Microbiology Automation

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instrument QC includes (1) _____ maintenance program (2) daily _____ checks (3) weekly _____ QC (4) new _____

(1) preventive (2) temperatures (3) organism (4) panels/cards

in automated rapid systems for microbiol panels are (3 things) by the system software

(1) incubated (2) read (3) interpreted

even with recent automated tech, MLS is still needed to (1) perform ____ (2) interpret ____ (3) analyzed _____ of specimen and info

(1) initial readings (2) lab results (3) quality of specimen and info

In ARSMI, color change can be detected (1) ____ by user; reading code book for biotype and ID or (2) detected _____ by system instrument spectroscopy; ID by collating info and matching to database

(1) manually (2) automatically

name the 2 steps in order after a bottle is flagged as pos in the verstrek diagnostic system

(1) 1st step = gram stain (2) notify

2 clinical microbiol tasks and objectives (1) isolation and identification of ____ (2) determine susceptibility studies on ____

(1) agents of infection from patient specimens (2) those isolated and identified agents

plate inoculators on the market (1) [are/are not] extensively used because (2) ____

(1) are not (2) still need development

4 areas that uses current instrumentation and automation in microbiol

(1) blood culture systesm (2) bacterial identification and susceptibility systems (3) immunoassay systems (4) molecular methods

in automated rapid systems for microbial identification generally (1) the computer software _____ (2) interfaces with _____ (3) has a turnaround time of usually ____

(1) collates the info, matches to a database and report isolate identifications in %s (2) susceptibility cards (3) <8hrs

3 advantages of instrumentation and automation in blood culture systems (1) early ____ (2) detection of ____ (3) decreased ____

(1) early detection of bacterial growth (2) detection of slow growing bacteria s/a mycobacteria (3) decreased tech time

2 advantages of current instrumentation and automation in microbiol for molecular systems

(1) helpful when organisms cannot be successfully cultured (2) rapid info for doctor

3 disadvantages of instrumentation and automation in blood culture systems (1) high initial ____ (2) cannot detect some ____ (3) possible _____

(1) high initial cost of instrument (2) cannot detect some fastidious organisms (3) possible contamination

molecular technology in microbial include (1) DNA probe testing to ____ and (2) _____ labels

(1) identify microorganisms (2) chemiluminescent

prior to 1980, the traditional microbiol standard were 3 things (1) agar plate and enrichment broths for _____ (2) test tubes for ____ (3) Kirby-bauer plates and broth dilute tubes for _____

(1) primary isolation (2) identify isolates (3) susceptibility studies of isolates

routine laboratory methods for detecting MRSA do not support a (1) _____ but (2) _____ solves that problem

(1) rapid detection system (2) molecular technology

SCCmec-orfX stands for (1) _____ and is used for (2) _____

(1) staphylococcal cassette chromosome open reading frame X used (2) real time PCR

automated rapid systems for microbiol identification (1) are reported as ____ (2) has rapid ____ (3) interface with ____

(1) statistical prediction of correct identification thats based on a database (2) turnaround time usually <24hrs (3) laboratory or hospital information systems

most automated rapid systems for microbial identification use 3 types of assay principles

(1) turbidity (2) colorimetry (3) fluorescent

one of the most widely used assays in non reference microbiol labs for MRSA and VRE

PCR in microbiol used for methicilin-resistant Staph aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci

activated charcoal media


name this system (1) noninvasive, continuous monitoring using barcodes (2) pH sensitive membrane in bottom of bottles (3) pH change resulting from CO2 production indicated by color change (4) instrument measures CO2 production colorimetrically (5) test each bottle 144x/day and plots growth curve from plot of reflectance vs time

bact-alert or biomerieux blood culture systems

system that has a bottle that contains internal colorimetric sensor on the bottom that detects CO2 as a measure of bacteria growth.

bact-alert or biomerieux blood culture systems

BacT-Alert or bioMerieux is a ____ system

blood culture

in the bact-alert or biomerieux blood culture systems, if bacteria are present in patients blood, they will produce CO2 and the sensor on the bottom of the bottle will change from ____ to ____

blue green to yellow

name the assay (1) real time PCR assay for the detection of the SCCmec-orfX (2) currently the most rapid of all the commerical methods

cepheid xpert MRSA assay

in nucleic acid hybridization, binding between target and probe occurs based on _____

complementary base sequences

in nucleic acid hybridization, the other strand (usually the probe) is _____ to the target and is labeled

complementary in sequence

MRSA is located in the nares, skin, and on mucosal surfaces of the vagina and rectum. Carriers have a high likelihood of _____

developing and transmitting the infections

automated rapid systems for microbial identification use panels of ____ or ___ reagents provided in microtiter trays or sealed cards

freeze-dried or lyophilized

VRE is usually carried in the _____


name the system (1) substrates conjugated with fluorophores and substrates with a fluorescent pH indicator (2) wells inoculated with suspension of organism (3) 2hrs incubattion

microscan system (automated rapid systems for microbial identification)

systems used automatic identification, barcode verification and machine vision applications

microscan walkaway (automated rapid systems for microbial identifcation)

name the system (1) robot arms move trays to reader at the correct time (2) oil overlay and reagent are added to the proper wells (3) read, interpret and print panel results (4) does require CLS interpretations (5) rapid fluorescence panels and conventional panels available

microscan walkway

____ 7H9 broth is a liquid growth medium specially used for culture of mycobacterium spp


in nucleic acid hybridization, one strand (usually the target) is a unique _____

nucleic acid sequence from the organism to be identified

Nuclein acid hybridization assays require detection of two ___

nucleic acid strands

name the technique uses (1) dsDNA denatured (2) primers and beacons attach to the target (3) becon's confirmation changes and light is emitted because dyes move apart (4) DNA polymerase starts to build a sequence that is complimentary to target until it knocks the beacon off

real time PCR using molecular beacon to detect target

designed for rapid qualitative isolation and differentiation of pathogens from blood s/a mycobacteria

septicheck blood culture system

general purpose liquid enrichment medium used in qualitative procedures for the sterility test and for the enrichment and cultivation of aerobic microorganisms that are not too fastidious

tryptic soy broth or TSB

yellow IRIS is an automated ____ screen instrument


name this system (1) continuous monitoring (aerobic every 12mins, anaerobic every 24mins) (2) gases detected in headspace pressure (3) internal computer monitors changes and determines when to flag a bottle as pos

verstrek from trek diagnostic systems

(1) a "space-age product" created in 1960 by mcdonnel douglas (2) 64 microwell cards contain substrates for identification of bacteria and AST (3) suspension and card placed into a rack (cassete), card is filled and placed into an incubator-reader module (4) optically scanned and read every 15mins

vitek2 system (automated rapid systems for microbial identifcation)

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