mexican unit

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According to the text, the Chicano movement has striven for a variety of educational goals, including: a. Reduction of school drop-out rates c. Vocational training in special trades b. Increased awareness of teen pregnancy programs d. Elimination of bilingual education


How did the first UFW grape strike not meet the typical criteria for a labor conflict? a. It did not threaten the supply of an essential good or service. c. It did not go through the typical steps of escalation that most labor conflicts experience. b. It was not creating much public attention or discourse. d. It was not religious in nature.


How does the diversity between various Latino people impact their political clout in contemporary America? a. Being comprised of a variety of socio-economic groups and cultural differences, their differences have largely hindered unified political efforts for reform. c. The combined Latino population now has a majority in voting numbers, thereby having more influence in politics. b. Their great diversity has contributed to a strengthened political dynamic, achieving many accomplishments within the past 25 years. d. Latino-based policies have become politically more relevant now that the diverse population advocates for common causes.


In "Farm Worker," how did the farm companies deceptively utilize child labor to increase production? a. They would encourage kids to miss school for "Harvest Week" and earn gold stars for what they were misled to believe was their civic duty. c. Kids were offered better salaries than their parents, motivating them to go to work instead of going to school. b. The farms would have the schools attach their grades to the amount of time spent on the fields.


Two results of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo are the expansion of U.S. territory and: a. The granting of U.S. citizenship to residents of the newly acquired territories. c. The opening of black markets and illegal trade along the U.S. - Mexico border. b. The end of all Mexican immigration into the U.S. for nearly 50 years. d. All of the above are correct.


What controversial action did Catholics for the Chicano People challenge in regards to the Catholic Church's behavior? a. The Church was pouring its money into opulent structures while neglecting to invest in services to improve conditions for poor Chicanos. c. The Church was supporting the exploitation of poor Chicanos by rich, upper-class Anglo employers. b. The Church was preaching the evils of birth control, but failing to enforce other important religious policies. d. The Church was not including Chicano people or representation into the higher ranks of the priesthood.


What did U.S. News & World Report mean in 1998 when it claimed that "Hispanics Don't Exist?" a. Hispanics are not just a singular population, but a diverse mixture of cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. c. No longer a minority in the U.S., "American" should be the more accurate term to best describe Hispanic people. b. Hispanics were now melding into one larger Latino population in the U.S. d. A major exodus of Hispanic people back to Latin American countries has been gradually occuring, continuing the trend of a shrinking popluation.


What did the first UFW table grape strike, known as "La Causa," come to symbolically represent after four years since its start? a. Originally beginning as a small farm labor dispute, it eventually represented a larger struggle for Mexican-American civil rights. c. It was the first time the UFW was recognized as a viable labor union fueled by largely popular Anglo support. b. The strike evolved into a nationwide religious evangelical movement for the social recognition of human dignity. d. Beginning with humble origins, the strike symbolized the start of the greater Chicano movement.


What significant impact occurred on the labor market with the gradual impoverishment of many Chicanos during the 19th century? a. Many Chicanos were increasingly incorporated into the labor market as unskilled or semi-skilled manual laborers. c. The possibilities for upward mobility and education were limitless for Mexican-Americans. b. Job displacement was a rarity for most people. d. The "white collar" sector of American society was rapidly growing to incorporate other minorities.


What was the reality of the Bracero Program? a. The program became a system of "legalized slavery" and exploited many Mexican immigrants. c. It created inequality and a class structure between Mexican laborers and Mexican business owners. b. Many Mexican immigrants became rich. d. The program was beneficial to Mexican immigrants and helped the economy of Mexico.


What's the difference between the term "Hispanic" and "Latino?" a. Describing largely the same people, "Hispanic" refers to Spanish ethnic origin while "Latino" refers to Latin language origin. c. "Latino" only refers to people of Mexican heritage while "Hispanic" refers to all other Latin American ethnic groups. b. The only difference between the two is that "Hispanic" is more commonly accepted and politically correct over "Latino." d. "Latino" only describes people from Mexico and Central America while "Hispanic" describes all other groups originating from South America.


Which method of non-violent protest is often used as a method of last resort by unions? a. Striking c. Picketting b. Boycotting d. Marching


Why did many urban Chicanos growing up in the 1960's, such as author David Gomez, feel ostracized by their own fellow Latinos? a. Originally attempting to gain acceptance in Anglo-dominated society, many Chicanos tried to detach themselves from their Latino heritage. c. Many Chicanos were abandoning the Latino cause and joining up, instead, with the African-American civil rights movement. b. Instead of working together for a common cause, many Latinos destructively blamed each other and made excuses for their poor conditions. d. The Chicano population was too diverse and too different, hindering efforts to unify toward a common goal.


