MGT 300 - Exam 3

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What are the 5 methods of Departmentalization?

1)Functional - business functions 2)Product - producing particular products/services 3)Customer - particular kinds of customers 4)Geographic - specific geographical areas 5)Matrix - hybrid organizational structure 2 or more forms of departmentalization

The stages of Team Development

1.Forming-team members meet, form initial impressions and establish team norms 2.Storming-conflict/disagreement takes place 3.Norming-memebers begin to settle in, group cohesion grows, and positive team norms develop 4.Performing- performance improves, team has matured into a fully functional team

A _______ is a performance appraisal process in which feedback is obtained from the boss, subordinates, peers and co-workers, as well as the employees themselves.

360 feedback

Focuses on the acceptance and celebration of differences to ensure that the diversity within the company matches the diversity found among primary stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and local communities

Access and Legitimacy Paradigm

Unintentional discrimination that occurs when people are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged

Adverse Impact

_______ refers to the emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional.

Affective conflict (A-type conflicts)

Purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women

Affirmative Action

The degree to which someone is cooperative, polite, flexible, forgiving, good-natured, tolerant, and trusting


A series of managerial simulations graded by trained observers, that are used to determine applicant's capability for managerial work

Assessment Centers

The right to give commands, take actions, and make decisions to achieve organizational objectives


Degree to which workers have the discretion, freedom, and independence to decide how/when to accomplish their jobs


The degree to which a job gives workers the discretion, freedom, and independence to decide how/when to accomplish the job


______ is designed to raise employees' consciousness about diversity issues and to challenge the underlying assumptions or stereotypes they may have about others.

Awareness training

Rating scales that indicate the frequency with which workers perform specific behaviors that are representative of the job dimensions critical to successful job performance

Behavior Observation Scales (BOSs)

A perennial problem of teacher education programs is the screen the highest quality candidates from those who should not work in schools. One suggested method is to ask applicants a series of questions about their experience with siblings, how they treat stress, their attitude towards procrastination, ways they like to have fun, etc. This method, which can use over 100 questions, gathers __________.

Biographical data

Extensive surveys that ask applicants questions about their personal backgrounds and life experiences

Biographical data

Teams no longer have to go through the frustratingly slow process of multilevel review and sign-offs to get management approval before making changes

Bureaucratic immunity

Which of the following factors is necessary for stretch goals to effectively motivate teams?

Bureaucratic immunity

Develop Analytical and Problem-solving skills

Case studies, coaching and mentoring, group discussions

The location of most authority at the upper levels of the organization

Centralization of Authority

The vertical line of authority that clarifies who reports to whom throughout the organization

Chain of command

Which of the following types of conflicts is most strongly associated with improvements in team performance?

Cognitive conflict

Compensation system in which employees earn a percentage of each SALE they make


A matrix departmentalization in which managers in different parts of the matrix report to matrix managers who help them sort out conflicts and problems

Complex Matrix

A ______ is a form of matrix departmentalization in which managers from different parts of the matrix report to matrix managers, who help them sort out conflicts and problems.

Complex matrix

All the training objectives


Senora is the CEO of a new company called BSL Corp. She has instructed the managers to use the traditional approach to create the organization's structure. What should the managers at BSL Corp. do?

Create an organizational structure with vertical and horizontal configurations

The location of a significant amount of authority in the lower levels of the organization. Advantages - develops employee capabilities and leads to faster decisions

Decentralization of Authority

Differences such as personality and attitudes that are communicated through verbal/nonverbal behaviors and are learned only through extended interaction with others

Deep-Level Diversity

_____ consists of differences such as personality and attitudes that are learned only through extended interactions with others and are communicated through verbal and nonverbal behaviors.

Deep-level diversity

The assignment of direct authority and responsibility to a subordinate to complete tasks for which the manager is normally responsible

Delegation of authority

Subdividing work & workers into separate organizational units responsible for completing particular tasks


Most common method of approaching diversity - focuses on equal opportunity, fair treatment, recruitment of minorities, and strict compliance with equal employment laws

Discrimination and Fairness Paradigm

INTENTIONAL discrimination that occurs when people are purposely not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, color, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs

Disparate treatment

Intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposely not given the same hiring, promotion, and membership opportunities

Disparate treatment

A variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among an organization's employees and customers


Companies in several industries are now waking up to the employment needs of women. They initiated several accommodations like flexible timings, work from home options to attract women employees. The initiative is an example of _________.

