MGT 300 Final

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Karen is a manager in a large restaurant chain, and she wants to use situational interview questions while interviewing server candidates. A situational interview question Karen can ask is ________.

"What would you do if a customer wanted to be seated away from small children?"

Which of the following is the series of global strategic alliances that an organization creates with suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors to produce and market a product?

B2B network structure

An organization's hierarchy of authority is also known as its ________.

Chain of command

The units of Zach, Ltd. are grouped together such that the functions that work together to produce a product are grouped together. This is an example of a(n) ________ structure.


Which of the following is a characteristic of a transformational manager?

Engaging in developmental consideration of others

Compared to a salesperson of a prescription drug store, a doctor who works with people suffering from malignant diseases has ________.

Higher task significance

Jason has been hired by Praltiz Inc., an IT firm, to increase coordination among functions or divisions to achieve performance gains from synergies. What role is Jason hired to perform?

Integrating role

A Place for Pizza established a basic division of labor among "chefs" and "food servers" in which chefs perform all tasks involved in actual cooking and food servers carry out all tasks involved in giving food to the customers. A Place for Pizza implemented ________.

Job design

A manager increases the number of tasks that a subordinate has to do in order to make the job more interesting for the subordinate. This is known as ________.

Job enlargement

A manager redesigns the job of a subordinate so that the subordinate has more responsibility over her job. This is the process of ________.

Job enrichment

Rusty is a project manager who has 15 employees reporting directly to him. Those 15 employees are Rusty's ________.

Span of control

What is the plan of action for a business-level strategy based on SWOT analysis?

To take advantage of favorable opportunities

When managers pool or share their organization's resources and know-how with those of a foreign company, and the two organizations share the rewards or risks of starting a new venture in a foreign country, the two organizations are involved in ________.

a strategic alliance

An appraisal of a subordinate by a manager in terms of that manager's perceptions of the traits, behaviors, and results produced by that subordinate is known as ________.

a subjective appraisal

An individual who contacts an organization and applies for a job in that organization without being asked to do so by anyone in that organization is referred to as ________.

a walk-in

Tests that assess the skills of a job applicant that are necessary for the successful performance of a job are known as ________ tests.


Establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations and being liked are characteristics of individuals who can be rated high on the need for ________.


People experiencing underpayment inequity are most likely to ________.

be absent

Integrity and honesty help managers become effective leaders by helping them ________.

behave ethically and earn their subordinates' trust and confidence

An appraisal that provides clear information about what employees are doing right and wrong and how they can improve their performance is called a ________ appraisal.


Management by objectives is a mechanism of control with ________ organizational control systems.


Top managers at a food chain company consult with middle and first-line managers to revise their marketing strategy. This approach will lead to ________.

bottom-up changes to minimize resistance from employees and uncertainty

Rules and SOPs are of little use in telling a scientist how to discover something new. Thus, which of the following forms of control should not be applied to scientists?


To determine an organization's mission, managers must first define its ________.


What type of leader exudes enthusiasm about his/her vision, and clearly communicates it to his/her subordinates?

charismatic leader

Susan manages a large factory, and as a result, she has the right to punish subordinates, which stems from her ______________ power.


In Japan, prime emphasis is placed on the group rather than the person. This is an example of a(n) ________ culture.


Shawn, an executive with the Connoisseur's Brewery, wants to compare his firm's efficiency against its competitors. To do so, he should ________.

compare the firm's labor productivity to that of the competition

Brandon, the manager of Flipflop Footwear, checked the weekly records and discovered that the number of shoes produced in one week by 20 employees was 250 against the set target of 220 shoes. With reference to the control process, Brandon is ________.

comparing the actual performance against chosen standards of performance

The control system that managers use at the conversion stage of transforming raw materials into finished goods is ________ control.


The behavior that a leader portrays when he/she expresses substantial levels of trust toward a subordinate is ________.


According to ________ theory, managers should choose a structure that fits the circumstances affecting their organization the most.


The concept that the effectiveness of a leader depends on the situation that the leader faces is proposed by the ________ model leadership theory.


DE, Ltd., sets a goal that every product line of the company should be either first or second in its industry in market share. This would be an example of a ______________-level strategy.


