MGMT 339 - Ch. 6

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An important mechanism for lean systems is a Kanban system. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the behavior of a two-card Kanban system? A) A withdrawal Kanban is issued to authorize production in the fabrication process. B) A production-ordering Kanban authorizes the assembly process to remove the materials from the storage location. C) The fabrication process produces certain units defined by the lot size and pushes them down to the assembly process. D) Containers must never be removed from the storage location without an authorizing withdrawal Kanban.


A value stream map shows the flows of materials and information and the lines of responsibility and authority.


An OWMM arrangement reduces labor requirements but increases inventory.


As the average processing time per container of parts increases, fewer containers are needed in a Kanban system.


In a lean system, an item that is manufactured before it is needed is not considered waste, because it helps keep material flowing through the system.


Just-in-time (JIT) systems rely on inspectors to inspect quality into the product.


Lean systems do not need stable master production schedules.


Often in value stream mapping, analysts must rely on process information from shop floor workers rather than direct observation in an effort to quickly develop a work plan and accelerate implementing the improved process.


One big advantage of lean systems is that they can usually be put in place without any major changes to existing layouts.


Preventive maintenance is typically given very low priority in just-in-time systems.


Push systems are often used in firms with highly repetitive processes and well defined work flows of standardized items.


Takt time is the cycle time needed to maximize utilization of an organization's workers and equipment.


The value stream mapping tool often requires completion of the future state drawing before the current state drawing, to help managers see the future state goals and more easily identify problems with the current state of the process.


Toyota sets up all of its operations as experiments and teaches employees at all levels how to use the trial and error method of problem solving.


While lean systems work very well for manufacturing systems, they cannot be applied to service systems.


"When in doubt, weed it out" describes which 5S element? A) Sort B) Straighten C) Shine D) Standardize


Which of the following is a process consideration in the implementation of a lean system? A) Firms might have to change existing layouts. B) Workstations typically will have to be moved farther apart. C) A contract with strict job classifications will have to be adopted. D) Plant access by rail will become necessary.


Automatically stopping the process when something is wrong and then fixing the problems on the line itself as they occur is known as: A) andon. B) muda. C) jidoka. D) poka-yoke.


The production of 240 units during a 480-minute work shift results in a takt time of: A) 24 seconds. B) 30 seconds. C) 120 seconds. D) 240 seconds.


A method in which production of an item begins in advance of customer needs is called: A) the andon method. B) the pull method. C) the jidoka method. D) the push method.


Mistake-proofing is known by the term: A) andon. B) muda. C) jidoka. D) poka-yoke.


Regarding the Eight Types of Waste that must be eliminated to implement lean systems, manufacturing an item before it is needed is part of which general waste category? A) Inappropriate Processing B) Waiting C) Inventory D) Overproduction


In a Kanban system, materials may be withdrawn without a withdrawal card if the operation requiring the material is about to run out of work.


In a lean system, large inventories are not considered a type of waste, because they prevent operator wait times.


The production of 150 units during a 480-minute work shift results in a takt time of: A) 150 seconds. B) 192 seconds. C) 120 seconds. D) 18.8 seconds.


A takt time of 90 seconds generates a process output of: A) 40 units per hour. B) 30 units per hour. C) 4 units per hour. D) 90 units per hour.


The four bolts that hold the passenger seat in a pickup truck are tightened in a clockwise order beginning with the front right bolt, in 24 seconds. This production factoid illustrates which of the following principles of the Toyota Production System? A) All work must be specified as to content. B) Every customer-supplier connection must be direct and unambiguous. C) The pathway for every service and product must be direct. D) Any improvements to the system must be made in accordance with the scientific method.


The lean system concept will not work without the proper environment. Which one of the following characteristics is most common to firms that have successfully implemented a lean system? A) uniform assembly schedules B) specialized workforce C) high rates of machine failures D) longer setup times


The takt time of a process is defined as: A) the cycle time needed to match the rate of production to the rate of consumption. B) the total time required to move an item through a process. C) the time required to change a machine to run a new model. D) the lead time necessary to notify maintenance that a problem has occurred in an operation


What did the production manager say to the pile of scrapped material? A) "Hello muda." B) "Hello fadduh." C) "We need more kanbans." D) "JIT II Brute?"


