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Which of the following is an incorrect statement about leader-member exchange (LMX) theory? a. High-quality LMX relationships involve an active dislike between the leader and member. b. In high-quality LMX relationships, the leader has a trust-based relationship with the member. c. In high-quality LMX relationships, both leader and member go above and beyond their job descriptions to assist the other party in succeeding. d. In low-quality LMX relationships, the leader does his job and the member does his.

a. High-quality LMX relationships involve an active dislike between the leader and member.

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of group decision making? a. Group decisions generally outperform that of the best individual member, so the group process becomes the primary source of decisions. b. Groups in the decision-making process can suffer from coordination issues. c. Groups can suffer from the tendency to avoid critically evaluating ideas the group favors. d. Group decision making takes longer than individual decision making.

a. Group decisions generally outperform that of the best individual member, so the group process becomes the primary source of decisions.

Which of the following statements about job enlargement is not true? a. Job enlargement involving giving employees more tasks requiring them to be knowledgeable in different areas has fewer positive effects than job enlargement adding tasks that are very simple in nature. b. When jobs are enlarged, employees view themselves as more capable. c. Job enlargement is beneficial because it is positively related to higher quality customer service. d. The intent behind job enlargement is to increase the variety of tasks to be performed so that boredom is reduced and human resources are used effectively.

a. Job enlargement involving giving employees more tasks requiring them to be knowledgeable in different areas has fewer positive effects than job enlargement adding tasks that are very simple in nature.

Which of the following statements about work attitude causes is false? a. Job satisfaction is purely environmental. b. Person/job fit is positively related to job satisfaction. c. Psychological contract breach leads to low job satisfaction. d. Organizational justice is positively related to job satisfaction

a. Job satisfaction is purely environmental.

Gina dresses like her supervisor, uses the same expressions, and has also taken up golf, her boss's favorite sport. Gina's supervisor has _____ power. a. Referent b. Legitimate c. Reward d. Expert e. Information

a. Referent

Which of the following statements regarding the rational decision-making model is incorrect? a. The decision maker should generate alternatives before establishing criteria so that he can choose the option that makes him "feel" the best. b. The decision maker should make certain to clearly identify the problem before undertaking any other step. c. Successful managers tend to be clear on what they want at the outset of the decision making process. d. One research study indicated that no alternative generation occurred in 85% of the decisions examined.

a. The decision maker should generate alternatives before establishing criteria so that he can choose the option that makes him "feel" the best.

Driving home from an auto repair shop, you find that the repair you just paid for wasn't done properly. Which of the following would increase your tendency to blame the mechanic's error on internal attribution factors? a. This mechanic has done poor repairs on your car twice before. b. You had authorized the mechanic to use reconditioned parts instead of new ones. c. When you picked up the car, the shop manager said that the mechanic had gone home early because he was injured on the job. d. Several friends told you that this mechanic was excellent. e. You have never had a car repair done right the first time by any mechanic.

a. This mechanic has done poor repairs on your car twice before.

In order to increase the feedback you receive, do all of the following but a. avoid asking your superior for feedback. Managers will look less favorably upon you if you continually bother them for feedback. b. develop a positive relationship with your manager. c. graciously receive the feedback. d. be genuine in your desire to learn.

a. avoid asking your superior for feedback. Managers will look less favorably upon you if you continually bother them for feedback.

Mike was playing video games. His mother came downstairs and said, "Mike, your room is a mess. I want you to go upstairs right now and clean it up or you will not be able to go out on Saturday." Mike wanted to finish his game but saved it instead and went to clean his room. Mike has responded to Mom's influence attempt with Choose one answer. a. compliance. b. resistance. c. commitment. d. exchange.

a. compliance.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory of motivation a. suggests once basic needs are satisfied, higher order needs become motivators. b. enjoys strong research support. c. is a systematic approach managers can utilize to explain the similar needs employees have at any given time and the similar reactions of employees to similar treatment. d. was developed based on Maslow's observations of individual employees in a variety of workplace settings.

a. suggests once basic needs are satisfied, higher order needs become motivators.

If jobs are boring and repetitive or tasks are stressful, the ________ style of leadership is most effective. a. supportive b. achievement oriented c. directive d. participative

a. supportive

The bounded rationality model should be used to make decisions when a. the minimum criteria are clear. b. the decision is important. c. there is time pressure. d. new solutions need to be generated.

a. the minimum criteria are clear.

Jennifer has to decide which of two job offers she is going to choose. She begins her process by listing the key criteria she is looking for in a job including salary level, location, promotional opportunities, and so on. She then takes each job offer letter and carefully goes through each line assessing the offer in relationship to the criteria she has established. Jennifer is using which of decision-making model to choose her job? a. the rational decision-making model b. the creative decision-making model c. the intuitive decision-making model d. the programmed decision-making model

a. the rational decision-making model

Which of the following statements regarding leader-member exchange relationships is incorrect? a. A problem with a low-quality exchange relationship is that employees may not have access to a positive work environment. b. All employees would like to have a positive relationship with their leader. c. If a leader is unethical, employees may not want to have a relationship so as not to suffer from guilt by association. d. When high LMX employees succeed, leaders credit the efforts they put forward and their high level abilities.

b. All employees would like to have a positive relationship with their leader.

