Meteorology "Knowledge Check" 2 but it's really a test.

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Secondary aerosols

formed with chemical reactions in the air


gas to solid

Latent heat of melting

(ice →liquid), water takes energy from the environment

latent heat of fusion

(liquid →ice), water gives energy to the environment

latent heat of vaporization

(liquid →vapor), water takes energy from the environment

latent heat of condensation

(vapor →liquid) water gives energy to the environment

Most of the water on Earth is stored ___.

in the ocean as salt water

collision-coalescence process

he dominant process for precipitation formation in warm clouds.

Upper-level convergence causes ________.

high pressure at the surface

Ice →Liquid →Gas

hydrogen bonds are broken

hydrologic cycle

the continuous exchange of water between the oceans, atmosphere, continents, and living things. Precipitation Runoff Infiltration Evaporation Transpiration Condensation


the force in opposition to the airflow acting to slow moving objects

Air pressure

the force per unit area on a surface exerted by the weight of the air above

mixing ratio

the mass of water vapor in a unit of air compared to the remaining mass of dry air Units: grams of water vapor per kilograms of dry air (g/kg)

Vapor Pressure

the part of the total atmospheric pressure attributable to its water vapor content

Vapor pressure is defined as _________.

the part of the total atmospheric pressure exerted by water vapor

Saturation vapor pressure

the pressure exertedby the water vapor molecules when the air is saturated

Highest air pressure

1084 mb (Siberia, December 1968)


Convergence of surface air

Orographic Lifting


Localized Convective Lifting

Surface Heating

dry adiabatic rate

Unsaturated air heats or cools at a specific rate,

Frontal Lifiting

Uplift along weather fronts

Relative humidity

a ratio of the air's actualwater vapor content compared with the amountof water vapor required for saturation at a giventemperature

The Coriolis force ________.

changes the apparent direction that an object is moving

Dewpoint Temperature

is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense. also the temperature at which the air reaches saturation.


liquid to solid

You are driving through the country and you notice isolated cumulus clouds in the sky. Which lifting mechanism is most likely responsible for these cumulus clouds?

localized convective lifting

The collision-coalescence process involves ________.

multiple collisions of tiny droplets that stick together

Which type of cloud is best described as a flat, thick, low cloud that rains all day?


Bergeron process

operates in cold clouds at temperatures below 0 ̊C (32 ̊F), where liquid cloud droplets and ice crystals coexist.

Which precipitation type forms when snowflakes melt partially and then re-freeze before hitting the ground?


Which precipitation type is caused by a cloud with temperatures below freezing from the ground all the way to the top of the cloud?



solid to gas

Which rain gauge would be least accurate for measuring heavy rainfall?

tipping-bucket gauge

Which term is defined as an elongated area of low pressure?


Which of the following measurements describes the actual amount of water vapor in the air?

vapor pressure, dew-point temperature, and mixing ratio

When air is cooled below its dewpoint

water will condense and: Dew or fog will form if the temperature is above freezing, and Frost will form if the temperature is below freezing.

What makes water unique?

1. is the only liquid found at Earth's surface in large quantities. 2. is readily converted from one state to another (solid, liquid, gas). 3. in the solid phase, ice, is less dense than liquid water. 4. has a high heat capacity - changing temperature requires lots of energy.

Lowest air pressure

850 mb (South Dakota, June 2003)

_____ provides a way to represent winds by indicating the percentage of time the wind blows from various directions.

A wind rose

Which of the following is true about low pressure at the surface in the Northern Hemisphere?

It is associated with counterclockwise, converging winds.

Which two forces are balanced when the wind is in geostrophic balance?

Coriolis force and pressure gradient force


Gas to liquid

Gas →Liquid →Solid

Hydrogen Bonds are formed

Coriolis Force (Effect)

Is directed at right angles to the direction of airflow; Affects only wind direction, not the speed; Is proportional to wind speed (faster wind, stronger Coriolis); and Is strongest at the poles and non-existent at the Equator.


