Mgmt478 Exam #2

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A Wall Street Journal article recapped U.S. standards regarding​ boss-and-subordinate love affairs at work. Only​ ______ percent of all firms sampled had no restrictions on such​ relationships; ______ percent of firms have policies that prohibit relationships between a supervisor and a subordinate. A. ​30; 80 B. ​5; 30 C. ​5; 80 D. 80; 30 E. ​80; 5


According to the ISO 14001​ standard, a community or organization is required to put in place and implement a series of practices and procedures​ that, when taken​ together, result in​ a/an ______. A. sustainability report B. environmental annual report C. environmental management system​ (EMS) D. sustainability certification system E. environmental report card


American managers in China have to be careful about how they arrange office furniture because Chinese workers believe in ​______​, the practice of harnessing natural forces.​ Also, U.S. managers in Japan have to be careful about ​______​, whereby Japanese workers expect supervisors to alert them privately of changes rather than informing them in a meeting. A. ​inhwa; wa B. ​nemaswashio; feng shui C. feng​ shui; nemaswashio D. ​guanxi; inhwa E. ​wa; guanxi


A​ seven-year study by Fred​ Kiel, author of Return on Character​, followed​ 8,000 employees and 84 top executives of Fortune 500​ companies; the study indicated that​ character-driven leaders deliver​ ______ times greater profitability results than​ self-focused leaders. A. 15 B. 0 C. 5 D. 100 E. 20


Going public is not recommended for companies with less than​ $ ________ million in sales because the initial costs can be too high for the firm to generate sufficient cash flow to make going public worthwhile. A. 5 B. 20 C. 10 D. 100 E. 1


Oceans cover more than​ ______ percent of the earth. A. 31 B. 61 C. 71 D. 51 E. 41


The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act​ (FCPA) governs​ ______ in the United States and has stepped up enforcement. A. lobbying B. solicitation C. bribery D. seduction E. scamming


The corporate valuation formula for the net worth method is​ _____. A. additional paid in capital plus retained earnings minus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles) B. total​ owners' equity​ (SE) plus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles) C. total​ shareholders' equity​ (SE) minus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles). D. net worth plus retained earnings plus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles). E. additional paid in capital plus retained earnings minus​ (goodwill -​ intangibles)


There is great variation across Europe with regard to levels of union​ membership, ranging from​ ______ percent of employees in Finland to​ ______ percent in France. A. ​8; 74 B. ​30; 70 C. ​74; 8 D. ​70; 30 E. ​91; 19


What country ranks about 90th out of 190 countries in terms of doing business due to​ human-rights' issues and substantial disregard for​ copyright, patent, and trademark rules of​ law? A. Mexico B. Indonesia C. China D. Japan E. India


Which of the following sequences of marketing activities is​ correct? A. Target​ marketing, product​ positioning, market segmentation B. Market​ segmentation, product​ positioning, target marketing C. Market​ segmentation, target​ marketing, product positioning D. Product​ positioning, market​ segmentation, target marketing E. Product​ positioning, target​ marketing, market segmentation


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the issuance of corporate bonds in the United​ States? A. Bonds were discontinued for use in the United States. B. A large recent bond transaction was​ Anheuser-Busch InBev's​ $4 billion bond issuance to purchase SAB Miller. C. The year 2017 was the seventh straight year that a record dollar value of bonds was sold in the United​ States, totalling more than​ $1.5 trillion. D. Firms issue bonds to finance​ acquisitions, to buy back their own stock​ (called preferred stock​), and to refinance old debt. E. The practice of firms issuing bonds to buy back their own stock and to pay cash dividends to shareholders is illegal.


Who is a big advocate for economies of​ scale, arguing that growth for the sake of growth is a misguided​ strategy? He suggests firms should be careful not to venture into areas outside their corporate​ strategy; instead, they should deploy resources into areas that will build economies of scale. A. CEO of Apple Tim Cook B. President Donald Trump C. CEO of JPMorgan Jamie Dimon D. CEO of Tesla Elon Musk E. Economist Milton Friedman


With the merger and acquisition boom this​ decade, S&P 500 firms experienced a​ _________ percent increase in goodwill. A. 30 B. 55 C. 70 D. 63 E. 45


​______ refers to countries imposing​ tariffs, taxes, and regulations on firms outside the country to favor their own companies and people. Most economists argue that engaging in this activity harms the world economy because it inhibits trade among countries and invites retaliation. A. Nationalism B. Outsourcing C. Protectionism D. Imposition E. Reshoring


​______ requires many firms to share their technological knowledge as a condition of doing business​ there; this is a growing problem for U.S. firms and America in general. A. South Korea B. Russia C. China D. India E. North Korea


According to Chapter​ 10, which of the following actions is​ unethical? A. Engaging in workplace romance B. Buying treasury stock C. Advertising or labeling D. Insider trading and overpricing


According to Table​ 8-5 in Chapter​ 8, what are the three most corrupt countries in the​ world? A. ​Syria, Somalia, Libya B. ​Congo, Somalia, Libia C. ​Vietnam, Thailand, Somalia D. ​Somalia, South​ Sudan, North Korea E. ​Iraq, Iran, Syria


According to statistics from the United​ Nations, the rate of female participation in the labor force of​ ______ is 35​ percent; this is quite​ low, especially because women make up 42 percent of college graduates in that country. But women in this country with a college degree are expected to let their careers take a back seat to caring for their​ husband, children, and elderly parents. According to Sylvia Ann​ Hewlett, president of the Center for​ Work-Life Policy, a Manhattan think​ tank, "The measures of daughterly guilt are much higher in women in this country than in other​ countries." A. Mexico B. Iran C. China D. India E. Cuba


According to the International Standards​ Organization, the word​ _____ is defined a surrounding in which an organization​ operates, including​ air, water,​ land, natural​ resources, flora,​ fauna, humans, and their interrelations. A. business B. sustainability C. resource D. environment E. ecological


A​ full-blown example of a projected financial statement analysis is worked out and presented in Chapter 8 for​ _____. A. Facebook B. ​BB&T C. 3M Corp D. ​P&G E. LinkedIn


Green power is​ _____. A. not​ renewable, such as​ wind, solar, and water B. ​renewable, such as fossil fuels C. not​ renewable, such as​ oil, gas, and coal D. ​renewable, such as​ wind, solar, and water E. ​renewable, such as​ wind, gas, and oil


In developing projected financial​ statements, how are retained earnings calculated on the balance​ sheet? A. Add the net income to the prior​ year's retained earnings. B. Use a percentage of sales method based on the prior 3 years coupled with the​ company's strategies. C. Use retained earnings as the plug figure to make the balance sheet balance. D. Add the net income less dividends to the prior​ year's retained earnings. E. Use a percentage of sales methods based on the prior 3 years.


In projected financial​ statements, what is used as a plug​ figure? A. Fixed assets B. ​Long-term liabilities C. ​Stockholders' equity D. The Cash Account E. Retained earnings


In the corporate​ world, employees reporting any unethical violations they discover or see in the firm receive up to​ ______ percent of the proceeds of legal proceedings against firms for wrongdoing. A. 55 B. 45 C. 15 D. 25 E. 35


In what way mentioned below would retained earnings on the balance sheet decrease from one year to the​ next? A. If the firm had zero net income for the year and pays no dividends B. If the firm has cash or liquidity problems C. If the firm has a negative capital surplus D. If the firm had positive net income for the year but pays out dividends greater than the net income E. If the firm has negative​ paid-in-capital


Perceptual mapping is a marketing tool associated with​ _____. A. value chain analysis B. market segmentation C. portfolio analysis D. product positioning E. target marketing


Regarding corporate​ valuation, a conservative rule of thumb is to establish a​ business's worth as​ ______ times the​ firm's current annual profit. A. 10 B. 12 C. 6 D. 5 E. 3


Strengths of competitors in foreign lands are often​ ________, and weaknesses are often​ ________. A. ​overestimated; underestimated B. ​overestimated; overestimated C. ​underestimated; underestimated D. ​underestimated; overestimated E. ​ignored; downplayed


The shares of stock of a firm that are owned by the firm itself are called​ _____. A. goodwill B. retained earnings C. convertible stock D. treasury stock E. preferred stock


The​ ______ family of standards concerns the extent to which a firm minimizes harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities and continually monitors and improves its own environmental performance. A. OSHA B. Environmental Protection Agency​ (EPA) C. Sustainability report standard D. ISO 14000 E. Environmental management system​ (EMS)


What formula below is correct for valuing a company using the​ price-earnings ratio​ method? A. Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the​ firm's debt-to-equity ratio and multiply this number by the​ firm's average net income for the past 5 years. B. Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the​ firm's current ratio and multiply this number by the​ firm's average net income for the past 5 years. C. Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the annual earnings per share​ (EPS) and multiply this number by the​ firm's average revenue for the past 5 years. D. Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the annual earnings per share​ (EPS) and multiply this number by the​ firm's average net income for the past 5 years. E. Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the annual earnings per share​ (EPS) and multiply this number by the​ firm's average sales for the past 5 years.