When implementing a lean system: A) managers can mitigate some of the effects of worker stress by judiciously using safety stocks and emphasizing material flows rather than worker pace. B) management should base the reward system on production volume. C) the plant layout is the only environmental characteristic that need not be analyzed. D) it is critical to develop a master production schedule that changes frequently as forecasts change.


Which of the following statements about the Toyota Production System is BEST? A) Toyota has built a learning organization over the course of 50 years. B) The key to success for Toyota is the set of tools and procedures readily apparent on a plant tour. C) The four principles that form the basis to TPS are impossible to replicate. D) Toyota has 23 manufacturing plants in North America alone.


Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to the eight types of waste that must be eliminated to implement lean systems? A) Jobs with excessive motion should be redesigned. B) Work-in-process inventory is the direct result of underutilization of employees. C) Manufacturing an item before it is needed helps an organization detect and reduce defects. D) Product damage and deterioration result from using expensive high precision equipment.


Case 6.1 The Edward James Toy Company uses a Kanban system to make plastic wheels that are a component of several toys. The waiting time for a container of the wheels during production is 0.25 day; average processing time is 0.15 day per container. Each container holds 200 wheels. The company uses 2000 wheels a day in the production of its products. Use the information in Case 6.1. How many Kanban containers would be required if a 10% policy variable is used? A) three or fewer B) four or five C) five or six D) seven or more


Case 6.1 The Edward James Toy Company uses a Kanban system to make plastic wheels that are a component of several toys. The waiting time for a container of the wheels during production is 0.25 day; average processing time is 0.15 day per container. Each container holds 200 wheels. The company uses 2000 wheels a day in the production of its products. Use the information in Case 6.1. Using a policy variable of 5%, calculate the number of Kanban containers needed for the wheels. A) three or fewer B) four or five C) five or six D) seven or more


Companies using lean systems generally have: A) many suppliers to ensure that material shortages never occur. B) suppliers that are located nearby to decrease delivery lead time. C) suppliers that are willing to accept short-term contracts. D) suppliers who are low-cost producers.


In lean systems, if a defective product is found, which of the following is generally NOT done? A) The production line is stopped. B) The defective unit is passed on to the next workstation. C) The defective unit is returned to the worker responsible for creating the defect. D) The production line is made aware of the problem without necessarily stopping the line.


Lean systems try to: A) produce a product in anticipation of demand. B) maximize the value added by each of its activities. C) organize production in large lots to minimize the number of setups. D) reduce the labor content in all processes.


Lean systems use the standardization of components because standardization: A) decreases the demand for each component. B) increases repeatability. C) allows for small lot sizes more easily. D) decreases repeatability.


Regarding the Eight Types of Waste that must be eliminated to implement lean systems, excessive movement and material handling of product between processes is part of which general waste category? A) Motion B) Transportation C) Inappropriate Processing D) Underutilization of Employees


The final assembly schedule in a lean system: A) should be developed for each product independent of the process requirements for the other products. B) strives to create a uniform flow at the work centers in the plant. C) avoids the use of small lot sizes because they create many production orders and cause confusion. D) allows daily changes in demand levels, regardless of size, to be incorporated immediately into the work center schedules.


The rack at my assembly station that holds rear view mirrors is empty, so a runner wheels it away and replaces it with a new rack, fully populated with rear view mirrors. This production factoid illustrates which of the following principles of the Toyota Production System? A) All work must be specified as to content. B) Every customer-supplier connection must be direct and unambiguous. C) The pathway for every service and product must be direct. D) Any improvements to the system must be made in accordance with the scientific method


Using customer demand to activate production of an item or service is called: A) the andon method. B) the pull method. C) the jidoka method. D) the push method.


A Kanban system is an important mechanism for lean system management. Which one of the following statements regarding the operation of a Kanban system is BEST? A) A typical Kanban used in the JIT system includes information such as item number, unit price, competitor's product name, and its price. B) A Kanban can be used to set the order quantity but not the inventory level. C) A Kanban and a container move as a pair once production begins at the fabrication process. D) An empty container can be exchanged for a full container at the storage location even though no Kanban is on the full container.