Liquid to gas

Which of the following locations would typically have the highest station air pressure?

New Orleans, LA (elevation: 6 meters below sea level)

What type of weather modification involves the use of large fans to mix surface air with air aloft?

frost prevention and fog dispersion

Surface Winds in the SH

Sfc lows have inward and clockwise flow Sfc highs have outward andcounterclockwise flow

Surface winds in the NH

Sfc lows have inward and counterclockwise flow Sfc highs have outward and clockwise flow

Saturation Step 2

The evaporated water contributes to a rising vapor pressure Many more molecules will evaporate Some molecules will condense

lifting condensation level (LCL).

The altitude at which an air parcel reaches saturation and clouds form


The amount of water vapor in the air

Which of the following statements about dew-point temperature is true?

The dew-point temperature is equal to air temperature in a cloud.

Saturation Step 3

The evaporating and condensing molecules will reach a balance The balance point is called saturation,which is temperature-specific

absolute humidity

The mass of water vapor contained in a certain volume of air

Which of the following statements about the pressure gradient force is true?

The pressure gradient force is stronger when isobars are closer together.

The lifting condensation level is the location of the _______.

first place where the air parcel becomes saturated

Saturation Step 4

The system is heated More molecules evaporate, increasing the vaporpressure More will also condense and ultimate reach a newbalance point, resulting in a higher saturation vaporpressure

Saturation Step 1

Water under completely dry air Water molecules evaporate

Which of the following statements is true about winds at the surface?

Winds at the surface cross the isobars at an angle toward the lower pressure.

What type of fog occurs when warm air is blown over cold, snow-covered ground?

advection fog

Adiabatic temperature changes

are temperature changes that result from changes in pressure rather than changes in heat energy.

If you increase the average temperature of a column of air, then the 500-mb pressure surface will be _______.

at a higher altitude

If you increase the moisture content of a column of air, then the 500-mb pressure surface will be ________.

at a higher altitude

The Bergeron process occurs in _____________.

cold (below freezing) clouds

Cloud formation is an example of _____ and _____ the air.

condensation; warms

Which cloud type forms in an unstable environment?


Which of the following phase changes would release heat to the surrounding environment?


Primary aerosols

emitted directly into the atmosphere

When water changes state

energy is exchanged between water and its environment. During a phase change, energy may be added or lost without an accompanying change in temperature. This energy is used to break or form hydrogen bonds and is called latent heat

Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana would experience clouds caused by all of the lifting mechanisms, except _____.

orographic lifting

What type of fog occurs on clear, calm nights when the air near the ground cools faster than the air higher above the ground?

radiation fog


result of horizontal differences in air pressure

If an air parcel is warmer than the surrounding environment, then it will _____.


The most common cooling mechanism for cloud formation is ________.

rising and expanding air

wet adiabatic rate

saturated air heats or cools at a different rate,

Which of the following will enhance stability in the atmosphere?

snow on the ground

Atmospheric aerosols

solid or liquid particles suspended in air. They have natural and anthropogenic sources. Natural - volcanic eruptions, sea spray, pollen, dust and dirt blown by the wind Anthropogenic - car exhaust, power plants, food preparation


solid to liquid

A southeast wind blows from _____.

southeast to northwest

If an air parcel starts with a temperature of 20 °C and is lifted 1 km upwards, the air parcel is stable if ______.

the air parcel is unsaturated, and the temperature of the surrounding environment at 1 km is 11 °C

Coriolis force

the apparent force caused by Earth's rotation resulting in a deviation from the expected PGF flow

Conditional instability is a situation in which _______.

the atmosphere is stable with respect to an unsaturated air parcel and unstable with respect to a saturated air parcel

Hydrogen Bonds

the attractive forces that exist between hydrogen atoms in one molecule and oxygen atoms in another

Pressure gradient force (PGF)

the resulting force when air is subjected to greater pressure on one side, which is directed from high to low pressure

When temperature increases, _____.

the saturation vapor pressure increases

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