Diversity programs

______ can be best defines as the loss of high-performing employees who voluntarily leave a company.

Dysfunctional turnover

The degree to which someone is not angry, depressed, anxious, emotional, insecure, or excitable

Emotional Stability

Compensation system that awards employees shares of company stock in addition to their regular compensation

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)

In the context of pay-variability decisions, an ESOP is an ________.

Employee stock ownership plan

The degree to which someone is active, assertive, gregarious, sociable, talkative, and energized by others


Job enlargement and job enrichment mean essentially the same thing.


The most common matrix combines customer & functional forms of departmentalization.


Impart information and knowledge

Films and videos, lectures, planned readings

Compensation system in which companies share the financial value of performance gains, such as increased productivity, cost saving, or quality, with their workers


Which of the following is NOT an example of a pay-variability decision used to motivate employees performance?

Hierarchical pay

No bosses/titles and employees manage themselves


Degree to which a person believes that people should be self-sufficient and that loyalty to one's self is more important than loyalty to team or company


Motivation that comes from one job itself rather than from outside rewards

Internal Motivation

The collection of activities that take place within an organization to transform inputs to outputs that customers value

Interorganizational process

Which of the following statements is true of a-type conflict?

It can decrease team cohesiveness, lower satisfaction of team members, and may lead to personal hostility between coworkers

Which of the following statements about decentralization is true?

It leads to more satisfied customers and employees

An approach to job redesign that seeks to formulate jobs in ways that motivate workers and leads to positive work outcomes

Job Characteristic Model (JCM)

The number, kind, and variety of tasks that individual workers perform in doing their jobs

Job Design

Process that determines the worth of each job in a company by evaluating the market value of the knowledge, skills, and requirements needed to perform

Job Evaluation

A job composed of a small part of a larger task or process

Job Specialization

_______ help companies meet the legal requirement that their human resource decisions be job related.

Job specifications, job analyses, and job descriptions

Consistent with achieving organizational plurality

Learning and Effectiveness Paradigm

The right to command immediate subordinates in the chain of command

Line Authority

An activity that contributes directly to creating or selling the company's products or services

Line Function

A ___________ can be best defined as an activity that contributes directly to creating or selling a company's product.

Line function

Organization characterized by specialized jobs and responsibilities; precisely defined, unchanging roles, and a rigid chain of command based on centralized authority and vertical communication

Mechanistic Organization

Measures of job performance that are easily and directly counted or quantified

Objective Performance Measures

Practice, learn, or change job behaviors

On-the-job training, role-playing, simulations and games, vertibule training

Organization characterized by broadly defined jobs, and decentralized authority and horizontal communication based on task knowledge

Organic Organization

Work environment where 1) all members are empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves and 2) the individuality of each member is respected by not segmenting or polarizing people on the basis of their membership in a particular group

Organizational Plurality

The collection of activities that transforms inputs into outputs that customers value

Organizational process

The vertical & horizontal configuration of departments, authority, and jobs within a company

Organizational structure

Which of the following provides employment counseling services for employees faced with downsizing?

Outplacement services

Concern whether to pay workers at a level that is below, above, or at current market wages

Pay-Level decisions

Compensation system in which employees are paid a set rate for each item they MAKE


Which of the following methods of training should be used for imparting information or knowledge to trainees?

Planned readings

Work completed by having each job or department independently contribute to the whole

Pooled interdependence

Compensation system in which a company pays a percentage of its profits to employees in addition to their regular compensation


Training performance appraisal raters in how to avoid rating errors and increase rating accuracy

Rater Training

Work completed by different jobs or groups working together in a back-and-forth manner

Reciprocal Interdependence

Work completed in succession, with one group's or job's outputs becoming the inputs for the next group or job.

Sequential Interdependence

A matrix departmentalization in which managers in different parts of the matrix negotiate conflicts/resources

Simple Matrix

The number of different activities performed in a job

Skill Variety

Compensation system that pays employees for learning additional skills or knowledge

Skill-based pay

______ teaches employees the practical abilities they need for managing a diverse work force, abilities such as flexibility and a adaptability, negotiation, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.

