M.H. Final Exam Review

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Evil Eye

People from Puerto Rico may place a bracelet on the wrist of a baby to ward off:


People with this worldview may be reluctant to complete an advance directive because of concerns about isolating this person or offending other relatives.

Public Health Nurses

Promotores are also known as all of the following except:

Medication Doses

Religious beliefs significantly influence all of the following practices except:


The process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group.


The second leading cause of death for American Indians and Alaskan Natives between the ages of 10 and 34 is:

Cultural Ethnocentricity

When a person believes that his or her culture is superior to another one it is called:


A person in the United States who speaks only German and lives in a German neighborhood.


A person's physical characteristics and/or genetic or biological makeup is called:


A popular form of Latino mass media.


American Indian and Alaskan Native populations are twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites of similar age to have:

Be aware of superstitions and their impact

American Indian tradition indulges children rather than punish them.

Caring for only those from their tribe

American Indians and Alaskan Natives believe in all the following except:


American Indians arrived in North America about _____________ years ago.

Fate vs. Free Will

Locus of control refers to:

All of these

Many Asian immigrants were discriminated against and efforts were made to stop their entry. Which of the following religions affect the Asian population in the United States?

The female is under 16 years of age

Many religions approve of abortion under certain circumstances. These generally include all of the following except:

Voluntarily to prosper economically

Most Asians came to the United States:

All of these

Adverse behaviors that particularly affect the African American community are:


African American infant mortality is _____ as high as for non-Hispanic whites.


African Americans 13 years of age and older represent about 13% of the general population but represent what percent of HIV/AIDS infections?


African Americans have a very low rate of suicide compared to non-Hispanic whites. However, African American women have a suicide rate of only _____ percent compared to African American men.

Germ Theory

The development of the Scientific Method contributed to:


The ethical principle concerned with a person's right to self-determination and informed consent in health care.


The ethical principle that people should be treated equally and fairly.

Hispanic Paradox

The fact that most recent Hispanic immigrants have better health than more affluent people residing in the U.S. for a longer time is referred to as:

Indian Health Service

The federal agency responsible by treaty to provide services to the American Indian and Alaskan Native populations is:


The federal government recognizes about how many languages spoken by about 500,000 American Indians and Alaskan Natives?

American Evaluation Association

The five guiding principles for quality standards of practice for the evaluation profession, (1) systematic inquiry, (2) competence, (3) integrity/honesty, (4) respect for people, and (5) responsibilities for general and public welfare, have been developed by this agency.


The four rings in the Purnell model do not include:

Cultural Relativism

The idea that all cultures are of equal value and need to be studied from a neutral point of view.


The largest subgroup of Hispanics in the United States is:

Heart disease

The leading cause of death among African American women is:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

The legislation that prohibits federally funded programs from discriminating on the basis of race, color, or national origin.

Health Belief Program

The model developed by the U.S. Public Health Service to explain the lack of public participation in health screening and prevention programs.


The number of federally recognized Indian tribes is ___________.

Affordable Care Act

The self-reliance as part of the European culture can be traced into:


The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence that determines the person's destiny.


The vital force in Chinese medicine.


The vital force in ayurvedic medicine.


The worldview of American Indians and Alaskan Natives can be considered:Used by American Indians for healing and balancing, this is considered a good way to clean one's body of illness or disease.


The worldview of many Asian Americans involves the circular, cyclical pattern of existence.


The worldview of the Hispanics can be characterized as:


The worldview that conflict should be avoided.

Germ Thoery

Theory of illness wherein it is thought that microorganisms cause disease.

All of these

This is often helpful in health care because it:

Plants and herbs

Used by American Indians to help groups of people return to harmony, these are not used for individual healing.

Personalistic Theory

A belief of disease causation where it is thought illness is caused by misbehavior or intervention of a supernatural being.

Technological Supports

A psychological model that tries to predict health behaviors by analyzing individual beliefs The Health Belief model includes the following areas except:


A set of actions that are usually structured and have symbolic value or meaning.

Naturalistic Theory

A theory of disease causation where illness results from upset of the balance between the person and environment.


A traditional folk healer in Mexican traditions is known as:

Physical Movement

According to the Institute of Medicine, the five domains of health include all of the following except:

Ensure that all information is available in English

All of the following are appropriate health promotion practices for the Hispanic community except:

Eye Color

All of the following are characteristics of ethnicity except:

Cultural Indoctrination

All of the following are elements of Campinha-Bacote's Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Health Care Services model except:


All of the following are suggested health promotion practices for American Indians and Alaskan Natives except:


All of the following diseases are prevalent in the Hispanic community except:

Humoral Theory

An ancient theoretical belief that our bodies have four important fluids that must be balanced for health.


Another word for biomedical medicine.


Approximately how many Africans were brought to the United States as slaves?


Asians lead the nation in:


Being truthful and providing information that is necessary.

Trust in the Health Care system

Characteristics of the African American community include all of the following except:

Wind Illness

Coining, cupping, and pinching are used to treat many problems associated with this form of respiratory illness.

Peer education is very successful

Considerations for health promotion among the African American community should include all of the following except:

All of these

Considerations for health promotion for Asian Americans include all of the following except:


Cultural ___ occurs when cultural and systemic power differences are ignored.

Accuracy, consistency, and reliability

Effective health communication requires which of the following attributes?

All of these

Factors contributing to poor health outcomes among African Americans include:

More than 50%

Health literacy is believed to be absent in this percent of the United States population.

Highest of all groups but declining like all other groups

Hispanic teen pregnancy rates are:

Higher than non-Hispanic whites

Hispanics have an obesity rate that is:


Home remedies are common among the African American community and can include all of the following except:


How many CLAS standards are there?

Naturalistic Theory

Humoral, ayurvedic, and vitalistic approaches are examples of:


In ayurvedic medicine there are _____ chankras.


In the Hispanic community, an illness that results from a frightful experience is known as:


In the Hispanic community, those who promote health in their own community are known as:


Leading causes of death in Asian Americans include all of the following except:

Advance Directives

Legal documents that enable a person to convey his or her decisions about end-of- life care ahead of time.

Socio-Economic Status

One of the most important predictors of health disparities is:

Interpersonal Distance

Proxemics is:

Healing ceremonies

Recent studies showed that the leading cause of death among American Indians and Alaskan Natives was:


The Afro-Caribbean religion knows as the "Way of the Saints."

Encourage them to abandon traditional traditions

The Asian balancing concepts of Yin and Yang permeate many aspects of life from religion to cooking. What does Yin generally represent?

14.7 million

The Asian population in the United States is about:


The European and Mediterranean population represents approximately what percent of the total U.S. population?


The Latin American belief that good and evil spirits can affect life, health, and luck.

Perceived Benefits

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model includes the following areas except:


The concept that a healthcare provider should do good for the patient.

Cultural Adaptation

The degree to which a person or community has adapted to the dominant culture and retained their traditional practices.

American Indians

What group uses the hallucinogenic peyote as part of their spiritual ceremonies?

Silent Birth

When a woman does not speak or make sounds when in labor.

It has addictive properties

Why is caffeine prohibited or restricted by many religions?


_____ is/are the thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, and social groups.


_____ people tend to have the most psychological problems and the highest stress levels.


_____ refers to personal character and what the individual believes is right or wrong conduct.

Sweat lodges

_______ are used by American Indians to purify the spirit and bring balance to people who are unhealthy in spirit, mind, or body.

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