Which organizational structure has the disadvantage of ambiguous roles for some senior​ executives? A. Divisional B. Process C. Matrix D. Strategic Business Unit​ (SBU) E. Functional


Which​ statement(s) below is​ TRUE? A. Goodwill cannot decrease on balance sheet from one year to the next. B. Intangibles increase when treasury stock increases. C. Goodwill is the same term often used for intangibles. D. Seeing Goodwill regularly increasing on a balance sheet is not a good thing. E. FASB Rule 16 requires companies to admit once a year whether the premiums they paid for​ acquisitions, called​ goodwill, were a waste of money.


Which​ term(s) below would not be a good annual​ objectives? A. Increase revenues​ 10%. B. Add 50 new sales representatives in Europe. C. Reduce costs​ 10%. D. Add new suppliers as soon as possible. E. Reduce​ long-term debt by​ 30%.


Who is the exemplary strategist who is trying to convert all smokers globally to a new smokeless tobacco product that is much safer even than​ e-cigarettes? A. The Surgeon General B. The CEO of Burlington Tobacco C. The CEO of Reynolds Tobacco D. The CEO of Philip Morris E. OSHA​ (Occupational Safety and Health​ Administration)


​______ is an authoritarian society in terms of​ schools, churches,​ businesses, and families. In​ general, employers seek workers who are​ agreeable, respectful, and​ obedient, rather than​ innovative, creative, and independent. Workers tend to be​ activity-oriented rather than problem solvers. A. Argentina B. Israel C. Canada D. Mexico E. France


A recent study by The Institute of Business Ethics​ (IBE) titled,​ "Does Business Ethics​ Pay?" concluded that companies that display a​ "clear commitment to ethical​ conduct" ______ outperform companies that do not display ethical conduct. A. sometimes B. usually C. rarely D. always E. consistently


According to the​ chapter, "______ may be the​ single-greatest threat to successful strategy​ implementation." A. Low customer loyalty B. Social media rumor versus fact C. Data breaches D. Ineffective organizational structure E. Resistance to change


As discussed in Chapter​ 10, what do the following people have in​ common: Harvey​ Weinstein, Kevin​ Spacey, C. K.​ Louis, Mark​ Halperin, Charlie​ Rose, Matt​ Lauer, and Garrison​ Keillor? A. They all are exemplary strategists. B. They all were recently found guilty of insider trading of company stock. C. They all are​ CEO's of companies. D. They all were recently accused of bribery E. They all were implicated in sexual harassment allegations.


Bad ethics can​ ________ strategic plans. A. derail all but the best B. derail only​ ill-conceived C. derail only​ poorly-intentioned D. never affect E. derail even the best


Chapter​ 8's exemplary​ strategist, Jamie​ Dimon, CEO of JP​ Morgan, is a big advocate for economies of scale. What does Dimon advice regarding​ this? A. Growth for the sake of growth is a good strategy. B. Rising economies of scale produce rising stock prices. C. Economies of scale are less important than benchmarking. D. Firms should deploy resources into areas that hold economies of scale steady because this is often more advantageous to​ customers, shareholders, and ultimately for the entire economy. E. Firms should be careful not to venture into areas outside their corporate strategy.


Due to its dwindling workforce and aging​ population, what country is increasingly promoting women into managerial​ positions? A. Germany B. Norway C. Brazil D. Italy E. Japan


Generally​ speaking, in​ Europe, the farther​ ______ on the​ continent, the more participatory the management style. A. south B. west C. east D. southwest E. north


In contrast to strategy​ formulation, strategy implementation focuses more on​ _____. A. vision and mission statement assessment B. BCG analysis C. SWOT analysis D. effectiveness rather than efficiency E. motivation skills rather than analytical skills


In performing​ EPS/EBIT analysis, how is the first row​ (EBIT) determined? A. Use the most recent year Revenues number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. B. Use the most recent year EPS number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. C. Use the most recent year Retained Earnings number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. D. Use the most recent year Cash number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. E. Use the most recent year EBIT number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range.


Is it true or false that the free Excel strategic planning template at will automatically balance your projected balance​ sheets, but​ 1) you likely will need to make adjustments to the cash​ account, and​ 2) the template does not automatically balance your existing balance​ sheets, i.e. once you enter your​ firm's financial statements into the template​ format, you will need to make adjustments as needed. A. Sometimes true B. This issue varies for profit versus nonprofit organizations C. False D. Sometimes false E. True


It has become​ ________, since uniform standards defining environmentally responsible company actions are rapidly being incorporated into our legal landscape. A. increasingly easy for firms to get away with placing​ "green" terminology on their products without any oversight B. more common for consumers to be cynical about corporate environmental claims C. customary for firms to use terms like​ "organic," "green," or​ "earth-friendly" when their products​ don't warrant it D. impossible for firms to omit​ "green" terminology from their labels E. more and more difficult for firms to make​ "green" claims when their actions are not​ substantive, comprehensive, or even true


The Dynamo Company recently repurchased​ $4 million of its own stock. This is the Dynamo​ Company's _________ stock. A. authorized B. preferred C. outstanding D. common E. treasury


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission​ (EEOC) defines​ ______ broadly as unwelcome sexual​ advances, requests for sexual​ favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. A. sexual discrimination B. flirting C. workplace romance D. prostitution E. sexual harassment


The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation annually rank 189 countries in terms of their respective ease of doing business. The index ranks nations from 1​ (best) to 189​ (worst). What country is​ #1? A. The United States B. Singapore C. Hong Kong D. Denmark E. New Zealand


The term​ "corporate wellness" has largely been replaced by what new​ term? A. Sustainability B. Corporate vitality C. Corporate fitness D. Corporate healthiness E. Corporate​ well-being


What company is featured in Ethics Capsule 10 as being exemplary in the shoe​ business, aiming to put shoes on every child on the planet and donating a pair of shoes for every pair it​ sells? A. ​Adidas, Inc. B. Foot​ Locker, Inc. C. ​Nike, Inc D. ​Reebok, Inc. E. TOMS​ Shoes, Inc.


What country is especially attractive for manufacturing products that are bulky or costly to​ transport, such as​ automobiles? A key variable hurting this country is​ drug-related violence since its homicide rate exceeds 15 people per​ 100,000, compared with a​ per-capita rate of about 5.0 in the United States and 1.1 in China. A. India B. South Korea C. Venezuela D. Brazil E. Mexico


What percent of cash repatriated by U.S. companies in going towards stock buybacks and dividend​ payouts, as opposed to investments in employees and company​ infrastructure? A. 50 B. 30 C. 40 D. 60 E. 70


What percent tax on foreign earnings held offshore in cash accounts was imposed by new U.S. federal tax law in​ 2018? A. 20.5 B. 25.5 C. 10.5 D. 5.5 E. 15.5


What type of structure is the most complex of all the organizational designs or​ structures? A. Functional B. Division by process C. Conglomerate D. Strategic business unit​ (SBU) E. Matrix


What university in the USA leads all universities in annual usage of green​ power? A. Northwestern University B. Auburn University C. Stanford University D. Wake Forest University E. University of Tennessee


Which is NOT a major factor that commonly prohibits effective resource​ allocation? A. Having vague strategy targets B. A reluctance to take risks C. A lack of sufficient knowledge D. Organizational politics E. Underprotection of resources


Which of the following is NOT true regarding European workers and​ workplaces? A. Most European workers are unionized. B. Most European workers enjoy more frequent vacations and holidays than U.S. workers. C. Many Europeans find the notion of team spirit difficult to grasp. D. A​ 90-minute lunch break plus​ 20-minute morning and afternoon breaks are common in European firms. E. Many Europeans respond enthusiastically to​ pay-for-performance, commission​ salaries, and objective measurement reward systems.


