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Displayed emotions

may differ from felt emotions. can affect other people's reactions. convey messages to nearby people.

Research has shown that affirmative action programs

negatively impact the people they are designed to help.

Which personality trait has the strongest and most positive effect on performance?


Kelley hypothesized that people make causal attributions by observing three dimensions of behavior called

consensus or concensus distinctiveness or distictiveness consistency

A person who ___________ is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and effects environmental change.

has a proactive personality

Any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness are examples of

implicit cognition.

the option in Thomas' framework has the goal to either increase or decrease the number of diverse people at all levels of the firm.

include/ exclude

Which generic action option is an outgrowth of affirmative action programs and attempts to either increase or decrease the number of diverse people throughout an organization?


The term ______ is used to collectively describe people's traits and behaviors that are influenced by genetics and environment.

individual differences

When considering attribution theory, managers should remember that we tend to attribute behavior to _____ causes


Reasons for managing diversity go beyond its _____, ____ or _____ dimensions.

social legal moral

An individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics and attributes of a group is called a:


Causal attributions refer to

suspected causes of behavior.

Psychological Safety

the extent to which people feel comfortable to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences

A word of caution about using personality tests is to be sure

to use properly trained employees to administer tests or analyze results.

Ethnocentrism is based on the feeling that our cultural rules and norms are superior to or more appropriate than the rules and norms of another culture.


In the self-serving bias, employees attribute their success to controllable internal factors and their failures to uncontrollable external factors.


Linguistic intelligence is the potential to learn and use spoken and written languages.



The process of becoming consciously aware of someone or something


The statistical measurements of populations and their qualities (such as age, race, gender, or income) over time

The combination of stable physical, behavioral and mental characteristics that give individuals their unique identities is called:


elements of emotional intelligence

relationship management self-management self-awareness social-awareness

Affirmative action

*Can refer to both voluntary and mandatory programs. *Does not legitimize quotas. Quotas are illegal and can be imposed only by judges who conclude that a company has engaged in discriminatory practices. *Does not require companies to hire unqualified people. *Has created tremendous opportunities for women and minorities. *Does not foster the type of thinking needed to manage diversity effectively.

stages of social perception in order

1. Selective attention/comprehension 2. Encoding and simplification 3. Storage and retention 4. retrieval and response

Select all the leaders who are perceived as introverts.

Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Mark Zuckerberg

The organizational dimensions of diversity include all of the following except


Which of the following characterize people with proactive personalities?

They are able to take more control of their jobs. They are more satisfied in their retirement. They increase the supportiveness of their supervisors

Which of the following is true of stereotypes?

They are an individual's feelings about a group of people.

People with low self-esteem

deal with a lot of self-doubt.

The statistical measurements of populations and their qualities such as age, gender, race, and income over time are


Diversity applies to:


Select the Big Five Personality Dimensions.

openness to experience emotional stability agreeableness extroversion conscientiousness

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is not a law in and of itself. It is an outgrowth of equal employment opportunity (EEO) legislation. The goal of this legislation is to outlaw discrimination and to encourage organizations to proactively prevent discrimination. Discrimination occurs when employment decisions about an individual are based on reasons not associated with performance or related to the job. For example, organizations cannot legally discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, physical and mental disabilities, and pregnancy. Affirmative action is an intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past.

One's tendency to blame another person's behavior on that person's personal characteristics as opposed to situational influences is known as _ _ bias

Blank 1: fundamental or funadmental Blank 2: attribution or atribution

Stereotype Formation and Maintenance

Categorization. We categorize people into groups according to criteria (such as gender, age, race, and occupation). Inferences. Next, we infer that all people within a particular category possess the same traits or characteristics: women are nurturing, older people have more job-related accidents, African Americans are good athletes. Page 131 Expectations. We form expectations of others and interpret their behavior according to our stereotypes. Maintenance. We maintain stereotypes by: Overestimating the frequency of stereotypic behaviors exhibited by others. Incorrectly explaining expected and unexpected behaviors. Differentiating minority individuals from ourselves.

steps in the process of stereotyping.

Expectation Inferences Maintenance Categorization

Diversity refers to age, gender, and religion, but does not include personality.


Female entrepreneurs looking for funding for their start-ups have an easier time than their male counterparts in obtaining venture capital due to gender bias on the part of investors.


Perception is the process of becoming consciously aware of something or someone.

F: Attention is the process of becoming consciously aware of something or someone.

Self-esteem is a broad personality trait composed of self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability.

F: F; Core self-evaluations represent a broad personality trait comprised of four narrower and positive individual traits: generalized self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability.

