it will cause you to lose water by osmosis

The first law of thermodynamics _____.

states that energy is neither created nor destroyed

All cells are enclosed by a plasma membrane that is similar in ________ and ________.

structure . . . function

In catalyzed reaction, a reactant is often called a _________.


The energy required to initiate an exergonic reaction is called

the activation energy.

Energy is _____.

the capacity to perform work

Osmosis is often viewed incorrectly as a process driven directly by differences in solute concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. What really drives osmosis?

the difference in water concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. The driving force for osmosis is water's concentration gradient across a selectively permeable membrane. Differences in solute concentration across a membrane create water concentration differences, but solute concentration differences do not directly drive osmosis.

What controls the direction of a molecule, such as oxygen, involved in passive transport?

the direction of the oxygen concentration gradient. The direction material moves in passive transport is determined solely by the material's concentration gradient, with material diffusing from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration.

According to ________, energy cannot be created or destroyed.

the first law of thermodynamics

Plasma membranes are selectively permeable. This means that

the plasma membrane allows some substances to enter or leave a cell more easily than others.

The active site of an enzyme is

the region of an enzyme that attaches to a substrate.

Why is the cell membrane said to act like a fluid?

there is lateral movement

Water crosses the plasma membrane

through facilitated diffusion or diffusion. Water can cross the plasma membrane through the process of facilitated diffusion. However, water molecules can also cross the lipid bilayer directly.

Energy is conserved. This means that in any system, _____.

total energy input equals total energy output

Facilitated diffusion across a biological membrane requires ________ and moves a substance ________ its concentration gradient.

transport proteins . . . down

What substance is transported by aquaporins?

water. Aquaporins are a newly discovered class of transport proteins that transport water in cells with very high water permeability needs.

Kinetic energy differs from chemical energy in that

kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object, whereas chemical energy is the potential energy of molecules.

Explain how these carrier proteins move materials across the cell membrane.

They bind to molecules, change their shape carry it to the right side of the membrane and release it

If water potential is HIGH

solute concentration is ____, LOW

List some protein functions:

1) structural support

name to materials that move into or out of cells by facilitated diffusion


The sodium-potassium pump moves ___ sodium ions out for every ___ potassium ions moved into the cell creating voltage across the cell called the ___________ ____________.

3, 2, threshold potential

Water moves from ____ water potential to ____ water potential.


Active transport moves materials AGAINST the concentration gradient or from ____ to ____ concentration


Do all carrier proteins extend across the cell membrane?


How do carrier proteins help move materials across a cell membrane?

They change their shape to fit the material and carries it to the right side of the membrane; it also protects polar molecules

b. a concentrated salt solution


Substrates bind to an enzyme's ________ site.


Which of the following processes can move a solute against its concentration gradient?

active transport

________ ________ needs ATP and is the movement of concentration from low to high; may need a protein & needs a cell membrane

active transport

________ is the movement from high pressure to low pressure; occurs in the kidneys

and is a passive transport mechanism, filtration

two molecules or ions that move through the same protein but in opposite directions (one in and one out)


Water diffuses through the pores called ______ of the cell membrane.


How does cholesterol get into the cell?

attaches to receptor and taken in by vesicle

Why is diffusion considered a passive process?

because there is NO ATP used, only natural energy can be used

"_____ _______" is known as ___________.

cell eating, phagocytosis

passive transport does _____ require additional energy & moves materials from ____ to _____ concentration

not, high, low,

Taking in large liquid droplets is called ________ or "______ _______"

pinocytosis, "cell drinking"

2 substances move through the same protein in one direction


Which of the following processes is endergonic?

the synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and water

When solutes diffuse through a membrane

they move from ____ to ____ concentration., HIGH to LOW

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