Skills-based diversity training

Degree to which group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective

Social Integration

_________ is a term used by work teams to describe when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.

Social loafing

The right to advise, but not command, others who are not subordinates in the chain of command

Staff Authority

An activity that does NOT contribute directly to creating or selling the company's products or services, but instead supports line activities

Staff Function

Solving problems by consistently applying the same rules, procedures, and processes


Compensation system that gives employees the right to purchase shares to stock at a set price, even if the value of the stock increases above the price

Stock options

_______ can be best defined as the ability to change organizational structures, policies, and practices if doing so helps teams meet their stretch goals.

Structural accommodation

Measures of job performance that requires someone to judge or assess a workers' performance

Subjective Performance Measures

Differences in age, sex, race/ethnicity, and physical disabilities that are observable, typically unchangeable, and easy to measure

Surface-level Diversity

Affirmative action refers to purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women. By contrast, diversity has a broader focus that includes demographics, cultural, and personal differences.


As teams develop and grow, they pass through four stages of development. These four stages are (1) forming, (2) Storming, (3) norming (4) performing


Because of the lost productivity and the cost of recruiting and selecting new workers, companies lose substantial amounts of money when employees quit their jobs.


Cognitive ability tests are almost always the BEST predictors of job performance.


Cohesiveness is the extent to which team members are attracted to a team and motivated to remain in it. Members may or may not have high levels of job satisfaction.


Diversity actually makes good business sense in terms of cost saving, the ability to attract and retain talent, and business growth.


Evidence indicated that there is strong and persistent racial and ethnic discrimination in the hiring processes of many organizations.


If an HR manager were allowed to use just one selection test, cognitive ability tests would be the one to use.


In many industries, teams are growing in importance because they help organizations respond to specific problems and challenges.


Matrix departmentalization is a hybrid structure in which two or more forms of departmentalization, such as the product and functional forms are used together.


Men's career and job choices are often driven by search for higher pay and advancement.


Norms are informally agreed-upon standards that regulate team behavior. They are valuable because they let team members know what is expected of them.


Self-designing trams have all the characteristics of self-managing teams, but they can also control and change the design of the teams themselves, the tasks they do and how they do them, and who belongs to the teams.


Specific ability tests or aptitude tests measure the extent to which an applicant possesses the particular kind of ability needed to do a job.


Team norms may be associated with either positive or negative outcomes for the company.


The most common type of training provided to members of work teams is training in interpersonal skills.


The primary benefit of the discrimination and fairness paradigm is that it generally brings about fairer treatment of employees and increases demographic diversity.


The three significant disadvantages to teams and teamwork are prone to initially high turnover, social loafing, and groupthink


When compared to men, women are more likely to choose jobs or careers that give them a greater sense of accomplishment, more control over their work schedules, and easier movement in and out of the workplace.


Wrongful discharge is a legal doctrine that requires employees to have a job-related reason to terminate employees


The degree to which a job from beginning to end, requires the completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work.

Task Identity

The extent to which collective action is required to complete an entire piece of work

Task interdependence

Which of the following statements about Internet recruiting is true?

The Internet allows companies to quickly reach large numbers of people.

Which of the following approaches to job redesign entails more than simply providing variety in job tasks?

The job characteristics model

Which of the following should managers do in order to minimize the problems inherent in firing employees?

They should give employees a chance to change their behavior before firing them.

Cygen Inc. reorganized its operations along customer lines to minimize the complexity in running projects at various levels. In doing so, it abandoned matrix departmentalization. Which of the following would most likely be the reason why Cygen Inc. engaged in such restructuring?

To end conflict between product managers in different parts of its matrix.

Levels of Autonomy from least amount of autonomy to greatest

Traditional work groups Employee involvement team Semi-autonomous work groups Self-managing teams Self-designing teams

Organizational structure is the description of the vertical and horizontal configuration of departments, authority, and jobs within a company


______ typically amount to more that 90 percent of employees' salaries.

Turnover costs

A management principle that workers should report to just ONE boss

Unity of command

One of the key assumptions underlying the chain of command is _______ which means that works should report to just one supervisor.

Unity of command

Process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance; the better or more accurate the prediction of future job performance, the more valid a test is said to be


A small number of people with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and improving interdependent work processes

Work Teams

Small number of people with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and improving interdependence work processes.