There Is No "Ideal Employee" Personality

Given the complexity of today's work environments, the diversity of today's workforce, and recent research evidence, the quest for an ideal employee personality profile is sheer folly. Just as one shoe does not fit all people, one personality profile does not fit all job situations. Good managers take the time to get to know each employee's unique combination of personality traits, abilities, and potential and to create a productive and satisfying person-job fit. In other words, a contingency approach to managing people is best (recall the discussion of contingency in Chapter 1).

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

Greater level of teamwork Increased creativity Ability to apply positive emotions to work


Having a grandiose sense of self-importance; requiring or even demanding excessive admiration; having a sense of entitlement; lacking empathy; and tending to be exploitative, manipulative, and arrogant

Which of the following are true of personality? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. It is comprised of constantly changing characteristics. It results from the interaction of genes and the environment. It is stable across situations. It combines characteristics that give people unique identities.

It results from the interaction of genes and the environment. It is stable across situations. It combines characteristics that give people unique identities.

barriers to implementing successful diversity programs.

Negative diversity climate Unsupportive or hostile work environment Poor career planning

In early 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed President Trump's ban on transgender persons in the military to proceed, which meant that most transgender persons were disqualified from military service.


Which of the following are methods that have been used by major corporations to respond to issues regarding sexual orientation and transgender rights?

assisting with taxes imposed on same-sex couples in states that did not recognize same-sex marriage offering transgender-inclusive health insurance maintaining an inclusive culture

Diversity Climate

a subcomponent of an organization's overall atmosphere as defined by employees' aggregate perceptions about the firms diversity related format structure characteristics and informal values.

Which emotions are considered goal incongruent?

anxiety jealousy guilt

The fundamental bias leads people to disregard environmental influences on behavior.


Implicit cognition results in

biased decisions occurring unwittingly.

Individual differences are determined by both genetics and environment. genetics only. neither genetics nor environment. environment only.

both genetics and environment.

Affirmative action programs _____.

can be voluntary or mandatory

People with high emotional stability

carry out more organizational citizenship behaviors.

attributions by observing three dimensions of behavior:

consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency

A broad personality trait comprised of four narrower and positive individual traits as components is called:

core self-evaluations

The statistical measurements of populations and their qualities, such as age, gender, race, and income over time are:


Characteristics of the perceiver include

direction of gaze. cognitive load. gender and emotional status.

Managing _______ helps maintain and grow an organization in an increasingly competitive marketplace.


The array of individual differences and similarities to be found among people represents:


"Individual differences" is a narrow category only used to describe the "Big Five" personality attributes.

F; "Individual differences" is a broad category used to collectively describe the vast number of attributes (e.g., traits and behaviors) that describe you as a person.

Intelligence cannot be modified or altered.

F; Research has shown that intelligence, like personality, can be altered or modified in a number of ways.


General belief about your self-worth

Which of the following outcomes are associated with higher levels of emotional stability?

Increased relaxation Increased likelihood of doing work beyond required job responsibilities Higher levels of job performance

Which of the following are true concerning implicit cognition?

It comes from people's memory. It happens without conscious awareness. It can lead to biased decisions.

Perception is influenced by three key components: the characteristics of the perceiver, of the target, and of the situation.


Emotions change over time and from situation to situation; therefore, they can be altered more easily.

T rue Emotions do change and influence many outcomes. See Figure 3.2, in which individual-level work outcomes are listed.

fundamental attribution bias

Tendency to attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics, rather than to situation factors

self-serving bias

Tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure

Rules that dictate which types of emotions are expected and appropriate at a given time are:

emotion display norms

You must be born with self-efficacy


One's tendency to blame another person's behavior on that person's personal characteristics as opposed to situational influences is known as

fundamental attribution

Select the components of core self-evaluations.

generalized self-efficacy emotional stability locus of control self esteem

When considering attribution theory, managers should remember that we tend to attribute behavior to causes.


The two forms of locus of control are

internal and external.

Which employee factors are important for managers to understand in order to create a productive and satisfying person-job fit?

potential personality traits abilities

Extroversion has been found to ______.

predict job performance better than agreeableness

Implicit cognition

represents any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness.


represents the multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people,

"Individual differences" is a narrow category only used to describe the "Big Five" personality attributes.


common barriers to implementing successful diversity programs.

