MGT 333

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My company doesn't offer any retirement benefits for part-time employees, so how should I save for retirement? A. 401(k) B. 403(b) C. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) D. Roth IRA E. Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)


Now that we use a team-based process, the manager doesn't check up on us like she used to. Advantages: A. Promotes better teamwork B. Broadens individual outlook C. Requires less supervision D. Is easier to develop than individual incentive programs Disadvantages: E. Social loafing can occur F. Individual output may be discounted G. Outstanding performers may slacken efforts H. Group infighting may arise


Our group incentive option plan allows me to get stock and put it in my retirement account without paying anything for it. A. profit sharing B. gainsharing c. ESOP d. stock options E. stock purchasing


The hard part about my benefit plan is that there are so many options to choose from that I have a hard time selecting the ones I may really need. A. modular B. core-plus C. full-choice


You're overbudget for labor this month. The work load is light, so you ask Terri, a part-time employee, to leave work early. Terri says she doesn't want to go because she needs the money. A. avoiding style B. accommodating style C. forcing style D. negotiating style E. collaborating style


Brennan plans to quit his job and look for a new one. He will continue to have health insurance while he searches under the ______.


Which one of the following preemployment interview questions is not considered generally acceptable to ask?

Can you provide a birth certificate?

I currently have health insurance and medical problems, but when I change jobs, the new company can't refuse to give me insurance based on any medical problems I have when I join the firm. A. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993(FMLA) B. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) C. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) D. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) E. Employer Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)


Walmart aggressively reduced its prices during a recession to combat loss of business to "dollar" stores. This is consistent with Walmart's ______ strategy.

Cost leadership

Katelyn uses a notebook to keep a written record of the positive and negative performance of each of her employees. She uses these records to coach them on performance improvement and to provide examples during their annual performance appraisals. Katelyn is using the ______ form of performance appraisal.

Critical incidents

I already have a retirement plan at work and put in the maximum tax-deferred contribution. What other options do I have to save even more for my retirement? A. 401(k) B. 403(b) C. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) D. Roth IRA E. Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)


When a professor grades exams based on a curve, the professor is using the forced distribution method of performance appraisal which is an offshoot of the ______ method.

Graphic rating scale

Cooper worked hard all year at Acme Global. However, he received a poor performance evaluation because he broke a machine 1 week before his performance appraisal. It appears Cooper's manager made a ______ error.


______ is a statistical technique that identifies the relationship between a series of variable data points for use in forecasting future variables.

Regression analysis

"I've been stressed out, so I have been praying more lately."


Acme Global recently began a waste reduction initiative. If the organization were to measure the financial return it receives because of the time and money invested in the initiative, it would be measuring ______.

Return on investment

Samantha does not want to wear her back brace required by her job because it is heavy and uncomfortable. However, according to OSHA, she has a responsibility to ______.

comply with OSHA standards

During meetings, Bryan's colleagues often get caught up in discussing the details of their work. Bryan's ______ skills help the group to see beyond the department to how their work fits in with the rest of the organization.

conceptual & design skills

Samuel is hiring clerks to shelf books alphabetically. Rather than hold interviews, he asks applicants to complete a test on their alphabetizing skills. It is likely most would see his test as having ______.

content validity

Kurt is a good performer. However, his manager gave RoseMary, an excellent performer, a performance appraisal right before Kurt. As a result, Kurt was rated as "below average." It appears Kurt's manager made a ______ error.


Brynna is training Andrew, a new employee. She tells him to lie to customers about the product warranty but not to tell the boss. "Everyone here expects you to tell the customers the same thing. You had better do it." Brynna is at the ______ level of moral development.


Carl says to John, "You're not selling as much as the rest of us. You really should lie to customers like we do. If the boss asks why you aren't selling as much as the rest of us, you'd better not tell him we lie, or you will be sorry."


I lie to customers to sell more products because the other sales reps do it, too.


______ is the concept that organizations have a duty to all societal stakeholders to operate in a manner that takes each of their needs into account.

corporate social responsibility

Kerri finds aspects of her job boring, but she loves the people in the office she gets to work with. The main determinant of Kerri's job satisfaction is ______.


The use of tools and processes to protect organizational computer systems and networks is called ______.

cyber security

If you don't stop breaking the pricing gun, you will have to buy a new one. a. positive reinforcement b. punishment—give bad consequence c. punishment—remove reward d. negative reinforcement e. extinction

d. negative reinforcement

______ are designed to cater to the employee's physical, instead of psychological, welfare through education and training programs.

employee wellness program

In one area of the organization, Acme Global wants to hire a few employees to supplement the regular workforce during an upcoming busy period. A good recruiting source for job candidates would be ______.

employment agencies

I placed all the jobs in rank order, from the one that was worth the most to the one that was worth the least, in order to determine how much to pay for each position.

job ranking

To determine how much to pay for each position in a new division, Trey placed all the jobs in rank order, from the one that was worth the most to the one that was worth the least. Trey used the ______ job evaluation method.

job ranking

The qualifications of a person who should be capable of doing the job tasks noted in the job description are identified in the ______.

job specification

In the "Social Media in HR" video, Blount International HR director Doreen Barth recommends that when viewing a job candidate's social media sites, it is important to remain focused on ______.

job-related characteristics

Acme Global needs to hire 1,000 people to staff a new factory. The ______ in the organization's external environment will be important to its efforts to find quality workers.

labor force

Bryan is examining unemployment rates and the supply and demand factors in a particular category of jobs. In other words, he is examining the local ______.

labor market

The video "The U.S. Labor Movement and the Global Marketplace" describes the origin and development of ______, the interactions between management and unionized employees.

labor relations

"What would you do if you arrived at work and your supervisor was running late but did not leave you any instructions about your tasks for the day?" would be considered a(n) ______ question in an interview.


In the video "HRM in Action: Interviewing Job Candidates," when Alejandro asks job candidates what they would do in specific circumstances, he is asking a(n) ______ question.


Adam is paid well because he has very good skills in problem-solving and decision-making. These skills are highly valued by the organization. It would appear Adam's organization has a ______ compensation system.


An assessment instrument designed to determine if a job candidate has the ability to apply a particular knowledge set to do the job for which the candidate is applying is a(n) ______.

skills test

Marcus received the top salesperson award at Acme Global's annual dinner. Like all previous winners of the award, he was invited to the stage and asked to give a short speech. In the organizational culture, the award dinner and speech would be considered ______.


A pension plan where the amount that an employee is to receive upon retirement is set forth in advance is referred to as a defined-contribution plan. A. True B. False


A union steward is a person hired by management to monitor union activity and report violations, if any. A. True B. False


After you finish giving instructions, you should ensure understanding by asking the person, "Do you have any questions?" A. effective B. ineffective


An employer should conduct a salary survey for the purpose of establishing merit increases. A. True B. False


As in the case of merit pay, performance bonuses for rewarding individual performance are rolled into an employee's base pay. A. True B. False


Auto mechanic A. exempt B. non-exempt


Bank teller A. exempt B. non-exempt


Computer programmer (paid more than $27.63/hour) A. exempt B. non-exempt


Defined contribution plans insulate employees from investment risks, which are born by the company. A. True B. False


Employees covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act are labeled exempt employees. A. True B. False


Employees should exercise the stock options even if the stock price has decreased. A. True B. False


Employers are violating federal labor law if, during the election campaign, they express negative views emphasizing the disadvantages of being represented by the union. A. True B. False


Employers can refuse to pay employees overtime pay if said employees were told not to work overtime, but did anyway. A. True B. False


I definitely want to get health care and retirement benefits, and it's nice to have the option of selecting a few other benefits with a set dollar value. A. modular B. core-plus C. full-choice


Combining multiple pay levels into one pay level is called ______.


Ian builds a component on the assembly line. The standard rate is 4 hr for each component. He is paid $25 per standard hour. During this 40-hr workweek, he built 10 components. What is his pay for the week?


Acme Global sells one of its products for $800. Materials cost $300 and overhead costs $200. What is the maximum amount Acme Global can pay labor to make a 15% profit return on the sales price?


Annabella is the top performer in her department. She will receive a 2% merit raise over the 2% raise that everyone else in the department is receiving. How much is Annabella's total raise if she makes $50,000 a year?


Acme Global sells one of its products for $750. Materials cost $250 and overhead costs $150. What is the maximum amount Acme Global can pay labor to make a 10% profit return on the sales price?


Acme Global recently hired 10 new factory workers. The hiring process cost $2,500 in advertising and $2,500 in recruiter expenses. The cost per hire was ______.


Alex makes a component on an assembly line. She is paid under a straight piecework plan. She is paid $1.50 for each component she makes. This week, she made 500 components. What is her pay for this week?


Acme Global has a product that sells for $1,000. The company wants to make a 10% profit on its sales price. It takes 10 hr of labor to make the product. Materials cost $300 and overhead costs $300. What would be the hourly pay for the worker who puts the product together?


Acme Global has a product that sells for $50,000. The company wants to make a 10% profit on the sales price. It takes 100 hr of labor by 10 workers (10 hr each) to make the product. Materials cost $10,000 and overhead costs $1,500. What would be the hourly pay for the 10 workers who put the product together if they all make the same amount of money?


Acme Global sells one of its products for $1,000. Materials cost $300 and overhead costs $200. What is the maximum amount Acme Global can pay labor to make a $100 profit?


Kiani is a real estate agent who works on commission. She earns 5% on every house sold. This month, she only sold one house for $100,000. How much did Kiani earn this month?


Morgan makes $20,000 per year. This year, she will receive a 5% bonus. How much is her bonus worth?


As you leave your office, you see at the other end of the work area your employee Ricky, who is goofing off instead of working. You're on your way to an important meeting and running late. A. avoiding style B. accommodating style C. forcing style D. negotiating style E. collaborating style


Bellperson at a hotel A. exempt B. non-exempt


After 3 months of negotiations, the union president and CEO have signed the new collective bargaining agreement. A. express contract B. implied contract C. quasi-contract


All of the companies in our industry pay essentially the same hourly wage. A. external B. job ranking C. point-factor D. factor comparison


A merit pay incentive system is used to attract employees who are more team-oriented. A. True B. False


You should repeat back what the other person said word-for-word when you paraphrase. A. effective B. ineffective


As pilots, we shouldn't go on strike. Let's get the National Mediation Board to help us. A. Railway Labor Act of 1926 B. National Labor Relations Act of 1935 C. Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 D. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 E. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988


Acme Global posted a new job opening on August 15 that was filled on December 5. The time to hire was ______ days. (Note August and November have 31 days; September has 30 days.)