When different managers from different functional areas are brought together to work on an organizational task, they are known as a(n) ________ team.


Management writers recommend that an organization should define its business in terms of its ________.

customer needs

A technique that uses IT to develop an ongoing relationship with buyers to maximize the value an organization can deliver to them over time is ________.

customer relationship management

The financial ratio that indicates how efficiently the managers of the organization are collecting the revenue due to the organization from the sale of its products or services is the ________ ratio.

days sales outstanding

Organizations can keep their hierarchy flat by ________.

decentralizing authority

When a manager goes out of his or her way to give subordinates opportunities to increase their skills and capabilities, he or she is engaging in ________.

developmental consideration

In a fixed-position production layout, ________.

different teams assemble different component parts

Coca-Cola spends an enormous amount of money on advertising to distinguish, and create a unique image for, their products. Coca-Cola is pursuing a ________ strategy.


The most immediate and potent form of behavior control is ________.

direct supervison

When General Electric Company expanded its operations by acquiring NBC television, this was an illustration of ________.


Another name for the business level of the organization is the _______ level.


A problem associated with total factor productivity is that ________.

each input is measured in different units

Don, an accountant, has had many inputs related to his position as an accountant over the years. One of his inputs is ________.


Fly Light gives its gate supervisors the authority to decide when to give a free ticket for a future flight to a passenger who has volunteered to give up his/her seat when a flight has been overbooked. This is an example of ________.


The justice, impartiality, and fairness to which all organizational members are entitled are ________.


The theory that describes how outcomes such as pay should be distributed in proportion to inputs is ________ theory.

equity theory

Which of the following stages in making organizational change includes benchmarking?

evaluate the change

According to expectancy theory, high motivation will occur when ________.

expectancy, instrumentality, and valence are high

When leaders use their knowledgeability to perform their leadership roles, they are using ________ power.


Behavior that is performed by an employee to acquire a material reward, to acquire a social reward, or to avoid punishment is referred to as ________ behavior.

extrinsically motivated

Brennan Manufacturing monitors the number of customer returns for each product model to track when the organization is producing a large number of defective products. In this case, Brennan Manufacturing is using ________ control.


The process by which a manager shares performance information with a subordinate and develops a plan for the future development of that subordinate is known as ________.


Managers at Zeppel Construction Company set up a stringent job interview process by which management applicants are carefully screened at different levels of the organization before they are hired, attempting to increase the chance that newly hired managers will have the knowledge and skills they need to be successful within the organization. By using this process, Zeppel is using ________ control.


A production process where component parts are produced throughout the factory and then brought to the production area for final assembly is known as a ________ layout.


Which of the following qualities of an effective plan allows for alterations if the situation changes?


A manager's evaluation of a subordinate's work that occurs twice a year and is based on measures of performance dimensions of that subordinate's job is known as a(n) ________ appraisal.


The people in the best position to identify opportunities for improving efficiency are ______.

functional-level managers

When a manager studies the résumé of a job applicant to determine the work history and education of the applicant, this is known as the process of ________.

gathering background information

When managers pursue a multidomestic strategy, they most likely use a ________ strategy.

global geographic

When managers of an organization treat their subordinates with dignity and respect and are polite and courteous, the interpersonal justice is ________ and motivation is ________.


A JIT inventory system is likely to result in ______.

increase inventory turnover

Which of the following typically represents the impact of increased quality on organizational performance?

increased productivity that leads to lower costs

Strategic human resource management has the objective of developing the four building blocks of competitive advantage: efficiency, quality, responsiveness to customers, and ________.


Professor David offers his students $10 if they can run around the classroom building in two minutes. Michael, his student, believes that even if he does this, Professor David would not really give him the money. Michael's lack of motivation can be explained by ________.