Which of the following statements regarding the Milgram experiment on conformity to authority is incorrect? a. Participants believed they were engaged in an experiment on learning. b. Over half of the participants refused to shock the learner at very high voltage levels regardless of the encouragement to do so provided by the experimenter. c. Learners were confederates who pretended to be hurt by the shock but were really not hurt at all. d. The researcher/experimenter's role was very important in obtaining group compliance with the experiment procedures/guidelines.

b. Over half of the participants refused to shock the learner at very high voltage levels regardless of the encouragement to do so provided by the experimenter.

Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is incorrect? a. Self-efficacy is job specific. b. People with high self-efficacy tend to procrastinate. c. Self-efficacy is related to job performance. d. Training people to increase their self-efficacy can be effective.

b. People with high self-efficacy tend to procrastinate.

The availability of too much information leading to more and more time being spent on gathering information and thinking about it, resulting in no decisions being made is a. satisficing. b. analysis paralysis. c. wildstorming. d. anchoring.

b. analysis paralysis.

A movie called the "Money Pit" starring Tom Hanks and Shelley Long focused on the couple buying a house and continually having to spend money repairing one part of it after another. A number of times they should have sold the house, but they kept thinking that if they did just one more thing, the house would be great. This is situation is an example of what decision-making trap? a. anchoring b. escalation of commitment c. framing bias d. overconfidence bias

b. escalation of commitment

Giving students a free mug, t-shirt, or blanket just for getting their names on a mailing list at an organization is an example of the ____________ influence tactic. Research suggests individuals try to repay what has been given them. a. ingratiation b. exchange c. pressure d. personal appeal

b. exchange

When an incomplete figure appears on a sheet of paper, we are able to discern the entire figure because we a. have selective perception. b. extrapolate from the information available to us. c. visualize items in isolation. d. perceive our environment objectively.

b. extrapolate from the information available to us.

Jien has the ability to control his emotions in multiple situations and has empathy for others; he is internally motivated and has many admirable social skills. Jien has a. high mental intelligence. b. high emotional intelligence. c. low mental intelligence. d. low emotional intelligence.

b. high emotional intelligence.

Workforce satisfaction is related to all the following outcomes except a. greater customer loyalty. b. more absenteeism. c. higher profitability. d. fewer accidents in the workplace.

b. more absenteeism.

Research on equity theory suggests a. those who perceive inequity increase their work performance. b. those who feel over-rewarded experience little distress over the situation. c. those who feel over-rewarded experience guilt over the situation. d. those who perceive inequity encourage their fellow coworkers to work less hard.

b. those who feel over-rewarded experience little distress over the situation.

Research on turnover indicates which of the following statements is false? a. Unhappy employees are more likely to leave than those who are satisfied with the organization. b. Poor work attitudes cause intentions to leave, which often causes actually leaving the company. c. All turnover is bad for an organization. d. Agreeable and conscientious people are less likely to quit their jobs.

c. All turnover is bad for an organization.

All of the following scenarios are likely to produce strong citizenship behaviors except a. Maria is an agreeable, conscientious employee of a large conglomerate. b. Randall's boss is extremely family-oriented and recently allowed him to leave work early to attend his son's after-school soccer game. c. Horatio is a young engineer with negative affectivity. d. Jennifer is a devoted employee who is happy at her work.

c. Horatio is a young engineer with negative affectivity.

Which of the following statements regarding House's path-goal theory of leadership is incorrect? a. The role of the leader in the path-goal theory is to remove roadblocks and create a motivational environment for workers. b. Each leadership style identified in the path-goal theory is effective depending on the employee characteristics and those of the work environment. c. House's path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation. d. Leaders can create high performing employees by making sure employee effort leads to performance and that performance is rewarded with desired rewards.

c. House's path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation.

Which of the statements regarding research on House's path-goal theory is correct? a. House's theory suggests that the leader's style is fixed and the environment changes. b. The theory has been fully tested and verified. c. The theory's greatest contribution is the importance of the leader's ability to change styles depending on the circumstances. d. House's theory is based upon goal-setting theory.

c. The theory's greatest contribution is the importance of the leader's ability to change styles depending on the circumstances.

Which of the following statements regarding work attitudes and job performance is false? a. Work attitudes are more strongly related to organizational citizenship behaviors than they are to job performance. b. Just because you want to perform better does not mean you actually will perform better. c. Workforce satisfaction has no impact on profitability. d. People who are happy at work are more satisfied in their overall life too.

c. Workforce satisfaction has no impact on profitability.

Downward influence is best achieved through a. citing the firm's goals. b. forming alliances. c. an inspiring vision. d. forming support networks.

c. an inspiring vision.