112 days

At Acme Global, the average of all new hire appraisals last year was 3.0 on a 4-point grading scale. The average of all appraisals in the organization last year was 3.4. New hire performance is ______% below average.


To allow a reasonable applicant pool, a good rule of thumb is to have ______ qualified candidates for each job opening.


Acme Global seeks to hire new employees; 100 African American males and 100 White males apply. Of those, 25 of the White males are selected. Apply the four-fifths rule. At least ______ African American males would need to be selected to not violate the four-fifths rule.

20 80% of 25 = 20

Acme Global seeks to hire new employees; 60 African American males and 60 White males apply. Of those, 30 of the African American males are selected. Apply the four-fifths rule. At least ______ White males would need to be selected to not violate the four-fifths rule.


Acme Global hired 100 people last year in one department. Three months later, 25 had left. The new hire turnover rate is ______%.


Acme Global seeks to hire new employees; 100 women and 100 men apply. Of those, 35 of the men are selected. To not violate the four-fifths rule, ______% of the women would need to be hired.

28 80% of 35 = 28

Acme Global seeks to hire new employees; 50 African American males and 80 White males apply. Of those, 25 of the African American males are selected. Apply the four-fifths rule. At least ______ White males would need to be selected to not violate the four-fifths rule.

32 25= 80% of 31.25, or about 32

Individuals' performance is analyzed from all sides--from their supervisor's viewpoint, from their subordinates' viewpoint, from their customers, from their peers, and from their own self-evaluation--in the ______ method of performance appraisal.

360-degree evaluation

Acme Global seeks to hire new employees; 10 women and 20 men apply. Of those, 6 of the women are selected. To not violate the four-fifths rule, ______% of the men would need to be hired.


Acme Global's recent recruiting effort netted 50 applicants. Of those, 25 were qualified. The yield ratio for this recruiting effort is ______%.


According to Fair Pay Rules, overtime must be paid to employees earning less than $455 a week. A. True B. False


By assembling the product as a team, we actually increased production by 20%. Advantages: A. Promotes better teamwork B. Broadens individual outlook C. Requires less supervision D. Is easier to develop than individual incentive programs Disadvantages: E. Social loafing can occur F. Individual output may be discounted G. Outstanding performers may slacken efforts H. Group infighting may arise


Consumer-Driven Health Plan (CDHPs) typically include insurance with a high deductible, a medical savings account, and the intent to get employees involved as consumers. A. True B. False


Elements of the job such as education, experience, responsibilities, and working conditions are referred to as compensable factors. A. True B. False


Fruit picker A. exempt B. non-exempt


Hairdresser A. exempt B. non-exempt


I have expensive health problems, and my insurance plan requires me to pay 20% of my health-care costs, making it very expensive for me. A. Traditional B. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) C. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) D. Health Saving Account (HSA) E. Medical Saving Account (MSA)


I like getting paid the same each week. It helps me to budget my expenses. A. base pay B. wage and salary add-ons C. incentive pay D. benefits


I like this law because it will allow me to take time off from work to take care of my sick mother. A. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993(FMLA) B. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) C. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) D. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) E. Employer Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)


I only get paid $11 an hour, so I'm looking for a better job. A. base pay B. wage and salary add-ons C. incentive pay D. benefits


I work for a major corporation, and it offers the standard retirement plan with a 5% match. A. 401(k) B. 403(b) C. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) D. Roth IRA E. Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)


In larger organizations that have stock ownership plans, the employees may not see a strong link between their actions and the company's stock price. A. True B. False


Incentive pay is specifically designed to energize, direct, or control employees' behavior and is influential because the amount paid is linked to certain predefined behaviors or outcomes. A. True B. False


Job analysis is the administrative procedure for measuring the relative worth of the organization's jobs. A. True B. False


Job evaluation is a more appropriate tool for internal equity pay comparisons that market pay surveys. A. True B. False


My benefit plan has five packages, and I get to pick any one of them that I want every year. But it's difficult to select one. A. modular B. core-plus C. full-choice


Of course I can do that task for you. A. personality B. work itself C. compensation D. growth E. coworkers F. management G. communications


Our group incentive option gives us a bonus at the end of the year based on how profitable we were for the year. A. profit sharing B. gainsharing c. ESOP d. stock options E. stock purchasing


Product markets, labor markets, and the cost of living influence how much an employer can pay for labor. A. True B. False


Taxi driver A. exempt B. non-exempt


The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires organizations with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius to provide as much as 12 weeks of unpaid leave to qualifying employees. A. True B. False


The Social Security insurance program is funded by the employer and the employee. A. True B. False


The addition of creative benefits packages for employees provides employers a competitive edge in acquiring and retaining talented employees in their organization. A. True B. False


The balanced scorecard helps employees understand the organization's goals and how they can contribute to these goals. A. True B. False


The fact that people make comparisons to others is central to equity theory. A. True B. False


The new incentive system will be easy for me because all my employees are sales reps and we already keep track of each sale. Advantages: A. Easy to evaluate individual employees B. Ability to match rewards to employee desires C. Promotes the link between performance and results D. May motivate less productive employees to work harder Disadvantages: E. Many jobs have no direct output F. May motivate undesirable employee behaviors G. Record-keeping burden is high H. May not fit organizational culture


To figure out how much to pay the data entry person, I'm checking the SHRM data. A. external B. job ranking C. point-factor D. factor comparison


When giving instructions, you should tell the receiver your communication objective before giving the details of what is to be done to complete the task. A. effective B. ineffective


Worker on a foreign-flag cruise ship. A. exempt B. non-exempt


Worker's compensation insurance rates depend on the seriousness of the occupations and the company's experience rating. A. True B. False


You must sign the standard 1-year contract if you take the job. You can join the union if you want to, but it is not a requirement to get the job. A. express contract B. implied contract C. quasi-contract


Place the letter of the relevant statutory benefit law on the line next to the statement below.


Match the stress management technique being used to the corresponding statement.

A. Nutrition B. Time management C. Positive thinking D. Relaxation E. Exercise F. Support network

Match the individual incentive with the scenario illustrating it.

A. Standard hour B. Commissions C. Merit pay D. Nonmonetary awards

______ is any action such as firings, demotions, schedule reductions, or changes that would harm the individual employee.

Adverse employment action

I don't like the new insurance plan because I can only go to doctors and hospitals that are approved by the plan. I have to stop seeing my doctor and start with a new one that I'm assigned to. A. Traditional B. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) C. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) D. Health Saving Account (HSA) E. Medical Saving Account (MSA)


I don't think our benefit plan is fair because I use my spouse's health insurance plan and I just lose the benefit. To be fair, I should be able to use the money for other benefits I want. A. modular B. core-plus C. full-choice


I just sold that top-of-the-line BMW M3. I can't wait to get my pay this week. A. bonus B. commissions C. merit pay D. piecework E. standard hour F. non monetary awards G. praise


I like working nights because it pays more. A. base pay B. wage and salary add-ons C. incentive pay D. benefits


I placed all the jobs in rank order, from the one that was worth the most to the one that was worth the least, in order to determine how much to pay for each position. A. external B. job ranking C. point-factor D. factor comparison


I really enjoy fixing cars to help people get around. A. personality B. work itself C. compensation D. growth E. coworkers F. management G. communications


I think we should call in the National Labor Relations Board to investigate the action that management is taking to stop us from unionizing. A. Railway Labor Act of 1926 B. National Labor Relations Act of 1935 C. Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 D. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 E. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988


I work for a church, but we do have a retirement account. A. 401(k) B. 403(b) C. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) D. Roth IRA E. Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)


I'm out of school and almost 25, so I like this law that allows me to continue on my parents' insurance plan. A. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993(FMLA) B. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) C. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) D. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) E. Employer Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)


If after one year an employee has not spent all the money in his or her health savings account (HSA), the money is forfeited. A. True B. False


If you can get the task done today, I will let you leave an hour early tomorrow. A. express contract B. implied contract C. quasi-contract


In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, an employee paid at a base rate of $8 per work that works 50 hours in a given week and receives a bonus of $50 for that week would have earned $600. A. True B. False


In the field of labor relations, unfair labor practices involve violations of safety practices. A. True B. False


It is legal to prohibit employees from talking with other employees about how much they're paid. A. True B. False


Librarian A. exempt B. non-exempt


Neal, you have been doing a good job. Keep it up and I will give you a raise during your next performance review. A. express contract B. implied contract C. quasi-contract


Our group incentive option plan worked like this. The manager told us that if we could cut cost in our department by 5%, as a group we would get 5% of the savings to the company distributed evenly among us. A. profit sharing B. gainsharing c. ESOP d. stock options E. stock purchasing


Real estate agent A. exempt B. non-exempt


Right-to-work laws grant both the employee and employer the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause or notice. A. True B. False


The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is by far the largest labor union in the U.S. A. True B. False


The Equal Pay Act prohibits wage discrimination based on age. A. True B. False


The HR staff offered me a few different gifts for my top performance, but I took the cash. Advantages: A. Easy to evaluate individual employees B. Ability to match rewards to employee desires C. Promotes the link between performance and results D. May motivate less productive employees to work harder Disadvantages: E. Many jobs have no direct output F. May motivate undesirable employee behaviors G. Record-keeping burden is high H. May not fit organizational culture


The National Labor Relations Board has two major functions: conducts and certifies union representation elections and collect dues from union workers. A. True B. False


The costs associated with Profit Sharing increase substantially when the organization experiences financial difficulties. A. True B. False


Under a checkoff provision, a person must be a union member before being hired. A. True B. False


Wage-rate compression refers to the situation where employees perceive that there is too large a difference between their compensation and that of colleagues in higher-rated jobs. A. True B. False


We should multitask while receiving messages face-to-face so that we can get more than one thing done at a time. A. effective B. ineffective


When listening to instructions, if you don't understand something being said, you should not do or say anything until you have received the entire set of instructions. A. effective B. ineffective


You have joined a committee to make contacts. You have little interest in what the committee actually does. At a meeting, you make a recommendation that is opposed by Jim. You realize that you have the better idea, but Jim is using a forcing style. A. avoiding style B. accommodating style C. forcing style D. negotiating style E. collaborating style


When a professor grades assignments based on a rubric that describes in detail the difference between the work that will earn an A, B, C, or D grade, the professor is using the ______ method of performance appraisal.

Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

According to employment laws, a fashion designer can discriminate against men and only hire women to model the women's clothing. In the case of modeling women's clothing, being a woman could be considered a(n) ______.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

Maxwell has examined the external environment in which Acme Global operates and has studied the organization's annual reports. He is able to take what he learned from these documents and apply the information to contribute to the organization's strategic plan. Maxwell appears to have a high level of the critical HR competency of ______.

Business acumen

Featherbedding is illegal. The union can't put in the contract that we have to pay for services that we really don't get. We should call in the National Labor Relations Board to investigate. A. Railway Labor Act of 1926 B. National Labor Relations Act of 1935 C. Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 D. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 E. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988


I do have copays and deductibles, but at least I can go to any doctor or hospital I want to at an extra cost. A. Traditional B. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) C. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) D. Health Saving Account (HSA) E. Medical Saving Account (MSA)


I know I told you we are changing our health insurance carrier and that you have our business. Sorry, but I changed my mind--plus, we never signed anything. A. express contract B. implied contract C. quasi-contract


I like being paid for every sale I make, but my pay does vary from week to week. A. base pay B. wage and salary add-ons C. incentive pay D. benefits


I look at the job and determine the specific skills needed to do the job, and then I add up the total point value of the skills to set the pay. A. external B. job ranking C. point-factor D. factor comparison


I sure wish we got more of our compensation in benefits, but at least with my benefit package, I can choose any benefit I want to every year. A. modular B. core-plus C. full-choice


I'm going to quit and look for a new job, so I like this law because I need to continue to have health insurance while I search for a new job. A. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993(FMLA) B. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) C. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) D. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) E. Employer Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)


I'm the top producer in the entire department, so I will get an extra raise for high performance this year. A. bonus B. commissions C. merit pay D. piecework E. standard hour F. non monetary awards G. praise


______ are monetary damages awarded by the court that compensate the injured person for losses.

Compensatory damages

Haley works a 4-day, 10-hr per day workweek instead of a normal 5-day, 40-hr workweek. In other words, Haley works with flexible job design known as ______.

Compressed workweeks

Cases, in-basket exercises, management games, and interactive videos are recommended training methods for teaching ______ skills.

Conceptual & design /Business skills

According to the OUCH test, an employment decision is considered ______ if it ensures the result is not significantly different for different groups.

Consistent in effect

______ exists when an employee is put under such extreme pressure by management that continued employment becomes intolerable and, as a result, the employee quits, or resigns from the organization.

Constructive discharge

I just do the minimum required for my job. If I want more compensation, I will just have to produce more to earn more. Advantages: A. Easy to evaluate individual employees B. Ability to match rewards to employee desires C. Promotes the link between performance and results D. May motivate less productive employees to work harder Disadvantages: E. Many jobs have no direct output F. May motivate undesirable employee behaviors G. Record-keeping burden is high H. May not fit organizational culture


I like my insurance plan because I'm healthy and pay the full cost, but I don't use it all every year and it has accumulated in case I need it someday. A. Traditional B. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) C. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) D. Health Saving Account (HSA) E. Medical Saving Account (MSA)


I use two methods together to determine how much to pay each position because I'm an HR professional. A. external B. job ranking C. point-factor D. factor comparison


I'd like to work for a firm that will help pay for me to get my Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree. A. base pay B. wage and salary add-ons C. incentive pay D. benefits


Our group incentive option plan allows me to buy $50 shares of the company stock for only $13 apiece next year. A. profit sharing B. gainsharing c. ESOP d. stock options E. stock purchasing


The union president is afraid that I will speak up at the discussion to vote on the contract and influence the members to vote it down. So I think he had a few of his boys warn me to keep my mouth shut. A. Railway Labor Act of 1926 B. National Labor Relations Act of 1935 C. Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 D. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 E. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988


There is a job opening in the metal fusion shop, and I am going to apply for the position. A. personality B. work itself C. compensation D. growth E. coworkers F. management G. communications


You are on a task force that has to select a new computer cloud service. The three alternatives will all do the job, but team members disagree about the company, price, and service they need. A. avoiding style B. accommodating style C. forcing style D. negotiating style E. collaborating style


The process of accessing large amounts of data in order to analyze those data and gain insight into significant trends or patterns within organizations or industries is called ______.

Data analysis

Bridgette brought Jenna into an empty conference room to discuss Jenna's poor performance. Bridgette is following the ______ guideline for effective discipline.

Discipline in Private

Acme Global requires that all employees have a master's degree to be promoted to a certain level. However, there is no evidence that people with a master's degree perform better at higher levels. The rule tends to prevent members of protected classes from being promoted. In other words, it causes ______.

Disparate impact

Acme Global runs a credit history on all conditional hires. A bad credit score can mean that Acme Global withdraws its job offer. The policy tends to weed out more members of protected classes than others. In other words, it causes ______.

Disparate impact

Acme Global fired a female sales representative after she failed to reach her sales goals. However, a male sales representative who also failed to reach his goals was not fired. This illegal discrimination is an example of ______.

Disparate treatment

Sarah has 10 years of experience working at Acme Global. She recently applied for a promotion but it was given to a man with only 2-year experience. Her boss told her that clients prefer to talk with men. This is an example of ______.

Disparate treatment

Which one of the following preemployment interview questions is considered not generally acceptable to ask?

Do you own or rent your home?

As the sales manager, one of your competent salespeople, Anna, is trying to close a big sale. The two of you are discussing the sales call she will make. You disagree on the strategy to use to close the sale. A. avoiding style B. accommodating style C. forcing style D. negotiating style E. collaborating style


I don't trust my company's financial future, so I like this law because it will allow me to move my funds out of my company fund to a new account with the stockbroker of my choice. A. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993(FMLA) B. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) C. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) D. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) E. Employer Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)


I have the same insurance deal that you have (#8), but my company only has 25 employees. A. Traditional B. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) C. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) D. Health Saving Account (HSA) E. Medical Saving Account (MSA)


I started my own business and want to save for retirement. What retirement plan should I use? A. 401(k) B. 403(b) C. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) D. Roth IRA E. Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)


I'm a new high school teacher, and I'm very concerned about how the administration will assess my teaching in order to award tenure. Advantages: A. Easy to evaluate individual employees B. Ability to match rewards to employee desires C. Promotes the link between performance and results D. May motivate less productive employees to work harder Disadvantages: E. Many jobs have no direct output F. May motivate undesirable employee behaviors G. Record-keeping burden is high H. May not fit organizational culture


I'm an auto mechanic at a dealership, and we have a set amount of time to complete each type of repair work. I complete a job before the stated time so that I can go on to the next car and get paid extra for being faster than the average guy. A. bonus B. commissions C. merit pay D. piecework E. standard hour F. non monetary awards G. praise


Katrina, you are not being fair to the rest of us by not doing your fair share of the work. Advantages: A. Promotes better teamwork B. Broadens individual outlook C. Requires less supervision D. Is easier to develop than individual incentive programs Disadvantages: E. Social loafing can occur F. Individual output may be discounted G. Outstanding performers may slacken efforts H. Group infighting may arise


Our group incentive option allows me to buy company stock for 10% less than the market value. A. profit sharing B. gainsharing c. ESOP d. stock options E. stock purchasing


The company can't give us a notice today, with our paychecks, that our factory is being closed next week and all 500 of us will be without a job. A. Railway Labor Act of 1926 B. National Labor Relations Act of 1935 C. Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 D. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 E. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988


The thing I like best about my job is the people I work with. A. personality B. work itself C. compensation D. growth E. coworkers F. management G. communications


______ is ongoing education to improve knowledge and skills of employees for present and future jobs.

Employee development

Helena's job at Acme Global involves measuring and evaluating job satisfaction and employee engagement. In other words, Helena works in the ______ specialty in HR.

Employee relations

In the video "Employee Health and Well-Being," the organization's program to help employees stop smoking and to offer an on-site gym are part of a(n) ______.

Employee wellness programs

Which act made it illegal to pay differently based upon gender?

Equal Pay Act

"I've been taking a walk at lunchtime with Latoya."


I'm mad at my manager because he didn't give me the good performance review that I deserved. A. personality B. work itself C. compensation D. growth E. coworkers F. management G. communications


The boss had me come to the front of the room at the annual meeting to get a plaque for 5 years of service to the company. She listed some of my major accomplishments. A. bonus B. commissions C. merit pay D. piecework E. standard hour F. non monetary awards G. praise


In the video "Global HR Practice," Blount International's Global HRIS manager Andrea Panaseurch discusses the organization's international human resource work. As a U.S.-based organization, Blount must abide by the ______ which bars U.S.-based organizations from bribing foreign officials in exchange for business.


The ______ bars United States-based or United States-listed organizations from bribing foreign officials in exchange for business.


Patrick would like to take some time off work to care for his sick mother but does not want to lose his job. Unpaid leave would be covered in Patrick's situation under the ______.


Matthew regularly returns from lunch late, even though it is against the standards he sets for his workers. It appears Matthew is not following the ______ guideline for effective discipline.

Follow standing plans

In a ______ flexible benefit plan, each employee can choose exactly the set of benefits they desire, within specified monetary limitations.


I know I'm the best, but none of the department members work very hard, so why should I? Advantages: A. Promotes better teamwork B. Broadens individual outlook C. Requires less supervision D. Is easier to develop than individual incentive programs Disadvantages: E. Social loafing can occur F. Individual output may be discounted G. Outstanding performers may slacken efforts H. Group infighting may arise


The boss just thanked me for getting a shipment that was behind schedule out on time today. A. bonus B. commissions C. merit pay D. piecework E. standard hour F. non monetary awards G. praise


The old compensation system without incentives was easier. Now I have to keep track of everyone's performance. Advantages: A. Easy to evaluate individual employees B. Ability to match rewards to employee desires C. Promotes the link between performance and results D. May motivate less productive employees to work harder Disadvantages: E. Many jobs have no direct output F. May motivate undesirable employee behaviors G. Record-keeping burden is high H. May not fit organizational culture


Ryan wants a job with a high level of benefits and good opportunities for training and development. He prefers having his own space and his own goals over working in a collaborative environment. It is likely that Ryan is a member of the ______ generation.

