Mexican- American War 1846-1848

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What did the "conscience Whigs" favor?

"Conscience Whigs" in the north favored the abolition of slavery and halting the institution's spread into new territories.

What did the U.S cry?

"Fifty-four forty or fight!"

Why was the mexican American war important?

- 1/3 of our country is won as a result - will lead to a massive division in America (due to argument over slavery) - dress rehearsal for civil war

Who is James K. Polk?

- 11th U.S pres. - southern democrat - expansionist

How do you bring a single slave state into the union? Solutions?

- Annex Texas (slave) - Annex Oregon (free) - buy

Key events?

- Dred Scott - crisis in Kansas - economic depression

Who is John brown?

- Extremist, religious zeacot, a radical - supports abolitionism in 1837

What was the first battle? Who won

- Palo Alto - American victory

What were the provisions of the treaty of Guadalupe?

- Permanent treaty that ended the war - Americans gained Mexico's northern territories - texas's southern border officially became the rio grande

What did the Americans do because of Mexico's refusal?

- Zachary Taylor was sent to Nueces River - Mexicans Attacked (disputed/provoked) - shots fired on both sides - Polk then got a declaration of war

What were the problems w/ victory?

- have to settle dispute over slavery - transportation - native population will cause conflict

*Causes of Civil War (1850-1854)


American Response


American Victory


Bleeding Kansas


Election of 1856


Election of 1860


Issues w/ Texas


John Brown Harper's Ferry


Lincoln - Douglas debate


Mexican- American War




Political Parties






Violence on Capitol Hill- 1856


What were the provisions of the compromise of 1850?

1) California will come in as a free state 2) Utah and New Mexico = popular sovereignty 3) stricter fugitive slave laws 4) domestic slave trade is banned in Washington D.C

Know- Nothing Party?

A party that supported native born Americans over new immigrants. Was split over the issue of slavery


Against slavery

Free soil?

Against slavery on economic ground. A party that objected to slavery based on the idea that slave labor was cheaper than wage based labor force which in turn drove down wages.

How does the south view Brooks?

As a hero

How does the north view sumner?

As a martyr

What was a major American victory?

Battle of Monterrey

Anti-Kansas Nebraska Act -> renamed Republicans

Begin as a party opposed to slavery; many members from the Whig, know-nothing, and free soilers joined the party

What is the manifest destiny?

Belief that U.S is destined by God & history to expand over a vast area that included North America

What did Steven Douglas believe?

Believed in popular sovereignty

What does John brown believe?

Believes the goal in life is to end slavery

Dispute about slave/free states arises- what is Douglas' solution?

Break down the Missouri compromise and decide slave/free by popular sovereignty.

Oregon split w/ _____ along the ________ (June 1846)

Britain 49th parallel

Why did the population increase in west?

California gold rush

Why was sumner beaten?

Calls Andrew butler don Quixote-> insulting south congressmen

What did Scott do?

Capture Mexico City

What did Kearney do?

Captured Santa Fe and aided US forces in California's Bear Flag Revolution, and captured California

Who is beat to death on the floor of the senate?

Charles Sumner

Who is sent to New Mexico?

Col. Stephen Kearney

Who were "cotton Whigs"

Cotton Whigs in the south took opposite viewpoints of the conscience Whigs





What happens to brown?


What does john brown do?

He goes out and wages war- him and his officials murder 5 proslavery officials

Where did Steven Douglas want the railroad to originate from?

Illinois because he is the the senator of Illinois


Issue of slavery split the party

Why is the Mexican- American war a controversial conflict?

It is a war of expansion


Know nothing

What was the response to the annex of Texas?

Mexico broke diplomatic ties- precursor to war

Kansas Nebraska Act

Need to connect both sides of the country -> build railroad

What did Mexico want the border to be?

Nueces River

What did the Mexican gov't do to encourage American immigration into Texas?

Offered Cheap land and low tax

What happened in Nov of 1845?

Polk sent John Slidell to purchase California from Mexico- Mexico refused

Who beats sumner?

Preston Brooks

What was brown's idea?

Raid the army; arm the slaves and start revolt





Where did the Americans want the border to be?

Rio Grande

Who stops the rebellion?

Robert E. lee stops the rebellion, commander of the army of northern Virginia

Big cause of civil war?


Impact of john brown on the south

Slavery Dieing


Southern democrat

Who wrote the compromise of 1850?

Steven Douglas

Dred Scott case?

Supreme Court rules Scott as a slave

American advantage?


What state did James K. Polk want to bring into the Union?


Why did America not want anything to do with Texas?

They know annexation would cause conflict w/ Mexico and also cause an imbalance in slave and free states

Buchanan's presidency

Union will not dissolve under his presidency

What did Lincoln believe?

Was against slavery but not an abolitionist; thought it was impossible to eliminate slavery @ once

Buchanan's presidency?

Weak, indecisive, inept

What was the central focus of the debate?

What to do with slavery

Why is this so controversial?

Will led to a new political party- Anti- Kansas-Nebraska Party

Who did Polk replace Taylor with?

Winfield Scott

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