According to the formula for the motivating potential score of a job, the most important elements in deciding motivation potential are a. skill variety and autonomy. b. task significance and task identity. c. autonomy and feedback. d. skill variety and feedback.

c. autonomy and feedback.

Key elements of the scientific management philosophy include all of the following except a. using training and specific instructions to minimize the number of workers needed on jobs. b. minimizing waste by identifying the most efficient method to perform the job. c. expanding the nature of tasks performed by employees to add more variety to the job. d. breaking down jobs into their simplest components to facilitate specialization.

c. expanding the nature of tasks performed by employees to add more variety to the job.

Research findings of leader behaviors suggest a. when leaders are task oriented, employees are more satisfied. b. task oriented behaviors tend to be more effective in large companies. c. extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees. d. employees who work under people oriented leaders are more productive.

c. extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees.

The Teach for America representative faced the group of college students and asked, "Do you want to make a difference in this world? Do you want to give back for all the good things you have had happen to you over your lifetime? Do you want to help a child have a chance, a chance like yours? Then, won't you consider giving just nine months of your life to make a difference? Consider joining me and thousands of your peers in leading this country in a new direction by taking part in Teach for America." The representative is using the _______________ influence tactic. a. rational persuasion b. personal appeal c. inspirational appeal d. pressure

c. inspirational appeal

Which decision-making model would you use when your goals are unclear, there is time pressure, and you have experience with the problem? a. the rational decision making model b. bounded rational model c. intuitive decision making model d. creative decision making model

c. intuitive decision making model

Your posture, hand gestures, and eye contact are all examples of what aspect of impression management? a. behavior b. verbal c. nonverbal d. personality

c. nonverbal

The collaborative work environment at Trader Joe's satisfies which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? a. safety b. self-actualization c. social d. physiological

c. social

The advantages of group decision making over individual decision making include all of the following except a. the decision is more creative. b. the decision-making process is more enjoyable. c. the decision-making process is more efficient. d. the implementation of the decision is easier.

c. the decision-making process is more efficient.

Most research on leadership has been conducted on which of the following contingency theories of leadership? a. Fieldler's contingency theory b. House's path-goal theory c. transformational leadership theory d. authentic leadership theory

c. transformational leadership theory

In class, we discussed a personality dimension not yet apart of the "Big Five." What is this trait? a. Agreeableness b. Proactive personality c. Openness to experience d. Honesty-humility e. Conscientiousness

d. Honesty-humility

The simple premise of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is a. more than one human need operates at one time. b. work environment aspects that satisfy an individual are very different than those aspects which dissatisfy an individual. c. individuals acquire three types of needs as a result of their life experiences. d. human beings have needs that are hierarchically ranked.

d. human beings have needs that are hierarchically ranked.

A professor determines what students will study, what assignments they will complete, and what standards they must reach in order to pass due to _________ power. a. coercive b. referent c. reward d. legitimate

d. legitimate

A number of weight loss products advertised on television feature doctors who note the safety and effectiveness of the product. This approach to convincing viewers to purchase the product is an example of the _______________ influence tactic. a. inspirational appeal b. personal appeal c. pressure d. legitimating e. exchange

d. legitimating

The information system department's employees are highly skilled individuals who possess a very internal locus of control. The firm is looking to hire a manager for the department to replace the retiring manager. What type of leadership style would likely be most effective with this group? a. supportive b. achievement-oriented c. directive d. participative

d. participative

Which of the following is not a core job characteristic in the Hackman and Oldham job characteristics model? a. skill variety b. task significance c. feedback d. pay

d. pay

Research on the interactionist perspective suggests a. there is a consistent positive relationship between person/organization fit and job performance. b. if there is a misfit between an individual and the organization, there are no extenuating circumstances that eliminate its impact. c. organization culture is equally important to all individuals. d. people who fit into their organization tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.

d. people who fit into their organization tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.

All of the following are actions those who perceive inequity can undertake to "balance the scales" except a. steal. b. begin to arrive at work late. c. quit. d. produce higher quality work.

d. produce higher quality work.

If the goal of your decision making is to make the optimum decision or make the best choice, you should utilize a. the bounded rationality model of decision making. b. the intuitive decision-making model. c. the creative decision-making model. d. the rational decision making model.

d. the rational decision making model.

In which scenario would directive leadership be most effective? a. when employees have low role ambiguity b. when employees have high abilities c. when employees have an internal locus of control d. when employees have an external locus of control

d. when employees have an external locus of control

Marc has been told to create a way for his company to achieve maximum exposure to its customers at the lowest possible cost. Marc worked on the project for a while, doing research and looking at what other companies had done. Then he put the project on the back of his desk for a couple of days while dealt with some routine paperwork. Which period of the creative process is Marc experiencing? a. Verification b. Delineation c. Insight d. Preparation e. Incubation

e. Incubation

Dana's boss uses verbal reprimands and public criticism to force compliance from Dana and her coworkers. This is a form of ___ power. a. expert b. reward c. legitimate d. information e. coercive

e. coercive

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