Inaccurate stereotypes and prejudice. Mistaken perceptions manifest themselves in the belief that differences are weaknesses and that diversity hiring means sacrificing competence and quality. As a reporter for The Wall Street Journal noted, "Studies show that negative stereotypes about aging—for example, that older people inevitably grow less productive and more depressed—are as pervasive as they are inaccurate."85 Inaccurate stereotypes like this limit the promotability and job satisfaction of older workers. Ethnocentrism. The ethnocentrism barrier is based on the feeling that our cultural rules and norms are superior to or more appropriate than the rules and norms of another culture. Poor career planning. Lack of opportunities for diverse employees to get work assignments that qualify them for senior management positions can stunt careers. A negative diversity climate. We define organizational climate in Chapter 7 as employee perceptions about an organization's formal and informal policies, practices, and procedures. Diversity climate is a subcomponent of an organization's overall climate and is defined as the employees' aggregate "perceptions about the organization's diversity-related formal structure characteristics and informal values."86 Diversity climate is positive when employees view the organization as being fair to all types of employees, which promotes employee loyalty and overall firm performance.87 It also enhances psychological safety. Psychological safety reflects the extent to which people feel free to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences. As you might expect, psychological safety is positively associated with outcomes in the Organizing Framework like innovation.88 A hostile working environment for diverse employees. Hostile work environments are characterized by sexual, racial, and age harassment and can be in violation of Equal Employment Opportunity law, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.89 Whether perpetrated against women, men, older individuals, or LGBTQ people, hostile environments are demeaning, unethical, and appropriately called "work environment pollution." You certainly won't get employees' best work if they believe the work environment is hostile toward them. The Applying OB box highlights the companies recognized for creating a work environment supportive of Millennials.

Which of the following are true of personality?

It is stable across situations. It results from the interaction of genes and the environment. It combines characteristics that give people unique identities.

Which of the following are true considering managerial implications of attributional tendencies?

The role of internal causes of behavior is usually exaggerated. Attributional biases can lead to inappropriate managerial action and, subsequently, decreased employee motivation and performance. The way employees perform depends on the attributions they make for their performance.

Managerial Applications and Implications Attribution models can explain how managers handle poorly performing employees. One study revealed that managers gave employees more immediate, frequent, and negative feedback when they attributed their performance to low effort. Another indicates that managers tended to transfer employees whose poor performance they attributed to a lack of ability. These same managers also decided to take no immediate action when poor performance was attributed to external factors beyond an individual's control.37

These observations offer useful lessons for all of us: We tend to disproportionately attribute behavior to internal causes. This bias can result in inaccurate evaluations of performance, leading to reduced employee motivation. The Organizing Framework for Understanding and Applying OB offers a simple solution for overcoming this tendency. You must remind yourself that behavior and performance are functions of both person and situation factors . Other attributional biases may lead managers to take inappropriate actions. Such actions could include promotions, transfers, layoffs, and so forth. Inappropriate responses can dampen motivation and performance. An employee's attributions for his or her own performance have dramatic effects on motivation, performance, and personal attitudes such as self-esteem. For instance, people tend to give up, lower their expectations of future success, and experience decreased self-esteem when they attribute failure to lack of ability. Employees are more likely to display high performance and job satisfaction when they attribute success to internal factors such as ability and effort.38

An invisible barrier that restrains women from reaching higher-level positions is called the:

glass ceiling

The ______ _______ is an unseen barrier that stops women from advancing to higher-level positions.

glass ceiling

Diversity climate

is a subcomponent of an organization's overall climate and is defined as the employees' aggregate "perceptions about the organization's diversity-related formal structure characteristics and informal values.

Which of the following is not one of the basic dimensions of the Big Five personality dimensions?

locus of control

Managers can reduce the effect of stereotypes by

providing education about how stereotypes work.

Psychological safety

reflects the extent to which people feel free to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences.

narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism

These are referred to as the Dark Triad,43 but before saying any more, it is important to note at least the first two are considered clinically as personality disorders, which is not our interest here, but instead it is the prevalence and consequences at work that is our concern.

Check all of the following statements that are true of liking and fit.

They are not particularly beneficial for managers. They are not precise enough to have real value in management. Most people evaluate a person's personality by whether or not they like them.

Which statement best describes the results of research on the effectiveness of brain training games?

The evidence is inconclusive, but it suggests that the games are not effective.

How effective are brain training games at improving cognitive performance?

The evidence is inconclusive.

Which statement is true of emotion display norms in an organization?

They determine which emotions members should show in various situations.

The emotion of fear is usually


cognitive categories

groups of objects that are considered equivalent

Heider's attribution theory proposed that behavior can be attributed to either ___ factors, such as ability, or___ factors, such as a difficult task.

internal & external


is a cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.

Viewing personality in terms of liking and fit

is not an effective perspective for management.