Work teams

When managers delegate work, three transfers occur. The three transfers are responsibility, authority, and ______.


Resputile transports Co. has a policy of hiring people based on their talents. The management always ensure that they recruit people across various cultures and ethnicities irrespective of gender. This policy of Resputile transports in an example of ______.

affirmative action

The first selection device that most job applicants encounter when they seek a job are _______.

applications forms and resumes

All job applicants for a position in an interior design company were given 10 swatches of fabrics of different colors and textures, 30 different paint chips, and 6 different floor treatments. They were then told to select the best fabric, paint, and floor treatment for an office. What type of selection test was used in this example?

aptitude test

The two basic types of diversity training programs are _______.

awareness and skills-based

Affirmative action programs are typically designed to ________.

compensate for past discrimination

The term ________ refers to the degree to which someone is organized, hardworking, responsible, preserving, thorough, and achievement oriented.


A research organization has project teams that perform field research for its clients. Each member of these project teams is trained to conduct observational research, interview clients, and understand the marketing impact of what they learn. Thus, the team is able to work normally even when one of its members is absent. The organization uses _____ to make its project teams more efficient.

cross training

The primary benefit of the _______ is that it generally brings about fairer treatment of employees and increases demographic diversity.

discrimination and fairness paradigm

Sarah, a manager of Litelife Inc., does not hire people over the age of 40 in her company. She believes that older people will bring down the energy of her company. Her action is unfair and discriminating. In this scenario, Sarah's action is an example of _______.

disparate treatment

A modern factory in the US has 1,200 workers who speak 20 different languages. This factory illustrates _______.


A key difference between affirmative action and diversity is that _____.

diversity has a broader focus, while affirmative action does not.

The term ________ can best be defined as a feeling of intrinsic motivation, in which workers perceive their work to have meaning and perceive themselves to be competent, having an impact, and capable of self-determined.


Advantages of Teams

improve customer satisfaction, product and service quality, speed and efficiency in product development, employee job satisfaction, and decision making

US based Licenter & Co., a global consultancy, draws its consultants from more than 40 countries. A benefit of its global hiring is that it raises cultural sensitivity. In other words, this benefits Licenter & Co by _______.

improving the quality of problem solving

In essence, reengineering changes organizations by ______

increasing reciprocal interdependence

The central concern of the job characteristics model (JCM) is ________

internal motivation

Lisa recently joined a famous multinational company. During her first few days, she went to work wearing casual clothing. However, she gradually came to know that this was not the expected dress code as everyone in the office dressed in formal attire. This was not specifically told to her, nor was it officially established as she later found out. The formal dress code is an example of a(n) _____.


The term _____ can be best defines as the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customers value.

organizational process

Functional departmentalization can be most accurately defined as:

organizing work/workers into separate units responsible for particular business operations or area expertise

The three types of task interdependence are:

pooled, sequential, and reciprocal

A team of men and women of different ethnic backgrounds, age, and physical capabilities work for a TV show which involves decorating gardens in very short time frames. The team works together in co-ordination to come up with new decorative ideas for each episode. This is an example of ______.

social integration

A research group is composed of students of theology, actors, and musicians as well as the more traditional marketing experts and statisticians. Given this information, it can be inferred that the group is high in _______.

team diversity

Organizational plurality is consistent with _______.

the learning and effectiveness paradigm

With surface-level diversity, differences are immediately observable, easy to measure, and ______.

typically unchanging

According to the job characteristics model, ______ means pushing some managerial authority down to workers.

vertical loading

Jennifer applied for the job of waitress at Sam's Coffee Shop. During the recruitment, the recruiter asked her to make five different types of beverages and wait the tables for about an hour. In this scenario, the recruiter performed a _________ test.

work sample

The employees at Run Shoes Inc. work in groups that work together by collaborating their skills and cooperating with each other. Thus, they develop and deliver their products while being accountable for them. From the information given in this scenario, we can infer that Run Shoes Inc. uses ___________.

work teams

Dominique works as a construction worker for Hercules Constructions. He refuse to work at one of the sites that requires workers to work at a height without proper safety equipment. A week later, Dominique was fired because of their refusal. From the information given in this scenario, we can infer that Dominique can claim for a __________.

wrongful discharge

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