Which of the following statements are​ TRUE? A. Millennials spend more time watching television each week than they spend on the​ Internet, listening to the​ radio, and watching movies combined. B. About 75 percent of all traffic on the Internet is reportedly​ fake; it is the result of bogus computers programmed to visit websites to take advantage of marketers who typically pay for ads whenever they are loaded when a user visits a webpage. Marketers must pay whether the user is a bogus computer or a real person. C. About 50 percent of all traffic on the Internet is reportedly​ fake; it is the result of bogus computers programmed to visit websites to take advantage of marketers who typically pay for ads whenever they are loaded when a user visits a webpage. Marketers must pay whether the user is a bogus computer or a real person. D. Millennials include people age 60 and above. E. Although the exponential increase in​ social-media engagement has created huge opportunities for​ marketers, it also has produced severe​ threats; any kind of negative publicity travels fast online.


Which statement below is not a guideline for developing an organizational​ chart? A. Make sure functional executives such as​ CFO, CIO,​ CMO, CSO,​ R&D, CLO,​ CTO, and HRM report to the​ CEO, not to the COO. B. Use an SBU type structure for​ large, multidivisional firms. C. Make sure span of control is​ reasonable, probably no more than 10 persons reporting to any other person. D. ​Decentralize, using some form of divisional​ structure, whenever possible. E. Reserve the title president for the CEO of the firm.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A. On​ average, women, earn 25 percent less than men in the United States. B. In the United States​ today, the average age for women to get married is 30 years old for those with a college​ degree, and 26 years old for those with only a high school degree. C. Among 342 professions in the United​ States, women earn more than men in only nine. D. More women than men earn both undergraduate and graduate degrees in the United States. E. There are more female CEOs in the United States than male CEOs.


Which​ statement(s) below is​ FALSE? A. Reengineering does not usually affect an organizational chart. B. Reengineering does not usually affect the organizational structure. C. The primary benefit sought from restructuring is cost reduction. D. Restructuring is concerned primarily with shareholder​ well-being rather than employee​ well-being. E. Restructuring is concerned primarily with employee​ well-being rather than shareholder​ well-being.


Who is featured at the beginning of the chapter as a most​ "exemplary strategist?" A. President Donald Trump B. Albert Einstein C. Former CEO of​ GE, Jack Welch D. Reverend Billy Graham E. Former CEO of​ PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi


Who​ said, "When wealth is​ lost, nothing is​ lost; when health is​ lost, something is​ lost; when character is​ lost, all is​ lost." A. Rev. Martin Luther​ King, Jr. B. President Obama C. President Kennedy D. Albert Einstein E. Rev. Billy Graham


______ refers to employees reporting any unethical violations they discover or see in the firm. A. Eavesdropping B. Snooping C. Regurgitating D. ​Tattle-telling E. ​Whistle-blowing


​_____ generates about 62 million tons of solid waste every​ year, and that amount is expected to increase fivefold by 2051. Currently only about 28 percent of the​ country's garbage is treated and processed. A. Russia B. Indonesia C. Nigeria D. Vietnam E. India


According to statistics from the United​ Nations, the rate of female participation in the labor force of​ ______ is 35​ percent; this is quite​ low, especially because women make up 42 percent of college graduates in that country. But women in this country with a college degree are expected to let their careers take a back seat to caring for their​ husband, children, and elderly parents. According to Sylvia Ann​ Hewlett, president of the Center for​ Work-Life Policy, a Manhattan think​ tank, "The measures of daughterly guilt are much higher in women in this country than in other​ countries." A.India B.Cuba C.Mexico D.China E.Iran


A​ seven-year study by Fred​ Kiel, author of Return on Character​, followed​ 8,000 employees and 84 top executives of Fortune 500​ companies; the study indicated that​ character-driven leaders deliver​ ______ times greater profitability results than​ self-focused leaders. A.5 B.100 C.15 D.0 E.20


Chapter​ 8's exemplary​ strategist, Jamie​ Dimon, CEO of JP​ Morgan, is a big advocate for economies of scale. What does Dimon advice regarding​ this? A.Firms should be careful not to venture into areas outside their corporate strategy. B.Growth for the sake of growth is a good strategy. C.Firms should deploy resources into areas that hold economies of scale steady because this is often more advantageous to​ customers, shareholders, and ultimately for the entire economy. D.Rising economies of scale produce rising stock prices. E.Economies of scale are less important than benchmarking.


Financial ratios are an important tool used to access a​ firm's financial situation one point in time. B.over time. C.on a monthly basis. D.on a yearly basis. E.over a period of time.


For the first time ever in the United​ States, cars,​ trucks, planes, and trains have displaced​ _____ as the biggest USA polluter. A.power plants B.cities C.households D.companies


Fully​ ___ percent of the​ world's population lives outside the United​ States, and this group is growing​ ___ percent faster than the U.S. population. A.​95; 70 B.​75; 60 C.​55; 60 D.​55; 30 E.​55; 40


Generally​ speaking, in​ Europe, the farther​ ______ on the​ continent, the more participatory the management style. A.north B.east C.south D.southwest E.west


In developing projected financial​ statements, how are retained earnings calculated on the balance​ sheet? A.Add the net income less dividends to the prior​ year's retained earnings. B.Use a percentage of sales method based on the prior 3 years coupled with the​ company's strategies. C.Add the net income to the prior​ year's retained earnings. D.Use retained earnings as the plug figure to make the balance sheet balance. E.Use a percentage of sales methods based on the prior 3 years.


In performing​ EPS/EBIT analysis, how is the first row​ (EBIT) determined? A.Use the most recent year EBIT number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. B.Use the most recent year Revenues number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. C.Use the most recent year Cash number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. D.Use the most recent year Retained Earnings number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range. E.Use the most recent year EPS number plus or minus the impact of recommendations to determine a range.


In​ EPS/EBIT analysis, from where does the tax rate percentage​ come? A.Use the​ company's prior year tax rate as revealed by dividing income before taxes by taxes paid off the​ firm's income statement. B.Estimate the​ company's future tax rate based on the​ company's strategies. C.Just use 10 percent for all financing options to better examine impact of debt versus stock options for raising capital. D.Use the respective​ country's federal income tax rate. E.Use the​ company's prior year tax rate as revealed by dividing income before taxes by taxes paid off the​ firm's cash flow statement.


Marketing managers in Japan see making a sale​ ________ the selling process. the beginning of the midpoint of the end of unrelated to E.none of the above


Regarding corporate​ valuation, a conservative rule of thumb is to establish a​ business's worth as​ ______ times the​ firm's current annual profit. A.5 B.12 C.10 D.6 E.3


The denominator of EPS is A.shares outstanding. B.average number of shares. C.shares authorized. D.treasury stock. E.preferred shares.


The marketing mix variables include what aspects of a product​ offerings? A.​Positioning, segmenting, targeting B.​Product, place,​ promotion, price C.Perceptual​ mapping, promotion, and price D.​Price, positioning,​ promoting, and distributing E.​Product, positioning,​ place, promotion, pricing


Theoretically, how much debt should a company carry on its balance​ sheet? A.An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to boost its return on investment in projects earning more than the cost of the debt. B.An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its net income. C.An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its cash total. D.An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its retained earnings total. E.An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its equity total.


What country does the following​ describe? This country is a democratic Pacific archipelago comprised of thousands of islands. Its currency is the rupiah and its economy is one of the​ fastest-growing in Asia. This​ country's s GDP growth was 5 percent in 2017 and it continues to grow. Exports are surging. This country has a large population and densely populated regions. It has the​ world's second-highest level of​ biodiversity, with vast areas of wilderness and abundant natural resources. A.Indonesia B.Singapore C.Malaysia D.New Zealand E.Phillipines


What​ country's rate of female participation in the labor force is about 35 percent even though women make up about 42 percent of college graduates in this​ country? A.India B.Japan C.Mexico D.Germany E.Indonesia


Which element in the projected income statement CANNOT be forecasted using the​ percentage-of-sales method? A.Interest expense B.Administrative expense C.Cost of goods sold D.Selling expense E.Operating expenses


Which of the following is a valid reason for a​ firm's power and prestige in domestic markets to be significantly enhanced if it competes​ globally? A.This can translate into improved negotiating power among important groups. B.This can alienate the firm from its domestic​ creditors, suppliers, and distributors. C.This can hurt its bargaining power with suppliers and distributors. D.This does nothing to improve its position with creditors. E.This rarely results in a practical advantage.