Why did the Bracero Program begin? a. There was a great demand for manual labor during World War II. c. The U.S. needed to recruit laborers who were harder working than those of the U.S. b. The U.S. wanted to improve the failing economy of Mexico. d. None of the above are correct.


Why does Roberto Acuna in "Farm Worker" call the California agricultural industry the "California feudal system?" a. The working conditions for farmers resembled that of old world slavery and peasantry. c. The California farm system was operating under a philosophy of chivalry. b. The farm workers were forced to work with no pay and were virtually owned by the farm companies. d. Farm workers lived and worked under a class system that was impossible to break away from.


Why was it common practice for the growers to keep the farming families apart? a. By separating the families, the growers were able to offer different wages and rewards as a way to encourage competition and increase profits. c. They were able to make the farmers work longer hours since they could not be with their families. b. The growers wanted to make sure that families could not corroborate stories and accusations of illegal or improper labor practices. d. The growers would be able to increase productivity by segregating family members since they were motivated to rejoin their families after work completion.


During the early Spanish colonial era, the upper-class colonists that were born in New Spain and of pure Spanish ancestry were ethnically known as: a. Peninsular c. Mestizo b. Criollo d. Mulato


In "Farm Worker," by Roberto Acuna, which of the following is NOT true? a. Some Mexican kids would go to school barefoot and the Anglo kids would tease them. c. During the peak harvest times of the year, migrant farm kids would have to leave school for a week to pick the crops. b. Angry Anglo mobs would lynch, kill, or harass the Mexican laborers. d. When people first heard about Cesar Chavez' movement they were hesitant to join the cause.


What are people that are hired from the outside to work under strike conditions called? a. scrubs c. scraps b. scabs d. stabs


What is "brown capitalism?" a. Increased Chicano employment in mainstream jobs c. The economic exploitation of uneducated Chicano workers b. Chicano ownership of private businesses d. Government assistance in stimulating Chicano economic development


What was the Bracero Program? a. A program in which U.S. labor experts came down into Mexico to train laborers in more efficient production methods. c. A foreign exchange program of farmers between the U.S. and Mexico. b. An international program between the U.S. and Mexico in which Mexican laborers were temporarily contracted to work in the U.S. d. A program in which Mexico would conduct unrestricted free trade in North America.


Why was the black eagle chosen to be the primary display for the UFWA's flag? a. The eagle represented Chavez' belief in aggressive action against Anglo-owned farm corporations. c. The eagle was chosen to intimidate the opposition. b. Chavez believed in the importance of symbols and how they can provide pride and dignity to people. d. The eagle is a traditional Mexican symbol for agriculture and farm labor.


Why were Mexican artists commissioned to paint murals in public places shortly after the Mexican Revolution? a. Most of the public forms of art were destroyed as a result of the Mexican Revolution. c. The government was attempting to develop a new generation of artists that would help Mexico gain support and sympathy from other developed nations. b. The new government wanted to present inspirational art that would serve as a positive, proud message for the discouraged masses. d. The people of Mexico desired to spurn a global renaissance of Latino culture.


How many waves of immigration from Mexico have occurred since the end of the Mexican-American War? a. 1 c. 3 b. 2 d. 4


In colonial New Spain, the combination class-caste system resulted in pure-blooded Spaniards generally holding major government positions, church offices, and private lands, while mestizos and Indians were: a. competing for the rich mineral mines of the destroyed Aztecs. c. concentrated at lower levels of the social structure. b. focusing on social mobility through public service. d. All of the above are incorrect


In what way have Chicanos demonstrated a growing political presence in the United States? a. The development of Chicano-based social programs in schools c. The increase in Chicano elected and appointed political officials b. The emergence of Chicano studies as an available major in most universities d. The forming of cooperative community development enterprises


The U.S. acquired what percent of Mexico's territory after the Mexican-American War? a. 5% c. 48% b. 24% d. 75%


What childhood experience deeply affected Cesar Chavez and later motivated him to fight for the rights of farm workers? a. Chavez was bullied and beaten up by Anglos when he attended public school. c. Chavez witnessed the injustice of Anglos toward impoverished Latinos. b. Chavez was an eye witness to a murder of a farm worker by an Anglo foreman. d. Chavez lost his father to deadly pesticide exposure.


What is the significance of Cinco de Mayo for many Chicanos? a. It celebrates Mexican independence from France. c. It is the day Mexican soldiers defeated the French at Puebla in 1862. b. It represents the Mexican victory over the U.S. in the Battle of San Juan Hill in 1846. d. It is the day the Zapatistas gained control of Mexico during the second Mexican Revolution.