Gen Z

Nicholas just started a new business. He recognizes the need for performance appraisals but does not want to develop different ones for each job. He should use the ______ with all employees to rate their performance on a continuum such as excellent, good, average, fair, and poor.

Graphic rating scale form

What happened? Latoya and Katie used to get along so well. Now they are constantly bickering. Advantages: A. Promotes better teamwork B. Broadens individual outlook C. Requires less supervision D. Is easier to develop than individual incentive programs Disadvantages: E. Social loafing can occur F. Individual output may be discounted G. Outstanding performers may slacken efforts H. Group infighting may arise


______ allows the employer and employee to fund a medical savings account from which the employee can pay medical expenses each year with pretax dollars.


A ______ is a "major medical" insurance plan that protects against catastrophic health-care costs and in most cases is paid for by the employer.


A health-care plan that provides both health maintenance services and medical care as part of the plan and is a managed care program is called a ______.


Glenn is working to identify the estimated supply and demand for the factory workers and office workers in the organization over the next 5 years. He is basing his ______ on analysis of past and present demand.

HR forecasting

Breda has placed artsy pictures of nude men in her workspace. The pictures can be seen by anyone passing by her workspace. Several people are avoiding her workspace now because the pictures make them uncomfortable. Breda's behavior is likely considered ______ sexual harassment.

Hostile work environment

Kevin tells Harrison a sexually explicit joke. Harrison does not laugh and reminds Kevin that he has asked him three times not to tell him sexually explicit jokes. Kevin's behavior is likely considered ______ sexual harassment.

Hostile work environment

______ are interacting database systems that aim at generating and delivering HR information and allow us to automate some human resource management functions.

Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS)

More than 200 people work at one of Acme Global's factories. Within the organization, these people are referred to as ______.

Human resources

Elliot added fake sales to a report so that his department would look good on its quarterly report to top management. Elliot is giving the ______ justification for engaging in unethical behavior.

I did it for the good of the company

I changed the numbers so the department will look good on our quarterly report to top management.

I did it for the good of the company

Don't blame me. It was the boss's idea to do it. I just went along with it.

I was just following orders

When asked why he did something unethical, Thao said it was not his fault. It was really his boss' idea and he just went along with it. Thao is giving the ______ justification for engaging in unethical behavior.

I was just following orders

Angelicah extends her lunch hour by at least 30 min a day. She is able to get back to her cubicle without her manager realizing that she is late. She does not feel bad about taking extra time since her coworkers often take up to an hour. Angelicah is giving the ______ justification for engaging in unethical behavior.

I'm not as bad as the others

I do take some of the company product home, but I take a lot less than the others.

I'm not as bad as the others

Mollie was able to mediate a conflict during a sales meeting. Her ______ allowed the meeting to become productive after Mollie was able to bring people to a mutually agreed upon decision.

Interpersonal skills

Acme Global hires web designers to keep the company web page updated with information, product updates, and news about the organization. These web designers work on computers all day to gather and interpret information to improve the web page for the organization. They would be referred to as ______.


Acme Global's union engaged in "featherbedding" by putting a requirement into its contract that management hire more workers than needed to perform work in the factory. Management is protected from such demands under the ______.

LMRA of 1947

The ______ exception to employment-at-will includes such things as releasing an employee to avoid paying her a bonus for a large sale.

Lack of good faith

When being trained for his job at Acme Global, Charlie was given extensive instruction in all emergency protocols and security standards of the workplace. This is necessary because of the employee's right to ______.

Life & safety

In the "Social Media in HR" video, Blount International HR director Doreen Barth highlights how the ______ site has made it possible for job candidates to learn more about the organization before accepting a job.


In the "Social Media in HR" video, Blount International HR director Doreen Barth recommends that job applicants use ______ to feature their job-related characteristics.


Acme Global is hiring for a job with information in the job description and specifications that the job requires Sunday work hours. Bill's religion does not allow him to work for money on Sundays. However, he accepted the job knowing that it required Sunday hours. Based on this, Acme Global must ______.

Make no accommodations

Hunter is angry at his manager because the manager did not give Hunter the good performance review he felt he deserved. The missing determinant of job satisfaction in this case is ______.


Trey's manager helped him set goals for the next 6 months. These goals will allow his manager to check in with him on how he is progressing and provide a clear case for his performance appraisal at the end of the 6 months. Trey's manager is using the _______ method of performance appraisal.

Management by objectives

Travis just started as a supervisor and is concerned about the individual incentive program in the organization's compensation system. He does not know how his performance will be measured given that he is managing employees and not producing an actual product. This represents the ______ disadvantage of individual incentive plans.

Many jobs have no direct output

______ are those functions that may be performed on the job but need not be performed by all holders of the job.

Marginal job functions

According to the video, what gender ideology contributes to how we pay and value workers?

Men are the breadwinners

In Acme Global's new technology department, jobs are designed so that employees will be required to develop new skills as they work. The jobs also allow each employee to complete entire jobs by themselves. In other words, Acme Global used ______ job design in this department.


In the video "The U.S. Labor Movement and the Global Marketplace," much of what is discussed is covered by the ______ which gave employees the right to unionize without fear of prosecution. This law listed unfair employer practices.

NLRA of 1935

When a workforce seeks to unionize but management takes illegal steps to prevent it from happening, the workforce is protected under the ______.

NLRA of 1935

Austin was put on disciplinary probation for 3 weeks for not wearing his safety goggles. As a result, he wore his safety goggles every day for 3 weeks because he wanted to get off disciplinary probation. This is an example of shaping behavior through ______.

Negative reinforcement

Christopher's boss stopped by his cubicle every day to remind him to use the approved font in all his reports. Since Christopher found these visits from his boss annoying, he always double checked his reports to make sure the font was correct. As a result, his boss stopped coming to his cubicle to remind him to use the right font. This is an example of shaping behavior through ______.

Negative reinforcement

In the video "HRM in Action: The No Tips Rule," HR informs both Chen, the employee considering forming a union, and management that management cannot covertly observe union organizing meetings. Such observation would violate ______ in the NO TIPS rule.

No Spying

In the video "HRM in Action: The No Tips Rule," HR informs both Chen, the employee considering forming a union, and management that management cannot ask employees about union organizing meetings. Such an inquiry would violate ______ in the NO TIPS rule.

No interrogations

In the video "HRM in Action: The No Tips Rule," the manager's first reaction to the union meeting is a violation of the ______ in the NO TIPS rule.

No threats

"I've been working on positive affirmations, so I have been repeating to myself that 'I can meet the deadline.'"

Positive thinking

"I've been getting up earlier and eating a healthy breakfast."


When William broke his own sales record for the quarter, his boss gave him a $100 gift card on top of his regular bonus. Now William works harder than ever to break his own records. His actions are a result of ______.

Operant conditioning

Walid manages a small department at Acme Global. Given his position and skills, he is able to direct and contribute to initiatives and processes within the organization. Walid appears to have a high level of the critical HR competency of ______.

Organizational leadership and navigation

In the video "HRM in Action: Compensation Management," Edward is paid ______, a higher than minimum, federally mandated wage, when he works more than 40 hr per week.


______ occurs when a person or group engages in a sequence of actions over a significant period of time that is intended to deny the rights provided by Title VII of the 1964 CRA to a member of a protected class.

Pattern or practice discrimination

Katelynn always arrives at work 5 min early. In a meeting, her boss thanked her for her promptness and gave her a $20 coffee card. This is an example of shaping behavior through ______.

Positive reinforcement

"I have a bad boss, so I've been talking to my colleague Tom about her."

Support network

The ______ exception to employment-at-will includes such things as being terminated for filing a legitimate worker's compensation claim or refusing to violate a professional code of ethics.

Public Policy

Bradley lost his cool and shouted at a difficult customer. As a result, he was demoted to a position in which he does not work with customers. This is an example of shaping behavior through ______.


Samantha was late to work six times in 1 month and was put on disciplinary probation. As a result, she started coming to work on time to avoid suspension. This is an example of shaping behavior through ______.


______ is the use of nonquantitative methods to forecast the future, usually based on the knowledge of a pool of experts in a subject or an industry.

Qualitative forecasting

Alexandra recently conducted a job analysis of an accounting position. However, as she tries to analyze the data, she finds that she has incomplete responses and low response rates. It is likely that Alexandra used the ______ method of job analysis.


Acme Global's advertisement for its factory jobs describes the difficulty of the work, the heat of the factory floor, and the long hours. It also describes the salary, benefits, and culture of the company. Acme Global's advertisement is a ______ of the job.

Realistic job preview

______ is the largest and most recognized of the HRM advocacy organizations in the United States.


Chase's job is high on ______ in the job characteristics model because he has many diverse tasks to do and the job requires him to use many skills.

Skill variety

At Acme Global, workers often repeat the company saying "We are here for the customers." In the organizational culture, this saying would be considered a ______.


Cody worked hard to complete a project ahead of schedule and received a bonus for his efforts. As a result, Ryan is working hard to finish his project ahead of schedule as well. Ryan's actions are the result of ______.

Social learning

Ever since Acme Global started using a group incentive program as part of its compensation system, Rex has not been doing his fair share of the work. He figures he will still get the group incentive no matter how hard he works and his individual performance is not visible to most people. This represents the ______ disadvantage of group incentives.

Social loafing

At Acme Global, employees frequently talk about the way the founder would work on Saturdays. In the organizational culture, the retelling of this example set by the founder would be called a ______.


In the video, it states record keeping of high performers allows the organization to build ______. This will save time and money on recruitment.

Succession plans

Connor is regularly late to work, but his boss only rarely said anything about it. Then one day his boss blew up when Connor arrived 5 min late. It appears Connor's boss did not follow the ______ guideline for effective discipline.