Who is a big advocate for economies of​ scale, arguing that growth for the sake of growth is a misguided​ strategy? He suggests firms should be careful not to venture into areas outside their corporate​ strategy; instead, they should deploy resources into areas that will build economies of scale. A.CEO of JPMorgan Jamie Dimon B.CEO of Tesla Elon Musk C.Econoist Milton Friedman D.President Donald Trump E.CEO of Apple Tim Cook


______ is defined by ​Black's Law Dictionary as the​ offering, giving,​ receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in discharge of a public or legal duty. A.Bribery B.Seduction C.Lobbying D.Solicitation E.Scamming


______ refers to employees reporting any unethical violations they discover or see in the firm. A.​Whistle-blowing B.Eavesdropping C.​Tattle-telling D.Regurgitating E.Snooping


A recent study by The Institute of Business Ethics​ (IBE) titled,​ "Does Business Ethics​ Pay?" concluded that companies that display a​ "clear commitment to ethical​ conduct" ______ outperform companies that do not display ethical conduct. A.usually B.consistently C.always D.sometimes E.rarely


According to Chapter​ 10, a country with one of the lowest bribery rates is​ ______ and a country with one of the highest bribery rates is​ ______. A.​India; Hong Kong B.South​ Korea; India C.​India; Vietnam D.Hong​ Kong; Botswana E.​Japan; Hong Kong


According to the​ chapter, "______ may be the​ single-greatest threat to successful strategy​ implementation." A.Social media rumor versus fact B.Resistance to change C.Data breaches D.Low customer loyalty E.Ineffective organizational structure


As discussed in Chapter​ 10, what do the following people have in​ common: Harvey​ Weinstein, Kevin​ Spacey, C. K.​ Louis, Mark​ Halperin, Charlie​ Rose, Matt​ Lauer, and Garrison​ Keillor? A.They all were recently found guilty of insider trading of company stock. B.They all were implicated in sexual harassment allegations. C.They all are​ CEO's of companies. D.They all were recently accused of bribery E.They all are exemplary strategists.


As of 2018 which of the following countries had the highest corporate tax​ rate? A.USA B.United Arab Emirates C.Turkey D.Bermuda E.Cayman Islands


A​ full-blown example of a projected financial statement analysis is worked out and presented in Chapter 8 for​ _____. A.3M Corp B.​P&G C.LinkedIn D.​BB&T E.Facebook


Due to its dwindling workforce and aging​ population, what country is increasingly promoting women into managerial​ positions? A.Brazil B.Japan C.Norway D.Italy E.Germany


Friedman may contend that it is irresponsible for a firm to give monies to A.employees. B.charities. C.government agencies. D.suppliers. E.managers.


Goodwill on the balance sheets of​ S&P 500 firms changed from​ $1.7 trillion in 2007 to how much in​ 2017? A.​$5 trillion B.​$3 trillion C.​$25 trillion D.​$10 trillion E.​$1 trillion


Green power is​ _____. A.​renewable, such as fossil fuels B.​renewable, such as​ wind, solar, and water C.​renewable, such as​ wind, gas, and oil D.not​ renewable, such as​ oil, gas, and coal E.not​ renewable, such as​ wind, solar, and water


In developing projected financial​ statements, with what row item does one​ start? A.Cost of Goods Stole B.Revenues C.Cost of Goods Sold D.Earnings E.Cash


In the corporate​ world, employees reporting any unethical violations they discover or see in the firm receive up to​ ______ percent of the proceeds of legal proceedings against firms for wrongdoing. A.45 B.25 C.55 D.15 E.35


In what way mentioned below would retained earnings on the balance sheet decrease from one year to the​ next? A.If the firm has cash or liquidity problems B.If the firm had positive net income for the year but pays out dividends greater than the net income C.If the firm had zero net income for the year and pays no dividends D.If the firm has negative​ paid-in-capital E.If the firm has a negative capital surplus


Is it true or false that the free Excel strategic planning template at will automatically balance your projected balance​ sheets, but​ 1) you likely will need to make adjustments to the cash​ account, and​ 2) the template does not automatically balance your existing balance​ sheets, i.e. once you enter your​ firm's financial statements into the template​ format, you will need to make adjustments as needed. A.Sometimes true B.True C.False D.Sometimes false E.This issue varies for profit versus nonprofit organizations


Limitations of​ EPS/EBIT analysis include​ ______. A.continuity and ratio analysis B.timing and control C.dividends and EPS ranges D.lack of control E.lack of diversity


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission​ (EEOC) defines​ ______ broadly as unwelcome sexual​ advances, requests for sexual​ favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. A.sexual discrimination B.sexual harassment C.prostitution D.workplace romance E.flirting


The corporate valuation formula for the net worth method is​ _____. A.additional paid in capital plus retained earnings minus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles)​ shareholders' equity​ (SE) minus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles).​ owners' equity​ (SE) plus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles) worth plus retained earnings plus​ (goodwill +​ intangibles). E.additional paid in capital plus retained earnings minus​ (goodwill -​ intangibles)


The divisional structure can be organized by​ ____. A.customer or technology B.process or customer C.geographic area or human resource function D.region or factory E.customer or creditor


The marketing mix variables include what aspects of a product​ offerings? A.​Positioning, segmenting, targeting B.​Product, place,​ promotion, price C.Perceptual​ mapping, promotion, and price D.​Price, positioning,​ promoting, and distributing E.​Product, positioning,​ place, promotion, pricing


The top national statutory corporate tax rates in 2018 among sample countries ranged from​ ______ percent in Bermuda to​ ______ percent in the United Arab Emirates​ (UAE). A.​15; 45 B.​0; 55 C.​0; 45 D.​5; 55 E.​15; 55


There is great variation across Europe with regard to levels of union​ membership, ranging from​ ______ percent of employees in Finland to​ ______ percent in France. A.​30; 70 B.​74; 8 C.​8; 74 D.​91; 19 E.​70; 30


What company is featured in Ethics Capsule 10 as being exemplary in the shoe​ business, aiming to put shoes on every child on the planet and donating a pair of shoes for every pair it​ sells? A.​Nike, Inc B.TOMS​ Shoes, Inc. C.​Adidas, Inc. D.​Reebok, Inc. E.Foot​ Locker, Inc.


What country is an authoritarian society in terms of​ schools, churches,​ businesses, and families where employers seek workers who are​ agreeable, respectful, and obedient rather than​ innovative, creative, and​ independent? A.Germany B.Mexico C.Norway D.Italy E.Greece


What is another term for​ profits? A.Future income B.Earnings C.Revenue D.Net revenue E.Past income


What percent of cash repatriated by U.S. companies in going towards stock buybacks and dividend​ payouts, as opposed to investments in employees and company​ infrastructure? A.50 B.70 C.30 D.60 E.40


What university in the USA leads all universities in annual usage of green​ power? A.Northwestern University B.University of Tennessee C.Wake Forest university D.Stanford University E.Auburn University


When a firm buys more of its own common​ stock, what is the effect on the​ firm's earnings per share​ (EPS) value? A.There is no effect. B.It goes up. C.The effect varies by size of firm. D.The effect varies by industry. E.It goes down.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A.Structure dictates how an​ organization's resources will be allocated. B.Changes in structure often require changes in an​ organization's strategies. C.Symptoms of an ineffective organizational structure include too many meetings being attended by too many people. D.Consumer goods companies tend to emulate the divisional​ structure-by-product form of organization. E.Changes in strategy often require changes in an​ organization's structure.


Which statement below is​ TRUE? A.In some income​ statements, another name for earnings is revenues. B.​"Going public" means selling off a percentage of a company to others to raise​ capital; consequently, it dilutes the​ owners' control of the firm. C.​"Going public" is not recommended for companies with less than​ $100 million in sales because the initial costs can be too high for the firm to generate sufficient cash flow to make going public worthwhile. D.​Increasingly, companies are using treasury stock to buy back their own stock and to pay cash dividends to shareholders. This has become a concern. E.Many firms prefer to leave their cash outside in Bermuda banks if it was earned outside the United States. To use those funds to pay dividends or purchase treasury​ stock, for​ example, would trigger a big U.S. corporate income tax payment.