According to "A History of Mexican-Americans in California," the author contends which of the following statements? a. Although the Mexican-American era in california is new, the roots of the Chicano experience stretched back some three centuries. c. The changing ethnic identity was brought upon by the success of mixed blooded people in becoming ranch owners and leading Californios. b. Mexican-American history in California began with the annexation of California after the Mexican-American War. d. All of the above are correct


All of the following are challenges that have stood in the way of Latinos from being able to win collective bargaining rights, EXCEPT: a. Latinos are a varied and diverse people with no single leader or strategy. c. Many Latinos predominantly speak only Spanish, making them politically illiterate and ignorant. b. Despite the illegal immigration status of many Latinos, they see their current lives to be much better than the previous lives they had in Mexico. d. Latinos have been traditionally seen as unreasonably too demanding and militant of their rights.


All of the following helped make the first UFW grape strike into a magnified, national movement, EXCEPT: a. The strike gained the attention of consumers when other grape-related products were being negatively impacted. c. Attorney General Robert Kennedy took notice of the movement, openly supporting their rights, and made the strike a part of the greater civil rights movement of the 1960's. b. The support of the Catholic Church and the clever employment of religion helped turn the movement into a political crusade. d. Martin Luther King, Jr. took an interest in joining the UFW cause by coordinating political action with Cesar Chavez, helping them to gain national attention.


How did frustrations and tensions toward Mexico begin for the U.S. prior to the Mexican-American War in 1846? a. Americans living in California were being robbed and killed by Mexican raiders. c. The kdnapping of Texan rebels exacerbated Mexican antagonism. b. An increasing military buildup began developing along the U.S.-Mexico border. d. The U.S. had made several offers to purchase all or part of northern Mexico, offers that Mexico rejected.


How do migrant workers (documented and undocumented) contribute to the California economic landscape? a. They pay certain taxes, such as social security, but cannot benefit from public assistance programs. c. They serve as the backbone of California's agricultural industry. b. They provide an almost unlimited supply of cheap labor for semi-skilled and unskilled positions. d. all of the above


The Bracero Program targeted which group of people? a. Wealthy, affluent business leaders c. Criminals and prisoners b. Middle class workers d. Poor, impoverished people


What is "Mexicanidad?" a. A dedication to the enhancement of Chicano culture c. A commitment to making constructive changes in U.S. society b. A desire to improve the Chicano socio-economic position d. All of the above are correct


What is a boycott? a. A tactic used by labor organizations in which people refuse to work until demands have been properly addressed. c. A tactic used by labor organizations in which goods and services are rendered useless. b. A tactice used by labor organizations in which equipment and machinery is intentionally destroyed or sabotaged. d. A tactic used by labor organizations in which consumers are encouraged to not use or purchase certain goods and services.


Which educational and political reform organization is a student-centered organization? a. UFW c. MASA b. PRU d. MEChA


Which method of non-violent protest was most commonly employed by Cesar Chavez to encourage others not to resort to violence? a. Marching c. Picketting b. Boycotting d. Hunger strikes


Which of following does NOT describe the universal experience of many urban Chicanos prior to the start of the Chicano Movement in the 1960's? a. A cultural identity crisis while living between Anglo and Latino worlds c. Living marginal existences in urban ghettos while struggling economically b. Social discrimination and political injustice in a largely Anglo society d. Being offered new opportunities to move up the socio-economic ladder through affirmative action policies


Which of the following was a major change in the socio-economic status of Chicanos resulting from the heavy statewide Anglo majority? a. Chicanos were rendered politically poweless. c. The political and economic base of Chicanos was eroded away, eventually experiencing downward social mobility. b. The loss of land to Anglos relegated Chicanos to the lower ranks of the California socio-economic system. d. All of the above are correct


Employing national and religious pride to motivate amd propel certain political causes is not very effective. true or flase?


Even if they wanted to, illegal immigrants have no way of filing their tax returns with the IRS. true or false?


Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes of any type. true or flase?


A mestizo is someone who is of Spanish and Indian ancestry. true or false?


According to NPR, the economic impact of illegal immigration is far smaller than other trends, such as the increasing use of automation in manufacturing or the growth in global trade. true or false?


Almost 80% of Central Americans live below the poverty line, which is about $900 per year. true or false?


Approximately half of all illegal immigrants in the U.S. come from Mexico. true or false?


During the early 1940's some Mexican-Americans adopted a flamboyant style of dress that had originated in Harlem and spread to the west coast, called "Zoot Suits." true or false ?


Economists generally believe that when averaged over the whole economy, the effect of illegal immigration on the U.S. is a small net positive. true or false?


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