Micro-chapter 5

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A membrane transport process that carries one substance in one direction and another in the opposite direction.

ABC transporters use the energy from ______ ______ to move solutes "uphill" against concentration gradients.

ATP hydrolysis

Which aspect of DNA organization does NOT occur in bacteria?

DNA is contained within a nuclear membrane

__________ is the outer leaflet of the outer membrane; lipid A and polysaccharide chains

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

The ___-____ is composed of proteins, and is highly porous but can prevent phagocytosis.

S layer

Which structure can export antibiotics?

TolC efflux complex

How is DNA most commonly arranged inside a bacterial cell?

a circular molecule with loops bound by DNA-binding proteins

_____ ________ are carrier proteins that use energy from ATP to transport solutes.

abc transports

______ transport moves nutrients against the concentration gradient, and requires energy.


______ and ______ are coupled transport systems in which energy released by moving an ion from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration is used to move a desired solute against its concentration gradient.

antiporters, symporters

The cell membrane, cell wall, and outer membrane (for gram-) make up the _______ _______.

cell envelope

Which part of the Gram-negative cell holds the ATP synthase?

cell membrane (inner)

Which cell component consists of a single macromolecule that surrounds the cell and protects it from osmotic shock?

cell wall

What is the process by which cells migrate towards nutrients?


Which process can occur ONLY after the bacterial DNA terminates replication?

completion of the septum to separate 2 daughter cells

_________ ________ facilitates transfer of DNA between cells.

conjugation (sex) pilus

_____ transport is the use of energy from one gradient to drive transport up another gradient.


Bacterial DNA is transcribed to RNA in the ______, often simultaneously with DNA replication.


The _____ of eukaryotic cells is composed of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.


Multidrug resistance is most often found in bacteria that contain which of the following?

efflux transporters

_______ and ______ mediate transport between the cell and the external environment and between organelles.

endocytosis, phagocytosis

Animals, plants, fungi and protist are examples of what kind of cells?


Which transport process would NOT require expenditure of energy?

facilitated diffusion of oxygen across a membrane

________ attach cells to surfaces.


Which statement does NOT describe bacterial motility?

flagella generate a whiplike motion powered by ATP

______ motility of bacteria involves rotary motion of helical flagella.


Aquatic bacteria that inflate/deflate for buoyancy are _______.

gas vesicles

Peptidoglycan consists of parallel polymers of disaccharides called ______ _______.

glycan chains

Eukaryotic cells

have a nucleus.

Which extracellular structure helps a bacterial cell attach to a substrate?


________ are membranous extensions of cytoplasm that secrete adhesion factors.


______ granules store polymers for energy. ______ granules store solid sulfur.

storage, sulfur

________ is a membrane transport process that carries two substances in the same direction across the membrane.


Archaea and bacteria are examples of what kind of cells?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the cell membrane or membrane-embedded proteins?

protein synthesis in the cytoplasm

_________ are proteins secreted by pathogens that bind iron more tightly than host cells.


Prokaryotic cells are ______ size.


Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. The distinctive migrating "bull's-eye" rash that appears after infection often identifies Lyme disease. This characteristic rash is caused as bacteria spread away from the tick bite. What structural characteristic of Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria allows it to infiltrate human tissue and cause such a characteristic rash?

internal helical flagella allow the bacteria to twist its way through human tissue

Eukaryotic cells are ______ in size.


Which cell component(s) extend far outside a gram-negative cell and help prevent phagocytosis by blood cells?

lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

Magnetosomes store _______ for magnetotaxis

magnetite (iron oxides)

________ orient the swimming of magnetotactic anaerobic bacteria.


Listeria monocytogenes moves around inside host cells using their own cellular structures. Which host cell structures does this bacterium normally hijack for movement?


______ and _____ are organelles that evolved from endosymbiotic bacteria.

mitochondria, chloroplasts

Which organelle is NOT a part of the endomembrane system?


____ ______ are the inner leaflet of the outer membrane that forms a peptide bond with peptidoglycan.

murein lipoprotein

Mycobacteria have a complex cell wall made of peptidoglycan and ______ ______.

mycolic acid

Which compound(s) are found in the outer cell layers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but not in most other kinds of bacteria?

mycolic acids

The DNA containing region of the bacterial cells is called the ________.


The chromosome is organized within the cytoplasm as a system of looped coils called the _________.


The ______ assembles ribosomes, which are sent to the cytoplasm.


Outside the cell wall, Gram-negative bacteria have a ______ _______.

outer membrane

Which structure of a gram-negative cell contains porins?

outer membrane

______ transport moves nutrients with the concentration gradient, and does NOT require energy.


The cell wall is made of __________.


_______ possess thylakoid membranes packed w/photosynthetic apparatus.


Adherence structures such as ____ or _____ and the stalk enable prokaryotes to remain in a favorable environment.

pili, fimbriae

Pili are made of _________ protein.


For some Gram-negative bacterial infections, antibiotic treatment can cause a more severe reaction than that caused by the base infection. This is often due to the release of endotoxin from the cell. Endotoxin, or LPS, is harmless in intact pathogens but can cause dangerously low blood pressure and high fever once released.Which antibiotic here would you recommend against a bacterial pathogen that encodes LPS?

tetracycline, because it targets bacterial ribosomes

Please select the statement that is true about bacterial cell division.

the batcerial nucleoid has loops of DNA held together by binding proteins

Gram positive cells have a _______ cell wall with multiple layers of peptidoglycan, interpenetrated by teichoic acids.


Mycobacteria have an exceptionally _______ and complex cell envelope, including mycolic acids.


Gram negative cells have a ______ cell wall, enclosed by an outer membrane which regulates nutrient uptake and excludes toxins.


Photosynthetic bacteria have _______ membranes.


Which intracellular molecule(s) are present in the greatest number?

water molecules

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