Which​ statement(s) below is​ FALSE? A.Restructuring is concerned primarily with shareholder​ well-being rather than employee​ well-being. B.Restructuring is concerned primarily with employee​ well-being rather than shareholder​ well-being. C.Reengineering does not usually affect the organizational structure. D.The primary benefit sought from restructuring is cost reduction. E.Reengineering does not usually affect an organizational chart.


Which​ statement(s) below is​ TRUE? A.Goodwill is the same term often used for intangibles. B.Seeing Goodwill regularly increasing on a balance sheet is not a good thing. C.FASB Rule 16 requires companies to admit once a year whether the premiums they paid for​ acquisitions, called​ goodwill, were a waste of money. D.Intangibles increase when treasury stock increases. E.Goodwill cannot decrease on balance sheet from one year to the next.


Who​ said, "When wealth is​ lost, nothing is​ lost; when health is​ lost, something is​ lost; when character is​ lost, all is​ lost." A.Rev. Martin Luther​ King, Jr. B.Rev. Billy Graham C.President Obama D.Albert einstein E.President Kennedy


______ is an authoritarian society in terms of​ schools, churches,​ businesses, and families. In​ general, employers seek workers who are​ agreeable, respectful, and​ obedient, rather than​ innovative, creative, and independent. Workers tend to be​ activity-oriented rather than problem solvers. A.France B.Mexico C.Argentina D.Canada E.Israel


__________ asserts that organizations have no obligation to do any more for society than is legally required. A.Scott Pruitt B.Milton Friedman C.Ralph Nader D.Carl Icahn E.Satya Nadella


A Wall Street Journal article recapped U.S. standards regarding​ boss-and-subordinate love affairs at work. Only​ ______ percent of all firms sampled had no restrictions on such​ relationships; ______ percent of firms have policies that prohibit relationships between a supervisor and a subordinate. A.​5; 30 B.​80; 30 C.​5; 80 D.​80; 5 E.​30; 80


About how many African countries are considered​ democracies? A.20 B.10 C.30 D.50 E.40


High corporate tax rates A.have been a growing trend since the 1980s. B.make a nation a desirable location for investment. C.provide strong incentives to avoid and evade taxes. D.attract foreign investors. E.encourage investment in new factories.


In projected financial​ statements, what is used as a plug​ figure? A.​Long-term liabilities B.Fixed assets C.The Cash Account D.​Stockholders' equity E.Retained earnings


Perceptual mapping is a marketing tool associated with​ _____. A.portfolio analysis marketing C.product positioning D.value chain analysis segmentation


The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation annually rank 189 countries in terms of their respective ease of doing business. The index ranks nations from 1​ (best) to 189​ (worst). What country is​ #1? A.Denmark B.Singapore C.New Zealand D.Hong Kong E.The United States


The divisional structure can be organized by​ ____. A.customer or technology B.process or customer C.geographic area or human resource function D.region or factory E.customer or creditor


The top 20 most valuable college football programs are listed in the chapter in terms of their monetary value. What team is most​ valuable? A.Michigan Wolverines B.Texas longhorns C.Ohio State Buckeyes D.Alabama Crimson Tide E.Notre Dame Fighting Irish


What are the corporate tax rate percentages in the United​ States, Mexico, and​ Canada, respectively? A.​30; 30; 25 B.​30; 25; 20 C.​21; 30; 26.5 D.​35; 30; 25 E.​35; 25; 30


According to​ research, what kind of a relationship exists between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial​ performance? A. ​U-shaped B. Negative C. No relationship D. Linear E. Positive


Chapter​ 8's exemplary​ strategist, Jamie​ Dimon, CEO of JP​ Morgan, says successful strategic planning has more to do with heart than mind. What does Dimon say this​ means? A. Provide people a platform to which they can contribute. B. Recognize​ people; admit they have all the answers. C. Employees are the backbone of all firms. D. Value your own expertise and experiences more than the expertise and experiences of others. E. Applaud people for preserving harmony by not speaking.


Communication between domestic headquarters and overseas operations is often made difficult by A. cultural differences. B. type of products. C. type of services. D. location of headquarters. E. age of firm.


Exports of goods and services from the United States account for what percent of U.S. gross domestic product​ (GDP)? In​ contrast, as a percent of gross domestic​ product, exports comprise what percent of the German​ economy? A. ​13.0; 46.0 B. ​3.5; 25.6 C. ​53.5; 85.6 D. ​10; 50 E. ​33.5; 65.6


For the first time ever in the United​ States, cars,​ trucks, planes, and trains have displaced​ _____ as the biggest USA polluter. A. power plants B. companies C. households D. homes E. cities


In​ EPS/EBIT analysis, from where does the tax rate percentage​ come? A. Use the​ company's prior year tax rate as revealed by dividing income before taxes by taxes paid off the​ firm's income statement. B. Just use 10 percent for all financing options to better examine impact of debt versus stock options for raising capital. C. Estimate the​ company's future tax rate based on the​ company's strategies. D. Use the respective​ country's federal income tax rate. E. Use the​ company's prior year tax rate as revealed by dividing income before taxes by taxes paid off the​ firm's cash flow statement.


The primary benefit sought from restructuring is A. cost reduction. B. increased number of hierarchical levels in the organization. C. increased morale. D. employee involvement. E. increased innovation.


What country does the following​ describe? This country is a democratic Pacific archipelago comprised of thousands of islands. Its currency is the rupiah and its economy is one of the​ fastest-growing in Asia. This​ country's s GDP growth was 5 percent in 2017 and it continues to grow. Exports are surging. This country has a large population and densely populated regions. It has the​ world's second-highest level of​ biodiversity, with vast areas of wilderness and abundant natural resources. A. Indonesia B. Singapore C. New Zealand D. Malaysia E. Phillipines


What country is an authoritarian society in terms of​ schools, churches,​ businesses, and families where employers seek workers who are​ agreeable, respectful, and obedient rather than​ innovative, creative, and​ independent? A. Mexico B. Greece C. Germany D. Norway E. Italy


What is another term for​ profits? A. Earnings B. Revenue C. Future income D. Net revenue E. Past income


What three retailers are discussed in the chapter as being the top 3 Green​ Power-Use retailers in 2017. A. ​Kohl's Department​ Stores, Starbucks​ (company-owned café retail​ stores), IKEA B. Best​ Buy, Staples, and​ McDonald's C. Ross​ Stores, Gap, and Buffalo Wild Wings D. ​Marriott, Wal-Mart, and Hilton E. Motel​ 6, Target, and The North Face


What​ country's rate of female participation in the labor force is about 35 percent even though women make up about 42 percent of college graduates in this​ country? A. India B. Germany C. Mexico D. Japan E. Indonesia


What​ country's strategic plan is to develop and use quantum computers to gain world dominance and superiority in information​ technology, financial​ systems, power​ grids, and military​ weapons? A. China B. Great Britain C. North Korea D. Russia E. Germany


When a firm buys more of its own common​ stock, what is the effect on the​ firm's earnings per share​ (EPS) value? A. It goes up. B. The effect varies by industry. C. There is no effect. D. The effect varies by size of firm. E. It goes down.


Which element in the projected income statement CANNOT be forecasted using the​ percentage-of-sales method? A. Interest expense B. Selling expense C. Cost of goods sold D. Administrative expense E. Operating expenses


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A. Workplace romances actually decrease work​ performance, adding a dynamism and energy that translates into decreased​ morale, communication,​ creativity, and productivity. B. An organization probably should not strictly forbid workplace​ romance, because such a policy could be construed as an invasion of​ privacy, overbearing, or unnecessary. C. In some​ states, such as​ California, managers can be held personally liable for damages that arise from workplace romance. D. Workplace romance can be detrimental to workplace morale and productivity for a number of reasons. E. Some workplace romances actually improve work performance.


Which statement below is​ TRUE? A. ​"Going public" means selling off a percentage of a company to others to raise​ capital; consequently, it dilutes the​ owners' control of the firm. B. ​Increasingly, companies are using treasury stock to buy back their own stock and to pay cash dividends to shareholders. This has become a concern. C. In some income​ statements, another name for earnings is revenues. D. Many firms prefer to leave their cash outside in Bermuda banks if it was earned outside the United States. To use those funds to pay dividends or purchase treasury​ stock, for​ example, would trigger a big U.S. corporate income tax payment. E. ​"Going public" is not recommended for companies with less than​ $100 million in sales because the initial costs can be too high for the firm to generate sufficient cash flow to make going public worthwhile.