People with proactive personalities

make efforts to change and improve things around them

The three components of perception include

perceiver. situation. target.

A cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings is called:


A person with a _______ personality is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who affects environmental change.


Which stage of social perception involves turning mental perceptions into real-world judgments and decisions?

retrieval and response

Anger is usually a _____ emotion.


How people feel about their chances of doing something successfully is known as


A person's general belief about his or her own self-worth is:


proactive personality

An attribute of someone relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change. Proactive people identify opportunities and act on them, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs


An individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group

How to Thrive as an Introvert Having an introverted personality is an individual difference that you, Larry Page, J. K. Rowling, Rosa Parks, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many other successful people share. Regardless of your own level of success, you can benefit from the advice of Russ Fujioka, entrepreneur and former president of the Americas for cloud accounting company Xero. Fujioka is a self-proclaimed and successful introvert.

Be self-aware. Be aware that introverts can be perceived as disinterested or aloof when they seem less engaged in conversations and social interactions. They may or may not be disinterested, of course, but are more likely to show it if they are. And in business situations, they must make the effort necessary to appear interested and force themselves to be engaged. Calibrate your intensity. When engaging others, especially groups of people or teams at work, try to push your personal intensity level to 10 on a 10-point scale. If you feel your volume, body language, and interactions are maxed out, realize that if you were an extrovert, you'd probably be playing at only 7 instead of 10. Your perception of intense and loud is lower than what others will perceive. (Soliciting feedback, which is discussed in Chapter 6, is a good way of calibrating your intensity.) Play to your strengths. Because engaging others is typically quite draining for introverts, it is a good idea to talk about and stick to topics you know and care about. This will enable you to naturally feel more energized and comfortable. Get team practice. Join a team. Whether you join a recreational sports team or a club of some sort, being a member will help you practice and become comfortable with interacting with others. If it is a non-work team, the pressure and stress of work won't be part of the experience, making it easier to engage. This will help build your skills for when they really count—at work!38

Which of the following are true concerning the search for employees with the right personality type?

Employers should try to find a fit for an employee's personality. There is no ideal personality profile. One personality does not fit all jobs.

Which statement about the prevalence of introversion is true

Everyone has some amount of introversion.

Match the personality dimension to its description.

Extroversion matches Choice, Outgoing, talkative, social, assertive Outgoing, talkative, social, assertive Agreeableness matches Choice, Trusting, good-natured, cooperative, softhearted Trusting, good-natured, cooperative, softhearted Conscientiousness matches Choice, Dependable, responsible, achievement oriented, persistent Dependable, responsible, achievement oriented, persistent Emotional Stability matches Choice, Relaxed, secure, unworried Relaxed, secure, unworried


Extroversion-Outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive Agreeableness-Trusting, good-natured, cooperative, softhearted Conscientiousness-Dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented, persistent Emotional stability-Relaxed, secure, unworried Openness to experience-Intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad-minded

Self-Efficacy Can Be Developed

Helpful nudges in the right direction from parents, role models, and mentors are central to the development of high self-efficacy. For example, a study of medical residents showed guidance and social support from their mentors improved the residents' clinical self-efficacy

Why do critics suggest that IQ tests are not a reliable predictor of performance?

IQ tests measure things taught in school rather than innate intelligence or ability.

The chart shows the environment/external context and the organizational/internal context. Within the organizational/internal context are the individual differences at work that impact work outcomes.

Important individual differences at work include (from relatively fixed to relatively flexible): Intelligence Cognitive abilities Personality Core self-evaluations (self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability) Attitudes Emotions Individual-level work outcomes include: Job performance Job satisfaction Turnover Organizational citizenship behaviors Counterproductive work behaviors

A relatively stable personality characteristic that describes how much personal responsibility you take for your behavior and its consequences is:

Locus of control

Which individual differences are universally considered undesirable

Machiavellianism narcissism psychopathy

Which individual differences are universally considered undesirable?

Machiavellianism narcissism psychopathy

Which of the following are true concerning the search for employees with the right personality type?

One personality does not fit all jobs. There is no ideal personality profile. Employers should try to find a fit for an employee's personality.

Low Self Esteam

People with low self-esteem view themselves in negative terms. They do not feel good about themselves and are hampered by self-doubts.65

Match the emotion to responses to achievement in your education.

Positive - Meeting the goal of graduating on time and doing it with honors. Negative - Frustration or failure to graduate on time. Mixed - Not graduating on time, but being offered a great job when you do.

Emotions as Positive or Negative Reactions to Goal Achievement You'll notice from the definition you can think of emotions, whether positive, negative, or mixed, in terms of your goals.