In which mechanism do senior managers provide members of a cross-functional team with relevant information from other teams and divisions?

integrating roles and departments

Behavior that is performed by an employee "for its own sake" is referred to as ________.

intrinsically motivated behavior

Barbara is the dean of the College of Business. She enjoys the pace of her work and the feeling of accomplishment she gets when she is able to initiate a new program to help students. The salary she receives is attractive and allows her to travel abroad on her vacations. Barbara ________.

is both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated

What is the advantage of maintaining buffer stocks of inventory?

it helps deal with unpredictable supplies

A process layout provides the flexibility needed to change the product. Such flexibility, however, often reduces efficiency because ________.

it is expensive

A strategic alliance among two or more companies that agree to jointly establish and share the ownership of a new business is called a ________.

joint venture

The person who inspires, motivates, and directs the activities of others so that they work toward organizational goals is known as a ________.


Which of the following alerts managers that sometimes they do not need to exert influence over subordinates and thus can free up their time for other important activities?

leader substitutes model

A relatively permanent change in a person's knowledge or behavior that results from practice or experience is known as ________.


Linda takes a job with a manufacturing firm, and she is appointed to a self-managed work team. As a member of a self-managed work team, she should expect to be involved in ________.

learning all team tasks

James, the divisional manager at Leo Motors, has to consult with Mark when it comes to the hiring procedures of the company because Mark is a senior human resources manager. Which of the following would best describe the privileges that Mark enjoys?

legitimate power

One of the major advantages of a JIT system is that it ________.

lets organizations spot defective inputs quickly

The financial ratio that indicates the degree to which the organization uses debt or equity to finance its ongoing operations is the ________ ratio.


Jespher, Inc., allows Hertonz, a foreign organization, to take charge of both manufacturing and distributing one or more of its products in Thailand in return for a negotiated fee. This is an example of ________.


In companies that have an adaptive culture, employees are ________.

likely to have long-term career paths to follow

The financial ratio that measures the ability of the organization to pay its short-term debts is the ________ ratio.


BIC, makers of ballpoint pens and razors, concentrates on making its products less expensive than its rivals. BIC is pursuing a _______ strategy.


Unions exist primarily because ________.

managers may take actions to benefit other stakeholders at the expense of workers

A production process where the workers are stationary and a moving conveyor belt takes the product on to the next workstation (so that it is assembled in a fixed sequence) is known as ________.

mass production

At Cosmeto & Co., Pat is assigned to a team to develop a new kind of shampoo. He reports to both the marketing manager and the personal care product manager. The organization is pursuing a ________ organizational structure.


The managers of Foodex, a fast food restaurant, record outputs on a daily basis by counting how many customers their employees serve, the time each transaction takes, and how much money each customer spends every day. With reference to the control process, the managers of Foodex are ________.

measuring the actual level of performance of employees

An employer can attempt to meet the employees' safety needs by providing ________.

medical benefits

A broad declaration of the organization's overriding purpose, which is intended to identify the organization's products and customer base, as well as to differentiate the organization from its competitors, is known as a ________ statement.


The term ________ refers to the psychological forces that determine the direction of a person's behavior in an organization, a person's level of effort, and a person's level of persistence.


In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, needs that are related to the nature of the work itself and the degree of challenge contained in the work are known as ________ needs.


Prior to designing a training and development program for managers, a human resource specialist attempts to determine which managers require training and what types of skills and knowledge these managers require to develop. This process is known as ________.

needs assessment

The managers who are responsible for managing the organization's production system are known as ________.

operations managers

The set of values, norms, and expectations of behavior that control the ways in which workers interact with one another within the organization is known as ________.

organizational culture

Total factor productivity equals ________.

outputs divided by all inputs

Alkyl, Ltd., one of the leading shoe manufacturers, enters into a contract with Blinx-a foreign manufacturer-to only manufacture its shoes. In this scenario, Alkyl, Ltd. is following the ________ strategy.


When managers hire contract employees who are not regular employees of their organization to produce goods and services, it is known as ________.


Blaze Blends, a metal alloy maker, wants to measure the efficiency of the energy inputs at its factory. It needs to use a formula to calculate ________ productivity.


General Motors tests applicants for autoworker positions on their mechanical dexterity in an attempt to determine if they have the capability to perform an assembly-line job. This is an example of ________ testing.

physical ability

Which of the following refers to the amount of legitimate, reward, and coercive power that a leader has by virtue of his or her position in an organization?

position power

Sue is extrinsically motivated. With George, her boss, knowing this, he would ________.

praise Sue

Creek Redwood, a furniture maker, shrank its ordering and delivery team by taking most of its operations online and increased its fleet of trucks to decrease delivery time. These actions can be described as ______.

process reengineering

At Xen, Ltd., each product line is managed within a division. In each of these divisions, the division manager is responsible for creating the business-level strategy for the product line. Xen, Ltd., is utilizing a ________ structure.