Which word or phrase would be most suitable to use in written objective​ statements? A. 10 percent increase B. As soon as possible C. Minimize D. Maximize E. Adequate


​"All of our locations will be open at least two evenings per week until​ 8:30 p.m." is an example of​ a(n) A. policy. B. objective. C. administration. D. procedure. E. goal.


​A(n) ______ reveals how a​ firm's operations impact the natural environment. This document discloses to shareholders information about the​ firm's labor​ practices, product​ sourcing, energy​ efficiency, environmental​ impact, and business ethics practices. A. sustainability report B. form 8K C. environmental report card D. Annual Report E. form 10K


​Theoretically, how much debt should a company carry on its balance​ sheet? A. An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to boost its return on investment in projects earning more than the cost of the debt. B. An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its retained earnings total. C. An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its net income. D. An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its equity total. E. An enterprise should carry enough debt in its capital structure to keep its debt total lower than its cash total.


What formula below is correct for valuing a company using the​ price-earnings ratio​ method? A.Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the annual earnings per share​ (EPS) and multiply this number by the​ firm's average revenue for the past 5 years. B.Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the​ firm's current ratio and multiply this number by the​ firm's average net income for the past 5 years. C.Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the annual earnings per share​ (EPS) and multiply this number by the​ firm's average net income for the past 5 years. D.Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the annual earnings per share​ (EPS) and multiply this number by the​ firm's average sales for the past 5 years. E.Divide the market price of the​ firm's common stock by the​ firm's debt-to-equity ratio and multiply this number by the​ firm's average net income for the past 5 years.


Who is featured at the beginning of the chapter as a most​ "exemplary strategist?" A.Former CEO of​ GE, Jack Welch B.Albert Einstein C.Former CEO of​ PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi D.President Donald Trump E.Revered Billy Graham


______ requires many firms to share their technological knowledge as a condition of doing business​ there; this is a growing problem for U.S. firms and America in general. A.South Korea B.India C.China D.Russia E.North Korea


​______ refers to countries imposing​ tariffs, taxes, and regulations on firms outside the country to favor their own companies and people. Most economists argue that engaging in this activity harms the world economy because it inhibits trade among countries and invites retaliation. A.Imposition B.Outsourcing C.Protectionism D.Reshoring E.Nationalism


"All of our locations will be open at least two evenings per week until​ 8:30 p.m." is an example of​ a(n) A.objective. B.administration. C.procedure. D.policy. E.goal.


According to Chapter​ 10, which of the following actions is​ unethical? A.Engaging in workplace romance B.Buying treasury stock C.Advertising of labeling D.Insider trading and overpricing


All of the following business actions are considered to be unethical EXCEPT A.dumping banned or flawed products in foreign markets. B.overpricing. C.insider trading. D.preventing environmental harm. E.sexual harassment.


American managers in China have to be careful about how they arrange office furniture because Chinese workers believe in ​______​, the practice of harnessing natural forces.​ Also, U.S. managers in Japan have to be careful about ​______​, whereby Japanese workers expect supervisors to alert them privately of changes rather than informing them in a meeting. A.​wa; guanxi B.​inhwa; wa C.​guanxi; inhwa D.feng​ shui; nemaswashio E.​nemaswashio; feng shui


A disadvantage of a functional structure is​ it____. A. forces accountability down in a structure. B. leads to poor delegation of authority. C. enhances benchmarking. D. promotes diversity. E. enhances career development opportunities.


About how many African countries are considered​ democracies? A. 40 B. 30 C. 20 D. 10 E. 50


According to Chapter​ 10, a country with one of the lowest bribery rates is​ ______ and a country with one of the highest bribery rates is​ ______. A. ​Japan; Hong Kong B. South​ Korea; India C. ​India; Vietnam D. ​India; Hong Kong E. Hong​ Kong; Botswana


According to a recent Wall Street Journal​ article, ________ percent of all firms sampled had no restrictions on​ boss-subordinate love affairs at work. A. 39 B. 5 C. 13 D. 24 E. 80


According to​ Schein, what statement below is not included as a useful element in linking culture to​ strategy? A. Designing of physical​ spaces, facades, and buildings B. Benchmarking C. Explicit reward and status system and promotion criteria D. Deliberate role​ modeling, teaching, and coaching by leaders E. How the organization is designed and structured


Americans tend to use first names instantly in business dealings with​ foreigners, but foreigners find this presumptuous.​ In what country are first names used only among family members and intimate​ friends, with even longtime business associates and coworkers shying away from the use of first​ names? A. England B. Japan C. Australia D. Brazil E. South Korea


As of 2018 which of the following countries had the highest corporate tax​ rate? A. Turkey B. United Arab Emirates C. Bermuda D. USA E. Cayman Islands


Fully​ ___ percent of the​ world's population lives outside the United​ States, and this group is growing​ ___ percent faster than the U.S. population. A. ​75; 60 B. ​95; 70 C. ​55; 30 D. 55; 40 E. ​55; 60


Goodwill on the balance sheets of​ S&P 500 firms changed from​ $1.7 trillion in 2007 to how much in​ 2017? A. ​$10 trillion B. ​$3 trillion C. ​$5 trillion D. ​$25 trillion E. ​$1 trillion


How many basic types of organizational structure are discussed in the​ chapter? A. 9 B. 7 C. 11 D. 5 E. 3


In developing projected financial​ statements, with what row item does one​ start? A. Cost of Goods Sold B. Revenues C. Cash D. Cost of Goods Stole E. Earnings


In which of the following industries is the United States NOT yet greatly challenged by foreign​ competitors? A. Electronics B. Retailing C. Auto industry D. Manufacturing E. Pharmaceuticals


Limitations of​ EPS/EBIT analysis include​ ______. A. dividends and EPS ranges B. timing and control C. lack of control D. lack of diversity E. continuity and ratio analysis


Simply having a code of ethics A. eliminates the need for periodic ethics workshops. B. is insufficient to guarantee that employees behave in an ethical manner. C. is all that is necessary to sensitize people to workplace circumstances in which ethics issues may arise. D. will ensure ethical business behavior. E. secures an ethics culture in the workplace.


The divisional structure can be organized by​ ____. A. region or factory B. process or customer C. customer or technology D. customer or creditor E. geographic area or human resource function


The marketing mix variables include what aspects of a product​ offerings? A. ​Positioning, segmenting, targeting B. ​Product, place,​ promotion, price C. ​Price, positioning,​ promoting, and distributing D. ​Product, positioning,​ place, promotion, pricing E. Perceptual​ mapping, promotion, and price


The top 20 most valuable college football programs are listed in the chapter in terms of their monetary value. What team is most​ valuable? A. Michigan Wolverines B. Ohio State Buckeyes C. Notre Dame Fighting Irish D. Texas Longhorns E. Alabama Crimson Tide


The top national statutory corporate tax rates in 2018 among sample countries ranged from​ ______ percent in Bermuda to​ ______ percent in the United Arab Emirates​ (UAE). A. ​15; 45 B. ​0; 55 C. ​0; 45 D. ​15; 55 E. ​5; 55


What are the corporate tax rate percentages in the United​ States, Mexico, and​ Canada, respectively? A. ​30; 30; 25 B. ​21; 30; 26.5 C. ​35; 25; 30 D. ​30; 25; 20 E. ​35; 30; 25


What is the broad term that refers to all other terms listed below. The term can apply to all divisions and departments​ (such as​ "We are an equal opportunity​ employer"), or to a single department​ ("Employees in this department must take at least one training and development course each​ year"). A. Rules B. Policies C. Methods D. Procedures E. Guidelines


What statement below is​ FALSEf? A. Conflict may help managers identify problems. B. Conflict is always bad. C. Conflict can serve to energize opposing groups into action. D. Conflict can be managed. E. Conflict can arouse emotions.