Positive. If your goal is to do well in school and you graduate on time and with honors, you are likely to experience positive emotions, such as joy, gratitude, pride, satisfaction, contentment, and relief. These emotions are positive because they are congruent (or consistent) with your goal. Negative. Negative emotions are triggered by frustration and failure to meet goals. They are said to be goal incongruent. Common negative emotions are anger, fright, anxiety, guilt, shame, sadness, envy, jealousy, and disgust. Which of these are you likely to experience if you fail the final exam in a required course? Failing would be incongruent with your goal of graduating on time with a good GPA. Typically, the more important the goal, the more intense the emotion. Mixed. Meeting or failing to meet our goals can also generate mixed emotions. Let's say you receive a well-earned promotion that brings with it positives—increased responsibility and higher pay—but only if you relocate to another state, which you don't want to do.


The combination of relatively stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identities

Narcissists are characterized as

(1) having a grandiose sense of self-importance; (2) requiring or even demanding excessive admiration; (3) having a sense of entitlement; (4) lacking empathy; and 5) tending to be exploitative, manipulative, and arrogant

Personality Testing at Work Personality testing is a commonly used tool for making decisions about hiring, training, and promotion. Roughly 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies use some form of pre-employment testing, including personality tests.53 A few of the major reasons organizations use such tests are:

1. Reduce time and cost of recruiting and hiring. 2. Reduce biases in the interview process. 3. Increase the pool of candidates (because such tests 4. can be administered electronically and remotely). 5. Complement candidate information found in resumes and interviews.


A person's belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task


A person's mental picture or summary of a particular event or type of stimulus

different steps of a stereotyping process

Categorization - Grouping criteria such as gender, age, race and occupationGrouping criteria such as gender, age, race and occupation Inferences - Assuming people in a certain category possess the same traitsAssuming people in a certain category possess the same traits Expectation - Interpreting people's behavior according to our expectationsInterpreting people's behavior according to our expectations Maintenance - Differentiating minority individuals from ourselvesDifferentiating minority individuals from ourselves

Model of Attribution

Consensus compares an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers. There is high consensus when someone acts like the rest of the group and low consensus when he or she acts differently. Distinctiveness compares a person's behavior on one task with his or her behavior on other tasks. High distinctiveness means the individual has performed the task in a significantly different manner than he or she has performed other tasks. Consistency judges whether the individual's performance on a given task is consistent over time. Low consistency is undesirable for obvious reasons and implies that a person is unable to perform a certain task at some standard level. High consistency implies that a person performs a certain task the same way, with little or no variation over time.

Which of the following behaviors have been shown by research to improve intelligence?

Constructive thinking Problem solving Reasoning

The Good and Bad of Anger at Work

Costs of Negative Emotions Growing research evidence confirms the suspected undesirable outcomes of negative emotions. For instance, managers need to be careful about generating feelings of shame and/or anger when giving feedback to employees because these particular emotions have been linked to counterproductive work behaviors such as abuse of others and theft.93 Unhappy Customers May Suffer Twice Customers' negative emotional displays, such as verbal aggression, have been shown to negatively affect employee job performance. Specifically, receivers of the aggression made more mistakes recalling and processing the customers' complaints.94 You may want to think twice before venting on a customer service representative. What About the Benefits of Anger? Expressing your anger sometimes can actually help solve the problem. Your message is communicated, though forcefully, which can lead to better understanding. Displays of anger are more likely to be beneficial if they are directed at organizational issues and problems instead of at individuals. Being angry at the problem rather than the person is likely to be perceived more constructively and less defensively.

emotional intelligence

Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship management

Stages of Social Perception

Stage 1: Selective attention/comprehension Stage 2: Encoding and simplification Stage 3: Storage and retention Stage 4: Retrieval and response

emotional intelligence

The ability to monitor your own emotions and those of others, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions

At a certain level emotional stability becomes problematic.


Intelligence and mental abilities are related to performance


Narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism are _____.

all considered undesirable because they negatively affect outcomes

Which shape on a graph best represents the relationship between increasing emotional stability and outcomes?

an inverted-U

Emotional intelligence has been shown to

be associated with increased well-being and satisfaction

The ability to monitor your own emotions and those of others, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is:

emotional intelligence

Complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target such as a person, information, experience, event, or nonevent are:


The ways managers can work to reduce stereotyping include:

encouraging employees to increase their awareness of stereotypes creating opportunities for diverse employees to work together as equals educating employees about how stereotypes influence behavior

Personality testing at the workplace

should be scientifically proven to work for its intended use.

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