Take consistent action

When Aaron forgets to wear his hard hat, his manager gives him a formal reprimand. However, when Lauren is not wearing hers, the manager simply gives her a gentle reminder to put it on. It appears the manager is not following the ______ guideline for effective discipline.

Take consistent action

Jane's job is high on ______ in the job characteristics model because it requires that she assemble an entire widget on her own.

Task identity

"I'm not too organized, so I've started using a to-do list."

Time management

A federal contractor that refuses to hire an applicant because the applicant served in the armed forces in 1969 is likely in violation of the ______.

Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act

When a factory with 500 workers gives notice that it is closing one day before it shuts down, it has violated the ______.

WARN Act of 1988

In the video "HRM in Action: Disciplining an Employee," Marquis disciplines Ben but then the two of them return to working together to make the business successful. Marquis is following the ______ guideline of effective discipline.

When discipline is over, resume normal relations

Julia called Cole into her office to tell him that he had to stop extending his lunch break to 2 hr. "The standard lunch break is 1 hr and you need to get back to your desk on time," she told him. "Now, let's both get back to work. I will see you at the meeting later." Julia is following the ______ guideline for effective discipline.

When discipline is over, resume normal relations

In the video, Mary Gatta argues that a factor in the reason why the pay gap exists is that women often ______.

Work in undervalued occupations

Erica really enjoys her job as manager because she has the opportunity to help others. The ______ is the determinant that makes this job satisfying for her.

Work itself

The tool used to identify what has to be done within the organization to produce a product or service is called ______.

Workflow analysis

______ is a calculation of how many people make it through the recruiting step to the next step in the hiring process.

Yield ratio

My parents continuously told me how to behave properly as I was growing up. Could that be why customers comment on my good manners and social skills? a. classical conditioning b. operant conditioning c. social learning

a. classical conditioning

You got that angry lady to calm down and leave the store as a happy customer. This behavior leads to keeping our customers. Thanks, keep up the good work. a. positive reinforcement b. punishment—give bad consequence c. punishment—remove reward d. negative reinforcement e. extinction

a. positive reinforcement

You are the HR manager responsible for diversity, and you develop a training program to help employees better understand each other and not use stereotypes so that they can work well together. a. reaction evaluation b. learning evaluation c. behavior evaluation d. results evaluation

a. reaction evaluation

______ is the personal duty to someone else (a higher level manager or the organization itself) for the effective use of resources to complete an assignment.


Jeremy and Chelsea are having a conversation. He is trying to tell her about an accident that occurred at work. Chelsea is paying close attention to what the circumstances are and why Jeremy is communicating this information to her at this time. In other words, Chelsea is engaged in ______.

active listening

In the video "Hiring Ethical People," Nebraska Home Designs implements ______, which is a series of policies, programs, and initiatives designed to prefer hiring of individuals from protected groups in certain circumstances, in an attempt to mitigate past discrimination.

affirmative action

I like getting paid the same each week. It helps me to budget my expenses.

base pay

I only get paid $11 an hour, so I'm looking for a better job.

base pay

Katherine receives the same amount of money in her paycheck each month. This money is the ______ part of the compensation system.

base pay

A culture that puts a lot of value on relationships with others, quality of life, and concern for others is likely low on the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.


To get a job at Acme Global, Catherine went to an off-site location for a day to take a series of tests. She interviewed with several people and did simulations to determine her potential for the job. In other words, Catherine went to a(n) ______.

assessment center

Francesca's job is high on ______ in the job characteristics model because she is able to work independently, making decisions about how she performs her tasks.


You are a software sales manager and you want your new sales reps to be able to demonstrate the various features of your software. a. reaction evaluation b. learning evaluation c. behavior evaluation d. results evaluation

b. learning evaluation

You are the HR manager and want to make sure that your staff understands what questions they can and can't legally ask during the selection process. a. reaction evaluation b. learning evaluation c. behavior evaluation d. results evaluation

b. learning evaluation

I completed the project ahead of schedule and did an excellent job. As a result, my boss gave me a sincere thanks and a $100 gift certificate to I learned that it is worth putting in extra effort for the boss. a. classical conditioning b. operant conditioning c. social learning

b. operant conditioning

I got caught smoking in a no-smoking area and was given a verbal warning. I'm not doing it again because I don't want to get into more trouble and possibly end up losing my job. a. classical conditioning b. operant conditioning c. social learning

b. operant conditioning

Your large department has a high turnover rate, and new employees need to learn several rules and regulations to perform their jobs. a. written material, lectures, videotapes, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, demonstrations b. programmed learning c. job rotation d. projects e. role playing f. behavior modeling g. cases h. in-basket exercises i. management games j. interactive videos

b. programmed learning

You know the rules. That behavior is going to cost you $25. a. positive reinforcement b. punishment—give bad consequence c. punishment—remove reward d. negative reinforcement e. extinction

b. punishment-give bad consequence

Ciara is leaving Spain to work in New York City for 6 months. Her organization will continue to pay her salary in euros with additional pay in U.S. dollars to make up for the high cost of living in New York City. Ciara's organization is using ______ compensation.

balance sheet

I'm going overseas for a 6-month assignment, and they are continuing to pay me in euros, but they are also giving me a U.S. dollar allowance for the higher cost of living in New York.

balance sheet

During her performance appraisal, Katherine was told that she needs to work on remaining calm during stressful situations. Specifically, she should not raise her voice to her coworkers. It appears her organization is using a ______ type of performance appraisals.


In the video "HRM in Action: Performance Appraisal," Kristi conducts performance appraisals by assessing the actions taken by her workers. In other words, Kristi uses ______ performance appraisals.


In the video "HRM in Action: Performance Appraisal," Kristi's performance appraisal form might contain a continuum such as never late to work, late 1-2 times, late 3-4 times, late 5 or more times. If so, her form would be a ______.

behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

Acme Global allows managers time off to attend classes and pays tuition for managers who are pursuing a master of business administration (MBA) degree. Tuition reimbursement is considered ______ in the compensation system.


I'd like to work for a firm that will help pay for me to get my master of business administration (MBA) degree.


An organization that expects, encourages, and rewards its employees for being active volunteers in the community is practicing ______ corporate social responsibility.


Lauren likes working with numbers. She can look at a budget and help her department understand how the money is being spent to further the interests of the business. Her in-depth knowledge of how the business works and her quantitative skills allow her to understand and contribute to the profitability of the organization. She has a high degree of ______.

business skills

You are the service desk manager at a retail store and need to train employees on how to effectively deal with angry customers when they return merchandise. You want the employees to remain calm and satisfy the customer. a. reaction evaluation b. learning evaluation c. behavior evaluation d. results evaluation

c. behavior evaluation

You want employees to be able to do each other's job when they take vacations. a. written material, lectures, videotapes, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, demonstrations b. programmed learning c. job rotation d. projects e. role playing f. behavior modeling g. cases h. in-basket exercises i. management games j. interactive videos

c. job rotation

I know you like to get out of work for a while and get our lunches, but because you mixed up the order today, Santana will go tomorrow. a. positive reinforcement b. punishment—give bad consequence c. punishment—remove reward d. negative reinforcement e. extinction

c. punishment-remove reward

After seeing what happened to Sean, you better believe that I'm keeping my goggles on when I'm on the job. a. classical conditioning b. operant conditioning c. social learning

c. social learning

Shelly is a very hard worker, but I've never even seen her get as much as a thank-you for her performance. So why should I work? a. classical conditioning b. operant conditioning c. social learning

c. social learning

In the video "HRM in Action: Interviewing Job Candidates," the question Alejandro asks job candidates about whether they have a valid teaching license in the state is a(n) ______ question.


Interview questions like "Do you have a business degree?" and "Do you have 5 years of experience?" are considered ______ questions.


When I make decisions, I follow the guidelines the company gave all of us to use to make sure I'm doing the right thing.

code of ethics

To get a job at Acme Global, Jalen took a paper and pencil test to measure his general intelligence. In other words, Jalen took a(n) ______ test.

cognitive ability

The total of an employee's pay and benefits is called ______.


Bradley did not do well on the initial interview for a job at Acme Global. However, his score on the cognitive ability test and interest test was strong. He will be allowed to continue in the selection process. In this case, it appears Acme Global is using the ______ selection model.


______ is the degree to which different parts of the organization are segregated from one another in the organizational structure.


You need an employee to conduct an Internet search to find out more about a new product you want to buy for the department; you want a special report. a. written material, lectures, videotapes, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, demonstrations b. programmed learning c. job rotation d. projects e. role playing f. behavior modeling g. cases h. in-basket exercises i. management games j. interactive videos

d. projects

You are a restaurant owner who installed a new food-ordering computer system with the objective of speeding up the time it takes to serve meals, so you need to train employees on how to use the new system. a. reaction evaluation b. learning evaluation c. behavior evaluation d. results evaluation

d. results evaluation

An OSHA inspector observed that the text size on the signs noting directions to emergency exits was smaller than defined in OSHA standards. This violation was unlikely to cause immediate danger to worker safety. The inspector discussed changing the signs with the organization's compliance officer and made a note in the inspection file. This is a ______ violation.

de minimis

Getting accurate information to allow the manager to improve organizational productivity is part of the ______ purpose of performance appraisals.


In the video "HRM in Action: Culture Shock," when Rey finds living in China difficult and rarely leaves her home except to go to work, she is likely in the ______ phase of culture shock.


In performance appraisals, the ______ interview focuses on areas for improvement over time.


Andrew needs to perform a job analysis on a group of research scientists. The work done by these scientists is difficult to observe and is very specialized. Andrew should probably use the ______ method of job analysis.


Nike places its swoosh--its corporate logo--prominently on its products to differentiate those products from those of the competition. This is consistent with Nike's ______ strategy.


Hi, Latoya. What do you think of my decision about how to handle this customer's complaint?

discernment advice

In the video "HRM in Action: Disciplining an Employee," Marquis begins his discipline session with Ben by describing Ben's current performance and ends with a summary of the discipline and expected follow-up. Marquis is using the ______ model.


In the video, what is stated as the single biggest reason someone is disqualified from being hired into law enforcement?