Which factor below commonly prohibits effective resource​ allocation? A. Benchmarking B. Placing too great an emphasis on​ short-run financial criteria C. Reengineering D. Reshoring E. Retrenchment


Which statement below is not a guideline for developing an organizational​ chart? A. Avoid a​ functional-type structure for all but the smallest firms. B. Make sure only presidents of divisions report to the CEO. C. Make sure the CEO of the firm does not also carry the title of President. D. Make sure the chair of the board is not also the CEO or president of the company. E. Make sure every executive has one​ boss; lines in the chart should be drawn​ accordingly, assuring unity of command.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A. Consumer goods companies tend to emulate the divisional​ structure-by-product form of organization. B. Changes in structure often require changes in an​ organization's strategies. C. Changes in strategy often require changes in an​ organization's structure. D. Structure dictates how an​ organization's resources will be allocated. E. Symptoms of an ineffective organizational structure include too many meetings being attended by too many people.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A. For a firm to ignore social media communication by employees may be irresponsible. B. Many companies illegally monitor the social media activities of employees and prospective employees. C. Whenever a company discovers through social media that an employee or potential employee is​ Muslim, disabled,​ gay, or over 40 years old and then denies a promotion or hires someone​ else, that​ "social media discovery​ information" could be the basis of a discrimination suit against the firm. D. It is legal to check your social media accounts during work. E. Companies have the legal right to monitor​ employees' conduct and the legal duty to do so only if there is sufficient reason for concern.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A. Prior research suggests that being unethical is​ abnormal, rare, and aberrant behavior perpetrated by people who are abhorrent. B. Donald Palmer recently reported that misconduct is most often done by people who party weekly. C. Donald Palmer recently reported that misconduct is a normal phenomenon. D. Donald Palmer recently reported that wrongdoing is as prevalent as rightdoing.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A. Reengineering is characterized by many tactical​ (short-term, business function-​specific) decisions. B. Reengineering is an analogous term for benchmarking. C. Reengineering does not usually imply job loss or employee layoffs. D. Reengineering does not usually affect an organizational chart. E. Reengineering does not usually affect the organizational structure.


Chapter​ 8's exemplary​ strategist, Jamie​ Dimon, CEO of JP​ Morgan, says successful strategic planning has more to do with heart than mind. What does Dimon say this​ means? A.Applaud people for preserving harmony by not speaking. B.Value your own expertise and experiences more than the expertise and experiences of others. C.Recognize​ people; admit they have all the answers. D.Provide people a platform to which they can contribute. E.Employees are the backbone of all firms.


Which​ statement(s) below is​ FALSE? A. A recommended guideline in developing an organizational structure is to avoid having a particular person reporting to more than one person in the chain of command. B. The percentage of large companies in the United States with a chief operating officer​ (COO) has declined almost every year for a​ decade, to about 60 percent today. C. Organizational structure is more a strategy implementation than a strategy formulation issue. D. A recommended guideline in developing an organizational structure is to avoid letting a single individual be both chairman of the board and CEO of a company. E. Organizational structure is important for gaining and sustaining competitive advantage.


Which​ statement(s) is​ TRUE? A. New equity issued in a given year goes on the treasury stock row on a balance sheet. B. Sometimes firms will increase their Treasury Stock near the end of the​ quarter, or near the end of the​ year, to inflate their EPS​ "artificially". C. Another name for the balance sheet account—​additional-paid-in-capital—is treasury stock. D. In developing projected financial​ statements, the retained earnings row is used as the plug figure. E. Balance sheets will not balance if retained earnings are negative.


Exports of goods and services from the United States account for what percent of U.S. gross domestic product​ (GDP)? In​ contrast, as a percent of gross domestic​ product, exports comprise what percent of the German​ economy? A.​3.5; 25.6 B.​33.5; 65.6 C.​53.5; 85.6 D.​13.0; 46.0 E.​10; 50


​In Japan, business relations operate within the context of ​______​, which stresses group harmony and social cohesion. In​ China, business behavior revolves around ​______​, or personal relations. In South​ Korea, activities involve concern for ​______​, or harmony based on respect of hierarchical​ relationships, including obedience to authority. A. ​Inhwa; Guanxi; Wa B. ​Wa; Guanxi; Inhwa C. ​Wa; Inhwa; Guanxi D. ​Guanxi; Inhwa; Wa E. ​Guanxi; Wa; Inhwa


How many basic types of organizational structure are discussed in the​ chapter? A.9 B.11 C.3 D.7 E.5


​______ is defined by ​Black's Law Dictionary as the​ offering, giving,​ receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in discharge of a public or legal duty. A. Solicitation B. Bribery C. Lobbying D. Scamming E. Seduction


The domestic food industry​ ________, so Kraft Foods is focusing on foreign acquisitions. falling 5 percent per year growing 7 percent per year stagnant growing 3 percent per year falling 1 percent per year


What is the broad term that refers to all other terms listed below. The term can apply to all divisions and departments​ (such as​ "We are an equal opportunity​ employer"), or to a single department​ ("Employees in this department must take at least one training and development course each​ year"). A.Rules B.Procedures C.Methods D.Policies E.Guidelines


What percent tax on foreign earnings held offshore in cash accounts was imposed by new U.S. federal tax law in​ 2018? A.5.5 B.10.5 C.25.5 D.15.5 E.20.5


What three retailers are discussed in the chapter as being the top 3 Green​ Power-Use retailers in 2017. A.Best​ Buy, Staples, and​ McDonald's B.​Marriott, Wal-Mart, and Hilton C.Ross​ Stores, Gap, and Buffalo Wild Wings D.​Kohl's Department​ Stores, Starbucks​ (company-owned café retail​ stores), IKEA E.Motel​ 6, Target, and The North Face


When developing an organizational​ chart, you should A.recommend dual titles for executives. B.make sure that the chief financial officer is not at the same level as the chief operating officer​ (COO). C.have employees report to more than one person in the chain of command. D.have division presidents report to a chief operating officer​ (COO). E.use the title​ "president" for the top executive of the firm.


Which factor below commonly prohibits effective resource​ allocation? A.Retrenchment B.Benchmarking C.Reshoring D.Placing too great an emphasis on​ short-run financial criteria E.Reengineering


Which is NOT a characteristic of​ policies? A.Reduce the amount of time managers spend making decisions B.Let both employees and managers know what is expected of them C.Allow coordination across organizational units D.Represent the basis for allocating resources E.Provide a basis for management control


Which is NOT a major factor that commonly prohibits effective resource​ allocation? A.A reluctance to take risks B.Organizational politics C.A lack of sufficient knowledge D.Underprotection of resources E.Having vague strategy targets


Which of the following sequences of marketing activities is​ correct? A.Product​ positioning, market​ segmentation, target marketing B.Market​ segmentation, product​ positioning, target marketing C.Target​ marketing, product​ positioning, market segmentation D.Market​ segmentation, target​ marketing, product positioning Your answer is correct. E.Product​ positioning, target​ marketing, market segmentation


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the issuance of corporate bonds in the United​ States? A.The practice of firms issuing bonds to buy back their own stock and to pay cash dividends to shareholders is illegal. B.A large recent bond transaction was​ Anheuser-Busch InBev's​ $4 billion bond issuance to purchase SAB Miller. C.Firms issue bonds to finance​ acquisitions, to buy back their own stock​ (called preferred stock​), and to refinance old debt. D.The year 2017 was the seventh straight year that a record dollar value of bonds was sold in the United​ States, totalling more than​ $1.5 trillion. E.Bonds were discontinued for use in the United States.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A.Prior research suggests that being unethical is​ abnormal, rare, and aberrant behavior perpetrated by people who are abhorrent. B.Donald Palmer recently reported that wrongdoing is as prevalent as rightdoing. C.Donald Palmer recently reported that misconduct is a normal phenomenon. D.Donald Palmer recently reported that misconduct is most often done by people who party weekly.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A.Workplace romance can be detrimental to workplace morale and productivity for a number of reasons. B.Some workplace romances actually improve work performance. C.An organization probably should not strictly forbid workplace​ romance, because such a policy could be construed as an invasion of​ privacy, overbearing, or unnecessary. D.Workplace romances actually decrease work​ performance, adding a dynamism and energy that translates into decreased​ morale, communication,​ creativity, and productivity. E.In some​ states, such as​ California, managers can be held personally liable for damages that arise from workplace romance.


Which​ statement(s) below is​ FALSE? A.Organizational structure is more a strategy implementation than a strategy formulation issue. B.A recommended guideline in developing an organizational structure is to avoid letting a single individual be both chairman of the board and CEO of a company. C.Organizational structure is important for gaining and sustaining competitive advantantage. D.The percentage of large companies in the United States with a chief operating officer​ (COO) has declined almost every year for a​ decade, to about 60 percent today. E.A recommended guideline in developing an organizational structure is to avoid having a particular person reporting to more than one person in the chain of command.


