mgmt 309 ch 4

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_____ is the disclosure by an employee of illegal or unethical conduct on the part of others within the organization. a. Brainstorming b. Whistle-blowing c. Phishing d. Catfishing


_____ is behavior that conforms to generally accepted social norms. a. Ethical behavior b. Maladaptive behavior c. Passive behavior d. Deficit behavior

Ethical behavior

Which of the following is a basic form of organizational justice? a. Informal justice b. Accumulative justice c. Informational justice d. Intrapersonal justice

Informational justice

Which of the following is true of social responsibility? a. It is enforced only by small organizations. b. It avoids ethical dilemmas and decisions. c. It is mandatory by law. d. It varies for different countries. SubmitPreviousNext

It varies for different countries.

Which of the following is a criticism of regulation? a. It is not applicable to small companies. b. It is not strictly enforced by the government. c. Its goals can be accomplished by a free market system. d. Its functionality is enhanced by the use of political action committees.

Its goals can be accomplished by a free market system.

Which of the following is an informal dimension for managing social responsibility? a. Philanthropy b. Ethical compliance c. Legal compliance d. Leadership


_____ is the extent to which an organization conforms to local, state, federal, and international laws. a. Political compliance b. Legal compliance c. Environmental compliance d. Ethical compliance

Legal compliance

_____ is the use of persons or groups to formally represent an organization or group of organizations before political bodies to influence the government. a. Lobbying b. Entrapping c. Satisficing d. Politicking Submit


Which of the following is an argument in favor of social responsibility? a. Corporations can exercise more power when they are socially active. b. Organizations are responsible for making pollution and should help solve it. c. Firms will gain profit while helping the society. d. Corporations can solve social problems due to their surplus budget.

Organizations are responsible for making pollution and should help solve it.

_____ refers to individual perceptions of the fairness used to determine various outcomes. a. Procedural justice b. Interpersonal justice c. Informational justice d. Distributive justice

Procedural justice

The _____ was a law passed in 2002 that requires CEOs and CFOs to personally vouch for the truthfulness and fairness of their firms' financial disclosure. a. Jones Law b. Sarbanes-Oxley Act c. Theresa Marie Schiavo law d. Lloyd-La Follette Act

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

The result of the actions of high-profile deposed executives is that: a. managers are supposed to establish a culture to reinforce company norms. b. managers are expected to follow in the footsteps of the high-profile executives. c. executives are allowed to bend codes of conduct to get contracts. d. executives are expected to exhibit the strongest ethical conduct. SubmitPrevious

executives are expected to exhibit the strongest ethical conduct.

Management can address concerns related to the privacy of personal information on the Internet by: a. advocating government overreaching. b. posting on websites without privacy policies. c. indicating how people can opt out of data collection. d. making it illegal for consumers to inspect their credit records. SubmitPrevi

indicating how people can opt out of data collection.

Government appointed agencies who monitor and control certain aspects of business activity can _____ to implement legislation on organizations that violate regulations. a. increase tariffs b. freeze bank accounts c. amend laws d. levy fines

levy fines

The _____ is an approach to social responsibility in which firms do as little as possible to solve social or environmental problems. a. obstructionist stance b. accommodative stance c. proactive stance d. defensive stance

obstructionist stance

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