It's no big deal that I lie to customers because no one gets hurt. In fact, I'm helping them buy a good product.

disregard/distortion of consequences

Laura said that lying to customers is not a big deal. She believes she is helping the customers make a good decision quickly. Laura is giving the ______ justification for engaging in unethical behavior.

disregard/distortion of consequences

Riley is a severe rater. She gives almost all employees below average ratings on their performance appraisals. It appears Riley is making a ______ error.


The ability to find many possible solutions to a particular problem, including unique, untested solutions is ______.

divergent thinking

In human resource management, ______ deals with different types of people in an organization.


In the video "Hiring Ethical People," Nebraska Home Designs has been criticized for its lack of ______, which in human resource management deals with different types of people in an organization.


Cinthya felt her manager was disciplining her unfairly for a minor infraction. Cinthya talked to her labor union representative about it. She is allowed to do this because of the employee's right to ______.

due process

Betty used to give me that intimidating look when I assigned her a task she didn't want to do, and that behavior made me uncomfortable. So I just ignored it and didn't let her make me feel uncomfortable, and she stopped giving me the look. a. positive reinforcement b. punishment—give bad consequence c. punishment—remove reward d. negative reinforcement e. extinction

e. extinction

You want to improve your employees' ability to sell products to customers in the store so that customers don't end up leaving and buying the products online. (Note: There are two correct answers.) a. written material, lectures, videotapes, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, demonstrations b. programmed learning c. job rotation d. projects e. role playing f. behavior modeling g. cases h. in-basket exercises i. management games j. interactive videos

e. role playing f. behavior modeling

You want your customer service staff to do a better job of handling customer complaints. (Note--there are two correct answers.) a. written material, lectures, videotapes, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, demonstrations b. programmed learning c. job rotation d. projects e. role playing f. behavior modeling g. cases h. in-basket exercises i. management games j. interactive videos

e. role playing f. behavior modeling

In one area of the organization, Acme Global wants to hire new employees who have little or no prior experience but have a good general skill set. A good recruiting source for job candidates would be ______.

educational institutions

After you finish giving instructions, you should ensure understanding by asking the person, "Do you have any questions?"


When giving instructions, you should tell the receiver your communication objective before giving the details of what is to be done to complete the task.


Jack works quickly to get his work done at Acme Global. His work is a function of getting the job done whenever and however it must be done. In other words, Jack works with ______.


Sultan is measuring how many organizational resources were used to get Acme Global's latest widget produced. In other words, Sultan is seeking to measure ______ in use of the resources.


______ is being able to put yourself in another person's place--to understand not only what that person is saying but why the individual is communicating that information to you.


Eli feels a combination of job satisfaction, ability, and a willingness to perform in his receptionist job at Acme Global. He feels he can continue to perform at a high level for an extended period of time. Eli is experiencing ______.

employee engagement

In the video "Employee Health and Well-Being," Procore Technologies, Inc. VP for People Michelle Greer discusses several ways the organization is working to improve ______, which is the state of physical and psychological wellness in the workforce.

employee health

Acme Global encourages its employees to tell their friends and family members about job openings in the organization. This type of internal recruiting is known as ______.

employee referrals

In the video "Employee Health and Well-Being," Procore Technologies, Inc. VP for People Michelle Greer discusses how the organization is developing more robust ______, which are designed to cater to the employee's physical welfare through education and training programs.

employee wellness program

The career stage in which the individual is entering their career, building skills, developing work relationships, and advancing and stabilizing their career is called ______.


An organization that pays its clerical employees more than minimum wage because the organization believes in treating employees fairly and going above and beyond is engaging in ______ corporate social responsibility.

ethical WRONG

In the video "HRM in Action: Organizational Ethics," Stefan refuses to accept a bribe to pass the home inspection. He is applying his values and principles in order to make the good choice. This application is(are) called ______.


Yes. I do lie to customers, but it's the way we do business here.

everyone else does it

Bellperson at a hotel


Computer programmer (paid more than $27.63 per hour)




In the video "HRM in Action: Compensation Management," the manager is not paid overtime because he is a(n) ______ employee. This means the minimum wage requirement and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act do not apply to him.




Real estate agent


Taxi driver


Worker on a foreign-flag cruise ship


In the video "Employee Health and Well-Being," Jesse begins to use the on-site gym at his workplace. Jesse is using ______ as a stress management technique.


In the video "Employee Health and Well-Being," Procore Technologies, Inc. VP for People Michelle Greer discusses how the organization offers yoga classes to help employees use ______ as a stress management technique.


Michael finds that getting away from the office at lunchtime to take a long walk helps him control his stress. Michael is using ______ as a stress management technique.


An employee who leaves their home country to go work in another country is a(n)______.


In the video "HRM in Action: Culture Shock," when Rey leaves the United States to work in China, she becomes a(n) ______.


Korena is an American who works for her United States-based organization's Canadian office. She is a(n) ______.


In the video "Pay-for-Performance Programs," Blount International executives discuss how "quarterly progression" pay increases are valued by employees and how it is clear to the employees that they can achieve the pay increases. This sounds like Blount uses ______ in their compensation planning.

expectancy theory

______ suggests that employees are motivated when they believe they can accomplish a task and that the rewards for doing so are worth the effort.

expectancy theory

The career stage in which the individual is meeting personal needs, identifying interests, evaluating skills, and making a tentative work choice is called ______.


All of the companies in our industry pay essentially the same hourly wage.


For some jobs, Acme Global pays essentially the same hourly wage as all the other organizations in the industry. In this case, Acme Global uses the ______ job evaluation method.


Katelyn could not decide how much to pay the new program assistant. To figure it out, she checked data provided by the Society for Human Resource Management. Katelyn uses the ______ job evaluation method.


To figure out how much to pay the data entry person, I'm checking the SHRM data.


Acme Global is looking for workers with new ideas for one of its divisions. Rather than promoting from within or asking employees for referrals of family members and friends, Acme Global should engage in ______ to fill the positions.

external recruiting

Jakob always arrived 10 min late for meetings and would ask Alexandra to repeat everything that had happened before he arrived. Alexandra would pause the meeting and tell Jakob what he missed. Then Alexandra changed her behavior. When Jakob arrived late and asked her to tell him what he missed, she did not respond but proceeded with the rest of the meeting. As a result, Jakob started coming to the meetings on time. This is an example of shaping behavior through ______.


Acme Global conducts business worldwide without boundaries. Technology has made this possible. Acme Global is a part of ______.

global village

The job satisfaction survey that asks employees to circle a picture that most closely matches their overall satisfaction with their job is called the ______.

faces scale

I use two methods together to determine how much to pay each position because I'm an HR professional.

factor comparison

Lindsey is an HR professional. When doing job evaluation, she uses two methods together to determine how much to pay for each position. Lindsey uses the ______ job evaluation method.

factor comparison

OSHA noted a violation of safety standards for chemical use in a film development laboratory. The laboratory was given 6 months to correct the problem. When the deadline arrived, the laboratory was still in violation of the standards. This is a ______ violation.

failure to abate

I don't think our benefit plan is fair because I use my spouse's health insurance plan and I just lose the benefit. To be fair, I should be able to use the money for other benefits I want.


Luke's manager told his work group that if they could cut costs by 5%, the group would get 5% of the savings to the organization distributed evenly among them. Luke's group incentive program is ______.


The magazine Field & Stream targets readers interested in hunting, fishing, and survival tips. This is consistent with its ______ strategy.

focus or niche

The lowest priority for an OSHA workplace inspection is ______.

follow-up inspection

I'm a member of Rotary International, and I use its approach when I make decisions.

four-way test

Tiffany is a member of Rotary International and uses its approach to make decisions. In other words, Tiffany uses the ______ approach to making ethical decisions.

four-way test

Before starting her job at Acme Global, Aspen signed a form that stated she was aware of the hazards of working in the factory environment. This was required because of employee rights of ______.

free consent

Keith works as a bellhop at a hotel. His boss asks if he would like to transfer to working in the hotel's restaurant. Keith politely declines the offer. He says, because of his religious beliefs, he does not want to work in a restaurant that serves alcohol. Keith's boss cannot force him to transfer to the restaurant because of the employee's right to ______.

freedom of conscience

I try to treat people the way I want them to treat me.

golden rule

When making a decision, Michael has a simple rule. He tries to treat people the way he wants them to treat him. Michael is using the ______ approach to making ethical decisions.

golden rule

Acme Global considered acquiring one of its competitors but was blocked by the Securities and Exchange Commission because of antitrust laws. This is an example of how the external environmental factor of the ______ impacts how a business can be run.


A formal complaint concerning pay, working conditions, or violation of some other factor in a collective bargaining agreement is ______.


In the video "HRM in Action: Disciplining an Employee," Marquis disciplines Ben for careless use of a ladder. If this ladder use was a serious failure to exercise care in the work environment, Ben would be engaging in ______.

gross negligence

You need your new employees to learn how to handle the typical daily problems they will face on the job. a. written material, lectures, videotapes, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, demonstrations b. programmed learning c. job rotation d. projects e. role playing f. behavior modeling g. cases h. in-basket exercises i. management games j. interactive videos

h. in-basket exercises

Lars was impressed with Nathaniel's skill in using Acme Global's proprietary software program and gave Nathaniel a positive rating on all aspects of Nathaniel's performance appraisal, including items unrelated to software use. It appears Lars made a ______ error in Nathaniel's appraisal.


In the past, there have been many miscommunications between the manager of the United States-based organization's main office and the manager of its office in Rome, Italy. The manager in Rome recently resigned. To ensure more effective communication with the main office, the organization will probably want to staff the office with a ______ country national.


There is an opening in Karissa's United States-based organization's office in Dublin, Ireland. Karissa believes this would be a good opportunity for someone from headquarters to gain international experience. In other words, Karissa is looking for a ______ country national to fill the position.


In the video "HRM in Action: Culture Shock," when Rey arrives for her assignment in China and begins enjoying new restaurants and the parks and museums, she is likely in the ______ of culture shock.


In the video "HRM in Action: Performance Appraisal," Kristi is concerned about a worker who frequently comes to work late. If Kristi starts to rate the employee low on other aspects of performance because she assumes a late employee is also bad at other tasks, Kristi would be making a(n) ______ error.