A divisional manager's performance is evaluated on the basis of the difference between the sales revenues generated by that division and the cost of making those goods and services. The divisional manager is being evaluated using the _______ budget approach.


Andrew, a new employee of a tech firm, seeks advice from Sarah, an experienced member, and follows Sarah's guidance in his routine work. In this context, Andrew is playing a role of ________.


Entrepreneurship is the mobilization of resources to ________.

provide customers with new or improved goods and services

In assessing the need for organizational change, managers must ________.

recognize that there is a problem and identify its source

Ford Motor Company reorganized its procurement process by simplifying and streamlining the process itself and as a result was able to cut the size of the accounts payable department by 95 percent. This is an example of ________.


A job applicant seeking a position in an organization is asked to furnish written letters from former supervisors about the quality of his work performance. This is known as ________.

reference checking

The most commonly used financial performance measure that allows managers of one organization to compare performance with that of other organizations is ________.

return on investment

Frame Corporation updates its five-year plan annually to take into account changing conditions within the organization and in the organization's external environment. Which of the following best explains this plan implemented by Frame Corporation?

rolling plan

An organization focuses on cost-savings techniques and shares a percentage of the cost savings resulting from these techniques with its employees. This is the idea behind the ________ plan.


The process by which managers determine the relative qualifications of job applicants for an open position is known as ________.


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, which of the following is the highest level of needs of workers?


A summary of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are needed to perform a specific job is known as a job ________.


A written set of instructions which describes the series of actions that a manager should take in a specific situation is known as a ________.

standard operating procedure

Managers at Dimensions, Inc., analyze the current situation of their organization and then develop plans to help their organization accomplish its mission and achieve its goals. This is known as ________.

strategy forumlation

The reason managers pursue vertical integration is that it ________.

strengthens competitive advantage

Organizational ________ is the formal system of task and job reporting relationships that determines how employees use resources to achieve organizational goals.


When Procter & Gamble uses the same distribution system to deliver its oral care products and its hair care products to drugstore chains, this is an example of ________.


The extent to which a job requires a worker to perform all of the tasks that are required to complete the job is known as ________.

task identity

According to Fiedler, the extent to which the work of subordinates is clear so that they know what to do and how to do it is known as ________.

task structure

A leader who is primarily concerned with ensuring that subordinates perform their work at a high-quality level is a(n) ________ type of leader.


In the United States, the law which requires male and female employees to be paid the same if they perform equal work is ________.

the equal pay act

In a self-managed work team, ________.

the typical team consists of 5 to 10 members

According to the trait model, the attribute of leadership that helps managers deal with uncertainty and make difficult decisions is ________.

tolerance for stress

Top managers in a company decide between themselves to implement an employee stock ownership plan for all their employees. This is an example of a company taking a ________.

top-down approach to promote adaptive culture

Newly hired programmers at Microsoft Corporation join small work teams so that experienced workers can serve as mentors to them while they are adjusting to their new job. This is the HRM process of ________.

training and development

What type of leadership promotes trust in their leaders and the organizations?

transformational leadership

A manager attempting to select a test for a job applicant that will be a good predictor of the applicant's performance on the job should be primarily concerned with the ________ of the test.


PepsiCo purchased KFC so that it could replace Coke products with Pepsi products in KFC restaurants. This is an example of a _________ strategy.

vertical integration

An organization purchases one of its suppliers in order to obtain access to the raw materials it needs for its production. The organization is using a(n) _______ corporate-level strategy.

vertical organization

While managers at ABC Manufacturing were conducting a SWOT analysis, they concluded that their product line is obsolete and narrow. Their product line would be categorized as a(n) ________.


In which of the following situations is directive behavior considered to be beneficial?

when subordinates are having difficulty completing assigned tasks

Managers should design flexible structures, characterized by decentralized authority and empowered employees, for their organization when its ________.

workforce is highly skilled

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