MGT Unit 2 Test

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______ is the phenomenon that occurs in decision making when group members avoid disagreement as they strive for consensus.


______ training is designed to introduce new employees to their jobs and the company, and to familiarize them with policies, procedures, culture, and the like.


is helping dismissed workers find employment elsewhere


is that employees are normally exempt from overtime pay if they have considerable discretion in how they carry out their jobs.

A provision of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act

The _________ prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, sex, color, national origin, and religion.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

take careful, calculated risks and are not afraid to act on those decisions.


_______ is the pursuit of lucrative opportunities by enterprising individuals under conditions of uncertainty.


______ is an entrepreneurial alliance between an innovator who has created at least one successful store and wants to grow and a partner who manages a new store of the same type in a new location.


_____ offer a way for a business to raise capital through federally registered and underwritten sales of shares in a company.

Initial public stock offerings

When working for a software company, and because Tomas is a(n) ________, he created a new venture based solely on his idea while using his company's proprietary technology.


allows differences in pay in the case of a seniority system or merit system.

The Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963

ensuring the availability of the right number and types of people.

The planning stage involves

In a(n) _____ organization, important decisions usually are made at the top.


_____ is the expectation that employees will perform a job, take corrective action when necessary, and report upward on the status and quality of their performance.


Managers who use the method of optimizing to make their decisions will attempt to choose

an alternative that achieves the best possible balance among several goals

Pete, a human resource intern, was given an assignment by his manager that meant he must obtain information from other departments to complete it, but some departments refused to share information with an intern. Pete was frustrated because he did not have the power to get the information he needed. In the context of this situation, Pete's manager made the mistake of...

assigning responsibility without delegating adequate authority.

When organizations have more people than they need, they can use _____ to reduce the surplus if they have planned far enough in advance.


In the context of delegation, a problem faced by a subordinate in carrying out a delegated task is...

being given more responsibility than authority.

The psychological bias known as illusion of control refers to a

belief that one can influence events even when one has no influence over what will happen.

EatWell Inc., a chain of sub shops, periodically compares the quality of its food and service with its competitors in order to continually improve its performance. This corporate strategy is known as... AND The goal of _________ is to thoroughly understand the "best practices" of other firms and to undertake actions to achieve better performance and lower costs.


a group is encouraged to say anything that comes to mind, except to criticize other people.


A(n) _____ describes all the elements involved in starting a new venture.

business plan

An advantage of delegation is that it...

conserves managers' most valuable asset—their time.

Trident Sports Inc. manufactures and distributes athletic wear, sporting equipment, and protective sports gear worldwide. They are departmentalized based on products sold to professional athletes, products sold to people who pursue sports only for leisure, and products sold to sports teams. Which approach to departmentalization does the company follow?


In _____ organizations, more decisions are made at lower levels of management.


In the context of common management challenges, leadership deteriorates into micromanagement when entrepreneurs fail to

delegate work

in the context of the planning process, ___________ are the targets or ends a manager wants to reach.


A company has developed a new cell phone that will be targeted at developing countries. It is estimated that the demand for the new product will initially be slow but would accelerate gradually as the product becomes increasingly familiar to worldwide consumers. In order to determine the number of workers necessary to staff the new production facilities, the company needs to conduct a(n)

demand forecast

When a software company developed a new phone, it determined how many production and marketing employees would be required for the launch. The company was involved in

demand forecasting

In an effort to combat groupthink and an overall lack of creativity, the group leader assigned Lucy the job of criticizing ideas, for the sake of argument, throughout the meeting. Lucy is playing the role of a

devil's advocate

_______ training focuses on identifying and reducing hidden biases against people with differences and developing the skills needed to manage.


Five executives attended a meeting that was being held at the company. A decision needed to be made about the following year's marketing campaign. Sam, an outspoken and aggressive person, insisted that his ideas be followed because there could not be a better alternative. No one else contributed to the discussion, and Sam's views were accepted. This group discussion suffered from...


_____ is the legal concept that an employee can be terminated for any reason.


The final stage in the human resources planning process involves

evaluating the activities conducted to ensure that they are producing the desired results.

In the context of the vertical structure of a firm, a wide span of control builds a _____ organization with few reporting levels.


Managers must _____ the supply of labor, which refers to how many and what types of employees are available.


______ is an entrepreneurial alliance between an innovator who has created at least one successful store and wants to grow and a partner who manages a new store of the same type in a new location.