You need to prepare middle managers to advance to upper-level managers. You are considering having them run a simulated company getting quarterly results. a. written material, lectures, videotapes, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, demonstrations b. programmed learning c. job rotation d. projects e. role playing f. behavior modeling g. cases h. in-basket exercises i. management games j. interactive videos

i. management games

I like being paid for every sale I make, but my pay does vary from week to week.

incentive pay

In the video "Pay-for-Performance Programs," Blount International executives describe how the pay for managers is increased based on individual results and company results. It sounds like managers at Blount receive ______.

incentive pay

A culture in which incentives motivate workers to make sales and be successful on their own is likely high on the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.


A culture where people prefer team sports like basketball and baseball over sports like golf and running is likely low on the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.


The people seem to prefer sports like soccer and basketball to sports like golf and track-and-field.

individualism (vs. collectivism)

We should multitask while receiving messages face-to-face so that we can get more than one thing done at a time.


When listening to instructions, if you don't understand something being said, you should not do or say anything until you have received the entire set of instructions.


You should repeat back what the other person said word-for-word when you paraphrase.


An era that began around 1980, in which information became one of the main products used in organizations, is called the ______. It is characterized by exponential increases in available information in all industries.

information age

A person's intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field is measured by a(n) ______.

interest test

Filling job openings with current employees or people the employees know is a part of ______.

internal recruiting

Vincent told his friend Joseph about a job opening at Acme Global. Joseph applied and got the job. This type of job filling is referred to as ______.

internal recruiting

Role-playing and behavior modeling are recommended training methods for teaching ______ skills.


Victor tried to complete a job analysis using a database but he found that it did not give him all the information he wanted. He would prefer a method that was more comprehensive and would allow him to follow up for more information. For this purpose, he could use the ______ method of job analysis.


A process of terminating a group of employees with intent to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness is a ______.


The Chief Diversity Officer at Acme Global developed a training program to help employees better understand each other and change their attitudes toward working with those who are different from them. After training, she should use a ______ assessment to measure the effectiveness of the training.


The HR manager at Acme Global wants to make sure that hiring managers understand the recruitment and selection process. After training, she should use a ______ assessment to measure the effectiveness of the training.


An organization that dumps pollution into the river near its plant but never dumps more than the amount allowed by law is engaging in ______ corporate social responsibility.


In the video "Environmental Management," if the owner of the restaurant decides not to change suppliers or advertising because the label "grass-fed" is technically correct and if customers get the idea that it is also local and hormone-free, then that's their mistake, the owner is engaging in ______ corporate social responsibility.


In one area of the organization, Acme Global needs to hire someone to perform routine cleaning services. Custodial experience is not necessary. A good recruiting source for job candidates would be ______.

local mass media

In one area of the organization, Acme Global wants to cast a broad net for new skilled line workers. A good recruiting source for job candidates would be ______.

local mass media

I'm going overseas for a 6-month assignment, and they are paying me in the other country's currency, the euro.


Kevin is leaving the United States to work at his organization's Paris office. He will be paid in euros. Kevin's organization is using ______ compensation.


Managers focus on quarterly and annual earnings to meet analysis expectations.

long-term orientation (vs. short-term orientation)

I'm going overseas for a 6-month assignment, and they are giving me one check to pay for the entire time I'm away.

lump sum

Thomas is leaving London to work for 6 months in Stockholm. His organization is giving him one check to pay for the entire 6 months of work. Thomas' organization is using ______ compensation.

lump sum

The career stage in which the individual seeks personal satisfaction, continues advancement, coaches and mentors others, and improves policies and procedures is called ______.


Managers provide poor working conditions to maximize profits.

masculinity (vs. femininity) or assertiveness (vs. nurturing)

Heather has been complacent in her job for several years. Now that the organization has added an individual incentive program to its compensation system, she realizes she will need to produce more to earn more. This represents the ______ advantage of individual incentive plans.

may motivate less productive employees to work harder

Acme Global's assembly line jobs require workers to perform the same functions over and over again. For example, one worker's job is to turn the widget on its side after the previous worker has applied glue to a component. In other words, these jobs were created using ______ job design.


David is the top performer in his department and is looking forward to an extra raise for his high performance this year. David is working under a ______ individual incentive program.

merit pay

Sarah passed the initial interview for a job at Acme Global but failed the in-depth interview portion. As a result, she was eliminated from the selection process and did not get to take the final test. In this case, it appears Acme Global was using the______ selection model in this case.


Anna asked her manager to provide a letter of recommendation for her promotion application. This letter is a form of the ______ method of performance appraisal.


The process of analyzing the difference between what is currently occurring within a job or jobs and what is required--either now or in the future--based on the organization's operations and strategic goals is called ______.

needs assessment

Acme Global hired Maribel without running a background check or checking her references. If Maribel harms someone in the course of working for the organization, then the organization could be held liable because the organization engaged in ______.

negligent hiring

I'm going overseas for a 6-month assignment, and we are having a meeting to discuss my compensation for while I'm away.


Can OSHA make my employer maintain working conditions free from any hazards?


Can we require employees to buy their own safety equipment?


Henry got us into trouble with OSHA, so is it OK to demote him?


If I report hazardous conditions to HR, do I have to tell them who I am?


If an OSHA inspector interviews me, can I cover up for the company and say we followed OSHA guidelines so we don't get into trouble?


Does a member of the HR staff have to accompany the OSHA inspector during the site visit?

no A manager does, but not necessarily HR staff

Auto mechanic


Bank teller


Lars has found that he feels less stress on days when he gets up early and eats a healthy breakfast. Lars is using ______ as a stress management technique.


Alessandro began a job analysis of an engineering job by using a database. While the database was helpful, he would like to know more about what tools and equipment the engineers in his organization use and what their work environment is like. He should use the ______ method of job analysis.


Chloe is conducting a job analysis by shadowing the worker and logging tasks the worker performs over a period of time. In other words, she is using the ______ method of job analysis.


Lauren has felt a lot of stress on the job lately. To help her relax, she has begun watching comedy shows and laughing during her lunch break. Lauren is using ______ as a stress management technique.


After receiving complaints about the quality of its goods, Acme Global made the decision to ______. It moved work from the other countries where it was being done back to the United States.


"Please describe your greatest strength and greatest weakness" would be considered a(n) ______ question in an interview.


In the video "HRM in Action: Interviewing Job Candidates," when Alejandro asks job candidates "what particular strengths would you bring to the school and its students?" he is asking a(n) ______ question.


______ consists of the values, beliefs, and assumptions about appropriate behavior that members of an organization share.

organizational culture

During an OSHA inspection, it was discovered that the chemical used in production of the organization's product was not stored properly. This violation probably would not have caused serious physical harm to employees but was considered a hazard. This is a(n) ______ violation by OSHA standards.

other than serious

______ is the process of hiring another organization to do the work that was previously done within the host organization.


Sara was once known as the top performer on her team. Then a group incentive program was added to the compensation system and Sara's incentive was tied to the work of the group. No one else on the team worked hard to get the incentive and Sara got tired of trying to earn the incentive on her own. This represents the ______ disadvantage of group incentives.

outstanding performers may slacken efforts

______ is a higher than minimum, federally mandated wage required for nonexempt employees if they work more than a certain number of hours in a week.


In the video "The U.S. Labor Movement and the Global Marketplace," the speaker discusses the need for labor unions because of the imbalance of power between those who work and those who ______.


In the video "Global HR Practice," Blount International's Global HRIS manager Andrea Panaseurch discusses the need to be culturally aware. In other words, she recommends avoiding ______, a narrow-minded view of the world.


______ is a narrow-minded view of the world with an inability to recognize individual difference.


Acme Global recently added two staff members to the marketing department to help ease the workload of employees in that department. This is a form of ______ job design.


In the video "Pay-for-Performance Programs," Blount International executives discuss how hourly team members get "quarterly progression" pay increases as they grow and improve their work. It would appear Blount has a(n) ______ philosophy for compensation.


Joseph is paid well in part based on his completion of certain tasks. He is known for getting his work done quickly and well. It would appear Joseph's organization has a ______ philosophy for compensation.


The process of identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of the human resources in an organization is called ______.

performance management

Extra financial benefits usually provided to top employees in many businesses are called ______.


Selecting workers who fit well with the cultural and structural characteristics of the organization is called ______.

person-organization fit

The psychological traits or characteristics of applicants to determine suitability for performance in a specific type of job are measured by a(n) ______.

personality test

To get a job at Acme Global, Connor first had to undergo an exam by the company doctor to determine whether he could handle the job as described in the job description and specification. In other words, Connor took a(n) ______ test.


I look at the job and determine the specific skills needed to do the job, and then I add up the total point value of the skills to set the pay.


When Trevor does job evaluations, he determines the specific skills needed to do the job and then adds up the total point value of the skills to set the pay. Trevor uses the ______ job evaluation method.


I don't lie to customers because it is unethical to lie.

post conventional

In the video "Environmental Management," the manager is concerned that the label "grass-fed" is misleading because it gives customers the idea that the meat is also local and hormone-free. If the manager decides to switch suppliers to remedy the situation even though the label is technically correct, it would appear that the manager is at the ______ level of moral development.


In the video "HRM in Action: Organizational Ethics," Stefan refuses to take the bribe from the homeowner because he believes taking bribes is wrong and that he has an obligation to protect the health of the family in the house. Stefan is at the ______ level of moral development.


John prides himself on telling the truth to his clients. He believes it is unethical to lie. John is at the ______ level of moral development.


An organization at which managers have reserved parking spaces and an executive dining room is likely high on the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.

power distance

In the video "Global HR Practice," Blount International's Global HRIS manager Andrea Panaseurch discusses how acceptable processes can vary in different cultures. If people prefer that only high-level managers sign approval forms, it is likely that the culture is high on the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.

power distance

In the video "Hofstede's Cultural Framework," the speaker describes how teachers expect to be consulted by leaders about decisions. In other words, teachers believe in a low level of the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.

power distance

In the video "Hofstede's Cultural Framework," the speaker suggests that formal leaders in education should listen to those without formal leadership roles because they often have better ideas. The speaker is suggesting that education needs less of the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.

power distance

A culture where workers form unions to avoid allowing management to make changes without consultation is likely high on the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.

power distance WRONG

Managers place great importance on status symbols such as the executive dining room, reserved parking spaces, and big offices.

power-distance (low vs. high)

Alynna lies to customers so she can sell more products and get bigger commissions. She is only looking out for herself. Alynna is at the ______ level of moral development.