Which​ term(s) below would not be a good annual​ objectives? A.Reduce costs​ 10%. B.Add 50 new sales representatives in Europe. C.Reduce​ long-term debt by​ 30%. D.Add new suppliers as soon as possible. E.Increase revenues​ 10%.


Workplace romance an intimate relationship between two​ employees, one of whom is not consenting. B.should be strictly forbidden by organizations. defined as unwelcome sexual​ advances, requests for sexual​ favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. D.simply happens so organizations should determine how to best manage the phenomenon. defined as illegal by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.


A(n) ______ reveals how a​ firm's operations impact the natural environment. This document discloses to shareholders information about the​ firm's labor​ practices, product​ sourcing, energy​ efficiency, environmental​ impact, and business ethics practices. A.form 10K B.form 8K C.Annual Report D.environmental report card E.sustainability report


According to Table​ 8-5 in Chapter​ 8, what are the three most corrupt countries in the​ world? A.​Vietnam, Thailand, Somalia B.​Congo, Somalia, Libia C.​Iraq, Iran, Syria D.​Syria, Somalia, Libya E.​Somalia, South​ Sudan, North Korea


According to the ISO 14001​ standard, a community or organization is required to put in place and implement a series of practices and procedures​ that, when taken​ together, result in​ a/an ______. A.environmental report card B.sustainability report C.sustainability certification system D.environmental annual report E.environmental management system​ (EMS)


According to the International Standards​ Organization, the word​ _____ is defined a surrounding in which an organization​ operates, including​ air, water,​ land, natural​ resources, flora,​ fauna, humans, and their interrelations. A.resource B.ecological C.sustainability E.environment


According to​ Schein, what statement below is not included as a useful element in linking culture to​ strategy? A.Designing of physical​ spaces, facades, and buildings B.Deliberate role​ modeling, teaching, and coaching by leaders C.How the organization is designed and structured D.Explicit reward and status system and promotion criteria E.Benchmarking


Americans tend to use first names instantly in business dealings with​ foreigners, but foreigners find this presumptuous.​ In what country are first names used only among family members and intimate​ friends, with even longtime business associates and coworkers shying away from the use of first​ names? A.Brazil B.South Korea C.Australia D.England E.Japan


In Japan, business relations operate within the context of ​______​, which stresses group harmony and social cohesion. In​ China, business behavior revolves around ​______​, or personal relations. In South​ Korea, activities involve concern for ​______​, or harmony based on respect of hierarchical​ relationships, including obedience to authority. A.​Guanxi; Inhwa; Wa B.​Inhwa; Guanxi; Wa C.​Wa; Inhwa; Guanxi D.​Guanxi; Wa; Inhwa E.​Wa; Guanxi; Inhwa


In contrast to strategy​ formulation, strategy implementation focuses more on​ _____. A.BCG analysis B.effectiveness rather than efficiency C.SWOT analysis and mission statement assessment E.motivation skills rather than analytical skills


It has become​ ________, since uniform standards defining environmentally responsible company actions are rapidly being incorporated into our legal landscape. A.increasingly easy for firms to get away with placing​ "green" terminology on their products without any oversight B.more common for consumers to be cynical about corporate environmental claims C.customary for firms to use terms like​ "organic," "green," or​ "earth-friendly" when their products​ don't warrant it D.impossible for firms to omit​ "green" terminology from their labels E.more and more difficult for firms to make​ "green" claims when their actions are not​ substantive, comprehensive, or even true


Oceans cover more than​ ______ percent of the earth. A.41 B.51 C.31 D.61 E.71


The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act​ (FCPA) governs​ ______ in the United States and has stepped up enforcement. A.lobbying B.scamming C.seduction D.solicitation E.bribery


The shares of stock of a firm that are owned by the firm itself are called​ _____. A.convertible stock B.goodwill C.retained earnings D.preferred stock E.treasury stock


The term​ "corporate wellness" has largely been replaced by what new​ term? A.Corporate vitality B.Corporate healthiness C.Sustainability D.Corporate fitness E.Corporate​ well-being


The​ ______ family of standards concerns the extent to which a firm minimizes harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities and continually monitors and improves its own environmental performance. A.Environmental management system​ (EMS) B.Environmental Protection Agency​ (EPA) C.osHA D.Sustainability report standard E.ISO 14000


What country is especially attractive for manufacturing products that are bulky or costly to​ transport, such as​ automobiles? A key variable hurting this country is​ drug-related violence since its homicide rate exceeds 15 people per​ 100,000, compared with a​ per-capita rate of about 5.0 in the United States and 1.1 in China. A.Venezuela B.India C.Brazil D.South Korea E.Mexico


What country ranks about 90th out of 190 countries in terms of doing business due to​ human-rights' issues and substantial disregard for​ copyright, patent, and trademark rules of​ law? A.India B.Japan C.Mexico D.Indonesia E.China


What statement below is​ FALSEf? A.Conflict can be managed. B.Conflict can arouse emotions. C.Conflict can serve to energize opposing groups into action. D.Conflict may help managers identify problems. E.Conflict is always bad.


What type of structure is the most complex of all the organizational designs or​ structures? A.Conglomerate B.Functional C.Strategic business unit​ (SBU) D.Division by process E.Matrix


What​ country's strategic plan is to develop and use quantum computers to gain world dominance and superiority in information​ technology, financial​ systems, power​ grids, and military​ weapons? A.Great Britain B.Germany C.North Korea D.Russia E.China


Which item is included in net​ worth? A.Retained earnings and common stock. B.Common stock C.Additional​ paid-in-capital D.Retained earnings E.Retained​ earnings, common​ stock, and additional​ paid-in capital.


Which statement below is not a guideline for developing an organizational​ chart? A.Make sure the chair of the board is not also the CEO or president of the company. B.Make sure the CEO of the firm does not also carry the title of President. C.Make sure every executive has one​ boss; lines in the chart should be drawn​ accordingly, assuring unity of command. D.Avoid a​ functional-type structure for all but the smallest firms. E.Make sure only presidents of divisions report to the CEO.


Which statement below is not a guideline for developing an organizational​ chart? A.​Decentralize, using some form of divisional​ structure, whenever possible. B.Make sure span of control is​ reasonable, probably no more than 10 persons reporting to any other person. C.Use an SBU type structure for​ large, multidivisional firms. D.Make sure functional executives such as​ CFO, CIO,​ CMO, CSO,​ R&D, CLO,​ CTO, and HRM report to the​ CEO, not to the COO. E.Reserve the title president for the CEO of the firm.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A.Among 342 professions in the United​ States, women earn more than men in only nine. B.On​ average, women, earn 25 percent less than men in the United States. C.In the United States​ today, the average age for women to get married is 30 years old for those with a college​ degree, and 26 years old for those with only a high school degree. D.More women than men earn both undergraduate and graduate degrees in the United States. E.There are more female CEOs in the United States than male CEOs.


Which statement below is​ FALSE? A.Reengineering is characterized by many tactical​ (short-term, business function-​specific) decisions. B.Reengineering does not usually affect an organizational chart. C.Reengineering does not usually affect the organizational structure. D.Reengineering does not usually imply job loss or employee layoffs. E.Reengineering is an analogous term for benchmarking.


Which​ statement(s) is​ TRUE? A.New equity issued in a given year goes on the treasury stock row on a balance sheet. B.Another name for the balance sheet account—​additional-paid-in-capital—is treasury stock. C.In developing projected financial​ statements, the retained earnings row is used as the plug figure. D.Balance sheets will not balance if retained earnings are negative. E.Sometimes firms will increase their Treasury Stock near the end of the​ quarter, or near the end of the​ year, to inflate their EPS​ "artificially".


Who is the exemplary strategist who is trying to convert all smokers globally to a new smokeless tobacco product that is much safer even than​ e-cigarettes? A.The CEO of Burlington Tobacco B.The Surgeon General C.OSHA​ (Occupational Safety and Health​ Administration) D.The CEO of Reynolds Tobacco E.The CEO of Philip Morris


_____ generates about 62 million tons of solid waste every​ year, and that amount is expected to increase fivefold by 2051. Currently only about 28 percent of the​ country's garbage is treated and processed. A.Nigeria B.Russia C.Indonesia D.Vietnam E.India


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