MGT 3180 chapter 13 F

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example of forward chaining ("if-then-else" condition pairs) in the expert system

"if" the temperature is less than 80°F and the grass is 3 inches long, "then" cut the grass or "else" wait.

uses of expert systems

- Airline industry - forensics lab work - banking and finance - education - food industry - personnel management - security - US Government - Agriculture

Criteria for Using Expert Systems continued...

- Decision or task requires consistency and standardization (computers are more accurate). - Subject domain is limited (problem is narrow). - Decision or task involves many rules and complex logic (typically between 100 and 10 000 rules). - Involves scarcity of experts in the organization.

characteristics of intelligent agents

- adaptability - autonomy - collaborative behavior - humanlike interface - mobility - reactivity.

tasks involving the use of ANNs

- bankruptcy prediction - credit rating - investment analysis - oil and gas exploration - target marketing

fuzzy logic use:

- driers - refrigerators, etc.

the knowledge components of an expert system

- factual knowledge - heuristic knowledge - meta-knowledge

GAs are used to generate solutions to optimization and search problems using:

-mutation -selection -crossover -chromosome techniques .

advantages of expert systems

-never become distracted, forgetful or tired -duplicate and preserve the expertise of scarce experts -preserve the expertise of employees who are retiring or leaving -create consistency in decision making -improve the decision-making skills of nonexperts

categories of available intelligent agents

-shopping and information -personal -data mining -monitoring and surveillance

components of an expert system

1. knowledge acquisition facility 2. knowledge base 3. knowledge base management 4. explanation facility 5. inference engine

Contextual computing: aka our

6th, 7th, and 8th senses


A manufacturing language


Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility

backward chaining (expert system)

Expert system starts with the goal and backtracks to find the right solution.


Knowledge Base Management System

what provides question-and-answer setting that's natural and easier for people to use?

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

forward chaining (expert system)

Series of "if-then-else" condition pairs is performed.

knowledge base (expert system)

Similar to a database, but in addition to storing facts and figures it keeps track of rules and explanations associated with facts. Includes factual, heuristic, meta types of knowledge

knowledge base management system (expert system)

Used to keep the knowledge base updated, with changes to facts, figures, and rules

fuzzy logic

allows smooth and gradual transition between a human and a computer and deals with variations in linguistic terms by using a degree of membership.


artificial intelligence


artificial neural networks

Fuzzy logic is designed to help

computers simulate vagueness and uncertainty to common situations.

Contextual computing

computing environment that is always present and is capable perceive the surroundings and offer recommendations based on individual need and requirement.

what is being described? •Based on the principle that computers can both sense and react to the environments --Similar to how human brains understand and interpret stimuli

contextual computing

NLP is useful with


Natural Language Processing (NLP)

developed so that users can communicate with computers in human language

intelligent agents are popular in


what systems are used for activities that human experts have already handled successfully, like tasks in medicine, geology, education, and oil exploration?

expert systems


functional robotics


genetic algorithms

expert systems work with_________ data which encourages applying knowledge based on experience to solve or describe a problem


this component of an expert system is similar to the model base component of a decision support system

inference engine

ANNs create a model based on

input and output

in general, GA is designed to find the combination of _______ that generate the most desirable _______

inputs, outputs


intelligent virtual agents

this component of an expert system is similar to a DBMS

knowledge base management system KBMS


natural language processing

artificial neural networks (ANNs)

networks that learn and are capable of performing tasks that are difficult with conventional computers.

explanation facility (expert system)

performs tasks similar to what a human expert does by explaining to end users how recommendations are derived

artificial neural networks (ANNs) examples

playing chess, recognizing patterns in faces and objects, and filtering spam e-mail

ANNs are used for

poorly structured problems (data is fuzzy and uncertainty is involved).

machine learning

process and procedure by which knowledge is gained through experience; computer can learn without being explicitly programmed)

Artificial intelligence (AI)

related technologies that try to simulate and reproduce human thought and behavior. •Includes thinking, speaking, feeling, and reasoning

Genetic Algorithms (GAs)

search algorithms that mimic the process of natural evolution.

intelligent agents

software capable of reasoning and following rule-based processes.

knowledge accusation facility (expert system)

software package with manual or automated methods for acquiring and incorporating new rules and facts so the expert system is capable of growth.

expert systems

systems that mimics human expertise in a field to solve a problem in a well-defined area.

ANNs use patterns instead of

the if-then-else rules used by the expert systems

example of backward chaining in expert system

to achieve this goal, what conditions must be met?

monitoring and surveillance agents

track and report on computer equipment and network systems to predict when a system crash or failure might occur.

the user interface of the KBMS in an expert system provides

user friendly access to the expert system

inference engine (expert system)

uses techniques of forward and backward chaining to manipulate a series of rules


variable assembly language


virtual agents

contextual computing allows for tailoring a course of action to a user in a situation and environment based on

what it knows about the user

data-ming agents

work with a data warehouse. - Detect trends and discover information and relationships among data items that were not readily apparent.

intelligent agents are known as

•Bots (short for robots) •Virtual agents (VAs) •Intelligent virtual agents (IVAs)

NLP Use for:

•Call routing •Stock and bond trading •Banking by phone

contextual computing is achieved by using the information technologies:

•Computer networks •Software •Hardware •Database systems •AI technologies

advantages of robots over humans in the workplace:

•Do not make mistakes •Never fall in love with coworkers, get insulted, or call in sick •Are consistent •Used in environments that are hazardous to humans •Risk of spying for competitors, asking for a raise, or lobbying for longer breaks does not exist

Criteria for Using Expert Systems

•Experience and knowledge of several experts is available, single expert cannot tackle the problem. •Knowledge can be represented as rules or heuristics (no well-defined algorithm to solve the problem). •Decision or task has already been handled successfully by human experts.

factual knowledge

•Facts related to a specific discipline, subject, or problem. Example: facts related to kidney problems might include size, blood levels of certain enzymes, and duration and location of pain.

Tasks performed by e-mail personal agent

•Generate auto-response messages •Forward incoming messages •Create e-mail replies based on the content of incoming messages

shopping and information agents

•Help users navigate through the vast resources available on the Web (faster than humans). •Provide better results in finding information

categories in NLP system

•Interface to databases •Machine translation •Text scanning and intelligent indexing programs for summarizing large amounts of text •Generating text for automated production of standard documents •Speech systems for voice interaction with computers


•Involve application of AI •Excel at performing simple, repetitive tasks •Free workers from tedious or hazardous jobs •Have limited mobility •Operation is controlled by a computer program that includes commands •Includes programming languages for controlling

AI technologies

•Involve computer application to areas that require knowledge, perception, reasoning, understanding, and cognitive abilities •Concerned with generating and displaying knowledge and facts


•Knowledge about knowledge. Example: knowing how an expert system makes decisions is considered meta-knowledge.

Honda's Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility

•Most advanced and most popular robots •Coordinates with other robots

personal agents

•Perform specific tasks for a user - Remembering information for filling out Web forms - Completing e-mail addresses after the first few characters are typed

personal robots

•Posses limited mobility, vision, and speech capabilities

Heuristic knowledge

•Rules related to a problem or discipline. Example: the general rules indicating that a patient has a kidney problem could include severe pain in the lower left or lower right of the back.

shopping and information agents serve as

•Search engines •Site reminders •Personal surfing assistants

robot use following programing languages

•Variable Assembly Language (VAL) •Functional Robotics (FROB) •A Manufacturing Language (AML)

Managers and other employees use information technologies in decision-making analyses of:

•What-is - Analysis used in transaction-processing systems and management information systems •What-if - Analysis used in decision support systems

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