Bao lies to his clients but he believes doing so is not unethical because he is helping them buy a good product. Bao is at the ______ level of moral development.


I lie to customers so that I can sell more products and get larger commission checks.


Alan took his employment test for Acme Global on Friday. When he got a failing score, he asked to take it again, saying that he had not been feeling well on Friday. When he re-took the test, he received the same score as before. It appears the test has high ______.


In the video "Environmental Management," the manager is concerned that the label "grass-fed" is misleading because it gives customers the idea that the meat is also local and hormone-free. If the manager decides to not switch suppliers because the manager is making good money at the restaurant and does not want to rock the boat, it would appear the manager is at the ______ level of moral development.


Karen says to John, "Telling lies to customers is no big deal--we're helping them buy a good product."


In the video "HRM in Action: Interviewing Job Candidates," when Alejandro seeks to clarify a job candidates' previous interview answers, he is asking a(n) ______ question.


The amount of output that an organization gets per unit of input, with human input usually expressed in terms of units of time, is called ______.


A ______ is a revenue center that enhances the profitability of the organization by increasing the productivity of the people within the organization.

productivity center

In conducting a performance appraisal on one of his employees, Kevin carefully read the first five items and marked "exceeds expectations." Then he continued marking the rest of the items as "exceeds expectations" without giving it much thought. It appears Kevin is making a ______ error.


In the ______ method, the manager compares an employee to other employees rather than to a standard measure of performance.


______ evaluations measure how the individual responds to the actual training process.


Lauren does not like the new individual incentives program in the compensation system because it means that she has to keep track of her employees' performance. This represents the ______ disadvantage of individual incentive plans.

record-keeping burden is high

Jiahui is searching LinkedIn for connections with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be chief financial officer of a division in Acme Global. Jiahui hopes to build a reasonable pool of qualified candidates from which he can select the best person for the job. Jiahui is engaged in ______.


______ is the correction of a deficiency or failure in a process or procedure.


A manufacturing plant was cited for not having proper railings to prevent falls in the workplace. While the organization fixed the railings in question, an OSHA inspector found other places in the plant that were missing railings in an inspection 2 years later. This could be a ______ violation.


A year ago, a manufacturing plant was cited by OSHA for poor record keeping of safety equipment. When OSHA returned for an inspection, it was found that the plant's records for safety equipment were well kept but the records for chemical storage were not. This could be a ______ violation.


Maximillian noticed that his coworkers were not wearing their hard helmets in a hard helmet-required area. He decided not to say anything about it. This was a violation of Maximillian's OSHA responsibility to ______.

report hazardous conditions

In the video "HRM in Action: Organizational Ethics," Stefan mentions that he has an obligation to uphold the standards of his profession. This obligation to carry out an assignment to a satisfactory conclusion is ______.


In the video "Hiring Ethical People," seeing inappropriate behavior on the candidate's Facebook page could make the hiring manager question the candidate's ______, their duty to carry out an assignment to a satisfactory conclusion.


______ is the obligation to answer for something/someone--the duty to carry out an assignment to a satisfactory conclusion.


Bradley received a good performance appraisal because he met his sales goal for the year. It appears his organization is using ______ type of performance appraisals.


Devin works in the sales department at Acme Global. Because his department generates monetary returns for the organization, the department is referred to as a ______.

revenue center

Miguel is updating Acme Global's plan for operations in the event of a hurricane at its Florida facility. He is reviewing how employees would be evacuated and how the plant would be secured if a large storm were predicted. In other words, Miguel works in the ______ specialty in HR.

safety & security

An OSHA inspection revealed that a factory did not have easily accessible emergency stop buttons on its machines. This safety violation could have resulted in significant physical harm and even death for employees. This is a(n) ______ violation.


OSHA cited a manufacturing plant for not training workers on safety procedures when using equipment that could cause significant physical harm if not used correctly. This is a ______ violation by OSHA standards.


When Acme Global revenues dropped, the CEO was fired. This demonstrates the influence of the ______ in the organization's environment.


To get a job as a pilot at Acme Global, Kelli was required to take a test where she was put into a high-pressure situation in which she had to correct a mechanical issue mid-flight but in a controlled environment so that the danger and cost were limited. In other words, Kelli took a(n) ______ test.


Which criterion for the following objective is not met? Acme Global will sell 50% more widgets and 30% more appliances in 2020.

single result

Which criterion for the following objective is not met? Acme Global will have a more productive workforce in 2020.


Which criterion for the following objective is not met? Acme Global will increase sales in 2020.


I'm going overseas for a 6-month assignment, and they are giving half the money in U.S. dollars and half in euros


Brett works in the HR department at Acme Global. His job involves advertising job openings, reviewing applications, and selecting candidates for employment at Acme Global. In other words, Brett works in the ______ specialty in HR.


I try to make sure that everyone affected by my decisions gets a fair deal.

stakeholders' approach

When making a decision, Madeleine tries to make sure everyone impacted by the decision gets a fair deal. Madeleine is using the ______ approach to making ethical decisions.

stakeholders' approach

Benjamin's job is high on ______ in the job characteristics model because he perceives that many people in the organization are counting on him to complete his tasks.

task significance

Victoria leads the HR department at one of Acme Global's factories. People count on her ______ when they come to ask her questions about her in-depth knowledge of HR-related laws and policies, computer skills, staffing skills, training skills, and performance management skills.

technical skills

______ is mentally classifying a person into an affinity group and then identifying the person as having the same assumed characteristics as the group.


Benjamin's group incentive option plan allows him to buy $10 shares of the organization's stock for only $5 apiece next year. Benjamin's group incentive program is ______.

stock options

In the video "Employee Health and Well-Being," when Jesse feels chest pains, he is experiencing his body's reaction to environmental demands. This reaction is called ______.


Factors that may, if extreme, cause people to feel overwhelmed by anxiety, tension, and/or pressure are ______.


In the video "Employee Health and Well-Being," Jesse's high pressure job and long commute would be considered ______.


Jesse and Alex eat lunch together at least once a week to vent their frustrations about their work. They both feel better after talking about what's on their minds. Jesse and Alex are using ______ as a stress management technique.

support network

Acme Global provides information on all of its product labels about how the products can be recycled and reused. This is part of the organization's ______ efforts.


Jacqui won employee of the month at Acme Global and received a plaque with the company logo and her name on it. In the organizational culture, the plaque and company logo would be considered ______.


Which criterion for the following objective is not met? Acme Global will increase sales by 20%.

target date

Acme Global recently updated the machines at one of its factories and can now produce widgets 25% faster. This is an example of how an organization should pay attention to ______ and continue to innovate or risk losing a competitive advantage.


Acme Global is opening a new facility in Osaka, Japan. It wants to hire the best talent from wherever that talent may be located. It could staff the new facility with ______ country nationals.


Riku is from Japan and works in the Senegal office of a United States-based organization. Riku is a ______ country national.


Cory is not very organized. To help him, Sarah gives him a new notepad and describes how he can use it to create a prioritized to-do list. If he follows up, Cory will be using ______ as a stress management technique.

time management

Faith in the character and actions of another is called ______.


In the video, Brian Fitch states in law enforcement we are looking for ______ above all else.


Canada, Mexico, and the United States are members of the North American Free Trade Agreement which is a(n) ______ that facilitates movement of goods across their borders.

trade bloc

The process of teaching employees the skills necessary to perform a job is called ______.


Samantha received a 4 out of 5 on the "willingness to take responsibility" item during her annual performance appraisal. It appears her organization is using ______ type of performance appraisals.


Trevor receives a positive performance review because his manager thinks that clients enjoy working with such a handsome man. It appears Trevor's organization is using ______ type of performance appraisals.


Kevin is reviewing past revenues and relating changes in those revenues to the future need for hiring. This ______ will allow him to create a predictive chart.

trend analysis

In the video, Katherine Mount suggests that performance management should be a(n) ______ process.

two way

In the video "Hofstede's Cultural Framework," the speaker describes high reliability organizations in which there can be no failure and in which it is important that people know exactly what they are supposed to do. Such an organization would likely be high on the ______ dimension of cultural diversity.

uncertainty avoidance

Employees get nervous and stressed when changes are made.

uncertainty avoidance (high vs. low)

In the video, Katherine Mount states performance management helps identify ______ early, so training can be given to improve efficiencies.


The extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure is called ______.


Bradley enjoys working weekends because he is paid a shift differential. This money is the ______ part of the compensation system.

wage & salary add-ons

I like working nights because it pays more.

wage & salary add-ons

In the video "HRM in Action: Compensation Management," workers ask whether they can receive double pay when they work more than 60 hr per week. This double time pay would be considered ______.

wage & salary add-ons

______ occurs when new employees require higher starting pay than the historical norm, causing narrowing of the pay gap between experienced and new employees.

wage compression

An employee was fatally crushed by a machine at a factory. There had been two OSHA inspections prompted by worker complaints but the organization had not changed conditions or added basic safety precautions. OSHA's investigation revealed that the organization knew that a hazardous condition existed but made no effort to eliminate the hazard. This was a(n) ______ violation.


To get a job as a report typist at Acme Global, Michael had to type a report. His work was assessed on speed and accuracy. In other words, Michael took a(n) ______ test.

work sample

______ deals with the physical protection of people from injury or illness while on the job.

workplace safety

In the video, what are stated as the first two hurdles for acquiring a job in law enforcement?

written examination and an agility test

Do I have to tell my supervisor I just got hurt? I don't want him to be mad at me for making him do all the paperwork.


Do I have to wear this back brace? It is heavy and uncomfortable, and I can't move as well with it on.


Does OSHA require us to inform and train employees about existing hazards in the workplace?


Does OSHA require us to keep records of work-related injuries or illnesses?


If I see hazardous conditions, does OSHA state that I have to tell my supervisor?


Is it OK to object to the time frame for correction of discrepancies of OSHA standards?


Is it OK to take some notes during the OSHA inspection?


Is it permissible to ask the inspector the reason for the inspection?


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