Case 6.2 The Jewel Golf Club Company, which recently began using a Kanban system, has had problems with high inventory levels of one of the handle grips used to make several versions of its clubs. Daily demand for the grip is 3000 units, average waiting time during production is 0.20 day, processing time is 0.10 day per container, and a container holds 150 grips. Use the information in Case 6.2. How many Kanban containers would Jewel require if a 5% policy variable is used? A) three or fewer B) four or five C) six or seven D) eight or more


Combining parts or products with similar characteristics into families and setting machines aside for their production is known as: A) the one-worker, multiple machines (OWMM) method of production. B) the standardized component method of manufacturing. C) group technology. D) the flexible workforce approach to manufacturing


Continuous improvement with lean systems: A) involves navigating a ship over treacherous rocks. B) requires periodically increasing lot sizes or workforce levels to uncover problems. C) entails systematically stressing the system and focusing on problem areas. D) focuses exclusively on internal operations without addressing relationships with customers and suppliers.


Implementing a lean system: A) has the advantage that workers have less stress because of the routine, repetitive work they perform. B) typically relieves the workers and first-line supervisors from activities such as scheduling, expediting, and productivity improvements. C) requires an examination of the reward system to make sure it is consistent with the JIT philosophy. D) involves the reorganization of material flows to that of a flexible flow


Items to be assembled that fit together only the proper way are an example of: A) andon. B) jidoka. C) poka-yoke. D) muda.


Justin Thyme used to run one batch each of 500 As, 300 Bs and 100 Cs every month but now he runs a batch of 5 As, 3 Bs, and 1 C every half day with the use of: A) single-digit setups. B) andon lights. C) mixed-model assembly. D) push method.


Lean systems maintain inventory in small lot sizes because small lot sizes: A) increase pipeline inventory, allowing the organization to buffer against demand uncertainties. B) increase the quality level of the product. C) enable schedules to use machine capacities more efficiently. D) increase manufacturing lead time because of the increase in waiting time.


Management at Pepman has decided to switch from a push system to a pull system of manufacturing. They are a large repetitive manufacturer of bicycles. Which one of the following is most likely to occur? A) The cycle time will increase, resulting in higher inventory levels. B) The space required will increase due to the increase in the number of units that require rework. C) The decrease in WIP inventory levels will reduce the space requirements. D) The workers at any given process will produce units before they are needed by the subsequent process.


Regarding the Eight Types of Waste that must be eliminated to implement lean systems, using expensive high precision equipment when a simpler machine would suffice is part of which general waste category? A) Motion B) Overproduction C) Inappropriate Processing D) Defects


Which one of the following is an advantage of lean systems? A) Lean systems reduce equipment needs by using larger lot sizes. B) Lean systems can be implemented in any production environment. C) Lean systems result in a decrease in safety stock and work-in-process inventory. D) Lean systems result in an increase in manufacturing lead times


Which one of the following statements regarding the Toyota production system is BEST? A) It is particularly well suited for making irregularly used parts and customized "specials." B) It is a "push system," with orders pushed out in anticipation of future requirements. C) Each container has either a withdrawal or pro


Case 6.2 The Jewel Golf Club Company, which recently began using a Kanban system, has had problems with high inventory levels of one of the handle grips used to make several versions of its clubs. Daily demand for the grip is 3000 units, average waiting time during production is 0.20 day, processing time is 0.10 day per container, and a container holds 150 grips. Use the information in Case 6.2. How many Kanban containers would Jewel require if a 10% policy variable is used? A) three or fewer B) four or five C) five or six D) six or seven


Case 6.2 The Jewel Golf Club Company, which recently began using a Kanban system, has had problems with high inventory levels of one of the handle grips used to make several versions of its clubs. Daily demand for the grip is 3000 units, average waiting time during production is 0.20 day, processing time is 0.10 day per container, and a container holds 150 grips. Which of the following actions would increase the number of containers in use in a Kanban system? A) using larger containers that can hold more parts than before B) less demand for the part held by the container C) faster processing time for the part held by the container D) increased waiting time for the container


The goal of single-digit setups is to have a setup time: A) of less than one shift. B) of less than one hour. C) of less than 30 minutes. D) of less than 10 minutes.


The just-in-time (JIT) system is a(n): A) management system of people and procedures to fulfill all delivery deadlines. B) production system of small-lot manufacturing to reduce work-in-process inventory. C) materials management system for removing all inventories. D) integrated system of managing resources, information, and decision processes to eliminate waste.


There are many requirements for the successful implementation of the lean system of production. Which one of the following is not such a requirement? A) uniform assembly schedule B) short setup time C) low machine failure and low defects D) substantial natural resources


Weeding out unnecessary items, neatly arranging what's left, and cleaning the work area are components of: A) a Kanban system. B) a constraint management system. C) mixed-model assembly. D) a 5S program.


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