As vice president of human resources at Lodge Corporation, Paul enjoys working alongside his peer vice presidents, largely because they all have different skills and all manage different parts of the organization, including research, engineering, production, construction, procurement, and finance. Lodge Corporation is a(n) _____________ organization.


In a _____ organization, jobs (and departments) are specialized and grouped as production, marketing, human resources, research and development, finance, accounting, and so forth based on the skills they require.


In the context of incentive systems, _____ reward employees for increasing productivity or saving money in areas under their direct control.

gainsharing plans

__________ is a structure authority directly related to the three broad levels of the organizational pyramid.


Adriana is seeking investors for her start-up firm to develop robotic rovers to collect and analyze dust samples from the surface of the planet Mercury. According to the entrepreneurial strategy matrix, Adriana's business can be described as

high innovation/high risk

In the context of the entrepreneurial strategy matrix, a novel product idea that involves a large financial investment would be described as

high innovation/high risk

_____ plays a vital strategic role as companies attempt to compete through people.

human resource management

The manager of a restaurant noticed that the number of customers in the evening was decreasing. She promptly ordered the chef to revise the evening menu. Later, customer feedback indicated that the problem was not the menu but poor service from the waitstaff. The manager's decision to have the menu revised suggests that she failed to

identify and diagnose the problem

The programming stage involves

implementing specific activities like recruitment.

An advantage of a structured interview is that it

is more likely to be free of bias and stereotypes.

________ is a system that calls for subassemblies and components to be manufactured in very small lots and delivered to the next stage of the production process as they are needed.


__________ strives to achieve the highest possible productivity and total quality, cost-effectively, by eliminating unnecessary steps in the production process and continually striving for improvement.

lean manufacturing

In the context of horizontal structure of a firm, _____ are those that have responsibility for the principal activities of the firm.

line departments

is composed of dual reporting relationships in which some employees report to two superiors.

matrix management

A _____ is composed of temporary arrangements among members that can be assembled and reassembled to meet a changing competitive environment.

modular network

____ is an analysis identifying the jobs, people, and departments for which training is necessary.

needs assessment

there is __________ in this class. it is optional to take it to replace one of the first three test grades but the fourth test cannot be made up.

no final

apply a SWOT analysis to TXST, what is a thraet the university faces today?

offering online courses

The organization chart depicts the...

positions in the firm and the way they are arranged.

Illusion of control, discounting the future, and framing effects are examples of

psychological biasas

is the development of a pool of applicants for jobs in an organization.


In the context of a firm's vertical structure, a powerful trend for U.S. businesses over the past few decades has been to...

reduce the number of hierarchical layers.

Sip Well Corp. had focused only on alcoholic beverages for the last two decades. Now, as part of a(n) _____________ strategy, the company is considering entering the soft drink market.

related diversification

In managerial decision making, when one can estimate the likelihood of various consequences but still does not know with certainty what will happen, he or she is facing


A plan to integrate employees into a new payroll system, assuming that it is not likely to be repeated in the foreseeable future, is an example of a ___________ plan.


______ use(s) statistical tools to analyze the causes of product defects.

six sigma quality

Blanche works as a respected senior engineer for a large manufacturer of pharmaceutical process equipment. Several researchers within the company have discovered an innovative way to repackage pharmaceutical drugs. The company has given Blanche the opportunity and responsibility to lead a fully funded project team for 12 months to develop this idea. She is excited to lead this ______________ team.


Fred's boss told him, "This one-year confidential project is a great intrapreneurial opportunity for you. You will be teamed with some of the best minds in the company and you and your team members will earn a significant reward if you develop the proposed new, innovative product. And, on top of that, I'll hold your current job open for you if you decide that you want it after the project is over. Not many professionals have an opportunity to work on a(n) ____________ as I've described. Congratulations!"


_____ is a way of managing in which everyone is committed to continuous improvement of his or her part of the operation.

total quality management

The level of planning involving the longest time horizon, usually ranging from three to seven years, is ________ planning.


In the context of successful business models for e-commerce, the _____ model involves charging monthly or annual fees for website visits or access to website content.


should be conducted by the immediate superior.

termination interview

is to describe the skills and knowledge needed.

the function of a job analysis

The three basic employee benefits required by law are

worker's compensation, Social Security, and unemployment insurance.

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